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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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the classic. i didn't go to go did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct call for us. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on and we go beyond identifying. rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing america ready to join the movement then welcome to. the launch of our been in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture mike huckabee doesn't want
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democrats plain uncle sugar to women in america as huckaby's attempt to dispel rumors about a republican war on women done more harm than good that and more and tonight's big picture rumble and in the one nine hundred sixty s. and nine hundred seventy s. america's americans fled the cities for the peace and quiet of the suburbs now the children are fleeing the suburbs for the hustle and bustle of the big city is this a trend or is it just a blip on the demographic radar or a sign the suburban life is on its way to the dustbin of history last league gallagher assistant managing editor of fortune magazine and author of a new book on this topic in tonight's conversations with groupon. you need to know this republicans are going green like you know weeds.
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publicans across country seem to be changing their views on marijuana legalization on tuesday the jersey governor. christie said it's time to end the failed drug war in america on wednesday louisiana governor bobby jindal one of the most conservative governors in the country said he would consider legalizing medical marijuana and just yesterday while attending the world economic forum in davos switzerland texas governor rick perry told reporters oh if governor are begun to implement policies that start moves toward a decriminalization so why are republicans across the country starting to see the light or change their views on pot it might have something to do with that guy rand paul last night of the big picture i talked about how rand paul is now being considered a front runner for the presidential republican nomination in two thousand and sixteen thanks to chris christie's recent troubles and i talked about how many of paul's positions and his views on domestic spying and marriage equality to his views on marijuana decriminalization actually put him to the far left of the
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official democratic party. that means that he can get a lot of progressive voters along with conservative voters at least those who don't know but the rest of his voting record. who would vote for him even though he's otherwise an extremist so if democrats want to beat hall if he were the republican nominee in two thousand and sixteen they would have to shift away to the left of the current mainstream of the democratic party's positions on for example pot and say spine and drones but mainstream republicans are also aware of pots progressive views and are to be fond of the idea of a raw rand paul presidency. so they have to find ways to reel in the rand paul supporters and kind of neutralize rand is changing their views on pot one of them let's rubble. joining me for tonight's big picture rumble our chris allman conservative
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commentator and activist christy said sir progressive strategist and president and c.e.o. of new heights communications and dutch martin advisory board member of project twenty one a contributor townhall dot com and thank you all for joining us great favorite see also you all heard my rant i'm i'm actually you didn't hear my rant last night i did this whole thing about how it might be the best thing for the democratic party of rand paul as the republican nominee this following this atlantic article suggesting that you know this would be a nine hundred sixty four year where the barry goldwater the dark horse the extremist as a were you know good but who knows i mean you know that i think would be a good thing for the democratic party because it would cause them to focus on some of these issues that they've been ignoring like particular medals asian drones and the n.s.a. spying we're actually in agreement grand paul i'm just curious what you all think well look starting with the usual marijuana decriminalization i had a long discussion with a lot of my friends about this my conservative friends and to be honest with you i'm pretty on the fence of bud because i know that marijuana does have
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a medicinal use and the libertarian side of you since well you know what why not just legalize it in the. regulated government does cigarettes and booze i mean i mean and so you have a hundred thousand people a year die from booze nobody dies from pot it was an ox i mean i mean i'm looking at this from a from a practical standpoint personally because of the medicinal uses and the fact to look even during prohibition you trouble you try to make something illegal people are going to use it anyway so my thing is this just legalize it regulate it tax it like cigarettes and booze and then that's one less issue that has to drain drain the air time. i think it's a lot more simple than that i think perry just. felt which way the wind was blowing on this issue well or he came back from europe and got off to not really sure but
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at this rate he was switched. back next he's going to proposing health care it's going to be all over the place i want to be. really good senator we talked about it but i mean look whatever his motives are i i actually think that this is a great i mean the whole reason that the president supports the decriminalization you know came out this week huge deal is because of the disproportionate impact on african-american and poor people. because as he said it's not you know it's not rich white kids who are getting locked up so well they're using it in higher rates that's a teaser that's right there's a big difference between decriminalization which a lot of people even on the right support you know when we talk about enforcement and locking people up for us versus legalization which is basically the government saying this is fine it's ok for you but a study just came out today that that said. frequent marijuana use and was like
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eight joints a month which i guess if you're a pot smoker may not be that much can cause serious birth the facts even if you use it as a teen. girl well yeah but if you've got probably thirty thousand because we don't hear the exactly so we don't want the government going out saying oh this is less harmful this is fine it's one thing to decriminalize but to actually legalize it and say yeah go for it but but. if a don't you acknowledge that there is a certain percentage of our population and i'm guessing that somewhere between twenty and seventy. who are going to seek out intoxicants they're going to look for coffee in the morning they're going to look for our glass of wine in the evening and and and so why not provide them and then and then there's this much smaller percentage some are probably between three and fifteen percent who will abuse intoxicants so for both of those groups why not provide them with the least toxic
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intoxicant and why not do it in a way where they can buy it from people who are not also out of their other pockets some of them their own. again it comes down to what is the message that you want to send to young people to other people who use it to oxycontin the society this is not a secret right but it's not something that we should glorify or say there's no harm to it or would do he says there's no hey let's legalize pot but then if you're a pot smoker and you can't get a job because your motivation it's all been smoked away and you killed a bunch of brain cells don't come to me for your unemployment paper i totally agree with relate to and the senior what are all the i've said if you want i think try or see the remarks of day and i are to unemployment benefits you support drug testing do you want to bring back prohibition is that i don't think i'd be here no i don't but i just think that just saying great it's fine everybody go for it nobody really read it oh no way of identifying it actually a real problem yet and that is and this is why i said i'm with you on this if
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somebody is having six or eight drinks a day right in there for their own employable that's the same as somebody who's spoken six or eight joints a day in their for their own employable and i would say in both cases we shouldn't be dealing with them with the criminal justice system and we shouldn't be dealing with them by by ostracizing them and since are you you get they are sick we should bring the full force of the medical system to bear on them we should have a national health care system that includes mental health and drug services and say we're going to help you get well even though we told you that this was an ok thing to do and it's a lesson i've always been alcohol because we know medically that there's a small percentage of our population who are always going to abuse drugs and that's true of every species of mammal on earth it's true of a lot of those people are incapable of stopping him saying yes bob that is probably because they're born with low levels of dopamine and it probably has to do with the dea for d'sevyn. that is opening in jeans
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a segment or even seventh in the middle of nowhere we are a d.n.a. team and have personal responsibility typical liberal response personal responsibility has no. these people are sick they needed government check they needed government rehab they need a government something to make them better because without it it's exactly the same for the i disagree two or three or four percent of our population i would rather i would rather pay twenty cents a month in my extra taxes than have to stumble over them on the street drunk or psychotic and homeless i'd rather have them treated so everyone who drinks is mentally ill well no i'm saying that alcoholism is a. jewel if there were any and it's arguably the form of mental illness in anything at least it's an illness let's address it as an illness and if it's an illness that originates in your mind you could call it a mental illness i don't you know i don't want to stigmatize it. yeah ok i think we would thrash in some state of the union the president is giving his state of the union address on tuesday night and there will be an official republican response
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which is what turning congresswoman congresswoman cathy mcmorris rodgers who i who i never heard of the leadership yeah i know she's the head of one committee she's the one woman who's got a leadership position in the house of representatives right. i think i'll leave thinking is the only one not of any sharing she's actually head of the republican committee or conference oh ok moderate scare yeah one of the top stories gets me so she's got some but then the tea party comes out and says it but michael is also going to give a response and then rand paul comes out and says he's going to give a response is this because we have super obama and it takes three republicans to mention it but i want to look but now it's because the republicans love all different kinds of ideas and democrats and liberals have to mark in a lot of his that's why you're out there were like yeah we have the progressive caucus getting rid of them i mean look i think obviously with that speaks to the issues that john boehner is having controlling of caucus that they need to separate
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tea party worth bonce they can't just go with the official republican party response dutch is this a sign that the republican party is out of control the republican leadership. has lost their way what is what it what it is a sign of is that the republican party really needs to get its act together and stop all this dad coming in fighting because that's exactly what it sounds like you know three different people saying three different things in response to one president zack and i make ten times more than one viewpoint in our party but like how do you watch them all know you can you read and they think you can i say god created through my t.v. oh yeah right ok smoke one cigarette company i think they are you know not are not yeah they are yeah yeah you know as i say ok there you go something something we can agree on more sides big picture on the right after the break.
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i got a quote for you. that's pretty tough. stay with substory. if this guy like you would smear that guy stead of working for the people most issues the mainstream media were pretty much on the bridegroom's days you know. they did rather well. we're. at the but. it was a. very hard to take. once you get to. play live happy ever had sex with that her big hair cut.
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i feel. like that. but for. whatever a political. settlement
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. all the baggage that i'd say big picture rubble with a crystal ball and christie said sir and dutch martin let's get back to it let's talk about republicans or women want you to listen to what mike huckabee had to say yesterday at a republican gathering right here in washington d.c. . women i know are outrage of the democrats think that women are nothing more than helpless and hopeless creatures whose only goal in life is to have the government provide for them birth control medication. women i know are smart educated intelligent capable of doing anything that anyone else can do our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women it's not a war on them it's a war for them and if the democrats want to insult the women of america by making them believe that they are helpless without uncle sugar coming in and providing for
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them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government then so be it let us. i wonder if. you know if. mike huckabee has had some times during his life where there's little doubt in my mind that he was probably on a type two diabetes medication or was it was that uncle sugar who was. going to take it every day no it was actually yeah you know you're going for a progressive like you know you know you would support then uncle sam coming in and making sure knocking on the door every morning or are you diabetic are you taking your medication that's what i said no but i mean you're saying making fun of him because he's overweight and then you're somehow assuming that i know i am saying what i was saying is that. he's he's he's basically making the claim that being
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female is a medical condition no or that the left yes that was his point is that that's what the left thinks ok so yeah so you know what. the process to the question i think i'm not going to try. to say that well. ok what he seems to be saying is that the ninety eight percent of women who use birth control of them when their lives have these raising libido is that need to be controlled you know that when you're on ice if you do that it's not a good i don't know what he said i mean it's funny if the if the policy is behind the weren't so serious it's not even funny. because it's so it's not even accurate what he was saying is the left who looks at women and says he said look you are you know yes he did know you should pay for your birth control and you want to have sex no why should i send your insulin if you want to eat he said that the left looks at women and says you are unable to go to c.v.s.
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and pay five dollars for a pack of condoms or nine dollars for a pack of birth control pills without the government coming in that is what the left tells women that is what sandra fluck said about women and as a woman i reject that because while i am past my childbearing years during my child bearing years i did not need uncle sam to tell my insurance company to cover it or to tell me to skip the starbucks so i could afford what i needed for my own health and that is empowering and believing in women ok significantly happier right because this is exactly sort of the republican position is that they do not understand that that's not how women are hearing it when you talk about our reaching libido that is not how most independent or even. conservative leaning independents are going to to hear that statement from mike huckabee and they are the party of not learning stuff again and again in fact how could be if he really believes this so much that he would fundraising off of his comments today well
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there's this this is the thing you know in politics is if you screw up you double down never apologise dutch region will be those really and you know from a guy who has a raging appetite and is is he just is this just transference or something i mean is what i find interesting about this is how the left never misses an opportunity to take something that a conservative says out of context and then become automatically fended and hurt by it this is colored by this is that all this is very comical i mean it raises even libido that's not a message. really a bad thing is that i mean i don't know maybe it's just me whenever you think you know if you're trying to legislate on it then it becomes not your time to do you know to do anything well you know what i'm doing is trying anyway so i don't there is a puritanical perspective that says that women should not have a sex drive there's the truth this is all this is that victoria has more children republicans or liberals or conservatives circumstance or as i think of the we
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shield ransacking i really admire writers who go sledding we like a lot you can take me down. but i'm saying let's talk about policies like trans badger ultrasound that is all about men in the republican party because they don't care if there are women around when they make these policy of telling women what means it with their bodies if they don't yet again and yet passed a law that any man who wants to buy a first had to go get a prostate exam and get a finger shoved up his butt just like these are not a lot of things that the government should mandate their employer buy agger i'm telling you it would become us you know you know what was i will say if i may because you're pregnant you know abortion would be a sacrament let's it already is a sacrament for the left no i think it's a sacrament for the for the for the anti-abortion as you know the million man march . by the way there was an. rimes who created grand grey's anatomy and scandal and i think scandal is a is an amazing phenomenon on
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a whole bunch of levels anyway sada rimes who created this movie or this t.v. show said i want mike huckabee to wake up tomorrow having suddenly grown up a giant and then i want to deny his from the giant a proper medical care and birth control while making crazy statements about his libido and see how he likes it when this no no no because he was not talking about denying anybody the right to purchase anything that they want to focus so you're back to your back to the economics of it absolutely that's what it's all about in your life to show it to rhyme says raging hormones. that we all ok this week pennsylvania rosen by the. rowson i deny any he confronted that state's republican governor tom corbett over medicaid expansion rosenzweig wife died at the age of forty one actually she was his fiancée and because she was uninsured and couldn't afford a liver transplant take a look. scott
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went on to ask or about how many more people have to die before the problems fixed it is one of the twenty five governors in the united states who declined to expand medicaid under obamacare even though the expansion costs are being covered entirely by the federal government for the first three years ninety percent forever and since medicaid is funded through tax dollars these republican lawmakers are denying their own constituents their own money back in the form felt care nearly five million americans will be low income americans will be unable to access affordable health care because republican lawmakers refuse to expand medicaid so i asked the question that mr rosen asked how many more people have to die number one and number two you know i i think that what's her name in arizona jan brewer she got you know there's a couple of republicans who figured this out that this is actually good policy but
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and will for example when medicaid first started it was only fifty six percent reimbursement one hundred sixty five it is to the state only fifty six percent reimbursed but not all it was optional not all states said we will take medicaid but within six years every state had take it because what was happening was the people in the states were saying i'm paying federal taxes and you as the governor telling me because you know because your ideology that i can have my tax money back in the form of health care really i mean is that really the position that rick scott rick perry and all the republicans are going to run on is we don't want people to have their tax money back. seriously and actually work in that because that business is in the state of pennsylvania. of which there are seven hundred thousand people who would benefit from expanding medicare and the businesses would then have to pay an extra penalty under obamacare because there would be people who would not be eligible for the state's medicaid and other sort of falling through the cracks there so it's basically they are hurting their constituents on a couple different. i mean rick perry is keeping sixty billion dollars out of the
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economy of taxes i was not a good thing. how many people are going to die because obama promised them they wouldn't lose their health insurance and their doctors but yet they have lost their health insurance and they don't they don't. know yet we don't know it we don't need we don't know the situation of this man and my heart bleeds for him and his fiance but there is no twenty of us no guarantee we don't know when this woman was sick twenty twenty five thousand people so far from from pew what's the one that kaiser that have lost their health coverage who have actually lost health coverage as opposed to people who simply had different health coverage because every year the companies come out with a different. right so i do have. yes of course for probably twenty five now i believe it's much more than that but you know you can always bring out that you go where you are you died from having no insurance at all. before obamacare. well
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die. well i know what your solution is which is government run health care for everybody so that's right right and so but we're not having that discussion tonight and we you know we can look at what the long term effects on the state are this governor has a solution to cover more people he understands that medicaid is not working properly solution is to give more money to the private health insurance companies so the stephen g. helmsley can bill build of eight house dutch and christie regarding this gentleman situation you know like krista my heart goes out to him and his family would look. exactly the point you know guard rest is history a syllable who's to say that being on medicaid would have kept his fiancee alive we don't know that ok we don't know that's the thing we don't know this. is a so individual you do know if somebody said literally and i have no health insurance that they probably are going to. get that but at the same time i mean
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that we don't know this man's story we don't know that his fiancee's back story we don't know if being on medicaid we would have saved her don't we do know that not having health insurance means that people are more than two and a half times more likely two hundred twenty five percent more likely not to seek medical care until it's a crisis that's not a good idea look at the oregon study you can find out that even people on medicaid did not go to primary physicians they kept over using the e.r. as they had before for the first year and actually that's the same thing happened in romney care for the first year because that's that had been all that was available to those people for decades and so they were just following old habits it took them a year or so to figure out that hey there's a new clinic down the street from me christine i'm just going to say there's a crass political calculation that's being made by these republican governors who are choosing not to accept the medicaid expansion and it is sort of is your hatred of the president and your desire to see his signature policies fail greater than your desired to provide for your own constituents and i feel like in the case of pennsylvania and i'm a you know i was. and intense i mean you grew up there and
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a number of other states there are thing yes my teacher does override that yeah and i think that it's i don't think it's that they're it's their hatred i think it's they're making the bet that these people are going to be in so much pain these people are going to try to apply for obamacare and they're going to be told sorry you make too much money making eight thousand dollars a year you make too much money to qualify for obamacare subsidy and you make too much money to qualify for medicaid and too little money to get a subsidy so you get enough but it's a question two thousand dollars ten thousand dollars a year and we're going to be so angry and we're going to blame the president i think that's the political equation and you know we're out of time. chris christie said sir martin thank you for joining me tonight in suburbia has been a defining feature of american life for most of the past century but new research suggests that the world of barbecues called the sax the white picket fence is on the way out so what will oppose suburban america play ball as league gallagher assistant managing editor of fortune magazine in tonight's conversations with great minds right after the break.
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from their innate in to. work. it's going to give you a different perspective give you one stock never i'll give you the information you make the decision. bring you the the revolution of the mind it's a revolution of ideas and consciousness. extremely. would be described as angry i think in a strong no one single. dramas the trying to be ignored. stories others through a few posts in the. third series. to picture those two days. from rhodes to blow.
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up to. me. i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question for. the
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suburbs or a cultural touchstone for life the setting for novels movies super bowl halftime ads and even t.v. shows like the wonder years and for good reason to suburbia is literally everywhere proximately one hundred fifty eight million people more than half the country live in areas generally recognized as sub urban but all is not well placed bill clinton the changing lifestyles of the tougher economy have many americans are rethinking the value of suburban life just as people fled to cane cities in the one nine hundred sixty s. and seventy's many people are now fleeing the suburbs my guest for tonight's conversations of the great minds leigh gallagher assistant managing editor of fortune magazine has written about this trend of asinine.


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