tv [untitled] February 2, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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france's president along does accuse the family phobia and another major blow to his reputation as thousands marched against the wall supporting same sex marriage. fractured ukraine and western governments put together an aid plan for the protests played country while energy giants crave some of the chela gas prospects. and how to take a piece of home with you will look at the uniques of in the years on offer for the guests of the winter games.
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you're watching r t international with me marina very warm welcome to you. now over one hundred thousand protesters have rallied in paris accusing prize the lawns governments of what they call family phobia they want to scrap the bills legalizing gay marriage and procedures to help same sex couples have children it's seen as another blow to france's embattled leadership are all over now reports. well on sunday paris saw the latest wave of discontent to sweep across france as we saw thousands upon thousands of people come out onto the streets of the vent their anger at what they see as the erosion of traditional family values in the country is being particularly anger toward suggestions that france could legalize homosexual marriage also that it could do laws to be brought in that would seem to get same day and lesbian couples either adopt or conceive children to i.d.f.
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treatment they say that that's isn't what the traditional family is about and that's why they've been coming out here and telling me that they want to get the french government in particular france well and the president to hear their anger their government is very fair since this matter i mean they don't want to consider but there are many many people who just want to hold back the right of two germans i just don't care that she's this is even more serious for a long than his personal popularity well that is it an all time low and he's currently seems the the most unpopular french president in recent memory and what that seeing is more were more people coming out onto the streets to vent their anger against all odds and against the rules that he's trying to impose on them that they say infringes upon traditional family values here. are to spoke to one french activist who is selling happy with prize an alliance performers that she's gone on holiday strike so if it don't reach him it's been
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a day since i've been fast i only drink water because there are many people demanding the resignation of francois hollande because he's unworthy of representing france more and more countries including germany england and russia making fun of france we are many french people who think that own land is not legitimate to govern this country he's ruining france. present alliance approval rating remains low would just twenty two percent and france satisfied with him as their leader has become record breaking. of a broken promises he pledged to cut unemployment by the end of twenty thirteen but the number out of work in france rose above three million the largest since records began a long promised to restore growth but it's hardly left that above zero reaching about zero point one percent last year for ensuring a less robert her nays believe salon's focus on such orientation issues is
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a smokescreen to distract the public from his failures to season issues it is deliberately raised to distract attention. one gets the pressure that the ministry here is actually looking into these issues that. there isn't a surprise about the population who do feel very strongly about this we talked about this a year ago that time i said there is the seventy definition we cannot not let go on the subject to go back to she said holding back to the background there is the which is expiring to try order if you like this is not. even savior of the family is in peril children this is the price for the traditional family. brussels and washington are putting together a significant short term assistance for ukraine which is a grab by mass protests in a standoff between the government and the opposition in foreign policy chief
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catherine ashton said the package is supposed to help the country through a transition period that money will be dependent on the new ukrainian government a proven political and economic reforms the west say plan comes after all possession leaders calls for greater involvement and more than just the vocal supports of the protests in ukraine the assisters may be more than just cash with help for investment also on the cards waiting in the wings are the energy giants who are keen to exploit the country's shale gas potential and that's got locals warry this policy or explains. western ukraine a beleaguered battleground for american oil giants two months ago kiev signed an agreement with chevron to use this area for fracking this. climate will tap water toxic chemicals pumped into the earth contaminated environments just some of the risks that have sparked protests against fracking in
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the united states and europe. now it's ukrainian farmers not by men who are left in the cold sweat most times are lakes and rivers will get dirty sporadic protests have fallen on deaf ears unable to match the might of the fuel lobby if america comes to ukraine we can lose our positions and america will control ukrainian money and business meanwhile countries like france switzerland and the netherlands of what we do nothing to them to technology the ten billion dollar deal chiffon to operate in the country for fifty years it has the right to sell the gas it up tains with what's quotas. to other countries so all claims that ukraine will make a lot of money are in fact nonsense and in a place where unemployment is rife kids promise of thousands of new jobs is enough bait for people next ingenue forty four years old unemployed and trying to care for
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his sick mother of all of the hopeful gets a job people in ukraine are not scared of work we must just learn what to do the carriage for kiev is energy independence and cheap fuel for a country struggling to pay the bills even though russia dropped the cost of its gas by almost a third to calculate the shale spoils industry experts look at precedents in neighboring poland companies promise the earth only to significantly scale back which is very high risk exposure because after the five years of exploration broaches bodies may decide to stop. their activities because they do not find some places where it will be distributed to produce gas pressure on peer to keep these firms out is growing but not fast enough it seems to quell the government's desire to have its own gas whatever the cost or concerns of the people. the art
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team have live coverage of western ukraine. and reaching out to chevron and shell ukrainian authorities say the firms will help the country achieve self-sufficiency and even enable its own energy exports the oil and gas giants and says fracking is safe but american environmentalists. begs to differ. the process itself is you cannot or millions of gallons of liquid laced with sand and with chemicals under super high pressures down into all these drilled holes without having a consequence this whole fracking. madness is spreading all over the planet they want to frack as many countries as possible and so more people are getting aware of it and i'm getting people here from little green europe north america africa to come here to see for themselves the signs what they hear from the gas companies
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because the gas company will admit to no problems everything is hunky dory everything is covered all the bases are covered we have nothing to worry about folks we know what we are doing. so now with our t. international was reports on the viral video that's called out the cops in britain . a student tells us how a video on you tube proved that police took it too far with an unfair arrest that's up next. i was charged with assaulting a police officer obstructing and resisting arrest i couldn't six months in prison and that would have completely irrevocably changed my life.
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york london. the whole world is a. true hero of the original one the one on the end there are further to hang up the courts that believe. the end of the street another one the more transparent society gets the money or the pot the tears become real see military and state police falsus mobilized against people who blend into the city and hobbit the city the more people trust electronic devices the more defenseless they are. fearing that it has a thousand on. our r t. do
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the u.s. will continue enforce the existence sanctions on iran if talks on a permanent nuclear deal fail that was made clear between the country's top diplomats at a closed door meeting and munich meanwhile former secretary of state hillary clinton wants congress to refrain from new restrictions saying it's time to give democracy a chance to work everyone and six global powers are due for fresh talks and made february that are hope to bring a solution to a decade long nuclear standoff the interim deal initially known as the joint plan of action freezes iran's nuclear work for six months and that strange for seven billion dollars and sanctions relief a former advisor to iran's negotiation team says washington his words do more harm than good. believes it carries pressure tactics which is part of these two prong coercive diplomacy the other prying being rising military threats and this very
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dangerous. threat that we saw in prison obama's state of the union address is really come to put duct is poison is the environment for the coming talks the broader iran to the table by pressure and they need to escape that pressure you need it to gain maximum concessions and secretary kerry has been referring to dismantling as speaks of the really a nuclear program which is contrary to the content of the geneva agreement and flatly rejected and for a minute. and they bear in iraq the army has stepped up its bombardment of the luge are reportedly ahead of a full on ground offensive. oh. this will seize upon militants connected to al qaida and early january and has been under intense shelling for days the government's been holding off from sending in troops to give local tribesmen time to else than surgeons security in iraq has been
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getting worse with almost eight thousand people killed in sectarian violence last year. elsewhere around the world explosions out a cinema in pakistan have killed at least four people eyewitnesses claim a man sitting in the back of the auditorium threw grenades dozens of people were hurt some critically during the incidents in peshawar. kenya have seen two people killed after police opened fire in a mosque in the city of mumbai it's after youths will the daggers when some worshipers raise the flag of the jihad this group police say they want to thwart simonson and that recruiting extremists then say they made over one hundred arrests . now when it's your word against a major british police force you might need
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a mighty strong witness as backup some things to the national kamar knows all too well when an officer rounded on him at a rally are still has the story. i was being charged with assaulting a police officer obstruction and resisting arrest and six months in prison and that would have completely irrevocably changed my life and devastated actually i couldn't make a show kumar had intended to attend a talk by the education minister in june two thousand and eleven and found himself in a crowd of protesting students and just outside this university who was later arrested and the police officer said that a shop had pushed him twice before running away. but this video appeared on you tube where a shock is made are seen and it offers a different version of events. by.
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thanks to this video the charges were dropped scotland yard agreed to pay a shock twenty thousand pounds in damages after he launched legal action for wrongful arrest as a result of video evidence produced as part of a civil claim against the metropolitan police service three offices are the subjects of the i.p.c.c. supervised investigation but such outcomes may not always be so easy to come by it's very often the case. people have been wrongly accused by police officers often comment on the fence but the evidence of the off court give more credence to notch off the accused individual they just have to well to try and give a special current as they can to gather as much evidence as that possibly can and once again that the conduct of the police is put firmly under the spotlight in the twenty eleven twenty twelve period the independent police complaints commission saw a decrease of complaints but an increase in appeals made about the heavily get
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complaints by police compared to the year before where it's found that offices are fully below the expected. behavior the public would want to see accountability that. police misconduct she is a sort of like specific to being to be chilled. for someone who's been on the receiving end of this misconduct the shock says there's something he'll now keep in mind we need to videotape the police whenever we can because it's their word against ours the only way we're going to win is if we actually prove to them to a court without a shadow of a doubt that they were like oh i. was so silly to r.t.e. london. want to see what happens when you mix a skyscraper with a ton of explosives well take a look at this. the
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frankfurt skyline is now a little clearer after this huge brawl caused race in seconds and one of the largest of a controlled building explosions in europe it's captured on camera on r.t. dot com. also why new york swarms are about suggested in the next and last call is planned over claims that these elegant creatures are a danger to people and even passenger jets. right see. first strike. and i think you're. on a regular split. in. the end. in two
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thousand and seven one of the first things released by wiki leaks was a secret video recording that actually looked like a video game showing americans actually collect not just opening fire. of a dozen people in iraq this is going to means to leave the site the images of all that's become all this is the sense of isolation lack of empathy. we try and experience. this is so ca. and action. we. have to say. i absolutely am frightened of the potential of games desensitize people we know they can because the military uses games. war is not so. that it is killing and killing. exactly a penalty of the killer. people for whom it is defined by the popular
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state john kerry apologizes for same price that assad has no future and syria let's go activist him or walk off told. that such talk of the hijack the next round of negotiations. the u.s. congress is looted during the negotiations to arm the rebels so there is a lot to answer for and from the language we. seem to be in have eventually moved back to what about the threat from washington that would use force if syria failed to get rid of its chemical stockpiles by the summer there are some political reasons why this is happening you know i know from friends and family that who will travel his along the route route between damascus and the other one who is good there are certain segments of the road where they have to drive closer to like a hundred miles an hour or under sixty even or lose an hour because of fear of sniper power. or shots from a moderate opposition so if you want to move military grade equipment and vehicles through they have to be moved you know a much slower than that they would be vulnerable to especially if they're carrying
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you know chemical. warfare material language that was used also questions the commitment and you know the american position whether they went into this agreement in good faith or not because they might seem to be using this agreement to punish is use rather than using this agreement to get rid of the chemical warfare. twenty fourteen marks a tragic sunseri for one of mankind's worst catastrophes the start of the first world war so there is cross-talk locks up the global order as it is now and it's the bullets the across the century. we've seen the world's shift instead of the various major capitals powers vying with each other they've been pulled together as a united front under the leadership germany of the united states first to do war against the socialist bloc countries but now to sort of ring colonize those countries that have become independent so the nature of the conflict has shifted
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fundamentally since world war one which doesn't mean it's a stable world the chinese would say they are being encircled ok and they're borrowing money. money to the united states through the american saran their country militarily it's interesting scenario there's doesn't seem to be any real evidence that the chinese are really interested in becoming one of the great powers in the in the sense of the a colonial power of dominating other countries or other continents i think the parallel between. imperial germany and the united states i think is much more apparent. for the world's top athletes gold silver and bronze medals are the most valuable mementos of their time and saatchi that doesn't mean everyone else has to leave empty handed and formal looks at how visitors can take a piece of the olympic spirit home with them. well if you're looking to buy
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a souvenir during the olympics you probably want to get your hands on one of the mascots either the snow leopard their hair or the polar bear and if you want to go to the high end of the market you could try one of these porcelaine figurines these have all been made in a very famous village just outside moscow this workshop english here has produced russians famous blue and white china for the last two centuries but it's not plates importance but taking up at shelf an oven the space at the moment smiling mascots but it's not easy games are being produced in abundance crafted a molded from the region special clay sixty kilometers southeast of moore cisco poured into special molds made for the hair that could polar bear benefactress forty craftswomen get to work carefully how many painting each one on average it takes fifteen minutes to load left it is a bit tricky and takes a little longer and is a whole day spent in the oven during which the black ink tunes into that trademark
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blue after that they're left to chill boxed and sent to the show it is an intricate process that even mirrors the slogan for these olympics cool yours andrew farmer. make sure you stay with us on our team for special coverage from russia's black sea coast were on their route sorted one hundred forty. i'll be back with more news in about half an hour on seoul then some strike talk i was selfish about about to this day with our two international.
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wealthy british soil it's time to rise. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max conjure for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report. in two thousand and seven one of the first things released by wiki leaks was a secret video recording that actually looked like a video showing two american actually clicked up just opening fire of a dozen people in iraq and this is what it means to live in a society of images of violence become normal this is what the sense of isolation
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and lack of empathy look like. when we turn an experience into a spectacle only disassociate our own and embodying actions from the table we also have a sane person from certain kinds of moral and i absolutely am frightened of the potential of games desensitize people we know they can because the military uses games races. war is not so. but it is in killing. a penalty of. people. is defined by.
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the welcome to sophie and co i'm sophie shevardnadze an heir to a fortune turned mercenary boss erik prince founded blackwater the world's biggest private military company scoring billions in government contracts in iraq and afghanistan but a public backlash that followed news of atrocities committed by his people forced him out of the business are mercenaries bonds to cross lines can they be controlled and suffering inevitable when people are given a license to kill well we'll ask the man himself in our program today. blackwater the world's most powerful drug a darling of the u.s. government they made
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a killing plugging holes in america's war on terror as soon as it is them to. washington is accused of paying its paid fighters to draw. guns really go out of control in the war zone were they just thrown under the bus by the white house or did they get what was coming to. the biggest u.s. private military contractor blackwater welcome to the program it's great to have you with us so i'm just going to start from the very beginning q created blackwater to train u.s. navy still so how did it become one of the biggest security contractors in the world. well you know i i guess i was an accidental tourist i got out of the navy out of the seal teams because my father died my wife was sick with cancer so i built a facility to stay connected to the seal teams you know the seal team special operations units in america had been using private this is really since the one nine hundred seventy s. and no one had ever done it on an industrial scale and so i did i was you know we
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had sold my father's business i took some of the money from that and i built the syllabi and then you know one thing led to another there is a terrible tragic shooting in colorado called the columbine shootings and then the u.s.s. cole was blown up in yemen in two thousand. and then of course after nine eleven. you know we kept we kept saying yes when the u.s. government called the need our help for training or logistics support aviation support security one thing led to another and and we grew very quickly so yes we got in numerable a number of government contracts how do you explain your success there because the military wasn't able to their job properly. or success was based on you know we had primarily former special operations people in our management team many of whom had gone on to business school and worked in in regular industry and combining the best of industry knowledge with kind of the seal team special operations can do attitude it worked.
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