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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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today on larry king now we welcome back judge judy i'm so see a lot of mediocre politicians they get elected to high office and then we're all surprised when everything gets screwed up to say well the country has moved forward because we have a woman president of the course we have a latina president of because we have a black president that's not the answer that's not where the focus should be the focus should be the past plus do you ever hold back no work for
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that's all ahead on larry king now. what the real larry king actually is one of my favorite think bill judy sheindlin she's a prime of both prominent guests better known as judge judy who shows now in its eighth team's season the number one program in daytime in all of syndication her latest book what would judy say a grown up guide to living together with benefits is available it slows the leaf through amazon where else are they going to draw it to your house and you could also get a taste for no nonsense advice on our website what would judy say dot com she has become an industry in and of itself and i was ask you this do you still pinch yourself every morning every me well first of all how i pinch myself to make sure i'm still here. that still. and then for the wonderful adventure
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of what a great adventure i remember i was so fortunate he was so kind and generous of your time seventeen half years ago on early on and i know i was in awe of the longevity of larry king live and the prestige of larry king live there is nothing before and certainly there won't be anything after. that gave people an opportunity like me to come on and let america know who they were and i don't know who or what boy you but boy did i catch on to you my new that was our i told you yes you can't you could move on let's get into some subjects good on touch and start of very serious thing that there was going to be comical but versions like frank luntz the political exploding guru for the republicans and the other day our politics show we did and he said he's never seen a time when the country is so low we distrust of everything
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and politicians corporate leaders media people nobody has there's no elevated person in america you think of that. what do you think of it said that's sad commentary for the greatest country in the world. really i think that people had some. very high hopes six years ago when we elected our first black president. i know i certainly did and things of late haven't been going so well. i think that there is never been in my recent memories the divisive nature of and the assert big nature of the conversation. overly friendly and there's no civility and i also and i know that i'm probably going to get lots of mail don't send me mail i don't read negative mail but. i also see
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a lot of mediocre politicians or just people you know. i wouldn't let due monday in things in my house somehow image that they know mom for a living they but they get elected to high office and then we're all surprised when everything gets screwed up and we are enticed as a country just seems to be by things that we shouldn't be enticed from i mean how do you look how do you dance you know can you do a split what's your favorite charity who cares what is the gravitas of who you are as a person and what have you proven. and we elect people who are mayors and governors and senators and representatives. i mean.
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larry if everybody makes a mistake you have a mayor who was caught smoking a crack pipe or was smoking dope or doing whatever it up. your favorite motel with with a hooker. well we're not saying you should be a forgiving country people family you know you're doing a penance and yes but that doesn't mean you have to let them again. i don't get that it was recently one of the other anniversary of the gettysburg address something close to my heart because it was delivered on over ninety eight which is also my birthday and it will be my husband's birthday another nineteen vols oh well that's the daily gettysburg address and the lincoln presidential library foundation you will in asean spirit of that address i have certainly not a poet but i figured i could put together two hundred seventy two words the exact number of words in the gettysburg address i when i sat down to write it i think you
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can ask me a couple of questions about it i thought about the direction of the country which is where we started this conversation and i don't see the trajectory moving forward where you think long term would think about today i think he would look around and say this is not what i envisioned for the greatness of america i think. we revere mediocrity but he would also see a black president he would see black outlines of the university of alabama well the question about that's wonderful had a black president is wonderful the question is was it the right black president it's the same thing about a woman you know i think that. would have been great to have a woman as president of the united states absolutely only if it was the right woman . so i i think that to say well the country has moved forward
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because we have a woman president of because we have a latina president or because we have a black president that's not the answer that's not where the focus should be the focus should be the best when you had your heart attacks did you say i want you to bring me to the best minority heart surgeon you can find you said bring me to the best heart surgeon in the world that's what i want for myself that's what this country should want for themselves not the best of something but the best period and i think we have social experiences tell you that some of those surgeons are blocked wonderful but notice you didn't say you wanted
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a minority president you said i don't minority heart surgeon just i want the best this past week the media's been other hours of our so-called help well with this order not out games knock out games are vicious young people who for sport will walk in a group and target somebody young or old older men women and for no other reason other than their viciousness and sport. hit them hurt them try to humiliate them whether by a punch or a slap or a kick whatever that's the game and then they walk away and they tape this sometimes they do i mean we have seen i know in florida we had two instances
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within the last couple of weeks one elderly gentleman was tending to his garden and was bent over in his garden and a group of young women from with his local basketball team was clowning around and because they probably heard about this one of them walked up to him and with full force kicked him in the behind causing him to fall on his face for no reason they're not committing criminal acts because they need food or there was a sport it's ok new york police commissioner raymond kelly said we're still trying to determine whether it's a real phenomenon or are these kids from all classes i have no idea i don't care we don't have the kids are who we know some of them from you know notes i don't care where they come from i don't care where they come from a broken home where there's one parent or a half a parent or a quarter of a parent it is on important to the seventy five year old man who was tending his
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garden who was injured when kicked in the behind for no reason or the man who was punched in the face and had a job broken i don't know it's irrelevant haris blame it you know i think we've spent too much time trying to i've been in the justice system now for forty years and larry i know you and i disagree about this one area of the law. i think we've spent too much time navel gazing about the why is how do you explain it where do you book where do you look for the cause how do you find the cause let's develop a commission they'll ask the kids why they did it. you know nearly as not know they've tried to find out why we've spent billions of dollars trying to find out why and trying to find a way well if we everybody gets a computer and everybody gets
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a phone and so you're not the steal phone so we're going to give you a phone and we're going to give you money for sneakers and we're we're going to take away all the incentive for bad behavior and you still have bad behavior we're going to give you more you know the squeaky wheel so we're going to continue to give you your answers to give a blunt response from our we're not give up no not give up my answer is to try punishment here or retribution by society not revenge retribution this is what you did and there is this is the consequence of what you did and we're sorry that you didn't maybe didn't have the advantages maybe you did maybe you had all the advantages but they gave you the medal even when you came in sixth in the race and maybe so maybe you got a skewed view of life. we don't care about that we care about your conduct this is black this is white this is acceptable this is not acceptable this is
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a green light this is a red light you have to know your parameters and i'm going to tell you something else you know i this is my hot topic and i had a button topic there were people when i started my program eighteen years ago that i could not stand this message because it's a message that i preached in the family court they hated the message and they tried to kill the messenger. all of the reviews of judge judy is she's breyer she's outspoken she's on sympathetic she's step but up but up it's eighteen years later and more people watch judge judy this isn't that bad for me but more people watch judge judy my as my grandson says than watch the night football because that's what the numbers show there has to be a reason for that zaps majority of people in this country.
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with the navel gazing and the abuse excuse to praised on a kind of i'm deprived may have worked it west side story but it doesn't work anymore. coming up does judge judy impart tough love on her own children and grandchildren. libs are a military hard to take on
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a limb here a plug in that are exactly what that make their lives play. lists. lists lists lists. i've lived.
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lives. little endless lists lists. lists crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. a little. more so. than when i find out. on.
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the back with judge judy we're both in the internet world it's the world the story we have to accept that we can fight it so i joined it we are at the journal does it have a negative impact sure people are putting too much information about themselves out there and your privacy is lost. about so i get a feeling along what that's next that's next you know bullying used to stop at the corner of the school you now used to from the get home when you were in a safe haven where your family took care of you and but that's not true anymore because everybody's on the internet itself. what would you do if you had a grandchild who broke that kid straw or because we were talking about during the break up what would happen if someone broke your child's job for no reason other
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than the fact that they resent go in the break i'm going to break in do judy have it after everyone will we are in a break so i feel it we were at a break and i said larry you and i disagree about certain things in the justice system so i'm going to ask you if one of your children was assaulted had their jaw broken wired shut because this punk resented the fact that your son had a nice jacket in an i phone five s. or four s. or whatever whatever s. number were on and you were told you know they didn't come from as a stablish to home as yours they didn't have the advantages of yours that your son as he was jealous. would you still want to prosecute and your answer was yes yes i would but i will feel badly and i said i'd want to prosecute it and i don't feel badly for him because that's not a natural an argument from your grandson is not poor and is not doesn't but supposin me as a tendency i mean bully someone early before of sport for sport he brought the kids
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or i would say let me run your own let me tell you what i used to say to my grandchildren and my children because when my children were growing up i was on the bench and they would drive at night and i knew that they were doing things when they were out at night you know to teenagers that seventeen they're eighteen years old in one thousand years old and i knew that i wasn't hearing the full emmis of what was going on when they were out asked avoiding around and i used to say to them if you get pulled over forget my name. forget my name. call another relative call a friend but don't use my name to get yourself out of a problem i have a tough time being to help me. i have a tough time being strict strict. now i was raised without a father i'm giving you my excuses not for my mother baby me and she did she you
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label him to do no wrong but i have a tough time now i get out critical of them or yell at them but i must tough tough you're not tough tough well first of all you know you're not a father who's twenty five years old i rick that's different my kids who are. in their forty's and have children you know have had most of them have had children when they were in their late twenty's early thirty's they're still strong enough to grab their kid and say we're not going to say that again to your mother. even though the kids are sometimes towering over them. but i have one child gregory sheindlin who has married when he was forty nine years old and he has a year old baby and i have a feeling that that grabbing or polling on giving up pat on the behind is never
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going to happen with gregory sharing the because he's an older dad by the time that a child is ten he's going to be sixty and by the time that child is twenty he's going to be seventy it's a whole different mindset i think as we get older certainly i'm a much softer grandparent not a pushy. but much softer than i was as a parent todd you know that's one of the bigger things being a.v.m. having a fourteen year old or her thirteen year absolutely correct first of all you don't want your heart to act up you know that you've got to keep your blood pressure down the road right so you keep it down you say listen you try annoyed and i'm annoyed if i get really annoyed my heart's going to go like this and that's not going to be good for anybody about bullying in general that's a big problem in america and you know i sure the moment it's true and you know we're even bullied as adults i mean if you have a position to take children we all know that that's a terrible thing and people have talked about that the talking heads have been on
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bullying for a very very long time but we as adults i feel bullied i know people who feel bullied i get letters thousands a year from people who say you know. you say things that we think and that's why we watch you because we can say it work because it's not may not be politically correct we can't say what you're saying to someone because we have a fear that we may lose our job or offend somebody we will because into human resources because you said something wrong for somebody all of a sudden the entire monolith of business is down on you because you move somebody is chair from the right side to the left side you know and they're no longer near a window so we've created an atmosphere where even adults as adults we are bullied and accept it and keep quiet in order to be accepted but people do that here in hollywood you know they may have opinions that are inconsistent with that
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of the general hollywood flow and they know that if they discuss their political views or social views they won't work do you ever hold it now what for. what for it's it serves me well i think that if you tell the truth you don't have to have a good memory you can ask me the same question that you asked me fifteen years ago and give you the same answer today you ever regret decisions you've made in the court ha. no no no. not a matter of about the ones that i've done on the television court they really don't impact the lives of people as the ones in family court did and the ones that i did in family court that were really meaningful i gave it my best shot and of course allude to the general custody abuse neglect terminations parental rights whatever it was that were really all it was licensed or alter people's lives forever. i
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wasn't motivated by anything political or my own life you gave it like gave it my best shot we've pouring in social media questions ok here we go cabbage savvy of these names on instagram is this what you want to be even as a small girl yes well to be was an eighty six on twitter have you ever gotten occasion just couldn't be a part of one reason other excuses oh no now i there have been cases that i've rejected for television because i felt as if it was not fair to put them on television for whatever reason but other cases that i was handed when i was in family court now when everything other than what i'm told i wasn't always this such a thing as a pointless case that you judged oh yes i think when people substitute our sorrow for instance and substitute anger for
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sorrow you know very often we do this sadly frequently if someone dies in our family instead of spending their time mourning we'd find that we're angry at a brother or sister or an ad to remark on somebody slighted you by not showing up or somebody took something that didn't belong to you when you will spend the next three years litigating over a teacup rather than spending on six months grieving and then moving on billboards on facebook did you have any idea when you started your show that it would be so successful no no hoping hoping to last six months kenny washington on facebook wants to know did you ever watch other courtroom shows and if so who's your favorite t.v. judge. joyed wapner. out male on male who digitized or did you are giving one. there
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was one i did white mills lane i'm a muslim do you remember mills lane i thought he was charismatic kind of guy i like and i thought he had common sense it didn't last long which i thought was a shame and then it got said mark once you're on facebook once in a while raj for a first time judge. that's of interest that's a very very good question. if i had to look back on my years i would say what we said a moment ago give every case you have your best effort to try to get the best possible information and make every judgment that you make based on nothing but the facts that you have garnered and if you do that you will never regret a decision scholl and so on facebook do you think edward snowden should go to prison or as many think he's an american hero or that's a mixed bag. i think that history will judge him actually.
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i think said the information is probably information that everybody wanted some of it. i think he was probably young to have to have made the decision he was. young to have made the decision as to what to disseminate and what not to disseminate the fact that there were things going on that americans didn't know about i actually find reprehensible. and i think that people should know what they have that their private lives aren't private and what's going on but i think that when national security becomes an issue you have to be somewhat out of your twenty's before you can make a judgment it's a delicate balance of jurors jenny karami on twitter would you support hillary in a presidential run in two thousand and sixteen i think she's
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a fabulous gal and i do too she's good with plans by who is running against her but i think you are is a fabulous guy and qualified to be president she has the gravitas she has a pretty good background gravitas to be president she paid her dues ok reserve now we call if you only knew just quick question characteristic you value most in other people honesty characterise you value most in yourself. tenacity guilty pleasures we reported on when you have an affinity for mcdonald's egg mcmuffin i used to do i used to that was my guilty pleasure of mine every morning driving through the drive through would picking up an egg mcmuffin and holding the fries at the corner sans calling in more sensuous it's larry king square what would you like named after you fall in legal truth or what i like named after me you know i like the street i don't know what i would like after me i
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would like anything but what was woody allen's like when he said he's not afraid of death he just doesn't want to go on that right you have a role model no not one person proudest moment. it was interesting i think the proudest moment for me was when i was sworn in as a family court judge and cut to the point you yes i would write think what do i think of him what you was adequate was at catch was there a question mark you have not really i think i just threw the gentleman over here legally appointed mayor and he was a super guy and he loved new york city and he knew how to govern it i think mike bloomberg is a terrific has been a terrific mayor and. one. little reward. you know you don't live there and it's not i'm glad i live floor you know you got your calls for the last year. i'm glad i live in florida and on that note we thank my guests the honorable judge judy sheindlin as we know or judge judy
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currently in syndication for ever for both what would you say is available exclusively to alice on and you can visit her web site of the same name for so sell the price and you can find me on twitter at games things and judge judy had judge judy and all she and i just thought. i'm. i'm big corporation trying to.
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do and thank all that. much and i'm a family fit for a politician right. here just like. that. what's up guys i'm abby martin and this is a break in this set last month a report on the u.s. military's plans to build yet another base on the japanese island of okinawa keep in mind there are already thirty two existing u.s. military bases which occupy twenty percent of the land although what some call a military dictatorship but the island is already existed for decades the new attention on okinawa is also shedding light on another longstanding.


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