tv [untitled] January 30, 2014 10:00am-10:31am EST
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thank you. god. as the syrian government and opposition show signs of progress in the u.s. unleashes a new chapter of scaremongering saying damascus is capable of producing biological weapons being in a way to balance against geneva begin to find a way to continue to demonize the assad government because there are alternate goal is to get rid of assad. and our to it is the for us foreign channel to get near the action in the draw where an early morning attack by islamist radicals causes his plays and claims of dozens did. biting the hand that feeds ukraine's opposition writers or refused to vacate seized government buildings a precondition for an amnesty for forward by the government in a bid to alleviate the crisis that's gripping the country.
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he's a homeland see he's a beer lover and he's here to save the day super bowl but sweeping the streets of berlin helping those down in the dumps get back on their feet. it's just gone past seven pm here in of the russian capital you live with us on our team international you're with me. international chemical weapons was stark is meeting to bolster the drive to eliminate syria's toxic arsenal but on the eve of the gathering the us national intelligence chief kick started a new wave of scaremongering saying that the us led government remains capable of
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producing biological arms. or has the details the us director of national intelligence claims that syria has not successfully weaponized biological agents in affective delivery system but he says the government possesses conventional weapon systems that could be used to launch biological weapons now speaking to the senate intelligence committee james clapper said that america's spy agencies believe that some elements of syria's biological warfare program might have advanced beyond the research and development stage and might be capable. production the timing of these comments are quite interesting you have to understand them in context mr clapper is making these allegations as damascus has been successfully complying with the russia u.s. brokered deal to remove and destroy its arsenal of chemical weapons the agreement was brokered as a way to avert u.s. missile strikes that president obama was threatening in september to carry out now
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it looks as though the u.s. administration may have a new reason to revisit their military playbook mr clapper is warning that syrian militant groups tied to al qaeda such as the al nusra front is aspiring to attack the united states he told the senate intelligence committee on wednesday that extremist groups in syria are conducting training camps to train people to go back to their countries and conduct more terrorist acts clapper says that some twenty six thousand rebel fighters battling the government of bashar al assad in syria are extremists and he also estimates that seven thousand of them are from fifty different countries including europe we've been reporting for months about how an influx of extremist groups in syria has turned the war torn country into a terrorist training center now the u.s. is currently feed facing quite a conundrum because members fighting with the rebels may pose a greater threat to american interests than the syrian president washington wants
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removed. and to all activists drawing back and things washington is just a new push to drive a government. it's a clear indication that the obama administration is looking for other rationales other pretext to keep the pressure on the assad government and when i say pressure that's kind of euphemistic what they're really doing of course is creating a great international crime by funneling arms and weapons and money to an arms struggle in other words form and civil war so that they can destroy an independent nationalist government in this region of the world we've gone through this script before we saw it in iraq we saw it in libya we're seeing it in syria the united states government is carrying out an armed struggle policy a civil war policy and they need to keep our public rationales also they need a way to balance against geneva he to find a way to continue to demonize the assad government because their ultimate goal is to get rid of assad not for
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a negotiated settlement syria saw their entire has been in the hands of islamist rebels for more than a month now they snuck into a sewer during a december snowstorm catching the army of god they allegedly massacred both soldiers and civilians but those claims have been impossible to verify the thousands have been displaced as the government continues its siege artie's a t.v. crew was the first foreign team to get to the area where international reports. is just a twenty minute drive from damascus but the highway runs through an area firmly under rebel control so instead we take a newly created pass driving through high mountains of sand and piles of old tires the army uses to shoot its convoys from a tanks it's maybe longer but it's a safer route pocket. where the first foray into vickery to get this close to address after the siege began
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a month ago it's still not clear exactly what happened and they said industrial city last december back then reports emerged of numerous killings and violence after alger was attacked by militants belonging to al-qaeda linked groups and the free syrian army. they stormed into the city and they kept the civilians in their buildings using them as human shields which made our mission very difficult this is why it takes so long we want to avoid civilian losses. to reported allegations the dozens of civilians had been executed that people were be hadad and burned in over ins and one claimed the doctors and patients were killed in a clinic which revelled to address hoping to verify these reports but there is still no way of getting into the besieged areas of the town to confirm if any of that actually happened we got as close as the army can there actually to address the old town admiral blood and the work his house in complex nearby a drum
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a lear both are now besieged. with maybe some blankets here to separate other are below and that room earlier and to prevent the militants uniting these corridors go all around the besieged cities with the army watch in the area day and night. this is one of the checkpoints of the syrian army behind this wall is territory held by militants and the soldiers strategy and mission right now is just to watch this area and to shoot if they see the enemy approaching. and this is actually all they can do and a military operation could threaten the lives of those who remain hostage and was no access inside it's impossible to tell just how many the are but luckily most of the residents managed to escape. we meet some of them two kilometers away they
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sheltered around what used to be a large summons factory in this hotel's me he doesn't go to school anymore but this place because a terrorist attack the seat and we had to skate they occupied and we cannot go there their roots are blocked he says his father is a government employee this is why it is dangerous for his family to stay we are six yard where they live now. the hours mother appear from the darkness of a room barely ten square meters in the silence everything what is happening is wrong there was no need for any of this see where we are now what degree we have reached now it's a question that many here are asking because these children haven't seen their mother for a month already seriously ill she couldn't get her medicine due to the siege with her condition deteriorating she was sent to a hospital far from her family. we were living in peace and now where are we i wish peace would come back to all of syria. a month later it's still not clear
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exactly what happened another drug most of those we talked to here in this camp fled before the militants arrived but occasionally we meet some who didn't escape so quickly and alone and up they were looking for anybody serving in the syrian army and i saw the virus so the syrian soldiers beheaded at the sewage system. we were in a group of about twenty people they were beating us three at a time and killing us i saw with my own eyes people stoned i still see them in my nightmares. that i might be sort of a cut drinking water and they prevented the bakery from working for us and young children are about to die from a lack of water and they threatened us with machine guns. once an important industrial and peaceful city has become yet another syrian battleground for weary forces whose three year long confrontation has left well in excess of one hundred
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thousand dead and millions displaced and yet it's another place where no side looks able to will and it's the ordinary syrian people left to pay the price roof notional tea from our driver in syria head to our web site r.t. dot com to learn more about what's going on in ultra. still to come on the program the solid britain and france get serious about making military drawing together. the european neighbors are calling their resources to produce a deadly pains but questions remain over just how they hope to avoid civilian casualties that's coming up. and to government protesters in the ukraine vowing to stay put and demand the president's resignation refusing to accept the conditions for an amnesty the bill passed by parliament in a late night emergency session says that the protesters won't be prosecuted if they
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leave the two dozen administrative buildings they've seized all over the country. reports from kiev. last night on wednesday the parliament stayed almost until midnight to find a solution they managed to pass and then an animistic law which provided those conditions but the opposition says they are not willing to take these to meet these demands they are not willing to make concessions of their own the opposition wants all those detained in the protests to be released from prison sandy criminalised the government the ruling party says they are ready for it only on one condition that other protesters dio keep by all the administrative buildings they have captured over the past several weeks and dismantle the barricade in the governmental quarter in kiev and this is the sticking point right now here is what leaders of the opposition said regarding the new amnesty law which i'm here unfortunately did dr to bill which you know a view is not the best solution to the crisis on the contrary it's true the deteriorating situation tensions in society because this is. how
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can we discuss negotiations today they're pursuing their own goals they pay no attention to the people they ignore the people's representatives in parliament they decided to go their own way we'll see where it leads. so it seems that the compromised which everyone thought was almost reached between the opposition and the ruling party hasn't been achieved particularly from the side of the opposition which is not willing to make any concessions the president last night warned that if a compromise is not reached between the sides of the parliament then the parliament may be just solved so the tension is now in the political sphere and it's really hard to say where this will all go. ukraine's president has issued a statement while on sick leave or saying he's done all he promised to do to alleviate the crisis published on his website the statement stresses that it's now up to the protesters to take a step forward the president made
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a number of concessions with opposition leaders earlier this week first he lifted the anti rallying laws that enraged protesters shortly after that he accepted the resignation of the country's prime minister and to dismiss the cabinet and now the amnesty bill that the opposition says is not good enough because it requires them to leave central kiev three. foreign affairs editor of the chronicles magazine believes the unilateral concessions only encourage protesters to step up the pressure on the president. you know coverage finds himself in the tricky position because we know from experience that a regime in trouble which starts making unique electoral concessions actually does not strengthen its position but we can see it because it's displays unsureness of touch which the opposition then invariably uses to strengthen its
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intransigence and its maximalist demands a reasonably the next step for you on the call which would have to be to reassert the authority of the state and the rule of law because let's face it the scenes that we've witnessing with bins the in kiev over the past few weeks would never have been allowed in washington d.c. in london or in brussels or in any democratic european union capital. up to date with events in ukraine twenty four seven on our website and on t. dot com where you'll find a timeline with photos from kiev as well as the latest reports from our correspondent. off to the break a streetwise superhero and tear european countries team up on
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in the. face of changing the world right. to picture. from around the globe. thanks for staying with us brits and francois looking to join forces and invest in building military designs together the two governments are expected to sign an agreement that will pave the way for two yes of joint research into building the young men plant now activists and political analysts and chris bambery believes where they you was goes militarily its european allies a shoulder to swell. american school the british and french need to fold because
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the british and french are essentially american attack dogs in europe they're the only two european powers that have the military capability the americans can sometimes use so the americans are investing in drones and evidently britain and france are also going to do the same britain is more open to both france is more about to fight the house to its military alliance with the states but inevitably they're going to go go there and i think it's a warning actually in times terms of europe because drugs are not just simply attack weapons they're also surveillance weapons as we know and i think it also highlights the fact that there is in europe potential instability that those drones could well be used for surveillance in the east while the clock ticks down towards the grand opening we reveal some of the secrets of our sortie olympic park coming up there on the big series is chess on ice a sport that seems to be too complex to many.
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turn into something a little lighter now it's not a bird or a train that no it's simple hobo and he's here to get the lions homeless back on their feet shore with his lust for beer and wreaking bradley's all from politically correct but as i did poorly boyko reports from the german capital his readership is up up and away. his muscles affair but he has no fixed abode it's super hobo the unlikely superhero inherited his super powers accidentally after savoring some discarded beer. normally like bettman or iron man they are very very rich playboys who rescue all the world know it's the guy from the on the ground who rescues them which gets to the city because
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it's very attractive for people all over the world not because it saw koretz or clean city but because of his heavy charm so it's logical that the glorious superhero of pearl and so bomb super hoboes creators says the idea was spawned while watching a homeless man trying and failing to sell a newspaper on a train. so stefan went to the stratton fagen newspaper which is sold by the homeless and unemployed and offer to launch the charity supplement in order to boost its sales for sure it's a little bit political incorrect but this is the only way to get more people into the subject homelessness and so we decided to do it the newspapers distributed through chaos clutches this one said the city's homeless can come here and buy in copies for sixty cents a piece which they then sell on for one year and fifty and they're able to make a profit but certainly in the time that we've been here several people have come up
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trying to buy in more copies of that super hoboes supplement that has been selling so well super hobos breath stinks he dreams of oceans of beer and yet the homeless vendors don't take offense it's a very good idea it should have been thought of earlier the comic supplement makes it heavier and i can't carry as many coffees so it's not too bad you just don't carry on. now the customers are asking for. comic it would be good to have super power to. the document publication aims to brighten the fortunes of its fellows the soup kitchen at zoos station has an increasing number of hungry mouths to feed the crisis is doing and or bringing in bring much more people into difficult situations a lot of foreigners you foreigners are law to come and people are telling them only
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as a rich country and please come and you will have a good life but in fact it's very difficult to get jobs here and it's very difficult to get flats i'm thinking that's the number of people in germany and especially in the believers increasing in the next years enormously but there is trying to shift the papers daily say the comic strip has at the very least added that little bit of comic relief. then the big games may have serious stopping but they're also about making competitors from all over the world time art is a pole scott went to the athletes' village where everything is set to provide a warm welcome to the cold winter gear. well behind me is one of the three athletes villages that between them can house up to seven thousand competitors this is the one in the coastal cluster and for the next few weeks it's
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going to be the higher to three thousand competitors it's where they're going to eat sleep train and of course socialize but the unique thing about this coastal cluster is that the athletes all of them are going to be within walking distance of their venues leading to a real sense of community spirit there are two other olympic village is based a thousand meters above sea level there are in the mountains and it's going to house all the competitors in outdoor events and of course any olympic games it's really just about the sport is just about the athletes and with the first competitors beginning to arrive in sochi excitement is on the increase with the games now just a little over a week away. curling as one of the most curious and eye catching winter sports in the olympic program its rules and strategies have ended at the time of the love tests on eyes and as i found out myself at the sochi winter olympic park it had its own venue.
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it's curling up in sochi for the winter games and at the curling lympics stadium at least will be affecting this sweeping slide and ultimately the quest for gold the ice cube curling center is a three thousand multi-purpose arena it's one of the smaller centers here at the olympic park it will be hosting the wheelchair curling competitions to come the paralympic games now it's quite a spacious small center and those with disabilities will be able to enjoy the center so what it is proving you made one point have seen this all this weekend this to some it looks like a sweeping match but it's more than that physics and strategy play a role. the idea is to push the stone from one end of the ice to the other aiming for the center of the house which looks like
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a bull's eye on the sports part comes when the sweeping begins sweepers with what looks like a mop the head of the stones melting the ice ever so slightly with the friction of the sweeping this is done to make the rock go farther it can straighten out the pot that the rock is travelling on. now the team with the rock closest to the center of the back soon after all these throws wind in the end knocking the opposition's team stories out of the house of blocking it's part of key parts of the game this involves intense strategy sessions and this is where curling really turns into chess on ice. now you know so curl up at the curling stadium this winter olympics would say sochi olympic park our team. and of course will continue to orchestrate the a limping pocket watch a series of. reports on the sochi venues here on r.t.
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international. drive out to other world news in brief for more than a thousand people have filed a class action lawsuit against the companies that manufacture japan's fukushima nuclear plant lately the firms should take financial responsibility for the facilities twenty eleven meltdown caused by a massive ethnic and tsunami the accident is one of the worst muted sources in history according to experts and it may take decades to finish cleaning up operations around the crippled facility which is still spewing radiation. a wave of shootings and bombings have shaken iraq's capital of baghdad claiming at least twenty eight lives no groups have claimed responsibility for the attacks although al qaida linked fighters have mounted a similar assault in the past made all six suicide bombers are stormed and iraqi ministry building killing at least eighteen people before security forces regained
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control. in bangladesh fourteen people including the heads of the country's main islamist opposition party have been sentenced to death they were charged with smuggling weapons and ammunition to a rebel group in neighboring india after their cargo was intercepted by police about three hundred people have fallen victim to the political violence plaguing the country since last year. but so were those for breaking those set coming up after the break i will see you very soon it's goodbye for me. i've got a lot of housing for people but the government not. and in a lot of the shelter today be having people down the street because people begin
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raped in shelters to get involved right now ironically ironically i'm worth more to the city of new york he told. personally. when you paid regular people like someone like a lawyer or doctor or some other madison avenue it's boring and sometimes the homeless people do little to deflect rather that by. saying those countries that runs through the resistance remember because you need to be in this city or region city in the world what people. pay money to do give you. the truth anybody can make you feel good you know get up. early. or london. the whole world is all.
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of the original one a father one found the end of the two hang up the coins out the link at the end of the street another one the more transparent society gets the money or the pot the tears become we see military and state unfairly falsus mobilized against people who blend into the city who inhabit the city the more people trust electronic devices the more defenseless they are the fear that has a thousand on. our archy. martin and this is breaking the set so today the house of representatives passed the farm bill offer two years of negotiating how many billions of dollars would be cut from food stamps. after all is said and done the program will be cut by eight
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billion dollars and about eight hundred fifty thousand households will now lose ninety dollars a month and food assistance here is that right a measly ninety dollars is what all the fuss was about the worry the bill also provides billions of dollars to subsidize major commercial farmers many of which are owned by the very congressional lawmakers who rally all the time against the nanny state i guess government handouts don't apply when you're the one cashing in now let's break the set. the sleep the sleep was a relief very hard to take a little to get along the lines that you ever had sex with that hurt me there are those. that believe. in. the three little the.
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little. the little sleep that. every year approximately twenty two thousand dolphins and porpoises are killed by fishermen in japanese waters and no town exemplifies the slaughter of these marine mammals more than the village of thais she from september to april ties the fishermen engage in a tactic called drive hunting which herds pods and dolphin toward a cove which is then enclosed by nets to prevent escapes many of the dolphins are then killed by inserting a metal pin into their necks severing their brain stems at least forty one bottlenose dolphins have already been killed so far this year according to conservationists group sea shepherd now you may be familiar with steve shepard from the organization's t.v. show why.
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