tv [untitled] January 26, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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of ukrainian president offers concessions to try and end of the unrest but the opposition leaders say you know meanwhile rioters on the streets have stormed the justice ministry in kiev and protests continue beyond the capital as well. crowds are taking over local government buildings across the country with western ukraine the riot movement. syrian peace talks in geneva bare their first fruit the warring sides have agreed to evacuate civilians from the city of homs which has seen some of the worst fighting during the almost three year long conflict. and dozens are killed in street violence and a wave of deadly bombings in egypt as the divided nation reaches the third
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anniversary of its revolution meanwhile the interim leader says the country's next step will be a presidential election. in broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is r t i'm sean thomas with our weekly recap. now ukrainian writers are storming the justice ministry in kiev right now and local administration buildings have been the target of protesters elsewhere in the country all this after the opposition turned down the president's offer to change the constitution and make one of their leaders prime minister we'll be hearing more from our peter oliver in a little bit but right now one radical gang of protesters in kiev allegedly had these weapons in their possession police seized assault rifles pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition from the group authorities claim of the gang the supplied
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arms to other writers as well and there were attacks on security forces during the week one police officer was wounded and two others taken hostage reportedly tortured and then later we'll be. able to make his will to replay ahead and bound my arms and legs with tape and taped up my knees as well he. was privy to all of that yes were attacked by a group of masked youngsters they surrounded us going to the cops nearest to the take everything from us our wallets ourselves because everything. in the. nothing because we were just coming out of a cafe after lunch. and as we mentioned before peter all over is in kiev let's cross live to him to get more on what's happening in the country now another government building targeted by the rioting crowds tell us what is going on at the justice ministry there in kiev. well what we're
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hearing from extremist groups here in kiev is that they have taken rioters have taken the justice ministry here in kiev now. we hearing as the crowds dispersing from the streets of kiev there's many people out here i'm just very close to independence square here you may be able to hear singing coming from there there is a still a large crowd there's also still crowds near to the conference center here and crowds still manning barricades over the stadium so there's still many people on the streets many people also saying that even if the opposition tell us that they want to continue with talks. well that's all well and good for them but they are going to leave the streets that they are going to stay here. while we had similar sentiments from from vitali klitschko the opposition leader saying that. they
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weren't going to leave the streets until the job was done so the it seems that the justice ministry here in kiev is the latest in a line of buildings across the country that is fall into two opposition rioters here now you just mentioned across the country this unrest isn't limited to the capital there in kiev tell us a little bit about what's happening in other parts of the country as well. well we have. it started off well it's all off here in the capital and then spread over to the west of ukraine into other regions across the country now one city that we're hearing that the the riot police have been able to take back the government buildings in the town of. push up. there the the riot police say that they've are claiming that city the government building in the town for an area from rioters however we have seen further
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rioting taking place in other cities and laying siege to government buildings in cities like. a. petrol sky apologize my pronunciation of some of these names. but yes and not town in dinner patrols we've seen. that building being overtaken again as rioters rise up against the. current government here and they have their venting their anger against the government buildings they would they say is the headquarters of of what they're standing against. that here on on independence square the justice ministry here in kiev has been taken with searing hearing of other towns across the country that are currently under siege and in one city and one region we are seeing that that. particular government building has been retrieved and been retaken by riot police
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that's the way it looks right here right now all right artie said peter over there in keeping across the situation for us thank you we know that if more information becomes available we'll be going to you throughout the night so. now the u.s. has imposed sanctions on some ukrainian officials which it believes instigated violence against the protesters and the european union has discussed similar actions however legal expert and political blogger alexander mecurio believes it is a long shot because of divisions within the e.u. i don't think it's actually a close as it makes out one important change that's happened is that the presidency of the european union the rotating presidency has passed to greece and greece has made it absolutely clear that it's not frankly sympathetic to sanctions so there are divisions within the european union itself there are some hardliners like mr shultz but i'm not convinced that everybody in the european union agrees to this i think the next week may be very important we will see what happens at the
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parliamentary session on tuesday if there is a political breakthrough there then by haps we could see the end an end to the violence. the takeover of government buildings into riots are mostly happening in kiev and in the western half of the country as this map shows you as the authorities struggle to control the situation western governments are urging them to secure democracy or to select. looks at how the unrest is unfolding. those young people into streets of ukraine by seizing temperatures are writing didn't you get it for europe. ever since the first rocks and molotov cocktails were hurled at the police in kiev my son officials in europe and the united states have started a pressure wave of accusations aimed at the actions of the authorities against what they called peaceful protesters.
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we have all been fun but you know some of the we expect from the ukrainian government then these should democratic freedom in particular the opportunity for peaceful demonstrations they protect life and that the use of violence does not take place. but people beating police on the ground bombarding the lines with explosive project tiles and even taking them hostage can hardly be classified as peaceful even pictures of rioters carrying far arms are surfacing i'm quite skeptical that these riots we'll be. dealt with effectively in the near future but a nation of. neo nazi. therefore i don't think that everyone will follow the call of opposition leaders jewel of what a peaceful resolution of these of these some of these deals hellbound on the islands and they will continue for some time. over the past two
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months they're you know my done has changed in form and meaning what started as a peaceful protests has turned into a display of violence on both sides it has now grown in size to with almost half of the country's regional administration stake in over spawning serious concerns the country could fall apart any sort of splits in the area. could happen within the next two weeks must be described as quite possible because guess. around wouldn't have enough forces so ukraine will be speeded probably in two parts. two different times the opposition is still looking horns with those in power trying to get a better deal with the president. but the protestors storming a police base and doing the people who are acting against their leaders suggest they no longer want to listen to anyone and care little about eighty degree truth. reporting from key if you crane. well unlike their western neighbors eastern
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ukraine is mostly in support of president victory on a covert people there are getting worried about what is going on in the country fairing that the protesters could be pulling ukraine in the wrong direction party's policy or reports. the industrial heart of the ukraine is a place where the majority has been silent until now the violent pictures from kiev are spring people here into action but not in support of the anti-government rioters no but i was the boss not beat up but i cannot sit at home when there are such things happening in ukraine the protests in kiev a horrible we are brothers we're all ukrainians in the east and south of the country support for president general coverage is high while tolerance for whiting is low these demonstrators blame opposition parties for using hot headed students to destabilize the country years young people are like zombies they get information
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from the internet and this information is only one side the usa in the west are paying for this information to be put out. by gregory green is a correspondent with the local newspaper he wants order and for as long as the government provides it he says he'll supporters who are buying up much or the message of the protesters regularly changes or their main idea in the beginning was to join the european union the next week and it was political change and they wanted the president to go now i think even the protesters cannot say why they're demonstrating unlike the demonstrators in kiev most of the more than four million people who live in the country's most populous region don't believe ukraine's future lies in europe losing off. russian market is or three all this region so that is the main reason why. people. don't. want to injure. european association protests just complain the kids rioters on
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wasting time on the streets while it's the country's east that keeps the economy alive and if you crane was to join europe now its factories would be turned into scrap people here in a vision a different future to the antigovernment protests. what they want is a quick end to the demonstration and a deal to join the russian customs union this they say will give them the stability and security that the protests are frightening. ukraine. things are developing rapidly in ukraine but you can keep track of all of the updates via our timeline on our t.v. after the break we will take a look at other stories including the latest from the geneva two syrian peace talks .
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maybe also reflects massive surveillance operation that is going on when we're talking about defending against terrorism which ultimately i think is it's where it is a catch twenty two right because you don't want to take a program away that is saving people and creating a safer environment but at the same time you know i truly believe that we all have a right to know that freedom i believe we shouldn't be surveilled except. dramas to be ignored. stories others who refuse to notice. the faces change the world.
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to picture posted. from around the globe. and welcome back you're watching the weekly here on our team of the syrian government and the opposition have struck a deal that will let civilians leave the city of homes parts of which are held by rebels the announcement came after two days of talks mediated by international envoy lakhdar brahimi at the peace conference in geneva a joint statement is expected to be made on monday parties where if notion is in damascus with details. if you're in government and you're in a position agreed on sunday in geneva to allow the civilians outside that if you keep your columns in central syria we can expect things to happen as soon as on
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monday the horse has been badly injured we are clashes between your own army and the rebel forces for almost two years now last year we could defeat every sort oppressive picture at least two districts were badly destroyed in two others they were boys shelling many residents fled of course they didn't touch hands tied they were trapped in the fight and today up to roll this time of course they face a severe shortage and for food and medical supplies and it's the so large a city in syria and we're talking about thousands of people here mr bremer presenting the u.n. had never blinked at geneva two peace talks also told press that women children as well as a number of adult male civilians conferred as normal militants and this is very important will be evacuated from the city of homs but it's still not clear exactly how it will be organized as the fight in the every still continues of course we can
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consider it as a serious achievement in the talks between the syringe right all sides of the first dialogue they have in almost three years devastating war and a very positive one but still a lot has to be done as other areas here in syria remain besieged and even here in damascus it is the community tearing situation is harsh my colleague peace cannot has been following the talks in geneva the famous one another let's talk to one another a former it's simply impossible to imagine even at the beginning of the week just twenty four hours before the start of the conference the opposition couldn't decide whether to go to switzerland or not and when they finally did arrive i think that that's that is the problem. that i don't have a problem or do any solution without us it going our separate it became clear both sides had a completely different. understanding of the talks goals the rebels press for a son to step down officials seem to be ready to talk about almost anything except
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the president's future but at least outside players agreed this is strictly up to the syrians to decide the seriousness of themselves had the primary responsibility to end the country determine their particular system and future and start rebuilding their country but one world powers left and direct talks were supposed to begin the opposition refused to sit down at the same table with the other side we came here to talk and they are not ready finally when it seemed the negotiations were completely bust special envoy to syria lakhdar brahimi announced he did manage to get both sides to meet and so they finally did negotiating through him but still in the same room and face to face prisoners and kidnappings humanitarian aid and localized ceasefires were the first issues on the table with more pressing topics awaiting discussion despite all the emotions accusations and preconditions were heard this week these talks are the first real chance for
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a diplomatic solution in syria and after nearly three years of bloodshed and ongoing violence it will be a bumpy road and there is a long way to go but the first steps in the right direction have definitely been made you got this going off r.t. geneva switzerland. now we take it to the slopes in sochi for in just a few minutes for some practice on the peaks. we made this in length and i'm still intact no bones broken and i can tell you this it is absolutely magical out yeah the whimsical high jinks of artes to bang most ace she samples the olympic high life coming up later in the program. let's go back into what is happening in care of ukraine right now authorities there have confirmed that the justice ministry building has been taken over by protesters they are believed to be the same group which earlier raided the energy and agricultural ministries in the capital earlier this week say with r t as we will have
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a live report from kiev next hour. and chasing after democracy egypt's interim government has decided to alter the political roadmap adopted after the july coup now the nation will hold presidential elections before parliamentary polls you know it's meant to comes after days of violence across the country at least forty nine people were killed and hundreds were injured in the street clashes marking the two thousand and eleven uprising anniversary most deaths were reported in cairo where police crackdown on anti-government protest rallies also this week a wave of deadly bombings that shook the capital claiming six lives journalist mohammed sabri says both sides are at fault for the current situation. what's happening is we have we have a major ground for the pro-government media in inciting violence against anyone who's not induce him to come into the scene we have the muslim brotherhood who are definitely guilty for
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a lot of things that you have they have done or not they have done through their you are empowered the keep talking of conspiracy theories they keep blaming the government for staging those bombings in it's the portman's which is absolutely nonsense but at the same time. the opposite the opposite side which is the regime and the regime loyalists and the proliferation media where protesters are not peaceful themselves and are as hostile as the muslim got it is what we want should be stopped now and what the government should be working tirelessly to stop is inciting violence you know why didn't those gaps between sectors of the community and moving the country forward towards a phase of civil strife a worker at a japanese food factory has made about three thousand people sick the man poisoned pizzas and chicken nuggets with pesticides and triggered the recall of six million products we've got the whole story on our to dot com. plus on the
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in motion section of our website we have footage of a mudslide sweeping through northwest argentina it has killed four people with at least eight still missing and has led to a mass evacuation. a snowy russian winter occurs even a few kilometers away from the sub tropical black sea coast the royal resort city of sochi located there is said to provide sue purba white slopes for the winter olympics are to use to bung visited the mountain venues for the upcoming games. if like me you enjoy a little bit of extreme sport then hang onto your helmet for the best skiing track in the black sea resort snowboarding and freeze diving competitions at this twenty fourteen olympic winter games will be held to the was on the rose a fucked up top job also known as the hot extreme was.
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that. just seven years ago this regime but also for a third was on top day that's quite a different scene designed and build by french experts it's now a picture postcard scene of all prime style hotels and chalets at over five thousand feet it's one of the highest lifts of mountains in the world the mountain cares though provides axes. and professionals in the alpine and freestyle as well as snowboarding as for those going for winter gold a difficult terrain is available. i wasn't going to be left behind so i hired some speed headed up.
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drive so way not all the hot and i'm definitely going to be tough and also slow for . the rain have been faced by professional kids who've been testing the slopes over the last year and for those still worried about the weather busy enough of it all the knives have promised. having a monster ice machine on stand on. ok we've made it. and i'm still intact no bones broken and i can tell you this it is absolutely magical out here the mountains are why i kept it in the snow it's just absolutely beautiful and i think i might of almost all the new spots i might take
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up seeing next time so indeed for everyone who's coming out here to see the new ski resort and alpine ski resort of the black sea it's going to be one you'll always remember. no i may just sign up get some hot chocolate on the day on the ski slopes of the hot forty to get familiar with the venues which will make or break the olympic dreams of the world's premier winter sports athletes you can follow our coverage on our t.v. and online dot com over the coming days. how do you operate gillum piggy i'm going to the president believes sports such. as roof road rules i'm not an olympic hockey. is on. my fire. let's now take a look at some other news making headlines around the world this hour over twenty
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people have been found dead as rescuers continue to search for survivors after a tourist boat capsized in the bay of bengal thirteen people have been rescued while mine and more are still missing all the vacationers are believed to be indian nationals the cause of the incident remains unknown. about seventeen thousand demonstrators have marched through central paris protesting against president francois hollande and his policies a struggling economy soaring unemployment high taxes and housing needs were at the center of the protests of the organizations mostly right wing groups planned the rally. at least eight people have been killed in a mob attack with guns and machetes as muslim rebel leaders fled the central african republic the capital bangui two thousand people have died and another one
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million have been displaced by violence between muslim and christian groups in the country it is not yet clear why the rebels were leaving the city though many others have fled the capital since the arrival of french troops in recent months. in half an hour i'll be back in the studio with the latest from ukraine including live updates on the protesters taking over the justice ministry but first it is worlds apart with us on a boycott. i've always had mixed feelings about speed traps it seems like it's a waste of the police officers time but on the other hand they sure do make people paranoid and drive more slowly one man from texas is completely sure of his opinion about speed traps and he set out to save his felt texans from being fined for speeding and much more importantly from potential traffic accidents caused by the
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hidden police and now he is the one who is in deep trouble according to fox news ron martin faces a misdemeanor charge for violating fiscal texas sign ordinance that says that you may only stand around holding a sign on private property martin claims that he was doing the exact same thing as a speed limit sign reminding people to slow down and i think ultimately he is right you should be able to tell other people where the police are setting up speed traps because that will cause them to drive more slowly which is the real goal of speed traps in the first place the only reason local authorities would be against this is because they love the income that comes from a nice big pile of speeding tickets i hope that mr martin finds a way to go right back to holding his sign but this time on private property the precious my opinion.
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hello and welcome to the part data mining is crucial for doing business these days the same tools that companies needs to influence our choice of consumer goods also . clyde electing a president well to discuss that i'm now joined by harper lee who served as the chief technology officer for president obama two thousand election campaign thank you very much for your time sir now i know that before joining the obama campaign you worked as the chief technology officer for a clothing company and you seem to have made a very smooth transition but some people would fill a beat and lazy about applying some of the tag it makes and marketing tools to politics because some of us still sort of feel deep down that politics should be conducted in the same way as commerce is that too idealistic yes that well i think it i mean i think ultimately when you're talking about a politician you're talking about something i mean it's been marketing forever yes
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i mean it's all about going in knocking on a door talking i mean in the. ages of go it was very community based but it was all about marketing you know what this politician is the best for this reason and so i think it's what we're seeing now is instead of us you know the digital technologists that hope like the president we didn't all we did is kind of help distribute his authenticity and the genuineness that he brought to more people but at the same time in the united states as far as i know the every turn policy on goods is very liberal you can always bring a product that you don't like back and get your money but unfortunately if politics doesn't work this way you have to wait another four years but i think that i think i think you're pushing too hard on the narrative that it's that it's like a product i do think that. it's true that you need to make sure that you vote for the right person and you can return that vote but it is a permanent forever you know in the u.s.
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it's four years other countries have shorter and many many places it's for a mayor or a congress person it might be a year or two years but the thing that's important is. the candidate themselves you cannot use technology to make a bad candidate good. you can only elect a good candidate and mr reed let me push you on that you just said that four years is not about the long of a time but i think there are going to. happen big country can get through it and you know like look at syria for you know difference between life and death so a lot can happen in that period if that's what you have to make sure you elect the right president how do you really make sure if as you just agreed that you are applying all the marketing tools to the political campaigns you're making a jump and i think this is an important jump or distinction is that even with a product we're talking about a product i can say that this is the best stereo and i can use all the marketing in the world but if the stereo sucks it doesn't matter how much money i pour into marketing i think that happens a lot with can't.
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