tv [untitled] February 3, 2014 8:00am-8:31am EST
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a teacher and a police officer are killed in a hostage crisis at a moscow school carried out by one of its model students. and iraqi authorities uncover a chemical lab equipped to produce deadly sarin gas said to belong to an extremist rebel group that's been operating in neighboring syria. and it's really cabinet minister is hit out at u.s. secretary of state john kerry after he is warning that the country could face an international boycott if it fails to take real steps to strike a peace deal with the palestinians.
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it is five pm here in moscow watching r.t. international with me marina josh welcome to the program a teacher and police officer have been killed in a hostage crisis at a moscow school over twenty students who were in the classroom at the time were released on hurt the gunmen who is now in custody is reportedly a model high school student who harbored a grudge against his teacher i just margaret howell reports from the scene. i'm standing outside the school in northeast moscow where this morning or on the eleven o'clock i gun boy walked with two rifles but he taken from his father and a shot and killed one security officer shot and killed the teacher shot another security officer that's currently in hospital and then proceeded to take twenty four hostages they were tenth grade students approximately fifteen to sixteen years old now this young man it was originally believed that there was some sort of or events that he had against this teacher that he shot and killed now it remains
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unknown r.t. was able to speak to one of the friends of the hostages that was taken this morning . my friend who told me to switch on the t.v. i didn't so my school in the news he said the security guard had managed to push the emergency bachmann time students were evacuated from the building i saw some of them later and they said the teacher was injured but then my mother said that there was a lot of chaos going on this morning with that gunmen that young men coming into the school system and taking those lives we know that he said to be a very good student we know that other students have said that he was a bit of a loner that he didn't have very many friends the education minister said that he didn't have any conflicts with other students or the teachers that speculation about the emotional state of this young man and clearly i know at this point but a lot going on with him but he has been taken into custody that we do know. well we
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will bring you the latest as we get it and you can also have to on line for all the updates on the events in moscow. on the iraqi interior ministry says it's uncovered a lever torrie fully equipped to produce chemical weapons including the highly toxic sarin gas they say the lab belong to the islamic state of iraq and levant an extremist rebel faction that's been highly active in the country and neighboring syria the group is currently occupying the iraqi city of fallujah the fans can solve the morning rove says this new finding is a game changer in the investigation into the capital attacks on syrian territory but is the proof if it was needed that these chemical and probably if they are any biological weapons are being brought in across the border if you recall last year there was a. find in iraq of chemical weapons which was not really widely reported. and shortly after the. attacks in syria.
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the alleged chemical attacks. which no bodies have been found or seen. these groups obviously have been crossing over from iraq into syria. there is obvious proof that the assad government has not carried out any crimes against its own people but it's actually the saudi arabian sponsored terrorists that do this. well i was a member of the in the pan international commission of inquiry on syria carla del ponte who first voiced the suspicion it was rebel forces who had used sarin gas in may two thousand and thirteen she claimed the un had strong suspicions but had not at that time reached conclusive findings and later in september a report by russian experts said the samples taken at the scene of a gas attack in aleppo proved the weapon to use there was and similar to those used
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by the syrian army meanwhile the latest in the pan of war by u.s. experts claims the chemical attack in the outskirts of damascus last august could have been launched from the government controlled areas. well staying with iraq the country's army has stepped up its bombardment on the city of fallujah reportedly had a full long ground offensive oh. the city was seized by militants connected to al qaida in early january and has been under intense shelling for days the government's been holding off from sending in troops to give local tribesmen time to oust the insurgency security in iraq has been getting worse with almost eight thousand people killed in sectarian violence last year. now another spat seems to be brewing between the u.s. secretary of state and the israeli government it all started after john kerry expressed his concern over the lack of progress at peace negotiations with the
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palestinians well mr kerry who has been holding back and forth talks with both sides said over the weekend that the status quo being maintained by israel is not sustainable and he also warned many countries could see to boycott television if peace negotiations fail this triggered an angry response with prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that any efforts to boycott israel would be unjustified and counterproductive israel's strategic affairs minister then weighed him saying israel cannot be expected to negotiate with a gun to its head and the economy minister went a step further calling on israel's allies to stand up against those who try to pursue anti-semitic jadis against his country. while there's been a public backlash to with some two thousand israel is gathering outside a western wall in jerusalem last week for a prayer rally against u.s.
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efforts to broker an agreement the two sides resume peace talks last july a deadline has been set for april with israeli settlements the west bank it is through still remaining a key sticking point let's now bring in our oren is a senior correspondent and columnist for ha'aretz newspaper thank you so much mr oren for joining us here on r.t. to national to discuss this so what do you make of israelis to action and especially the israeli government to kerry's words i mean could they be over reacting. diplomatically it makes no sense at all for a netanyahu and his government to try and fight president obama and secretary kerry and their administration but that is because politically it must make some sense the target audience is the israeli public s. the deadline approaches for kerry outlined the framework agreement between israel
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and palestinian to be unveiled and because this particular framework is going to be palatable to most of the israeli public netanyahu is aiming at his right flank he's a political base within the likud party and with other parties and groups to the right of it is against the kerry paradigm and therefore it all means definite and rather than starting to lay the ground publicly for an acceptance of the kerry proposals is going to be actively working against them all right well as we now business and politics often go to gather and some of the european businesses have already stopped or a limited trade where the israeli businesses and west bank settlements. why does that not concern israel or does it. long term a does concern israel to
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a great extent the impact has not been greatly felt yet except in the occupied territories where israeli businesses have already been boycotted to some extent by importers the world over because people have made the distinction between products of the west bank and those of israel proper but now the threat is that all these really products could be boycotted because of israel's policy because of the territory is easy indeed a cause for concern. and in your opinion will the israeli government average back down to the question of soundmen. these really government is right now politically dependent on the settlers and their supporters israel must have another round of elections and another. sort of
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call the governments before it can sign the sort of peace agreement that secretary kerry is probably preparing however after the stimmung president mahmoud abbas must come forward proper peace groups in israel fight. government policy because up to no. us has been too silent on his part of the deal while the deadline for a peace deal is in april and how realistic in your opinion is it for israel to meet that deadline and also why does israel already dealing what sort of steps is it taking to reach it. it's quite a flexible. due date it's not really a deadline because it could move backwards or forwards a few weeks or even months or it is only a framework agreement this is not of the peace deal the end of claims the end of
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the conflict that everybody here has been hoping for but not everyone has been willing to pay the price for so what we have to see in a few weeks' time is the release of the last batch of palestinian prisoners who were have been held in israeli jails scenes one nine hundred ninety three or even earlier even before the oslo process once this is over the two sides palestinians and israelis are going to weigh their options and find out whether to risk going to be a trilateral american israeli palestinian deal or only an american police. that israel would have to either accept or reject in the latter case there will probably be a political crisis within israel right amir aren't senior correspondent for haaretz newspaper thank you so much for your views here on an international. that's coming
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up later this hour on r.t. international catching out the cops i was being charged with assaulting a police officer obstructed and resisting arrest but couldn't six months in prison and that would have completely. revoked oblique changed my life. he speaks to a student about how a video that went viral help him prove misconduct carried out against him by the police. the. economic downturn in the final months days the longer the deal and the rest because i hate it will be every week.
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but if you're going to come and watch the new knowledge base i'm sure you know. pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher. welcome back to what you are saying international following calls for greater support by opposition leaders in ukraine brussels and washington are putting together a significant short term assistance package. the spy concessions from president yet
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a cottage mass rallies are still being held in key of people refusing to leave the streets unless he steps down your foreign policy chief catherine ashton says the western aid is supposed to help the country through a transition period where the money will be dependent on a new ukrainian government approving political and economic reform and with investment also on the cards the attitude giants have been inert to exploit the country's shale gas potential and that god locals worried as polls leader now explains. western ukraine a beleaguered battleground for american oil giants two months ago keep signing the agreement with chevron to use this area for fracking the. climate will have altered toxic chemicals pumped into the earth contaminated environments are just some of the risks that have sparked protests against fracking in the united states and europe yes. yes.
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now it's ukrainian farmers not only grew by zero to the cold swallows here times are lakes and rivers will get dirty sporadic protests have fallen on deaf ears unable to match the might of the fuel lobby of america comes to ukraine we can lose our position and america will control ukrainian money and business need while countries like france switzerland and the netherlands of what we do know to them to technology the ten billion dollar deal to operate a country for fifty years it has the right to sell the gas it up to us with quotas to other countries so claims that ukraine will make a lot of money are in fact nonsense and in a place where i mean pointers wife kids promise of thousands of new jobs is enough before people next ingenue forty four years old i mean boy i'm going to cave for this. mother of all day over hopeful gets
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a job people in ukraine are not scared of work we must just learn what to do the courage for kiev is energy independence and cheap fuel for a country struggling to pay the bills even the russian got the cost of its gas by almost a third to calculate the shale spoils industry experts look at precedents in neighboring poland companies promise the earth only to significantly scale back because what is a risk is push because after the five years so much but we should probably just go for these really decided to stop. their activities because they are trying some places where it will be there to produce gas pressure on piers to keep these firms out is growing but not fast enough it seems to quell the government's desire to have its own gas whatever the cost or concerns of the people point to see our team have live coverage of western ukraine and reaching out to chevron and shell
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ukrainian authorities say the firms will help the country achieve self-sufficiency and even enable its own energy exports american environmentalist very strong and says however financial gain or come at too great a cost for ukrainians. the process itself is a lot you cannot for millions of gallons of liquid laced with sand and chemicals under super high pressures down into all these drilled holes without having a consequence this whole fracking. madness is spreading all over the planet they want to frack as many countries as possible and so more people are getting aware of it and i'm getting people here from all over europe north america africa to come here to see for themselves the signs that they hear from the gas companies because the gas company will admit to no problems everything is hunky dory everything. convertable the bases are covered we have nothing to worry about folks we know what
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we are doing. a quick look now at some other news making headlines around the world and a series of explosions at a cinema in pakistan have killed at least five people eyewitnesses say a man sitting in the back row hurled several grenades into the audience around thirty people were injured some critically during that incident in peshawar. more clashes have broken out between police and youths at a protest in the kenyan sea album boston attacks their security forces stormed a mosque on sunday resulting in a violent confrontation left least two people dead at the raid was ordered after worshipers raise the flag of the banned extremist group al-shabaab use armed with knives are said to have attacked the officers who responded with gunfire over one hundred arrests were made. to the united states will continue to enforce the sanctions currently in place against iran secretary of state john kerry made that
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clear at a closed door meeting with his running counterpart in munich however kerry's predecessor hillary clinton has called in congress to refrain from any new trade restrictions saying it's time to give diplomacy a chance iran and six world powers are due for more talks. aimed at resolving the decade long standoff over to iran's nuclear program or the sides reached an interim deal and which some sanctions were lifted in exchange for to iran limiting its uranium enrichment a former advisor to iran's ago she team says kerry's rhetoric is not helping to push towards a peaceful compromise. you see katie's pressure tactics which is part of the two prong. diplomacy the do prolly be. threats and these very dangerous. threat that we saw in president obama's state. union this is really
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come to put if the point is the environment for the coming talks they brought the iran to the table by pressure and they need to escalate that pressure to gain maximum concessions and secretary kerry has been referring to dismantling aspects of the nuclear program which is contrary to the content of the geneva agreement and flatly rejected by degree and forty minutes that. when you go up against the british police force it's your word against theirs our team at one student who learned the hard way how important hard evidence is when that happens that's our sylvia has a story. i was being charged with assaulting a police officer obstruction arrest i couldn't six months in prison and that would have completely irrevocably changed my life and devastated. i couldn't make a show kumar had intended to attend a talk by the education minister in june two thousand and eleven and found himself
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in a crowd of protesting students and just outside this university who was later arrested and the police officer said that a shop had pushed him twice before running away. i'm not really very this video appeared on you tube where a shock is later seen and it offers a different version of events. thanks to this video the charges were dropped scotland yard agreed to pay a shock twenty thousand pounds in damages after he launched legal action for wrongful arrest as a result of video evidence produced as part of a civil claim against the metropolitan police service three offices are the subjects of the i.p.c.c. supervised investigation but such outcomes may not always be so easy to come by it's very often the case. people have been wrongly accused by police often committed an offense but the evidence of the off court says give more credence to
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notch off the accused individual they just have. to try and give his best accounts as they can to gather as much evidence as they possibly can and once again that the conduct of the police is put firmly under the spotlight in the twenty eleven twenty twelve period at the independent police complaints commission saw a decrease of complaints but an increase in appeals made about the heavily get complaints by police compared to the year before where it's found that officers are for little below the expected. behavior the public would want to see accountability that. police misconduct sure it's a soft light specific to be. for somebody who's been on the receiving end of this misconduct shock says there's something he'll now keep in mind we need to videotape the police whenever we can because it's their word against ours the only way we're going to win is if we actually prove to a court without
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a shadow over doubt that they were lying. to us or syria r.t. . well you may be used to hearing have a line is about drones carrying out air strikes but as we report on the website the word air it's only gone as the u.s. military puts it's a man of war machines on the ground. also online now so i want to create what it calls the coolest spots in the universe board the international space station. to get more on what chile experiments are planned at the orbiting laboratory. how the top athletes at the winter games in sochi will of course take home their haul of melts the luckiest ones will even get a slice of the committee right but what's left for those who don't make it to the podium and for the army of fans that have traveled there and your farm or went to find out. if you're looking to see even
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a journey that you probably want to get your hands on one of the best. and if you want to go to the high end of the market you could try one of these poor slang figurines these old we made in a very famous. famous blue china for the last two centuries but it's not plates taking up the show at the moment. in abundance crafted demoted from the region special sixty kilometers. pulled into. shalom tonight for that good or bad benefactress forty craftswomen get to work carefully how many painting each one on average it takes fifteen minutes to load a letter it is a bit tricky and takes a little longer and is a whole day spent in the oven. during which the black ink tunes into that trademark
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blue after that challenge to chill boxed and sent to the shops it is an intricate process that even mirrors to slow the c.b.c. lympics cool yours andrew farmer the artsy i'll make sure you stay with us on our teeth for our special coverage from this year's capital of winter sports and we're on the air throughout such a twenty four. hour it's not all about the winter olympics just yet kate's here with her weekly roundup
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of the one nine hundred fourteen the scenario. because the united states is becoming the dominant force on every continent but brian when it when we look at about the calculations in strategy i have to go back to iraq afghanistan libya and that's all recklessness in my opinion you know the u.s. policy resembles those of what the caricature of those western movies where they put the drunken cowboys coming to town and shoot the place up just because they can . we made a perfect target to go after. and we really got caught in the politics of the the left vs right the left trying to go after george bush and his policies unfortunately we were we were a victim of those kind of plate tectonics grinding against each other but do you feel betrayed by your own government that's why i'm asking having you know building
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your business based on the merits winning competitively bid contracts performing well doing one hundred thousand missions with no one on earth care killed or injured and then having it trashed because of politics yet it's you don't want to go through that again. hello and welcome to this week's r.t.e. sports show another twenty six action packed minutes of sport from russia and around the world with me kate partridge and here's a taste of what's to come. very didn't triumph the seattle seahawks crushed the denver broncos forty three point two eight in super bowl forty eight to win their first head f.l. title. last davis cup set russia plays a crunch olten playoff to say their second tier status after the men's tennis team
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stopper a three two defeat to poland here in moscow. and the top field limpy quite young champion even who called it leaps to gold as a star studded lineup takes part at the russian winter indoor athletics championships here in moscow. but first american football and the celebrations are underway in seattle after the seahawks won their first n.f.l. title by trashing the denver broncos forty three points to eight at the super bowl to lift the vince lombardi trophy in the battle between seattle's league best defense against denver's top off friends led by veteran quarterback peyton manning it was the seahawks who triumph totally dominating the misfiring broncos at the met life stadium in new jersey in the first super bowl states at doors in a cold weather state marshawn lynch is one yard touchdown run and most valuable player malcolm smith sixty nine yard interception return how seattle to it is
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a twenty two zero lead at the break then percy harvin returned to the second half kickoff eighty seven yards for another touchdown to effectively end the one sided affair. that's the great challenge is can we carry our football and do the things that we've been doing all along on this stage with all the scrutiny and everybody said oh you'll be distracted you're not old enough and all because if that made any difference at all these guys totally understood how to do it they handle it with class in it and the dignity to him i think that to take on this challenge a great respect for it and they did it perfectly so congratulations to pete carroll as staff and his team you know they're a great team that you know we didn't perform up to par to building with them. now moving on to football of the sucka variety and new all snow signing tim shell stern will be out for at least six games after injuring his back playing volleyball on the beach during spot at moscow's pre-season tour in abu dhabi the thirty one year old midfielder was brought in on loan until the end of the sea.
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