tv [untitled] January 30, 2014 10:30am-11:00am EST
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every year approximately twenty two thousand dolphins and porpoises are killed by fishermen in japanese waters and no town exemplifies the slaughter of these marine mammals more than the village of thais from september to april thais the fishermen engage in a tactic called drive hunting which herds pods and dolphin toward a cove which is then enclosed by nets to prevent escapes many of the dolphins are then killed by inserting a metal pin into their necks severing their brain stems at least forty one bottlenose dolphins have already been killed so far this year according to conservationists group sea shepherd now you may be familiar with the shepherd from the organizations t.v. show whale wars on animal planet which documents the group's efforts to stop the
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killing of whales and dolphins by commercial fisherman instead of merely protesting this practice to shepherd engages in direct action against these ships by sabotaging their efforts the group's founder captain paul watson has become an international threat and every entity from interpol to the japanese government after him as a result of watson spent fifteen months at sea eluding the capture of authorities or recently returned to the u.s. last october to face an appeals court so here to discuss what's happening and as well as the shepherds other direct action campaigns i'm joined now by captain paul watson himself thank you so much for coming on captain. thank you so you've been called everything from an eco terrorist to a pirate to an extreme conservationist how would you describe yourselves and what you do. who are simply going out and doing what the governments refused to do i mean we have all the rules in the regulations of the laws to protect our oceans but they're not being in the. and we don't protest we go out and intervene against
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illegal activities and what the japanese whaling fleet is doing in the southern ocean is killing whales in violation of an international moratorium on whaling they're taking endangered threatened species in an established and internationally established marine whale sanctuary and you know they shouldn't be doing this but the government there's rules to stop them but nobody wants to apply these rules against a powerful nation like japan and let's talk more specifically about the tactics the organizations employing to stop this slaughter and how successful they have been. our tactics have been very successful in fact the most efficient tactic is simply to block this turn slipway of the factory on this prevents them from loading dead whales that they can't load dead whales they can't kill them and last year they took less than ten percent of their quota i think we're going to do even better this year the year before that seventeen percent we've saved well over six thousand whales in the last few years and we've cost them hundreds of millions of dollars of their legally what they sought to attain through legal means and of course japanese
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prime minister shinzo has defended the practice as part of japan's cultural tradition and says that it supports the livelihood of the fisherman how do you respond. well the japanese. whaling operation southern ocean was never part of japan's culture in fact it was instituted by general douglas macarthur in one thousand nine hundred six and the killing of dolphins has been there for some time but capturing dolphins for sale to marine aquariums that is not something that's traditional that's very very new and that's what the main impetus is is to capture them for marine aquariums you know they get a one hundred fifty to two hundred thousand dollars per dolphin captured only a couple hundred dollars for the ones that they kill for meat so what's driving this is the marine aquarium industry if they weren't buying those dolphins for display they wouldn't be killing them in ties and as i understand sea shepherd is also accuse the world of collaborating with the slaughterhouse. there's this
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popular theme park involved. all the marine aquariums are encouraging the capture and display. of dolphins and this this industry is what is killing the dolphins they're enslavement and the killing. you know when they drive these dolphin pods into tiny g. what they do is they select the prime specimens they're the ones that they take off and in slave to the marine aquarium industry then they kill others than they let them go they completely disrupt all these pods the kill about fifteen hundred in ties you every year and they used to be more but we've managed to cut that figure down by just being there on the ground every single day and being in their face you know that we call it operation infinite patience because they just incredibly stubborn and we've been on the ground there since two thousand and three trying to stop them you know anyone who's seen the cove or knows about your show kept and knows that this is going on in japan is there anywhere else in the world that's encouraging this type of animal slaughter when it comes to marine life. yes we're
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intervening against the pilot will slaughter in the danish sparrow islands just north of scotland where they do the same thing except what they do it there it's for amusement for sport they call it part of their tradition too it's called the green and they drive these animals up on the beach and there it's actually even worse because you have people who are drunk you have children participate in stabbing poking slashing it's an orgy of blood and they consider this part of the tradition firstly i don't feel that traditions should survive in the twenty first century where you know cruelty and killing is are involved you know when people cite for instance a bull fight in spain that's another example catalonia has banned it because it is a brutal sport we have to stop these brutal bloody traditions all right i mean there's only so much you can go out using tradition as a justification for mass slaughter looks like they're all just having a grand old time i saw those photos they're pretty horrendous of the danish slaughter that you just mentioned you're known for your endorsement of something called a monkey wrench what is that. and why do you believe that this is the best way to
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fight for endangered species. so i don't think it's a best way i think that you know what we have to do is go in there and intervene against illegal activities i have to point out the sea shepherd does not protest we're simply going in there and doing enforcement work and in many cases we're working in partnership right now we're in partnership with the government of ecuador to protect the galapagos marine reserve from partnership to senegal to stop poaching off their coasts so you know we were working for affected means but the one thing that sea shepherd has done since one thousand nine hundred seventy seven is to ensure that everything that we do that we don't injure anybody we've never caused a single injury and we operate within the law and we've been very responsible in that but we do get. you know results and those results are we saved the lives of sharks and whales and dolphins and seals by getting in the way of the people who are killing them and unfortunately governments don't like that too much kept out of japan issued an arrest warrant for you as i mentioned interaction as a result you were at sea for fifteen months why did you decide to come back to the
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u.s. and what's the current legal status of your case. when we're fighting this but you know you arrest warrant and they won't be extradited for the charge of trespassing you know nobody got hurt and i didn't even do that trespassing in fact the man who did trespass i advised him not to do it but they made a plea bargain with him and in exchange for releasing him for trespassing on board a japanese whaling vessel he accused me of ordering him which in fact i'm on camera on whale wars actually doing just the office but so you know this is they want me in japan or they get me in japan i'm not going to be released because it's certainly more charges would cost them hundreds of millions of dollars so you know they're certainly driven they have a reason to do that but legally i don't think you know we've been very careful to work within the law and we intend to always do that what is sea shepherd employs so much effort to specifically target whale and dolphin killing operations and why not focus your activism against industrial farms in the mass that mr. of livestock and
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the world's addiction and me for example. well because it's called the sea shepherd conservation society and our focus is on the ocean and we are involved with everything from protecting plankton to the great whales sea cucumber is our muscles are oysters we have all these things that we're involved in but you know you don't hear about that a lot we've had campaigns to try and stop the overfishing of bluefin tuna in the mediterranean. you know people from sea cucumbers and sharks in the galapagos i mean the whales of the dolphins get a lot of the attention that sea shepherd focuses on everything in the ocean and our focus is conservation and our specific focus is illegal exploitation of marine wildlife and you talk specifically about the economics of extinction when it comes to the ocean explain how a drought how many marine animals is being driven to her and it's into extinction excuse me is profitable for commercial fishing. as a species numbers go down and there diminish the value of them go up for instance
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on bluefin tuna the more the less bluefin tuna there are in the ocean the more the value of that is in the market and what mr boucher and other companies are doing is are stockpiling bluefin tuna in japan they want to five ten fifteen years supply the more tuna they have in the deep frozen in the warehouse is the more valuable that becomes as the numbers in the oceans are diminished already bluefin tuna an average fish is seventy five thousand dollars and some was sold for well over a million dollars so you know scarcity translates into profit and billions of dollars of profit to be made from driving the bluefin tuna into extinction that's horrifying and i think a lot of people don't understand how counterintuitive that really is i can't let you go without asking about this you describe the current state of humanity as a virus and it called for the global population to be reduced to below one billion and where communities have now more than twenty thousand people exist count and how do you realistically propose this to happen without a mass genocide of innocent people. i don't actually realistic proposal you know
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propose it at all i'm just saying that was what would be ideal would be under ecological circumstances viruses diminish the human immune system of the body human society is now diminishing the immune system of planet earth the strength of the ecosystem lies in diversity and interdependence of species within that diversity by diminishing that diversity and diminishing interdependence we're making the life support system of this planet weaker and that will have serious consequences for humanity so i'm not proposing that we reduce the populations like that i'm just saying that that would be the ideal in an ecological utopia however you know we do have to be very considerate of the fact that human populations as they go up still carrying capacity from other species causing them to go extinction to extinction and because there is a relationship between us and our survival and them the more we diminish the less certain is our future and captain we have about
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a minute left but how can people help the fight against the slaughter of dolphins and whales. we need to put pressure on the japanese government i thankful for and bastard to japan caroline kennedy for her statement she finally turned the tide now the u.k. and germany and italy and other countries are now coming out in this is what we need this kind of official diplomatic pressure against japan to stop this horrible massacre in ties you in the slaughter of dolphins these are highly intelligent socially complex creatures and you know we have no business destroying them in the way we're doing and in fact the way they're being killed this would never even be tolerated in any slaughterhouse in the world and it's extremely cruel and you know it seems to me that we get away with killing animals at sea in a way that would never be tolerated on land very very true very horrifying things going on thank you for keeping up the pressure on captain paul watson founder sea shepherd conservation society really. coming on. thank you. coming up you
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guys will hear why bay area residents want internet giant google out of their city . why do you seem to search for a live for all the other planets why the truth is with such disregard on this one one of the things i think that's a human mission to mars will accomplish is to make humans here on earth more sensible about life about life on this planet about the planet itself about the environment so while us to want to keep benefits for you mr marsh will be
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a better earth. how do you operate dylan i'm going to win was good to sports such experts. use it as proof i'm not an olympic hockey player bomb which is on the big. league. by fire. well guys last night was obama's state of the union address so i forced myself to watch as generic platitudes and the promises so i could break through the rhetoric for you it began impressively with obama declaring let me be clear we do not
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drone american weddings but all jokes aside first the good obama's passing an executive order to mandate ten dollars and ten cents minimum wage for all federal employees awesome now one of the bad read out of the gate obama talk jobs and elaborated on an impressive achievement. over the past five years my administration has made more loans to small business owners than any other and when ninety eight percent of our exports are small businesses new trade partnerships with europe and asia to be asia pacific will help them create even more jobs. we need to work together on tools like bipartisan trade promotion authority to protect our workers protect our environment and open new markets to new goods stamped made in the usa. ok about that small business thing lloyd chapman the founder of the small business league trillions of dollars according to him in federal contracts have gone to fortune five hundred corporations instead of the small businesses they were
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mandated for moving on to the clever diatribe about trade this is probably the most overwhelming and part of the speech considering what's at stake here he's referring to the trans-pacific partnership or the t p p trade agreement that would give an international tribunal of corporate final say on u.s. laws member nafta yeah that free trade disaster actually cost america seven hundred thousand jobs and economic policy institute and much like nafta the t.p. would only exacerbate the race at the bottom does any of this sound like the t.p. will actually bring jobs back to the us and the comment you might have missed about working together on bipartisan trade promotion is actually talking about fast tracking the t.p. through congress which is probably the most undemocratic thing a president can do moving from jobs obama jump to right and the showing for the fracking industry. today america is closer to energy independence then we have been in decades one of the reasons why is natural gas. if extracted safely it's the
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bridge fuel that can power our economy with less of the corruption that causes climate change sounds great to bad fracking for natural gas can't really be done safely considering how studies show that it causes artificial earthquakes birth defects and cancer so after selling fracking the t.p. corporate coup and making a bunch of pandering appeals to make it seem like the president has his pulse on the struggles of average americans he leaps right into what america does best war i see obama boasts about how he's responsible for ending the war in iraq even though it wasn't actually his decision is actually a bush agreement with the iraqi government if it were up to obama we would still be there today then he moves on to afghanistan the longest and most pointless war of all unless of course you're the one profiting off the world's opium he briefly mentions the strategic pact which could keep troops there and top twenty twenty four but don't you see it's all because of the one thing that trumps everything
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terrorism. we kind of score leadership on a path to defeat the threat as evolved as all kind of affiliates and other extremist take root in different parts of the world in yemen somalia iraq mali we have to keep working with partners to disrupt and disable those networks and forgot to mention that al-qaeda was never in iraq until the us all deliberate in the country but i'm sure dropping drones everywhere else has nothing to do with the cranston creation of new terrorists wanted to enact revenge on america however the speech wouldn't be complete without a vague reference to the n.s.a. . reform our surveillance programs because the vital work of our intelligence community depends on public confidence here and abroad the privacy of ordinary people is not being violated. wait wait what you're overseeing
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a completely unconstitutional dragnet spying operation on the citizens of the world and you can't even own up to it the best you can do is cite that the lack of public confidence is the real problem to sum it all up though obama pulls a card right out a playbook highlighting a disabled veteran in the audience as a political prop or reminding americans about the need for indefinite warfare not to mention that obama was proud to announce that this soldier had been on ten ten deployments before he spent months in a coma with shrapnel in his brain. it was all worth it so obama had the audacity to say that the poor man sacrifice was necessary to pull preserve freedom and democracy unfortunately for the soldier his injuries and suffering have been in vain and obama and the speech by just assuring all of us to have and believe it before of course reminding us that god blesses this country specifically
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and slowly. so a common values home to some of the largest tech companies in the world none more so than google which brought an influx of thousands of employees into the bay area but the google buses that transport employees to and from san francisco have become the target of a growing campaign growing activist movement called counter forces singling out the vehicles claiming that they make it easier for wealthy google workers to live in san francisco which is destroying the city's culture at a recent protest one of the group's fliers read all of google's employees should be prevented from getting to work all surveillance infrastructure should be destroyed no luxury condos should be built no one should be displaced the grievance is shared by many san francisco residents who say the tech sector has skyrocketed housing
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prices making it practically impossible to make a living with anything under six figure salary so joining me now to break down the root cause of this frustration i'm joined by journalist and writer for salon dot com natasha lennard thank you so much for coming on and. so what set off these demonstrations initially. well i mean it's been a growing anger and. sense of need for action in the entire bay area in response to the google is as almost representative of the gentrifying force of silicon valley in a lot of bay area. residential space is. not just changing the culture but the very cost of living i think it's a relevant time that people are targeting google in the wake of and i say revelations i don't think that's an accident but i think it's specifically kind of
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opting of tactics and a slightly more militant approach to. silicon valley gentrifying that we're seeing in the past couple of weeks and it's been going on for a couple of months that people have been trying to gain an activist movement against the way these google buses are separating the bay area and to essentially a tale of two cities but it's only in the past couple of weeks that this is become what some people are calling like militant radical action and you said that you support counterforce because google should no longer get away with playing the good guy what do you mean by that. well i feel especially in the past few months google has been on a quite explicit p.r. campaign to almost exempt itself from the role it's played in up holding and maintaining a surveillance state that you know a lot of this is come out through n.s.a. surveillance and you know there are other parts like parts of google culture such
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as that terrible certainly intend ship that came out last year that suggests it's just this kind of totally loving good meaning don't do evil you know it was their original corporate unofficial slogan. and you know what's actually happening on the ground in silicon valley and in the bay area is that people who used to be able to afford to live around there can't be pulling displaced rental prices along the google bus route city plan has recently found twenty percent higher than in the rest of the surrounding areas and that's not an accident so it's about living costs and it's also about breaking the shiny parties. that google is trying to put forward yeah it's interesting that people just kind of goes inherent trust and gould's this corporation they trust everyone views that it's a household name don't be evil like they're trying to you know get their transparency out there they're not part of the system the you were called by some
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journalists for your support of who said you're actually advocating violence what's your response. well i think violence is one of those. this is a very age old debate around activist tactics and i think the very concept of violence needs to be better thought and destabilized essentially this isn't a new argument this happened during occupy it happened in the ninety's i think it's an interesting time we live in when militant radical violence is the same as handing out flyers and maybe breaking a window and i feel like that's a worrying state of affairs when this is not particularly stream. and you know i personally believe in a diversity of tactics when it comes to activism against these kind of huge corporate government nexuses so i have taken some flak from liberal handwringing is and certainly conservatives who don't believe in radical responses but i'm
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certainly not going to tell countable what they're doing might not be an interesting escalation in tactics venture capital as tom perkins like in the protest against google in its employ some nazi germany and its crystal night program says it's a rising tide of hatred against a successful one percent he seems to believe that the next step is sending google employees to death camps what's your response to that. i mean that i mean it was particularly ridiculous what it said but actually my colleague alex pareene wrote a piece today that highlights how comment on to actually that unique kind of paranoid one percent the police the police your crops you genuinely think that any popular ism that maybe has some sort of symbolic or active display of resentment for gross inequality is in fact persecuting them it's a paranoia it's a lunacy and it's terribly worrying that these people all of the people that you
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know have the ear of capitol hill and policymakers not america's general population so i think perkins's view is taking the insane but reflective of a one percent paranoia that is also not new and we have about a minute left but google doesn't seem to be going anywhere it has its roots in the barrier for those involved in the protests what do you think would be a realistic goal. i don't often realistic goals but i think what's actually important is just growing growing a kind of sense of. you know being a force a threat making people's presence known making that and then we'll see what happens next you know we can't see the future but certainly not backing down and a diversity of tactics you know how has had a history of success in activists past in recent decades but certainly can expect some pretty hard pushback from silicon valley and in fact law enforcement it's
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a very interesting situation i'm curious to see how it's going to fold thank you so much for covering it for your insight natasha lerner journalist writer for salon dot com or should it. thanks for watching everyone join me again tomorrow when i bring it all over again. they got a lot of housing for only people but the government is not funding it and then a lot of the shelter today be having people down the street because people begin raped and sheltered to get involved right now ironically ironically i'm worth more
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to the city of new york he told. personally. momentum. when you paid regular people like someone like a lawyer or doctor or some other madison avenue it's boring and sometimes the homeless people do little to deflect the bite. is the same country that runs things the response remember has never been in this city or region city in the world what people. pay money to do is give you. the truth anybody can make you feel good you know get up. early new york london. the whole world is. a father one on the end of their funny to hang up the coins out the link at the end
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of the street another one the more transparent society gets the money in the pot the tears become we see military and state and police forces mobilized against people who blend into the city in hobbit the city the more people trust electronic devices the more defenseless they are the fear that has a thousand. hierarchy. is obviously more for the ladies because it's pink. women wanted to avoid rape they really needed to buy guns environ how to use them i'm. sure this is the one that i want to go with them once again it's the fear factor for women definitely the target of the gun lobby the one you don't want to kill but not one that killing many would have so many would you would just prefer. i know to say more and more is this really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to
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own guns to protect their family and young girls shoot out here too so we do have a pink or. more kids young kids choke on food than are killed by firearms if being armed made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on earth were clearly not the safest. right the sea. first trip. and i think. for one. instrument.
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as the syrian government and opposition shows signs of progress in talks the u.s. unleashes a new chapter of scaremongering saying damascus is capable of producing biological weapons. way to balance against geneva need to find a way to continue to demonize the assad government because their ultimate goal is to get rid of assad. and r.t. is the first foreign channel to reach early morning attacked by islamist radicals left thousands displaced and claims of. the hand that feeds ukraine's opposition rights has refused to vacate seized government buildings precondition for an amnesty put forward by the government in a bid to alleviate the crisis that's gripping the country. he's homeless he's a beloved and he's here to save the day super.
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