tv [untitled] February 6, 2014 10:00am-10:31am EST
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olympic fever sweeps such as the games countdown reaches one day to go on the torch relay is now on its final leg to launch the twenty second of winter olympic games. and amid the snowy peaks and swaying palms we get the opinions about the only he meet location for the winter games. the british couple accused of money laundering go to court to find their extradition to the us they tell our t.v. force from home would be too much for them to bear. when they put us on the plane. to take the first opportunity we can't miss inside. us the west recoils of the syrian war reaches the u.s. and the u.k. whether returning extremists openly making terror threats against your home countries for the first time. out of washington weighs in on the
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a brain and political crisis sending its diplomats to meet for a second time in less than two months. george martino national coming to live from moscow with me marina josh welcome to the program why after years of planning construction and dissipate it's all come together in sochi we're now a day away from the official start of the olympics and souses of spectators and visitors are flooding the internet with their impressions from meeting the mascot's to posing inside the olympic rings was evident at the spirit of the games is in the air all the city itself is brimming with athletes visitors and tourists and they've been joined now by the olympic flame on the final leg of the epic journey that's covered tens of thousands of kilometers from the bottom of the world's deepest like
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to the top of europe's highest peak now let's go to the i'm a capital where our skies. well spirits are high in and around sochi right now no doubt at the moment being aided by the fantastic weather conditions you can probably see. glistening in the sunshine behind me temperatures are well in the double figures at the moment and the atmosphere the party atmosphere is also no doubt being boosted by the presence of the olympic torch which is in the final stages of its journey across the region over the next twenty four hours or so is going to be carried by a number of high profile public figures russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov the highly respected diplomat he's taken time out of his busy schedule to pick up the baton here when secretary general ban ki moon he's here for the opening ceremony on friday evening of course it's the climax of a journey that started in moscow. sixty five thousand kilometers the torch has traveled it's been to the bottom of lake it's gone to the top of mt it's even been
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to the north pole and even to space and it's also been in the mountains which is just a short train ride from here and where my colleague andrew farmer is well yesterday . came up here to the mine season to the ski resort of rose a. very only in peak hero the bobsled. was one of the torchbearers now we're in the foothills of the caucasus and despite that was still only a very short tele cabin ride away where most of the sporting events are going to take place everything is very compact and that's also the case down at the black sea in the coastal class today and that's something that athletes have been impressed with everything the small united of nature and everything that's close. close to do. we can go by wallach and there is not a big security so we feel free and we're fairly confident the russian tennis star maria sharapova is also in town and she has links to this part of the
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world too and in her opinion she says sochi is the perfect place to host. the winter olympics. swim in the black sea the same day as you can drive up and out in some best slopes of the world. no one really believes me and i am never ever be able to experience something i'm finally we should note that even though the opening ceremony is tomorrow some advance have already started the qualification in the men's and women's slopestyle snowboarding has begun and the figure skating team event would also get underway so even though we're still waiting for the colder it to be late for some athletes twenty fourteen is already up and running. well he says the sport has finally got underway off the months if not years of talking although this early stage nobody knows exactly what the medals table will look like come the end of the games. dolphinarium believe that they have one animal who might know they believe that in their midst is
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a psychic seal this is the moment to see his life changed forever abandoned by his mother in russia's far east the seal pup was weak with hunger and vulnerable to predators his chances of survival was slim. fast forward three years and his life is now transformed. is the home of the rather shy seal now stuff that he was abandoned as a pup was rescued and then nurtured back to health care the dolphinarium the course of the winter olympics he's going to be one of the animals who are going to be predicting sporting outcomes. is now fighting fit and hoping to make a splash with spectators during needs winter olympics. he's already predicted a few football matches however he's not always correct only ninety nine percent of
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the time. to post was the first of his kind he made international headlines during his career as a sporting psychic correctly predicting eleven out of thirteen football matches the stuff in sochi. will have a similar success rate and those who believe that off to a difficult start in life could become a favorite with the public. stuff they are also hoping that the number. and even display psychic tendencies. it's. so cheap and joining us now to share his experiences in sochi so far is canadian broadcaster douglas gone who's covering the mountain cluster for c.b.s. sports thank you very much douglas for joining us going to have you with us so you have been in the city for a few days now and what are your impressions what's the atmosphere there like.
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it's really a party atmosphere around everywhere around here now i'm down in the near the gorki media center and there's lots of buzz around there i mean as the days get closer to the opening ceremonies more and more people are showing up the restaurants are becoming more and more full of course coming here this is the first olympic games that i'm going to be covering with the c.b.c. so there was a lot of anticipation coming up for this one normally my day job is covering sports in montreal quebec canada so the scale of the sporting events here is much much bigger and of course the stakes are much much bigger too but all in all it's been absolutely great so far what sounds like it's good fun i mean it's been good fun the last few days that you spend in the city but you know looking at the articles that are in the media right now especially some of the western articles there's a lot of criticism and negativity i mean what's your take on the situation there.
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i think it's a little bit overblown i mean we did have some issues with our hotel room when we did arrive but everyone in the area is working very very hard to fix these issues and everyone of course is also very very nice and very very helpful so as much as i was expecting of course anytime you try to do a project this big by throwing out the limpid games in a city that really was very very small before before they decided that the olympic games are going to come here there's going to be one or two challenges a few of the hotels i didn't expect them to be finished so when we first went into the first hotel that we were put in there were some missing tiles there was of course some dirt on the floors. and there was some problems like that and they moved us to another room and then everything was just fine so i think you know the the problem is when you're not actually in the location when you just see a few photos tweeted perhaps over twitter and there's a few things people start to develop the right deism when you put those things
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together kind of paints a picture of negativity but i think honestly from my experience here the negativity is a little bit overblown and of course all the volunteers here have been absolutely fantastic working with us the foreign media and helping us get get from one point to another point so in my estimation i think that's a little bit overblown and you know and of course after to morrow when the opening ceremonies happening i think all of that will be behind us all the if attention hopefully will focus on the athletes in the sports as opposed to the living accommodations of journalists which in the end it is a privilege to come here and cover the games and honestly if you have to stay in something that maybe isn't as comfortable as back home well that's that's part of the deal was the atmosphere is great they're here enjoying yourself and we are certainly looking forward to the beginning of the games for now though douglas goldman c.b.s.
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sports mountain cluster reporter thank you so much for joining us here in here national air and for bringing us the atmosphere from the olympics capital of sorts . now now everyone is willing though to embrace the olympic spirit and as we've just heard there's been a number of journalists who have been on a mission to highlight the less savory aspects of the city but athletes tell a different story and also it's just a dog told us from admiring the view to praising what they say are top notch facilities and of course the atmosphere in sochi is great but here are some of the tweets from the visitors to the city of sochi well so remember that round the clock on air and online you can see with our teams olympic coverage from lympics capital and we'll be bringing you the highest and lows from the slopes and rinks of the winter games are to international and our dedicated website twenty four team doherty dot com.
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twenty four team promises the ultimate in the exhilarating when just for an hour. if you see no way to make it up on the rest of our lives take these teams to sochi twenty four take. all the. while the spirit of the game smiled off for the warring sides in syria some respite and russia's urge all those involved in conflicts around the world and deciding syria to sign a so-called a limb pick truce and stop the violence at least for the time of the event but the situation in the conflict zone worsens daily and its consequences are felt far and wide as hundreds of europeans join the fight in syria return home the alarms being raised they are bringing jihad back with them a group of extremists with british citizenship who are fighting in the middle eastern war zone are now threatening to carry out terror attacks in the u k. and you're already spreading the virus of extremist propaganda issuing posters urging
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people to join their cause among the targets public transport and financial centers and not just in the u.k. one of the pictures shows the militant in front of the white house and washington or smith has a story these are the first direct threats as far as we know that we have seen that have come out of syria death threats to attack public transport to attack financial centers and there's an estimate of hundreds of britons that have joined the hottest rebel groups in syria according to a couple of studies that has been done it's not just britons although they are the most numerous there are around three hundred fifty according to these couple of studies that we found but there are also three hundred belgians more than two hundred each from france and germany and around about one hundred fifty fighters who've gone from the netherlands to syria this group that we're talking about in britain is a group called how we which is a british to have this group faction in syria they've got this facebook page and
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they've issued these threats online mainly if you take a look at their facebook page which is quite a shocking thing actually that the post is that they have posted these motivational posters that we're talking about are accompanied by likes on facebook requests to be tagged by various people now this is coming a. number of other developments for example u.s. intelligence saying is saying that it's received reports that al qaida has set up training camps in syria specifically to train fighters to return home to their own countries to perpetrate terror attacks in their own countries and u.k. intelligence authorities say they're taking these threats very seriously indeed. now for more on this i'm joined live by geopolitical commentator john why mr white think is a much for joining us here and here in national well this is the first time we have are heard the threat from syria aimed at britain is a just talk or is there
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a substance to it. well on the basis that you can only play with fire for so long before you get burned yourself the ton of events is entirely predictable and i think they have to be taken seriously this is the fruits of a disastrous policy followed by the british government which they got to city over the last two years which has done nothing except so instability throw the real egypt to the region saudi and instability has grew and proliferated the. so it would be very very at a sponsible to ignore the tone of events not to just the policy but forgot to syria and light of it do you think it will be readjusted i mean what sort of action can we expect do you think the u.k. and the u.s. will take the situation on board and be more careful about you know who they send
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there and to. well i wouldn't hold my breath and not make out because the primary purpose it seems to me with the power of the british and us governments this juncture is to try and save face i mean we just recently saw u.s. secretary of state john kerry opening his statement at the geneva two conference peace talks over syria with the demand that the sitting government relinquish power this is over see no serious diplomacy so what we really need we need wise heads to prevail if possible if we can find them and to acknowledge that this juncture of the interests of the british and sitting governments of north antagonistic actually of the same is to defeat this malign ideology because it is a clear and present danger not only to the sitting government and to the entire region but increasingly to the west and to people in the west while also you know
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what we're hearing the reports here that some of the comics have been freed from a prison in syria when it rebels all were out of jail in aleppo and what has this kind of end to the mean for security in the country in your opinion i'm sort of could you repeat please absolutely while we're hearing that you know a huge number of. inmates have been freed convict i should say from a prison in syria and. when rebels already jail in aleppo how will this affect the whole situation basically and you know could we perhaps expect some action and maybe a reaction to it from the west. well one assumes that the syrian government who is presiding over these industries know what they are doing and the prisoners who are being feed there have been vetted. i know oversee they have to be treated those who are from other countries with the responsibility then lies with the
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countries from which these foreign fighters have come to ensure that there are security measures put in place and to keep an eye on these individuals this is not a game and i think that the british government. has been playing as a game as a diplomatic game thinking that a conflict in syria will not have any blowback all on the united kingdom. they have clearly feel to learn the lessons of history and i would suggest that the quickly let me quickly do so before they have a disaster on the hands in the streets of london or manchester or liverpool or any other british city in the near future our john why do political commentators specializing on u.k. domestic politics thanks so much for your views here in nashville well we'll bring you more news after this short break don't go away. it's. only. a.
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please. for the. welcome back you're watching our to international live from moscow a mass unrest in ukraine seems to have made a country a popular destination for u.s. diplomats with the latest state department official now in kiev we torino and plans to meet with both the leadership and the opposition to offer washington support and putting together a new government that's right or not our reports this fall is a long tradition of u.s. involvement in the politics of other nations. in less than two months u.s. assistant secretary of state of victoria nuland is making her second visit to ukraine where anti-government protesters have received the full support and backing of washington now u.s.
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officials say this trip is aimed told words aiding the country in forming a new government and helping ukrainians fulfill their democratic aspirations now back in december it was the stomachs of protesters that ms nuland helped fill as she walked around heaves independence square handing out now now for many this seemed to put an entirely new twist on international meddling in recent years the u.s. has cemented its reputation in siding with anti-government opposition movements taking place in sovereign countries such as tunisia egypt libya and syria. put in the case of ukraine u.s. officials are actually flying over the atlantic to visit and possibly strategize with pro european union protesters a power play that critics say washington would condemn if the roles were reversed china russia or any other great power or even a regional power like iran came to the u.s.
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and was encouraging the protesters there would be a hue and cry from the american media like you'd never hear of before they would say why are these people interfering in our internal affairs but of course the united states sort of has a double standard because it often interferes in the affairs of other countries and thanks nothing about it in all fairness critics say the u.s. does sometimes show restraint when it comes to foreign conflicts for example in bahrain as brutal and deadly crackdowns against peaceful unarmed protesters had taken place the u.s. has in mind its own business america has also respected its right to remain silent as saudi arabia recently enacted a new law allowing the kingdom to prosecute in jail anyone who exposes corruption or demands reform reporting from new york. r.t. . well here's one regular guest at protests around the world and that's john mccain
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the u.s. senator has been known to the ukrainian public since he's the first appearance of the so-called orange revolution a decade ago and he's interest in the post soviet space didn't and they're getting a welcome help from the president of georgia me house saakashvili during its war with russia and here he is at the heart of the arab spring and karo also lending a helping hand to the libya uprising and most recently visiting us here in a refugee camp in turkey so you're terrific a rich foreign affairs editor for chronicles magazine told us how he sees the u.s. role in these situations with the united states' so-called benevolent global hegemony there is no border you have to be no can the cranny of the world every spot of the world is a legitimate target for the newlands of this world to come and intervene the russian foreign ministry official coming to the united states or any other place in the world to do likewise so what time surprised by is that the ukrainian government
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having made all sorts of concessions to the demonstrators and the opposition is allowing this sort of thing to happen the violent extremists in the street controlling. the decision making matrix the decision making calculus of the opposition leaders and that is a very warring development it means that the violent tale in the street is wagging the political dog and british couple are facing a desperate battle to avoid extradition to the u.s. caught in a legal tangle they told artie's tesser cilia that they'd rather take their own lives and be ripped away from their families. one morning fourteen months ago a life changing knock on the door with two policemen from scotland yard and i said i was sorry mr dunham would come to arrest you and your husband since then they've been out on bail and are fighting extradition to the united states to await trial
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after claims from the dunham's former company in the u.s. that they embezzled more than one billion dollars in illegitimate expense claims something the couple say are without merit showing as evidence that they've gathered the dumb say they're not afraid of trial but their worst fear is being sent to the states as the possibility of being denied bail and spending for years behind bars apart from one another simply waiting for their day in court if we were away from this country it's. for a very good chance he would have. we're confident we would win. because we are innocent but we would then be shipped but there's no compensation and. wrongful acts for patients. can you imagine coming back to this country you know three or four years later. no money no job and you're now in you know sixty to sixty three years. and trying to rebuild your life controversy has long surrounded the
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u.s. u.k. extradition act of two thousand and three signed in the wake of nine eleven critics claim the agreement is biased against the u.k. if you are a u.s. citizen wanted by the u.k. government you have a higher standard of evidence that you need to provide in the u.s. and also as a u.s. citizen you have the opportunity to go to a u.s. court to plead your case and unfortunate for purchases since there is no such opportunity to have your evidence tested in the u.k. court before you were extradited and that's a basic unfairness to an independent review and twenty eleven found at the treaty quote does not operate in an unbalanced manner but this contradicts findings of the parliament's joint committee and human rights which called for a renegotiation to ensure british citizens get the same protections as americans conservative m.p. who sits on the committee looked at nationalities of those extradited and found it thirty five britons have been sent to the us and steve thousand and four versus
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just five u.s. nationals who made the opposite journey that's seven times more two thousand and twelve david cameron told u.s. president barack obama that he wanted a review of the treaty that is little comfort to the don imus and others like them who teeter on the edge of desperation knowing it's very lives at stake from the moment they put us on a plane. opportunity rick and. jess are cilia r.t. london added margins here soon with some outside the box thinking man america's budget .
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recently an online poll by the liberal dozhd t.v. channel that's rain in english has caused quite a storm of rage across the country how could a stupid online poll cause russia white anger well they posed the question was defending living grad from the nazis worth it because retreat in their opinion could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives what is offensive from culture to culture difference a lot but from a russian perspective fighting to the bitter end to stop the german genocide machine was worth it this is basically like if a somewhat popular news outlet had a poll on martin luther king's birthday asking was slavery really that bad it was a bone for the economy but why would someone create this poll is because the people who wrote it are sick with the disease are types total self infatuation egoism and greed in other words we're a generation mean mean mean these people could never imagine sacrificing the great and wonderful mean for any cause sacrificed me to the dog seems a plus for me i'd rather kiss their boots and learn german but it wasn't for millions of russians put their self-interest as a distant second then all those great and wonderful me s.
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would have been worked to death and shot a nazi death camp it pays to make a few sacrifices for society the fascist my opinion. no c.n.n. m s n b c news have taken some knocks lately but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth to fight me. it's because one full attention in the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on you. at our teen years we have a different brain. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not how.
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you guys talk to the jokes will handle them. what's up everyone i'm having martin and this is breaking the set us lawmakers did something very rare this week actually managed to pass a piece of legislation this time around it was a long awaited farm bill simple budget plan for america for the economy that was two years in the making right now and our dismal economy in the need for food stamps at a record high but the farm bill would be cutting food assistance by eight billion dollars over the next ten years but i'm sure our lawmakers carefully thought this through i mean it's not like there are more wasteful programs out there that they could have cut instead right well it took me about five minutes on google to find
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out how to save thirty five billion dollars meet the p eight poseidon is overpriced submarine hunter program comes in at a whopping thirty five billion dollars and the best part the machines don't even work michael gilmore of the pentagon testing office recently told bloomberg that the aircraft is quote not effective for intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance missions and is not effective for a wide area submarine search but hey at least acknowledgment from the pentagon on the program's abysmal failure means that they'll hope the spending will save money right guess again maybe plans to go ahead and purchase one hundred thirteen of these aircrafts if only you could eat underwater sub hunters now let's break this.
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