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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm EST

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of course of based. on what's the top story this morning that the sochi twenty pulteney olympic flame has arrived in moscow seven days after it was first let in the ancient greek city of olympia carried by russia's deputy prime minister dimitri cause ak the flame traveled in a small lanton to red square where president vladimir putin spoke of its meaning for the russian people in the olympic torch the symbol of the world's primary sports competition of peace and of friendship. but he has come to russia. there are many marks the start of the longest tools relay in a limb take a street the same boy it's great that so many people have turned out for the start of the russian relay it looks like a lot of fun out there. in a minute. but it was. the stone that picked up in the end it was on my mantle piece and if that
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isn't a sign i don't know what it was. i knew i had to get down to red square and experienced atmosphere for myself fortunately they were having a two day event. so from sunny greece to rather soggy moscow just at the very start of the torch is journey around the whole of russia i'm excited. the days first run there was paralympic star alessi of logic you know who picks up two gold medals in the beijing and london games. we do call him peace talks to him big gold medals is there still something special for you. of course it's a unique feeling because i had never carried dorsch before i had first i ran with it quite easily than i felt he was becoming heavier and heavier but i was determined to carry it properly and show it to everyone so that they could all
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appreciate the moment. and the crowd's reaction words factious i missed out on going to my home games in london and i was determined not to let such a twenty four team pass me by there were fourteen thousand torchbearers slots up for grabs one of them was going to be mine. when we were making the technical order for the factory we say look let's make the thing we want to who. you know whole and also desirable should be like wow. a lot of questions where are. weight it's quite heavy we have to take all the
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cover and the middle that out by the machine extra weight of the aluminum so it's really fine. it's the feather feather of the mysterious burton firebird in the russian. stories and fairy tales and to get this feather from the firebird is a super challenge for the guild. the problem can be. underneath here and it just caused the fire but in this kid we have a special. wiring inside rich melting and of like really a red color. and it's the fire so basically it's
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a rift fire in itself. i was going to have to wait a while before i found out if i'd been picked as a torch bearer more than enough time to try and learn a little more about my mysterious stone. some of russia's most eminent geologists live in. the center of russia's diamond industry on the rocks down here in the most expensive in the country. the pits descends more than a kilometer under and uses the most sophisticated drilling equipment to get to the precious.
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stones have been taken to assaulting sense and closely examined each rough gem is appraised and valued and i had a close family focused on my precious stone to. have must be some kind of. there i can see small crystals here proving that it's ancient rock. and move but really it shouldn't lights up should it. no it's fast but it's luminescent as for you. ok maybe you could make it luminescent if you really believed it right thank you did you really expect it to go. maybe
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maybe i'm just not right. there's certainly something very special about this and this grounds i don't know but it might just be because they use to pulling glittering thing this out of the dark here. but who wants me in these diamonds what the top attraction in turn it was time to head towards the city's most well known landmark where they were getting ready to welcome some very special guests. from all in forty years these huge realized trucks one of the most famous symbols in your kooky year carrying the region's diamonds tune from its quarries and factories and now. it's getting ready for its most important passenger ever. did most have been close to minus forty celsius but these olympic torch is and torch bearers are made of
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stern stuff. this huge quarry has been the frozen heartbeats of the city for more than fifty years producing more than seventeen billion dollars diamonds my stone it meant i was here to watch the parade but what was i supposed to do next. great shot. lives so where to meet with it. again show me the and. caro. good choice. they can be few more famous natural landmarks in russia than lake baikal the oldest and deep this lake on the planet on the site of
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a very special olympic celebration. for the first time ever they're planning to light the olympic flame on the water. in this case your average tool which isn't going to cut it so special equipment is required and special people to carry it and who better than the local rescue ranger . in the our professional activity is mostly dedicated to rescuing people on lake baikal our job is important difficult interesting and in a way romantic my cow has many faces and winter it's tough and in summer it's beautiful you can't help but admire its power it attracts you and it's very important to me because it's a jewel of russia. everything's ready let's go then as
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nicholas puts the final touches to his equipment the excitement begins to build along the water's edge. the torch rallies have been warmly welcomed across the country but the crowds here are about to witness something that's never been done before. and there's plenty of local showmen own hands went to tame them while they wait. a massive noise and color to cheer the torch bearers all. this torch is based on a special system there is a pyrotechnic charge that can burn at any depth in any temperature and under any circumstances. when it's under water it's like a second sun the flame literally illuminates the entire lake. autumn when you curious you can feel its enormous power. of the water temperature is four degrees celsius it's really freezing we could feel
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it on our uncovered faces but we were united by this flame that had absorbed the energy of the entire country of every single person who cares about the flame that was what united us and that's why everything went perfectly. as i watched from out on the water you could almost feel the crowd energy coming across the waves it had been another remarkable spectacle for this record breaking tool tree and i was wondering what could possibly top it. looks like on the right track. so well but in.
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one corner the wall street superhero jamie the table and diamond drug goes wild. any other corners the evil no good they refused to help bellow long-term capital management always dick the gorilla moved. here to mediate this fight as hank then am appalled will the rescue this stage rumble in the wall street jungle with a seven or billion times out the audience shrinks yes the game is rigged. i think. we're going to go digital the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because
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a free and open process is critical to our democracy albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across a cynical we've been a hydrogen lying handful of powerful friends dash all corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem to try to fix rational debate in a real discussion of critical issues facing and beyond the book go ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture.
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the g twenty four jean-paul muslim week ultimate and exhilarating winter sports in our team a team you still need and use and now i'm a kevin zero in on the must of marlin hc news team for sochi twenty four take. on oxy. the united states'. technological. that spy on the rest then there was the deal between the u.s. and england where u.s. spy agencies could spy on people in the u.s. but british spy agencies could spy on people in the u.s. so the government said all right each of us will spy on the other citizens and then we'll trade and that way it will be surveilling our own people so this is what i think of as the scandal.
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moved from one ship to another but what a ship. i was on board the fifty years of victory the pride of the russian nuclear fleet for a truly time experience. deliberate flame was traveling to the north pole i was going with it. stone was telling me to follow the flame i was going to take it as far as i could. see hundred nautical miles of stark beautiful ocean between us and the top of the world. just in case you didn't believe we were going to the north pole i think that eliminates any. it's another historic first for the sochi torch and
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a relay around the ship was planned for the occasion. and you can learn so many new things. if you get the chance to test as well as the crew's experience. what the ice breaker is really capable of. i mean this tour of the olympic torch to the north pole never before has a surface ship gone this so late in the season the ice was much heavier and to cope with it. we almost needed the ice breakers maximum power. we were making incredible progress slicing through the thick polar ice like bazza and after only four days we were already near our destination that's a world record pace. we made it. less to do ninety
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degrees north as it took the world. ah. once the champagne had been finished everything kicked into gear the torchbearers went off to get ready and our organizing committee began making preparations for the relay and we. opened the other one and. tried to hold it the right way all. right but what. with everyone in position we were ready to go the captain was given the owner of starting off the run my main task was to keep the torch warm and make sure it goes into past hand in time and just seconds later she was away and i was on collection g c. i think that's me now. thank you very much yes i got to take a look off the list and return it later. i wasn't good. yeah go
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through it no slips. no. we stepped off the ship and on to the ice the torches glow flickering through the pitch black polar nights. a pioneering soviet polar explorer. chilling gorup would ignite the culture of the most northerly place on the planet. it's not often you get to witness a moment in history this is the first time the olympic flame is active in the north pole. and i'm here to see it. from as far north as it's possible to go it was time to head east with the olympic organizing committee. the flame the ip that is has its own security team at all times not to mention its
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own private jet. blue golf this special service with the flame keeper which is just responsible for the security of the flame the keep the flame the little downtime the crew on this special food will you know that all of these flame will never go off. for. each city's greasing ceremony is unique and hundreds of volunteers helped make the occasion memorable. there's a possibility also to keep the security a full. you know and nobody will harm me nobody will get this push. police are just the better because he's just a flame it's very dangerous for everybody.
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this is. a volcanic peninsula that's one of the most easterly places in russia. that is the highest so that you don't burn yourself when your torch is lit are going. for the good fortune never talks to the flaming torch bearer and russian because you never. everybody every had an inhabitant of the cities just very proud that comes to his cd and i say that ok lation now three of them. it was the end of another relay and i was in one of the most beautiful places in the country on the shores of the pacific itself but i was beginning to lose patience. i've come to the end of.
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what's. what do you want. where am i to go. i literally run the house of land. but the torch would move all over the mountains across the sea. even else of this world. we live. in yes another historic moment it paid a visit to the international space station more than four hundred kilometers above
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the planet. and although safety reasons made lycee its on board a heavily fueled rocket so real the bad idea the world's first olympic spacewalk was no problem. i don't know if i was getting some inspiration of my own. yes i mean. i've come so far with the torch i was going to have to see it through to the end but what so many different people in relays all over russia and even beyond now i was going to have my own moments with the symbol of the sochi games i was a new father in the south of the country in under two hours i was going to be a torch bearer. for my fishel uniform. it was time to suit up and pick up the most vital piece of equipment.
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i think. let's make. the stimulus are up to their english training thank you. at last and. more than two hundred of us would be running through the streets and the excitement was already beginning to build there was just time for a few tips on how to make the most of the moment. smile and wave your hand then they put out my torch and i stepped back and i'm not there anymore it's your turn you start and i'll be in the car that will be filming us starts to move and we run towards it ok go to. russian for.
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none of us could wait to get started on the pulse he was in full swing as we moved through the city thousands of people had turned out to cheer us all and watch the parade and we even had a few guests from the north pole putting in an appearance. we were dropping off people every two hundred meters so i just had a few minutes to get to know my neighbor cut a deal. you can really imagine how exciting it is. i'm looking forward to the moment when the whole country will see me. i want to sleep i can't believe it. did school freezing today isn't it. plan so let's meet our church. as i wave to the crowd i haven't expected to be so nervous one whole epic journey led to this moment and as i waited for number
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one million three to pulse me the flame all i could think of was for goodness sake don't drop it. by. the dream come true i missed london twenty games i never thought of the gods to be part of another day and now i'm. going to play with this moment. i am. i think i finally understand. i'm going to little further to go on with this story. i was with it when it was lit
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for the very first time in the limpia increase it went deep underground into the diamond mines. i was with it when it plunged into the waters of lake baikal and i was with it when the wins but it didn't have the very top of the world and then it went out. to the international space station. used to believe that if you could combine elements. you can base metal into gold this tool. of those elements even a fifth element the quintessence from space itself. i believe that this torch has the energy to help you win gold in sochi. russia.
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now the power is now. our guests should know that we too can precedented measures to ensure their safety is but it's about this will not get in the way of their comfort for you i can say for sure that they won't even know a soul that they will feel welcome with us where they need to just such
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a residence are very hospitable people. or london. the whole world is on the whole. of the original one a further one than the end of their fun the two hang up the coins out the link at the end of the street another one the more transparent society gets the money or the puppet tears become we see military and state and police forces mobilized against people who blend into the city the city the more people trust electronic devices the more defenseless they are the fear that has a thousand ways. science
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technology innovation all the lives. developments from around russia we've gone to the future covered. sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build a most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't sound anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans. this is why you should
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care only. there is obviously more for the ladies because it's pink. women wanted to avoid rape they really needed to buy guns and. this is the one that i want to go with them once again it's the fear factor for all women definitely the target of the gun lobby. kill them when you're killing money but if somebody with you would piss with her. i've noticed a more that's really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to protect their family and young girls shoot out here. so we do have a pink or. more kids young kids choke on food than are killed by firearms if being armed made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on
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earth were clearly not the safest. olympic fever sweeping sochi with the torch relay now on its final leg before the opening ceremony of the twenty second winter games. and scandal brewing over an alleged phone conversation that could washington's reputation as a sense diplomats to ukraine to mediate the political crisis there. a british couple accused of money laundering go to court to fight their extradition to the u.s. telling our teeth being forced from home would be too much for them to bear. when they put it on the plane. and. in countries recoil as the syrian war reaches the u.s. and the u.k. with returning extreme is openly making terror threats against home countries for the first time.


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