tv [untitled] February 12, 2014 4:00am-4:31am EST
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i will record add the sochi olympics as a russian figure skating pair of wow judges with their short program and continue their pursuit for gold. no need to panic and. insist all events will go ahead as showed you today in sochi despite the fine weather and rising temperatures. the early hours seem to forfeit a lie detector we have. right r.t. travels to south africa to explore the nation's struggle to overcome rampant corruption and poverty and deep divisions left after the passing of nelson mandela .
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is one pm in moscow you're watching our t.v. international with marina joshie now it's day five at the two thousand and fourteen winter olympics and our team is continuing its special coverage and i was going live to a nice now who is in our studio and the host city. russian fans here and certainly in viewers all over the country have their hopes pinned on the figure skating today the duo tatiana all the cells are and maksim time called have already made history in the paris short program with a record score and they're hoping to re-establish russia's traditional dominance in the sport but there's plenty of other action on its way in our farmer is keeping up with all of that he now joins us live from the mountain cluster andrew what's happening on the slopes we're hearing there's been some worries about the weather.
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well that's right and he might be able to see that the sun is a beating down on my back as i speak and that's prompted concerns about the possibility of melting snow but organizers have insisted that everything is fine and all events will go ahead as shai jewel today and that's included the women's downhill which produced an absolute classic we've seen a dead heat between slovenia seen amazing scenes dominate the sand and that means they will both walk away with a gold medal and that has never happened in this event in the olympics before but coming back to the weather just yesterday temperatures were as high as plus sixty degrees up but the plateau where the extreme park is held we also saw a number of crashes in the men's cross-country skiing and some athletes have suggested that this is because of mushy snow when i spoke to one athlete from new zealand early this morning and she said you know what athletes just have to get on with it. coming into this event you know we know such as
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a little bit warmer we know the pipe conditions can be a little bit bearable travel all around the world and we ski different halfpipe so you know as a professional athlete you turn up to a half buy and you just have to adjust to it so i'm not worried i know by the time my event comes up the pipe is going to be perfect. and i should also mention that here in sochi it has got europe's biggest snow making system that's got hundreds of tons of snow. stored under special blankets up in the mountains which they can shovel out when it's needed and they've also got hundreds of snow makers up there so if needed and it might be temperatures are due to rise again tomorrow they have at least that to fall back on. it's quite warm down here in the coastal cluster as well but returning to figure skating what are russia's chances of winning gold in the pairs skate tonight. there are high hopes are there but are also high notes for maxine frank of intensity on
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evolution they are within touching distance of getting that gold medal in the pairs it's the free skate tonight and i have chosen a piece of music for that which is very close to their heart says andrew lloyd webber's classic jesus christ superstar so what could possibly go wrong well the only bad omen i can think of is that a number of figure skaters have used his music in the past but none of them of won him pick gold in fact the closest any of them has first come to doing that was silver in vancouver but i don't think that's going to be a factor i think in fact i could be being a little bit stupid by suggesting this and it certainly doesn't deter the russians . but is one of our free skating programs will be andrew lloyd webber's musical juice christ superstar in fact i've been dreaming of making this happen sooner was a child a love affair in march last year we saw this musical on broadway and now it's time to perform a tall selves if you just i can see they love the new program the enjoy fine tuning
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into lot with every single training session we discover someone you and says to make it even better i'm sure it will be all for dylan picks. yeah and if they did win gold tonight they truly would be superstars they would be a limb pick world and european champions back to you and he said. well we certainly will be watching very closely andrew former live. from the mountain cluster now the games here in sochi of course are not only about sports but also about culture and to retain men joining me now in our sochi studio to discuss that side of the olympics are israeli tenor tellme and ski and russian composer andre in the show called thank you so much for joining us i want to begin with asking you something that andrew was touching upon which is the russian skate tonight they're going for gold and they've chose to skate to webber how much does music have to do with them because we know the judges will take into account but as
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a whole music is really important part of the of these games isn't it well it is in fact remember music has always been an important part of any of the big games one can recall for american monsoreau barcelona one could certainly recall. who learn to hold the world world mess from both parties as a member so what i think my for my good friend i'm part of the problem because of schuylkill more both oprah and listening into the crew vehicle for the rising music especially the john that was on or that i'm working on it's oprah so we see it as a fantastic time to advance it to make it to the more populated more popular but it is already i want to give our audience a little bit of an idea of what you two are doing here i know you play at the medals plaza which for anyone that doesn't know the medals are giving out twenty fourteen eight fourteen pm military time at this ceremony so not right after the events and you've played on that plaza you're playing at various venues and concerts around the games how did you become part of the olympic team in
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a way you know going to spark one or inspired very much by athletes and by communicating it's because. you don't. have to war has. placed in a lot of communications with math lets you will never forget. i was living inspired to write it's a song that i titled go shine the flame it's there to cater to a really big flame villain because of the use. first and foremost for the athletes who performed it. for an incredible warmth on behalf of an athlete of the athletes are hoping that's this song in particular and our art in general will inspire them to mormons boards and shipments towards your question more precisely in the sense that we simply have to. get a team of composing and providing several vision versions in different languages of the particular song with the demolitions was so liked so that's why we're here in a sense. and you were speaking earlier
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a bit that your one of your pieces is essentially you're hoping could become a theme for the torch lighting at the paralympic games tell us about the argument that you would hope would help me so we can still be appreciate it while. in fact. the songs that i have written they are pretty universal because they're covering most of them are covering the building because obviously the paralympics are some are more of the but olympic games is something that music can do even more. with people spirit than bill and computers because music inspires and inspiration is one of the keep reading something bearable and we saw the reaction of the athletes and i would we sang to literally uplift them so we're really happy that we can contribute contribute to that spirit and they're really appreciating us when we didn't even expect that that sort of rule that we had especially after the feeling that song and obviously all this and of course music olympics spirit there's been
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a lot of scandal also surrounding sochi just as as spectators people enjoying the games how are you finding the organization the games as a whole well you know what in fact. our task is. probably to contribute to the games being one of the best in history and. our task is important but we're going to all. saw the audience that listens to us from feel that they really have to go kill enjoy the atmosphere and can finally enjoy the games so we're hoping that our it's. a labor as this will contribute to the successful home to the general overview from my side as an outsider i can say that i'm quite impressed by the logistics it's quite an undertaking i really like what i see really like because some of the reports that the saying that some things are finished and so on and so forth i didn't see
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anything of that sort here to my hope i will not see i'm really impressed and i think it's an incredible undertaking that has been taking place here i agree the people i've spoken to are just having a great time and that of course is what the olympics are about and telling us it was about a sportsman the best people in the world when it comes down to it was hope that that's the way these olympics go down that it becomes about sport and that's of course what you music's about thank you so much for taking the time to join us here in our living history the rest of the games thank you. but we've been hearing from some top athletes from all over the world on their experiences at the sochi winter games here's some of the latest perspectives. on differently in pressley with the russian did everything is wallace the the athletes are taking very good care and i think that's all that matters for the game three thing is so close it feels like just a big family reunion. is very exciting the night of the events the crowd there there was some disappear so definitely olympic by before you come over and you know
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everyone's sure what to expect and. you know everything's been great so far whether it's you know the food or their commendations or their rooms or you know the village. would be. unbelievable just looking at it from the outside and going in and practicing on and so definitely a great set up you know in the village and it's been great so far. and we're going to. push the food. every day we get to meet with other athletes and it's been a pretty good sort of for. more of the big action from us here in our to sochi studio throughout the day will be bringing you the latest from the slopes and the arenas and talking to some special guests in between so stay with us for that for now back to you in moscow.
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and crowds will be flooding the shoots of john as we're in a few hours time for a rally led by south africa's democratic alliance opposition party activists want to raise the pressure on the government over corruption soaring crime rates and widespread poverty are his policy reports on the unrest that's been deepening since the death of nelson mandela. we were about to enter one of the most dangerous townships in one of the most dangerous cities in the world this is the south africa that mandela left behind never know what to expect when you go out in the street some days will be quiet some days you just up and down there are a lot of downs in south africa now days away from the cameras all is not well in the land of mandela twenty six year old constable corrode burma later knows it all too well for five years he's been patrolling the streets of johannesburg to try and instill some sense of order. and now we are entering.
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there's a large majority of. poverty. a lot of the early hours to for a better life better we have the. right track and the few places in south africa today is more rampant or poverty more in demick than alexandra township twelve kilometers northeast of johannesburg it was once the headquarters of the african national congress and the same to of anti-apartheid activism but it's as if time has stood still here many residents feel forgotten by mandela south africa is quite frightening situation for us but if. we make the best effort this borning township is home to nearly a quarter of a million mostly black south africans sixty percent of them are grindingly poor and unemployed as we drive along the stench of mounds of garbage overwhelms us the
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stats are sobering each day on average more than fifty people on murdered in south africa another fifty attempted murders take place more rape happens here in a country of fifty two million people than in india a country of one billion the police are struggling to cope with every hear hear. truthfully. here you can say real. brothers up to us. to. the police. and understaffed and according to a new poll a staggering eighty three percent of south africans believe they're also corrupt which means the good guys like a robber and his partner often put their lives on the line without sufficient backup do you think. it will make any difference to change. we can only hope. but. the
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residents of alexander though are too busy packing their daily reality to worry about what life without mandela will bring twenty years after he came to power they still waiting on promises of jobs and economic prosperity. and xandra township south africa well there's more news coming your way in the program including an upcoming trade pag between the e.u. and the us so-called transatlantic trade partnership negotiated behind closed doors promises an economic boost but could see european governments losing ground to foreign corporations and. destroy disrupt and discredit snowden's leaks show how british spies have been planning misinformation and luring opponents into hiding traps all the details after the break here on our team the national.
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science technology innovation. developments around russia we. covered. i marinate joining me. for an in-depth impartial and financial commentary interviews and much much. only on the best and only. choose your language. calling we care we know if you're going to. choose good sense to. choose the opinions that you think.
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choose the stories that impact the. truth you access to. welcome back to washington to international now europe is set to lift tariffs on almost all goods imported from the united states the move follows talks of the so-called transatlantic trade and investment partnership treaty the idea is to provide an economic boost on both sides of the atlantic but at the reports the changes could give corporations unprecedented influence over governments. the night i'm announcing that we will launch talks on a comprehensive transatlantic trade and investment partnership with the european union because trade that is fair and free across the atlantic supports millions of good paying american jobs. grand promises minus any explanation it's been one
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year since the us president announced the establishment of a transatlantic free trade agreement known as taft they have been negotiated in total secrecy away from the congress and the people. the bit about six hundred corporate executives corporate lobbyists. negotiating and the deal with the united states trade representative and with the other countries sweeping u.s. surveillance has cast a cloud over negotiations as germany threatened to pull out outraged over washington snooping on its european partners but if the free trade treaty actually goes through it promises both sides of the atlantic massive gains of up to one hundred fifty nine billion dollars as more exports are expected to create more jobs but the profits could come at a cost to citizens critics say the treaty would get rid of policies put in place to
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protect the people danger here is that this will amount to deregulation that basically will be a race to the bottom and health and safety standards will be diminished in an attempt to create some kind of huge market with the same standards for example genetically modified foods are not labeled in the u.s. while in europe it's mandatory but in the name of free transatlantic trade any regulations against jim rose is an impediment to trade and therefore. should no longer call they're simply removed by the trade agreements. then europe is ordinarily open. to g.m.c. . regardless of what the european b. was under the treaty cars and pharmaceutical drugs could reportedly eyed up being tested only once by the exporting country instead of the current standard of dual
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testing be it fracking banking or flying taft critics argue will leave governments with no choice but to change policies that better suit the business needs of private corporate power what their hope is is to have to find the lowest common denominator between the u.s. and and and standards that then make it more easy for there to be quote unquote trade big call our regulations and our standards that hurts. health and safety trade irritants they're called as opposed to barriers and and we believe that those many of those standards are there for very good reason public support for safety standards and regulation may be the very reason american and european citizens have been kept in the dark about what may turn out to be the world's largest free trade agreement. r.t. new york. and over on our website of voiceless majority yeah we modified maize crops are likely to answer of farms in the e.u.
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despite staunch opposition from over half of the union's member states and that story is online for you today here nineteen a national. also there it turns out that causing atomic armageddon does not necessarily require a huge bomb the newly released reports show that u.s. special troops during the cold war were trained to use backpack nukes capable of massive scale carnage behind anime lines. right to see. first street. and i would think that you're. on our reporters would. be in the.
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now sending out viruses hi jacking social media accounts and attacking computer networks those may sound like hackers techniques but they're also in the arsenal of britain spies according to leaks from edward snowden artist boy boy who takes part takes apart the tactics being used by g c h q. the list of g c h q's latest on ticks reads a bit like a cartoon villains manual edward snowden has revealed that a covert unit within the agency is messing with target social media accounts so that changing their profile pictures on facebook posting and deleting status says and they're sending cryptic messages to their friends and family containing dissent from ation about them now g c h q's joint intelligence threat research group even uses unwitting journalists to funnel information about potential targets and they're also into honey traps they pose as attractive women online in order to get
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potential targets to meet with them in person i think what's unique in this area it's the first public proof that we've seen that serious issues of illegality have been brought forward the interference of other people's communications the violation of the privacy of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people if the government knows everything about you information is power and then there have enormous power over you which we always say something interesting here with all these revelations what does the blackmail start do you see h.q. isn't a spy agency like m i five or m i six it's a government agency tosca with collecting and analyzing data and yet these most recent revelations show that there are also no includes sending viruses and launching denial of service attacks against websites the attempt to do denial of service attacks organizations they don't like are deliberate attempts to obstruct
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to deceive i think was the phrase they use they say they call it deny disrupt degrade and deceive i mean it's like a james bond movie but these are this is the stuff they're doing and have been doing for years but this is the first proof that anybody's had that they've actually done it and yet how kids who don't work for g c h q. you face prison if they do the same and those campaigning for civil liberties here in britain say they want to know why. london. and his age who may be playing dirty but it's still lagging behind its larger partner america's national security agency when it comes to the scale of its spying operations and internet freedom campaigner told us that massive lines are valences making people increasingly reluctant to speak out and see anybody advocating for the removal of curtains in everybody's house because we have nothing to hide i think that there's an expectation of privacy here in the u.s. and around the world that's not being respected and when when that expectation is
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not respected free speech suffers we are much less willing to speak our minds online or offline if we know we're being watched and recorded and tracked are much more less willing to engage in political activism to assemble to organize ourselves for whatever causes we believe in and if we feel like the authorities are watching our every move and even if the authorities right now might not necessarily be that it will choose the things that we believe in maybe the next president or the next congress or the next government will be and not be able to use all of the standard that they're collecting against us. and the deaths of two young man who were shot by police in rio de janeiro has led to st bride's security forces fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse stone throwing crowds brazilian police claim the victims were suspects in a robbery and were fired on a while trying to flee but demonstrators say the man were innocent.
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about a thousand homes have been evacuated due to flooding in southern england and wales with hundreds of residents still at risk severe flood warnings are still in place with strong winds snow and tarantula rains expected throughout wednesday think stream weather which has been battering the u.k. says the end of last week has been already cold the worst in decades causing a large scale damage. and several members of an anti taliban militia have been killed in pakistan's northwestern city of peshawar gunman entered the house of groups chief shooting him dead along with eight of his relatives and the incident has dealt a blow to the government which has been supporting militias battling the taliban in the country's tribal zones and comes despite ongoing peace talks. coming out of the program here and our senior national we delve into the financial world and boom bust with host aaron eight but if you're in london stay with us for a look at a growing demand for guns among women and the u.s.
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. is obviously more for the ladies because it's pretty. women wanted to avoid rape they really need to buy guns environ how to use them. this is the one that i want to go with the want to give us the feel for. the familiar target of the gun lobby you don't kill them when you're killing money but if somebody would you would this with her. i'd notice a more or if that's really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to protect their family and young girls shoot out here too so we do have a paying course. for kids young kids choke on. on food than are killed by firearms
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if being armed made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on earth. we're clearly not the safest. hello there i'm aaron a this is boom bust and these are the stories that we're tracking for you today. first up jenny yellen makes her first official appearance as chairwoman of the federal reserve we'll tell you what she had to say and what you expect from her new regime then we have run out of promise paul fred roberts sees on today's show he's talking gold default u.s. economy and much much more you definitely cannot miss this interview plus we have renowned economist you know what i just told you that one might do it now in today's big deal we have or now an economist in my opinion edward harrison he's
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discussing why al gore moved a popular big plant out from a top story and what this means for the system that helped out this coin in the first place all coming up it all starts right now. about the third day now our lead story janet yellen all eyes on wall street were fixed on capitol hill tuesday as janet yellen chairwoman of the federal reserve delivered her first public remarks to the house financial services committee now yellen said that only a quote notable change in the outlook for the economy would prompt policymakers to slow the pace of tapering she went on to say that financial market turmoil doesn't pose. a major risk to the outlook for the u.s.
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economy repeating the fed's statement that asset purchases arch on a preset course so pretty much more of the same however one thing that's not the same the clear skies this selling conditions that j.p. morgan chase is so accustomed to now that thirteen billion dollars settlement that j.p. morgan worked out with the fed way back in november the federal government that is it caught the attention of both washington and wall street now the landmark settlement stems from ak accusations that the bank overstated the quality of its mortgage securities sold before the financial crisis however a lawsuit filed on monday by the nonprofit group better markets has challenge the constitutionality of the deal in the complaint better markets argue that the justice department violated the constitutional principle of separation of power when it unilaterally struck the deal without a judge's blessing better markets is seeking to have a judge a proven and.
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