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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2014 8:30am-9:01am EST

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yet. you still insist that this is what to me tell you how i. know. it's wrong i'm from cuba. where you come from europe i've been in different states of the united states. and this is the best disses the top that day everything you know what i mean if you don't make it. he will make it in no way. you know what i mean he said i report to here in new york. they only know i don't know when i go just to get our knuckles thrown from where you can never see what close. so thank you very much you really appreciate it but did. that. make you. feel. when you when you're young you have
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a lot of energy and headed because our and i went around painting beggars in the street and i went to the bowery i painted bums i'm sorry. i'm not political i'm not that. you know to me it's more about. statics you know if i paint black people it's not because i love them or don't love them i find it beautiful i find it easy to paint. the political i mean. the city is so close to. the mere. it's like the rich get richer and the poor people strike. how do you full so far down so most. from me unemployment. and half expecting me. plus my friends. can tell police
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where your and rate is usually if. you live on a street you know something almost down to change station sometime other than to change station when you get cold no more on city got a lot of house and homeless people but the government is not really funding it. no and in a lot of the shelter today be having people down the street because people begin to rape in shelters to get god you gotta sleep with one eye open and one out close i was in a shelter once and a guy like right next to me being john a rabid dog jumped in a no stop you know a lot of em shelters is no good that's why you see a lot of homeless people on the street they feel safe. and c.d.o. you know to make a few alibi here and pay somebody to let you stay and made it seem that way you know you say i see by about myself you know because i'm in an area you know that
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it's not that much dallas and i know you only got one life i'm going to have it's going to happen anyway and i just created a lot of don't. i just keep my head up and every day long i wake up i've got another shot. at. least i have a final thing on time yeah can you think that. when i grow up here in new york in the fifty's and sixty's for instance there were three soup kitchens in new york down the bowery and one in brooklyn today there are twelve hundred and over eight hundred camp trees and other emergency food program stats how the need has grown when they first started this soup kitchen in nineteen eighty one or two or three depending on who you ask if it was an epidemic cope almost just in the eighty's you couldn't walk down the street without four people each block asking you for something home was this was very. visible today thirty some odd years later there
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are more homeless people in new york then there were by almost double and yet you don't see them as much because what the result of the laws are the result of the regulation is just too high says not to fix it not to cure it but the hype and that's what the result of say cities broken windows. policies all that stuff that's with the result of that is stuff i almost missed and to make it a crime. for what i. heard. kamal do.
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they send me to a program. to have. a. look around to put me in a room. smaller than the jail for sixteen to be. missing. which is a bad. man walking out. so homeless people here in new york city that's come december was very very very very very very cold this no one would have homeless people do you don't i mean if you. had been in . their own home that i would on the subway i get knocked up in some way they could give you shelter i jumped in a shelter. if you have been doing that does anybody get locked up on purpose new. life why do they get locked up and shelter and food.
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coming from them right now ronnie ironically i'm worth more to the city of new york home and didn't personally work the thing i got used to lock you up to make money to back you up they didn't even read a make montreal even jailed three they've been jailed to get people for having such a controversial case so i mean so you make me a sitting one when you thinking as you get locked up for. actually in defense of america if you have an address you can get supplemental security or you can get both but we'll see if. they don't like to give you room and then you simply just if you're supposedly able bodied men they will give you welfare but they want you to work a few hours a day do something but if you're disabled then you're entitled to supplemental security income which is about like eight hundred dollars a month plus food stamps plus medicaid but you have to have an address in order to
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receive a check it doesn't have to be your own lease whether you can say you're living with somebody you are living with a friend or how do you get it rest if your home. made. a good approach. as a class. takes club right club break ok this is his corner this is this is his spot and everyone who lives on that street knows him and when they go to the nice restaurant and they have extra food to take out they get to give a gift to him both in a good mood to give them a cooler or. something. else a. lot of stuff. but let's look at kevin please look at me. well bit this is like really hard to do you know.
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van gogh when he was in our room he painted the postman the poster he was like in costume get a blue suit and he had a hat and a beard when you paid regular people like someone like a lawyer or doctor or some imagist nab you know it's boring. and sometimes the homeless people in the biblical look like that in the bible and long periods of tragic eyes so this is what interests me the basic statics of the subject. i know subject. artists. but not a sense of humor. to catch that. every day come along. i think i did i might not be.
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present he better say right this time. i we saw the people that's the way that one would. sound assaults. his deal that he would not look at my painting until it's been that it was finished he wanted to take it away he said that's my soul you know you're a jewel you're going to get a million dollars from the guggenheim museum i mean it was like an educated and in certain ways he said i'm taking us mine so we have to we had to fight with it so i said look at taken today because we buy it be it you know i'd love to talk about it so i bought him a hot dog in a beer and i grabbed my painting and i read. and into it that's the. do it together
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way it. is a great deal of mental illness and some of it's quite serious some of the schizophrenia and look people are very very hard to treat and really need medication in order to function in somewhat normal way and the people just angry at the world as a society and don't want to have anything to do with any part of of any system and would rather find their own way of surviving.
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so that on june sixteenth one thousand forty one we had a graduation party at school and the war broke out. in the shops what always full of goods. but in september leningrad was blocked. one day mom went and saw that all the shelves were empty. in november they bombed it but die of steel warehouses with us it was the main storage place for all the food in the city people eating the earth because it had small traces of sugar in it i tried to eat it as well but i couldn't. the third night that was incredibly heavy bombing. it was a direct hit on that very sheltered. and everyone was buried underneath. all of
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them would dead. the fact that. they were going to go did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy that albus us role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our crafts to mco we've been hijacked why a handful of transnational corporations they will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once it's all just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the
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problem trucks and rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing are not defined ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. please. no longer having his leave. money in march two thousand. that the apartment building. process.
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train chairs. to absolute central park. no taking naps in the library. come a long way. find. me. you know if this. is closer to the sweeter than me with. the fever to. call to the hour a very very was born a few days it was on a new york city some in america out there too and out of the education but everybody there mr chairman well we will do some serious was and i caught up in indianapolis but who asked for the movie in harness i found columbia presbyterian church and i came and i started eating here and as i started eating here i started to see the service that was being done here in the midst of that i found this
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michael was given a call and then because. i joined the class and for him i think to myself if i get to become a column it will show what has been hard but i joined doing what i do give them a bad person and give him service in the community as it is he will be doing. is a wonderful feeling to know that you can not shot him and slowly but surely verse is so. light and through all of i was able to create a catering flow because we don't know we're in order to keep some we sure isn't eat in the apartment and put a pile of hot water. just so we don't treat them.
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the stuff i think that when it comes to the debate. as to the last thing i could take. brain my came businesses little is now major is not going to win a major company anything so far i've service from hundred to a dozen people depending on the have been depending on the party so this is one of my six second close's jabs on things that i actually do that i took the first one was working with kids and that worked with kids for twenty years teaching chess and after school now i'm hoping that now i can go back into the afterschool program but now now teaching chess but teaching all unary and teaching the next generation how to eat how to cook on a maintain a well balanced meal and not only to eat but sit in the cold so we don't have to be dependent on me.
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i came here was like wow i just didn't like i. did you like my friend whatever it takes to go. everything written down here i. have lost so much money. it's amazing how fast. and forever just one thing like one minute something. yeah it's like you take you here to give up your overnight you can't be exactly. the same really kind of seriously. but i guess out very optimistic i mean. sometimes i can get on the system and say now i can get something good it takes a lot. to me take you home is peace. all that most of
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them is crazy because society can deal with society most mostly society it does more harm to being. most of time you be here in the media brainwashes you mean thinking this brainwashing you into when they used to have a girl if she was so smart she had a badge and. she was. issued the song touches so people say when you find out your wish is so talented. and she say i can't deal. with people i can deal with. i can deal with the side when you're out on which. you wouldn't. know you think if. you look at me as any next when you going to do yeah. i know that.
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this is just the first. at least the vast majority of the people who were there. for. their own. soul that they. were for that. that's a big difference between. these kids today doctorow for they grew up middle class or better something happened something from enron to an illness with no health insurance through financial collapse whatever and very rarely was the trigger powerful or drugs usually. most of the people i've gotten into their stuff to use problems after they've been a. mile this is my daughter she's everything you know i love her so much it's actually changed now for the right. it's like without.
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you know a life worth living i grew very right now and is ninety. minutes. late been or over to. my daughter she smiles i doesn't bother me but her all good just don't want her around me. it's like memory make some time for you to sleep in no matter we read whatever you gather from the recent change going you have no memory use if you had no kind of like inclinations of anything this beautiful was something that sticks out in your my. life me we're. told we're deep into a depression. stew is it you know you want to change the subsumption into a position you can't find your way out. no i really don't have anybody. you
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know that guy is somebody. i guess and. if you give me i guess. you're. going. to. get it. let's have
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a moment of grace for our meal and i think i did this last year a little song for us to learn that i think speaks for all of us so here's how it goes this is a great room to sing and so sing that is somewhere out. to. suit us. and bring all over. you. and. for justice to those who are fit and. coolidge just students to those who. sued.
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regular soup kitchen serves about one fifty or so hard to go soup kitchens have been serving him out of hunger if they are imaginable serve a couple hundred maybe more depends as long as they keep coming we'll keep service serving god food for kazin had order. good. word good after a while you know everybody has a pot. you know what i mean somebody in the bottom. is like a close. to the bottom but. knowing when we might see you know i don't get laid in the c.s. did not have some people don't have that will to come back to come back he had formed this way very very. hard just to make up your mind see i'm coming back. yeah i'm going to this is
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a mission to take them and when you push you take the first step mentally they does we come from a mentally once you take us to push it mentally everything you've got is just because you've got to be around people who feel that way you've got to be change willing to go. with it just the plain clothes that's what it takes it takes a lot of discipline at the bottom line is a mental thing when you choose to do something about just something about to live up to make up your mind to do it and put yourself in the position and be around people like mine that you were there was not going to be you this is going to make you just have to start from the very bottom did you reach and work your way back up and get some time to take some to meet with the audience or. do you really want to go for it was kind of a mayor's initiative at a certain point and near history where the mayor asked churches and other religious
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institutions to step up in helping solve the homeless and the damage so a lot of faith institutions actually did step forward and provide the church bed program for our program guests arrive between seven thirty and turned thirty at night and then they leave by seven o'clock in the morning it was set up that way mainly because that's the only way we could make it work with the volunteer staff here. if you really happen anywhere yet have as little as just a one bedroom apartment and a cap and. we have a will to offer i guess for space here because it is available but you know people would appreciate any where they can sleep. solo going to say about this be produced you don't have to over a week you have to be. tried to make whatever you are. going to do a group or to do. that will make it he had to make it is.
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he. still. the you'll be. the juco. grow up and stop the b.s. . what people see you pay money for do give you food give the cruise. people take care of you don't which one did i. say the country is doing this stuff where it should never be no home in this city for the rich is sitting in the work and all music over twenty. two.
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gentleman i guess will most likely. to. produce you even in a few hundred a day come across the gunners believe. i'm going to vote. for you and we've got people coming in that are littered with criminals people from it who knows where in the world this is a united states i'm very tough by the way you know to sure i was worried that they may not know what they live on mars you know mars. so we pick up things like.
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turbans prayer rugs so when we know they do they're coming from the middle east a concentration camp. concentration camp. as if the white house is not even want to disclose the fact it is a stranger. area. how do you operate dylan but again i'm going to. sports and such experts did. not have an olympic hockey. is on to find out a play. by fire. new york london. the whole world is on the whole. of the original one a further one down the end there are fun to hang up the coins that building at the
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end of the street another one the more transparent society gets the money or the proper tears become we see military and state and felice falses mobilized against people who blend into the city the city the more people trust electronic devices the more defenseless they are the fear that it is a thousand on. hierarchy.
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in ukraine takes the forefront at a security conference in munich. which one does inside from an interview recently violent street protests have to do with promoting democracy meanwhile russia's foreign minister hits out of the e.u. over its view of the riots that have split the country right down the middle. east no food nothing to eat or drink some militants are inside as well and the soul of the prophet we want this to stop is it's a starving rebel held palestinian refugee camp in syria that's received his first food aid in months though often dozens died from hunger. and the flame goes to the top of europe's highest peak.


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