tv [untitled] January 25, 2014 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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breaking news this opposition rejects victory proposals aimed at quelling the ongoing anti government riots the president also agreed to revise the constitution which could reduce his powers. this is two police officers kidnapped by rogers in ukraine's capital have been released both were allegedly tortured as fears are mounting of radical protestors derailing the concessions of the authorities. and in other news up to nine people were killed in street clashes with security forces across egypt while a powerful explosion is reported outside a police building in the city of sue is on the third anniversary of the two thousand and eleven revolution.
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international live from our studio center here in moscow was just one am and eleven pm in kiev where leaders of the ukrainian opposition have turned down the president's proposals aimed at calming the unrest in the country and says victory in a covert step down instead but did not specifically comment on his offer of top government posts to opposition leaders with peter or the joins us now from the heart of the protests in the ukrainian capital kiev so peter tell us what is the situation then it seems that the opposition doesn't really want to any part of the deal with the president at this point. here well the opposition leaders have been addressing crowds on independence square just behind me here in kiev they said that they confirmed the posts had been offered the post of prime minister had been offered to
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us see me yet said the leader of the fatherland opposition movement on this tally klitschko being offered the position of his deputy there wasn't any confirmation whether they would be accepting those positions they just said that they'd been offered them no this came as part of their after another day of talks between the opposition and the government here a victory on a course which the creator and president had said that he wants to change the constitution back to make you the ukrainian government a a parliamentary presidential republic now what that would mean is that the parliament would have far more power and it would limit his own powers. given the speeches that were being given opposition groups said that they wanted to see the constitution go back to the way it was in two thousand and four which fits along those lines. now in terms of what else had been offered by the by
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president and a covert chief said that he would be looking to give an amnesty to anybody who'd been detained as long as demonstrators a riot is removed themselves from government buildings now that doesn't seem like it's going to be happening any time soon when terms of what the opposition was saying that they want from the stage here on independence square they want elections this year they also say that they're not willing really to be in any form of government with victory on a covert still as the president so at the moment it hasn't been overwhelmed the outright rejected but they've also not accepted this offer from the from the government here so that's the situation that we're seeing right now. in terms of what's going. on the streets here right now what we we had heard earlier on that the opposition and the police had agreed to try and clear streets here well that doesn't seem likely at all there are still many many people on the streets the
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barricades that have been built alone would take a long time to dismantle and does well there are extremist extremist groups within the the people on the streets here particularly over near the economic stadium which is about two hundred meters over to my left where people have still been fighting pitched battles with with the police there so that's the situation as it looks right now on the latest we're getting from this as the these talks of unfolded between the the opposition and the government the opposition did say though that they want these talks to continue what about the reports of those two police officers who were taken hostage by writers and then released what are the details on that. right this started on friday evening where three police officers were attacked and kidnapped by. by rioters here now one of those police officers was released on friday evening he was rushed to hospital so with with stab wound injuries now on saturday we have seen the other two police officers released and we're hearing from from them that they were beaten and tortured by the by their
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captors the the interior ministry here had said that any threats of violence from writers would be responded to with force from them so we are still seeing the standoff ongoing as they over to my left knee they did out a stadium where. right is and right police are facing off against each other now talking to some people here who are saying to me that even if the opposition is saying well look we want to get people off the street stage it would be far tougher task to not because of some of the elements who are here in the in the demonstrations in the rights that are ongoing that they wouldn't be willing voluntarily to come off those barricades and it looks duce looks set to continue for some time yet peter thanks very much indeed for that bit of a live there in kiev well it seems that police officers have increasingly become victims of the rioters and not only during their standoff on the streets several
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policemen claimed they were kidnapped and tortured by protesters and then released something i've just been discussing that with peter in. my head and bound my arms and legs with masking tape and taped up my eyes as well the. more yes we were attacked by a group of masked wearing youngsters they surrounded us cream and the cops nearest hams are take everything from us our wallets ourselves along with everything. in them to throw in the we had nothing to them because we were just coming out of a cafe after lunch with a mob surrounded. the world and how are the ukrainian special force fairing when it comes to trying to maintain order in this chaotic and violent situation will retire come out of charles city heal from l.a. sheriff's department told me earlier that police in the us would have reacted much harsher in the same type of scenario. from what i've seen on the video so far though sure a lot more restraint than i think. most places now and still use the use of the
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ball of octane also throwing rocks and bottles and straightening in with us would all be considered lethal force in the united states if you know that's a lethal situation in the united states you could very quickly be shot with lethal force are the thoughts on the dragging of the police officer and their quality and what you can now will be very easily result in some type of course. of protest has died in hospital in kiev to three days in intensive care bringing the death toll from this week's riots to three where you can see a map here of central kiev in the heart of the protest movement is over on independence square which is known as my down that's where the opposition is currently camped out in the faces clashes broke out earlier this week on a nearby street here well earlier i spoke to professor bruno rescue he's from the paris based national institute of eastern civilizations he's skeptical about the
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deal between the opposition and the government and thinks it will come up against resistance from the more radical elements in the protest movement. more radical elements were used to make detention more and more acute now. there is a compromise on that and a higher level but. in the same time i doubt that the extremist movement will agree to go back home and that's the real problem that will happen in kiev and in the in all western ukraine. also because they're also their bases are there so that's that's that we will see but i doubt it will be easy. to bring back stability. we will never doesn't regions of the country angry mobs of the siege and in many cases occupied local government forces offices i should say
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the city of in need sara is one of the latest to fall victim to anti-government turmoil hundreds of protesters stormed the local administration building where they were met by police have so far been unable to drive them away meanwhile the regional legislature in the city of evolve in western ukraine has declared that it no longer recognizes ukraine state rada the national parliament west of the country saying the worst of the mayhem while in the south and east support for the government is high literally splitting the country in half. he's a senior international relations lecturer at moscow state university told me earlier that the more liberal opposition leaders have no control over the situation . i mean is this a genuine offer on the part of yannick over which you or is he calculating that yes in your bank political will turn this offer down and there's more than just the opinion of the opposition leaders to take into account here because there is also a third opposition leader oleg shan
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a bloc of the neo nazi leader of the botha party and i don't think at this point you that the opposition leaders these liberal opposition leaders have shown that they actually have control of the situation or of the protest against the telly klitschko being sprayed by a fire extinguisher the other day when he attempted to calm down the crowds there in a attempt to attack the police lines was a clear indication of this. international live here in moscow more news for you just ahead after this short break.
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all of these twenty nine people have been killed in street clashes across egypt throughout saturday islam a supporters of the ousted president mohamed morsi faced off against egypt's security forces on the third anniversary of the two thousand and eleven revolution police used tear gas to disperse the crowds this comes a day after the country was rocked by a series of terrorist bombings true is in colorado forests. car bomb has exploded at the police building this time in the key city of suez this is the sixth such explosion has taken place in two days we had four bomb blasts in cairo on friday and this morning objections were you cannot similarly bomb blasts in the east in the suburbs of cairo this comes of course on the anniversary of the genuity five evolution which ousted president barak and there have been rival protest groups that have taken to the streets across the country and it's been seen in the sorts of violence security forces are essentially not allowing any on to government
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groups to gather in the streets whether the islamist supporters that i was the president mohamed morsi or whether they're secular activists has been heavily contrast it with what's going on in tahrir square with a supporter of forces chief general abdel fatah sisi has come out in droves today holding images of him they say they want him to be president to crack down even harder on the groups like the muslim brotherhood who they blame to these bomb blasts what we're seeing here is a very divided egypt and it's becoming increasingly split which is really a been exacerbated by these bomb blasts now i was at the size of the explosions yesterday and i made this report three years on from the two thousand and eleven revolution egypt was supposed to be celebrating instead deadly bomb blasts rocked cairo targeting police offices as the country descends into chaos gyptian a dangerously split between those who backed the military and those who support ousted muslim brotherhood president mohamed morsy crowds of people gathered at the
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science of the bomb blast which ripped open the facade of egypt's main police headquarters in cairo the people here like many in government the main the mission but the heads and say this intervention attack on the state on the house of islam is president mohamed morsi with anger mounting there is likely to be a harsher crackdown on the islamist group. exit the brotherhood they are to blame for this the terrorists want to break the country in half. are afraid to. holmes but most are more determined than ever to go to the streets against the brotherhood for the revolution anniversary the military installed government accuses the brotherhood of being behind a rising insurgency and the spike in terror attacks the media has observed the scheme announced by the brotherhood at the meetings abroad who want to disable the country's political roadmap and disturb the referendum on the constitution the muslim brotherhood is just a tool our enemies the foreign element that controls these tools all egyptian people know about this but hundreds of brotherhood supporters are in jail and they
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say they are under attack from the power hungry military this month the majority of the population approved a new constitution that broaden the army's power as it shields in military budget from cuts gives the armed forces the right to approve defense ministers and try civilians in military courts we are a war came together to oust and to crackdown this kind of regime. was told the the illegitimate power from the legitimate elected president and elected government three years after the uprising which saw the country unite against a dictatorship egypt is now increasingly divided rather than celebrating a new democracy and much needed change egyptians steeling themselves ahead of more violence. for r.t. cairo. the two thousand and eleven revolution brought an end to hosni mubarak's three decades in power after more than a year of transitional military rule islam is backed candidate mohamed morsi was
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elected president his government pushed through a new constitution criticized for being overly influenced by sharia law a popular uprising against morsi led to him being forced out by the army a year later the military then launched a crackdown on the muslim brotherhood with thousands of supporters killed in the unrest the group was then declared a terrorist movement or car a base journalist mohammed sabri says the brotherhood is responsible for much of the turmoil there at the moment. the they keep talking of conspiracy theories they keep blaming the government for staging those bombings in it's the corpulent which is absolutely nonsense but at the same time opposite the opposite side which is the regime and the regime loyalists and the. protestors are not peaceful themselves and are as hostile as the muslim brotherhood is what should be stopped now and what the government should be working tirelessly to stop inciting violence you know why doing those gaps between sectors of the community and moving the country forward
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towards a phase of civil strife. syrian government officials and their main political rivals have held a second meeting at the geneva two conference talks in switzerland mediated by u.n. envoy lakhdar brahimi the diplomat says both sides have agreed to negotiate the terms of a limited ceasefire and the creation of. a position is focused on the resignation of president assad which has been rejected by syrian officials the u.s. and its allies are also. moscow which helped set up the summit says foreign meddling is unacceptable. he's been following the latest developments in geneva as more on saturdays to. the mean achievement of saturday's talks in geneva is that the syrian authorities and the opposition are sitting in the same room facing each other and negotiating u.n. special envoy on syria lakhdar brahimi was there as well mediating these peace talks but given the fact that just earlier on friday the rebels said they were not
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going to sit down at the table with the authorities having them talking in this format is already quite a diplomatic achievement. who is the key mediator of these negotiations has been conducting quite a careful slow sensitive diplomatic tactic taking the whole process slowly step by step for instance sides have now agreed to start discussing prisoners and kidnappings on sunday possibly even allowing humanitarian aid into syria there also talks about fires but no agreements have been reached as well but what the main problem that we've witnessed here during a few days is that even though. the only political solution to the problem based on the. way the understand these agreements is completely different they're completely on the same page the rebels say they want to talk
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about forming a transitional government without president assad. while the authorities seem to be ready to talk about almost anything except for president assad's future in fact b.c. the only way he could step down if the people decided so wide. after three years is still ongoing violence and bloodshed even having them in the same room facing each other is already quite a progress right now it's not perhaps the peace of the diplomatic process which matters but really the direction in which all of this is going on he's been hearing how the absence of several key syrian and regional power plays out geneva two means it will be hard for the conference to yield a breakthrough and there is no military solution to this crisis i think that the leaders of both sides although it's hard to even say both sides given that there are so many sides right now that i think that all sides recognize that to be true
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the question is how long is it going to take and how many more people have to die before a real agreement that would include an arms embargo as well as a temporary cease fire can come into effect we can't afford failure but i'm afraid that without iran and without some of the crucial parts of the opposition that a ceasefire will only be partial that. an arms embargo is probably right now out of reach. com there's some good news for anti fracking campaign is in the u.k. and gas firm is scrapping plans to tap into shale deposits in picturesque southern england but not because of public protests against the project find out what made the corporation give up on fracking at the site. plus the us is about a so-called space cop satellites to patrol earth's orbit but it's not people they'll be policing as we explain online find out about of our t.
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dot com. six thousand fewer demonstrators have descended on vienna to protest against an annual ball attended by europe's leading far right politicians of course survivors were among the strongest critics of the controversial event ortiz put a boy to reports from austria. beginner's academic a ball courts protest and courts of see everywhere because of the names on its guest list it's become a gathering of far right political leaders from across europe it's hosted by our serious freedom policy and for my guests include marine le pen francaise national front leader as well as far right wing politicians from belgium germany and italy several thousand protesters hit the city streets demanding that the ball is once and for all not acceptable that the right wing people are in the cause of your non dancing celebrating be pleasing measures not to be yours it's
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a closing bridge between our right extrusion in austria a. little of the society it's a crying to me to be you mystic movement today the crowd gathered here is dying to have left wing groups representatives of shootings organize ations members of the jewish community holocaust survivors and african studies it is just simply don't like the fact that the gathering is taking place in the city's main palace where people with bots extremist and anti semitic views are gathering but the reality is that these right wing groups are gaining popularity across europe it's very very scary just that these parties are growing so much the crisis in europe the socialist or the social democratic parties today did not have to ride on susanto crisis and along comes right or right wing extremist parties and they have
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very easy answers protest organizers say it's far right political leaders the said to be holding secret meetings planning on how to build will not surge and popular support but they haven't. in may but once they're inside the palace as the saying goes they're really going to be waltzing to the right and the diverse crowd that's represented here this evening. but it's not. right movements have been winning support across crisis stricken europe as more cash strapped citizens turn away from traditional parties and governments in austria the freedom party made a strong showing in september's general election with over twenty percent of the vote the popularity of the dutch party for freedom is currently at the same level while the movement for a better hungry polls at thirteen percent and in greece the golden dawn party has
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become the country's third political fools. back to our top story now the opposition leaders in ukraine have rejected a series of proposals by president and a coach they did not specifically address his offer of top government posts for opposition leaders but reiterated their demands they want the president to step down and hold new elections this year and that's despite you know because it's making a series of concessions over the past couple of days including saturday's bombshell decision to revise the constitution which could limit his powers and which is also promised amnesty to antigovernment russia's on the condition that they leave occupied regional administration building grounds remain come tell us in kiev and other parts of ukraine and we'll keep you up to date on what's happening there on air and online dot com.
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that's it for me my colleague sean thomas he'll be here in the studio with the latest updates from ukraine as well as our other stories in just over half an hour from now but first it's breaking the set with abby martin on international. the world economic forum was created in nineteen seventy one and for over a forty years the dirtiest scuzzy is the names and business banking and politics of met and davos switzerland and each year's meeting they claim they are meeting in order to devise new ways to save the world to deliver prosperity it's all. to china for example they're growing exactly the way the west schoolday creating
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more credit in the system they're cleaning my. the rich are getting richer and the poor poor eight hundred million people live less than fifteen dollars a day in china that doesn't seem to be changing it's the number one problem the chinese government has right now you know it seems to me that what the rich have done is that you know they made themselves so comfortable but in the process of destroying the entire process of where they got their wealth from the first place the government. really. how do you operate. it's.
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not an olympic hockey. league. by fire. been videos like a bit on the alice sets so i figure you martine a serious health crisis unfolded in west virginia that left three hundred residents seeking medical attention and over three hundred thousand on able to drink their tap water so it all went down after the company freedom industries admitted that a storage tank of the chemical for metho hexane methanol leaked into the water supply of charleston first of all great job putting corrosive chemicals into seventy plus year old storage tank just a mere mile and a half upstream from the city's main water supply guys but that's not it now we're finding out after all was said and done but there was a second chemical that was mixing of the toxic compound that no one knew about
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until just two days ago it's called paul the glycol or ph the other one they already knew about is called cleaning chemical called and c h m don't worry according to reports experts think that maybe it's not any more dangerous than the first chemical not that we would really know considering how little information there is about what these chemicals actually do. but if you think that's a bad check this out according to business insider these exact chemicals have been poured into the water supply for decades joe stanley a west virginia minor told the site quote i watched the coal industry poison our water for years and c.h.m. was just one of the chemicals we were told was highly toxic but that we dumped an old mine shaft and slurry ponds and it's been seeping into the groundwater for years. these sums up his statement with one simple grave warning don't
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drink the water while understandable when you take into account almost three quarters of all coal mines in the u.s. haven't been inspected and at least five years according to. so if this story doesn't convince you that we should and our addiction to coal once and for all and i don't know what will and let's break the said. the such a relief very hard to take the title the to get along the line that you ever had sex with that her right there are those. that believe. such. utter utter. utter utter utter. please.
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please. please that. a periodic review board assigned in two thousand and eleven to deliberate the fate of guantanamo detainees just concluded its first session and its findings the board ruled that yemeni citizen and get no detainee mahmoud. he need is no longer a significant threat to the security of america the announcement comes as a sign of progress of these detainees many of whom were cleared for release years ago but the overclassification and the lack of transparency to trial observers journalists and the general public continues to raise doubts over whether closure of guantanamo will ever come to fruition this week marks five years since obama signed the really executive orders to ban torture close cia black sites and began the closure of america's most notorious prison so joining me now to discuss that secrecy that surrounds getting.
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