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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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why. larry king now we're seeing double bits tia and tamera mowry the only thing we can't do it like feel each other's pain like if i pinch mines now i know what she's thinking right now she can't hide anything from me and vice versa that me thinking you're really excited yes i am you're a little nervous a little cuz i really love lane but you're having a great time yes i am a jew dave my friend so point four is that who. plus do you finish each other's sentences that yes i know oh i'm all next on larry king now. welcome to larry king now you know them originally of course as identical twins on
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the ninety sitcom sister sister well they're now grown up and starring in a show about their real lives called tia and tamera when it premiered it was the most watched style network show in his stead network's history tina also stars in instant mom on the get by did you can expect them sunday's new food at eight thirty they're everywhere we try marriage is called host of the new daytime talk show the real look out for that nationwide next fall they do other thing is cut i'm running out of time i'm back you have to do an honest and good night. out of this show think most of how the system is sisters come about as a show. it's a long story but related to r.c.s. i see the look you're giving me and larry i would be ok well basically my sister and i used to watch star search all the time on our like eleven and that kind of introduced us to the television world we had to shoot for star search we didn't make a. as dancers
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a lot of people they don't know that we actually stand acid it's hip hop to get in when we don't know we can even when the audition you know so but that didn't stop us we realized we wanted to act so we told our mom that we wanted to act we were living in killeen texas at the time and we don't even know where clean is. it's and it's an army an army town broadly broach yes yes we can help with how we use this is that yeah we came to l.a. and we ended up meeting a woman by the name of irene dreyer she saw that there was potential with my sister and i and then we sat down with the exact said paramount studios and they said this is a show you know and that's and then we end up we ended up. we were fourteen fourteen years old years old you know they did take off the show right away it was a hit right away right away we were top ten we were in the top ten with bill cosby
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remember so the cost the show was just about and that was a fictional show she says to write it we have been separated at birth right. through you not fiction it's reality yes it's about our lives yes sometimes i wish it was fictional whole home the whole alicia's this is drawn sister sister was on for six years six seasons we basically grew up on that show ended with show when we were twenty one and now do you finish each other's sentences a lot all the time. made of you twins you having times you know i mean if you put a convention do you still have no yeah you just never we've never gone you know you know when you're in washington i don't scares me for some reason being around when it's a little freaky well i was telling the staff that i had one twin on one cheek and the other twin was in there couldn't make him down i was on my phone. all over the
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country when i got to the school he said that's my brother before i picked up the phone yeah you have that have you have oh yes we do the only thing we can't do is like feel each other's pain like if i pinch mines not i know what she's thinking right now she can't hide anything from me and vice versa what am i thinking you're really excited yes i am you're a little nervous a little cry very lovely like you're having a great time yes i am a kid. it was still the course of brothers years ago they felt each other's pain really that we but that was so it is emotional and we feel each other's pain but i mean i know you and i know i mean it's not like i feel if you're both mothers yes doing reality shows very honest right yes hard to do it put stuff on you don't want to go on oh yes you have the final say. i'm mum all your mentally yes and no but ultimately if the network wants to keep something in and we want to keep it out we don't have the final say right now you host a new daytime talk show called the real test and we just announced the show will be
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nationally syndicated yet where was it originally from the one sitting it was shown in seven cities so seven markets nationally why isn't she in on that too well we're glad you're edging her. own i know you are very sensitive to that dominating you want to split from her be honest america like that were dominating i like i mean you my like you're our own i like that we are twins but it is important for our brand together to have a very strong individual already years. larry you never ask women how they are. i don't understand it i don't really ever understood the age group with women emotional sense to me really for example you look very young ok let's or she were me like i was fifty four years old or any dummy is tell her you should talk people use of these three and they would go crazy yes she says oh yes let's say where we
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are already eight. you know that not an hour an hour you know you got a new show call instant mom yes how did that come about. you know aaron kaplan he's an amazing producer and he just told me to read the script i fell in love with it it's a show about you know me being a mom and i'm a mom in real life and i was just excited to be able to play a mom for them because there's it is well yes i produce it and i'm loving every single moment of it it's a great show here both be a very busy and you're both parents yes happily married yes she you don't use your married man well. i'm tia mowry harder act and i'm to marry maury housley we have the same initials now still not interesting are the men you married schimmel know because twins usually marry men beddoes schimmel thank god that did not end with my daughter your husband do his in after his leave you are very hard
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for your money has been is a senior correspondent for fox news fox news oh yes. he's on the right side of the ledger every day right and he would never. write so of yes he's in our spot is fair and balanced yeah exactly why i never call art that you should have him on your show do they all get along the husbands how do you do they speak at the same time i know. it's hard but they're very different i think are husbands who shares with his white. what you want to have a wife i guess i do yet you didn't you thought i could have i did i do i all. i ask the same question all those and they're doing hello no flood ah well on social media as yes we i know right we get tons and tons of another word demi
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lovato's i am at first did it did but now i laugh at it because honestly it's their issue not mine all right your. son is named cree. cre then not sure if i know you good luck with greek well my husband wanted his name to have a strong meaning and he wanted it to have the meaning of a warrior so native american it is it's native american and create what is and was a tribe of indians who were warriors that would travel down many other that would travel the world and he's already living up to his name he's already been on fifty he's had been on fifty plane rides wednesday fifty plane rides one train ride he loves loves loves to travel very wise right now he's to stew and your son eighteen was not on the number twelve communities first group there yet he did so awesome i think i'm bald like
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a baby is that normal yesterday would you come up with a aiden honestly in our in our family we have like this family tradition all of our first names start with the letter of your your husband's first name so my husband's name is adam so i wanted my son's name to start with an eight and eight in actually means fire it so he's your husband you're going to see yes his name is corey so that's already coming out are you good barry do the kids come first oh yes definitely oh yes you know you realize that normally you could have come here today . but i don't have. that girl you really twins now how do you think your kids are going to handle growing up celebrity for you i don't mean yeah i think i think my sister and i we've done a pretty good job we started out you know as child. turns actresses and
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we've handled it very well so all of the parenting i think certainly environment and the balance so i think i know my child would i think it's going to be fine same here. we definitely have boundaries to do date my friends so it's my problem is that. well i did miss is that you it's her. he does what is that emergency yes and you agree oh no he's here a great way it was for a day but we were really really good friends he's one of the best is a is a genius yes he is nice guy he is your wish you want to swim. here you don't know anything else quit right now i want a twenty two i don't know why we do we ever wish we weren't told. my name only we're not no never wished i was i wasn't i'm so happy i'm a twin i love being a twenty you have a built in best friend i think one of the main reasons why you have it will be an
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enemy to rezone twins fight to get out and it isn't necessarily mean you're an enemy. yet me weak we went through a lot of our milestones a lot of our trials and tribulations together and so have you heard of that built in support system but again at the same time you do fight for your individuality and the older children like two minutes but people say would you have guessed that . i either could have either larry no you look to see if you're twins you know but i fear your argument that it was virtually it's a little different and they do oh oh. it's hard to tell. you see if i would know the difference how that's related larry and i would know you'd really know who i was since those things are senses a little maybe you do your eyes a little differently than some people say i have bigger ideas like mine are a little bit more. right you have will understand why how your area of your lives
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are a little wider than her lips you use different color that stick you know no easy or moves or been said why are you here is the same yes no you call that the same usable clearly or other but what i was not sure is blah. for this theory of types about twins you'd like to dispel oh that's a really really good question i think that we're the same person and that we think and we do things the same all the time always together i mean sometimes when i'm on the street they're like and it's just me or hi guys cause you live to each other for about twenty minutes yes but you do have a home in napa that you frequently visit yes where you live in l.a. yes l.a. . so that's kind of hard sometimes but we see each other we've got to make sure home you don't know and i'm fine. because i've got a lot of it is
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a lot of responsibility then you i lay around and i think i don't know we don't we don't we don't really really talk about it at like this is you know like that all i see these six vassal and i'm successful our families are that's tomorrow on growing up famous because bill thoughts on today's young starlets that's next. my marriage is joining me on. impartial and financial reporting commentary interviews and much much. only on the bus and only on.
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cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. we're glad we're tia and tamera you created a little milky product yes what is it called milky. it's a milky bomb no gas no hold nifty milky way you have two brothers yes well we
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actually out of five we have several we have milky we have stretchy which is a stretch mark green we have softy yes which is. a body lotion and then we have nippy which is. a nipple barm like cream for women who are nursing as young as a boy bought not a billabong no no no no no no it's not you know where are these products sold well they are sold at destination maternity and a piano pod and also are needed brands dot com on all three of them yes. we were doing thirteen year olds yes did you have a problem with fame. alone. i don't think i ever i never had a problem i did kind of want to make sure that i had enough privacy in my life and from i think it's it is hard it's very hard but i think it's important for kids
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growing up my mom made sure that there was a balance and then also raising kids and being married you have to keep certain things to yourself and private highlighting the coolest thing what our mom would do was you know we would work but when we when we were done with work we would go home and when we were at home we were just kids you're both very big. i don't like to say and i'm not really yes i'm not religious where faith raised christian christian but me in particular i love all different types of religions i learn from them all they believe in day i believe in god yes i do i love catholicism i love christianity i love judaism buddhism and i learn from all of it. is it true to my that you waited til you twenty nine version to do it one year ok it was
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you know i was not well see i don't say religious because i truly believe that sometimes some of the most religious people are actually the meanest and most judgment of people out there i'm more into having a personal relationship with god and with my faith because i am a christian with jesus christ so of course i me waiting till i was twenty nine my faith had a lot to do with it but it wasn't the only reason why my health class actually scared the bejesus out of me when i was in high school your husband said it would you. know not i mean i don't know winnie i don't know when he no absolutely not all that i loved about my husband is that he respected my need of you feel about her in charlotte but what a lot of people don't know is i lost my virginity at twenty five so i wasn't far behind from you know. i think it's great and for
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me the reason why i withheld from it was. i wasn't dating just to date i wanted to get married and i wanted to be in a committed relationship if we had i yeah i felt that if i didn't have sex right away i would really know if. you know my my partner who is my husband now if he really did care for me anything really loved me and that's why i decided to wait as well that's very good i think you know as you look at today's young stars like the miley cyrus justin bieber how do you feel well first of all i see your solution true but i actually feel for them in the sense that they have the whole world looking at them go through adolescence go go through these changes what are the about say that what we went through that as well i know but the thing is we were different people than than they were and not particularly it you know we were very sheltered. i think it has a lot to do with parenting i was just honestly i think i think sometimes. the
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line is crossed with with parents you can't be just to be their best friends and i think sometimes when you have children that are making more money than you are when you have children that are so you know popular. they kind of parents they kind of want to be their best friend and they want to hang out in the clubs within and do what they do but or they given the easy route because they are making more money they are and they let them do whatever they want to do and they don't discipline. the olsen twins they gave it up right they give up the business yes that is your thing to leaving the business no not me i never think of leaving it one hundred percent. i love to act. but i also love to produce what would you do if you. for instance. someone comes to you over if you
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a great deal. in new york. if they leave her i have to leave my the shows for you to your. well joe in new york must be in new york yes a lot of money yes at the end of the day girl you know you. cannot answer. and you're going out just out of admitting that you're not you are you how do you answer the question i know but that's the real to you. at the end of the day i have a family i have to take care of myself i have to take care of my family and yes we are a unit but we're also individuals and i don't see anything wrong with that and i wouldn't be upset if she did that i want her to to take care of herself and her family if you get a lot of flak still get some flack in social media about interracial marriage i sure do have you have you know that you are face our. face problems of being black is that we ever face problems as being that is the
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most yes side being so yes i think in certain areas. it still exists i remember i was you know doing a show called the game in atlanta and i was in atlanta for four months and i will never forget walking into an elevator and it was just me and another woman and she was a white woman and she decided to you know grab her her purse as if i was going to do something and mind you i didn't experience something like that. you know in l.a. but i think if it exists we made a lot of moves oprah was on and issue few have a seat for she was in a story in europe and she walked in and she pointed out about a barrack she said she did the store owner didn't know who would see that bag and they said you couldn't afford it oh and then bring the bag. and you have to
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disclose over conservative but you're obama supporter right i don't discuss i don't call myself a conservative and i'm ranting. i'm mr. in the middle i support our president you do i mean i am aware that i'm in a bomb a supporter all right good work. ok where's your social media questions for you and i tell you a funny truth when story ok. philly fashion week instagram wants to know if you've ever found yourselves fighting for the same role oh all the time i think as actors yeah yeah it's a part of our nature. to club via twitter wants to know what your favorite thing is about being a mom or oh my goodness i think seeing life in a whole new way i have a whole new perspective i love seeing my son just grow and become who he is and who's the lender tweets what's your brother up to why don't we see other members of the family on the show taj is actually on a very successful a.b.c.
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family show called daddy and the reason why you don't see any of our family members on a reality show because they don't want to be they are very very private. enforce the twelve you are kings things bloggers a question is women with mixed ethnic background have you ever felt pressured to choose one identity because of society's tendency to label people based on appearance you are both a mixed background yes our fathers. we do it with a flair not. about. others lack of it but i never feel pressured or it was about whether i should let out a charity i have called who i am you know for weekly if you only knew the citrus drug addict havilland i was a comic years ago they had to get me going to love this and control it was a comic goes to boston and the billboard of australia where they have different acts here and there and he hooks up with siamese twins they are attached at the hip
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and one of them has a crush on him right the other one is just attached to the three of them go around together right over two weeks he gets in bed with me to sleep with one the other would just be on the other side read a book it was like crazy right two years later he leaves boston he comes back to boston. and they're on the bill and they go over to him tapped munda shoulder and say you probably won't remember me. ok that's a true story ok we want to finish the show you from we get it ok yeah anyway we'd like to finish showed a game called if you only know it only you can answer for each other let's see if you can offer her ok who takes still long as to get ready oh that's definitely too mera she's a princess she's pretty through ok which is the pickiest eater. teac well she's she's vegan so she's very very careful about what she eats i eat
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everything who's the know it all to merit he she thinks he knows that area all over your head is all you have and then she tries to put it on me who is this strict apparent temerity definitely peeved laura said the head i knew you were what is it is people who one who think they're better than anyone else like entitlement and prejudice yes it is wow and you judgement you hate when people judge other people and pleasure ackley chocolate you said check group. shaklee going to school chiclets but now i. feel great pleasure i would have to say shoe shopping. love shoes and know the market. and i can salsa dance lot of people i'm very good at doing hair. yeah you can have another business if i can kids names that didn't make the cut who vote cameron
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oh god tonight i think i knew it was always eight and you sure did. the phrase you all the use. amazing that's amazing. oh my gosh. i know it's a little corny to you. all day oh my god oh my gosh you love most about your sister oh no her willing to never give up determination thanks to you your patience you're really really patient she really is really something no one knows about you. i really love crying shows like only hardcore crime shows and i'll sit back and have a glass of wine and watch the first forty eight all by myself something that no one knows about me you know everything about you you're on a reality show i know i know you well one was that i dated seth macfarlane is i
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know one that a lot of people don't know about you. that she's she's she comes off as a really good girl oh yeah i'm very sexual yeah but deep down in glen i especially like a new way to do it twenty nine am and that's the reason why that a lot of frustration well what. to do with those frustrating player and we get. older i'm going to get there anyway. that mother kissed his name is jimmy jimmy little to mary as a billy yeah he was the other mine was james mine was not ok i think you might get into my own story instant mom airs sundays for the love of your life and the real will be on t.v. nationwide that september and remember you can find me on twitter at king's things and i'll see you next time say good luck good bye.
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it was a. very hard to take. that back with her right there.
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i got a quote for you. it's pretty tough. stay with substory. if this guy like you would smear about guns that are working for the people most missions the beach meet you were pretty much on the right price because you. know. that the road well. over there i marinated and this is boom bust and these are the stories that we're tracking for you today. first up investment adviser and financial blogger mike
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shed locked discusses minimum wage inflation and the overall health of the u.s. economy you won't want to miss our interview that's coming right up and then film director jim bruce is back on the show today he is joining us live from los angeles to discuss the latest documentary money for nothing plus he's giving us his take on the regime change over the fed and finally in today's big deal ed harrison and i are talking wall box water wall bucks you might be asking you've got to stay tuned to find out it's all coming up it all starts right now. with. our lead story today.


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