tv [untitled] February 10, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm EST
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the suspect. will replace the old if you. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct help us. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate real discussion critical issues facing america emma i'm ready to join the movement and welcome the big three. well i'm tell our been in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. a new grassroots movement
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is a merging in north carolina but national news outlets don't seem to care more on that moment and what it says about the so-called liberal media in just a moment also after weeks of anticipation the winter olympics are now in full swing so what can we expect from team usa in sochi and what athlete should you be a tension level for breakdown later on the show and believe it or not ronald reagan actually did something right to tell you what that something is and tonight's to say. you need to know this tens of thousands of people from all over the country gathered in raleigh north carolina over the weekend to protest the policies of the republican controlled state government but the mainstream media almost entirely ignored them since the g.o.p. took over both houses of the north carolina state legislature back in two thousand and ten the tar heel state has become ground zero for tea party extremism
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republicans have blocked obamacare as medicaid expansion and. slashed away at a number of essential social services things that only got worse since governor pat mccrory took office in january of last year in two thousand and thirteen alone north carolina republicans pushed through one of the nation's most restrictive voter suppression laws cut taxes to the state's richest residents and raised taxes for poor and working people they also withdrew their state from federal unemployment insurance programs carolina state that voted for president obama in two thousand and eight is now starting to look less and less like the tech and financial hub that it was it more and more like some northern version of rick perry's texas it would be easy for tar heel progressives to do is give up hope sort of environment publicans control all three branches of state government thanks to some very obvious gerrymandering is a good chance they'll be able to stay in power for quite some time carolina's new
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g.o.p. authored redistricting laws made things so hard for liberal candidates to win races that according to mother jones where everyone voted takes to elect a republican in that state it takes about three votes to elect a democrat but in the face of such obstacles progress has been anything but silence led by reverend william barber head of the north carolina chapter of the end of the late c.p. they've gathered every monday since april side of the capitol building in raleigh to protest the right wing hijacking of their state. and calling their protest moral mondays and although they started out small moral mondays have become a full fledged movement a local liberal version of the tea party if you will and now people all across the country are starting to notice what's going on in north carolina that's why this saturday over eighty thousand people from thirty two different states walked from shaw university in raleigh right up to the steps of the capitol building to demand an end to the immoral and unconstitutional policies of governor mccrory and his
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allies in the state legislature the moral march on raleigh as its supporters call it is just a late. the moral monday movement is about more than just north carolina it's about the future of america are we going to continue down the road of reaganomics or return to square deal and new deal progressive policies that have been embraced historically by democrats and republicans over the last century thanks to moral mondays progressives of all walks of life and all backgrounds are standing up to destructive right wing policies for me no new coalitions in discovering the power of activism and if they can succeed in turning back the tide of right wing extremism in the tarheel state that would send a message to liberals everywhere that they can win even when the cards are stacked against them like they are in north carolina as one protester at saturday's rally tweeted this is what hashtag democracy looks like it think c.n.n. and all the other big big media outlets would want to cover what looks like the start of a genuine grassroots movement but that appears not to be the case except for
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a few short write ups in usa today in the nation magazine there was little to no national news coverage of this past saturday as protest in raleigh the mainstream media is apparently too interested in talking about who's going to run in elections two years from now to bother reporting about the biggest protests in the south since nineteen sixty five of course this is the same mainstream media that went out of their way to cover tea party protests and matter how small or meaningless those protests actually were fox so-called news of course led the charge but other big channels like c.n.n. followed along to a tee and basically gave tea partiers a platform to spew their far right ideas. moral monday protesters would love to get that kind of coverage if the so-called liberal media can make glenn beck seem like an important populist leader in the least they can do is send some reporters down to rally and you know try to act like they're actually reporting the news joining me now for war on this from our new york studios is lynn paramour's. senior editor
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of alter net lynn welcome back. great to be here with you thank you. then you're a raleigh native and were at the protest this weekend do you think the mainstream media has spent enough time covering what's going on. now i don't i would really like to see more coverage as you mentioned the coverage in the mainstream media has been rather paltry and i just want to shout it from the rooftops because it was such an exciting weekend to see tens of thousands of people gathered in downtown raleigh it was a really historic moment and it was great to be there and be part of it you mention shaw university where the march started and that university is so important to the civil rights movement it's where the student nonviolent coordinating committee was born such a rich history there and on saturday you saw people from the civil rights movement including a ninety two year old activist along with people from the religious community women
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marching unions marching all together forming a coalition and it was really a sight to behold. you know i mentioned in the set up that president obama actually won north carolina. how is it that in a state the president won. so much radical right wing legislation has so sex so successfully passed what's going on though yes there is a really interesting moment so i think obama's election when north carolina swung for him that really reawakened the old guard in north carolina and it got these tea partiers stirred up because they really looked around and saw that their way of life and the way they wanted things to be in north carolina was slipping away and the future did not belong to them so the only way they could hold on was by gerrymandering the state working to suppress voter rights in the most
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vicious and vitriolic way north carolina used to have some of the best. and most generous voting rights laws in the country but that has gotten rolled back in the last couple of years so the old guard sort of woke up and they are furiously holding on to their turf and they have really turned against women and minorities and poor people and the elderly and students and and it's really nasty but north carolina's history we've been through this before it's always been sort of like two weather fronts you have your elites in the state and you've had your insurgents and you know they've been battling out of the state for for centuries now so this is nothing new but i really instead of thinking that you know the tea party has the upper hand i really think they're desperately afraid because i think they know that their days are really numbered you you mentioned the insurgents there's
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an interesting coalition that you talked about. you know that happened during the civil rights or that happened during reconstruction can you can tell us about. yes absolutely north carolina is an interesting state in the south because it was never really that into the civil war there were many in the state who saw it as a rich man's war and a poor man's fight you didn't have the plantation culture. that you had in states like virginia and south carolina so after the civil war you had this coalition of republicans and populous with support from key african-american leaders who came together and were able to take both senate seats and the governorship and this was an amazing triumph you know for for people of different races working together in the south and it's scared the dickens out of the elite planter you know the old planter classes and some of the new industrialists and those groups came together
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they were conservative democrats at the time. and they crushed this coalition and they worked very hard then to suppress voting rights and to disenfranchise blacks and a lot of poor whites too and they pushed back hard with violence they pushed back with racism and we're seeing a little echo of this now you know they're not burning down houses but they are trying desperately to keep people away from the polls they're decimating north carolina's public education system which i'm a product of and very proud to have come out of wake county public school system so it's a spirit that has been around for a long time well and the republicans have more than a little bit of help with their in north carolina with their very own version of the koch brothers this fall are pope who has gone from outsider billionaire to
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being budget director do i have that right. yes you do and really he's thought of as the defacto governor of the state right now he has a lot of power in his position and he is indeed as you point out he is a coke ally and he sort of a little mini coke in north carolina he's a multimillionaire a retail tycoon and he is shepherding many of these policies that have been so destructive in detrimental and they're really trying to turn north carolina into a mid atlantic mississippi you know i i grew up in north carolina i live in new york now and i've always bragged to people about how progressive my home state is but they're really trying to roll back the clock fifty years he didn't are pope make his money on dollar stores i mean didn't make his money selling things to the lower middle class of the working poor and if so if he wipes these people out isn't he what is the revenue. yeah that's a really interesting point i mean he makes his money off of poverty in
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a way and he you know his store is only go into communities. where there's a certain percentage of african-americans they want to go into the lowest income communities in the state and they really do feed off of poverty it's kind of ironic but yes you can only squeeze people so much denying people medicaid and denying unemployment benefits to the long term unemployed of whom there are very many in this day eventually they will have so little they won't even be able to shop at your discount stores that it's absolutely destructive to the economy and i think all of these extremest policies that are that are going on in the state are bad for business it's bad for the business climate the state people from other parts of the country are not eager to put down roots in the state right now there you go to repair our thank you for being with us. thank you for having me coming up intelligence officials have been telling us for months of the n.s.a.'s better data collection program isn't as is isn't it
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a safety threat to report shows that they're lying or on that report and what it says about the true nature of the surveillance state right after the break. i got a quote for you. it's pretty tough. stay with substory. if this guy like you which we're about guns instead of working for the people to use the major media we're pretty chummy right on station. in the bedroom but it was. a bit of a. it was a. very hard to take on. why have you ever had sex with her hair.
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in screwed news cell phone metadata can be deadly according to a new report published by journalists glenn greenwald in germany scahill in their new venture the intercept the n.s.a. is using its cell phone tracking technology to help the cia and the u.s. military assassinate suspected terrorists after over a half a year of revelations about the n.s.a.'s wide reaching role in the american surveillance state the fact that it helps with drone strikes isn't all that surprising at the same time though greenwald and scales report based on information provided to them by edward snowden as well as a former drone operator paints a chilling portrait of america's remote assassination program using meditated to
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map out strikes on terrorism suspects if yours is actually really inaccurate as greenwald and scahill wrote one problem is the targets are increasingly aware of the n.s.a.'s reliance on geo located and it moved to thwart the tactic others unaware of their mobile phones being targeted lend their phone with the sim card it to friends children spouses and family members as a result even when the agency correctly identifies and targets a sim card belonging to a terrorist suspect the phone may actually be carried by someone else who is then killed in a strike joining me now for more on this story is nathan white communique. director with the man progress welcome back thank you very much for having me for shit great to have you what's the big take away from this new n.s.a. revelation well it's it's a bit shocking for everyone around the world who's concerned about using drones to kill people or we're delivering death without judge or jury from for miles in the
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air that that's a great concern but for people here in the united states we have an added concern that for since the edward snowden leaks in the summer we keep hearing don't worry it's only metadata we're only collecting metadata but then on the other hand we hear by the way we use metadata can kill people so they can have it both ways either this is really interim intrusive information that can get to who you are or they're killing people willingly yeah you're right so which is. well i would appreciate if glenn in jeremy can figure that out for us because you know like in the town above it seems like it's probably a little bit of both actually you know it's the. clinton germy exit. each of us in this new article is that the only people who are aware of these programs are the people that we're targeting they know how to circumvent it it's the american people in the average citizens who don't know what the n.s.a. is doing and then they say you know we can't tell anybody this is a secret because somehow the terrorists will be able to have they're already adapting and if they know why can't we know there's apparently another american
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citizen the president is trying to decide whether or not to assassinate without a trial and without a conviction. you know that we this happened last year. with a fellow and his son actually sixteen year old son and. wasn't there i mean there is seemed like one that happened a lot for getting his name yeah thank you. afterwards there was a lot of. soul searching i thought at the white house and in the intelligence community about you know. should we be killing americans i mean i think there should be a larger discussion about should we be killing anybody and you know what about blowback and are we going to you know encouraging terrorism but but here we here we are again with this this debate about or not to debate but an internal evaluation of whether an american should be targeted and killed without a trial or
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a conviction isn't. it seems to me that there's something fundamentally wrong as you have to pause in not even answer the question just think we're asking the question the white house is thinking about killing an american citizen without any evidence. they were being released without evidence presented to a jury which is what a judge which is here is what the basics of it than in the military the only reason why they're worried about it is the blowback and you're right after the last time they did this there was a blowback people were shocked they said how can my government kill me it doesn't matter where i am or what i'm doing i have in alienable rights they don't come from the government they are in alienable rights and i think the result of that was they they made a rule where they said the cia isn't allowed to kill people anymore now it has to be the military and that was supposed to be the fix we're not supposed to worry about well in the rationale was that a you're only killing people on a battlefield and then then you're operating out of the terms of war rather than that but now here we are
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a year later in the exact same president is apparently looking for a way around his own rule what kind of precedent is that set well and what does it say about war i mean apparently we're still operating under the authorization to use military force is a is that the case is this president using that as a rationale and then b. i mean you know it's had been it has been demonstrated from the very first the invasion of afghanistan in the washington post reported at the time that the mobile omar offered to send. to arrest bin laden and sent him to a third country for trial and george bush said no thank you i'd rather have a war and then you know the war in iraq was just totally bogus so isn't it time to seriously consider doing the authorization to use force i mean i know it's used all the time but it's orwellian the authorization for military force the queen's the phrase undeclared battlefield and it describes the entire world it's unclear
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whether or not that even means the united states the entire world has become a battlefield where we can rain down death from anywhere we want amazing so tell me about the day of action is coming up tomorrow so we're working on the day we fight back the websites the day we fight back org we're trying to use the power in the ingenuity of the internet to rise millions hundreds of. thousands of people in order to drive action to reform the global surveillance state we're asking people to go to the website and sign up we've got banners that you can put on your website and we've got some pretty big supporters the reform government surveillance coalition has joined us in several of their members might be directing that includes the google yahoo in the a.o.l. we're also working with reddit tumbler image are some of the biggest web sites we're also working with nonprofits from a.c.l.u. all the way to activists like freedom works in the libertarian party and tens of thousands of people have signed on all of us are going to be out there tomorrow first asking call your member of parliament call your member of congress wherever you're watching this and say this isn't right we got to do something reform that in
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the united states the legislation is the usa freedom act overseas some of our overseas partners are are pointing to different things and then secondly get creative this is our internet this is our world everybody is has a stake in this is aaron swartz famously said we beat sopa and pipa because everyone made themselves the hero of their own story there you go day we fight back for current of them thank you thanks very much but they've. got other news now of the media hoopla and the are they ready questions of start is to subside sports can now focus on some of the fascinating story lines surrounding the twenty fourteen olympic games and the u.s. teams quest for gold as one of the most fascinating ones bode miller who many people think is bode miller who many people think is one of the most talented american skiers of all times. is joined in sochi but his teammate ted ligety lydian miller have both medalled in the past two winter olympics and this year they will
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compete against each other in five different events but look at ian miller won't be racing against each other they'll be racing against a lead skiers in places like austria and switzerland that have historically had much better success at olympic screen than the united states joining me now from our new york studios for more on the story is jake bright writer contributing editor of the daily beast. and member of us a master's skeen welcome. thanks for having me thanks for joining us jake during the two thousand and twelve summer olympics in london american swimmers ryan lochte and michael phelps had sort of a friendly rivalry going on is there something similar with ted ted ligety and bodie miller. i think it's very similar probably the biggest difference is at least from the u.s. public they don't have the same kind of attention on them but you know they generally competed as friends they train his friends off circuit there's not a lot of attention on skiing and
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a lot of times they're out there on their own there's nobody filming them or you know covering them and it's very casual you know until they get into these world class competitions you're a skier yourself skiing at the winter olympics is historically been dominated by austrians and the other alpine european countries were miller and ligety stand in the history of world wide screen. these two americans well that's all we tried to get into in the in the piece i did in the daily beast this week and then we did another one on this this young teenage skier mckayla shifrin and the story really is is that guys like miller first to start it is kind of you know a peer mentor to ligeti these guys have kind of let a revolution in the us skiing where we've always had great skiers but we've gone from being primarily you know the underdogs with a couple stars every decade or so to really becoming one of the best squads in the world and the guys who have led our boat. and the accomplishments that they've
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they've had which you know both in the olympics and then the other thing that really measure skiers is more the world cup which is kind of the world series of skiing which is a series from october to march which is almost like nascar for skiing where you have to win the most points across all these cars. petitions and bodhi and ted have just come up with so much in all those areas that they've now become two of the most feared guys you know the previously dominant teams in the world yeah i thought i thought one of you know one of the really fast team parts of your piece was it was it was buddy miller was not who was. had basically hippie parents was homeschooled silly was three is who went off on his own to learn how to ski he became very very unconventional techniques that everybody criticized him for but boy did he you know succeed with those techniques you have it right. well that's
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that's the thing that's unique about bodie and ted is that they are such different guys they're such different skiers and the u.s. ski team has traditionally allowed for a lot more personality in individual space bodhi is very much kind of a self coached individual who had a style that definitely isn't textbook but it's very fast ted has created this methodical style especially in his giant slalom skiing where with both of them in addition to leading this revolution in the u.s. skiing winning things that will put them in the textbooks of being two of the best skiers in the world they now not only have led the u.s. to not be the underdog but you now have the dominant skiers like the austrians studying these americans techniques and bodie came up short yesterday but even thomas mare who won said that when he studied video of all of bodies' training runs in credit part of that is how he won the gold yesterday in the downhill remarkable
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in the half minute or so we have left looking at the the winter olympics as a whole one of the big athletic storylines are you looking for anything people should know about. but i think continue to watch this one the most interesting showdown will be bodie and ted in the combined that's a measure of the. spheres of skiing the speed and the technical where they ski one run of downhill in a ski one. the last two olympics body won the last combined and ted won the one before where people expected bodie to win and ted came out of nowhere so that's going to be an interesting showdown the other one will be ted ligety in the giant slalom there a few times when you get an athlete that gets michael jordan like status wilt chamberlain like status and his ability to become better than all other people in the world at least on the world cup circle ted has done and then watch young mckayla shifrin who's really going to be the face of the u.s. forward ok right thank you jake. thank you so much coming up you'll never hear me
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i suspect. overbite. did you know the press is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck all those. that are you know i'm sorry and i'm a show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying problem to try to rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america am i for you i'm ready to join the movement and welcome the big city.
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