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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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think plastic. everybody told you if you did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct albus. never go on i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america ready to join the movement then welcome the big. bill i'm tom hartman at washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight the big picture. a shortage of lethal injection
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drugs has many lawmakers thinking about bringing back one ruble forms of execution like gas chambers and firing squads could this be the moment that americans finally wake up and realize that the death penalty needs to be banned for good or in that just a moment and america president obama has been trying for months to push the transpacific partnership through congress and now he may have run into his toughest obstacle yet senate majority leader harry reid who says he opposes giving the president new trast fast track hours so does this mean that the t.p. is as good as dead and there's only one industry in the world that doesn't have to pay to take out its own trash i'll tell you what that industry is and what we should do about it in tonight's do. you need to know this had ten twenty pm last night the state of missouri executed
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fifty six year old herbert smalls a convicted murderer until yesterday afternoon. there was a good chance the smalls would live to see a few more days that's because on tuesday the supreme court granted him a stay of execution smalls and his legal team argued that the drug cocktail missouri planned to use to kill him would cause unnecessary suffering the supreme court agreed at first but then rescinded state yesterday afternoon small's this case highlights a growing problem in the american justice system many of the companies that make the drugs used in lethal injection executions have stopped selling those drugs to prisons because they don't want them used to kill people this is created a shortage of lethal injection drugs as a result death penalty states like missouri have started experimenting with new lethal drug cocktails cocktails that many civil rights activists say caused more aid holdouts and the normal lethal injection drugs are pretty crummy to begin a shortage also has state lawmakers across the country talking about abandoning
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lethal injection altogether and bringing back more brutal forms of punishment like firing squads and gas chambers for more on this i'm joined by david benno its partner price benefits i'll be david walker thank you. is there actually a chance that we're going to go back to the firing squad in the gas chamber and then in the old sparky i think there's certainly a possibility in their states that have these big law and order agendas they have to keep the death penalty going and if it means going back to old fashioned ways of execution i think they're going to try and do it why do they have to keep the death penalty oh well i think it's political in nature i mean the people of the politicians who are pro death penalty ran on a lawn for law and order platform so if they if they lose the ability to promote that platform they're in trouble but it's a plan i mean it's a that's a platform that's based on a lie there's no there's no evidence that the death penalty causes people not to commit murder you know murders are typically crimes of impuls not you know an
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absolute. ok well into the to the drugs then we put down dogs and cats and we use typically overdoses of barbiturates and in washington state i think oregon also now you have these death with dignity is where if you can get two doctors to sign something saying that you are within six months of dying in that you are in pain you could be prescribed an overdose of barbiturates right and you get this whole six ounce bottle of orange flavored i think it's been a barber to all of you to barbara todd's one of the barbiturates and you just drink it down actually i used to do a radio show in oregon and we had somebody on whose whose parent had died this way and had been there with them you drank it over a course of maybe an hour the person falls asleep in over the course of maybe the next hour they just slowly stop breathing and with dogs and cats they do it by a v. but they put it in slow enough that there's no convulsions and knocks them up why
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don't we why don't we do that i think partly it's the the structure that's been in place for so long and i think it's what's inherent at least throughout history is the brutality and what. penalty advocates want is they want that vengeance they want they want the ability for people to see they were getting back at this point i mean let's just clarify the the lethal injections what they do is they first give a drug that theoretically reduces pain or anxiety but keeps the person fully conscious right then then they give you a drug that paralyzes you so you can't scream you can't you can't move and then they give a drug that stops your heart which induces a heart attack and anybody who's ever had a heart attack says that's really painful and then the person dies of a heart attack and i mean that's a pretty brutal way to that that was my point about the barbiturates why not let just people fall asleep well that would be a painless way to die and it would also take an hour or two and people are going to sit around the death chamber twiddling their thumbs i guess they don't like that it
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is them and i start to make sense or i think so i think so i think that also i think common sense is anathema to probe death penalty advocate ok so putting putting people down the way we put dogs down because it's the least painful way to do it that doesn't that doesn't make sense to them because they're just living you know a universe that doesn't make i think that's right. if it when we when we look at the united states versus the rest of the world and it's like basically it's us and i think iran and saudi arabia or something i mean this is china and china i mean you know this is basically a hand well actually we've got a map here. the bright red of the countries that still have the death penalty it's orange or where it's been abolished in practice the green and blues where it's just been abolished for all purposes green is you know there's a few very exceptions but so basically we're the outliers now i mean it's what does this say about america oh i think it sends a terrible message to the rest of the world that we are clinging to this to this
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theory that somehow the death penalty makes things right and or it provides deterrence it's just none of that none of the old rationales hold any water the only the only. you know that some pro death penalty advocates hold on to his vengeance which to me makes no sense real quickly pre seventy three the right to life movement was the death penalty. rebranded it's the anti-abortion movement but there was a fairly strong movement for a while there is it coming back. hopefully no i mean the movement to stop the death oh the move to stop about to hopefully hopefully i mean at this point there's such desperation on the pro death penalty side you know looking to go back to firing squad and why don't we just use a guilty i mean if you really you know i mean at that point to flog the writer at the stake i mean you know if you're going to do it it's. ok david thanks so much
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for being thank you appreciate it great to meet you are writing it. in scrooge news billionaires are being bullied at least that's what tom perkins thinks perkins a billionaire venture capitalist an op ed in the wall street journal as weak where he compared to a pro serve or a member one preserves and demonization of the rich to the policies not seen germany seriously not surprisingly perkins received widespread criticism for his comments but not from conservative columnist virus so-called news talking head michelle malkin and her syndicated columnist a malkan wrote that perkins pearlie scratched the surface of the war on wealth that has spread into the obama regime she added that the deadliest threats come from the men in power in washington who stoked bottles millionaires and billionaires in your
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class bashing rhetoric and entrepreneur crushing these pocket the hard earned money of the achievers trying to buy immunity inside time to shame the wealth shamers and their cowed enablers she wrote. silence is complicity. or balkan perkins right are billionaires really being bullied by evil progressives in america let's ask me i'm a kid conservative commentator and editor of the guns and patriots there's water in the wall there in europe the poor and humble flock of wall street while they are are you of all people you know not yet but i have aspirations like millions of other americans so you you merely shill for them is that what we call it is that is that was i mean why why if you're not a multimillionaire i could understand if you were a multimillionaire or a billionaire or say don't take my money but if you're not a bit of a millionaire or a billionaire why aren't you saying hey wait a minute let's have a quote i think there's a body there's many sort of pieces to this puzzle and i do want to say that i have
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never seen you as intervening is and animated as when you're reading balkans column it was really you know you really got into that with the i've been working there is some sense of progressive age really there's been this sort of battle between old money new money since the progress of humans like since ninety one and basically get with the progressive era you know you had what you had is the old money revolting against the new money and so what you have is the so a lot of times the there's old money that's fine and cool like kennedy money rockefeller money this. friday that kind of money is fine but it's the new money and sort of that aggressive what you would might call hot money that people are really going after and the millionaires and billionaires that obama goes after are a lot of them are the new money because the old money is all they're all liberals i mean well i mean and growing up you know the old money is not all liberals you know growing up richard mellon scaife the koch brothers i mean you know growing up in where i grew up you had to be pretty wealthy to actually be
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a liberal i mean and it's like it's like you know the kids of college right the richest kids in college are all the liberals if they're really you know it's like if there was a marxist you knew his father had to have oil or something. i think we went to very difficult as a very different place the world what but you know here we've got eighty five people in the world who have more wealth than three and a half billion people there's a new book out in france right now it's coming out in english in march suggesting that this is the natural state of capitalism and you know like somebody just rediscovered this i mean this is what karl marx said back at you know it's an actual i mean i'm going to you to listen there was a better system under communism i mean well you know feudalism is capitalism writ large it's you know it is the true and state of free market capitalism is feudalism i will tell you that thirty of my college credits are in middle history and feudalism is not capitalism why not because what you have is you have covenants and
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you have ten year you have if you have an straddle small group of people who have people locked in the capital you have people locked in and people trade opportunity for security which is kind of where that when america you know that's my point where we're coming in america is people are trading security for opportunity so in capitalism there's more opportunity but you but there's more things at risk no no actually over time in capitalism opportunity diminishes because more and more of the wealth more and more of the capital people gather gets in the heat of the unions get locked in the bureaucrats get locked in how they don't they're being decimated bureaucrats are being decimated they're going to seven hundred thousand government workers been laid off since obama took office in particular in the red states and you've got the unions being wiped out but we're out of time it was a good try except that in the billionaire's furiously around always good to see it thank you for coming up two decades of so-called free trade deals have decimated the middle class but harry reid may have just saved working americans for free trade deal some people are calling after the steroids the reason why right after
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the break. i got a quote for your. it's pretty tough to. say wait substory. but if this guy like it would smear that guy stead of working for the people most issues the mainstream media were pretty much on the bridegroom's vision. of the good rather. it was a. very hard to take. once again to come on here. live happy ever had sex with that her thick hair cut.
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if. what if. if if if . the.
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in the best of the rest of the news the middle class is toast unless we radically rethink our country's trade policies and the best way to start rethinking our trade policies is to ditch the trans-pacific partnership t p p for over two hundred years after the founding of our republic our economy was built on a system of tariffs small taxes on imported goods these tariffs made foreign goods more expensive in the united states as protecting american manufacturing and helped make our country a global superpower american businesses and american workers didn't have to compete with cheap products or cheap labor from abroad and so in part our economy flourished everything worked fine until the one nine hundred eighty s.
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when probably president ronald reagan began to bad in the system actually some ways nixon even began abandoning a system of tariffs that would work so well for centuries and ushered in the golden era of so-called free trade nixon had already put the united states on the free trade path in the seventy's things really took off in the reagan years every president since including democrats like bill clinton has followed reagan's and nixon's lead by slashing tariffs and signing assad to free trade deals like nafta and after this has been a disaster for the american people that is impoverished our nation because as adam smith pointed out the wealth of nations is in large part what they manufacture public citizens global trade watch us. mates that nafta alone as lead to a net loss of around one million jobs here in the u.s. many of them the kind of good manufacturing jobs that helped americans rise into the middle class throughout the twentieth century the trans-pacific partnership would be even worse a treaty has been negotiated entirely in secret with the help of about six hundred
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so-called corporate advisors we do know little about it thanks to organizations like wiki leaks wiki leaks has been releasing a steady stream of p.p. documents over the past few months and those documents paint a pretty scary picture of the tepee would be a big pharmaceutical companies virtual monopoly patent lawyers like corporations sue countries in international courts or regulations that those corporations don't like and got environmental and financial these leaks prove that many way prove what many critics of been saying for some time that the treaty is less about actual trade and more about empowering massive transnational corporations of the expense of we the people and the government that represents us in other words game over for the middle class all is not lost yet however turns out there's a very good chance the united states will never sign on to the t.p. on wednesday senate majority leader harry reid told reporters in washington that he is against giving president obama new fast track authority on trade deals like the
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t.v. pete if given fast track authority the president could push the t.p. through congress with only a simple up or down vote no amendments no dobe very very little debate reid's comments came just a day after president obama urged congress to give him trade promotion authority during the state of the union address the new trade partnerships with europe and asia to be asia pacific will help them create even more jobs. we need to work together on tools like bipartisan trade promotion authority to protect our workers protect our environment and open new markets to new goods stamped made in the u.s. a trade promotion authority of course is just a code phrase for faster if president obama doesn't get fast track powers it's going to be very hard maybe even impossible for him to get congress to pass the t p p republicans and democrats alike oppose the deal and with out party leadership on board getting the cheapie through congress will cost a lot of the remaining what were the political capital that the president has left
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harry reid a former boxer may have just given the knockout punch for more on this i'm joined now by lori wallach executive director of public citizens global trade watch laurie welcome back it's great to have you so read is against fast track this is worthy of a celebration as well happily harry reid's hours but he gets fast track the outstanding question is he has voted against it the question is in his capacity as the senate majority leader is he willing to not bring it up for a vote he controls what's on the floor for votes so the question is will he not bring it up and what he basically said that was new was kind of reiterating what he's been hinting which is he is in no rush to bring that thing up he doesn't see that that's a good idea to do that this year the good news that signals is good news for those of us who worry about c.p.p. is it tells all the other countries that despite all the huffing and puffing actually the u.s. is not at the negotiating table at t.p.
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where they tried to bully the other countries actually doesn't have authority from congress to do what it is that they're trying to get these countries to do so it's likely to put a real chill on those negotiations now could that have something to do with one hundred plus democratic members of the house of representatives and whole bunch of tea party republican members of the house representative is sending a nasty gram basically a letter to signing a letter to the president saying. we don't like those things i think the thing that's been really motivating is the polling numbers the american public hates fastrack and t.p. pay and so senator reid has a lot of democrats who are vulnerable who are op who are all seeing the numbers are hearing the phones are starting to really ring off the what you have to keep it up and fast track in c.p.p. and so reid's thinking i'm like this myself this is not good for the democrats actually coming back to be a majority there's no urgency for this because the house of representatives sure are doing at him before indicated he wasn't and take it to the senate and to the
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house of act and now we go back to the house though it is the case that the president will not have fast track legislation to sign there will be no fast track luser run to push the tepee through congress this year it still is the case that there's still going to be a big fight in the house so we should say a quick who but we should not have a victory dance because the fight over fastrack is in the house today even speaker boehner said things about pushing it soon the president's going on a trip to asia to sign t.p.d. things in april that is the timeline for the house to have passed p.p.p. so all of us who care about it we need to make sure they can never count half of the votes in the house and that's still some work to do because then we have to worry if it gets to the hose do they have in the lame duck session some way to sort of twist arms get the thing on the floor of the senate and boom it's rubberstamp it's done in the lame duck so our fights the house and it's now between now and
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april it should be like def con four at all times or so ok that's that's really important stuff you know. it's interesting because i got to get an e-mail yesterday from. the nation judson phillips group. calling it obama trade you know it's like you know the few tea party groups that are funded by the billionaires that. i have maintained some some mojo but i have also gone independent gone rogue i guess from from them but from the astroturf they're really upset about this too so there's a republican constituency out there to reach there was a fascinating news conference on capitol hill on tuesday rep for the state of the union that had tea party nation judson phillips phyllis schlafly eagle forum the conservative small business group u.s. business and industry council. very famous lawyer bruce fein who was in the reagan
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justice department who is one of rand paul's advisor as and these guys were all on the warpath against fast track is unconstitutional as a threat to u.s. sovereignty and they are unfurled this new web site in campaign which is this obama trade and you know their slogan is you know wickedly funny they basically said well it's obama trade them just like before this case the president says if you like your job you can keep it right and it's meaning by those hello larry yes i that's going to catch on i know i'm going to i'm going to show i'm telling people about it and you just did so and so so i mean michele bachmann's against this thing it's like wait a minute if if michele bachmann's against and i'm against it or you know alan grayson was on my show today on my radio show he's against bernie sanders last week he was you know i mean it's here's here's a question if fast track fails. t.p. is still going to be dropped to the level congress. but then it can be amended and
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it can be debated is it possible. this is this is my hopeful that i'm the eternal optimist maybe but tell me please don't tell me i'm one of those that are probably . if they don't get fast tracked that means that there will be a debate and there could be a memo as to p.p. which means that the american people will get to actually learn what these six hundred corporations have tried to shove down our throats you know what they've tried to do to america. couldn't that be like turning point we're where we just like to really start moving in the other direction and maybe even. just. really you know the pinnacle of it was going to notice it so my gut instinct is actually we won't get assigned to p.p. without fast track because here is the deal the other countries are saying at the negotiating table the u.s. is bullying them telling them to make these ridiculous concessions jack up prices
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on the consumers undermine their local development undermine internet freedom do regulate financial services and cause economy to crash back up and so whatever and so those are things that are very politically dangerous at home in different countries rollback national health care systems so these are things where if you make that concession you could be in serious political trouble at home so as bad as that may be the one thing that's worse is if you do that and you do not get to a pieces of silver i even think the u.s. agreed in reverse so a lot of countries are really nervous about making any final deals unless congress is in handcuffs and the t.p. is on some kind of lunatic legislative loser on that they guaranteed can get rid of the congress so the sense i'm getting talking to some of the negotiators is they've been wondering if like the emperor has no clothes u.s. negotiators saying they're pounding the table but like what's behind them the constitution gives the authority to congress it's not a parliamentary system like in most of the other countries but what the trade
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minister says is actually what they would majority in parliament does so everyone sort of looking at the u.s. i wonder if they're actually making their signing checks are going to bounce and then you have the president makes such a low reference to fast track the state of union then you have the majority leader in the senate say i don't think so all of a sudden all of these negotiators are saying. now does the president know does the emperor have no clothes he can't even go shopping for any clothes until at like december so why am i going to give everything up yeah which is good for the world actually is good for a little longer than what you said is true the longer the t.p. sets out there and gets looked at the last life it's like a dead fish longer in the sunshine is that i haven't seen a list of countries but if singapore and hong kong are part of this which is singapore is we could start calling chaffed the nafta calf to show. it's actually stole that from it's. the the phrase but do what. so you so this is this is you know we're like def-con four here. in the in the
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happening or so we have left what can and should people be doing to really big things one we need to spread the word so go to basically your friends your coworkers your colleagues and make sure they know about c.p.p. and fast track and a really good sort of one stop shop is. expose that c.p.p. door that's. supposed to work that leads you to actions that are fast tracked that tells you about the t.p. really good stuff second thing get with your members of the house of representatives democrat republican alike from the house we're going to vote no or lori wallach thank you so much by the way there will be more than thirty four planned demonstrations against the t.p. across the country this weekend major events will be held in chicago san francisco dallas oregon for more information you can also go to trade justice dot ca. jan thirty one coming up our phone lines are now open for your take my take
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a lot of segments so if you want to chance to ask me a question live in the big picture give us a call at two zero two nine zero four twenty one thirty four everybody i'll be talking with you after the break. from their innate in abby martin to a precocious t.v. network. it's going to give you a different perspective give you one star never on. give you the information you make the decision don't worry about how breaking the said works on the mind it's rubbish ideas and consciousness and frustrated with the system extremely probably since would be described as angry i think i'm a strong enough or single. dramas that truth be ignored. to the. stories others through a few posts and noticing. the faces changing the world lights next.
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to picture of six days. on to and from around the globe. look to. me. and. i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question. welcome
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to your. take my take on why phone lines are now open so if you want to share an opinion make a comment ask a question live on the air give us a call or two zero zero two nine zero four twenty one thirty four if you're outside the united states one is the country code for the united states to start out with some of our rat line calls here's fred from southern california who met left a message on our ram line. then on the carbon i've. made him from a building magazine the trade magazine talks about how hedge funds are buying up single family homes and the filling them office securities securitizing single.


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