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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EST

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the world anti-doping agency for this occasion for the two winter games the i.o.c. want to do around two thousand three hundred fifty. controls two thousand three hundred fifty tests that there's a marked increase on the numbers that were done in vancouver four years ago show to that extent the dropping fight is probably stronger the attitude of the i.o.c. is probably stronger than it has ever be nurture winter games before i did say that athletes are going to be randomly tracked down by testers for example. well to actually game i mean the rules are that possible for testing should be done gainey tell him we will know the i.o.c. he will know the whereabouts of the asset each. they are almost entirely in the olympic village if they are not to the national committee she will tell the i.o.c. where they are sure it's not a question of being trotted out in the question of the mean called for for testing
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so i don't think tracking down is the right phrase. obviously in competition. as part of the competition arsenal and big games the athletes are tested after the have competed so we know clearly where they are so many are there any sports that you have to mind her more than others like for example where doping is more widespread doesn't matter less in team sports like hockey and warning individual disciplines like skating in general the warranty jumping agency supervises all sports. it would appear that. some sports that are more prone. to see chu are prepared to take the risk of cheating that others. happened ok surely in weightlifting for example the power sports. federation has done a great deal to make sure that the resolve the issues one of the changes in the
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world anti-doping code going forward over the next twelve months. will be watching with the international federation to produce. a revised test program for them so that we will actually go through it sport by sport toller specific basis we will test for those substances which are most likely to cause problems in individual sports. did use an example somebody once said that. isn't much point in testing chess players for human growth hormone. but it will be the testing programme after a risk analysis will be specific so with a bit of luck that will meet the testing regime more accurate it with a bit of luck it will make it more effective and it should probably make it slightly cheaper what's it like working with a russian anti-doping agencies have there been
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a troubles along the way. well. i mean i was elected the first of january my experience. actually is based almost entirely. judy in the world not let it show big ships in motion last august. i think a sea change in the attitude of the russians ninety dropping authorities i think they're much more active. these seem to be dealing effectively with people who cheat people who test positive. and from competition that are actually doing more for the antidoping community all around the world would want them to do so on really rather encouraged and cheston the russian sportsmen. was very firm that this would be part of the russian sports policy going forward do you know of any case where it wasn't individual athletes cheating to get
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a had but there are national federation forcing them disaster happened. i think. some evidence. not necessarily the national federation but for people in the us each on to russia and it could be that people in the show there are sleet either known to or appointed by the national federation the new code will make penalties on those people on the old strict. much more effective and i think that's a move forward where you've probably thought about that as well why doesn't the threat of a rowing sports career stop athletes from using performance enhancing drugs i mean the use of suspension whether they're wall famous or not is all over the place right away and that everyone just looks at them as people who have committed crimes . well i wish i knew the answer to that. it
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seems to be part of. human nature that on occasions some people will cheat. the drugs in society. and inevitably i suppose some of those drugs will be those drugs your child misused could also be misused in sport one of the complications of course is that most drugs are designed to meet people who are on well better it's the abuse of these that is the issue. knew the answer to why you. were tempted all the time you. actually the world anti-doping agency's life would be a lot easier if we do some show reception to try to identify the pressures i suppose the ultimate. in many sports success and championships succession the olympic games. passion or success
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perhaps passion or wealth passion or status in other sports in professional sports where people are rewarded very very well indeed that is a less pressure on them. by taking drugs. you know to sports never absolutely. means that awards are available to baseball players or basketball players in the united states a much much greater than they would be to weight lifters in eastern europe. here i ravel what i said you've said that more efforts and intelligence is needed even mentioning x. f.b.i. agents working for you so what exactly does your intelligence department did doctors and athletes infiltrate their teams. you know an intelligence is all about gathering information. can be done. with some difficulty in a within one country for example event a good intelligence unit attached to u.k.
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anti doping in london the. whole range of different opportunities to cait information they get it from the media. people can forward and give them information to get that kind of information across borders is actually quite complicated what we do is in egypt intelligence function is to use a whole range of sort of independent information gathering we have built relationships for example with interpol. and that helps us find out where that is drug trafficking going on one of the recent examples of success would be down and show you where these jillian's customs agency found out that drugs were being imported into a stroller and clearly there were being used for sport for sporting purposes that nobody was happy with so it's that kind of thing we are not
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a police force looking at individual trainers sort of individual athletes we try to find out whether there are circumstances that would make cheating easier once we knew it then becomes possible to take some action then take a short break now when we're back with sarah gregory to a member of the i.o.c. it had of the world anti-doping agency to talk about the mix of sports and politics in the olympics not meant stay with us.
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there's a saying when you're in the arctic you have the entire world at your feet. she looks like a fairly simple shit but really she's not simple little handful of people have access to the nuclear icebreakers the real king here isn't the polar bear and ice breakers come second not a single complex expedition to the arctic can be conducted with the russian nuclear powered fleet of ice breakers we've undertaken a unique operation. the northern sea route russia's arctic ice breakers. this is obviously more for the latest because it's pink. women wanted to avoid rate they really needed to buy guns environ how to use them i'm. sure this is the one that i want to go with them once again it's the field. when the definitely the target of the gun lobby and you don't kill them when you're killing money but if somebody
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would you would piss with her. i've noticed that more and more and that's really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to guns to protect their family and young girls shoot out here too so we do have a pink or. more kids young kids choke on food than are killed by firearms if being armed made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on earth were clearly not the safest. right to see. first street view and i think picture. on our reporters twitter. and instagram.
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would be in the little. live. live. live live. live
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. this is really a duration is totally nonsense because it is a market economy and the total budget of the european union what we are talking about is not more than one percent of the cheated the european union the total budget is about the size of the budget. and if this is called a socialist concept then look at the size of welfare states on the national level this is totally ridiculous what's ridiculous about it that you. are so ridiculous about the e.u. marching in more or less to greece and to cyprus to study diddly socialist communist i would say to talk about reading people's private bank accounts to support the european union and this is what we're talking about people of falling over themselves immigrants are falling over themselves to good to great britain
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because they know the rest of europe is boss. now we're back with sarah correct reading vice president of the international olympic committee so before we move on to another topic i would like to ask you one last question about that doping and this is a million dollar question if doping is such a big problem which it is because no one was really able to deal with it completely why not allow people to use stopes i mean it could make for more intent taman competition is entertaining competition and big money bring more money to sports. ratio fees the easiest question you've asked me there are three stunned the world
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anti-doping code for positive taste two zero two three you have to be there one day the drug the cheating. farman sentencing secondly that it is dangerous to the health unsubtly that it is against the spirit of sport so it's the second to that matter i think it is entirely unacceptable that we allow people to administer drugs to us each which could be dangerous to their health and it is against the spirit of sport i want sport to be a contest between athletes not doctors and scientists and i will be doing everything as long as i am in this position to make sure that that never happens you know what my viewers are saying to their eye they're saying you know at the end of the day there is no professional sports man who is healthy at the end of the road because they're all you know very ill people and what we know are they had different traumas in that in their sports carry injuries and also they're telling
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me you know there's a limp excess actually financed partially by mcdonald's which isn't necessarily the healthiest or in the place in the world well i'm not sure that i. mean i know any number of olympians former and they are outstanding people they live in very healthy lives after their competition days are finished i mean there might be some sports that are more prone to continual injury boxing for example. i don't know of the statistics in front of me. so. i don't think it's necessarily an issue as far as mcdonald's is concerned the international olympic committee sponsorship arrangements are such that without those sponsors it would actually be impossible to run olympic games mcdonald's have always used more modern. healthiest menus when the facilities in.
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the olympic park in london for example they are weight of the issue of the what very carefully all the time to make sure. the charge that. they are unhealthy. water to be in longstanding sponsors. and in many ways they have sport very well. to have a topic that you can ponder on do you think the olympic games is just an extension of politics. no i don't the international olympic committee is a sports organization. the olympic games bring each of the world together in spirit of friendship of tolerance of respect. and i think that can do nothing but good. the i.o.c. is certainly a way are. practically the same the do there could be a political reaction there could be political observation of what we do do we try
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to stay away from politics in a political sense we are a sports organization and we do much good i mean for example sport came out of the london olympic games stronger and as good a position as it has been for many many years it's a very good example of what we want sport to be what we want sporting events to be . people will leave shortly after they are coming winter games with exactly the same feeling i'm saying is that like a lot of people think that historically it is internal a to do with politics for example the black power salute hitler schemes and uni all the boy cards like that perth a boy called what was that all about if not politics but of course of course it was the i.o.c. you know have a rule which says a speech may not meet political gestures during games perhaps caused by the black power example that you gave. the munich issue is for me very sad
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because my very first night in the olympic games she was in munich all these years ago. there's a dangerous and difficult world in which we live he takes security of the game to be a very very vital part of an organizing committee should you teach. dangers in the world and we have to react to it and we are aware that out horse governments will make sure the games are safe if the politics then ok we have to live with politics i think it is sensible organization of a sports event the issue is the olympic games do show much good regarded as doing the show much good. clearly people believe they are a potential target again pleased to say that in london and twenty two of we were all well aware of the security risks security in london i think was slightly
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different from international security. than it is in sochi but i'm pleased to see that nothing happened. since munich i think has been one small. ninety six there was one small bomb went off in the olympic park since a lot of big games have actually been very safe now that many have accused rochelle being overprotecting when it comes to ensuring athlete and her safety at the sochi olympics is there such thing as too much security. i speak from some of the street is having spent seven years on and on an organizing committee. very difficult to win any argument with the security people of the country because the security people will say well it might happen and you cannot prove that wrong. security is paramount as far as the country is concerned and is
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very important as far as the sea is concerned what i hope will happen a confident absolutely confident that the sochi games will. the secure what i hope will happen is that once it becomes clear they are safe the organizing committee will be able to control the amount to seek. to control the attitudes of the. people who are doing the security creativity. of the games that's a very narrow balance and difficult balance to get right but it can be done why do you think some world leaders are refusing to come to such a sad and political reasons while they have no problems for example going to beijing. i've always believed. the games are a hugely. event in world sport i think. always been the policy of the host organizing committee country to
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welcome the athletes of the world the whole of the olympics and in fact anybody else who wants to come people decided not to come in many cases it is their passion or decision that is perhaps domestic politics rather than anything else on the i.o.c. stage well away from it well i.o.c. stays away from that but viewers get the sense that these games may be politicized do you think politics involved in the gangs make them more entertaining to watch or does it hurt the spectators. my. being that if there is a political argument in the build up to games it stops about five minutes after the first sports competition starts. the stories are all about sports stories before a game is frequently some form of political spade whether it's international
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politics or in many cases domestic politics you know how much money should be in spain the organizing committee good bad or indifferent that kind of thing as soon as the games start all of that stops and it's all sport. so i the i.o.c. is used to it we've experienced it before. and i don't think the fight to the politics of being. a media story in the build up to the games and makes them more interesting or less interesting i think this sport takes over an olympic sport is outstanding wonderfully attractive. can be seen from the huge television audiences that we had in london and the huge television audiences we will have for sochi why do you think cities everywhere are so king to help stay lympics when most of them they can't really afford their budgets suffer like the financial consequences can be quite harsh i'm thinking come on reality took them like forty
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years to pay off its debt yeah i mean it is part of the sort of folklore of the olympic movement montreal lost a fortune the games in montreal actually broke even what didn't break even was the capital construction that went into montreal to build the facilities which has lasted and has been of benefit to the people of montreal for every day of the forty years since they'd be people should understand that there are two budgets involved here one is the budget of the organizing committee to put on the games. and the second is the budget of either the host city of the host country to provide deficient there is no reason why the i.o.c. should build a shrink's for people in russia that should be done at any time what happens is that countries and cities use the fact that they're running their games as a catalyst to build a new sports facilities that was very true in london if you look at the london
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experience i think there was only two there were only two fifty meter pools for swimming in a city with a population of seven and a half million people so now there are more there's another two built in the olympic park so the games are used as a catalyst for development and the development and the facilities last for the next forty fifty years. have that cost i did simply to the olympic budget just really quickly if there seems to be a trend in the olympics that the current games always feel like they're better than the previous ones what do you think makes this makes better then salt lake bank or and i doubt i'll. turn the twenty fourth of february when i when i head for home. you know looking at the looking at the build up i can't remember a winter games where there was such a concentration of the ice sports in the one place in the region in short she.
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absolutely outstanding effort and the facilities are all class by anybody's standards and i'm not sure that that has happened in quite the same scale in previous winter games if you go up to crush and then you're building a very completely new. sports resort out there certainly the investment being made will be of huge advantage to winter sport in russia for many years to come and some of the facilities which will move from by shrinks to be exhibition centers or whatever will be a terrific. to the people of the region she craved greedy vice president of the international olympic committee had of the world's anti-doping agency was great to talk to on sophie and co and we all hope that this winter olympics will be all about sports and nothing else we will see in the next edition of sophie and stay with us.
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is obviously more for the ladies because it's pink. women wanted to avoid rate they really need to buy guns and learn how to use them. this is the one that i'm going to go with them once again as the field full of women are definitely the target of the gun lobby and you don't kill them when you're killing money but if somebody would he would do this with her. i'm noticing more and more and that's really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral
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obligation to protect their family and young girls shoot out here too so we do have a pink or. more kids young kids choke on food than are killed by firearms if being armed made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on earth were clearly not the safest. i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some not slightly but the design of their commitment to cover all sides of the story. just in case one of them happens to be. that was funny but it's closer to the truth from the might think. it's because one whole attention in the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. at our teen
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years we have a different approach. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not like damnit i'm not. you guys sort of jokes well handled in the sense that i've got a. g
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twenty four team almost a week ultimate and exhilarated winter and he. joined me and he said no way i'm a kevin zero in on the rest of our lives take news team for sochi twenty four take . on ott.
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gold on ice a russian arms leads this case away from their rivals in sochi grabbing some us place in the forget skating event with a sublime performance from a teenager he's all stunned by for all the game's highlights and our very own song . switzerland moves to keep foreign is ours as voters now really banca bill limiting immigration but it puts a free movement deal with the into question plus. there's a lot of those that have been forgotten we're just collateral damage. americans living in central africa are struggling to get their lives back to normal after an oil spill disaster almost a year ago.


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