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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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i suspect. they would like to do is show that you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution so i think that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck help us. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we were the a little picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing america emma ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. though i'm tom hartman in washington d.c.
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and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture conservatives across america especially at fox were outraged yesterday claiming that obamacare is going to cost our country over two million jobs where they get that information and what's the real story behind obamacare is economic impacts and believe it or not multimillionaires can get unemployment insurance fortunately senators trying to change that make sure that unemployment insurance is only for those who need it the most but the republicans go along with the plan that and more into the woods alone liberal. you know this conservative heads were exploding all across the country yesterday that's because the congressional budget office the c b o released a new report detailing some of the economic effects of obamacare the report
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projects that by twenty seven the number of hours worked in america. the number of hours the workers put in will decline by roughly the equivalent of two point three million people leaving the workplace thanks to obamacare of course conservatives all across the media's day were pointing to that projection as proof that obamacare is a failure in a job destroyer watch boxes gretchen carlson said that the cvo now says the president's health care law will cut the number of full time jobs they have since by two point three million in twenty going on to the fact that they are claiming deemed mostly false and not only false but these numbers are actually great news what their congressional budget office has pointed out is that you no longer have to work a full time job to get health insurance studies suggest that there are millions and millions of americans who hate their jobs but they're working because they have to in order to get health insurance they're stuck in dead end crappy jobs with awful hours and they only put up with it so they can get health care for themselves and their families but now thanks to obamacare people in debt in low paying lousy jobs
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are going to be able to say i don't need this job anymore just because it has health insurance associated with it i'm going to go find a job where i can work fewer hours and i actually enjoy the work i'm doing even if it doesn't have health insurance keep in mind particularly with the dramatic increase in women particularly for this participating in the workforce over the past three decades a large part of our workforce is made up of parents with kids at home and after of all american children come home to an empty house after school would be great if one of those parents in those households could say you know how to work an eight to six or nine to five i think a work out of three and be home when the kids get home from school. said are worried about losing health insurance by going part time now parents know that they'll still be able to qualify for insurance under obamacare regardless of how many hours they work. so what this report shows is that obamacare has liberated a lot of people to just say no to work they hate this is the first benefit that the
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new c.b.s. report has pointed out but the cvo report also points out another benefit that obamacare is not going to cause a loss of jobs regardless of what the fire the target has a fox news say but the fewer people will choose to be workers so what's that going to me well first it means the jobs are going to open up for unemployed people in the unemployment rate will go down second it means that america is going to get happier you know you're going to have fewer people stressed out by work and too many hours in jobs they hate just to get insurance which means fewer people beating up their kids taking it out of the kids fewer people committing suicide fewer people getting divorces because of the work place stress that they bring home third what happens when two million people drop out of the work force the labor market tightens up and when the labor market tightens up wages start going up because competition for workers increases when wages go up the middle class grows and standard of living increases tax collection goes up which means our nation's budget deficit goes down and the increased wages get spent into the marketplace which
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drives demand stimulates the economy that leads to even more jobs as employers have to hire more people to meet the needs of a reinvigorated economy. these are all good things and because almost all those workers who are overworked and hate their jobs are making relatively low wages virtually one hundred percent of them are paid social security and medicare taxes on all of their income so income too so security program is going to go up social security get strength that in fact general tax revenues will go up reducing the budget deficit this is all great news so why are conservatives flipping out let's rubble. joining me for tonight's low rumble our chris allman conservative commentator and activist and horace cooper common conservative commentator and senior fellow with the national center for public policy research welcome back to both of you claim to see it and i see you two words so despite what the talking heads of over at fox are
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saying this is really great news for america is not i mean we're seeing the fulfillment of what paul ryan mitt romney and the heritage foundation are calling. yeah i'm almost speechless at your introduction it's a good thing that more americans don't have to work except for tom you know what do you know what social scientists have found out leads to real happiness earned success not a subsidy from the government not in some sort of sense different from working long hours or crappy job no but you're saying it doesn't exist you don't have to work but one of the best ways to get to earn success yeah working long hours at a crappy job that's that that's about it hard to work out if it cannot and you know you can't get the job you love unless you have its let me let me when i call the hall ryan on this topic ok paul ryan knows about this stuff he says a lot of people change their jobs so the tax benefit should change and go with them and not be attached their job we had to address job walk so the key question that
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ought to be addressed in any health care reform legislation is are we going to continue job lock or are we going to allow individuals more choice and portability to fit the twenty race or term and i agree with you that's what the studies raise i know no bedad it is not what the study says it has of people are setting up law i'm sure i know a lot to do is job john locke is a terrible thing that people should have portable health insurance it should belong to them the way our life insurance and our car insurance belongs to us not tied to an employer but what obamacare is doing it is causing people it's saying that you know with these subsidies now the mother might go out and get a second job but now she can't because the family will earn too much money and they'll lose the subsidy and then they'll lose their health insurance money you can afford bill you know not a very great cvo spends a lot of time i spent a little. hour today studying the report just so that i could understand what this
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new once was now look there are three groups of people i want to quickly go to one people who are presently on social services and welfare benefits to ultra high income earners three lower class. working class people trying to get to the middle class our policies it's important what we do about those three groups all of the rest of america these policies aren't so consequential in the case of people who are stuck on social programs there have always been since they're beginning a disincentive to work because you cut people off and we have accepted that if you make more than thirty eight hundred dollars that did then here you can't even get medicaid so if we have a hundred dollars a year i mean you're talking now you're not talking a lot of you're talking about a deadline that is more for the lowest group we have accepted that that's one of the consequences of people working is that they're going to be penalized in this sense for trying to do so but the obama agenda was to penalize you if you raise
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yourself up to six thousand dollars a year people at that level are low enough that there are other incentives to cause them to run is what this does is it says to the group that actually does plan to work isn't sitting on the threshold that you shouldn't and it is going to be where it is friday like today will leaving a job or changing a job means leaving behind the health insurance provided the place work individuals who wish to take a better job change careers or leave the workforce to raise a family or to retire early take substantial risk and what you do under the mccain plan which by the way was obamacare which links tax breaks directly to individual cases and placed an order on mccain to vigils mccain was basically proposing obamacare do you hear romney anywhere around obama you know individuals that no longer feel obligated to stay with their employers simply because they need to keep their health but this is what they need to do a yes job lock is a is a bad thing that's why people should own their own insurance but if the government
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owns your insurance iran doesn't own you yes it does because i give you your subsidies you will lose the subsidy if you earn more so if you are struggling to get in the middle class if you're lower middle so you're arguing that we you we should go subsidies to you as they are here. training if you go for job training and get a higher paying job you lose your obamacare subsidy you are now being trapped into a lower paying job the buy a mom like i am that that's why you know congress here say these are for their kids forty thousand dollars thirty to twenty five thousand dollars a year and getting a subsidy to making fifty thousand dollars a year ok larry literally has to do as little as seventy five hundred bucks more that's the difference seventy five hundred dollars price goes out to dollars of a battle is like that also they're going to get back on their i don't know what that's right but for exact grade which is a wonderful they had no but opting out of the workforce is harmful for them yet as it is as harmful as saying to ultra high income people at the day this is what the this i'm going to buy is said to c.b.s. no i read the c.v.
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right wisely a very limited range of a cd or not you know you're going to see a variety of groups the c.e.o. says very clearly there will be no loss of jobs no no no no you were i didn't say that working i didn't say that there were people i didn't say i wanted to work fewer hours people or if you were i say which is a good idea let me it's different categories there are moms who can opt out but there are also single fathers there are also head of household fathers who will also opt out of the result of that that has significant effects on the economy and right now that's not the right answer for our economy so your alternative is to say to people that screw you now all are turning to have left the republican alternative my old don't get sick if you do get sick die quick oh please oh and why are you telling me i what i've heard i'm glad to hear that are you over the last week here this what is this obama care help me save you this obamacare is going to
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kill more people don't bother next lobby jindal is hearing people that are now using a program that any republican is this is seventeen thousand people according to harvard university are going to die in the next year because bobby jindal every day and rick perry and will write day. and medicaid we are getting the reports of people going to their doctor and being told that they're not going to get covered they're not going to get treated their advertisements of testimonials right now of people with lupus and other kinds of serious diseases better no longer being treated if there were such people they would be in the newspaper they already are well they're not you might find on some crazy right wing every day they are there the stories of these individuals are going to stories in the stories that are characterizing i'm guessing are the stories that i'm talking about the five point two million people who are low income people who would get free health insurance but because republicans in those twenty five red states are refusing to take them they're falling into the republican donut hole and yes the old people are also well there is no all of the nice long overall bill that after the break.
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we welcome aaron eight and abby martin to two of the coasts on the our team network . it's going to give you a different perspective give you one stock never i'll give you the information you make the decision to me about how breaking the said we're the revolution of the mind it's a revolution of ideas and consciousness and frustrated with the system extremely your public use would be described as angry i think in a strong enough under single. wealthy british style sun. time to.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert a no holds barred look at the global financial. headlines tune in to khan's report . back to the i will join our chris allman and horace cooper let's get back to it to celebrate it's the shortest month of the year so of course it's black history month february. so i say that. ironically i think it's just it's anyway it has nothing to do with when they want anything that right i don't know.
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yes i don't know what i don't know how february that's been you know this. in any case the r. and c. has released a number of radio ads in. largely black cities like atlanta detroit that honor the accomplishment of so-called republican trailblazers here's an example. this is republican national committee chairman ryan supreme but this black history month the republican party honors the achievements of black republican trailblazers including ohio judge sarah harper michigan businessman bill brooks and dr louis sullivan of georgia please join us as we celebrate those who make a difference made history and remain an inspiration to us all. paid for by the republican national committee. so first of all louis sullivan who they just mentioned he used to work in the george h.w. bush administration he's come out in favor of obamacare little bit of little
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problem for them but more importantly richard nixon famously said you know we're going to we're going to pick up the white races in the south that l.b.j. left behind when he signed the. civil rights act called it a southern strategy. ronald reagan's first speech after he was nominated to be president in one nine hundred eighty his first speech was in philadelphia mississippi where three civil rights workers were murdered and it was almost entirely about states' rights which we all know what that's code for and and we're now seeing this wave of voter suppression you know voter id laws all across the country is that is the republican party actually committed to repudiating as the democratic party largely did i mean the democratic party was very racist party as a up until the up until the early sixty's it was the place where the races are they are it's why the south was always wanted why would you run you had heard the head of the k.k.k. brother or jane he did that and robert byrd never repudiated that in fact he went
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on fox news which by the way didn't exist for most of his life and used the term nigger white to refer to poor on educated white people and he never gave his speech about this frankly you go to no good trash robert byrd old i wonder fact of the matter governor and senator from south carolina who put the flag up was allowed to retire and never have to answer hero of the south is democratic i'm giving you george wallace i mean these lester maddox they were democrats they were republicans are john thurmond was it sam a crap not a republican i watched the super early on and i watched the super bowl coverage and i heard president say that he could i have i'm like lectured president but nixon was you are so cold now he said he was more liberal the next he didn't say oh no he's a nixon was more liberal than he yeah i know but he didn't say nixon was the most liberal he said lyndon johnson probably was in his no one more liberal than he yeah i don't disagree with that but i did the progressive the room willing to step into
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the race matter let me answer the question of your record is the question that my question is really simple is the republican party actually making a commitment to repudiating the kind of things that reagan and nixon. did the race baiting or are they just giving lip service to. if you have ever had a water cannon hosed in your face if the governor of your state has ever told you you can't come to this school are go to this university if ballots were destroyed and the elected officials told you they were doing it because of your race congratulations you are meeting a democrat now if they don't have anything to repudiate i don't see anything about the noble history of the republican party which was the form on abolition and by the way not a single one of these notable racist bigots from the democratic party ever was forced out of the throne agency or did they ever sit down in fact they got promoted in samara urban was your watergate king three thousand no not sixty no al gore
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sr. let's talk about the party today yeah oh i have to ask you and i as i am add a i started to sell rags and i have ever. had a race problem for a long long time i mean this is a country that go blindly of republicans then but but what i'm saying or slow the republicans have been actively courting racists since nineteen absolutely no evidence of that and in fact it's just the opposite it was is they exactly the opposite listen to the next listen to the exactly you and their lives that were told to hear they are is actually made up by a guy who writes for newsmax you keep talking about nixon but we're talking about today look at look at the candidates we have conned elisa rice colin powell you know we have it in what the first senator and by the way the reason why the first black senator in the united states congress is sitting now today in two thousand and thirteen is because democrats refused to seek the republican black senator when
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he was sent by the state of louisiana and when he was wanted by what that four year and the one hundred thirty ok so i think in time there i think it may come a while so. so your assertion is that the republican party actually is as the democratic party has i think largely done although i'm sure there's still a lot of racists in the democratic party but officially repudiated the racism where they haven't had any affiliation with beauty is in the democratic party well i think such a civil rights act signing the voting rights act was a fairly large really you don't think so no how about calling out some folks who profited who benefited and whose careers were built on it saying to them no you can't your son is now going to be the next vice president at happening in the republican what's that no no no no no it's the republican party doesn't have to be a three hundred thirty eight hundred doesn't have this history you can't tell me you started in one nine hundred sixty eight you can't tell me you started one nine hundred sixty eight and that equals one hundred years the first american terrorist
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in america where the k.k.k. and the only way you could be a member of the k.k.k. was to be a card carrying democrat don't tell me but you look at the minimum i feel the latest bacon lost all these laws where they came down to the floor of the house of representatives and said we're passing this so that will stop the progress of blacks that were no republicans that were part of that so if you want to talk about who has something to cover they have something to cover for the next sixty eight and nine hundred sixty eight for one zero election does not count and want to ronald reagan called nine hundred eighty and what and what all these states are doing right now with these voter id laws that doesn't make one of my projects what is one of the cochairmen of project when did i survey i asked black just a simple on my part already of them so why why why is it that the super bowl the koch did that showed people of different races and religions why isn't that the twitter sphere twitter sphere and the blogosphere that went nuts about it
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negatively was exclusively conservative ok why was it that m s n b c claimed that the cheerios ad would be hated by the conservative movement and they were wrong when hundreds of the. thousands of people who are in interracial marriages demonstrated that they are conservatives they support the republican party and to make those claims is just bogus chris i haven't heard from you why is it that the the you know phil robertson has been supported by the republicans in the right after making racist homophobic comments why is it that the twitter sphere explodes with the stuff from the right but not from the right well first you're talking about the republican party and then you're talking about the twist we're now we're going in the twitter sphere i'm sure we can find many examples on the left of outrageous and unconscionable things that are said but the republican party was started on the belief that note me anything if there is no man is the property of another and that is what we believe today we believe that all people are jealous or
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have any content of warrior and care and not the color of their skin we are not the party that goes out and says to jerry seinfeld you don't have enough colored people on your comedy show why not and even jerry seinfeld laughed and said come on are we really being counting to this day the democrats are the bean counter and what have they done what have they done in fifty years on the war on poverty we have more african-americans in poverty than ever before because we have more people than ever before you know we have more why you. have a shortage we have a higher hasn't it out there i've been before you need it the policies of the democratic party have destroyed the black family to get easier as oregano it's absolutely not i want to describe it we do not have the highest poverty rate ever but we have an elevated level of poverty that is significantly higher than it is averaged over the last forty five no i agree that thirty two years ago you know this has been a ripped battered no no no no no no it was actually are substantially lower from
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one thousand nine hundred eighty to two thousand and six so it was a lot of their character bubbles are good you know but those are not so what we need when there are other policies from washington that destroy the. grandma is a wily ok we're going to run through the senate tomorrow is voting on new legislation that would restore unemployment insurance which the republicans cut off three days after christmas for for three months for more than a million people whose benefits were cut off rhode island democratic senator jack reed has promoted this in his you know the republicans are saying no we will not give people unemployment benefits unless it's paid for so jack reed says ok cool let's just cut off anybody who makes over a million dollars a year before they get unemployment benefits apparently last year more than three thousand americans with incomes over a million dollars a year had that income suddenly stop and start getting unemployment benefits now personally i'm of the opinion that it should continue that way that this should not be means tested but you know jack reed is saying let's means test unemployment
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benefits and you know pay for the system by a pension smoothie which is you know fully ideal but we have always why are those policies going to filibuster this no no no no way to say it's been since two thousand and six that we pay for these employment benefits and if harry reid actually wants to send a bill to speaker boehner and show us that the senate actually is on record i reckon welcome him to do so they have stopped on their own because they agree that they're only going to do this for short term interest i think that during a time of crisis when capitalism has failed people are out of work for no not for their cause not because of but because a bunch of bankers on wall street committed crimes actual crimes you know what i mean this is great because these two they pulled who are only enjoy it now and can now go out and fulfill their dreams yes and they'll get reality insurance from affordable care act all that and yet if i stay sarnie said yesterday for it now
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they'll have a lot more time to vote fill their own dreams this is what carney and obama want that there's nothing wrong with what you've got you know i know what employment. you know that people darting to you know you know of the troubles that they probably headed their jobs anyway and i don't you know i one benefits i have to demonstrate that you're looking for a job you have a pro but it surely you know they're dumping the jobs that they're hell of wills who wants these kinds of things that right it takes away from your free time are you going to be yourself picking up any time to tell you really just started your legs or as you guys are putting out the worst kind of stereotype that really you know this is just an army ready idea of the rate benefits that two point three million equivalents are going to be able to was why is he involved where already is and you know he well his parents claim thing we're just not simply giving him any more support for it but really going to do you know you act like people who are really think that the people who are unemployed who are looking for work are
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equivalent to people who are working crap jobs sixty hour weeks and would like to dial back to thirty really you know to get to you do and on top of that on top i would leave you with chris all that and horace can pursue things for joy lots of fun and he indeed has always i mean our climate change is to blame for many things somewhat melting polar icecaps to extreme and wacky weather but it could also be responsible for y.p. a large portions of the arena like in the years to come. i've got a quote for you. it's pretty tough. stay where it's not storing. it's just misguided like but smear that time stead of working for the people most issues the beach meet your work for each other bribes vision.
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would rather play well. well. sorry it's technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the huge area covered. it was pretty.
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overplayed though if you if you did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct call for us. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the problem you're trying to rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america are you ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. what about the big picture are been coming up in this half hour billions of people around the world depend on fish for a daily source of protein but climate change and overfishing are putting all that at risk but we actually see a global near extinction of salt water fish species more on that just
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a moment and c.b.s. is decision to stop selling tobacco products is a sign that we need to start taxing sugar and carbon the way we do cigarettes to tell you why and i'd still be to. believe. in tonight's green report already take a look at the effect of climate change and overfishing on global marine biodiversity according to a new research out of every university in scotland global warming is making fish smaller the research which was reported on by the b.b.c. in january suggests that the maximum body length of fish including attic whiting. place and soul as fallen by as much as twenty nine percent over the last thirty eight years over the same period global ocean temperatures have risen between one and two degrees celsius something the aberdeen researchers say is more than just a coincidence as he told the b.b.c. .


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