tv [untitled] February 10, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm EST
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on larry king in alameda randi zuckerberg the former page will be judged on venturing out on her own so important to get more young women into engineering and you're not going to do it by forcing them to take engineering or computer science in school you're going to do it by making it tack cool in pop culture all of us both love and are addicted to attack but also sometimes how it makes us want to refer her out of our head now the question is how do we have children using tack in productive ways you know that of destructive ways on her famous brother you make of the movie as someone related to the main character there were definitely a few moments where i thought gosh that's not real that's hollywood that's all next on larry king now.
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welcome to larry king now with a pledge of i have randy's of the burghers our special guest you may recognize her thing was last name she's a member of the first family a place book the brother mark of course founded the company she left facebook to two years ago to start zuckerberg media she's got two new books out dot complicated right here hold up the wrong one untangling our wired lives and a children's book just called docked dot some miles said at c.n.n. and i love i've been wearing polka dots every day for one hundred days in honor of my books and i was like dogs can be that's right i defend dot dot dot hall the whole thing facebook well gosh i for six years i just worked every single day twenty four hours a day it always your job that i was leading the consumer marketing team as working on a lot of our partnerships with television movie studios and of doing a lot with global politics. elections and just the pentagon moment of my career we
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hosted president obama at facebook for a town hall to all of america on a live stream platform that i had dreamt up and i just thought i was also nine months pregnant at the time and i thought i would top that right that's right i was like i don't know how to top that except to have larry king come. you know i guess that's the moment you drop them i could walk. you good as kobol to him when a train comes that was stopped but all that i think is actually was what is the berg maybe we are so i have a real opinion that young girls into tech it's so important to get more young women into engineering and you're not going to do it by forcing them to take engineering or computer science in school you're going to do it by making tech cool in pop culture so zuckerberg media we're trying to do pop culture tech projects t.v. shows movies online film that makes it cool for women to go into engineering where
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you. oh supremum nerd in fact i was so nerdy i didn't even know i was a nerd that's how all girls that are there are definitely girl nerds although i was more of a music nerd than than a tech nerd. like i actually was into opera when i was young that's how nerdy i was always but. i don't see it so maybe of my brother and i used to play video games all the time and your brother was thinking about all this what did you think when he was thinking about this well first of all i had just moved to new york city landed my dream job at ogilvy and mather advertising agency so i was twenty two and single in new york city so don't do go gobi oh oh wow you actually go i'm a what an amazing man all music but the last thing on my mind was thinking about my brother starting a project in his dorm room but it was once it started to get traction i actually if flew out to visit him in california it was just blown away by what. i was creating
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in the passion that the team had for it what do you make of the movie i think so i have two answers for that and what other one as a marketer for facebook which the movie was amazing i mean it really opened facebook up to such a new broad audience and it was actually i thought great cinema. on the other hand as someone related to the main character there were definitely a few moments where i thought gosh that's not real that's hollywood and you know i wish that they portrayed him more like he is in real life but i did think it was a beautiful movie what was brilliant in that movie was the editing there were positions going back and forth telling with telling was terrific and i mean what else could you wish for in a small startup to have you know such a blockbuster kevin spacey movie about your company it's really amazing ok what is dark complicated doc complicated it's kind of part is the dog was well gosh i want to i was trying to kind of try to play on the dot com and it's half memoir half
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advice guide so the memoir part it's really about my own very complicated relationship with technology i came to silicon valley as an outsider silicon valley can be a challenging place to be a woman and it was also challenging to be working with a sibling to have the zuckerberg last name i sometimes felt that no matter what i accomplished i always had that hanging over me so i write a lot about my own relationship with technology and the second part of the book is acknowledging how all of us both love and are addicted to attack but also sometimes how it makes us want to rip our hair out of our head and how to navigate this wired world. you are the oldest. of all of this right yes there were no brother his second oldest son then we have two sisters also so there's three girls yes one of the younger girls do they're my youngest sister works at google and my middle sister is getting her ph d. in classics so clearly they're not a nerd. oh gosh i don't know she's a classics
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a nerd that's a whole different variety of nerd i did bad do he was a dentist and a dental and i are digital nerd but he always had the latest craziest gadgets and i remember like he would always have the computer that could swap our smiles for each other before any of the other dentists had it so he was definitely very entrepreneurial even for a doctor bill gates and his father and together how finally by the go get him when he quit harvard second shift you know they have a saying at harvard when i showed up on the first day they said if you make it through harvard you'll be very successful if you drop out you will be successful beyond your wildest dreams and in the book you say technology and social media complicated are lies it has defined that law i really i think the best thing and the worst thing about tech are some to do the exact same thing it's the fact that we're so hyper connected so on one hand the fact that i can travel and have
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a two year old son it's only due to the fact that we are so connected but on the other hand gosh the stats that we found researching this book that thirty percent of women they would rather give up having sex for a month or a year rather than part with their mobile phone for even a weekend fifty percent of the people that we talk to would rather go to prison for a night than deactivate their social media accounts so that is what a complicated relationship is we're not talking about my wife you know i never jumped into that you know it's interesting because there's actually there's all these studies that show that you have kind of dopamine bursts in your brain when you get an email or text such that it's addictive the way cocaine as addict and i want people course constantly doing is it is in the day that's right that's why people text and drive the literally risk their own lie and that's a great cause they it is a great knowingness is it curable i think it is i mean. for i started writing this
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book i wouldn't have thought that tech addiction was even a thing i would have laughed but i truly believe it is a real thing they're treating children as young as four years old in some parts of the world for tech in video gaming addiction and i think it's it's really important that starting now we become a lot more mindful about how we use these devices do you think this hinders how we communicate with each other i know but she can drive over his home but for example touching to me i like people i like some of voices i do i like this face to face communication to now i do think i mean there's definitely wonderful positives to this technology my son for example is in touch with his great grandparents who live across the world from him in south africa so that would never have been possible without this technology allows us to just keep in touch for so many people at the same time though i think you're right i think sometimes because we're stuck behind a screen it gets in the way of our relationships with the people right next to us
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that we love the most leaving it's going. well i definitely think we're it's everything's going increasingly mobile i think we'll soon see a day when we're not even on computers at all that everything's done completely mobile and i'm really interested in looking at things like google glass where. it's actually glasses that can take video that you can surf the internet so that is not far away it's not no i mean there i think it's they're talking that it's going to be out in the consumer marketplace within a year or so that is interesting to me because i feel i contact is the last remaining sign that you have someone's undivided attention on your brother who has to be called him inventor is he working on these things or is he to intent with the success of facebook i think everyone is in silicon valley it's really easy going exciting to get caught up and working on the things self driving cars is something that everyone's talking about a lot which is actually since we're talking about texting and driving could be a step to saving us from ourselves but lots of really exciting innovation in health
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care and education to you said you you have a bull's eye on your back by being as meaning what definitely well i think i almost had a double bull's eye on my back first for being a woman you could really you could count on your hands the amount of it really prominent women in silicon valley when i first moved out there and second of all having the last name zucker guy felt that i was almost thrust into the spotlight way earlier than i was ready for appropriate just because there was such a spotlight on my brother and knowing what i know now there were probably a lot of things i would have done differently in my career had i known i had that spotlight you should read this book. gosh well i think it's such a broad audience i think anyone who is parenting today in the digital world i think anyone who is thinking about a career changer juggling social media and wired life in their career and even
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anyone people who are in college who are just thinking about this starting off i try to talk about dating in the wired world career family love try to cross the whole gamut can you fight it or is that to hold a swing at windmills i think i don't think you can fight and i think the train has left the station and especially i talked to a lot of parents who say you know keep kids off techno tech for children unfortunately like you said i i think that's that's gone i think it's here to stay so that now the question is how do we have children using tack in productive ways you know instead of destructive ways to go children are there i mean one year old my son even is swiping i pads and i phones even a picture frame hold go up to and swipe that if your son got the genes of you. and you did just right every day i was the one holding my go bizerk bill bradley right
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too much too much creative energy going on in there but mostly i would he can do anything he want is a danger my son is fourteen and we have a girlfriend for three months what they never would together no be always great and some broke up that she doubt that in fact i think something like thirty percent of teenagers today will be broken up with via text message it's also agree with a cop out right it is a great way to cop out actually there's a really interesting study that i read recently that said the way you can tell that someone's about to have a divorce is they suddenly get very lovey dovey publicly on facebook and that it almost inevitably is always leading to a breakup. is it this is world wide is there any place in the world it's not a phenomenon gosh you know i think there are all over africa i mean there are even us i think is one of the least mobile savvy countries out literally and you go to asia and there are using their phones to as their subway cars their metro cards they pay for everything you go to a supermarket or
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a starbucks you pay with your phone so in some ways even as advanced as we think we are we still have a lot of catch up to do to other parts of the world and it's money disappearing interesting i mean i haven't really followed the bitcoin debate and what's going on there but it's pretty fascinating when you think of these new types of currency exchanges what does your husband do he's an education tac. so he yes it's a very serious working attack we actually met at harvard we didn't date there we met up again in new york after we both moved there and started dating there i had first baby it is our first son and i just it's crazy to see how tech savvy he is coming up next on talk about dog for children and we'll talk about online privacy and parenting in the digital age. of the.
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only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck albums. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and i was proud cynical we've been hijacked right handful of trans national corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once built just by john mark and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem try rational debate in a real discussion critical issues things you know there are ready to join the movement then walk the day they. were back with the incredible remedies arkell programs so that we do
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a better tell me about the children illustrated by joel berger gosh he is a great illustrator you know i was really i wanted to go for the modern day. but as so i started off writing doc complicated my memoir advice guide for the modern world and as i was doing it and talking to harper collins i said you know has an author ever really released an adult and a children's book together on the same day on the same topic and they said no and i was like well the i want to be the first to do that dot dot is a tech savvy girl who is obsessed with her devices and learns to put them down and go play outside so in the beginning of the book you see she's doing all these things like swiping in tweeting and tapping and when she goes outside in the second half of the book swiping she's making a finger mural and tweeting she's singing with the birds and tapping she worries and it was it for for i guess about two to eight is the age group that is it is hard not to write down. yeah it's very hard i mean it was in
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some ways i'm almost sad that a book like this needs to even exist in the first place that we need to be telling children as young as two years old to put their devices down and look up but i think it's essential when you you know you just look at any child today and they're so tech savvy in one of the book in the book you talk about over sharing information what we mean there's so many ways that people over share online you see people they are they're sharing graphic potty trading details about their children they're sharing details about their relationship that you think gosh you know just your spouse or does your partner know that you're sharing this information people share their craziest things there is actually there's a hash tag on twitter tweets from the toilet people are that graphic that they'll actually they're taking their phones into the bathroom and sharing from the toilet so there seems to be no boundary to what people will post you talked about post to
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you bursting family pictures right yeah you got backlash i did you know i didn't think that the photo i posted was even that embarrassing it was mostly certainly was that we were all gathered around the table for a holiday and i thought was funny because everyone was on their phones their heads were buried in their phones and i thought like oh gosh this is funny the zucker berg family and no one is talking everyone's on their phone so i took a photo of everyone posted it and the next thing i knew it was all over all of these blogs which you know it's that was i think my first real moment of thinking gosh do i have to really like to watch what i share online well that's the public you got some you got negative press were promoting a book for twitter on veterans day what was what was the big deal i didn't think it was a big deal at all i was doing that or not at all i was backstage actually filming a morning show and there was a group of just lovely veterans there and. they asked me if i would sign some
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copies of dot for their children so i signed it and then i posted the photo on line i said if there's any other veterans out there that they would like a free signed copy of dot i'd love to send it to you too so i didn't claim that i got it i got crucified for but you know i think also you've obviously you've built up some really fixed skin i'm sure being in the industry for so long but those among you know it twitter all of these sites while they are wonderful platforms for good they're also wonderful platforms for haters who like twitter i do i use all of the sites my my one problem that i have was sites where you can be anonymous or have a pseudonym is that i think people are much they're much more hateful and mean than they would be if they were required to use their real name a lot of the sites were people are forced or at least the social norms to use their real name at least people are a little more thoughtful before they post what are your thoughts about goldie blox
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a new toy in that encouraging girls to develop an interest in the engine and let's go this is a great toy so basically they're trying to disrupt the pink aisle when you go into the toy store you have like the blue aisle for boys with the blocks and carter's them and you have the pink aisle with the dolls and goldie blox is it's really it's encouraged to get children in girls into science into math really early and they have an amazing viral video that's circulating the web right now about three young girls who do a really fantastic science experiment engineering is a male word right if i told you in engineers coming through the door i would definitely as i'm a room i would yes i would think it's a male and it's you know ninety percent of the graduates coming out of engineering programs are male today which is a real problem i think it starts very very young why do you want more women in the field when i look at sites like facebook twitter you tube it's actually it's
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a majority women. that use these sites in fact the power users on facebook are new moms so when you think about it you have all of these guys that are building and thinking about all the features when the user base is majority women and i think that a lot of times having more women represented at the table at the product level could really just make the product overall much better. why is there panicked when you don't have your i phone or you think it's gone or you lose something in one of these instruments of the modern or why is that severe panic i think it's your life blood i remember this summer i lost my wallet pick pocketed out of my bag and if that had happened a few years ago i would have just panicked but i remember my first reaction was thank gosh they didn't get my phone like take my wallet like babsy you anything in there is replaceable but my phone like oh my gosh thank goodness they didn't take
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that and to me that was such i think of reflection on the fact that i don't think we could function even without our phones i don't remember anyone's phone numbers i wouldn't know how to get anywhere it's just gosh we're so dependent on that right nation yeah i don't know what you do if someone came up to me and said i'm taking your phone away you have a few minutes to write down everything you need i think i panic what is the message and not go outside their message and dot is really about there's a beautiful world when you look up from your devices now the message is not to completely unplug at the end of the book you see dot and she's with her friends some of them they're taking photos together there's some of them are just painting but in the beginning of the book dots really isolated it's just her and all these tech devices and when she gets outside suddenly the book is it's colorful and she's with her friends and so the world is beautiful when you look up from the small screen both of these are going to be great what are some of coming to me is in
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silicon valley we should look at i think that the health space is really really interesting and the education space so i'm really interested in a lot of the sites that are taking online learning in a video way companies like khan academy like you dast for the companies that are taking video learning and replacing the four year college educate. in the system with an online degree we have a couple social media questions for you well this is gigi charmes tweets what would you be doing if your brother didn't not found in facebook or you think gosh what would i have loved to do or what i'd probably be doing my dream is beef sometime my lifetime i will sing on broadway that was my dream thing i like good morning i can i studied opera when i was younger and sing and so that that probably would have been the path i actually was studying to be a cantor before i took
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a turn toward the highest. a lot of female cantors so it's i mean gosh you have you with beverly hills that's right so that was really what a dream of mine obviously my my life took a very different turn with technology but who knows maybe i'll still find myself back there can said capital want your opinion did snap chat make a mistake turning down the three billion dollar offer from facebook who it's hard you know i have to tell me what that is well snap chat is a service that messages vanish so i could send you a message as soon as you open it a few secondly seconds later it vanishes so is the purpose of the teenagers they send each other little videos they say oh we're going out to this restaurant tonight or this movie come meet us there's also you know how does it make money well that's the real question now i know when facebook turned down
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a billion dollar offer from yahoo everyone said you guys are crazy why would you ever turn down a billion dollars and now look where we are today but there's also a lot of companies that turn down a billion dollars and don't get to where facebook is today what do you think you think schnapps should have taken it you know a billion three point is a lot of money for a site that doesn't always get you coming in but it's a very young company and they you know i'm guys very young guys they very quickly attracted just millions and millions of users and see where will they make money. that's if that's going to disappear as i let you know i had to merge all this shit although there is a lot of companies in silicon valley that are raising huge valuations with no revenues so who knows maybe revenue is there you know you don't need it but i do it i did take them and i think i would have also played a game of. tech gadget oh gosh i love the fit bit is really really cool. of problems moment proudest moment hosting president obama
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and reading dot with my son and his preschool understand the top three websites you visit regularly. ways i use that all the time as a crowd source g.p.s. spotify and pay pal i do a lot of online banking and payments through their most embarrassing moment probably some of the things that i've tweeted probably about family photo going out which you know is the pleasure of yours who i love a lot of the netflix shows orange is the new black him house of cards for his boy you have accused. his name was richard and we were in fifth grade role model gosh sheryl sandberg mersa mayer my mom of course favorite food. kosher jewish deli food you cannot meet at a california at least northern california. all right heading there after this
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biggest splurge when i finally bought my dream house a social media post you wish you could take that. picture that well even one before that was when i got rejected from getting into a bar when this was a brand new site called twitter had just launched and i tweeted just something awful at the bartender when he rejected us and the next day it was everywhere and i just i was like oh my god should i even be on this side it was words come back to. go she's a good friend you know i have met him i mean it's just incredible what he's building something people would be surprised to find out about you probably that i studied opera i think piano it was pretty surprised where you see yourself in ten years hopefully. creating shows and entertainment that are inspiring young women in tech
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. you know a deal like thank you and i go with such an honor to be already you i've looked up to you my whole career thank you note you dot complicated untangling our wired lives by randi zuckerberg and dot by randi zuckerberg published simultaneously on the same this is a first thanks to my guests for being with us and you can find me on twitter at kings things she had that stuff. well. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future of coverage.
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i'm abby martin and this is breaking on the set so last week marked the end of the nato three chicago terrorism trial involving three men an undercover police officers posing as activists at the at the two thousand and twelve nato summit and a mixed verdict the men were found not guilty of the terrorism charges but guilty for possessing an incendiary device and inciting mob action incendiary device charge carries a sentence of up to thirty years so while we should celebrate the fact that the jury did not uphold the trumped up terrorism charges the fact that these men are still facing decades behind bars for what journalism called a case worse than entrapment is extremely concerning because while building molotov cocktails is indeed incredibly stupid without the encouragement and guidance from undercover cop.
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