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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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the suspect. the would like to do is show that you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck help us. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on and we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing america ready to join the movement then welcome to the big. dog chum arbonne in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight the big picture. arkansas republicans have on
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a new way to sabotage obamacare defunding medicaid expansion why do they have such a problem giving people their own tax dollars. that are about that and more in today's big picture pail also a new study suggests that regulation is or the best way to fight america's obesity problem is does this mean that york city mayor michael bloomberg was right all along and kevin was wrong and something revolutionary is happening to the internet in chattanooga in today's deal you take i'll tell you why the rest of the country needs to catch on to what that tennessee city is doing. you need to know this during the super bowl on sunday so giant coca-cola aired its newest commercial the ad which featured groups of people singing the song america
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the beautiful in a number of different languages people of different races looked at first to be yet another forgettable add in what actually turned. to be a perfect pretty forgettable super bowl for ads and for the game here's a clip if you need a refresher. i'm actually. pretty innocuous right well not for many conservatives they are our age their army age the cargo a dare tarnish a patriotic american anthem with foreign languages former florida g.o.p. congressman allen west has blogged he found the frightening after
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a few rambling sentences about the dangers of multiculturalism he wrote if we cannot be proud enough as a country to sing america the beautiful in english in a commercial during the super bowl doggone we are on the road to per duration this was a truly disturbing commercial for me what so you sort of columnist michael patrick leahy no relation of the senator meanwhile went even further in a post on breitbart dot com arguing that the ad showed that as far as the executives of coca-cola are concerned however the united states of america is no longer evasion ruled by the constitution and american traditions in which english is the language of government is not a nation governed in the anglo american tradition of liberty that's right a group of children singing america the beautiful in arabic or spanish and coke commercial is a sign the constitutional government dad. as usual the worst conservative reactions
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came on twitter were people at fox news contributor todd starnes wrote things like crawlers the official of illegals crossing the border america is beautiful and people like this guy whose name on twitter is gareth wrote genius things like boycott coke bags for desecrating our national anthem. i don't know but i think you might want to check your facts out before you tweet here all jokes aside though the fiasco that was the conservative reaction to coke super bowl ad is symbolic of a bigger issue the republican party has become the last refuge of bigots and. jimmy was salvi founder of the gay conservative agric advocacy group go proud who quit the republican party in january talked about this phenomenon on a recent show a recent episode of the show. i thought that the. the anti-gay forces in the frankly the forces of intolerance in the party would diminish and
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honestly i've come to the conclusion that the republican party is the only place in america where they're left and jim is right i mean there are obviously intolerance intolerant jerks who call themselves democrats but the democratic party doesn't depend on or celebrate bigotry quite like the republican party does i mean just last week at the state of the union address republican lawmakers like paul ryan and lindsey graham went out of their way to oppose duck dynasty star willie robertson like he was some sort of conquering hero sure you could argue the paul ryan was just excited to see a t.v. star but let's be honest this is really about making a dog whistle to all those people on the far right who thought duck dynasty star phil robertson was the victim of a liberal media conspiracy after he made a homophobic and racist remarks in an interview with g.q. and shouldn't be all that surprising it's almost a foregone conclusion that once a week or republican congressmen like louie gohmert or steve stockman will say something ridiculously intolerant about women or minorities sensible conservatives
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try to say that people like gomer stockman are just a few bad apples but those conservatives are ignoring their party's own history the real agenda the republican party is to serve billionaires and transnational corporations because that group represents such a small number of voters they need to expand the tent it done this by aggressively courting bigots and racists along with the religious fringe. massaging the stick man and people who fetishizing guns it started when richard nixon manipulated white people angry at the civil rights movement in his one thousand nine hundred sixty eight presidential campaign he called it the southern strategy it was perfected when ronald reagan gave the first speech of his one nine hundred eighty campaign for president of the united states in philadelphia mississippi the place where three civil rights activists were murdered in the one nine hundred sixty s. them in the movie mississippi burning about it and at that speech he told people at a county fair that he believed in states' rights. as marge r. and c. chairman reince priebus promised that his party would try to make itself more
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appealing to women and minorities era scandals and politically incorrect freakouts the most recent over coca-cola ad of all things shows that the republicans are still embrace in the southern strategy. it's won them elections for decades and unless racism suddenly disappears or massage or sexism fill in the blanks it's going it will continue to win the elections for years to come the g.o.p. remains the last refuge of its and however much people like reince priebus try to whitewash that pun intended it's not going to change anytime soon. with me for tonight's big picture politics panel are here in news a member of the national advisory council for the project twenty one black leadership network needs sweet progressive commentator marc harrold libertarian commentator and attorney and and and author thank you all for joining us tonight. you all heard my rant and show you what is so offensive about this there's nothing
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about the ad but let's be clear that again i'm going to take the normal conservative stance that these are just a few bad apples i don't think that it is ironic that we're having this discussion today just earlier wrist pre-vis in the republican party just at their trailblazers luncheon for minorities for african-american outreach talking about all the gains of the be made in terms of reaching out into the different cities and the difficulties of minorities particularly african-americans and making sure that they are building relationships these incidences clearly don't help that progress if you will if you discount their progress but at the same time the official party itself understands that you know the big they have to turn their back on the bigotry and some of the some of the generalizations that other people might want to put on to the party but the official party is yet and yet the legacy of this. nixon and reagan is that you. basically the southern strategy is alive and well the white
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races in the south run the republican party so i think the party does have to make it clear that the bigots in the some of the some of the biggest amount believe that there is a very small number within the party can't found refuge within the party i think that they're working towards that it may progress that that's not going to be clear if you look at the autopsy that was done if the twelve elections in may the republican party said very clearly that we have to reach out to hispanics african-americans so the minorities and do a better job of it so i think that the party is making strides in recognizing these problems and i don't think it's indicative of the party and you know i have two out gay republican candidates for congress. so you know you have been i think white i think ultimately but the problem for the republicans isn't so much how they talk about these issues but what they do about these issues right i mean this is a party that still is pushing for voter suppression monster across the country and this is a party that is still pretty much universally opposed to any sort of path this is citizenship for undocumented workers in this country so i think the problem for the
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republicans i'm sure there's going to be some strategists out there that comes up with a way they can talk about these things can discipline the party but ultimately the question then for them comes down to whether or not they're going to change their actual policies to welcome new people into the party's old mark as an independent or you don't call yourself a republican you know not a republican and this is a to me this is for a lot of the people came forward especially people who are in leadership roles whether it's in the party or elected officials that came out i think this was a a swing to pitch in the dirt i mean i think this was a mistake you know if the republican party can't reach out to swing voters and independents if they go with a lot of the comments that were made or if that becomes as he said more of their position through their actions and they alienate people they were not going to win elections i think it's at least two parties i think if they come across they're preaching very much the choir getting votes they already have with these reactionary. things that they see. hey the other thing is you have to look at is you know when you're looking for votes it's sort of an advertising thing coca-cola
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is not a bunch of idiots they did certainly this is a super bowl ad they certainly see the changing demographics of this country they're trying to sell a product they went with this not to make a social statement as much as to sell product they figured out that it would be at least to the majority of people seen in a positive light and if the republicans can't follow suit with the changing times they're going to very much work their way into being obsolete well it's not even that much of a change because this ad is just reinvention. i believe and i use i used to work in the advertising industry this is just a reinvention of the old i want to teach the world to sing you know which was which was from what the eighty's that they i mean they did they first roll that thing out during the reagan administration koch has been singing this song you know no pun intended for twenty thirty years would have what i think is so interesting for the republicans you know there's obviously we have this discussion over and over again about how they're going to manage the different factions in the party but i think for me at least i think ultimately this is what's going to lead to someone like ted
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cruz being nominated for the for the republican nomination twenty sixteen but not because he's some far right lunatic that he's going to demagogue his way to the nomination but because he can play both sides of sides of the coin he's already educated lawyer who can talk to the republican donor base office panic yet he can dog whistle and we have about a half a minute i'm curious this was a moment an opportunity for the republican party to decry this and yet i have not heard any prominent republicans coming out and saying these people don't represent my party here let's give it some time it's only been a couple days since they since the ad aired you know just a couple of people on the outside in my opinion that have made these statements a lot of these are elected officials so this gives them time with see if if the of the party more do you think anybody is going to is going to say allen west you're wrong. i think so i'm optimistic. mr duffy i hope you're right more of tonight's big picture politics panel after the break.
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i've got a quote for you. it's pretty tough to. stay where it's about story and. let's give this guy like you would smear about guns instead of working for the people most issues in the mainstream media or working for each other driver i'm stationed in spite. of it rather. it was a. very hard to take i think once again to come on here a plane fly had never had sex with her thick hair the place.
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the place. if it was safe if. if .
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wall go back with me for tonight's big picture politics panel are here we knew some dates wait and marc harrold let's get back to it according to a new study published in the journal of the proceedings of the national academy of sciences and reported by ross story canadian tar sands will from the athabaskan tar sands in alberta releases more hydrocarbon pollutants into the air than scientists had previously estimated study comes just days after the state department said in its final environmental impact statement the building the keystone x.l. pipeline which would transfer tar sands oil from alberta across the united states would have little impact on the environment and climate change so if here's the let me just throw this out to all of you guys if anybody wants to grab hold of this
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we're basically taking this really really dirty it's not even oil it's cold it gets ground up really fine bit of most oil or coal gets brought up really find is because with water millions millions of gallons of water and pump down this pipeline is a slurry basically and when we refine it we end up with these huge piles of pad coke there's this mountain of chicago right now for example is that is blowing over a minority community on its way to the lake to lake michigan is just it's just at the apparently the koch brothers own i mean maybe they're going to change its purpose but. it's like so we get the poison we're going to ship the stuff down to louisiana we get the poison from refining it and then they export the big gasoline and diesel fuel to china to mexico to to brazil to england and because all those places the cost of gasoline is more expensive than it is here and actually raises the cost of gas here cordie of trans canada it's going to raise the cost of gasoline here. why why doesn't anybody ask the question if the canadians it's so
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enthusiastic about selling the stuff trans canada is pipelines of canadian companies doing this but if they just refined their own damn oil in their own damn country and keep their own damn poison and we'd be glad to buy their gasoline a diesel fuel. this is the one thing you know when you do these and impact studies you have to look at different scenarios we know that it's that this stuff is going to stay in the ground for the most part no i'm talking if the market is there for this it's either in china or it's in the us there's no way to get it out of their alberta vancouver will not allow them to run a pipeline across the rockies over the pacific so you run it do it by real truck yes you can and there's no way to get enough rail cars to move anywhere close to his magic high six times eight hundred thousand gallons a day that so you can you think about the profit that's sitting in those tar sands and you think that this go and just stay there that's what it's all about i don't see it i don't see that happening i think that you have to make the assumption that
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somehow someway you see they're going to go to the west coast of canada or it's going to go to louisiana well then so then others then what canada keep to keep the cancer's i mean if it was the west coast of canada gets refined then the cancer alley is going to be vancouver to alberta rather than texas to louisiana probably that is the one thing that you have to also think about when you think about climate change and releasing carbon emissions into the air we if it comes through the united states we can regulate it we can't regulate have noted it has more regulations than we do our refineries that's one of the reasons that all battles and they can't run or they can't build refineries because right regular they're not willing. to poison their piece of this that they really are willing to poison our people so that's what i want to vote for her and i know it because they know our government is going to become a third world country with regard to immigration but what i think is sort of where you point out tom is framing debate in terms of why doesn't canada want to refine the tar sand so bear what i think is interesting is that you know the president if he does end up approving this pipeline which there's a good possibility now because the environmental impact statement he's really lost
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an opportunity to make climate change a populist issue because the republicans in the oil industry have framed the entire keystone x.l. pipeline debate as a populist issue the president isn't letting us have job of the american energy exactly exactly and you know if the president doesn't and he ends up approving this pipeline he's lost an opportunity to a take a stand on climate change a position the united states at the forefront of say no to the fossil fuel industry and b. he's also up lost an opportunity to frame that climate change debate which has been shaped by republicans as one that only elitists care about as a populist debate and i think that's unfortunate. well you know with technology and science into it are woven with issues that the masses are trying to figure out i mean i know i would look at this i look at all the stuff i'm not a scientist and i'm trying to figure it out and we have more and more of the science and technology with the electorate making decisions based on the perception and it's very difficult to understand what i think about this is you know aside
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from the specific issue is as we come out of the drug war the government has to find a way to tax us to make us afraid of something and they have the military industrial complex i still believe in why i fear this is not the specific steps that may be taken i think that the e.p.a. is the next step i think with with the affordable care act it's the i.r.s. i think the e.p.a. in the next twenty years is going to elevate itself to being a major law enforcement agency in this country if it's going to strong arm regulations instead of just having them in place and i think if you want to get out of the conspiracy theory right i'll give you and i mean i know yours about the crashing of the economy oh no no no. this is really sick much more simple even you know it's going to if they do if they build the pipeline if they build a pipeline we now have a thousand mile long bull's eye for any terrorist which means that we now have to hire thousands and thousands of police of some kind probably federal marshals and station them every mile or so along the pipeline to make sure that nobody ever blows of thing up because now i mean you know right now to do major damage to this
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country you got to like fly an airplane into a building but a couple of sticks of dynamite on this pipeline over the ogallala aquifer awkward for and you could shut down five states you know for the next hundred years by polluting their water so you know if you want a you know big government conspiracy theory that's going to cost millions of dollars i mean just like we're spending millions of dollars every day literally every day protecting the oil coming over here from saudi arabia and exxon mobil is not paying us back that you would i the taxpayers are paying this this is another opportunity internalised the profits externalized the club saluda think it's interesting tom is that the whole issue you just brought up about it being a target for terrorist attacks as chris has it is has the stadia of sacrifice owns and global capitalism you know i think what the keystone x.l. pipeline does is turn the entire center part of the united states into a sacrifice so many in its environment particularly the reactors that again elizabeth warren has joined a chorus of lawmakers calling on the government to allow the u.s.
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post office to perform the role of financial services for poor americans this is published over enough in post and and she said if the post office offered basic banking services nothing fancy just basic bill paying cash a check cashing in small dollar loans then it could provide affordable financial services for under-served families at the same time shore up its own financial footing so basically what she's saying is let's let the post office do for a very low cost what payday lending companies are doing right now for four hundred percent interest huge fees is an eight billion dollars a year industry of my recollection the numbers are right the post office can do it . a half a billion dollars it would add to their coffers it would save seven and a half billion dollars for poor people who don't have a checking account. the only problem with this is that that law in two thousand and six that required the post office to set aside seventy five years worth of retirement funds over a ten year period which is bankrupting the post office also forbids the post office from doing anything it doesn't have to do the post office would post it would
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delivering mail so it's not time to roll back the two thousand and six postal accountability and hansen act that you know we're just a republican poison pill mark let me start with what i know i mean the post office most of the services are being privatized we're seeing you know you go out there and see a rotted old post post box and you see a brand new fed ex and u.p.s. you know box right next to it the post office will be obsolete at some point most likely it is in the constitution it's something that is constitutionally authorized i'm absolutely against the post office getting into the banking business the post office getting into the other absolutely going to do a lot of thinking about other countries but this idea that this goes back to the idea that government should solve any problem that it can't and that's not the truth the post office is supposed to do what it does i think it'll become in the marketplace obsolete but this idea that you would just change the something to something else just because about predatory lenders are their problem yeah but this is clearly banking loans these things because this is not the solution is all of these roads where i don't think it'll solve the problem i mean you've been to the
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post office i don't know that you want to get banking there seems to me like a policy that republicans really should all be about you know the line we've heard from them for the from the past ten years that they're about x. the president opposes expanding financial opportunity for poor americans this is this is a time where the government can actually you know serve that role but i think politically it's actually pretty brilliant by elizabeth warren and democrats to start supporting this issue because who is ever going to come out and say i support payday loan payday loan companies and pawn shops i think you know it's going to be pretty deep their allies i mean you've got a bunch of republicans who fought tooth and nail. when we did one night and supposed to try to regulate the payday loan industry i think it is i'm sorry i think it is good policy and i think income inequality is the democrats' best issues going in the next couple years i think it's a good point you know. there's there's one there's one assumption this seems to be here this idea of there's no more hazard when you're dealing with a government entity and mark made a good point about how things eventually get outsourced so what problem we solve we
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saying that the more has that exist with payday lending industry is not going to be present with the post office there so that's a huge assumption to make expansion if you're talking about the fact that certain services will have been should probably get outsourced i mean the government already provides financial lending to big banks and some of the wealthiest americans what's wrong with it about and that sort of incentive to lowering i mean they have infrastructures designed to do that but the post office is marcus saying the post office is the to deliver mail the little box is just not good it was originally set up to loan twenty six trillion dollars to big banks and and billionaires on wall street but that's what they did in two thousand and eight i mean you know. they can do that why can't we do this with you know it was going to listen to the problem at both ends of the spectrum and they should get out of this altogether i agree with you there they shouldn't be involved in either end of the spectrum they should get completely out of it. will that the last word on that when the minimum wage seventy three percent of americans think that the minimum wage is too low it's you know if it was where it was nine hundred sixty five would be ten
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dollars and ten cents an hour if it was where it was in one hundred sixty five based on the increase in productivity today it would be at eighteen dollars thirty cents which is by the way in the neighborhood of water it is from canada to australia to most of western europe and so you know. you can david jolley florida republican congressional candidate recently the republican recently came out and said that while he doesn't want politicians raising the minimum wage she thinks it should be at least indexed to inflation if you have been indexed to inflation since sixty eight this is where it would be. shouldn't we do that something about this and was david jolly confused as you going to be walking this back or are the republicans starting to sing this we've got one i don't i don't see this being the republican party we'll see if he survives i think he's win out in the primaries yes we'll see if he actually survives we don't know he's right ok yeah i just think he didn't didn't check his facts before he made this statement but it does show the difficulty rubble republicans are going to have in framing
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their attitude towards a minimum wage and it was it was to all i think this is it mean obviously it's very popular it's gets good politics i think it's bad policy i don't think he gets through the primary unless he walks his back he might be republican he's not conservative but there should be no minimum wage. all right. thank you all very much is. nate and mark thanks so much for having us coming up the death of actor philip seymour hoffman has opened the public's eyes to america's growing heroin epidemic that's causing a surge in heroin addiction and how can it be stopped the answer to both of those questions for the birth.
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he shuns our forces at. the. six nations and the finish line of the marathon. and i. might have been hearing some.
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thinking. i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.g.p. question more. oversight
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. did you know the press is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck i'll just. go on. there are you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on to money. we go beyond identifying to try to fix rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing now to buy them are ready to join the movement then welcome the big picture. welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour the tragic passing of philip.


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