tv [untitled] January 24, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm EST
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that's what can be done to reverse the block's fortunes well we asked the vice president of the european parliament to get this madness here in our program. calls to move closer to the european union though wising up the streets of kiev we've molotov cocktails. but the europeans don't share the enthusiasm of the ukrainian protesters and the union has seen better days. with a record unemployment to sturgeon rise of the far right brussels is losing public support so can the e.u. even afford to expand would survive the consequences of its economic decline and how bright is the united sure its future may get a mechanism that the u.s. vice president of the european parliament welcome to the program it's really great to have you with us so we're going to go ahead and start with the latest news. so canvassing fighting on the streets a legal crackdown on demonstrations deaths have been warnings of
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a civil war all over the rejection of an association treaty with the e.u. now as a man who is directly in charge of relations with candidate countries could you or the body you are presenting have done anything differently. well you know what. the other fact you know what we are doing and what we might do is to treat. the ukrainian people with the highest respect. personally by have the understanding that. a potential member country of the european union i would be very hard very evil crain joins the union sooner or later because as long as who doesn't join we have the whole. of the european course of action but of course we have to first of all to wait and respect what the ukrainian people who decides and decisions. are not taken by demonstrations in
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the streets are taken by voting in elections by. giving the or both unity to the government and the problem in the charter or presentation of the people giving them the possibility to decide the work we hold that. the sooner the better the majority of the parliament will be to say the majority of people makes a clear choice to. join the european union meanwhile the only thing we may expect is that the ukrainians themselves. parties government and opposition find necessary understandings and especially the necessary primate to define. their future
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also in what respects the connections with the european union well you're saying q craniums should decide for themselves what we see lately a lot of european politicians actually taking part in the demonstrations and caravan picking sides in the dispute what do you think of that is that justified. think i think it is all right i think anybody anywhere i believe in international solidarity i you know i come from spain i'm a socialist i have spent half of my life there was treating forty sous that were not spanish issues but they must rating in favor of those who i think are deserve that to be supported i have. supported in in a number of opportunities. russians who were claiming for their rights and i think it is all right if if european politicians go and support those whom are they feel their brother does or political.
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brothers or sisters or you know you know i. the i have criticised the european union leaders who have the protested and claimed that there was a russian interference in crane and indeed i would criticize the russian authorities if they would think that there is utopian interference especially if if people if people who who feel that they have. brothers or sisters. come raids in grain fighting for a certain cause which is the same as theirs i think they are entitled to go and express their support this does not mean that the european union or that the european parliament are such are taking a position but indeed i do not hide that my expectation is that deal craniums in full. freedom may be in full dignity decide that they want to
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join the european union and i believe the european union should play in such a way in a clever way first of all to show the craniums that there is a way to join the union and taken to make clear. to the. green eons. that to them joining the european union cannot mean any kind of aggressive position against russia but rather what what would be convenient in my opinion. for for the understanding is that joins the european union and behaves as a necessary bleed between the european union and russia because few people know russia. can understand the russians better than the so this is my vision on the situation and i think it is reasonable what the president of crimea have called on
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the opposition in order to try to find means of understanding that we calm down the situation reduce the tension which is becoming extremely dangerous and one might means of understanding because it's completely obvious at this point that opposition doesn't really control the crowds anymore who votes the government talk to if they wanted to that's why pacify precisely. do not. statements are very very strong and it is obvious that. they control or they don't control you see in any case i think it is in the interest of the opposition as it is indeed interest of the government to find an understanding in order to calm down the situation. if it is obvious also that if you tell me that the crowds that are in the streets now what days in kiev
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and you know the cities are not controlled by anybody in you see then then it would be very dramatic because it would be that many many many craniums are on a revolt against the bodies against. both the government the political parties. the opposition in the everyone i cannot accept that and they believe it is the firm. requirement from the government and from the opposition to sit down and seat. measures that we appease the current situation but also we have heard in the press a lot of extra sick extensive criticism towards care for passing a package of anti rationing loss in the wake of the clashes criticism from e.u. as well but a similar law proposal that sparked riots in spain hasn't really proposed provoked any criticism from brussels how do you explain that. were you know when
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when in spain the. current government is putting forward a project for what they called the national security we. member of the opposition to the current government and of course we have said that we disagree with that indeed. citizens' rights in terms of their capacity to demonstrate and capacity to express their. revolt in their opposition to the current government does not mean we being a party that has. long experience. of being a ruling party of course we have to be aware of the fact that.
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demonstrations of the people must come into a certain order. not being. moments of of. violence. evolved we both not follow the. procedures which of course you need so so you do within the european union for if you talk a little bit generally the e.u. has not really consider russia as a strategic partner i mean in words maybe but not in practice and moscow is constantly berated by so could the e.u. have handled the ukrainian negotiations any differently so as not to alienate russia and if so how. well you know you know. very. clear vision for some of us that the russian federation
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must be a partner for the european union is this is this is this is the one of the main one of the main claims of my own position on this issue and you see it in the in the framework of where will scenario today of globalization matters in the international community and especially in what has to do with the peace have to be settled in that are going to be settled by eight nine ten global partners global actors and in my opinion russia is one of those global actors and is going to be one of those global actors the european union is tending to consolidate as an older global actor and by you know by you know there is no doubt that. russia in the european union are two global arcturus which are not
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only twin brothers they are c. armies brothers we have i believe that it is our common interests to understand each other to work together to sit down and discuss all matters which will much be gone russian all the european union territories this is my vision. and this is what i am trying to fight within the european union without without using any pretext to make out of it an obstacle in the relations between russia and the european union's of course we can discuss about the baltic countries we can discuss. about. gazprom we may discuss about two crane we may discuss about issues that may caught be. but in any case there are people who did using those. obstacles to made the relations between
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russia and the european union more difficult in to block that might imagine a strategy goes to the contrary please hold themselves you go she's hold that thought because we're going to take a short break and we're going to pick up right from there we're going to pick up from your strategy right after the break we'll be back with me get back to us to talk about the challenge yourself expansion after a short break don't go away. ukraine or at least the country's capital kid has descended into chaos protests have turned extremely violent and the social order is on the verge of collapse to what degree
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do protesters in kiev represent the ukrainian people which of these protesters believe in and what do they really want is ukraine on the path to nowhere. i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth than might think. it's because one full attention in the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on you. and our team we have a different brain. because the news of the world just is not. this funny i'm not laughing damnit i'm not how.
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and we're back with me get back in this market is vice president of the european parliament great to have you back so back to your theory you have recently said baltic member states are hindering dialog with moscow there really that big of an influence on the union's decision making i wouldn't say that the baltic countries are making difficult of the relations of the european union with russia i don't believe frankly speaking i don't believe that the baltic states would have enough by word or strings you know built to be an obstacle to the relations between such big powers no it is obvious that even some of the baltic countries. making. small is. more or less in the instinct of many
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people and making cold ration ease more difficult one customer don't want to make out of humans one cost to make concessions and. for the baltic countries that would be much easier to be done through the european union which is a power of similar strains the russian federation may be each one of the three states and in a separate way is of course enormously weaker. partner as compared with what the european can do now the problem is how to convince. some of the political forces of some baltic countries that their interest is not. but these incorporation with the russian federation and other controversial thing with those three countries with a stoning allison and lapierre i can say with certainty that it is the case with all three of them it's their self stance toward snacks and we often see military parades and state funerals for those who fought alongside german forces does that
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worry you at all is that anything being done about that in in many many european countries we are still facing the problem. number of people. do not feel. where or do not feel interested in denouncing the monstrous nature of naziism and of fascism and they try to buy more lies such regimes with horrendous crimes. that those regimes and those ideologies brought to our respective peoples but this is a reality which is not only. felt in the baltic countries it is felt in more countries that is why we are really very worried and we are trying to fight strongly against that immoral things because it is strictly against
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the principles the values and. on a broader note mr martin is i want to talk to you about the shape you finds itself right now in the euro skeptic movement is on the rise especially in great britain and what the union suffer if britain left for instance. what do you mean you mean they were of skeptics and this is what you mean yes you have are skeptics people who are saying well you reckon you know and you know it didn't turn out to be that great union that everyone aimed for once it was started because of the crisis because a lot of people are losing faith that they don't have to study directly in the here and even a little bit this is you know this is of course a subject of concern. in this very very very great paradox because in my opinion the european union is more necessary than ever
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more necessary to our respective peoples you can you know in times of regardless of globalization none of our countries and none of our peoples will be able to mundane the progress that we have succeeded to achieve and which i suppose nobody discusses even in the russian federation that the standards of living and of social progress that we have built within the european union are of enormous value least of enormous value for our respective peoples and that the level of equality and inequality that we have in our respective countries even if it is growing in recent years and conservative ruling easy indeed the inequalities in any of our countries is much smaller than the one one is reaching nowadays in the russian
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federation not to speak about countries like china all others in the world so so you know our system is a system which is reasonably satisfactory even if it needs to be improved in the many case it is indispensable i say if we want to mundine these the standards that we have succeeded to build now the strange thing and the failure also of many of us is that. there. moment in which this process is more necessary than ever it is also and you were right with more threatened than never now one has to question why is this process being threatened and by whom now if you want they can tell you why it is threatened and by whom it is threatened yes tell me please. will you know it is threatened exactly by the powers of financial world which know that the eve of the european union consolidates itself the power that the
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financial the banking system and in general. the capital because i am not too worried with using a term which doesn't seem to be very fashionable duty but the capital knows very well very very well that even we consolidate the european union the european union is going to build the systems to contour the capital into all blige the to behave with full respect for a number of social. progress for social justice measures and of course the capital doesn't want that the capital has been gaining power enormously in recent years the capital who was controlled more or less at national level has broken these controls. with the globalization in the world and they do not want the european union to become
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a political power which will necessarily kontrol the behavior of the capital and we will blige the capital to all be to social justice mechanisms and values so that is why. the capitally straining to oppose by your means the consolidation of the. european union it is doing that through remember us media to keep our work which is indeed. attacking and denying any credibility to the european union process and it is doing that also through the creation of the financing of political parties and eastman's which indeed are putting into question the. european union are such the european union is the big big danger for the
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capital power which has been enormously growing in europe in the world. they know very well that it is not. a a european union that consolidates that is asking but the state capital have anything to do with their staring measures that are being implemented over and over again in the european union countries because overwhelming majority of economists are saying that these measures aren't working. not with this but the but these measures are where the law which is the will be and you see the governments in the european union are saying that the measures that have been. that have been induced. in their economies. are making progress so far we do not see such progress is in the unique case whichever of a say it is a case in spain that there is
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a certain progress these progress already in greece portugal this progress is paid with three mendis a tremendous social crisis and with the enormous growth in the inequalities because those. are becoming richer every day in those who not only are becoming food or are but are unemployed and have even lost the hope to get a job and therefore are even leaving overspend abroad which had not happened for decades because you know you've got elections coming up pretty soon right and the latest gallup poll is actually saying that young people and young people have always been the main supporters of the hear idea are losing faith in e.u. leadership do you see that as a problem for the future. i would not say that the young people who are against older people are in favor i think there is a general wave which is
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a transversal. place to younger people which applies to all the people there is are no bewas of reaction or via disappointment the european union. as not being able to solve a number of social problems now you see the question is that these disappointment does not go on. against the european union this is the point goes against the political system in each one of our countries this is the point when goes against the democratic system which is not solving the problems in these is the point been goes against politics of large because politics are not resolving the problems of the citizens and here is what i call what they say before of the power of capital trying to poison the society with this with this idea politics is about seeing politics is corruption democracy does not work the the
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parliament does not solve the questions of the if that is what is happening in the european union comes as one more least of these appointments comes as one more of the bodies which are less and less appealing for the citizens younger citizens and older cities mr breckon is here it is like i am so sorry but this is the only only time we have because we're going to get cut off actually thank you so much for this really really interesting insight i hope we get to talk to sealing again in more depth we're talking to me gallant helmet this madness with the west president of the european parliament we're talking about the problems that e.u. is facing and the future of the european union stay with us an explanation of.
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on june sixteenth one thousand forty one we had a graduation party at school and the war broke out. the shops were always full of goods. in september leningrad was blocked. one day mom went and saw that all the shelves were empty. in november the. warehouses were just it was the main storage place for all the food in the city people eating the earth because it had small traces of
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sugar in it i tried to eat it as well but i couldn't. the third night it was incredibly heavy bombing and. it was a direct hit on that very shelter and everyone was buried underneath. all of them with dead. right on the seat. first for you and i think that you're. on a reformist put. on instagram. area
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this is why you should care only. ukraine's president vows to do everything in his power to stop the turmoil sweeping his country announcing an amnesty for those detained in the kiev riots in other cities. to official buildings. and as many protesters reject any negotiations with the leadership we look at the radical elements in the midst of the chaos seeking to escalate the situation. syria's warring factions agree for the first time to hold face to face talks meetings with the united nations mediator at the geneva two peace conference. a fourth bomb goes off bringing the day's death toll to at least six with dozens more injured ahead of the anniversary of the two thousand and eleven uprising.
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