tv [untitled] January 28, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm EST
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extremely problems and some would be described as angry i think i'm a strong. leader single. so. we welcome aaron eight and abby martin to be terrific hosts on the our team at work . it's going to give you a different perspective give me one stock tip i'll never i'll give you the information you make the decision don't worry about i'll break you the said works the revolution of the mind it's a revolution of ideas and consciousness. with the system extremely your problems with would be described as angry i think in a strong. under single. welcome
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to the kaiser report imax kaiser you know dad is finally over but have you paid your bill yet i see you didn't realize you had to pay for the self described great and good ha ha ha ha ha stacey oh max actually while we've been saying this as you see the german fighter naval ship is leaving exiting the city of london i think speaking of bills that have yet to go unpaid they're trying to collect their gold they got thirty tons out of the us lord knows how much they're taking away now now
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all fat chance of getting any of that gold i mean we broke a story here a few years ago that the bonus bank didn't really have the gold and then that started the whole scandal and now looks like they'll never get their gold ha ha germany ha ha regarding being finally over i wanted to point out this most discount and this is from the economist and it's a chart of the underperformers i.e. those companies that send executives to davros and three of the past five years they've underperformed the s. and p. five hundred and c.s.i. world index by up to forty percent since ending their executives up to dabble it's now why could that possibly be but i think it's pretty obvious what out of smith talked about when you put a bunch of businessmen into a room they will collude to fix prices and so when you go to space sickly they stop being competitive they're made to be competitive so the stocks underperform because it no longer being competitive enterprises they do side deals they do balance off
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balance sheet deals they collude they rig markets they paid enormous bonuses so there are stocks start to become less compelling because there's a place or build a burger similar where executives go to collude so they're competitive ability. collapses look at microsoft microsoft you know one of the great underperformers for years and years because it has a twice convicted pro tory monopolist to go to these confound annual basis but they don't compete they just predatory monopoly and that's not the same as capitalism the other thing of course is that they're colluding with known con man and fraud so you're likely to be defrauded if you think you know a lot of people thought they were on the same side of bernie made off they thought they knew he was doing something wrong they knew he was defrauding somebody but they thought they were in on his fraud and a lot of people go up there and think that they're in on the fraud with these fraudsters and that's why they pay a lot of money to go up there and meet these fraudsters oh it's a great place to meet celebrity fraudsters you know we live in an age of celebrity
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fraudsters whether the bankers or c.e.o.'s they become huge personalities in their own right the same way gangsters in the one nine hundred thirty s. like al capone became very famous and we have jamie diamond he's a very famous bank executive for what he is his criminal record is what stands up you paid enormous fines over the past year and they gave a huge raise because he's a celebrity c.e.o. crook and also i would imagine they go up there in the they're surrounded by an echo chamber so it's biased confirmation they go up there are a few dozen a few dozen people go up there there although you know eighty five richest people in the world that own as much as three point five billion at the bottom and they come away with the notion that it's like kristallnacht and those three point five billion people who are up set with them this is the guy from kleiner perkins one of these very wealthy guy who wrote an editorial saying that the bottom ninety nine percent anger with the top one percent is just like crystal not so this is i think
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what they go up there and they come away thinking this sort of stuff oh you mean tom perkins yeah editorial comparing the plight of the top one percent was kristallnacht the king of german warships. yeah i mean that famous day in nazi history where the nazis declared open season on the jews and they were murdered and their shops were closed and tom peters is equating the plight of the one percent which is sad i mean aaron swartz is really his being pursued to death by chris dodd in the m.p.a. that was more of a kristallnacht moment in american history so now let's look at this davus discount and apply it to perhaps you know the governments the politicians the heads of state that also go up to dabis like david cameron was up there this year so let's look at the davros discount which could be applied to the u.k. economy and g.d.p.
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and the wealth of this nation judge the royal mail sale in three months said vince cable time's up today share price confirms the company was grossly under the taxpayer to billions of pounds so remember just after the world was made public and vince cable set the price at two hundred eighty p. and when it popped by like thirty forty percent he said don't count this this is just speculation come back to me in three months and see what the prices then well it's up to six hundred tempi and that means that the british taxpayer has lost two point eight billion pounds in wealth that they could have had for their royal mail which they built up over a generation this is part of britain's program or a program since we're talking crystal not of selling off the jewels of the british economy to private shysters whether it's the royal mail which they mispriced to be
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asked of criminals like j.p. morgan in any ordinary contract or all contacts there would be a claw back provision. that would allow for the mispricing to be overcome by her. having the ability to claw back funds in this case back to the british people who built it over a number of generations but those types of clauses are not available for the average schmuck that lives in britain who's exposed to financial terrorism on a daily basis and just. babies suck it up it's kristallnacht now regarding this sale of course it was goldman sachs and u.b.s. which floated the company that took the company public and goldman sachs and u.b.s. the companies paid a stunning sixteen point nine million pounds by the government for managing the privatization were questioned about the price discrepancy by a parliamentary committee in november they denied any impropriety claimed the three hundred thirty p. price was correct according to their research and described the whole fiasco as
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a well executed transaction less than a week later goldman sachs issued a note to its investors advising them that the price of the shares would settle at about six hundred ten p. which they have now settled that now j.p. morgan at the time told the government when they were in for the running of taking the company public the royal mail they said it would be six hundred to seven hundred pesos they could have gone with that instead they chose for some reason to leave two point eight billion pounds on the table for how did they end up with this losing that money it's the dallas discount it was the kickbacks from some party they were disco dancing on the dance floor with jamie dimon or lloyd blankfein in this case and a deal was struck. right i mean it's incorrect to say there was no impropriety the goldman sachs's in that case lying there was an impropriety as usual and the problem coming out of the two thousand and scandal is that the banks that were
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caught committing fraud during the subprime crisis the c.d.o. crisis the libel rigging the forex trading the gold market rigging the energy market rating those banks never suffer any consequences or regulatory overhaul they've been told in fact that to be a crow is to be rewarded and jamie dimon is the poster child for this wash of goldman sachs a bay the law why should h.s.b.c. obey the law when here's a guy jamie diamond who's broken the law and numerable times and they give a big fat twenty million dollar payday to be a celebrity crook there's no incentive to obey the law if you're below the line if you're living on a council flat and you're starving and you need to steal it don't it to keep another day afloat on this planet then you're going to jail well i like the idea of a celebrity crush and it could be you know celebrity cook t.v. show because people like reality t.v. shows and that's the only way most people ever learn their information or know information about the culture and society around them that celebrity cooks except their celebrity crooks everyone like the celebrity cooking shows this is
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a celebrity cook show so instead of cooking let's say brownies for some celebrities jamie diamond and kate p.m.g. or or delayed and twos or ernst and young or the other one they can cook the books but they're so good at they've been proven to cook the books and there's jamie dimon cooking the books he's a celebrity crook you know a guest on network some cooking show and there is he's a celebrity cook you know and then let's all celebrate the fact that people like the royal mail flow absolutely hammered people with a horrible deal they sold a jewel that that income those shares are now in the pension accounts of germany the german people are getting the income from the royal mail all european states states around the world that have a functioning welfare state like germany and others they want those shares because they want. the income from mr and mrs joe bag a longer here in britain putting the little postage stamps on. packages putting it into the big red box and again in ten ten pm every transaction goes to some you
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know german frau living the good life on your artwork sucker first well let's roll back the tape and look at that german war ship that was covering down here they were probably investigating their little investment in the royal mail now the course the u.k. government left two point eight billion pounds on the table that is six times more than this bedroom tax which is throwing old people out to the street very severely disabled people out into the street people have committed suicide based on this that's kristallnacht right there the government in the bedroom tax let's throw the british people out onto the street and it's open season to commit violence against their own people that's kristallnacht that's always morning cameron's kristallnacht tom perkins so it's not tom perkins the fact that you have to spend thirty thousand on a hooker davos this year is not does not does not mean you're suffering if you're in the bedroom tax you're thrown in the street you're starving to death because you've been scapegoated by you tom perkins you're the perpetrator of the holocaust tom
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perkins wake up to your own reality. it well they call it well executed transactions that's this financial hole across this fight actual wipe out this meltdown of course everything is going wild again of course in the markets but they call it a well executed transaction that's the discount that's why if you go up to dabis and mingle with these people and go disco dancing with them and lord knows what else they do in the middle of the night you're going to end up with a forty percent less than when you went there as the economists chart showed now. regarding all of this what do you do the revolution i want to show a little clip from. the juice route news now to tax and finance skies are all born giving pope a put on the charts in australia i don't think that's a lot like somebody's going to the nation's wealth like robots just by me how can
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we stop it by talking like we could all coming back to the what the so far back track on the ocean revolution what pop culture got to say right now but i'm a celebrity i'm not going synonyms me and him to my god i can't put you put those who agree with you but understand because i like you but you have to let go record . on the side oh russell brand racially call for a revolution and. except russell brand have nothing to back up is is his. call his call for evolution but i do i have the bit coy as well as monopsony you say that now you must have got some very human i can say monopsony like the program to save the n.h.s. those a real hard things one can do russell brand is just you know shaking his locks around he has no plan at all except to say oh i'm worried i'm concerned well and finally
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on this i will say that the block chain would have prevented this well executed transaction by which they u.k. taxpayer lost eighty percent left on the table with the royal mail dale so had this all been on the block chain all of our contracts all of our ownership all of our wealth on a block she and we would know what we really had and who is stripping who is that a well educated transaction or a transaction geared toward execution all right stacy banks we got to go to the states ever the second half all the more. general and i guess you'll only.
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be a few hundred a day coming here. we've got people. criminals we've got people from who knows where in the world this is the united states i'm very touched by the way you know sure i was worried that they may not know. they live on mars you know mars and so we pick up things like. turbans. prayer rugs so now we know that they're coming from the middle east a concentration camp. concentration camp. as if the white house is not even one in school the fact it is a stranger. welcome
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back to the kaiser report by max keiser time now to turn to luke mitchell and jordan fish the developers of match point match point we're going to mine the genesis block right here on this prerecorded live television show luke and jordan welcome to the kaiser report all right so tell us about the max calling what is it to start with. calling another one of them. we've had some special stuff and we have indeed but let me go to my next question when you set out to create a new crypto as you are doing right now this that's going one of the first questions that you need to ask such things as hashing method and rate one of the options why
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do you want to be chosen for max going well at the moment there's a lot of clay and so a lot going and they don't really have any special features per se they just clones where somebody is i would think with the amount of coins and circulation often from items or they have really taken only one anyway so we set out to make one thought was in some respects different ambassadors we have a new one called catch eye which is the shelf rehashing algorithm selected by the n.s.t. so it is a consortium of people that show you so if idea is the most secure. today stop let's roll back for a second ok hashing out where the hashing as the term let's just talk about that a little bit so there was a crypto currency like that going every ten minutes or so are released into the into the unit into the community after the proof of concept has been run for the all the transactions up until that moment and that's the hashing the housing
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function hashing function which is up for a big one is up to like five and a flops or something given the enormous amount of use amount of power going into it and has essentially increasingly trust in the network every single time a. his mind over of them is the mathematics that underlie that pretty confirms all the transaction so you've got to hashing methodology is better in some great people that are different well it's different in the most current up to date one so you show up to five six which is what is the previous generation of hushing function so both is tried and tested. and there are attacks not against so we decided that he's a new one this year which is as that it's been selected after five years of rigorous competition so we decided. and we also fought about trying to launch a cryptic when in a way it's really and the utilizes parameters that isn't. only beneficial to the developers don't you guys are from bristol university there's be
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a hotbed of this type of technology also all the bristol pound and other alternative cars yeah so it to get your point here with this mining that goes on. there's a point now where people are using is very expensive mining breaks yes mine coins which is they actually mining is the word used to solve these mathematical problems at least as the coins into the community so you're suggesting now that this is not expensive mining a sick mining that required both for the moment so if we launch using you there on any all created at the moment in order to solve a crippling current problem. so if you have big point then most people can't afford to buy a sick mind so they don't really have any chance of mourning their includes a bit of barrier to entry exactly it doesn't matter problems get more difficult as the mining progresses demand it limits apply and to create that mining analogy exactly even with script lines now people have g.p.u.
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so every script that comes out they can use the same. sort of you know. to mine it with a new one you can ok let's line. just block right now ok so open up your laptop and this is going to be the launch of a crypt oh yes i actually yeah indeed this exactly happened is not come out in two thousand and nine this is the moment recreating a moment that we are recreating to be radically a set of baseball max coin it's an alternative currency old coin which is going to be trading alongside other points and there are now under one hundred or so old coins but let's go ahead so you're going to mind the genesis block. seed ok i'm doing so it's not really exciting my friend i'm going to warn you basically you're getting a start button yes so what happened just out so just like at the moment when you want to jump this bloke you need a few parameters within the code so we need to give it the time which we're going
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to. particular string something with lines of might cause the launch is there no question. and let the transaction work for a little while then eventually it spits out for the first point in the book which is the public ledger details of the transactions up to date and that's what i want to. bring to that ledger so you're. going to quickly go beyond. i'm going to run and second. it's going to time we generally. i can feel it i just feel my mind feels mining my mind i thought this is the equity conversion i simply thought about currency and now exists in some kind of cyber dimension but let's talk about people's discussion about crypto and it's becoming quite huge of course because bitcoin become a multibillion dollar industry and it's spawning all kinds of startups and venture capital there's a question about all these old callings where do they fit into the universe as
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creating multiple alter coins is dilute the whole bit calling crypto experience what are your thoughts i think. introduce people to their kind i think. people that wouldn't decline in a critical and saying ok what coin joke you know i don't know how to pronounce the venice. i believe her daughter maybe dog but ok so so this is a very it's a sixty million dollar capitalism capitalization of a crypto coin and it's launched really by community using exactly what we just it exactly the psychology right but different parameters yet different mining parameters different. exactly right and so. but it has a very thriving thriving community that people have supported and because more people support it it has a rise in market capitalization and you're saying that you it's important to go because it's drawing people into the crypto space is that right yeah i think the target audience for that coin is very different to the current target audience but it gets people into cryptocurrency and i think they're awesome all kinds of
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detrimental to the con because someone just releases pure scum clans. and so mind all pretty mind plays in fact distributions really important when you do want to climb the all current environment kind of seems like a place where you can test new features so you can try something out like zero point is trying out a shot book chain so you can see who gave my take on the books and you can see every transaction processing on zero kind they don't want to see you know going to script the experience when it lot of people go first because first launch they made the comparison to seti the search for extraterrestrial intelligence which was a program that allowed all laptops c.p. is to join in and solve problems for i guess nasa to sort through radio frequencies and they were using the network to. combine distributed network to do something that no one computer could do if you have a distributed network effect here with
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a cryptocurrency is that having one central bank you have just tributed back of tens of thousands of computers like this one with macs going but others with other crap those are big points that are essentially hashing the hash algorithms in place or solving these problems but the idea is it's all distributed right that's the big difference between a cryptocurrency let's say the dollar or a pound is that they're all centralized with a central bank this is the centralized currency is that an important feature and what is it offering so completely gives power back to the people using some very simply means that you don't have to trust the foot in order to control your money to call for it to maintain the system because every. he has a vested interest and who has the money and. is running with clay and is contributing to the network and i think you see that we have a table to do such as toll which is must be important for encryption things like sexy and voting are distributed as scientific proof i think decentralized networks
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are much the future of the internet because it means you don't have to pay somebody in order to just sit around to mediate something you get to contribute yourself and somebody else to me it was now you're in bristol you know our show kaiser reports and they get to two million dollars here in the twenty million worldwide you guys have seen our show undoubtedly and we're always bashing bankers they say they're all basically scum yes ok now as yet students is that message resonating. and is that part of why are going into a crypto environment in other words. there's a transition going on in finance and around the world you're the kind of next generation to step out on into the world stage is this what you see as the banking is this what you perceive as banking today versus let's say the old school just be barclay's all the scales they're involved with are you willing to just say screw you guys this is this is banking now this is the new twenty first century reality i would like to see that happen. now i've paid for bits and pieces and shops as far
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as i can tell they were mormon websites and vendors just want to accept it and if it gets the point where i can live my life about having to use a bank where i can control it on my phone or from my laptop i see no problem in doing now what's the story with katie calling ok because kids start to talk about it and again i'm not sure i've been out this way but it came out after. so that what's up with katie couric has become a bit of a penny all penny. like like like penny stocks why born to sometimes i think. and then i had like a. about thirty five and you tweet about it and out upon a course it's all about one hundred thirty i don't know what's coming out i think ninety right now so you pay the toshi for now so toshi is a subdivided divisible of a big you know the lowest possible which is what it was a divisible to eight places or a places so that's
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a state toshi and you on the more of these crypto change like crips i've. cleaned up which is a slow sign in the world is the slowest like the world that's not a good thing but can people max coin will be listed where we have coins the so they list it straight away and we have another exchange that we also knows there is an exchange in the works ok which is it in my scans because so people can convert pounds into max going on an exchange and then they can convert it into dos kids or bitcoin or dollars or pounds or yeah right so might you going to get back to this point will have about thirty seconds but any any crypto transactions that are pulling money away from the free out world is capitalizing the fee out world into capitalizing all the fraud of the world would you agree yeah i think the market caps of all kinds are getting kind of silly now as well i think a few of them i don't want to pick on my tops out right now but there are
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a few moths. just enormous then the max going to a gun. it's got a sixty million market cap i mean can we get max going above sixty million a market cap if you must be a does your don't do. forget katie all gone well we're out of time guys thanks for coming thanks for being on the kaiser report i will obviously be tracking this very closely in the kaiser report and anyone who watches the show i was going to get a leg up on minding this going so thanks so much you're welcome. ok that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser stacy herbert i like to thank our guests a look michel and jordan fish creators of max going the most exciting all going in the universe today now ready to be mind. now if you like to get in touch with us tweet us a kaiser report until next time by a. pleasure
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do i'm not a martin this is breaking the set yesterday the world lost a legendary man pete seeger was a folk musician who produced over one hundred records with hit singles such as where of all the flowers gone and guantanamera but seeger was also an extremely influential activist advocated for issues ranging from workers' rights to environmental conservation he was certainly a radical especially for the one nine hundred fifty s. when he openly oppose mccarthy's witch hunt against communism he was even thrown in jail for a year when subpoenaed by the house un-american activities committee in the sixty's continued to advance multiple progressive movements and helped popularize the civil rights and.
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