tv [untitled] January 27, 2014 7:00am-7:31am EST
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why you should care about you and. this is why you should care what you only. radical anti-government rioters diggin out ukraine's justice minister ignoring opposition leaders pleas to leave the siege threatens negotiations with a government with a state of emergency looming. hold for holmes the syrian peace talks move toward allowing trapped civilians out of the embattled city and to get humanitarian aid in. and the british voters who are to board for the ballot that's only one in ten young people say they will be bothered to turn out for the next election.
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which martina national coming to you live from moscow i'm marina josh welcome to the program how both fires barricades and the pavements that's how cranes capital looks after almost two weeks of unrelenting violence right now you're looking at the latest pictures that we have seen from the ukrainian capital so far with government rioters are entrenched in the justice ministry building refusing to budge even despite fellow opposition leaders please about fifty radical activist from the movement known as common cause stormed the ministry at night smashing windows with clubs and metal bars opposition leader vitaly klitschko tried to talk them down and convince them to leave instead and they dug in deeper calling for backup and erecting barricades ukraine's justice minister calls them a threat to talks between the opposition and the president and warns she might call a state of emergency if the occupation continues peter oliver has more from kiev. well what we're seeing right now is the justice ministry has become the latest
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government building in ukraine to be occupied by rioters this is just a short distance away from where i am right now they've build barricades there we've seen numbers of people coming from independence square which is just behind me heading up there now speaking to them saying where are you going what are you going to be doing they're saying they're going it to man those barricades now this was taken on sunday night as the group called common cause who were there who have led the storming of the building now despite repeated calls from opposition leaders including vitaly klitschko the former world heavyweight boxing champion for them to leave those said that building and move away from there those writers are saying no they're staying put they're going to stay there they're reinforcing barricades and making sure that that's all shoot up from them they have no intentions to leave there at the moment what we are hearing from the justice minister herself she's saying that well occupying this building could really disrupt any kind of. any kind of peaceful solution and talks that are going on to
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look at the situation regarding the who's in charge here when it comes to the opposition my colleague alexey had a chef he looked at whether it's the opposition leaders that are leading the people here on the streets or whether it's the people that are leading the opposition leaders. if i have to take a bullet in the head i'll take a bullet in the head the opposition speeches are as fiery as ever but not all of the protesters are buying it. not even the commanding presence will be done you can check or is enough to bring them in line. kiev's independence square still adorned with different color flags of opposition parties but the biggest question right now is whether they're actually controlling anything at all there's a widespread opinion now in ukraine is that. their inability to provide crucial decisions let's to the violence uprising by using islam i'm not even listening to
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them everything is already been done by us over there but we are running the show they are forced to listen to us. and now their movements leaders have passed up the president's invitation to leave the government but when you thought of the only say one revolution now we offered them to control government to fight corruption and change the law but they're refusing it their actions are deprived of any who object . they could not even agree on whether to accept a presidential amnesty for the jailed protesters yes. president deanna cory's said he'll release the detained protesters if there is no for the resistance in central kiev and our position is the same you provided prospers that us masri i asked will only agree to yana call that just terms on the release of the protesters if the interior minister orders police not to arrest our people anymore rob. did you get the shots but just they're not politicians they simply want
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a result and fast and that is a snap reorganization of the country they're like children you see soldiers marching and trying to jump in front of the formation to feel like generals. a country in revolt is now holding its breath until tuesday when big decisions are expected from parliament gooding the repeal of an anti protest law but judging by the mood of my gun it seems there are no compromises that the crowds are ready to listen to alexi russia ski r.t. reporting from kiev in ukraine. well right now you are looking at live pictures coming out of their cranium capital and while the authorities and opposition leaders and kill have try to reach a political solution impatient protesters elsewhere are taking matters into their own hands rioters have been breaking into government buildings and city halls across the country and obligation leaders seem to be increasingly losing influence over what's happening on the streets but in the east of the country the rising wave
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of trouble is causing more concern than support as policy or now reports. the road we're afraid but we hope that these people will be stopped people internet skull watching closely the demonstrations in kiev they fear the violence will script in and inspire upheaval and copycat protests here alexandra green is taking seriously remarks by the openly basest opposition party that there's no place for jews in ukraine the greens to the ceiling if you are ukrainian nationalists ukrainian patriots who can become the heroes that will today defend the land were standing your bag then during the second world war our soldiers took our guns and went into the forest to fight the russians the germans the jews and other evils and i wanted to take the ukrainian nation from us. this jewish mother of two is
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thinking about packing up and leaving these people protesters have already days of the blogs and maybe they will become moved while and already two jews have been attacked in kiev many fear is worse to come. in the children school now there is a security guard children out to pepper sprays to school to be safe i'm afraid for my family people living here are bracing for more days if not weeks of grim uncertainty they worry the violence is spilling eastwards and so protesters are taking to the streets to show their support for president yannick coverage but more often than not these rallies are being disrupted wherever. they grow out of people in surgical mask suddenly appear there he bats and their jackets they beat the protesters and kick them in they had lost him when you listen because we don't hide anything suspect of these people wanted to cause trouble with provocations from opposition supporters on the rise a growing number of ukrainians fear that the last few weeks might just be
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a dress rehearsal for what's to come paula slayer r t donetsk ukraine or the us and the e.u. say more political restrictions might be used to restrain the authorities in kiev but legal expert and political blogger alexander corey says europe is too out of tune to make such a decision. i don't think it's actually it's close as it makes out one important change that's happened is that the presidency of the european union they were taking presidency has passed to greece and greece has made it absolutely clear that it's not frankly sympathetic to sanctions so there are divisions within the european union itself there are some hardliners like mr sholes but i'm not convinced that everybody in the european union agrees to this and i think the next week may be very important we will see what happens at the parliamentary session on tuesday if there is a political breakthrough there then behind us we could see the end an end to the violence or to nationals keeping up to date with events in kiev twenty four seven
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on air and through our website r t v dot com. hundreds of women and children trapped in the middle in the middle of syrian warfare may be able to leave the besieged city of homes it's a hope that's a reason add the geneva two peace talks where the government and opposition have agreed to allow the civilians to flee to safety and allow men to tarion a dan well else were people are slowly returning the country's biggest city of aleppo to find their homes demolished or pillaged and some of the most destructive fighting has reduced large parts of the ancient side of rock to rubble or even arsenal looks at what's left for citizens to rebuild their lives with. we learned at the little international airport on what is believed to be the first civil air
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plane to touch down here in the last year it's a special government flight but authorities say regular ones are due to start in a month's time this flight means the return of life to this airport and the syria. this northern syrian region has seen the most violent clashes during the almost three year long conflict leaving death and devastation behind it used to be four billion dollar factory where two thousand people were working now we can see there is left person is destroyed but while that is a common picture here it seems that helpful peace is slowly coming back this village elder signed a letter has just come back under government control out of fourteen thousand residents who fled it after the rebels a tag one third the government says is now back to discover the houses either destroyed or looted in them and it all depends on how lucky you are our home was
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almost untagged but they stole everything i mean. this pregnant woman says she and her husband have been waiting for this baby for twelve years and they're happy to finally have it now is that our home was destroyed we now have nothing but god gave us a baby and that's will give us power to build everything from scratch wherever. rather coffee we need more and more residents here sharing these optimists. like coffee to play out how's life life is good things god. family has returned with their kids one hundred twelve years old couldn't go to school for months but he still thinks of his school days i have three friends and him how mad and how many there my cousins. well we are talking humanitarian aid arrived people are in desperate need
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of simply everything and most importantly security measures what we do now is we get locals involved in patrolling and helping the army secure the area and protecting the village and we call on all of us to come back soon as we leave the village to drive to the c.-t. what used to take some fifteen minutes by highway takes an hour today roads are not yet safe enough but parts of aleppo loop secure at least at first glance we are a little bit surprised to see what used to be syria's biggest business center still so vibrant and actually say we even took off like jackets with us expecting to see clashes in the middle of a completely destroyed city but don't be mistaken this is the western part of the city. more to the east you will see a completely different picture moderate free syrian army factions fighting radical al qaida affiliated groups there for control with the government forces trying to
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fight them both. but militants still control half of the city and a big part of northern syria remaining the biggest challenge to the cease fire plan pushed forward by syrian and russian foreign ministers we syrians are ready to reconcile with each other and the letter was a good place to start with so we can give an example to other regions but these guys from the news refrain from al qaeda but don't know what they want but it's certainly not peace but while they say force is large enough to threaten a carefully forged peace to this war torn country residents say they're not dreaded to give up their fight for their country to be at peace or if nationality from syria. and i will bring in james corbat the editor of in a padded news and information a website the core of a report thank you so much for joining us here on r.t. so let's not talk about the fate of those in homes in syria what will take what
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will it take to secure the agreement between us here in government and the opposition to let the women and children out of town well in theory this won't be a particularly difficult part of the plan to implement logistically all it would take is this is ation of active hostilities during the time that these women and children are being transported out of the area but perhaps that's easier said than done as the syrian foreign deputy foreign minister and. own political advisor have both stated recently this is not really a political breakthrough since the syrian government has had in place since two thousand and thirteen a plan to deliver aid to these civilians populations in these terrorist held areas of the country since for the past year and all such delivery aid delivery has have failed because they have been fired upon by the terrorists themselves so this is not necessarily a breakthrough to it but it will hinge on the terrorists actually standing don't
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know allowing this transfer to take place well it's so important for the sides to keep talking to each other and the opposition reportedly plans to talk about the forming of a transitional government in syria what do you expect this to result in how effective it can be. well i expect it to result in pretty much the same thing that we got from the first round of this conference the initial geneva conference that was held back in june two thousand and twelve and the final communique of that particular conference proposed exactly this is some sort of transitional government as. a step towards the of the implementation of this peace process that lead to absolutely nothing and i can't imagine that this conference is going to end with such a proposal actually going through because it would be tantamount to the syrian government basically signing its own death warrant and signing itself out of existence and i just don't think that's politically feasible at this point well speaking of opposition in syria i mean who are they and we also know that they are you know there's a huge divide between you know different groups existing there but how much authority
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does this here in national council actually have in representing you know the whole of the country's opposition well this this question of authority and legitimacy is i think really at the heart of this conference because i mean not only do we have the incredible divides within the opposition itself including of course the syrian national council but that just being the latest iteration of a series of now dead husks of various organizations that have claim to speak for the opposition along the way from the free syrian army to the friends of syria and other such organizations that have fallen along the wayside and broken up because of internal difficulties but we also have the spectacle of various groups like our . which is the now leading the islamic movement and actually has a seat at the table but of course we've just recently had senior members of that group admitting acknowledging longtime affiliation with al qaida ok and they are saying just very briefly when i ask you one more question because we're running out
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of time but where briefly if you could answer at present as there were no plans to run in the presidential election later this year how possible is a vote amid all the fighting in terrorist activity in the country. well again i think that this the entire idea of a vote happening in this particular context is is ridiculous because again i think it would require not only the sation of hostility but really the patching together of the country and syria at this point is like a broken mirror you can take the thousands of shards together and put it back together but it will never be a mirror again i think this is really ruptured the fabric of syrian society so i don't think this is going to be smoothed over and i don't think the possibility of elections in the near term is something that's really going to to happen at this point i understand james care about things so much for joining us the editor of a panel news and information website the corbett report thank you. well it looks like america's big brother has been getting its hands on a big business out of its notice has revealed to german television doubt the n.s.a.
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has been losing everything it's got to pry into the commercial secrets of foreign firms warned that a hand also in the program. where these guys managed to prove to themselves their relatives and the entire society that they are not people with disabilities and with limited ability. taking on the toughest where in sochi to meet russia's paralympic sledge hockey team stay with us for this one more.
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isn't content just to spy on huge numbers of people edward snowden says it also keeps a very close eye on businesses and whistleblower told german t.v. that the u.s. agency tries to siphon off an information it can't get its hands on amazon is with me now live from dusseldorf was hardly the first time an e.u. countries been accused of stealing industrial secrets but if this particular piece of information proves to be true how important is this revelation. i think it the importance is it about the scale of the problem because our intelligence agencies have always had a mandate to protect national security but also to protect the economic well being of all countries however that is very different from aggressive industrial espionage on an aggressively industrial scale which of course is what snowden has now revealed because that new technologies with the internet and all the surveillance capabilities that the n.s.a. and its you. have developed i mean that they can hoover up literally everything so
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of course each country wants to protect its economic well being of course it will try and just be for political and economic advantage but for the sheer scale of it i think that is the issue here right well. in just recent past the relations between germany and the united states have been on a bumpy road and this recent revelation is you know might add more fuel into fire what do you think. absolutely yes i mean you know the germans are supposed to be allies of the u.s. and yet they're being abused quite agreed to sleep both by us here in the u.k. in terms of the sort of information that they're hoovering up not just for the top political and mobile phone but for everyone in germany and that is quite shocking again on the scale i think also shows a certain hypocrisy as well because we were told that all these new powers all this endemic surveillance was necessary in order to protect us from the terrorist threat and yet now we're seeing of course that it's being expanded way beyond what could even by any definition be called
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a terrorist suspect into politicians into the citizens of western countries and into our businesses so it's really exposing a very deep level of only n.s.a.'s part while you know we keep hearing the revelations coming out of our words known despite the fact that he receives anonymous threats they're made against him from people in the united states what do you make of his position i mean can he consider himself safe given all this. well he has any temporary asylum in russia at the moment i would hope that russia will feel moved to grant permanent asylum if he needs it or of course you know be great if germany could provide him with asylum considering the service he's done to the german people in the german government in what he's revealed about the sheer scale of the spying in this country and of course you know there are options in latin america where he could go and where he could be protected but he needs to get there first and the u.s. seems very determined to ensure that he can't reach that in america but i think he's safe in russia for now it would be nice if he had permanent asylum anywhere so
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that he could come more to into the public feel and explain the context around the disclosures he's made because he is the expert in in what he's being revealed the generous can a speculation piece together some of this information and this is why we have the free snowden website to fight for him and we're also developing a new foundation called courage the fund to protect journalistic sources which will aid not not only edward snowden but any future intelligence whistle blows that come out and reveal stuff information which is very much in the public interest understand what sort of crimes are being committed by spies absolutely amazon for am i five officer thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us here on r.t. international. now the brits just can't get themselves fired up about voting out a war with turnout for elections in recent years on a downward side and its young people in particular who are backing away from the ballot box only temper sansui i'll definitely take part in next year's general
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election to startle you reports from london. and heidi did not commit you don't laugh. right. now because you know. you have to get. over. this nobody worth fighting for i would have thought i want you to point i wrote corrected sorry i'm not really sure what state sentiments that don't bode well for democratic legitimacy and british politicians as electoral engagement continues to decline and the public's emotions turn sour anger is the chief reaction to politicians across all sections of the electorate a recent poll found followed by boredom particularly among the youth with one study
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showing that only one in ten are definitely planning to vote in the u. case twenty fifteen the general elections i have voted for i regret doing it i don't want to be involved with it and i don't want to give it legitimacy i think going to the ballot box gives to this particular system no i don't regret having a system in which i don't haven't i don't have a real choice you have how many people who are protesting against was government never even showed an interest in what happens there is that that sort of peaceful protest build into anger because they're not being listened to and people have been go to stop taking direct action many men have turned their backs on the ballot boxes but there are those who continue their moment of society and politics by taking to the streets feeling that this alternative may be more effective than them both. young people are interested in politics and politicians and the responsible political parties for not painting. young people getting involved in a very diverse range of political pots. patiences from the petitions to boycotts
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demonstrations doing stuff online gauging the occupied movement. what we have to accept is that actually traditional politics is no longer the only game in town i think there is a genuinely existential problem for traditional british democracy if turnout termed were to continue politicians are extremely aware of this problem and so they should be. but it seems not enough to us wage the anger that just keeps boiling over onto the streets. thus are still there r t london and the paralympic winter games following on the heels of the sochi olympics will see russia's sled hockey team perform before a global audience the first time or just a bang would say saw them sharpen their skills on the ice.
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behind me is a shy but a rematch this is where the paralympics will hold their eyes a sledge hockey tournament now the women's a little pig hockey teams will also be play. in this arena this is a seven thousand multi-polar poses see to a readout don't be surprised to hear the crowd chanting shy but the name means pop in question the only question left to be on what's teams winning movie see the olympic gold medal now here's some of the sportsmanship to expect that went to the previous intense and fast just the way ice hockey should be. thanks. and for the first time since the introduction of the sports media lympics the russian team moved on from ground something that the russian coach will change
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perceptions because of disability and none of them are sober but often in the second huge one world mortgage these guys manage to prove to themselves their relatives and the entire society that they are not people with disabilities people with limited ability these men and women will be showcasing these skills at the cyber stadium come this february and mock insult. to mom with a. limp dick stadium our team and coming up in our national personal stories of suffering and survival during the siege of leningrad during world war two and if you're watching us. of a. he's had mixed feelings about speed traps it seems like it's a waste of the police officers time but on the other hand they sure do make people
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paranoid and drive more slowly one man from texas is completely sure of his opinion about speed traps and he set out to save his felt texans from being fined for speeding and much more importantly from potential traffic accidents caused by the hidden police and now he is the one who is in deep trouble according to fox news ron martin faces a misdemeanor charge for violating fiscal texas sign ordinance that says that you may only stand around holding a sign on private property martin claims that he was doing the exact same thing as a speed limit sign reminding people to slow down and i think ultimately he is right you should be able to tell other people where the police are setting up speed traps because that will cause them to drive more slowly which is the real goal of speed traps in the first place the only reason local authorities would be against this is because they love the income that comes from a nice big pile of speeding tickets i hope that mr martin finds a way to go right back to holding his sign but this time on private property but my opinion.
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my dear. i am so happy. this is the best summer of my life. i am a student now and i am going to the village where. we will have strawberries and on the terrace. and taking my favorite guitar. for the summer what a wonderful life is waiting for me. to battle. the chinese friends made me a guitar tell them the scene is this so i started playing the seven string guitar played it quite well he played it well too. i started when i was about ten years old today.
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