tv [untitled] January 31, 2014 4:00am-4:31am EST
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reaching out to protest and figure our secretary of state will meet ukraine's opposition leaders for the first time in unix this is washington because it is sanctions against the government. a crisis of capital punishment a shortage of lethal drugs forces america's death penalty states to look at alternative often a more painful method of execution. which will too i suppose to find out it was condemned prisoners face and there's no drugs to kill them. and he slips into the olympics lining center to find out waterways the slaves and skeletons competing for medals in the winter games.
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hello and welcome to our team to national twenty four hour news live from moscow. thanks for joining. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry will meet here grains opposition leaders for the first time on the sidelines of a security conference in munich on saturday and washington's also keeping up the pressure on president called edge who is now on sick leave calling on him to resolve the crisis while threatening restrictions if he doesn't. we're willing to consider sanctions no decision has been made and while the divide in ukraine appears to be widening as she's an exchange in a shop scare reports from kiev. ukraine is now in an absolutely unique situation i don't think there's ever been anything compared to what is happening in the country right now half of it is now paralyzed with the regional administrations taken over by the protesters make it completely impossible for this part of the country to be
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properly governed by the authorities there already been cases we've heard reports that some of the some some of the regions authorities are actually running their regions online exchanging correspondence through different messaging services was there and nabl to go to their work their regional ministrations have been blocked and there's no chance of a compromise as of now and to give you a proper feeling of what it's like in the heart of the protest in the west of ukraine my colleague paulus near did this report. this is the regional administration building event sun card skin western ukraine where at the till a week ago the regional governor had his office but as you can see just like in kiev's there is now a giant barricade surrounding the building with snow tires and planks of wood radical and and he russian this is the heartland of nationalism where anti on a common sentiment runs deep and that's the way an italian and her comrades want to
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keep it the twenty nine year old entrepreneur has been here since the building was overthrown she says work can wait this is more important it is supposed to have no president than to have you know called which but with the opposition as fragmented as it is that tully is the first to admit no yanna coverage could well mean an alkie whitley bishop along with the problem is that we don't have any person to replace him and we will need to take someone from their position which won't be easy the sentiments blown across central and western ukraine where regional offices are being picketed and seized by protesters i believe a group of right wing radicals some wearing masks stormed the municipal building chanting we have the power they used fire extinguishers and wooden sticks against police. in china gov demonstrators set up barricades made a vehicle parts and sacks of snow they demanded police leave the building.
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similar scenes played out in chick assy where protesters tried to signify to furniture they smashed windows and threw stones at security forces. the anger has moved even further westwards. and ski protests descend ukrainian hymns while ignoring the governor's attempts to disperse them. in nevada from coffs those now laying siege to the municipality building a forbidden any symbols or sentiments of the ruling party. they claim it goes against the will of the ukrainian people no one knows where the head of the administration is there are parts of this building that are still functioning for example the day to day running of the city but on a political level everything is come to a standstill all this process might. lead to door division of the country of course as a result in some years or in a longer term perspective. despite their criticism of the army coverage
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these protestors have nothing better to offer policia r.t. even a front costs western ukraine assistant secretary of state victoria nuland has plans to visit ukraine again so had to answer of course and more details on that and to follow minute by minute updates on the turbulence situation. us who will make a ton of tips to help them kill the lethal injection drugs used to execute prisoners on death row are in short supply and there is concern over how effective they are anyway but some of the other methods being considered are neither new or compared to say humane. work nine hour report. in just the first month of twenty fourteen six executions have already been carried out on u.s.
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death row inmates however the shortage of drugs coupled with an increasing concern surrounding the efficiency of lethal in jackson has prompted lawmakers in some states to push for the reintroduction of long abandoned torturous methods in missouri some officials have raised the notion of rebuilding the state's gas chamber and also proposed making firing squads an option for executions death by gun has also been proposed as an option in wyoming meanwhile in virginia there's been a push to make electrocution an option so why are u.s. states now advocating to bring back these relics of the past in recent years european drug makers have stopped selling their drugs to prisons because they say they don't want their products to be used to kill prisoners as a result many u.s. executions have been delayed in other cases the use of new drugs for lethal injection caused slow painful deaths lasting over twenty minutes richard dieter of the death penalty information center says old execution methods being advocated are
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prone to even more mistakes you can imagine with a firing squad you know someone stumbling in only partly. bleeding. you know these are things that are also prone to error to pain to to you know revulsion from the public and so states cheney. to protect. to lethal injection so to go back would certainly jeopardize their whole purpose. to carry out some us states already provide alternatives to lethal injection alabama arkansas florida kentucky oklahoma south carolina tennessee and virginia it minister the electric chair if requested by the defendant delaware new hampshire and washington state allow inmates to choose hanging while arizona and wyoming legally allow gas chamber executions as an alternative currently lethal injection
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remains the only enforceable method of execution in the us but if states get their way somewhere down the line death by firing squad or electric chair may become the new norm in america reporting from new york. r.t. . this is ahead for you and i seem to not sure i've got a stone face is the looming threat of taliban resurgence with the militant group gaining strength. over. security deal. with frances up to the couch to come up with some deadly dramas despite the growing evidence and criticism about the number of civilians falling victim to unmanned aircraft. just ahead. community board alone more than somewhere around two hundred children all four of them they also found the child abusers convicted child abusers got access to those
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you're watching on c.n.n. international having to lie for most welcome. time is ticking away before american troops pull out of afghanistan and the security pact which will stay supportive role they will play on that combat mission as. relations between washington and kabul are heading for the deep freeze and as a. reporter that can be the ones to benefit that after thirteen years in of ghana stan washington is counting down together with our allies we will complete our mission bear by the end of this year and america's longest war will finally be over . but ending a war isn't the same as winning one and when it comes to afghanistan peace is far from certain security situation is worsening in the country and. that americans.
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will be able to stop the war in afghanistan and decrees that the activities of taliban and the taliban have been active in the past two weeks alone the group has staged numerous attacks in kabul kandahar nimrods helmont and nangarhar are in fact ministry of interior incident reports reveal clashes with the taliban in a most of the eleven provinces bordering pakistan the group also controls several districts in parwan just a short drive from the country's capital some provinces are believed to be controlled by shadow governments that answer directly to the taliban. the taliban run their rooms in the district government is just there but there is no real security either and it could get worse a classified american intelligence assessment warns that the initial objective in afghanistan removing the taliban and disabling al qaeda operations in the country could fail and that the taliban could return in full swing by twenty seventeen the
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u.s. wants some troops to remain in the country by the pentagon's logic the pursuit of terrorists is best based in the region same goes for u.s. drones and without american help the afghan army could collapse but the u.s. first needs the afghan president to sign off on a key security pact something he has been refusing to do so far. now our position continues to be that if we cannot conclude a bilateral security agreement promptly then we will be forced to initiate planning for a post twenty fourteen future in which there would be no u.s. or nato troop presence in afghanistan there's also the issue of talking with the enemy the consensus seems to be that the afghan war could only end in a negotiated settlement with the taliban not a military victory but that's proven elusive the taliban are internally divided and the rift between kabul and washington has reportedly empowered hardline commanders
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who want to keep on fighting at the expense of those who support peace talks the u.s. war has succeeded in toppling the taliban regime and many afghans have seen their lives improve but those gains could easily be lost depending on who wins control over afghanistan a country that's once again could be up for grabs reporting in washington for our team i'm lucy catherine. president karzai is demanding washington and his peace talks with a ton of ban as a condition for signing the security deal we spoke to terrorism consultant siobhan dyke who was a president in the town of on his says the u.s. is not able to tail the group which is on the right is a continuous war for over twenty years they have continued to fight some of them and since the american invasion in. two thousand and one they have if anything increased their their ability to attack their holding forth the united states even with its search. obama has not been able
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to really curtail the taliban they are as strong as ever as committed as ever and i think this is one reason why there is such difficulty throughout nato throughout the west figure out how to leave afghanistan what to do with the taliban. so washington has spent billions waging the war and is still spending despite its mission winding down since two thousand and one it has cost the u.s. taxpayer just under eight hundred billion dollars and here is still to come in twenty four seen every american soldier serving in afghanistan will cost an average two point one million dollars was drawing isn't cheap either the u.s. has decided not to ship more than seven billion dollars worth of equipment so it will be all destroyed and a brand new military headquarters built in twenty thirteen at a course of thirty three thirty four actually million will probably never be used with the u.s. troops pulling out the are going government will now have to reach
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a deal with the taliban according to richard williams a former british s.s. officer. president karzai. those who have seen with him as they approach these next elections. and his supporters and those who he is supporting in the elections need to do a deal with the taliban going forward in twenty fifteen the taliban in certain provinces the conflict provinces in the south certainly will be the dominant political element and as the president goes forward there's going to need to be an accommodation with them so this is a political gesture and so yes he is taking risks with the lives of his own soldiers the afghan army and afghan police are all fighting hard at the moment in these conflict provinces yes he's taking risks but it's for a higher purpose and the higher purpose is clearly some form of political solution with the taliban. right now calling on china claims victory in court and
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stops an american woman from being able to move around almost all of the state all because she criticized the front page for stories online. and also that her you cut and paste isn't just for your keyboard anymore chinese research is how to create a genetically modified monkeys by copying down a into living beings have to come to see how this could help you. write the scene. and i think. for. the.
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recently francis had to call technological and financial efforts to build the latest line in the little cutting edge to the production of the new prototype drones will not begin for at least three years the country is on to produce an alternative to u.s. manufactured unmanned aerial vehicles despite the controversy surrounding the technology but size in system trials are essential for their militaries however one antiwar activist told r.t. the u.k. and france are just following america's policies and devaluing the lives of civilian people. it becomes very easy to sell a war based on drones to the domestic audience because there's no soldiers there's no airmen there's no pilots put in their lives at risk. this makes drone warfare fairly acceptable to most countries in terms of the collateral damage yes we have we have missiles there do kill those in the surrounding area and i don't think that even the british military take much care if they need to take out what they
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consider an insurgent if there is in a crowd of people i think they carry on any weight certainly the cia drone attacks of been known to do that but even when there's only one person in the vicinity we've done it we've managed to kill one person and it's turned right or that they've been civilians this case is going on in the u.k. at the moment blow by afghan civilians because their family members were killed. and now to some other news making headlines around the world elevated levels of radiation have been detected at a nuclear processing plant in the u.k. not a sound will stop at the sellafield side we're told to stay home while all other employees are working as normal the levels of radiation are not thought to be high enough to demand any action and there is no risk to the public. the who as has its president content overseer is first to destroy its chemical weapons calling on the country to comply with the un resolution just four percent of the declared toxic stock has been eliminated so far the first deadline has been missed on the
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postponed date of february the pharaoh say is also unlikely to be in that it's just a day since america's chief of intelligence claimed syria's government laboratories all still capable of developing biological weapons. and involved in the last fourteen people including the head of the country's main islamist opposition party have been sentenced to death they were charged with smuggling weapons and ammunition after police intercepted congo being shipped to a rebel group in neighboring india about three hundred people have been killed during political violence and bangladesh over the last year. james clapper the director of u.s. national intelligence has issued a blistering condemnation of edward snowden calling his leaks to the press a perfect storm that would in danger american lives later today abby martin on breaking the said polls that a show of pot. shortly after perjuring himself about how the u.s. government is not spying on every american citizen national intelligence director
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james clapper appeared before a senate judiciary hearing to blow some more hot air according to transcript clapper called on snowden in his quote accomplices to return the remaining stolen documents pertaining to the n.s.a.'s global spying apparatus yes aside from painting snowden as a criminal clapper also seems to believe that the dozens of journalists who have simply reported on the league documents as his criminal accomplices copper stands on journalist simply doing their jobs sends a chilling message one echoed by the british parliament recently when it accused guardian journalists of aiding terrorists but equating journalism with terrorism seems like a trend that's becoming more commonplace among government officials on the plus side it seems like a desperate attempt by the intelligence community to stay ahead of mounting an uproar against the ever more invasive and pervasive surveillance state which means us troublemaking journalists must be doing something right.
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since the winter olympics is sliding in all its many forms then so chase some carry now will be essential to that coming games to balance a continuous have paid through the captains of the venue by heading to the sliding center and meeting sums kind of june. the olympic hopefuls and bumps ladies lucia and skeleton will be chasing the dream here at the sunday sliding center. the movie cool runnings say lose retelling of the true story of jamaica's bobsled team could perhaps resonate here in sunny salt cheap but i've always wondered how do they get the shape of the track to be able way it is i also how did they get it
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so smooth while i found the answer today and it takes manpower to actually solve all of the shape of the track and want that dad this big baby here comes into action what it does is it works sort of like a vacuum machine so it sucks up all the off the off of the track and then smooth that over the causes of for us in russia to have three up and slopes which help to slow speed and keep athletes safe but competitors can still pluck up to one hundred and thirty five kilometers an hour here and getting the drive level takes a few carving tools and educated converse i wasn't making my way all the way to an olympic track without testing my carving skills say i dig in. and this is how we get the tracks to move ok. well.
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it really isn't as easy as it looks so you really need men like being a hero who know what they're doing have been trained to do what they're doing right now to actually carve out the ice now twenty seven of them including jamia how will we add during the olympics basically taking care of this entire tribe making sure that the bobsled and the sledge and competitions go exactly the way it is because a truck is too big to get through the narrow lanes it's done the old fashioned way with this new shovel and a broom for russians speeding down snow we use is a form part of growing up and that's why this venue has been called funky the russian word will sledge bomb would say at the sign peace sliding center for art. and to bang would say is keeping you up to date with everything that's happening in sochi follow our coverage on our air and online at iraq all over the coming days.
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ok. how do you operate dylan but i'm going to was going to sports such. as ruth. and i live in the poppy. is on this. week. my fire. and only stand straight forward talk with selfish i'm not saying safe and cool right after the show breaks to. take me out to the ballgame and take me through the metal detectors so wait that's not how the song goes well as the country changes sadly so must the national
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pastime the civil mariners released a statement that they like all of the teams for twenty fifteen are setting up metal detectors to screen all fans entering their stadium for get visions of hot dogs and home runs now everyone will be able to tell their grandkids about how their bags got searched because they had metal buttons at company name stadium ah baseball memories the team's management is also continuing their ban on bags larger than forty by forty by twenty centimeters because if you're going to stick an explosive device it had better be compact their body maybe i'm jumping the gun metal detectors can't touch your genitals or do a naked body scan they are probably the least intrusive coming form of security scan then again think about it they want to prevent some terrorist from blowing up a densely packed crowd of people in the stadium so the m l b wants teams to create densely packed lines of people outside the stadium before the game starts well these security measures really stop a psychotic terrorist murder nope but that's just my opinion.
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community board alone more than somewhere around two hundred children all for them they also found that child abusers convicted child abusers got access to those kids who are these whole recalling phenomena and what i'm saying is overall it's an amazingly rosy picture in that adopted kids international as well as domestic are treated better than regular kids growing up in untroubled biological families in the united states.
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and kill on sophie shevardnadze the european union prizes itself and being a bastion of free speech however some of those who speak out in dissent find that view of intolerance has strict limits and one of those a is maverick belgian m.p. . a sharp critic of his government now stripped of parliamentary immunity and on trial for slander of his learning there is a price to pay for his views and he's our guest today. the european union is barely cooling out of crisis strict will sterrett see is the new religion a struggling governments yet millions are still spent propping up militants abroad and some leaders want even more costly interventions to speak up say they're being punished so which side is right who benefits from fighting foreign wars and the troubles on the home front being. well i knew
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a member of the baird belgian parliament it's really great to have you on our show today at all of was it thanks a little you are known as a fieri outspoken critic of the political establishment now the parliament has stripped deputy renew and you are being sued why are you under fire exactly because it will qualify it. to elise and i mostly on trial for political reasons it should be noted that the complaints have been implemented at the request of the minister of the interior and minister of justice. so we're obviously in a political trial because what i say greatly disturbs the belgian political class it must do everything possible to reduce me to silence and therefore there is nothing like launching bizarre proceedings against a deputy who interferes and so that is what i want to go into day because it's hard to say what the charges are against me. and i myself i'm not really informed woman
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is not here let us say that i'm accused of insulting the prime minister of having insulted a journalist who himself insulted me all the time in his articles and otherwise it is mostly based on my fight against that ophelia where i am being sued even for revealing the identity of victims of mark. these are victims of whom everybody in belgium already knows so you can see how these prosecutions are totally ridiculous . just the was what exactly he irritated a lot of powerful people with your uncompromising stance has anyone ever try to shut you up were you threatened even. offered to actually the pressure. is subtle i believe that in any event someone who wants to eliminate you does not warn you in advance so what i experienced today are not physical threats but simply attempts to destroy me socially by running
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a lot of rumors about me in the press the articles that speak about me are always incriminating or very negative articles where many things are invented and so they want to destroy me at the media level so belgians will finally have a very bad image of me and say well the wrong louise a villain or is the really the run louise only someone who fights against the system in place to try and reveal the truth. this so physical threats do not yet exist for the moment in the coming months one a stone will say right now you have no political party yourselves who are your support terrorists your allies one of people you appeal to. i have served there in parliament as an independent m.p. but two months ago i found it a political grassroots movement called rise up belgians and this movement is aimed at all citizens it is true that.
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