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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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two police officers kidnapped in ukraine's capital have been released and both were allegedly tortured and have been taken to hospital. up to nine people were killed in street clashes with security forces across egypt while a powerful explosion is reported outside a police building in the city on the. two thousand and eleven revolution. and also with gold a social gathering of europe's far right triggers anger among. in vienna the top stories this.
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this is our international live from our studios in moscow where just nine pm and seven pm in ukraine where the country's interior ministry says that two police officers who have been captured by anti-government rotches in the capital have now been released street moms are resorting to increasingly aggressive tactics against the security forces there. is following the developments in the capital. the interior ministry has issued a statement saying that those two police officers that were being held hostage here in kiev have now been released the police officers have said that they had been told should by their captors they are currently in now in the hospital along with a third policeman who was snatched from the streets of kiev on friday evening now he was released on friday. suffering with stab wound injuries well this all comes up to opposition groups that initially deny that they had taken any police officers hostage at all and a further statement from the interior ministry they said this well from now on
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anybody who remains here on independence square just behind me all on the barricades over. the stadium would be considered as extremists they went on to say that they guarantee the safety of any demonstrates is how are they any threats of violence would be met with force earlier on i was in amongst those barricades over by the tsunamis stadium seeing how it all looks on saturday well this is the scene here in kiev after the ukrainian capital to spend a week gripped by violence and now see rioters have barricaded themselves in on the one of the main streets here in the at the ukrainian capital near to the the now miss stadium now this is being the major flashpoint in this city on wednesday we saw this whole area cleared out a period of around hama now by the riot police in what was a rather vicious running bustle that was being forced between rioters. and the riot
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police there in about thirty minutes late already coming back into this area since then what we have seen is a large ty of fire being set up on the front line between the between the police and the riot is now the police are still continuing to try to extinguish that fire with thick black smoke using water cannon now that's resulted in this whole area big. moving incredibly icy freezing freezing temperatures here well below zero in kiev now on thursday we had seen something of a period of calm as talks were taking place between the opposition and the government however that didn't last on friday more violence again and the fires being reignited this is the scene that we're seeing i say thousands of people still here anita near to the. stadium and these rioters are quite heavily armed what we have seen is a lot of molotov cocktails being made there's really a production line going on towards the rear echelon of these these barricades in
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which molotov the being made stones are being broken up they stones around the size of paste that are being hurled over towards the towards the riot police now the police already have responded using tear gas throughout the week firing rubber bullets also using flash bang sound grenades as well but it is it has been a rather fishy standoff to say times here. with no love lost from either side and as they've they've clashed and we've seen many of the rioters taken away injured also many police also ending up in a hospital to see what's being thrown at them these molotov needs rocks being hurled towards the riot place but it was it's a very ugly scenes over the past week here in kiev peter all of their reporting from the ukrainian capital and you can follow peter on twitter the regular updates on what's happening at the barricades in one of his most recent tweet sees reporting on the riot training being given to protest is on independence square.
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in the. a protester has died in hospital after three days in intensive care bringing the death toll from this week's riots to free meanwhile in over a dozen regions of the country angry mobs of besieged and in many cases occupied local government offices the city of its is one of the latest to fall victim to the government turmoil hundreds of protesters stormed the local administration building their. police are so far been unable to drive them away meanwhile the local legislature in the city of devolve in western ukraine has declared that it no longer recognizes ukraine's state rather that's the national parliament and west of the country saying the worst of the turmoil as artie's election explains. these are the scenes playing out across western ukraine one by one thirteen region so far have been overcome by protest rage rioters have stormed regional
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administration buildings it turned violent in some cases as angry crowds clashed with the police. i and all that occurring to the west but on the other side there's hardly any disturbance at all if we're talking about people from cellphone east and boss they are not eager to participate in any sort of military action in the southern region of the crimea authorities have had enough of the national wide uprising they are ready to defend peace and order although they seem confident they want to have to. this wave would never reach us but if it does our party is ready to provide help to law enforcers we would set up roadblocks and not let anyone get inside crimea our party a lotus capable of mobilizing up to five thousand people. we're not talking about seceding from ukraine yet we're talking about restoring constitutional order but we
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would never accept any orders from illegitimate bodies of power created at the mine don for a better understanding of what exactly happening in ukraine in terms of its terror . tory we have this map over here the parts of the country marked in yellow the ones where the local administrations have already been overthrown the red ones the contest the territories the pink ones where riots and mass uprisings are still taking place and the blue ones where nothing is happening at all there is no revolt no uprising at all and you can see for yourself this is pretty much a fifty fifty division such strong and dragon is in between the two sides of the country have great concerns which had previously seemed unthinkable that ukraine might follow yugoslavia scenario and break apart any sort of splits in the area we could happen within the next weeks must be described as quite possible because government wouldn't have enough forces. probably in two parts. we have two
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different cars on thursday the opposition declared a truce with the government for seventy two hours but with rioters in kiev again burning tires and hurling burning projectiles at the police hardly anyone in ukraine feel that the crowds are listening to anyone right now alexey version of ski r.t. reporting from kiev in ukraine the country's president has held a meeting with the opposition for another round of crisis talks he offered several concessions earlier promising to reshuffle the government and release those arrested during riots in the capital this week and while the plan has failed to appease the demonstrators in kiev officials in the east of the capital are still enjoying strong support. reports from donetsk. most of the east and south of this country is supportive of the government and the president i'm here in the city of donetsk where there has been a pro-government rally happening just a short distance behind me and emotions here are running high there's been various speeches where people have been saying we support the prison general coverage that
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he has been truth and justice on the inside and that they will not let him down i've been speaking to a number of people who turned out one particularly emotional woman told me that she came today because this is a fight for her children and grandchildren one of the accusations many here have been leveling at the protestors in kids that firstly they're small in number they do not represent the country and say can be that they believe powers in the waste and the united states are actually paying people to come to the streets and rejoice the concerns. and the group of foreigner should not be deciding the fate of our country is the people who are to decide. what i think they're so rusted spade for by the west to break ukraine as the united state. i think more people are supporting the government but they're working and doing their duties instead of standing there on my down in addition to this demonstration there's some twenty cities in the east of the country that will today be holding pro-government rallies
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we're talking about tens of thousands of people who are expected to come to the streets now on the political level the latest word is that president coverage yesterday did agree to concessions and these include on the one hand retiring the head of the city's administration and at the same time we shuffling the cabinet but it doesn't seem as if these seemingly outward stretches of compromise are being met by the opposition. the european commissioner for enlargement stephan fuel has urged the ukrainian leadership to put an end to the violence on the heels of his visit to kiev brussels and washington the blaming the government for the chaos and threatening sanctions while viewing the protest as peaceful victims of a police crackdown ukrainian affairs analyst has told us that this is exactly what the opposition wants they're trying to force the issue this is this is your typical extortion tactic the whole point is to force the government to react the whole
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point is to force another police forces to confront the protesters and then scream bloody murder oh my god they're killing us they're oppressing us please help look what's happening help us foreign intervention and so on and so forth it is a very basic tactic from the rebellion playbook being implemented throughout the world in georgia and elsewhere in ukraine in two thousand and four of all things so i think the protesters are trying to make a point that they're to once they decide what gets done and we know it's the violence as evidenced by mr klitschko statement that we will hold until this until the negotiations are over but we have the power to actually go on strike and initiate attack and he's he's directly gainsaying his foreign supporters that are saying the government is responsible for this it's not it's a protestors on ukraine's black sea coast in the city of odessa it's a very different picture thousands there are rallying in support of the government and you can head to want to dot com for details and updates on the situation that.
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and we're getting some news just in here on r.t. international from the u. s. we're learning that several people have reportedly been wounded in a shooting in baltimore incident took place in a suburban shopping mall and police are at the scene right now it's not clear whether the shooter is still on the loose stay with r.t. international for the latest on this developing story. up to nine people have been killed in clashes between pro islam as protesters and police across egypt on the third anniversary of the two thousand and eleven revolution and in syria is a powerful explosion has gone off in a police building bill true has the latest from current. another car bomb has exploded at the police building this time in the key city of suez this is the sixth such explosion this taking place in two days we had four bomb blasts in cairo on
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friday and this morning the fix is broken not to as similar a bomb blast in the east in the suburb of cairo and this comes of course on the anniversary of the generosity five of the nation which ousted president barak and there have been rival protest groups that have taken to the streets across the country that's been seen not so much in the fighting these security forces are essentially allowing any ounce of government seeks to gather in the streets whether that is going to support is it was the president mohamed morsi or whether that's actually suggests this is going to have any contrast to what's going on in the hay square with the supports is often armed forces chief general abdel fatah sisi has come out in droves today holding images of pain they say they want him to be president to crack down even harder on the islamist groups like the mission by the heads who they blame to be a bomb blast but we're seeing here is a very divided egypt and it's becoming increasingly split which is really a been exacerbated by these bomb blasts now i was at the size of the explosions yesterday and i made this report three years on from the two thousand and eleven
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revolution in egypt was supposed to be celebrating instead deadly bomb blasts rocked cairo targeting police offices as the country descends into chaos gyptian a dangerously split between those who backed the military and those who support ousted muslim brotherhood president mohamed morsi crowds of people gathered at the science of the bomb blast which ripped open the facade of egypt's main police headquarters in cairo the people here like many in government the main the mission by the heads and say this intervention attack on the states off the oust of islam is president mohammed morsi with anger mounting there is likely to be a hotshot crackdown on the islamist group. exit the brotherhood they are to blame for this the terrorists want to break the country in half. some are afraid to leave their homes but most are more determined than ever to go to the streets against the brotherhood for the revolution anniversary the military installed government accuses the brotherhood of being behind a rising insurgency and the spike in terror attacks the media has observed the
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scheme announced by the brotherhood at the meetings abroad who want to disable the country's political roadmap and disturb the referendum on the constitution the muslim brotherhood is just a tool our enemy is the foreign element that controls these tools all egyptian people know about this but hundreds of brotherhood supporters are in jail and they say they are under attack from the power hungry military this month the majority of the population approved a new constitution that broadened the army's power as it shields in military budget from cuts gives the armed forces the right to approve defense ministers and try civilians in military courts we are a war came together to oust and to crackdown this kind of regime. who was told the the illegitimate power from the illegitimate elected president elected government three years after the uprising which saw the country unite against a dictatorship egypt is now increasingly divided rather than celebrating
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a new democracy and much needed change egyptians steeling themselves ahead of more violence. for r.t. cairo. the two thousand and eleven revolution brought an end to hosni mubarak's three decades in power after more than a year of transitional military rule the islamist backed candidate mohamed morsi was elected president and his government pushed through a new constitution criticized for being overly influenced by sharia law a popular uprising against morsi led him being forced out by the army a year later and the military then launched a crackdown on the muslim brotherhood with thousands of supporters killed in the unrest the group was then declared a terrorist movement or curry based journalist one hundred sabri says that the brotherhood is responsible for much of the unrest. the keep talking of conspiracy theories they keep blaming the government for staging those bombings it's the fourpence which is absolutely nonsense but of the same time opposite the opposite
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side which is the regime and their regime want worse than the trolls you want to test those are not peaceful themselves and are as as hostile as the muslim brotherhood is what what should be stopped now what the government should be working tirelessly to stop is inciting violence you know why didn't those gaps between sectors of the community and moving the country forward towards a phase of civil strife stay with altie international because in just a few minutes from now we try our luck with the puck. this venue if you like and it can really be about hockey and then preparing as for me i think i need a little bit more practice in the rain get just get on as we hit the ice to see what awaits the hockey squads hoping for gold in a couple of weeks and twenty four change.
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on the money with the business over russia this. dramas that can't be ignored. stories others refuse to notice. faces change the world writes never.
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sold picture. from around the globe. looking. around six thousand furious demonstrators swarmed into vienna in protest and an annual bull attended by europe's leading far right politicians on a course of i was among the strongest critics of the controversial event but a boycott reports now from austria. he enters the academic a ball courts protest and courts of see every here because of the names on its guest list it's become a gathering of far right political leaders from across europe it's hosted by all serious freedom quality and for my guests include marine le pen francaise national front leader as well as far right wing politicians from belgium germany and italy several thousand protesters hit the city streets demanding that the ball is once
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and for all not acceptable that the right wing people are in the cause of who we are not dancing celebrating reproducing meshes with nazi ideas it's a closing bridge between our rights extrusion in austria a. little of the society it's a cry to me to be you mystic human today the crowd gathered here is di us you have left wing groups representatives of she didn't organize ations members of the jewish community in the poll of polls that i've been to africa she says it is just simply just like the rocks got a gathering is taking place in the city's main palace where people with the hots extremist and on to some mystic views are gathering but the reality is that these right wing groups are gaining popularity across europe it's very very scary just
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that these parties are growing so much with the crisis in europe the socialist or the social democratic parties they did not have to ride on cers to the crisis and along comes the right wing extremist parties and they have very easy answers protest organizers say it's far right political leaders the said to be holding secret meetings planning on how to build will not surge and qalqilya support but they have been uniting ahead of the. european parliamentary elections in may but once they're inside the palace as the saying goes they're really going to be waltzing to the right and the diverse crowd that's represented here this evening. but it's not. the vienna. the far right movements have been winning support across the crisis stricken europe more kastrup citizens turn away from
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traditional parties and governments in austria the freedom party made a strong showing in september's general election with over twenty percent of the vote the popularity of the dutch party for freedom is coming at the same level while the movement for a better hungry polls at thirteen percent and in greece the golden dawn party has become the country's third political force. dot com right now some long awaited good news for anti fracking campaign is in the u.k. gas firm is scrapping plans to tap into shale deposits in picturesque southern england but not because of public protests against the project you can find out what made the corporation give up on fracking at that site. plus the u.s. has developed so-called space cop satellites to patrol but it's not people will be policing as we explain. the. syrian government officials and their main political rivals have met face to face for the first time the talks at the ongoing geneva two conference were brokered and
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led by international envoy lakhdar brahimi opposing delegations did sit at the same table they have not yet started negotiating directly without a mediator you know position once the talks to focus on the resignation of president assad which has been rejected by syrian officials u.s. and its allies are also calling for regime change but russia which helped set up the geneva two summit says foreign meddling is unacceptable. must decide themselves what to do there is no other way it's impossible to introduce some scheme like drawing a list of who leaves and who comes in the rulings that is social engineering and it never ends well if the task is simply the regime choose which is some are trying to do syria could plunge into complete. order must be preserved and there is no other method to do that except to maintain existing institutions. well more of the
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world's news now the world update breaking news in america first at least three people are being confirmed dead in a shooting in baltimore incident took place in a suburban shopping mall which has now been by police it's not clear how many suspects there are at least one shooter is still on the loose do stay with us here on r.t. international for the latest on this developing story other news now all five of the egyptian embassy staff kidnapped in libya have now been freed one of the men is a culture of libyan government says the incident piers to have been a retaliation by a militia group for the arrest of their commander in egypt a series of abductions in recent weeks as underscored tripoli's inability to rein in heavily armed former rebels. the afghan president has reiterated he will not sign a security pact with the united states until peace talks resume with the pakistani taliban and that karzai has repeatedly refused to pen the deal which would allow american troops to stay in afghanistan beyond twenty fourteen agreement should give
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us soldiers the right to raid people's homes and grant them immunity from prosecution. such as weather subtropics meets the snow but some of the world's premier ice hockey players will need a cool head to secure a victory at the winter olympics which started in less than two weeks to ban what say has been checking out what awaits the sport's best blades. the bolshoi ice palace is a twelve thousand multi-purpose arena now this is going to be home to the most anticipated all the events of the winter games hockey now bolshoi is very synonymous with the russia and the words it means big in english so it's only fair to say that this stadium is the big ice palace but does it live up to its mate. is located by the black sea coastline and is designed to resemble a giant frozen water droplet inside the traditional bowl shaped seating also some
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flare with glazed glass on the complex. to see quickly with not screens cameras and sound systems so powerful spectators to be able to hear every one of the puck on the ice. those with disabilities who also have easy access to the new cheering on their favorite team now here's a taste of what to expect this olympic venue oh oh oh. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i wanted to test the ice rink felt like beneath my feet and take a shot of the fun of being a cocky play on the limping arena. now i may have ended up looking impressive in our film but i found the keeping the hockey stick in place across the pond while
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trying to balance on my skates was a job i was happy to be to the professionals ok so i'm not an olympic hockey player but one thing that's for sure is that this venue is flake and it's ready for the hockey a limping games as for me. i think i need a little bit more practice in the rain there on monday. so i stay. well we'll be closely following the developments now in the developing story of the shooting in baltimore in the u.s. and we'll be bringing you updates on that in the next hour. it's on the money with peter lavelle here on international let's after the break.
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another whistle blower is facing a lot of heat including a wave of death threats but what did she discover some sort of dark secret cia plans or some other plot for a new war of luxury no she exposed something far more dangerous and important to the zombies on their couches the university of north carolina athletes are mentally unfit for college and even high school mary willing come blew the whistle on the fact that between eight and ten percent of the school's football and basketball players read of the fourth grade level and many others are sub college level she also claims that these students were allowed into the university based on the screening process done by the university i.e. implying that the u. of n.c. knew exactly who they were letting into the university remember college football makes a lot of money i always had a feeling that something like this was going on i mean according to usa today many college athletes claim that during the season they put in more than double the
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amount of hours on sports that they are allowed that's fifty to sixty hours a week how can they possibly learn anything maybe it isn't so sad that this goes on it is a reflection of economics what is sad is that the whistleblower is getting death threats just for saying that it is going on by those stupid hard core fans but that's just my opinion. maybe also reflects the n.b.c. massive surveillance operation that is going on when we're talking about defending against terrorism which ultimately i think is it's is a catch twenty two right because you don't want to take a program away that is saving people and creating a safer environment but at the same time you know i truly believe that we all have a right to freedom i believe we should be surveilled etc.
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hello and welcome to the money where the business of russia is business. with the start of two thousand and fourteen economists c.e.o.'s and investors are finalizing their plans for the new year the past year was a bit bumpy but two thousand and fourteen should see the russian economy rebound and the showcase called sochi may make more than a few investors have a fresh look at the russian market. to discuss the russian economy i'm joined by robert may he is a managing partner at robert may consulting group we also have been heiress he is the editor in chief of business new york and we also have john hello big he is the managing partner of a group or ben let me start out with you what is the major theme you're looking for in two thousand.


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