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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2014 9:00am-9:31am EST

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to the heart of moscow. hungry for gold rush and spend their hopes on the country's record breaking figure skating duo and in the men's one thousand meter dash that's amid worries that the weather may be getting too good for the winter olympic games. ukrainian judge who ruled against rioters involved in the storming of government buildings and shot dead by all known assailants police say the murder of was most likely connected to his work also. rather than the early hours. for a better life there will be. time. for parts he travels to south africa as the nation reels and corruption the crime and poverty after the passing of iconic leader nelson mandela.
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welcome to the program here in washington r.t. international with me marina cos for. now i'd say five of the saw she wins her olympic sonority continues its special coverage from the heart and the heights all of the resorts now it may be action packed on the slopes and tracks of salt but for russian finances the figure skating that's a really in the spotlight russia is of course looking for a return to the on challenge dominance on the right that it enjoyed in decades past and given the country's performance so far in these games that dream could be within reach live now to our tees paul scott's the coastal cluster for us hi there paul so tell us more about russia's big hope today. well there are hopes for russians poor. a gold medal later on wednesday tatyana. trying to go into the
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final round of the figure skating pairs event on top of the overall standings they set a world record in the short program on tuesday to put themselves firmly in contention for another gold medal of course russia have already won the team event however a bizarre moment a bad omen perhaps for the that in winter olympics history the gold medal has never gone to a performance using the music of andrew lloyd webber however the aim to end that trend. is with a free skate in program will be andrew lloyd webber's musical jesus christ superstar in fact i've been dreaming of making this happen since i was a child a love affair much last year was so this musical on broadway and now it's time to perform. well elsewhere on wednesday rush's male colleagues will be looking for their first ever win to winter olympics victory they take on canada well the female
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college for them it's now played for and they've got one too but those two victories were followed up by two defeats the latest coming to japan for well in a few moments time dennis. takes to the ice in the men's one thousand meter speedskating inside the adler arena. for a while and is the olympic spirit still burning bryant's what is the mood like there basically what i'm trying to figure out is what are we missing out on over here in moscow. while it's nice to finally be talking about the sport and sporting successes that's for sure of course of the build up to these games were plagued by controversy but here we are well into the first week now when everything touchwood is running smoothly now the atmosphere in and around the venues and the live sites is fantastic no doubt helped by the rather beautiful weather certainly down here in the coastal cluster however the mild temperatures up in the mount. causing some
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concerns with reports that the ice is beginning to melt however the international olympic committee said they have absolutely no concerns about the conditions at the moment meanwhile according to reports global viewing figures for these winter games are up almost ten percent from vancouver four years ago with an extra twenty five million people chiming in now of course no olympic games and my fantastic atmosphere. would run smoothly without the help of the unsung heroes they are of course the volunteers the people who help the olympic games run smoothly and my colleague martin andrews now has more. they are the unsung and unpaid heroes of the olympics and staging such a gigantic event without volunteers like these would be unthinkable more than one hundred eighty thousand people wanted to join up twenty five thousand of them made
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the cuts a small army of on hand helpers among them thousands of foreigners to bridge the dozens of languages heard here right now hailing from the united states canada and the u.k. many have already been here for several weeks prepping for her sing at the black sea resort in what's for most is the first visit to russia. come from glasgow scotland come to such a. great experience and the people are really great and. i like everything here and it feels great knowing that i'm contributing to such a large scale event. from helping out with crowd control to keeping things moving at the security screening area is vital to the day to day running of this event running like clockwork and in their bright uniforms such spectators can't miss them like the competing athletes require commitment patience. jordan's for the love of
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taking part rather than cash reward. me hello i'm here to see the men's hockey game where i go so these competitions are housed in bars. and you can get there by crossing this street then turn to the left and you will see the big building in front of the wood to drop it's very big ever beautiful very nice and you speak english russian yes german very good to have a show so good thank you very much part of our. city sickly just under half the help is our women and the average age is twenty five in reality though this giant team has volunteers of all ages in the mobile and they call the older people silva volunteers it's a reference to how advanced age a friendly face and knowledge of foreign languages and knowing how to get from a to b. are just some of the skills these guys will meet throughout the games in the paralympics long day's demanding work but it's a rare chance to take part in one of the world's largest sporting events and their
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name to the roster making such a twenty forty something to remember hotter than drew's party sochi. from egypt video suit sweater blogs many athletes are documenting their experiences in salty and here's what they've been telling r.t. . i'm definitely impressed with the russian did everything is well this the. taking very good care and i think that's all that matters for the games is so close it feels like just a big family reunion. is very exciting the night of the crowd was there there was some years there for me olympic by before you come over and you know i really sure what to expect and. you know everything's been great so far whether it's you know the food or their commendations or their rooms or you know the village. seems to be . unbelievable just looking from the outside and going in and practice and so if we
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have a great set up you know in the village it's been great so far. we're going to. a good push the food every day we get to meet with other athletes and it's been a pretty good sort of. were put up all the latest results rumors and happenings in salcha got our special section on the website twenty fourteen artsy dot com and right now we're reporting there on how the russian president is entertaining foreign gas to be able to call city and of course bringing you live updates on all the sporting events. so other news now a judge has died in sun szell ukraine after being assailants police believe the attack may be linked to his professional activities are to some extent
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a show of ski told me those activities could be. the interior minister of ukraine is still koyo on what exactly they meant by professional activities but we do know that the thirty four year old judge. from the town of claiming to consensually crane was killed by two presumably two gunshot wounds and those believed to be fired from a shotgun it's not the first time of course that a judge is killed in ukraine but given what's happening in ukraine right now with all these riots protests takeover of administrations the fact that he recently dealt with some of these rioters is certainly causing huge attention he dealt with two of those rioters who were part of the attack on the local administration building he placed them under house arrest and have been charged with inciting riots but not yet convicted he also dealt with many civil cases like. returning of debts like inheritance and different property splits that also may have been the
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reason for his assassination but certainly given the intensity of what's happening in ukraine right now the connection here between the rioters and him is something discussed by the media that has no chance of dying down i spoke to all sides of this protest and if you talk about the anti-government protest it is split within itself already there is a peaceful part of protesters who believe themselves to be peaceful you are activist as they call themselves and there's a radical part and i read an interview apart from my conversations with the guys at the governmental quarter who are completely radical i read an interview recently by the leader of the right wing sect this is the core of the rioting and of the protest and he said that they do not listen to orders from the opposition they're not controlled by anyone they are all on their own and one quote from that interview is particularly concerning that he said that should the authorities use live rounds against them against the rioters against the right wing sector they have something to respond with so this is creating a genuine concern that they have weapons they're storing them in all the buildings
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they have taken over i haven't seen any weapons with the right to expect with my own eyes but there are numerous pictures proving that they do have weapons on their hands so definitely the situation is still very very much burning despite being something of a standstill at the moment. we are following the a.n.c. government on rest in ukraine an artsy dot com and you can find all the latest in detail. now the south african opposition has reportedly been struggling to make their voices heard in their protests against corruption soaring crime and widespread poverty unrest the sea than in the postman dela country as the nation seems to be edging towards a security crisis artie's policy are now reports. we were about to enter one of the most dangerous townships in one of the most dangerous cities in the world this is the south africa that mandela left behind you never know what to expect when you go
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out in those days some days will be quiet some days you just up and down there are a lot of downs in south africa now days away from the cameras all is not well in the land of mandela twenty six year old constable co-wrote burma later knows it all too well for five years he's been patrolling the streets of johannesburg to try and instill some sense of order. and now we are entering. there's a large majority of. poverty. a lot of the purely artistic to for a better life better way of the. crime. that crime and their few places in south africa today is more rampant poverty more in demick than alexander township twelve kilometers northeast of johannesburg it was once the headquarters of the african national congress and the same to of anti-apartheid activism but
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it's as if time has stood still here many residents feel forgotten by mandela south africa is quite frightening situation for us to. really make the best effort this borning township is home to nearly a quarter of a million mostly black south africans sixty percent of them are grindingly poor and unemployed as we drive along the stench of mounds of garbage overwhelms us the stats are sobering each day on average more than fifty people on murdered in south africa another fifty attempted murders take place more rape happens here in a country of fifty two million people than in india a country of one billion the police are struggling to cope with a training session here rick. if you can answer that truthfully. yeah you can say real sufficiently. but it's up to us to.
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obtain that training the police have reacted. and understaffed and according to a new poll a staggering eighty three percent of south africans believe they're also corrupt which means the good guys like a robber and his partner often put their lives on the line without sufficient backup do you think. make any difference right situation. we can only hope. but. the residents of alexander though are too busy battling the daily reality to worry about what life without mandela will bring twenty years after he came to power they still waiting on promises of jobs and economic prosperity. and xander township south africa and the l.m. gates all my who's from an opposition party in south africa thinks this country is the language the same problems that had two decades ago. these protests in south
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africa very basic things i don't think that the protests that happened after the death of nelson mandela south africa has been the world capital of protests but a decent last few months we've seen a heightened. militancy of those a protest because it's a response to a government which basically its policies a deep in poverty and it does unable to respond to today needs of the people they need to skid at increasingly the government is using the old up out of date of racist methods in dealing with legitimate demands of people twenty years later the ruling party has not been able to dismantle up out of date in other words their racism that keeps our people apart where black people are poor and white people are taken care of. an upcoming trade pact between the e.u. and they you last could see the biggest unified business ellen ever created but
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critics say it's all of them or c. of mega corporations that could sign the government's hands and expand their profit focused and that's ahead for you. also out of the shadows the british spy agency g c hey stands accused of sending fake massacres on social networks and using honey traps to get its hands on information that's all coming up for you in a few moments.
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you'll best way to the heart of moscow. welcome back to our three answer national now the e.u. and the u.s. are mauling what could become the world's biggest free trade agreements looking for
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more economic power ups the sides are discussing the deal on the transatlantic trade and investment partnership treaty but as marina porn i have found out the document could leave so governments of falling and so corporations pockets the night i'm announcing that we will launch talks on a comprehensive transatlantic trade and investment partnership with the european union because trade that is fair and free across the atlantic supports millions of good paying american jobs. grand promises minus any explanation it's been one year since the us president announced the establishment of a transatlantic free trade agreement known as taft they have been negotiated total secrecy away from the congress and the people. the bit about six hundred corporate executives corporate lobbyists. negotiating and the deal with the united states trade representative and with the other countries
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sweeping u.s. surveillance has cast a cloud over negotiations as germany threatened to pull out outraged over washington snooping on its european partners but if the free trade treaty actually goes through it promises both sides of the atlantic massive gains of up to one hundred fifty nine billion dollars as more exports are expected to create more jobs but the profits could come at a cost to citizens critics say the treaty would get rid of policies put in place to protect the people danger here is that this will amount to deregulation that basically will be a race to the bottom and health and safety standards will be diminished in an attempt to create some kind of huge market with the same standards for example genetically modified foods are not labeled in the u.s. while in europe it's mandatory but in the name of free transatlantic trade any regulations against g.m. rose is an impediment to trade and therefore. simply no
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longer coal they're simply removed by the trade agreements so then europe is ordinarily good to g.m. . regardless of what the european people walk under the treaty cars and pharmaceutical drugs could reportedly i got being tested only once by the exporting country instead of the current standard of dual testing be it fracking banking or flying taft critics argue will leave governments with no choice but to change policies that better suit the business needs of private corporate power what their hope is is to have to find the lowest common denominator between the u.s. and and and standards that then make it more easy for there to be quote unquote trade big call our regulations and our standards that hurts. health and safety trade irritants they're called as opposed to barriers and and we believe that those
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many of those standards are there for very good reason public support for safety standards and regulation may be the very reason american and european citizens have been kept in the dark about what may turn out to be the world's largest free trade agreement. new york. all i right now kid sarno wants all riots according to the belgian protesters the countryside to remove any age restrictions on euthanasia and allow the controversial practice for children to find out more on their websites. and the cyborg feature has drawn a little closer as scientists managed to put microscopic motors inside human cells find out what came out of its own artsy called. you some beautiful women as the honey traps to extract secret information could be just one
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of the dirty tricks g c h q has up its sleeve new leagues from edward snowden suggest the brits are surveillance agency has gone far beyond its remit and fought in the lines of legality artie's polly boyko now reports. the list of g.c.a. latest antics reads a bit like a cartoon villains manual edward snowden has revealed that a covert unit within the agency is messing with target social media accounts so that changing their profile pictures on facebook they're posting i'm deleting status says and they're sending cryptic messages to their friends and family containing dissent from ation about them now g c h q's joint intelligence threat research group even uses unwitting journalists to funnel information about potential targets and they're also into honey traps they pose as attractive women online in order to get potential targets to meet with them in person i think what's
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unique in this area it's the first public proof that we've seen that serious issues of illegality have been brought forward the interference with other people's communications the violation of the privacy of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people if the government knows everything about true information is power and then they have enormous power over you which we always say something interesting here with all these revelations what does the blackmail start do you see h.q. isn't a spy agency like m i five or m i six it's a government agency tosca with collecting and analyzing data and yet these most recent revelations show that there are also no includes sending viruses and launching denial of service attacks against websites the attempt to do denial of service attacks organizations they don't like are deliberate attempts to obstruct to deceive i think was the phrase they use they say they call it deny disrupt
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degrade and deceive i mean as i go to james bond movie but this is this is the stuff they're doing and have been doing for years but this is the first proof that anybody's had that they've actually done it and yet how kids who don't work for g c h q. you face prison if they do the same and those campaigning for civil liberties here in britain say they want to know why poly boy k. azzi london. j.c. h.q. may have its hands dirty but when it comes to the sheer scale of its operations it's still playing catch up some america's national security agency and i'm sure that freedom campaigner told us that mass online surveillance has a siphon effect on people speaking their mind don't see anybody advocating for the removal of curtains in everybody's house because we have nothing to hide i think that there's an expectation of privacy here in the us and around the world it's not being respected and when when the expectation is not respected free speech suckers
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we are much less willing to speak our minds online or offline if we know we're being watched and recorded and tracked are much more less willing to engage in political activism to assemble to organize ourselves for whatever causes we believe in and if we feel like the authorities are watching our every move and even if the authorities right now might not necessarily be ethical to the things that we believe in maybe the next president or the next congress or the next government will be and know to be able to use all of this data that they're collecting against us some more international headlines for you now on and see taliban militia chief and eight of his relatives had lain killed in an attack by militants and northwestern pakistan police say grenades were thrown and says house before a gunman opened fire the pakistan taliban have been stage and that lee attacks as they try to impose sharia law. thank you one has restarted its aid
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mission to homes and syria helped by aid agencies given out food suppliers and get some people out of the besieged city hundreds have left the city since friday the truce is due to end and once they president assad's government has said that it will extend the deadline meanwhile the syrian opposition has put forward a proposal for a transitional government so the u.n. mediator lakhdar brahimi talks in geneva the pictures you're seeing now are all of salvador a cast away from el salvador in fact has returned home after spending more than a year at drift at sea he was found badly to be hydrated washed off in the marshall islands in the pacific ocean he says he managed to stay alive on a diet of fish birds and of rainwater his friend sets off in the boats with him from mexico dies during the journey. now the next woman with their fingers quite literally on the trigger to stay with us.
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your best way to the heart of most. there's a saying you know when you're in the arctic you have the entire world at your feet
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. she looks like a fairly simple shit. head and full of people have access to the nuclear icebreakers the real king here is at the polar bear and ice breakers come second not a single complex expedition to the arctic can be conducted with the russian nuclear powered fleet of ice breakers under. operation in. the northern sea route russia's arctic ice breakers. science technology innovation all the least developed from around russia we've got the future covered.
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in rural areas the majority of families living here are pro-gun. learning to fire is often part of a child's education the moral value of protecting the family is more important than the physical aspect where in south dakota. jack is five he can barely get out of the car in his own but every weekend his father teaches them how to shoot with real bullets under the watchful eye of his mother gretchen your cares and stuff. your glasses down. the other. one.
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jack hasn't been learning long and already he likes helping his dad set up for him it's just like any other game. i've been shooting since i was five or six. and i learned the shoot. in our or. brains or we had in california and i used to go down and shoot every day after school i started shooting not turn i was probably in one thousand. with brian he would go to the shooting range and he took me with a few times and tell me how to should have been doing it ever since i think it's important that women know how to shoot that they can protect themselves.


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