tv [untitled] February 10, 2014 12:30am-1:01am EST
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dimitri is determined to be the fastest soon be the first apostles exams just as it is now i'm in charge of everything to do with nuclear safety radiation safety is another department's responsibility that every tiny detail is laid down here nuclear safety is a very serious business and we have special guidance to follow it's quite a thick book. the crew is getting ready for a long covering the southern shoals of the arctic ocean. the channel through the current gates that connects the current seas this is the official start of the northern sea route. the car route is a reference point it's where the two a begins and ends.
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at all nancy kyra gates after them it counts for nothing. but it was twenty two years ago in august that i started work here. and i wanted to get married at some point be my first tour was on the by god. and i met a guy there they warned me love only lasts until the car gates then he'll forget you but he didn't. get blasted up to the gates and beyond. and all the way back again if.
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one two three four five six. finally catches up with the fleet in the. military ships have been given a special task. but there's nothing between them and their destination. the only means for such a long convoy to cross the strait. and you just the position we can take your place or maneuver between will it just come alongside or approach i just five degrees. slow down. into the way. into the wake. central control room to lower it to ten percent. joined the fleet. and took its place in the convoy. presence from the icebreaker.
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chris. this is. right. thanks. big red. fifty years of victory is one of the most powerful ships in the world. three meters while the. a smaller and even leave the. school and the fifth grade i guess they told us about the first nuclear powered icebreakers the lead and as i sat there listening i thought my god these guys are. at their fantastic. then i could never even help with thought that i myself might
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be just as fantastic a real hero like them. the first nuclear power. was commissioned in the one nine hundred fifty nine the whole world was talking about the us making the atoms of mankind the phrase atom for peace became a popular expression. skeptics joke. was obsessed than even wanted. planes and ships. to be staged without the nuclear powered russian fleet they've proved themselves extremely reliable in all the years they've been in service. a single nuclear accident and no one of them ever failed to complete an assignment. we shouldn't cross the line and come any closer it should maintain distance it may look as though the ship's across in clear water but in fact the ice breakers are driving many tons of ice from the pumps with an ingenious device known
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as a new metric washing system. it's no easy task never gave this many ships through so much ice. normally there are no more than two ships. total of fourteen. she just didn't i was supposed to be aboard the vygotsky the ship behind us. should it's but my daughter was born in july and i thought i should take a break so i took a vacation and now i'm catching up on the most important thing is that my wife understands that i have to go to sea and doesn't worry. me look i beautiful it is. the ship behind us. if you're lucky you get to see it from the bridge all the time. i chose this job as a child so much time on the lord's eleven thirty good day lunch is served whatever
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teach everyone. today along with the well like i teach and fifty years ago picturing ice breaker is. we will continue to leave the beach in russian navy ships . currently in the lead up to feet twenty miles northeast over the phone for most of that private island. to reduce route. times really duration is totally nonsense because it is a market economy and still total budget of the european union but we are talking about is not more than one percent of the cheating to your people doing it the total budget is about the size of the bunch of the finland and if this is called a socialist concept then look at the size off welfare states on the national level this is totally ridiculous what's ridiculous about it that you. are so ridiculous
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about the e.u. marching in more or less to greece and to cyprus to study tiddly socialist most elite communist i would say to talk about reading people's private bank accounts to support the european union and this is what they're talking about people of a falling over themselves immigrants are falling over themselves to get into great britain because they know the rest of europe is the boss. right on the scene. first for you and i think you're. on our recorders. instrument. be in the know. on.
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fact that. they didn't go digital the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy albus its role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked like handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once it's all just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trucks rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing up to find a job ready to join the movement then walk away from the big picture.
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commands are legendary or should not i'm a zero degrees. it's interesting we've tried. dimitri hopes the first officer will tell him exactly what tests he needs to pass but no it seems is not the time to ask. if there is a big block to your right near the entrance he's forward will shift and return. understood. each trip is a new first time. changes dramatically in just
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a few the ice will never remain the same for more than a few minutes. something else to consider you can see sips of ice now but if a southerly wind blows there will vanish but if we get a northerly wind blowing through. the fleet so thick that it's almost impossible even to make shift in front. of. the. visibility was absolutely fine. maintaining convoy formation at such close distances through why some fog is a major challenge. the ships are surrounded by so much ice that the radar display
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looks quite blank every crew member needs to concentrate. regular event in autumn new ice has already begun to appear and that always means fog. oh this is it we're laying the table for dinner and there is a lot of work to do you wake constantly on the go because if you take a break and sit down to chat even for five minutes you'll be late so we just can't do it. despite the fog and two meters of ice the crew maintains a regular shed you will. learn i was cleaning me in a day when she heard her favorite song so she stopped what she was doing and went to listen to the music. right i gotta go no sit sit look at or look she's wearing
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a red dress. even if the first officer sees as he is hanging from the mast i'm getting. the icebreaker led the military convoy for almost four days the toughest stages behind them will be clearwater mail all the way to the new siberian islands. i should break or captain we've undertaken a unique operation perhaps the first of its kind in russian naval history every one of the russian federation of nuclear power to ships was involved i wish to express my gratitude to the ice breaker crew and wish you luck and safe passage in this region turn right course one hundred zero degrees by course one eight zero
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. the ice breakers peel away and he's asleep behind an elder of other ships waiting for the helm. we escort the sips and head back to the hundred ninth meridian all the other ships from the east will of arrived by the time we get there and we'll run back and forth again. when the ship is alone and. the crew usually try to organize a variety of tasks that involve every seaman aboard today there are rumors of a training drill after lunch. drill starting soon to get in position. working get quite extreme on here. the notice board informs each crew member where they can
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find their allocated lifeboat seat. which is my life boat one which phone number is yours twenty one let's look it up. they want to be a drill today look. i'm breaking all the rules i've let my station early. goes they're saying there's no drill it's cancelled was that a joke in the end it was a. aboard the icebreakers jokingly referred to as news from the galley or abbreviated to while was what one woman said. dimitri is confident that he's prepared he wants to pass the exams first and has already spoken to the first officer about sitting the test tomorrow but it's not all yours some of it's on. and official policy yes i
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got you thank you. you're welcome you see. much the same. thing the changes of the ships trailing in its wake good day duty officer to central control room where discarding the tanker. which will take approximately one more day other than that no other news have a safe shift. dimitri has passed his test with flying colors but he'll take up his new post in a matter of days. becomes almost completely free of ice making it the busiest time of the year. we covered the whole lane across the arctic and there was no ice anywhere but if it's just one bloke it's
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a. good move on with. across the arctic is much more active now. there's not so much ice now. there's never gave in to be done in the town there's a lot of work for us and. is much quicker than the. twenty two days to reach. take forty days making the. crew and fuel costs. of using the north sea with. technologies advancing the climate is changing. and raw materials are becoming more expensive but. very differently. everything. with domestic problems life is very different here my wife and i were.
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life i've only spent fourteen at home i missed those years i spent at sea i didn't play a part in bringing out my children one time i came home and they were small and next they were grown ups when i worked in the far east i used to bring back clothes and things boots for example for my eldest daughter and when i got home it turned out they were already too small so next time i brought bigger ones but by the time i got home they were too small as well. and i've had enough of the sea in the arctic that it's better to most spent thirty five years here just like they're going to similar middle cities i first saw my son a year and a half after he was born and going to do the annual no i wasn't there when my wife left the maternity home laughter any of our children are the son or daughter was the other yes we're turning around to go and help the nordic she's damaged. yes.
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the nordics leaky is above the water line but still leaving it in might be dangerous the ice breaker receives a new water to leap the stricken vessel into clear water. nordic stand by to morrow. daily by. the seamen who sailed east know the most latitude to happy knowing that if they're ever in trouble in the arctic sea ice breakers are there to help. when he's hard to get through the ice because sailors come to get you out of trouble. it's about. listen to the soloist.
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you. got. no. money album or ship. marketed done. a lot of. the nordic has safely be discarded through the ice. she's able to make her own way to a safe harbor. you know go but which is good there's nothing in ventris about the work it's mostly read seeing them. we do the same things and almost never come ashore. which is a pity because it would feel great so walk on the ground again. want to go to the thing that would enable but after spending all this time and see them. because.
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for. fear of her we followed you and your daughter without your critical feet of. the northernmost town of russia across the straits lies america or the other hemisphere . the crew has just two hours to wall cone song and as evening descends on the tenth it's still early morning aboard the five. time difference because the ship remains on hope post time to morrow she'll sailed west. the fleet awaits safe passage through the ice.
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they reduced. to i was really doing was told to lean on the sons because it is a market economy and its total budget of the european union what we are talking about is not more than one per cent off that you do to your total budget is about the size of the budget of finland and if this is called a socialist concept then look at the size off welfare states on the national level this is totally ridiculous what's ridiculous about it that you. are so ridiculous about the e.u. marching in more or less to greece and to cyprus to study tiddly socialist communist i would just say to talk about reading people's private bank accounts european union this is what they're talking about not of people of falling over themselves immigrants are falling over themselves to get into great britain because
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they know the rest of europe is boss. is obviously more for the ladies because it's pink. women wanted to avoid rape they really need to buy guns environ how to use them. this is the one that i want to go away from once again it's the fear of friends of women are definitely the target of the gun lobby and you don't tell them when the killing might even if so many would you would notice with her. i'm noticing more and more and that's really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to protect their family and young girls shoot out here too so we do have a paying quality. more kids young kids choke on food than are killed by firearms if being armed made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on
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gold on ice rushes absolute's skate away from their rivals and saatchi grabbing first place in the team figure skating event with a sublime performance from a teenage rocky archies on standby for all the games highlights from our very own saucy studio. switzerland moves to keep foreigners out as voters narrowly backing bill limiting immigration but it puts a free movement deal with the e.u. into question plus. there's a lot of those that have been forgotten or were just collateral damage americans living in central arkansas are struggling to get their lives back to normal after an oil spill disaster that happened nearly a year ago.
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