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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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skateboarding can turn the world wide business mogul it's rob dyrdek it's what skateboarding is its allies stone right and it's a very expressive sport to and that that independence and expressiveness pulled me away from team sports so entrepreneurship is taking a little life oh yeah i look more missiles there's a creator plus you would sweep done to impede printer should they try to get me on there so you with your sleeve you'll be a lot but i'm too busy running an empire over here we don't need it right you would fire trump. all next on larry king now. we're going to larry king now rob dyrdek professional skateboarder turned on debra do a producer actor t.v. star he created street league skateboarding and international competitive
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skateboarding series he's known for is an m.t.v. t.v. shows robin big rob dyrdek fantasy factory and ridiculousness ridiculousness if i can say it airs thursdays at ten pm on m.t.v. well rob dyrdek fantasy factory is in its final season that is thursdays at all of them also on m.t.v. what will get to skateboarding in a while when did you become this industry you know i think even when i was very first became a vessel skateboarder i used to always say i got to treat it like a business you know it's my career and this is way before even the idea of understanding that you can be a personal brand and i just think that sort of spirit i was what i like to call raised by entrepreneur or wolves right where my influences other early age where all of the closest people around me started companies so it's sort of grow up in ohio and so they all successful. no they were bad so it's it's in some
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of them i use as examples of not what what not to be but it was from starting skateboard companies the clothing companies to to retail stores to restaurants to clubs like this inner circle i had was very entrepreneurial so it instilled in me in a very young age that that's just what i was meant to do and i love him big was the big thing for you right now what was robin big you know initially sort of as a professional skateboarder your career is wanted by these video parts right and we had a huge one for d.c. shoes and i just knew that my skateboarding wouldn't be that good so i wrote this idea of a skit where we go everywhere skateboard and get kicked out and by security guards from now i'm going to bring my own security guard to deal with security guards and i would go to a place they'd come to kick me out they'd have to talk to my six foot six home instead of talking to me yeah and it kind of blew up in skateboarding in then and
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he just remained from jackass and ruben fleischer had approached us about doing a television show and i was like on a time for something like that and then we ultimately developed that and then that's really when i began to understand and learn what media was and how to create it now your current show rob did that fantasy factory is very similar robin but right then and that's in this final season what can we expect will be a hint you know it's kind of a very extended show you know doing crazy things going i'm breaking the world record for jumping a car backwards ramp the ramp and i jump in ninety feet for the series finale me and big black go on a journey of becoming but brothers where i go support him to get his prostate and it's one of the most awkward things ever been involved in my life you can imagine you know things. it really brits all funny when you're making and we going it is but gold plated and get it all x.
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moved up to get ready for the presentation factor and then we got to go to a doctor and he's got to go in and get dug out you know you're not good you know i said you know thank god i'm not a white it's not runs in my family and i'm under forty because i'll probably die before i left and that's a good thing or my bad well someday it'll happen to iraq incest and you try to tell me larry that they have not come up with the technology they have is ideas in however if you only do the p.s.a. that's all you do and you don't do the think that as the late journal schwarzkopf discover that told me he was a general any went to the doctor and they the doctor was a lieutenant colonel who was afraid to put his finger in the end this was called logical and fourscore had prostate cancer at least they didn't discover because of it you got to do the things that some face trying to tell you that there's not an app this day and age on my cell phone i can just lean back and clear in the wrong place it takes
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a minute that certain people rob like you and i don't want you there i told you and a douche bag and eventually what the hell is that well here's the thing my cousin he was my assistant started a clothing company went on to make millions of dollars incredibly successful you know not one of the great stories of the fantasy factory but but now he's you know driving rules royce he got off eighty three common man dime you know perfect ten and he's a douche bag you know and the reality of it is we had to step in do a douche bag intervention mad in wasn't definition would do fit well. it's where you're trying too hard right and you're kind of doing all these things that you think make you look cool rather than just being actually cool look stupid it's point blank in your head if you're standing on a rolls royce shoot a photo of yourself throwing money in the air and your head. you some kid from on your do you when. you had
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a leave over here with the comedy central host daniel tosha what's that all about you know i think when it is more than anything is is there's from his perspective which i get it's like i took his show and copy it and gave a very good three years i didn't write it so i'm who i did copy for war and full fledged is really the bone right like i had initially read an article about america's funniest home videos global syndication business and this was during robin big red and and so at the time when they wanted me to do a new show up as a rather big because we weren't doing big i sold them ridiculousness because i was like man like i just got to shoot in a studio so easy to do if i get to one hundred episodes i've got a global syndication i'll get paid forever so they had initially offered mean to do that show straight to series and my own reality show and that's when i wrote fantasy factory so we decided not to do ridiculousness and do fantasy factory since
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it was more of a wheel house of well what do you have to do with with toast well what happened is by the time my ship ridiculousness came out it was already after the first season of tosh came out right so what happened is then he got out of pocket and then i made the brutal mr normally i would like air it's i want to fifty things that i do but i made the mistake the and can mistake of coming out of pocket on social media just gallic well see when i see you type the thing right so you've got to know then it turned into this like whole leg you know thing about about. this beef the tween us you know i mean you know that doesn't hurt it doesn't get it's whatever they print things are good to me it's more bothersome out of the idea regardless of how much i know that i had done the idea way before he ever came out
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sold it to them it's a you still can't convey that the reality of it is my show came out after his and it created this is what it is what's up with me and we're just talking and i've been struggling with. with what. what is this just behind the scenes funny photo also yes but i mean that's why he's throwing money on his rolls royce well let her jacket and that means that it's a joke i'm about to say something and it's from a deep deep deep place of love because i love you ok you know there's a link you feel more comfortable i. i think night. that was a clip of rob show fantasy factory he is an enormous hit in so many circles reality t.v. does everything but let's go back to where it all began a professional skateboarder at age sixteen by the way
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a professional skateboarder how does a state border make money when you know back then it was very different you know you sort of you build a name in the streets you venture the term pro you're a signature board you get royalties you start to get sponsors endorsements and nowadays back then you know in december of ninety one i got it sold one board signature board got it set for two dollars you know today these kids make millions of dollars and as the number one skateboarder when you started when i started up man i was it was twenty odd and christian and so i twenty still around twenty pave the way you know i think he's the first true millionaire leg mainstream skateboarder that showed the world and expects the our industry to k. it's possible to elevate to the mainstream why did you choose to get bored again it's what skateboarding is it's a lifestyle right in it's a sport that's driven by progression right it's it's it's the beauty of it is you make it your own and there's many ways to do it and it's a very expressive sport too and that that independence and expressiveness pulled me
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away from team sports like soccer and baseball at the time and really do mean it's dangerous though and i don't think it's a news that it's districts will tell you it's no more dangerous than football or baseball or basketball it just innately can be if you choose to push them and given beverly heard i haven't been and i've done a lot of dangerous stuff you know really and i don't the totals of the twists and i mean of the grind of the twenty's their hand ribbon and you know i'm taking it to the next step of doing crazy carstens and get attacked by sharks and tigers and and all kinds of crazy and i think you weird. i think i'm unique in i think there's no use in a good sense i think there's no doubt and i live a very unique path and have created quite a world that that i could have never imagined you know dream does exist what's what's the mind set of a skateboarder. you know i think when it when it comes to understanding tackling
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fear in relentless problem solving and it's a reality of learning tricks you have to try it over and over and over and over and it keeps just in every a little aspect of your body to ultimately get it to work and then when you get it to work it's like this incredible at all my god i can't believe i learned this and that progression drives you even further you know what is street league skate or what i basically did was was funny organize the world of professional skateboarding you know where the x. games in the do tour and all these things are aren't really representative of a league or you know a lead standing engine so i basically own the n.b.a. or the major league baseball skateboard and i'm going to team it's more like golf or tennis right we're out in the mountains it's individuals have signed the twenty best guys in the world exclusively to miley and where's the competition held we hold them in arenas throughout the world last year we did a global. tour with with e.s.p.n.
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and they key is our title sponsor and you have judges right so i created a unique judging system in a new scoring format that basically makes it easy for anyone to follow and it it it's a form that much like what happened with poker when they finally started showing the hole cards it became easy to understand and learn or how they when they organize the u.f.c. in the weight classes and stuff like that that's what i've done for skateboarding to allow it to elevate into a sports entertainment property are you i know are a skateboarder who's an entrepreneur or are you an entrepreneur who skateboards i'm an entrepreneur who's gay porn and so on to win no ship has taken over your life oh yeah i mean it's it's. on every last level when i look more myself as a creator you know if you know i was born again you'd be fine oh yeah on and on and cable and i couldn't stop skating ten years ago and then fine you know and i don't even them even sort of the business that i created before i ever got into t.v. or any of that i was always alone so what do you love i love to create and whether
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that's a television show whether that's a brand whether that's a lever that's a cartoon you know you'd understand i have a cartoon coming out on nickelodeon of. in february as well second season the wild ground is the skate gang a well rounded as well going as the gang i was in as a little kid in. you know on top along to now the fifth season the street league and while holding thirty nine married and not you you're not cut for marriage only because you two i don't know you know you're outside of the world i'll tell you this and then you have to someone like me i'm into as i get older i'm understanding scale ability and processes and limits right and in order to be able to do what i want to do at an efficient level i have to have a ton of really highly skilled people that are under really sound processes that i can oversee and i think i have to adapt that to life where if you do in fact want to get married at some point you've got to look ahead to where you can slow down
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because you know working at this pace and doing this much it wouldn't be the most ideal thing for when did you move out here i quit high school at sixteen and moved to california to become fashion skateboarder quit high school you such a bright guy why would you quit you know at the time i don't remember the story my mom says i sat down with the principal the counselor and all that and then and convince them that i didn't need to go to school anymore and they all bought and let me lead after the break be amazing rob will give us his keys to entrepreneurial success don't go away. old. technology innovation all the developments from around russia. for the future covered.
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we're back with rob their dad he's into everything strictly state boarding rubbed their decks fantasy factory ridiculousness the fantasy factors in his final season thursdays at eleven on m.t.v. he's the star of m.t.v. is you have to have fun or you're ventures too is that part of this i think that just solid business i mean it's never it's never solid business but i just enjoy seeing stuff come alive in the process of creating and and watching young other talented people get get help to get focus to realize their potential in his money drive you when he doesn't drive and you know it's it's because you got to
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understand all money will ever do is is give me back on more and more balance and more security to do more it's it's there's a peacefulness and i'm sure you understand this of not necessarily needing to ever think about that aspect of your life anymore and focus on what you love to do is is a blessing and you know you would sweep donald trump's apprentice should feel they've tried to get me on their side you with your sleeve you'll be a lot i'm too busy running an empire over here for you know you don't need it right you would fire trump. do you have an entrepreneurs hero is there someone in the world of entrepreneurship out to you what there's a lot of people i look up to i think you know one of the people that i really respect and and and love is the wrens of. who owns the sea and just just how there's this layer of a transparent scene right it's like the great entrepreneurs that i love the most is
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like there's not there's not a bill be honest about everything and i'll tell you exactly how it is good or bad and we'll just put a stake in the ground on opinion but not drive it home and it's like that's the stuff i respect them obviously. normal to me it's i think you stay home go by and not really ultimately taking any of it that seriously you know it's a you get more excited about these new opportunities and doing new things and i get excited about being healthy when i go on a twelve day run of legs you know trying a new health kick in it all working as i know i have this incredible energy i just want to share with and learn from your failures you had to have some faith that i have had some failures at so many levels and i think even i only really started to get it in grow up a year and a half ago when i finally brought on a c.e.o. for my company about where he really began to to help me learn to continue to grow and then start put surrounding yourself with with mentors and really smart people
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that have done what you're trying to do or what you may want to do so you can learn from them and that really revolutionized sort of my entire process because before i was making millions losing millions making millions by the doing this you know i wrote produce finance films there's a couple million like lever out how this i was so driven that it didn't matter to me and i just wanted to get things done you know what did you think would be the biggest hit was your biggest failure is was there something you said this can't miss and it missed me and i would say when i when i long i wrote produced and fine and starred cast this feature film about skateboarding and you know finally the first authentic i spent two million dollars of my own money i was like there's ten million skateboarders in the world all i gotta get is is a few of them into the theaters on making that kind of modest story yeah one hundred percent false story ours in the movie called street dreams what happened
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and then i put up all my own money because all everyone in hollywood said now is not a market for this i'm fine i'm going to do it myself then i did so then i go out and they would only offer me d.v.d. distribution deals i made it rated r. they're like it's rated scape of film it is raise and i was going to put this in the theaters so then i said ok i put in theaters myself so then i for walden put it in forty theaters went on this like massive marketing campaign multi-platform let's go in. i got a check i think last week for two dollars and thirty. and it's the first time i got us single dollar towards that two million dollars and it was nixon i was a to my finance guys this is incredible and i will it was a two hundred check i'm going to have it it's of i mean we're finally going to release took a shot at it after live five years we did what we did really well is up. i've had some big win recently you know i i grew up in when the skateboard company that i
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turned pro for was from dayton ohio and twenty years after they started they sold the burton snowboards and they were having a lot of trouble and i went out and bought that thing because i was like the kid from ohio twenty years later comes around and buys the company and i got slapped across the face in reality of like emotionally purchasing a company and being faced with a hornet's nest on the inside of trying to turn around and evolve people that have been doing something for twenty years it's a it's a brutal lesson that i've learned this year that i'll never face again oh many americans skateboard. according to the latest poll that i saw was six point three so it's been as many as ten million i think it fluctuates i think that's one of the big movements from the sustainability side where i've built so many skate parks all over the world and continue to be one of my major move movements is building places for kids to skate standardizing is the number one injury brain no no no
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it's almost nonexistent in the entire thing it's i would say probably ten times in football that was in skateboarding really well there's some social media questions for you on instagram i asked when was the first time you knew skateboarding was your passion i think the moment i saw my sister's boyfriend with four bandanas on his right leg four on the left four on his right arm left on spike belt across his chest and he skateboard it was for me always eleven years old. surely gravatt on facebook wants to know the jenny gets stared doing a threat i have you know i've done a lot of dangerous takes in you you got to have a lot of pressure on you and in fight you've got a basically what i call you know break the fear threshold to even attempt it you know it was the best to give a saw. witnessed i went to china and watched a friend of mine danny way it was one of the great escape borders of all time jump
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the great wall of china that was pretty amazing comma for how to make giant ram play literally lego ninety foot tall ramp that goes to like us eighty foot gap and he spoke of the great wall of times and what was his funeral like the way that guys like superman i'm going through his story has yet to be told right when that rodney mccarthy has via twitter what's the worst prank you ever pulled on and who is it on you know i'd say the worst thing i ever did is i've got arrested for april april fool's day to my mom and i told them and when i listened to them i you know i thought to be cute in and i i said if she starts getting upset get me out a car so she is balling and i'm not i am i get me i'm screaming to get him because he's. in bad mom i'm so sorry if you have your was ok there's a good question sam flaps on twitter up how important is
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a good state board i think it's really important depending on your level if you want to involve in really become be able to do a lot of tricks and take it to a second tier i've equated to like you can play golf with any golf clubs you go rent clubs skateboarding the same way but if you really move volved your game if you will you got to you have to lose a great one cost one hundred twenty dollars and it's all you know. ken dawson via twitter was in or do you plan to have kids and will they follow in your footsteps you know i've had this theory of like maybe all impregnate like five different girls at the same time of all different races and have like a small armies and then promoter pointed to shows up and one point in rob's family . maybe the final game here if you only knew him of the first girl you kissed i certainly don't remember name that and remember her it was in ohio i go yes our way or another i think about now i can think of i want to say i was probably in the fifth grade up on the hill behind the school just locking in
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a lock on him what was the worst skateboarding injury ever had. i got a bone spurn my ankle and had to have surgery on my ankle to get it removed that's it. sitting with the best skate parks city with the skate best skate parks hands down nowhere in the world even compares because we created a straight movement is the city of los angeles five years ago there was zero today there's probably thirty biggest misconception about the way. that everyone's fake and phony you know logo it's a reality of there's fake and phony people everywhere in the world i don't know a route to that crazy is proposed test from a fan and i'm i had a fan tattoo my i had this article in the wall street journal about someone buying my car on e-bay and she got the walking out of wall street journal it cuts do that real nice at your face she got it at statute on her and then asked me to sign it to
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get so she can tattoo my signature on it i said absolutely not like gnome want tattoos like this ridiculous than a year later a star again another autograph signing and she took the signature i did on the poster and just had it done on her body we wanted to we had people write a living we live biggest accomplishment in i don't. i don't feel a genuine things any bigger than the other i think i think evolving in learning to . to learn that you need to constantly evolve and grow is my biggest accomplishment settling in is that most overrated part about being famous. at and i don't i don't that there's nothing bad about governing and that's not named for the fantasy factory. i would say the the business launch or biggest regret at. and i don't i don't this is so i got
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a really bad memory so i don't remember a grad out of my that's kind of the given the curse i may not remember your name but i certainly don't remember if we had a problem proudest moment i think one of the proudest moments is when i finally stood in an arena after after six years and of trying to get this lead off the ground in seen this this urban concrete plaza in the middle of the arena with ten thousand people and it was a pretty remarkable feeling when you worry about what keeps you up at night i am i think even for the most part not much men and i think you know it's a gale go through pockets of worry of of people that i work within and in certain situations but there's no grand thing that that love is being worked for you i think my core unit that are inside the building is about twenty and then you know you've got to think that. you know all the companies and all the people that work for that all the partners so it's a loan what you dream car or do you already own it yeah i don't know the human
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dream ladies dream car was i just built like a full wafa so i don't gotta drive anymore so i can work in between driving and we don't really have mobile you drive like a lawyer you drive around you can also have a full time driver and i got what i like to call the street jet right so i have life old t.v.'s and satellites and all my computers and everything set up so i can do need ings in between as i don't have to deal from the traffic for four hours i'm not pulling my hair out of my ferrari i'm going to let st jet work and that amazing man rob priest is there for shooting special bands so i guess rob did that they don't come any better his show's ridiculousness and rob did that span isn't bad three airs thursdays at ten and eleven pm on m.t.v. and don't forget to follow me on twitter at games things c.n.n.'s dot.
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i think that. a society that i think corporation kind of can. do and the banks try to get all that all about money and i think that's like that for a politician writing the laws and regulations that bankers somehow. there's just too much. of a diet. that. lists
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. lists. cross-talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. well if you're the one. i think you're right.
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they should have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher. in the for. the little. happy friday folks i'm out at martin and this is a break in the set so yesterday the governor of massachusetts announced that federal prosecutors will be seeking the death penalty for. one of the alleged boston marathon bombers yes after shooting dozens of rounds of bullets of leaving a near death he was a nurse back to health only to face execution all over again make sense now of course justice needs to be served for the perpetrators of this despicable act in which four people tragically lost their lives and dozens more were left wounded and hopefully a trial will.


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