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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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people was staring at the duchess drawing the picture making jam nobody expected it to end that way through a good. ways
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that this doesn't just using methods and there were no passenger trains so we walked to lead a grat. we couldn't recognize it will take was crisscrossed over all the windows all the shop windows were blocked with sandbags. but they left some of the statues like the bronze horseman that is that even that was also covered with sand bags. so we could recognize our own city in a day the whole city was blocked. this streets emptied my last friend left leningrad. at least mom and dad are with me we're not going anywhere we will stay until the end. i know this war will be over soon they said on the radio that it won't. before long. we are
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a big and strong country. i know it will be over soon and i will see him. he will be back and we will be happy. yet aware but you're supposed to love and the first bombs hit house number one hundred nine on the ski prospect it was the in my dad's factory still that the germans wanted to bomb everything they must cost you were way station and the train tracks leading to moscow the best they were dropping bombs everywhere there were so many casualties of war when i heard about it i rushed to my dad's factory and met my geography teacher there to get a good one but he knew my dad well video they had served in the imperial army together he told me recently your father's alive don't worry about him it's good for you. that told me there was no place to escape to so they just had to carry all those bombay exams but lost their legs or arms or just more to.
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be somewhere on the front now fighting the fascists humus be really close the germans are already in the outskirts of leningrad and i haven't got a single letter from him how was he is he wounded i still dream about the. three of them monday was a fishmonger next to us on the rubenstein street for word while we were free to take up several kinds of study trying to ferry the world with the shoe pyramids or virtually every or crab or on display what are the would if the shops were always full of goods and only knew from the moment one day mum went and we'd sold it all the shelves were empty all. things disappeared like that in a flash. but after that they started the food rationing.
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this is terrible were threatened with starvation we only have one hundred twenty five grams of bread but soon we'll only have bread crumbs a famine is coming a real one. there hasn't been a single day that i felt. you leave the table still feeling as though you want to eat. mom asks me are you full i say of course i am. because i don't want to upset or. i don't think we can survive we will never eat properly again. at least we still have run mom makes flat bread from it it's not very filling but at least you feel as though you have something in your stomach for a little while at least. for the dad brought us to run that it's what's left
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over from making some flour oil spill they used it to feed it to cattle to run the it was very difficult to chew but mom tried to make it enable. the jelly in she boiled it as much as she could tell us but even adding charcoal. it was still tred full to eat but there was nothing else so that's what we had to do polish and i'm walking along rubenstein street. we all have russian carts and we were given these bottles of syrup they called it was sort of like the sweetened water we will call when you well someone dropped the bottle you threw up out of all food no it smashed him or soaked into the ground two three and she will swear this happened and i saw it with my own eyes lordy people were crawling around trying to lick what they could off the ground with the word used the wrong. you know what the siege did to
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people feel the ship of the. by media in november they bombed the but die of ski warehouses the fire lasted for a few days it was awful the fire was huge the whole of leningrad could see it as if it was the main storage place for all the food in the city. they bombed it so much that the entire storage facility was leveled to the ground zero good people were eating the earth because it had small traces of sugar in it i tried to eat it as well but i couldn't it was nothing else to eat so many people ate that dad brought home some glue were afraid at first but then mom boiled that really and it turned into jelly we ate it with vinegar that's what saved us.
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i just want to cry cry and cry some more i have such a heavy heart i'm sick of everything. even of life. starvation and famine everywhere and people keep dying sleds carry the dead through the streets from morning to night leningrad population has decreased dramatically almost two million people have already died. i visited our neighbor today her father died yesterday she was wrapped in a sheet and taken away in a sled. my only distraction now is my books. but we delivered books that the wards had quite often and i would read to the wounded soldiers. knitted up a little as there's
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a bell once i went to one ward and said well what should i read which they said anything but nothing about war yet is still about so i decided to read pushkin's if getting any going to them at that was a good she writes about a duel and that you are one of the soldiers said you promise to read nothing about war but these two have just shot each other oh that was quite awkward. and the hospital today i wanted soldier told me that if you had died they would have told me by now. neither food nor letters can get through this siege just be sure to survive i will wait for you i have all your pictures my most treasured possessions. in the sky did my first royal from a window with arctic air to me go. through bass where the sphinx is can be say i'm new here in my sketchpad woods. we have to cover the sphinx as with wooden boards.
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a sketch about that to me it's called the view from the arctic out to me window. today is my birthday today i felt full dad brought two small frozen any ends and a hundred grams of raisins his whole ration. mom cooked noodles and mixed oil and bull down eons with. the noodles were lovely and grease. the ne and completely had the taste of grease the first course was jelly made from. mom brought home one hundred fifty grams of meat today what a pleasure it was to eat just a little meat i tried to make it last as long as i possibly could it was such bliss i just want to eat eat and eat but most importantly we are still all together and
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on my mom dad and me. another spring in leningrad i used to love it and now i hate it so much it brings no love anymore only death. starlit nights just look like a mass grave. another summer without you. for a whole year i haven't received a single letter from you. i know you cannot be alive anymore i will never be happy again in the spring is my last. in april all the people of leningrad went out to clean the city streets we were expecting an epidemic because the dead were everywhere and there was a roll sewage flowing past houses because the sewage system was not working. so we
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told everybody to go out and clean up the city and everybody did. that even those who could barely hold a tool in their hands went out to break up the ice is a little you. need. leningrad became so clean it was a real joy to see it. in may the tram started working again. i will never forget this day i can't believe dad is gone. news of his death was too sad and. even today this morning we talked about him thinking he was alive remembering different things about him. we were happy that he looked relatively well. it turned out though that by then he was already gone. i
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cannot believe he's gone it can't be how i wanted to be a mistake it's hard it's terrible we didn't even say goodbye. a few days ago i broke my mare into pieces i was waiting for a disaster and my fears came true in the most horrible way. i cry all the time. there was nobody with it was buried in a mass grave. this is obviously more for the ladies because it's pink. women wanted to avoid rape they really needed to buy guns environ how to use them. this is the one that i want to go with them once again it's the fear from. women definitely the target of the gun lobby the one you don't want to kill them not want to kill anybody would have
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so many would you with this with her. i'm noticing more and more is this really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to own guns to protect their family and young girls shoot out here too so we do have a pink or. more kids young kids choke on food than are killed by firearms if being armed made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on earth were clearly not the safest. but. i would like to know that you know the prize is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of
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our government and our press we've been a hydrogen lying handful of friends dash all corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told us i'm tom hartman and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on on the world we go beyond identifying the problem of trucks rational debate real discussion critical issues facing america five for ready to join the movement then walk a little bit like. my mom was very ill. and not one day dad said we were not going to the bomb shelter. that night there was incredibly heavy bombing. it was a direct hit on that very shelter and everyone was buried underneath here nobody
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survived more than. a few people were too exhausted even to remove the rubble and it was so cold. the temperature was still certain degrees below zero. and it didn't get any better but if you rode the mud the entire month of january february and march it was so cold thirty to forty degrees below should. we could never even at the fire go out no water would freeze instantly. we took the slats over to but couldn't pry. aspect we put little buckets on to the slats there was a hole in the ice close to the riverbank. although sometimes we went there to get water. it was easy to lose the buckets when we climbed back up the embankment but i gather the water would splash over the rim of the buckets or. pulling those sleds
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was very difficult because the ground was completely frozen yellow a lot but still we kept going and taking those two buckets back home now we drank that water and use it to wash there was nowhere else to get it and. the bombing is not as bad as the starvation and. i'm so then. starvation has caused mom stomach to swell she's in the hospital. i will not see her again. the doctors say she won't survive. my dear mom i can't leave you i don't want to live without you i'm all alone. mommy. yellow what's the cellists i spent new year's eve of nine hundred forty three alone it was very difficult.
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we had three separate apartments joined by a long corridor but all of them were empty because everyone had been evacuated so i was alone in three apartments you sit with all boards e.l.o. as it was dark because we had no electricity. no electricity no water. there was no heat. and we had no firewood either your mobile for. the worst has happened i am sick i can't stand up and i'm freezing they're breaking up wooden houses in leningrad. outside it is thirty degrees below inside it's only minus ten . water freezes in doors every day go by tram to the demolished houses i just have the energy to carry a single small plank i'm not using the firewood just in case mom suddenly comes back. cause they let me see her in hospital yeah
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i went expecting to see her round puffy face which they saw you but i just saw a skinny woman saying she and the my mom was my dear mom or that she looked so thin like them. i'm so happy i have recovered i've been back on my feet for two days when i saw myself in the mirror i was scared i saw a completely unfamiliar old and skeletal face i now look at least thirty but that doesn't matter even if i do look like a skeleton the most important thing is i'm not sick. comrades people of letting grabs the siege of leningrad has been broken by the heroic red army soldiers have built
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a railway across our liberated country devolved astray as the railway workers will be arriving today with the first train from the heartland. january seventeenth one thousand nine hundred forty three the focus heavily day the siege finally ended when we heard the noise from our soldiers guns we were so happy . the siege took millions of lives. even though now we know exactly how many. was when. when the blockade was over people started sending in food from bush all over the country. i'm feeling better now i go to the alexander nevsky monastery to pick grass my make soup with it it's
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a pity there are no nettles in leningrad they're quite tasty we have bread now the only thing that upsets me still is the bombing it's more frequent now. will we still live. i even want to play my guitar again i just wish the bombing of leningrad would stop. it on the chin i was really scared by the air raid sirens isn't it there were lots of them but you should be anti aircraft guns fired planes were flying and there was a lot who are all over the sea or it was terrifying and the sirens carried on and one after the other i have no idea how our soldiers and officers cope with all that . when the bombing is over a look to the sky i don't know if god does exist but i feel he's up there some. day say he doesn't exist but if you do please let my love come back down here to.
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look why i spent most of the seats on the rooftops. bus one like nobody told us to do that. but they were always dropping farmable though so we had no choice but to get up there to save our hosts fergus would go. mom says i'm crying in my sleep i said that i was scared of the bombings i saw him in a dream wounded and then dead i saw his pale face and his blue eyes low. king at me his lips were white he's begging help me save me i'm waiting for him the genius cut short by a bomb. he did it wards the germans were shelling the city that way yes yes they knew the location of every tram stop but if i deal with so we had to move them every single day and yesterday well they don't they left that will do they were
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firing at the tram stops the few people who were going to work when the attack started there was no way to escape it that is different is that the showing was quite far from the buildings around in the border and a sun. but that the view there was no cover to hide under the wall so there were plenty of casualties. they were firing at with thirty homes it was just. trying to target crowded places. they did that it were quite a long time. from leningrad today is the twenty seventh of january nineteen forty four our moment of triumph as a mass. grave the blockade is over we won we have survived i want to cry to cry of joy. mama survive to i miss my dad so much my dear dad we are alive how great it is to feel like i think and. today there
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will be fireworks people are exhausted but they will still take to the streets my dear dear diary she's alive has returned from the front he's lost weight i have not been this happy since before the war for the first time in my life i want to cry because i am so happy. we will walk along the river spring will come to leningrad again. now i know that we will have a long and happy lie. i am sorry to have. you
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know my guitar is here i can get it i see anybody in please might even help me with my guitar. thank you you're welcome. oh sorry well if you know how to treat it better than i
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do sorry i can play. in two thousand and seven one of the first things released by wiki leaks was a secret video recording that actually looked like
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a video showing two american i actually click up just opening fire on a dozen people in iraq this is not a means to live in a society of images of violence become normal this is what the sense of isolation and lack of empathy look like. when we try and experience and post. disassociate our own and by any action. to believe we also have a sense from certain kinds of moral. i absolutely am frightened of the potential games desensitize people we know they can because the military uses games nations has. told me of war it is not simply put it is chilling and killing exacts a penalty of the killer. people for whom it is defined by the popular media that.
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right on the street. first street. and i would think picture. on a reformist twitter. and instagram. b m m m .
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community board alone more than somewhere around two hundred children for all for them they also found that child abusers convicted child abusers got access to those kids soon all recalling phenomena and what i'm saying is overall it's an amazingly rosy picture in that adopting kids international as well as domestic are treated better than regular kids growing up in untroubled biological families in the united states.
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or london. the whole world is all. of the original one a father one on the end there a father to hang up the courts that building at the end of the street another one the more transparent society gets the money or the pot the tears become we see military and state and police forces mobilized against people who blend into the city who inhabit the city the more people trust electronic devices the more defenseless the. fear that it is a thousand on. good lumber a tour of human. mission to teach me. why you should.
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only. headlining tonight on r.t. international traditional family values take center stage. to protest against the policies of. machine guns. to the syrian. rebels massacring dozens of civilians there including children. comes into force in ukraine as the country. taking sides.


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