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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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the russia e.u. summit in brussels president putin stating none of the existing economic agreements with ukraine will be revised as he urges europe not to put additional. meanwhile ukraine's president accepts the resignation of the prime minister and the cabinet has rolled back most of the new protests but the opposition protesters stay put in their camps. carry on until the president goes. is about to throw open its doors for the games a flurry of allegations from the world's media can. create a debate. in the international media. a senior member of the
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international olympic committee claims the media used his remarks on corruption and out of context to cause a sensation. this is not international live from a studio in moscow which just turned midnight and first to some breaking news from the u.s. we're learning that at least two people reported injured in a school shooting one of them supposedly a seventeen year old student incident took place early in the morning at result high school in the state of hawaii and police said that a suspect has been taken into custody the school is currently on lockdown and roads in the area have been closed we'll bring you more as we get it on this developing story coming from hawaii. differences over the political crisis in
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ukraine have been tearing above the e.u. russia summit in brussels the event was scaled back by the blog from two days to just a few hours over the rail of course politics are silly has been following the meeting . this russia e.u. summit has been consistently billed in the past as a platform for furthering the street strategic cooperation between russia and the e.u. went to great extent it was in terms of the topics that they did touch upon however we know that coming into this summit there was this huge issue out of ukraine that was hanging over the meeting and the relations were strained after the decision of . which not to go ahead to sign that agreement with the e.u. in favor of closer ties with russia so that was one of the sticking points of this is skosh and what came out of it basically all of the representatives. of the european commission the hem of the report of the european council all condemning the violence also also saying that violence is not the answer to this and the e.u.
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urging that those who are guilty of this violence be tried in the country however moving forward together russia and the e.u. says that they will go on with the consultation on the eastern partnership program with ukraine being a part of it now there were a lot of questions as to russia's position politically if in case of the opposition in ukraine does indeed take power and this is what my putin had to say on that matter. when they were boys and he credits agreements with the ukrainian government no matter who's heading it we've never had any problems talking with political powers in ukraine this has never been used to brew what is important for us though is we want kiev's economy to be credit worthy we wanted to be able to successfully restructure and develop to put in want to take a very pragmatic approach of where ukraine is concerned especially in terms of economic policy now there are also concerns about some e.u.
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officials appearing in a protest sites or joining protesters in front of barricades for instance and this is what he had to say on the matter russia is not going to interfere with ukraine's affairs i can imagine how our european partners would have reacted if in the midst of the crisis. it's in greece or cyprus russia's foreign minister turned up at one of the and the e.u. rallies and addressed the people urging them to do something we believe it's not right and considering relations between russia and ukraine it is totally unacceptable now putin also said that creating divisive lies won't be in the interest of both parties and he even suggested creating a zone of free trade zone between the e.u. and eurasia basically just suggesting strategies on how the two really can move forward the next summit between russia and the e.u. will take place in sochi on june the third. as a city there and professor mark almond from oxford university thinks they can be no
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healthy and promising relations between russia and the e.u. if the blog keeps rubbing the kremlin the wrong way basic problem is that there are two issues being discussed here which in some ways are contradictory one is the huge amount of economic contact and cooperation between russia and the countries particularly from certain e.u. countries like germany. and then the political dynamics where the e.u. and the other two states of america the elephant in the room in these discussions. of policy that we're going to probably have russia the worry of so trying to have. more same time playing. over the crane is i think a way in which this makes it very difficult to have a positive outcome. ukraine's president has now accepted the resignation of the country's prime minister and the entire cabinet it will remain in their post until a new government is formed that says the country's lawmakers voted in an emergency session to repeal most of the anti protest laws that triggered two weeks of
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violence in kiev but the discussions are far from over as. reports of the ukrainian president viktor on a covert has accepted the resignation of prime minister mccaul as out of hand his cabinet they will remain in their positions for the time being until replacements are put in place in fact they can stay in those positions for as much as as long as sixty days according to the law here but tuesday also seeing a much anticipated emergency session of parliament there's been plenty to discuss there by lawmakers and they have made some changes to the laws one of the the major changes that's taken place that it was voted for unanimously. by m.p.'s here by the the duma by the rather deputies here and that was to repeal the emergency anti demonstration laws that were put came into force on the fourteenth of this month
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they've now been torn away and repealed now also all the major issues that were up for discussion is going to be a lot more discussion to come was the talks over amnesty for anybody that is being detained by police and the session that was taking place on tuesday ended with them saying that the session tuesday they said that they would continue long and tough negotiations about what form that amnesty would take if there was going to be any kind of amnesty before they could put it to a vote we're expecting to hear a vote on that on wednesday morning know another bit of news coming to us on tuesday is that coming from a guy who's pretty much the mayor of independence square he set him up as the same sort of as the commander of that area depends where being just over there that's where the the. body of this demonstration is being taking place he said that the only way the demonstrators will leave that opposition supporters will leave occupied government buildings is when victory on
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a covert leaves power so despite decisions and concessions partly being tried to make decisions in middle ground be trying to be found by lawmakers there's still numbers here on the streets of kiev saying that they are not willing to budge on their demands that's how it looks right now all eyes now looking towards wednesday to see what comes when lawmakers vote on how what form or whether they will have any kind of in the city for those detained by police people over there in between the splinter radical groups and the momentum the riots have gathered outside kiev it's unlikely the current political agreements will appease the opposition quickly well that's a view of lisa lockwood she's the head of europe and former soviet states analysis at i.h.s. country risk this is not sufficient to appease the entirety of the opposition and this is one of the major challenges that ukraine is facing right now because clearly yes and you are one that continues to call for the resignation of any
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college in itself and turn down the initial offer to take up the prime minister's position also currently the opposition has quite a lot of momentum in the regions we've seen certainly two administrations falling to the opposition and it's likely to want to capitalize on the momentum that it has and the radical wing of the opposition which is been largely involved in some of the violent incidents that we've seen is likely to continue as long as it feels that it has an advantage over coverage. well the streets of kiev have been quiet after tuesday's parliament session which saw more concessions from the government towards the opposition before the protesters were seen throwing molotov cocktails and other objects at police and beating them with blunt weapons steve arms is a former deputy chief of the spring full police in the us and an expert in international police training i spoke to him earlier he's surprised that ukrainian special forces have shown such restraint and thinks it's only emboldening the
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crowds. video that i've seen thus far has been pretty limited so it's impossible to talk about the actual reaction collectively but the videos that i have seen have shown a remarkable level of restraint basically rioters attacking the police and the police not even fighting back just holding the line and receiving the petrol bombs and the strikes from it look like everything from metal pipe to large sticks which is internationally very uncommon mostly say agencies will not stand there and basically become punching bags for rioters it's pretty clear that when the crowd is that confident that they can be on the police and have nothing happen that they don't fear the police intervention pretty clearly and when crowds don't fear the police in my experience that causes the crowd to become much more dangerous much more active in property damage and assaults. but
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international has all the latest from ukraine on and online visit our website updates on this and all our developing stories. the head of the british spy agency g q is to stand down the foreign office says it has nothing to do with new allegations of personal information being hoovered up from popular apps such as angry birds and would snowden's latest leak has got the public in a flap even as the e.u. attempts to educated citizens about the importance of own line security always put a boycott reports happy data protection day you might not know it but january twenty eighth marks the day when governments try to raise awareness about how to protect yourself online the european commission has even made this video warning that what we reveal on the net could strip us of our privacy. and yet over the
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past eight months revelations by edward snowden have exposed must global surveillance conducted by the u.s.a.'s national security agency and often in conjunction with its european partners makes them look a bit stupid if they don't actually tackle the larger problem is that data protection is important by the way i'm not them stop people spying on you i mean it's just absurd according to the snowden leaks the n.s.a. is prism program collects the data directly from the servers of u.s. companies like google microsoft and yahoo and i'm trying to think of an individual household or a business that's not a customer wants more spy agencies in britain germany france and spain and taking all the data that they hoover up domestically and posting it on to the n.s.a. for processing as the story on ravelled it's been revealed that emails text messages phone calls and internet activity of citizens across the globe have been
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hoovered up the year ago most people have agree that the european union's data protection rules are the best in the world the most rigorous the spy agency the n.s.a. and in the u.k. basically just mean ignoring all those rules and just taking everything they want after it was revealed that the n.s.a. had intercepted angela merkel's phone calls it became clear that even the german chancellor is immune obviously our data is not very protected otherwise those scandals would not have occurred whether it was germany whether it was in brussels . in france according to edward snowden's latest leak the national security agency isn't just gathering intelligence for national security purposes but indulging in industrial espionage as well he cited germany's engineering firm siemens as one target and still no admission from the top i can give assurances to the.
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publics in europe and around the world that we're not going around snooping at people's e-mails or listening to their phone calls so on the eve of data protection day we are asked some europeans if they felt like celebrating do you know anyone who is happy about it that his private sphere. controlled by governments or n.s.a. does anyone like that i think it's dangerous and protectors this development goes on and on and on and to stop nobody knows it shouldn't be celebrating one day to which it should be something normal to have our very formation secure. and activists from the crypto party movement you see the fog says that the they do protection day is worthwhile but not as effective as you might like the snowden leaks have done
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a lot more to educate people and the government to action the day of the tough protection is about privacy but it's also the other way to do with you that you give willingly to. two organization company institutions and so on and what are your rights about that we always say that technology low and politics are going all together that we need to acknowledge to make civilians more costly we need political awareness for people to care about it and to use the solutions technology brings a new bill and we're fighting for the free. a gold dog must not be enough for u.k. citizens protecting their homes to the head of the british government is looking to change trespass laws that would that because drill for gas run under people's noses and without their permission. and the american president is set to lay out his vision for the coming year and a key political address and he may just be hoping he'll get a little approval rating pickup in the process.
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should we characterize events playing out in ukraine a legitimate democratic movement or a small number of highly motivated radicals forcing violent regime change is this movement is peaceful as western media claims and is ukraine hopelessly divided west against east. choose your language. week over though if you. choose to use the consensus you can. choose the opinions the. choose the stories that impact your life choose me access to. the media leave us or we leave them to be. part of the scene motion security for
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your party there's a goal. for shoes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from. politics only on our team. breaking news this hour here on r.t. we're learning that a russian diplomat and his wife are in stable condition after being stabbed in the sudanese capital police say that it was a revenge attack by a man from neighboring central african republic who was apparently looking to harm any westerner because his brother was killed by european troops in his home country the central african republic is overrun by muslim rebels and france has troops there trying to contain the violence european union also wants to send reinforcements but russia doesn't have any soldiers there.
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the state of the union address to shortly is a chance for the u.s. president to take stock and set the agenda but it comes at a time when americans are increasingly negative about how they view their own country when asked in one word to describe the u.s. many citizens shows divided or troubled and some think the situation is getting even worse while just a slightly smaller number thing think that things are actually changing for the better was artie's least a couple of reports previous promises made in iraq a bomb as key political address have not always been promises kept. looking to put the toughest year of his presidency behind hamburger rock obama will deliver his sixth state of the union address to congress and the american people here in washington on tuesday yet again joe mystic issues are expected to take center stage as the president tries to pivot away from the controversies that march twenty thirty and now as the past few years have shown promises made are not always
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promises kept nearly every proposal the problem the president made last year from gun control to a minimum wage hike to immigration reform they all fell short warded by an uncooperative congress in last year's speech the president called for legislation to address gun violence a year later those proposals remain firmly stalled this as locked down schools and public violence row ever more familiar another broken promise no climate change bill and his twentieth time address obama called on congress to act on climate change that never happened legislation debated in the senate in the spring faltered after infighting over taxes and that never came up for an actual vote now comprehensive immigration reform well that hasn't happened either despite pushing for an immigration overhaul in two thousand and eleven and again in two thousand and twelve that effort has largely languished in congress up until now a tax overhaul that obama called for in two thousand and eleven and two thousand and twelve also never came to be same goes for infrastructure spending that was
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supposed to help put more americans to work now with the opposition in congress making a major legislation difficult if not impossible obama is expected to outline what he hopes to do using his executive powers his executive power in office expanding economic opportunity for middle class workers is expected to be the centerpiece of tuesday's speech but what obama is unlikely to say that income inequality has increased faster under his watch than it did under any of the three previous presidents on foreign policy the main message that twenty fourteen will mark the end of the war in afghanistan but this pronouncement will come in. better irony for dozen years more than a trillion dollars spent on the loss of thousands of lives the basic danger that had prompted president george bush to invade not only remains but experts say is a more alarming number of president obama's state of the union address quite a story there's obamacare wall street reform gun violence the wars in iraq and afghanistan economic inequality immigration reform the list goes on and it's all
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there and a permanent reminder of where the president secured a victory and where he fell short reporting in washington for our team. and there are more stories for you. deadly statistics alarming research shows that at least one underage american dies every day due to injuries from forums for the full story that. in the middle. of a threat to humans posed to approve for farm animals. the government's looking to change trespass laws to make it easier for fracking companies to look for gas even on the people's houses as it stands they have to get permission from home and that's before they start drilling and to pay compensation . for energy and climate change chris hughton says fracking might work for the u.s. but that doesn't mean it works for britain. now the u.k.
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situation is quite different than till very recently and in t. indeed until two thousand and four we were actually exporting gas and we have substantial pipeline connections with the rest of europe and so even when we were a major producer and exporting gas the gas sold in the united kingdom was not cheaper than the gas which was available in the rest of the european union i don't have any problems about fracking per se what i do have problems about is the hype that surrounds fracking the view that this is going to be a major force any time soon it just isn't it's going to be much slower and it is going to have much less effect on the economy than people think of elites and spectators from around the world a big understanding on the russian city of sochi ahead of the winter olympics what is paul scott spoke to the head of the organizing committee about the final touches
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being applied before the grand opening. well the countdown officially began in two thousand and seven when sochi was first awarded the winter olympics since then a lot of hard work has been completed a lot of roubles have been spent to ensure that this place and the surrounding area is ready to welcome the sporting world come february the seventh and this clock is just a little reminder that what was once a distant prospect is now slowly encroaching upon us and the final mine or ten days or so promised to be extremely busy for the organizers and in particular for the chairman of the organizing committee dimitri china showing you i caught up with. the final stages of preparations the busiest stages yes we learn and learn and then train in training and now it's a final check of everything and i can conclude that everson in the perfect olympic everything is ready. i'm afraid about these these allegations of corruption that
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they won't go away there's some in the russian media an international press as well it's well documented that the budget his ex exceeded initial expectations was the money gone i will repeat this is not correct their parish no budget for the games of which i am personally as a manager in charge of the roughly two billion dollars it's same late for the previous winter games again as there's an investment into the olympic infrastructure like competition non-competition venues and also this around in infrastructure to support this just like power station and some role which is dedicated fall in pick needs is provided by private investor from the private funds construction thank you very much for joining us there you have it it's almost time for the talking to stop and in ten days time it'll be time for the sport to take center stage. they want to mention accusation is corruption have been halt on the
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skis of sochi recently simi i received member john franco kasper made the headlines when he allegedly claimed deferred of the money disappeared into people's pockets he since told us his words which were. well i for sure didn't say that in this way and not at all or say there are rumors or people are saying that i wouldn't pay for any figures anyhow but it will create a debate very far indeed international media for what reason i do not know and don't forget the interview boasting. and. then came from an american journalist so i don't think that he understood the wonder of space to have it never came from my . i was just asked by a journalist there is so deep percent of corruption and said well i have heard rumors to be had no reason whatsoever to bring in you think you'd be able to. read effects we would pay for but if they knew on the sleeve we didn't have any
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effect and this was never an item for discussion but if you get all series of reports from sochi with the bag what's available whenever you want it all to. you. how do you operate. i'm going to risk it with sports such. as i'm not an olympic hockey. league. by fire. more news for you in just over half an hour from now and in the meantime after the break personal stories of suffering and survival join the siege of leningrad in world war two this is the team's initial.
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interview. i feel good. to speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks about six of v.i.p.'s interviews intriguing stories
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for you to. see then try. to find out more visit our big all tito it's called. my dear dear diary i am so happy. this is been the best summer of my life. i am a student now and i'm going to the village where. we will have strawberries and see on the terrace i'm taking my favorite guitar. wouldn't you feel some or what a wonderful life is waiting for me. the chinese friends made me a guitar on the stimulus that is so i started playing the seven string guitar i played quite well he played it well to some level that i started when i was about
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ten years old to. be some in the park it was a sunny day she was too shy to approach me i saw him in the corner of my eye there was some sentimental song playing in my mind i'm trying to remember it now but i can't something sad for some reason maybe it's because i'm leaving the city for the whole summer and won't see him until lot of people was. drawing the picture. nobody expected it to end that way through a good note. raised
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up doesn't using methods and there were no passenger trains so we walked to leningrad. we couldn't recognize it though tape was crisscrossed over all the windows all the shop windows were blocked with sandbags one step down but they left some of the statues.


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