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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the head of a major trading is arrested in new york. he's been charged with drug profits for. the web site. justice ministry. until. the. traps. and to get humanitarian aid in. the. board for the. young people. for the next election our top stories.
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the c.e.o. of one of the world's leading a bit coin exchanges bit been arrested in new york the prosecution claims charlie shrem was involved in a drug money laundering scheme the silk road website. has been following the story . this indictment these charges have come as quite a shock to anybody in the community anybody that knows charlie sram a huge pioneer of of the big quinn currency now federal prosecutors are alleging that charlie sram has been had been engaging in a scheme to sell over a million dollars in bitcoins to users of the silk road website which then subsequently enabled users to buy and sell illegal drugs and honestly and beyond
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the reach of law enforcement investigators say that twenty four year old from was conspiring with an underground bitcoin exchange or robber. who also was arrested prosecutors also say that personally bought drugs on the silk road website if guilty he faces up to thirty years in prison now i was reading a bit through the indictment it's really hard to separate here what they're alleging that charlie sherm did or what charlie knew about and didn't report it seems as just reading the indictment that charlie shrem was selling big koreans through in states that maybe three steps removed for him those koreans were then possibly used to buy drugs and then there are now those are now being called connected back to charlie lots of questions of course are being raised a lot still isn't known but we will find out of course in the coming hours and days
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new marina have actually mitt. romney i interviewed him we did a story on the culture of the big apple and i went to allow that he owns in manhattan it's the first business that began accepting bitcoins when i spoke to charlie's share and he said he would rather have people pay in bitcoins then use credit cards in his in his lounge bar restaurant he said the big question is the currency of the future it's something that he supports. it's something that he's promoting but he's a very smart guy shocks me to say here that he would be you know indicted on doing something so illegal because he knows the law is he's very clear on the laws let's like let's let our viewers listen to what shrum had to say back in june first came into the space. i was the only person new york city had heard even heard of the coin i was left out of every p.c. firm in the city and now fast forward to two years there are so many start ups or
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start of meet ups just finally you know what is the attraction of the call and why do people use it because it has a monetary system free from government or bank control and credit card processing fees a it essentially allows every user to have control over their own currency and it could be used anonymously a lot of people in the culture a lot of users like the idea of having a currency that's not monopolized by banks or controlled by the federal reserve when i talk to economists jeffrey talk things because it could become a major gain changer for global finance. or government like innovations at all they don't like light bulbs at all like cars at all or there was a terrible but it's coming they're going to yes it does that national monetary systems it's just a better technology that can transfer instantly real property between the three individuals in the world it's weightless it takes up no space there's no chance
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actually if you use it all happens of a matter of seconds instead of days and days and days with very high transaction because i mean you know the becoming is is true to money as a model to be as true like a. car from nine hundred thirteen or something like a ford model a i mean you know a big client has shown us what currency can be it can be a brilliant thing to bring humanity together and instead of just a tool for governments and banking cartels to use and abuse. and clinton thinks that actual legal issues have very little to do with this arrest the u.s. dollar is actually the major facilitator of illegal transactions of drugs and human trafficking all sorts of nasty business is most of the trade is done with the u.s. dollar not bitcoin bitcoin is a small player it is a small percentage of its transactions are illegal that's true but the majority are
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for legal goods whereas the u.s. dollar is the primary player in international trade in illicit items but this was a political event not a legal or judicial event this arrest it was a political event meant to intimidate people in the bitcoin space and it was a perfectly foreseeable event as well. as makeshift barriers and churned up pavements that's how ukraine's capital looks after almost two weeks of relenting mayhem the country's president viktor yanukovych is meeting with opposition leaders who want him to reverse a set of laws restricting public protests that has rotted remain entrenched outside the justice ministry it was still an occupied on sunday night by anti-government activists from the radical movement known as common cause they have nothing to the building but as to all of reports it's far from business as usual for the officials . justice ministry is in a severe state of disarray after it was stormed by rioters on sunday evening all of
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its windows are being put out this now and most of the furniture is piled up against those windows to barricade those when we spoke to those guys who were on the door their huge line of people all in mosques and carrying shields and weapons there they were saying that essentially they were blocking entry to this building in an attempt to stop it from being occupied by what they're calling provocateurs however they are telling us that they will let people from the justice ministry in if they show their passes that they work there however if there are to get into that building as i say they have to go through this line of in mosques carrying weapons with with shields that certainly doesn't seem like it's going to be a way of them being able to get a lot of work done in that building with regards to who's actually in charge when it comes to the opposition here in ukraine we can now hear a report from my colleague alexy out a chef ski. if i have to take a bullet in the head i'll take a bullet in the head of the opposition speeches are as fiery as ever but not all of
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the protesters are buying it. not even the commanding presence will be diluted score is enough to bring them in line. kiev's independence square is still adorned with different color flags of opposition parties but the biggest question right now is whether they're actually controlling anything at all there's a widespread opinion now in ukraine is that their inability to provide crucial decisions let's to the violence uprising by using islam i'm not even listening to them everything is already been done by us over there but we are running the show they are forced to listen to us. and now the movements leaders have passed up the president's invitation to leave the government but many of the only say one revolution now we offered them to control government to fight corruption and change the law but they're refusing it their actions are deprived of
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a new object that. they could not even agree on whether to accept a presidential amnesty for the jailed protesters. or president cory's said he'll release the detained protesters if there is no for the resistance in central kiev and our position is the same you provided prospers that us must we are asked will only agree to jan a call that just terms on the release of the protesters if the interior minister orders police not to arrest our people anymore rob. did you get the shots but i just stood there not politicians they simply wants a result and fast and that is a snap reorganization of the country they're like children you see soldiers marching and trying to jump in front of the formation to feel like generals. a country in revolt is now holding its breath until tuesday when big decisions are expected from parliament you could ing the repeal of an anti protest law but judging by the mood or might down it seems there are no compromises that the crowds
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aren't ready to listen to. ski r.t. reporting from kiev ukraine well the european union's top diplomat catherine ashton will be visiting kiev on tuesday and she's warn the ukrainian government that introducing a state of emergency in response to the violent take over of the justice ministry would only make matters worse the unpopular law that pushed the situation out of control introduced harsher punishments for protests but let's compare it to similar rules in europe and in north america if you're found guilty of stirring a rot in britain you could find yourself in jail for up to ten years or nine years if you hold petrol bombs but tried in kiev you get just two years vandalism in france from defacing statues to damaging streets is punishable by seven years behind bars but in ukraine just three attempting or even encouraging the overthrow of the united states government can see you thrown into a cell for up to twenty years twice as much as in ukraine and finally don't put
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a mask on your face at a rally in canada because that could land you up to ten years' detention that's against just the fifteen days in the former soviet state or u.k. security consultant and former police officer peter cook says the response to such rioting in the u.k. would have been much harsher. within the u.k. the. lawry's very clear on the use of force. officers can use force in the prevention of crime. which would include serious disorder or so sent damage and awesome. and in the arrest of offenders and in self-defense and so any of those situations may well arise during the course of the protest and to sort of policing obviously when we see the levels of force being used against the place then obviously the level of force reasonable necessary. by them in response has been in the u.k. context would be very high as well. the police in the u.k.
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don't tend to have the same sort of a right. of tactics available because fortunately we don't usually see that level of force being used in protests and demonstrations situations outside kiev anti-government protesters are taking matters into their own hands writers have been breaking into government buildings and city halls across the west of the country the violence has been denounced by major opposition leaders but while the opposition tries to squeeze political concessions out of the government the situation on the streets seems to be spiralling out of control when i was the justice ministry remains blockaded the opposition leaders have disowned the common cause movement responsible for the takeover this whole protest began over the ukrainian president's refusal to sign a partnership deal with the e.u. on r.t. dot com we're running a poll to get your opinions on where the current leading the country and here's how the answers are shaping up so far but almost half of you say that the unrest will
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scare any european partners away about a quarter say that the writers will manage to force early elections seventeen percent believe that a peaceful deal could be struck between the opposition and the president and the minority just nine percent think the president you know which will give in and signed that deal with the e.u. so log on to r.t. dot com to have your say. a lot international is keeping up to date for the events in kiev. the website. hundreds of women and children trapped in the middle of syrian war may be able to leave the besieged city of homs and will report a little later this hour here on r.t. international and other stories after the break.
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to china for example there are growing exactly the way the west screwed it creating more credit in the system they're creating more debt in the system and the rich are getting richer and the poor poor eight hundred million people live below less than fifteen dollars a day in china and that doesn't seem to be changing it's the number one problem the chinese government has right now you know it seems to me that with what the rich have done is that you know they made themselves so comfortable but in the process of destroying the entire process of where they got their wealth from in the first place the government stood me to look at people's welfare levels at derby to worry about these sort of into generational dynasties that you created today i mean if you're a billionaire as i say this is a real danger to society that these people were going to be sort of like sitting there at the top of the table telling befalls majority what to do. you know. how do you operate dylan. i'm going to ring was going to sports
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such. as roof i'm not an olympic hockey. league and my fire. this is the. first trip. and i think. hundreds of women and children trapped in the middle of syrian warfare may be able to leave the besieged city of homs it's
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a hope that's arisen at the geneva two peace talks where the government and opposition have agreed to allow those civilians to flee to safety and let humanitarian aid in when else where people are slowly returning to the country's biggest city aleppo to find their homes demolished or pillaged some of the most destructive fighting as are jews large parts of the ancient site to rubble where if a national looks at what is left for citizens to rebuild their lives with. we learned at aleppo international airport on what is believed to be the first civil airplane to touch down here in the last year it's a special government flight but authorities say regular ones are due to start in a month's time but i know this flight means the return of life to this airport and the syrian army this northern syrian region has seen the most violent clashes during the almost three year long conflict leaving death and devastation behind it used to be four billion dollar factory where two thousand people were working now
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you can see there is left person is destroyed but while that is a common picture here it seems attempts for peace is slowly coming back this village outside aleppo has just come back under government control out of fourteen thousand residents who fled it after the rebels a tag one third the government says is now back to discover the houses are the destroyed or looted in the middle of it all depends on how lucky you are our home was almost untag they stole everything they are name and. this pregnant woman says she and her husband have been waiting for this baby for twelve years and they're happy to finally have it now instead of our home was destroyed we now have nothing but god gave us a baby and that's will give us power to build everything from scratch wherever it. is another coffee we need more and more residents here i'm sharing these optimists
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have like some coffee to play out how's life as all of life is good things god. family is returned with their kids mohamad twelve years old couldn't go to school for months but he still thinks of his school days i have three friends and him how much and how many there my cousins while we are talking. humanitarian aid arrived people are in desperate need of simply everything and most importantly security theater is did what we do now is we get locals involved in patrolling and helping the army secure the area and protecting the village and we call on all of us to come back soon if he hasn't already there who leave the village to drive to the c.-t. . what used to take some fifteen minutes by highway takes an hour today roads are not yet safe enough but parts of aleppo look secure at least at first glance we are
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a little bit surprised to see what used to be syria's biggest business center still so vibrant time to actually say we even took off like jackets with us expecting to see clashes in the middle of a completely destroyed city but don't be mistaken this is the western part of the city. more to the east you will see a completely different picture moderate free syrian army factions fighting radical al qaida affiliated groups there for control with the government forces trying to fight them both. but militants still control half of the city and a big part of northern syria remaining the biggest challenge to the cease fire plan pushed forward by syrian and russian foreign ministers we syrians are ready to reconcile with each other and the letter was a good place to start with so we can give an example to other regions but these guys from the newsroom front from al qaeda the don't know what they want but it's
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certainly not peace but while they say force is large enough to threaten a carefully forged peace to this war torn country residents say they're not dreaded to give up their fight for their country to be at peace or if nationality from syria. james corbett editor of the independent news website the colbert report says the fate of the people in syria is still in the hands of extremists who have no interest in peaceful diplomacy in theory this won't be a particularly difficult part of the plan to implement logistically all it would take is this is a shin of active hostilities during the time that these women and children are being transported out of the area but perhaps that's easier said than done as both the syrian foreign deputy foreign minister and. political advisor have both stated recently this is not really a political breakthrough since the syrian government has had in place since two thousand and thirteen a plan to deliver aid to these civilians populations in these terrorist held areas
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of the country since for the past year and all such delivery aid delivery has have failed because they have been fired upon by the terrorists themselves so this is not necessarily a breakthrough to it but it will hinge on the terrorists actually standing down allowing this transferred take place. the n.s.a. isn't content just to spy on huge numbers of people edward snowden says it also keeps a very close eye on business as it was told german t.v. that the u.s. agency tries to siphon off any information you can get his hands on and for as a former british m.e.p.a. has spent years working to raise awareness of such as pure knowledge and he says the e.u. should have seen this coming. i guess you're just being naive or stupid i mean when the americans have been tapping angela merkel's phone of the top of the phones of hundreds of millions of people across the european union why would we expect them to leave business alone is probably closer to your peers if you work tens of
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thousands of children every time america american companies win contracts that european companies were expecting to win we must be suspicious now that's not because they actually had a a better deal on the table they knew what their deal was another copy of the british just can't get themselves fired up about voting anymore the turnout for elections in recent is on a downward slide and it's young people in particular who are backing away from the ballot box and ten percent say they'll definitely take part in next year's general election as the cilia reports now from london. there's nobody worth fighting for i would have voted i wouldn't appoint corrupt sorry i'm not really sure what sentiments that don't bode well for democratic legitimacy and british politicians as electoral engagement continues to decline and the public's emotions turn sour anger is the chief reaction to politicians across all sections of the electorate a recent poll found followed by boredom particularly among the youth with one study
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showing that only one in ten are definitely planning to vote in the u.k.'s twenty fifteen a general elections i have voted before i regret doing it i don't want to be involved with it and i don't want to give it legitimacy i think going to the ballot box gives to this particular system no i don't regret having a system in which i don't have run i don't have a choice you have how many people who are protesting against was government never even showed an interest in what happens to that sort of peaceful protest goes into anger because they're not being listened to and people have been going to stop taking direct action many may have turned their backs on the ballot boxes but there are those who continue their moment of society and politics by taking to the streets feeling that this alternative may be more than they're both. young people are interested in politics politicians and mainly responsible and political parties for not appealing to young people young people getting involved in
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a very diverse range of political participation sides from titian's to boycotts to demonstrations doing stuff online gauging the occupied. what we have to accept is that actually traditional politics is no longer the only game in town i think there is a genuine the existential problem for traditional british democracy if turned were to continue processions are extremely aware of this problem and so they should be. but it seems not enough to us wage the anger that just keeps boiling over onto the streets. tesser so you're r t london. some other news making headlines around the world now the egyptian army chief who led the charge to remove mohammed morsy from power has been endorsed by the country's top generals to run for president in april. is expected to announce his
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candidacy in the next couple of hours and will be the clear front runner with no rivals yet to emerge he's a divisive figure in egypt supported by millions who stood against the muslim brotherhood but also blamed by islamists for the deaths of protesters during last year's unrest. extremists in northeastern nigeria have attacked a village killing at least fifty two civilians and destroyed hundreds of homes police said the attackers detonated explosives in a market before moving in with heavy farms authorities blame the assault on the terrorist network because iran which is trying to create a breakaway islamic state in the region the paralympic winter games follow on the heels of a such olympics will see russia's sledge hockey team perform before a global audience for the very first time to buy what say sold them sharpen their skills on the ice. behind me is a shy but a read out this is where the paralympics will hold their eyes
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a sledge hockey tournament now the women's a little pig hockey teams will also be playing raiatea in this arena this is a seven thousand multi-polar poses see to a readout don't be surprised to hear the crowd chanting side but the name means puck in russian the only question left to be on stood what's teams winning would we see the olympic gold medal now here's some of the schools men ship to expect that went to an. intense and fast just the way ice hockey should be. thankful. and for the first time since the introduction of the sports in the olympics the russian team moved to be on the firm ground something that the russian coach hopes will change perceptions for those with disabilities and of the missouri work what
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effect on the second huge in world war these guys managed to prove to themselves their relatives and the entire society that they're not people with disabilities but people with limited abilities these men and women will be showcasing their skills at the cyber stadium come this february and march instruction. to mom with a limp dick stadium our team. is going on a technical break in about. six am g.m.t. with all the latest news for that. i've always had mixed feelings about speed traps it seems like it's
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a waste of the police officers time but on the other hand they sure do make people paranoid and drive more slowly one man from texas is completely sure of his opinion about speed traps and he set out to save his felt texans from being fined for speeding and much more importantly from potential traffic accidents caused by the hidden police and now he's the one who is in deep trouble according to fox news runner martin faces a misdemeanor charge for violating frisco texas sign ordinance that says that you may only stand around holding a sign on private property martin claims that he was doing the exact same thing as a speed limit sign reminding people to slow down and i think ultimately he is right you should be able to tell other people where the police are setting up speed traps because that will cause them to drive more slowly which is the real goal of speed traps in the first place the only reason local authorities would be against this is because they love the income that comes from a nice big pile of speeding tickets i hope that mr martin finds a way to go right back to holding his sign but this time on private property precious my opinion.
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is. below and welcome to crossfire where all things are considered on peter lavelle according to a new oxfam report the rich are getting richer at an alarming pace middle classes all over the world are under pressure and the poor well are only getting poorer with growing income inequality how can we expect democratic institutions to survive not to speak of maintaining social train quality is it time to start broadly sharing prosperity. crosstalk income disparity i'm joined by my guest cher is our brand in washington she is the steve ross professor oriel fellow of international finance at the george
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washington university in london we have keith pilbeam he is a professor of international economics and finance at city university london and in sofia we cross the maksim he is a global p.r. expert and chairman of the board at the world communications form in davos all right cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i very much encourage shares if i go to you if i can read a short passage from the oxfam report it's quite damning when wealth captures government policy making the rules bend to favor the rich often to the detriment of everyone else the consequences include the erosion of democratic governance the pulling apart of social cohesion and the vanishing of equal opportunities for all unless bold political solutions are instituted to curb the influence of wealth on politics governments will work for the interests of the rich that's a pretty damning paragraph from that report and i'd like to point out to our viewers the whole report sounds that way what's your reaction to that well i don't think anyone who's in this business.


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