tv [untitled] February 12, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EST
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the world record. their short program and continue their gold plus. need to. eventually go ahead. despite the fine weather rising temperatures. a lot of the purely c. r t travels through south africa to explore the nation's struggle to overcome corruption poverty and deep divisions left after the passing of nelson mandela.
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it watch an artsy enter national with. the program. it's a day five of the saw two winter olympics and they're of course in full swing and artsy as continuing its special coverage. sun is a basin down on my back as i speak and that's prompted concerns about the possibility of melting snow but organizers have insisted that everything is fine and all events will go ahead as shai jewel today and that's included the women's downhill which produced an absolute classic we've seen a dead heat between slovenia's tina maze and switch teams dominate the san and that means they will both walk away with a gold medal and that has never happened in this event in the olympics before but coming back to the weather just yesterday temperatures were as high as plus sixty degrees up but the plateau where the extreme park is held we also saw a number of crashes in the men's cross-country skiing in summer fleets have
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suggested that this is because of mushy snow when i spoke to one athlete from new zealand early this morning and she said you know what athletes just have to get on with it. coming into this event you know we know such as a little bit warmer we know the pipe conditions can be a little bit bearable we travel all around the world and we ski different halfpipe so you know as a professional athlete you turn up to a half buy and you just have to adjust to it so i'm not worried i know by the time my event comes up the pipe is going to be perfect and i should also mention that here in sochi it has got europe's biggest snow making system that's got hundreds of tons of snow stored under special blankets up in the mountains which they can shovel out when it's needed and they've also got hundreds of snow makers up there so if needed and it might be temperatures are due to rise again tomorrow they have at least that to fall back on it's quite warm down here in the coastal cluster as well but returning to figure skating what are russia's chances of winning gold in
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the paris skate tonight was there a high hopes are there but are also high notes for maxine frank of intensity on evolution they are within touching distance of getting that gold medal in the pairs it's the free skate tonight and they have chosen a piece of music for that which is very close to their heart says andrew lloyd webber's. jesus christ superstar so what could possibly go wrong well the only bad omen i can think of is that a number of figure skaters have used his music in the past but none of them have won a limb pick gold in fact the closest any of them has first come to doing that with silver in vancouver but i don't think that's going to be a factor did you think in fact i could be being a little bit stupid by suggesting this and it certainly doesn't deter the russians . but it's one of our free skating programs will be andrew lloyd webber's musical juice christ superstar in fact i've been dreaming of making this happen soon so i was a child a love affair in march last year was so this musical on broadway and now it's time
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to perform a toss selves if you just i can see they love the new program the enjoy fine tuning into lot with every single training session we discover someone you insist to make it even better i'm sure it will be your for dylan picks yeah and if they did win gold tonight they truly would be superstars they would be a limb pick world and european champions. we've been hearing from top athletes from all over the world on their experiences at the sochi winter games and here's what some of them had to say. i'm definitely impressed with the russian did everything is well it's the. taking very good care and i think that's all that matters for the games so close it feels like just a big family. is very exciting the night of the crowd was there there was. definitely olympic by before you come over and you're not really sure what to expect and. you know everything's been great so far whether it's you know the food
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or the commendations or the rooms or you know the village. seems to be. from the outside in and going in and practice and so we have a great set up you know in the village it's been great so far. we're going to. push the food every day we get to meet with other athletes and it's been a pretty good sort of. more limp action on air and online throughout the day will bring in new the lights as from the mountains and the arenas and of course we'll be talking to some special guests to stay with us for that. moving on to other news now crowds will be flooding the streets of johannesburg in a few hours time that's for a rally led by south africa's democratic alliance opposition party activists ones
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who've raised the pressure on the government over corruption soaring crime rates and widespread poverty. reports only and run deepening since the death of nelson mandela. we were about to enter one of the most dangerous townships in one of the most dangerous cities in the world this is the south africa that mandela left behind you never know what to expect when you go out in the street some days will be quiet some days you just up and down there are a lot of downs in south africa now days away from the cameras all is not well in the land of mandela twenty six year old constable corrode burma later knows it all too well for five years he's been patrolling the streets of johannesburg to try and instill some sense of order. entering. there's a large majority of. poverty. a lot of the purely artistic
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tool for a better life better way of the. crime. that crime and the few places in south africa today is more rampant poverty more in demick than alexander township twelve kilometers northeast of johannesburg it was once the headquarters of the african national congress and the same to of anti-apartheid activism but it's as if time has stood still here many residents feel forgotten by mandela south africa is quite frightening situation for us but if you. really make the best effort this borning township is home to nearly a quarter of a million mostly black south africans sixty percent of them are grindingly poor and unemployed as we drive along the stench of mounds of garbage overwhelms us the stats are sobering each day on average more than fifty people are mooted in south africa another fifty attempted murders take place more rape happens here in
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a country of fifty two million people than in india a country of one billion the police are struggling to cope with a hear hear. can truthfully. yeah you can say real stuff is certainly true. but it's up to us to. obtain the training and the police inside the building and understaffed and according to a new poll a staggering eighty three percent of south africans believe they're also corrupt which means the good guys like a robber and his partner often put their lives on the line without sufficient backup do you think that state will make any difference to the current situation. we can only hope. for to those days but. the residents of alexander though are too busy packing their daily reality to worry
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about what life without mandela will bring twenty years after he came to power they still waiting on promises of jobs and economic prosperity. and xander township south africa. and we have more news coming your way including then upcoming trade pact between the e.u. and the u.s. the so-called transatlantic trade and investment partnership negotiated behind closed doors promises an economic boost but could see european governments losing ground to foreign corporations. and this story the stropped and this cry that snowden's leaks show how brits are spies have been plants and misinformation and war in opponents and on the taps all the details just after the break.
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with. the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports. i. think they're going to do. that you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy but. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked by handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem. rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing them. ready to join the movement then welcome to
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imported from the united states the move follows talks on the so-called transatlantic trade and investment partnership treaty the idea is to provide an economic boost on both sides of that line sic votes as artie's marina portnoy reports the changes could give corporations unprecedented influence over governments. the night i'm announcing that we will launch talks on a comprehensive transatlantic trade and investment partnership with the european union because trade that is fair and free across the atlantic supports millions of good paying american jobs. grand promises minus any explanation it's been one year since the us president announced the establishment of a trance atlantica free trade agreement known as taft they had been negotiated in total secrecy away from the congress and the people. the bit about six hundred corporate executives corporate lobbyists. negotiating the
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deal with the united states trade representative with the other countries sweeping u.s. surveillance has cast a cloud over negotiations as germany threatened to pull out outraged over washington snooping on its european partners but if the free trade treaty actually goes through it promises both sides of the atlantic massive gains of up to one hundred fifty nine billion dollars as more exports are expected to create more jobs but the profits could come at a cost to citizens critics say the treaty would get rid of policies put in place to protect the people danger here is that this will amount to deregulation that basically will be a race to the bottom and health and safety standards will be diminished in an attempt to create some kind of huge market with the same standards for example genetically modified foods are not labeled in the u.s. while in europe it's mandatory but in the name of free transatlantic trade any
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regulations against g.m. rose is an impediment to trade and therefore. simply no longer coal they're simply removed by these trade agreements so then europe is ordinarily good to g.m. . regardless of what the european people walk under the treaty cars and pharmaceutical drugs could reportedly eyed up being tested only one spy the exporting country instead of the current standard of dual testing be it fracking banking or flying taft critics argue will leave governments with no choice but to change policies that better suit the business needs of private corporate power what their hope is is to have to find the lowest common denominator between the u.s. and and standards that then make it more easy for there to be quote unquote trade big call our regulations and our standards that hurts. health and safety trade
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irritants they're called as opposed to barriers and and we believe that those many of those standards are there for very good reason public support for safety standards and regulation may be the very reason american and european citizens have been kept in the dark about what may turn out to be the world's largest free trade agreement arena port r.t. new york and over on our websites a voiceless majority seem to let it be modified mais crops are likely to enter forms in the game as the spied staunch opposition from over a half of the union's member states about stories online for you right now also there it turns out that causing atomic armageddon does not necessarily require a huge bomb newly released reports show that u.s. special troops during the cold war were trained to use backpack nukes capable of massive scale carnage behind enemy lines.
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right the same. first strike. and i would think that your. own army corps would. be in the. sun without viruses hijack and social media accounts and bringing down computer networks those may sound like hackers techniques but they're also in the arsenal of ports and spies that's according to makes from edward snowden artists probably boyko tech support the tactics being used by g c h q. the list of g.c.a. latest on takes reads a bit like a cartoon villains manual edward snowden has revealed that a covert unit within the agency is messing with target social media accounts so
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that changing their profile pictures on facebook they're posting and deleting status says and they're sending cryptic messages to their friends and family containing dissent from ation about them now g c h q's joint intelligence threat research group even uses unwitting journalists to funnel information about potential targets and they're also into honey traps they pose as attractive women online in order to get potential targets to meet with them in person i think what's unique in this area it's the first public proof that we've seen that serious issues of illegality have been brought forward the interference with other people's communications the violation of the privacy of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people if the government knows everything about you information is power and then they have enormous power over you which we always say something interesting here with all these revelations what does the blackmail start do you
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see h.q. isn't a spy agency like m i five or m i six it's a government agency tosca with collecting and analyzing data and yet these most recent revelations show that there are also no includes sending viruses and launching denial of service attacks against websites the attempt to do denial of service attacks organizations they don't like are deliberate attempts to obstruct to deceive i think was the phrase they use they say they call it deny disrupt degrade and deceive i mean i hope so james bond movie but these are this is the stuff they're doing and have been doing for years but this is the first proof that anybody's had that they've actually done it and yet how kids who don't work for g c h q. face prison if they do the same and they campaigning for civil liberties here in britain say they want to know why. azzi london.
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they say hey you may be playing dirty but it's still lagging behind its larger partner that's america's national security agency when it comes to the scale of its spying operations and internet freedom campaigner told us that mass online surveillance is making people increasingly reluctant to speak out. and see anybody advocating for the removal of curtains in everybody's house because we have nothing to hide i think that there's an expectation of privacy here in the u.s. and around the world that's not being respected and when when that expectation is not respected free speech suffers we are much less willing to speak our minds online or offline if we know we're being watched and recorded and tracked are much more less willing to engage in political activism to assemble to organize ourselves for whatever causes we believe in and if we feel like the authorities are watching our every move and even if the authorities right now might not necessarily be antithetical to the things that we believe in maybe the next president or the next
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congress or the next government will be and they'll be able to use all of this data that they're collecting against us. and then other global news for you right now street riots have broken out in rio de janeiro without following the deaths of two young men in the police shooting at security forces who were bullets and tear gas to break up cellphone crowds brazilian police claim the victims were suspects in the robbery and were fired on while trying to flee the demonstrators say the men were innocents. about a thousand homes have been evacuated due to flooding and england and wales with hundreds of rises and still at risk severe flood warnings are still in place with strong winds snow and the rains expect that. the extreme weather which has been bats or in the u.k. since the end of last week has been already called the worst in decades calls in large scale damage. several members of
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a taliban militia have been killed in pakistan's northwestern city of peshawar gunmen at the house of groups chief of him along with his relatives the incident has the all to blow to the governments which has been supporting battling the taliban in the country's tribal zones and this calms the spotlight on going peace talks. that brings you up to date i'll be back with a new seaman just over half an hour from now but before that it's our documentary women with guns but if you're watching in the u.k. . on the ground stay with us. good luck or tour. we jointly doesn't do anything. to teach creation and why you should care about.
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this is why you should care. want you only on the dog call. you know the united states has as many think tanks as the next ten countries combined yes one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight takes to tell three hundred million people how to think. all this conspiracy theorizing that somehow the state department's going to ring watching going to ring kiev and then decide that it's going to have to be constitutional reform so that the government is allowed to by the parliamentary majority to follow the car is a job i need to hear about your concept if we need to hear anything about constitutional reform in that telephone conversation did you alexander i didn't hear that no it's not enough. job in place there are three things that have to be
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done there are reforms are key to this well mr cruz you made an accusation that i was a supporter of the serbian socialists and the radicals are trying to laughable but i do wish to point out that those very same socialists in the radicals that were demonized in two thousand and. two united the opposition are currently in power and they're executing the orders from washington in brussels more faithfully than anybody could have ever hoped for this is the consequence of fifteen years of american democracy. but. the location still remember. how to do it well there's of the low high tax and said you would stop this storm we might want my people to die.
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united states of america female owner seemed to be more and more common today one in five americans own at least one firearm a phenomenon which didn't exist thirty years ago. and i'm not a girl that's for all begun to joey i have a few pieces but i don't wear a lot of it and that what we do together as a family is collect and target she. the right to carry a gun is supported by the second amendment of the constitution established in seventeen ninety one by james madison after the war of independence. free circulation of guns was one of the first flows put in place by the revolutionaries . even if the time of war has ended for many americans carrying a firearm remains an inalienable right as important as freedom of religion or expression. and here and on time. i must say probably or at
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a time. probably. paradoxically while crime levels have lowered since two thousand and five the sale of guns keeps on rising. the subject divides american society with the pro arms on one side and i'm tired arms on the other. consequently each state has their own legislation for regulating the sale and carrying of guns the twenty seven states in red on the map have lenient laws the twenty three grey ones are more repressive america is divided into. more and more american women think that being armed is the same as being free. single women mothers retiree's for them buying a pistol is as natural as doing the washing some are real enthusiastic. i have been saving up and i have sacrificed son things to be able to have the money to get the gun that i want what is their motivation why are they scared any time you know
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there can be some type of intrusion but i happen to have a fire out of the lobby and powers behind arms manufacturers rally their cause. that's been popular with women is for the ladies because it's pink. all over america we have met women who uphold the right to bear arms. on a deserted street with a wild west feel to it we find ourselves in the heart of texas. why oh ranch two hundred kilometers away from the nearest town the women who get off this bus are housewives business women and even grandmothers all are members of diva wow . a club for those craving a life outdoors. that's their goal
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how fun with other like minded women at the weekend and they don't come unprepared clothes hats jewelry and leopard prints everywhere you look. here's my guy and. a rifle today this is key. enjoying the weekend. i got i got. kept in fancy protective covers twenty two gauge shotgun and in their designer handbags other pistols. i am denise's out enough to make a cd yes. denise is a fifty three year old housewife she is a regular amongst the divas today she has volunteered to welcome the new participants. well our organization is the largest lehmann's only out there are organizations of the world and so what we do is we think if we can introduce women to the outdoors they will bring their children so that's why we come in here in the n.f.l. they really had a great time we were shooting.
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