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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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quote scarlett johannson has abandoned her reputation as a progressive celebrity in exchange for the money that accompanies becoming the new face of israeli apartheid johanson will be remembered for having stood on the wrong side of history cutting truths but this goes far beyond just soda stream the corporation is joined by the likes of starbucks mcdonald's motorola victoria's secret among several others in fact according to human rights group global exchange companies that produce in the settlements enjoys several advantages such as tax incentives the lax regulations and additional government support however there is a growing support for the b.d.s. movement which includes backing from high profile individuals and celebrities such as stephen hawking roger waters stevie wonder and the red hot chili peppers clearly these are the people who won't sacrifice what's right for a lucrative endorsement deal so while the corporate media treats the backlash
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against israeli companies like soda stream as a mere p.r. problem what they should be doing is calling it what it is a human rights nightmare. september eleventh two thousand and one shook america to the core however immediately following this horrific tragedy a second wave of terrorism occurred when weaponized anthrax was sent to multiple congressman and journalists through the u.s. postal service unlike the nine eleven the anthrax attacks localized terrorism and spread fear to the corner of every american's lives over a decade later the main suspect is dead and the case has been closed but with no evidence ever presented to the american people do we really know the full story many of its journalists and my brother robin martin has tried to piece the scattered parts of the story together in a new documentary. on american anthrax he joined me earlier and i first asked him
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why he made a movie about the attacks more than ten years after them. it's facing over a decade since the anthrax attacks happened and it's kind of us a part of american history that very few people even remember it at all because nine eleven was such a big event that it overshadowed this other. you know quote unquote second wave of terror that happened and i just felt like it had so many important threads in it you know the things that linked it to you know how we were able to pivot from afghanistan to iraq so quickly. you know even illuminates some of the n.s.a. spying apparatus there are so many aspects of the anthrax attacks that connect to other important things that are going on right now and that have already happened in the anthrax itself was sent to multiple members of the press and government did the victims that received anthrax spores had a common thread that you think that they were targeted for. side from tom brokaw in
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the new york post which were were two of the letters went the other two letters went to you know tom daschle will and attic lady and if you go back in time to around the time when the anthrax letters were received which was sort of in mid october. that was basically the around the time when the when they were trying to push through the patriot act they were trying to fast track it through congress and patrick leahy and tom daschle were two of the most vocal opponents of the patriot act so it's kind of fascinating that you know that the government is trying to pin it on the anthrax attacks on this lone nut who decided to use for some reason send it to the two most vocal opponents of the patriot act it's very strange. to her. as her mentioning before the timeline the way that you lay it out it really does show. these media people and government people just contradicting themselves
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over and over again it shows how full they complicit the media was in selling the narrative talk about how much disinformation was purposely in place to link iraq to anthrax. oh my god i mean i mean well first they tried to link it to al qaeda they tried to allude to the attacks being you know islamic terrorism and the letters were sent out with the letters basically said death to israel death to america all as great and things like that almost like a cartoonish parody of a muslim terrorist. but now the propaganda was used eventually and when i say eventually only you know is only i think late october they actually started to pivot towards iraq by linking the anthrax letters to saddam hussein supposed biological weapons program and if it wasn't for the that you know that false
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connection between the two colin powell would have been able to get up in front of the u.n. and hold up that bio of anthrax and say you know basically the whole w m d's myth of saddam hussein is based on the false connection between saddam hussein and the anthrax mailings and reporters like brian ross and richard only in the washington post spread this propaganda to the american public and the damage had already been done at that point and they admitted that also in your documentary it clearly shows these people saying that the only reason that they supported the iraq war was because they thought that the anthrax came from saddam i mean this is a very common narrative that's been largely for. but the bush administration was on separate oh the antidote for anthrax seven days first letter was sent but robby nine eleven was a very scary climate couldn't it be possible that the administration was preparing for the absolute worst and really just everything at that point. you know that's something i hear a lot from people and unfortunately almost any angle you try to look at it it
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doesn't hold water because even if they got some kind of intelligence warning suggesting that someone you know some muslim extremist or somebody was going to send a biological weapon to the u.s. mail. ultimately that doesn't make sense because it was found to have originated from a u.s. bio weapons facility so how could they have gotten intelligence warning that the anthrax was coming from within their own government being sent out and then on top of that you have to also think that these are you know older men you don't just take a heavy duty antibiotic like simply willy nilly because you think there might be a terrorist attack for me first they accuse a man named steven hatfill and dream can build in a court of public opinion with no evidence whatsoever and a pain and a multi-million dollar dollar settlement the subsequent suspect bruce i have been committing suicide allegedly let's take a look at the press conference once the government deemed the case to be closed. to
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the point. and they just. started back to the documents because that's the purpose of our press conference today to provide you the documents and the information pertaining to the documents or maybe even if you want to be the jurors because of the water and implication if you were there it is going to build have started and it would be your and i'm going to you know as greenwald says it's been filled with fear ineptitude at best case scenario robbie why do you think that we should have a reason to suspect ivan's as not the anthrax us fact. well. well i mean you know tying this back to glenn greenwald i just wanted to say that this you know he's been doing hard hitting reporting long before the snowden revelations and he sort of pointed out that bruce ivans was basically convicted in the court of public opinion with no criminal charges ever brought to him based on a series of e-mails that he sent privately to his to his friends and colleagues
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about how he was depressed. because ultimately even the d.n.a. evidence that the f.b.i. says they have linking ivans to the attacks is invalid on the national academy of sciences basically went over all the evidence that the f.b.i. had and they concluded that the did the flask that the f.b.i. said ivan's had in his home could not be matched to the anthrax sent in the letters but then when you look at this through the the new light of the n.s.a. revelations that have happened over the past year steven hatfill pretty much dodged a bullet by basically being targeted as a scapegoat before this n.s.a. spying grid was so fully integrated bruce ivans did not have the same luck because obviously they found someone who you know maybe would have depression or other you know forms of mental illness and they put so much pressure on him by basically
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retroactively going back and demonizing his character through all of these private e-mail correspondence is that he had as you mentioned a documentary trying to get his hospitalized daughter to turn against him bribing his family surveilling and twenty four seven these are all things that people should check out an american and back probably martin my brother co-host me here it's radio journalist thank you so much for your time coming on. thank you abbi three d. printing is the way of the future or breakdown this revolutionary technology and how it works next. wealthy british scientists some time to. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines two kinds of reports. right from the street. first street. and i think picture. on our reporter's twitter. instagram. could be in the.
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how do you operate dylan piggy i'm going to him was pretty cool it's such. a limp a hockey mom what's a song to. me. my. well if you're on the market like. this or you. like to have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher.
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although three d. printing has been around for decades and was first patented in one thousand nine hundred six the last few years have seen an incredible growth in the technology from full scale models of fetuses the prosthetic limbs for amputees to a three course meal pretty printing seems to be limited only by humanity's imagination so now that the technology is here to stay does it have the ability to solve the world's most pressing problems and change the game when it comes to manufacturing and the mass consumption of goods to answer those questions and explore three d. printing from both a technical and creative standpoint i was joined earlier by kristen turner u.s. marketing director at school dio i started by asking kristen to briefly outline exactly how three d. printing works. the i.q. is that an object is being created by
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a printer like machine and some of them do that by extruding material and other printers do it by using a laser to essentially glue material together and others do it by shipping a resident and sharing that material but all of them will produce a three d. object what materials exist for three d. printing right now. there's a whole bunch of materials and generally each printer uses a different material so you can use your idea of plastics such as e.d.s. or peel away or nylon we can sculpt offers actually seven different materials and we can offer ceramic so the ceramic will get printed and then it's glazed and fired we can print and wax there's also metal centering and so yes in a large variety of materials another printers can even print in food and are they pretty easy to learn how to render graphically the models that you would use to
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three print. shores so the big barrier to entry right now for three d. printing is the software barrier and so you do need. a pretty specific three d. file to work on three d. printers and so there's different ways software companies are trying to make their software easier to use. and there's also app integration so skilled use integrated with one two three d. creature and it's an i pad app that makes it much easier for someone who's not familiar with design software to actually create something that is three d. printing incredible and with pretty printing this is the mind blowing part of it seems so self-explanatory but really when you look into it and it is pretty shocking really brilliant how you never ways to resources are pretty much use sweatshop labor i mean it seems so obvious but talk about how many steps of production you're eliminating and resources saving with this technology. right so
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one of the most appealing benefits of three d. printing is really how quickly you can do it and how cheaply you can do it and so one of the difficulties in mass production is actually creating the specific tools of the injection molding tools to make your product because three d. printing is essentially just a material that's actual izing. interior design you don't have to create specific equipment to create that generally you can have one person kind of operating the printer depending on the material there is a bit of post handling so soon after you print with a nylon plastic it has to be cleaned off so that you get just it and if you were doing ceramic that would have to go through the glazing and firing process but in general you're not seeing. you know assembly line production and so and the other advantages you can actually print to moveable parts and so you can sometimes
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completely eliminate assembly are you worried at all that the three d. printing technology will be monopolized and consolidated by corporate power. well we see. a lot of that happening there are definitely some major players in three d. printing and. you know the way the way they're going to operate to their best advantage is to acquire competitors or acquire features that they would like to add . but at the same time there is still an explosion in independent interest and innovators creating things so we were just at c.s. and there were tons independently created desktop three d. printers and we'll see some patents actually expire on some of these technologies and so i think individuals and people that want to create something new they're going to keep doing things outside of you know monopolized commercialization thank
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you so much for coming on breaking little bit more of a downer for our audience kristen turner marketing director at school. well now that you've heard what three d. printing is all about from a technical standpoint i want to get another perspective from a three d. printing expert on the more revolutionary big picture aspects of the technology so to discuss how three d. printing is changing industries from transportation to organ transplants i was joined earlier by liza wallach co-founder of honeybee three d. i started by asking her why three d. printing will democratize manufacturing. here he three d. prototyping i want my favorite clients is a ninety two year old inventor who is inventing an indoor garden and he said that he's been trying to get this done five to seven years and nobody would take him because the volumes were so high with us you can print one at a time test as market and be able to come back with that feedback and make some changes to his design and that's just one example of many many clients that we have
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how do you think the ability to print your own household goods will affect consumerism. well you know with every new technology it's going to have the pluses and minuses the plus is that a lot of people are going to be able to three d. print parts that they normally would have to go to a hardware store or worse not find anywhere because the product is out of production so that is you know something that's very positive on the other and you know i have people that are three d. printing copyrighted material so a lot of companies will say wait hold on a second i don't exactly want you to print that lego him that way so there's going to be a lot of interesting things that are going to develop as people will be allowed to three d. print things at home you mention copyright if eventually all individuals have access to manufactured objects in their home how will they deal with copyright law . that's a great question i think it's something actually that the industry hasn't really even touched upon and it's going to be the next big story in three d. printing not now but i think in probably within three to five years that's really
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interesting a lot of lawyers a lot of legal. question and i think it's going to be very interesting because the way that the copyright law is set up now is that the copyright it's based on how difficult it is for a person to self manufacture that product will not. correct but if you're able to manufacture at let's say a mercedes cap within three days if you just generate the cab file what does that mean for kalki right amazing i mean there's so many things that are really going to change with this technology let's talk about some of the more revolutionary aspects pretty mind blowing of thirty printing according to scientists the first entire three d. printer delivers a spec that this year how far do you see the technology going. well it's a really interesting question there's a company called we're going to go that is exactly trying to tell you that they think that they are going to be able to treat organs the stem cells and i definitely think that it's possible we're
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a little ways from that because of the capillary functions and the complexity of some of the liver cells however currently they are printing simple cells that are used for research and development it's going to be a game changer three d. printing is going to allow complexity and low volume which is very different from traditional manufacturing it's going to touch every industry and what about real estate construction a team that you have seen a just build a three d. printer that can create an entire house and just twenty four hours how do you see the use of the technology changing the architecture and housing yeah that's very interesting that is a company where they use a very large apparatus to pour concrete basically anything that can be melted can be three d. printed frosting chocolate pizza dough you name it so i think that a lot of ways three d. printing is going to allow for individuals to get things that are mass customized which is kind of an oxymoron and in the housing department we're already seeing
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three d. printing in three d. scanning three d. scanning is a very important part of three d. printing where agents are able to scale. in that room and send it to their clients and real estate agents are finding that really helpful so it just touches on so many things amazing let's talk about transportation i mean similarly to construction how do you think is going to revolutionize transportation because we just saw that electric cars have begun to be three d. printed. well you know there are so many different things right now the challenges of three d. printing is we're pushing the envelope on how many things can be printed what can be printed what i'm looking for two is three d. printing electronics and conductive material that's going to change the automotive industry but i'll tell you what the automotive industry and the defense industry are one of the biggest purchasers of three d. printing to two point six billion dollar market and automotive and defense have been using this for about thirty years so it's going to continue to chance for in those industries as well and how about issues like famine and food shortages i mean
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does three printing realistically have a chance to address these big picture issues. i think directly and indirectly there is three primary that's being how already is being deployed in africa solar power and basically it's not allowing people in these villages that don't have access to any other type of manufacturing on a steady basis to three d. print objects that they need so if they can help themselves either from a business standpoint or other that will in turn help their economic standpoint the wonderful thing about three d. printing is that these printers the cost is coming down so much on kickstarter i saw a three d. printer for one hundred dollars this was i heard of that five years ago. and i was really just to go yeah i also can't help but ask you about three d. printed guns because the media of course likes to focus on this aspect of the technology do you think that it overshadows the incredible benefits that three d. printing can provide well the reason why i'm sort of laughing it because the the
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thing in the industry and it's not a funny thing obviously guns are very serious but what happened was is that ten. that three d. printing got because of the gun exposure actually helped three d. printing the number of google searches went up ten fold with that but the guy situation is very serious and it has to be three d. we take it very seriously we obviously don't print any weapons of any kind but the truth of the matter is that if you want to make a gun there are other more much more stable ways of doing so other than three d. printing and with every new technology there comes challenges and benefits and that's one of the growing pains that any new technology is going to have to figure out thank you so much elissa wall and co-founder honey bee three d. really appreciate your time thank you. now it's our show you guys thanks for watching join me again tomorrow and i'll break the start all over again until then have a good night. if
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you like what you see so far go to our facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash breaking the sets and guys be sure to like us on there to get all the updates happening around the world we updated our site as daily there with links to past segments as well as reaching out to you the viewer or ideas on what you want to see covered on the show you also check out behind the scenes photos we take our studios when breaking the set is reporting on the road to. where students are still. going to be. there which i would. say.
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is obviously more for the ladies because it's paying. women wanted to avoid rate they really need to buy guns environ how to use them i. am sure this is the one that i want to go with them once again as the field for all women definitely a target of the gun lobby the one you don't kill them not one that killing money would have somebody with you with this one person. i'm noticing more and more and that's really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to own guns to protect their family and young girls should. so we do have. more kids young kids choke on food than are killed by firearms if being armed made us safer and america. should be the safest nation on
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earth were clearly not the safest. new york london. the whole. town the end. of the. street another one the more transparent society gets the money has become. unfairly. mobilized the people who blend into the city the city the more people trust electronic devices the more. fear that has a. playwrights
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promising to play first string lists and i predict future. the binary for splinter the band instrument. to be in the lead on modern. leg.
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length. what is the who's writing it and where was it leaving to be seeking to bearings we seem to turn to the news for the medium is the message and this most by will mean the planet is now the method for defining licked of reality each night if it's not on the news it didn't happen right.
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community board alone more than a way around two hundred children all for them they also found that child abusers convicted child abusers got access to those kids. always calling phenomenal and what i'm saying is overall it's an amazingly rosy picture in that adopted kids international as well as domestic are treated better than regular kids growing up and i'm troubled biological families in the united states. do we speak your language i mean some of the will not advance. music programs in documentaries and spanish what matters to you. that will turn it into angles to these stories. that
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the spanish. visit. ukraine's president saw the law granting amnesty to those detained during roads in the country what opposition. more support from the west. as progress is mentioned for the first time in talks between the warring sides of the syrian conflict washington reminds damascus that military action is still an option plus. after twenty four to. we will support a unified afghanistan as it takes responsibility for its own future. future. the government of. afghanistan faces a looming threat of the. washington wrangle over security deal to end the thirteen year war.


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