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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2014 9:30am-10:01am EST

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you know that. jack hasn't been learning long and already he likes helping his dad set up for him it's just like any other game. i've been shooting since i was five or six. and i learned to shoot. in our. brains or we had in california and i used to go down and shoot every day after school i started shooting not to know i was probably eighteen. with brain he would go to the shooting range and he took me with a few times and tell me how to should have been doing it ever since i think it's important that women know how to shoot that they can protect themselves.
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the weapon is heavy difficult for such a young child to handle. action doesn't intervene she wants her some to feel empowered. to feel the heat that. we teach jack that guns are to kill in the right situation. he's learning as a target to just learn as a target shooter for hunting but if the situation should arise but that it can be used to. killing par is one thing it can do but it can also be used that as many more things and it's important for him to know that that it needs to be used in different. situations and we'll teach him that of course it's not correct to kill unless somebody is attacking him. he's here sights and see a target. but i can't see. thank you need to go up higher.
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remember safety rules. ok if you're ready for one round in. the shoulder in. ok and then on the stock when you see your target they say squeeze. what you like about shooting. try it like learning how to do it so you can become good one day and you could witnessing the surreal event it's hard not to wonder about the risk of accidents but for jack's parents it's not an issue. a car gives you a bunch of freedom to drive around to go to the stores to do whatever you want your gun gives you the freedom to protect yourself it's just as dangerous get into the
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store as it is to have somebody come in and break into your house or do a school shooting their car accidents happen every single second there's somebody getting killed in a car in the world every second the gun accidents are the ones that make it on the news the car accident just happened so frequently nobody even bothers anymore whoever has the gun wins basically and it allows me to protect my freedom protect my family and it allows us to be free. arming yourself to the fender freedom is not a chewed firmly rooted in the american psyche in the bigger cities in america things are seen differently laws for carrying guns are stricter.
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san francisco is in one of the most oppressive states of the us california. to buy a gun there you've got to have a written allowance. the legislation is strict but it works in twenty years the level of gun related crime has dropped by forty percent. this afternoon we have a meeting in the center that is very active in the prevention of gun violence. robin thomas sheds light on accidents related to far on thousands of which occur each year. among the victims are children and teenagers fifteen hundred twenty in twenty ten alone the number of accidents could be reduced if mothers didn't allow firearms at home but messages from manufacturers and supporters make this difficult what i'm noticing more and more is this really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to
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own guns to protect their families so someone sent me this website which shows some of this marketing some of these propaganda type ads about this and the actual ad says around midnight she called nine one one by twelve o six the fighting was done no time to wait for help to arrive so she used her rifle to stay alive obviously what they're telling you here is as a woman you can't rely a lot for smith to help you with an intruder comes to your house you have to have a gun available and ready to defend yourself and that is really playing on people's fear it's insinuating that you are not safe in your home. here's another one which. i just thought was so interesting because the imagery is so evocative you know this image that here's the guy is coming after you he doesn't have a gun he only has some sort of stick it says shoot or call nine one one she has this gun she's not only has it loaded and ready terry nice and bright in this picture so
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obviously the idea is she would have any trouble shooting him with her giant gun. here's one that says once mature enough to be home alone and she's ready to have a gun of her own. to me this looks like a pretty young child the message is clear parents should be buying a gun for their young child so that they can defend themselves and again when we know we read articles about the number of accidental injuries you see when guns get into the hands of children how sort of ridiculous is that to think that a child is going to get this loaded weapon that's going to use it be effective with it and what do you say to what are you saying about the experience of that child in both instances. playing on the fear of being attacked blaming mothers these posters or pro-gun propaganda. creating these seemingly plausible scenarios they play on the specific idea of another person invading one's home
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a widespread fear in the minds of many americans. however according to another group specializing in the prevention of violence associated with far over a gun in the house is twenty two times more likely to kill a family member them play a part in self defense. many studies published in two thousand and eleven indicate that twenty thousand to thirty thousand deaths caused by far arms each year were suicides or accidents ten thousand were murders. pro-gun citizens believe that being armed deters criminals who might threaten them . but in what situation is one deemed to be in serious danger. this teenager to whom barack obama pays homage to is trayvon martin. on the twenty sixth of february two thousand and twelve this seventeen year old black american was shot in the middle of a street. trayvon was going to buy sweets and was supposed to meet up with his
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father to go to a basketball game the killer was george zimmerman he was voluntarily patrolling the neighborhood in his car as there had been a series of steps in recent months. in his defense zimmerman told police that he had doubts about the intentions of the teenager he therefore evoked the stand your ground law to justify his actions. at first the murder a skate without any charges but after a public art ridge amongst the american population the jury changed its verdict. trayvon martin's parents have agreed to meet us according to them george zimmerman had no reason to feel threatened. that the real decision came when he got out of his vehicle because that's when he stopped being a neighborhood crime watch a neighborhood watch would have remained in his speech and would have just taken the information down and given it to the police and remained there that's
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a neighborhood crime watch well once he got out of his vehicle then he became a police officer a security guard or something of this or he was no longer a neighborhood watch that pursued a key this was a key this was a teenager that was talking on the phone there was not do anything wrong they have not committed any crime. florida passed the stand your ground law in two thousand and five and since then the number of justifiable deaths has tripled to around thirty five a year and three hundred twenty across the nation in two thousand and ten. freedom to bear arms comes at a price and america is. frequently paying for it with even more drama in mass shootings in these events there is no case for self-defense only madness going back to the twentieth of april one thousand nine hundred nine in a big gun show like the one in thomasville because i'm by murderers were able to buy the weapons they used to kill their classmates. twelve were killed and twenty
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five seriously injured the perpetrators were two fourteen year old teenagers eric harris and dylan clear. at the time the actions of the two students were attributed to violence in films and video games. in the political debates that ensued nobody questioned the ease with which these youngsters were able to purchase a shotgun and rifle. tall mouser lost his son in the columbine massacre daniel was fifteen a model student i'm very involved in school life despite his shyness. my son daniel was in the library at columbine and the two killers. were trying to get away from the police who were outside they came into the library. they ask everybody to stand up but they didn't think the students stayed under tables and
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then they began to walk around the library. and and shout insults at the students and selected certain ones to be shot. and my son was one of them he was first insulted by one of the killers shot in the hand he pushed his chair up against against the killer i think he was resisting and for that he p paid with his life with a second shot to his head that killed him since the tragedy daniel's mother has been devastated and refuses all requests for interviews but for tom his son's death has become something to fight for. he advocates that gun show should have controls in place to check buyers he wants the laws changed. to me it made absolutely no sense to allow a teenager or a criminal to walk into a gun show like the teenagers who are columbine killers did not have to go through
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a background check. so we took the issue to our state legislature asked them to close that loophole so that everybody everybody who goes to a gun show and tries to buy a gun has to pass a background check they refused to close that loophole so we took it to a vote of the people we petition to put it on the ballot in colorado and the people of colorado closed that gun show loophole by a vote of seventy percent to thirty percent. because i'm buying tragedy hasn't served as a valid example. of a five thousand gun shows taking place each year only a small amount know how fire controls in place. i think that so many americans think that they need to arm themselves because they're very fearful and their first reaction is well if i'm in danger then i should be our myself and what i say to people is if being armed
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made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on earth because we are the most heavily armed free world nation and we're clearly not the safest clearly not the safest. fly a transit route to vnukovo airport your best way to the heart of moscow. you
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know the united states has as many think tanks as the next ten countries combined yes one thousand eight hundred twenty eight takes to tell three hundred million people how to think. fourteen twenty fourteen promises week alternate in exhilarating winter sports and on t.v. each year join me and he's now a make of an hour on the bus from our located news team for sochi twenty four take . on r.t. . senior u.s. state department official victoria nuland and the american ambassador to ukraine said on tape many have claimed all along washington's plans to overthrow the government in kiev on this edition of house call this embarrassingly changes the political battlefield in ukraine.
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since the one nine hundred seventy s. the frequency of murders in the streets or public places has only increased each year there are around twenty mass shootings. one recent tragedy was in a cinema in colorado in summer of two thousand and twelve. that day a twenty four year old man burst into the movie theater during a screening of the latest film he opened fire at random killing twelve of the audience. the murderer was james holmes. best gas mask and was armed with an assault rifle. we visited the site of the tragedy twenty days later to meet
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a survivor of the shooting. a nineteen year old student was in the cinema that day . she managed to flee the cinema before being hit by a bullet. through the can over over our heads and my best my other best friend had to scream to get down and she got down on the floor and i was like no it's ok and i was looking at at the shooter and he was holding the gun. tilted up and he started firing really rhythmically shots bang bang bang bang probably six or seven crawled along the. floor i got up and i kept my head down and i looked to my left. and i saw down the aisle that the shooter was shooting up into the. section the other sections. so i just ran straight out and i remember thinking i really hope there aren't any more shooters because i don't know what i'll do i don't know i don't know if this is
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really happening that has to be joe this is a joke this is a joke. once again the shooting brought up the debate surrounding bearing arms in the us. in particular in public areas like cinemas or moles where weapons are prohibited. at the aurora movie theaters the police station was only a mile away and amazingly they actually got there very quickly compared to other response times and yet still twelve people died because there was no one there i mean there was even retired military and police officers there in the auditorium who had been disarmed because of the regulations and they could not protect themselves or anybody else that's wrong as explained by erik prince if the victims all wrong like emma have the right to bear arms in the cinema there might have been fewer victims mass shooting such as in columbine have traumatized america a worrying trend can be seen after each episode
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a sharp rise in gun sales some citizens seek protection others fear tougher laws coming into actions so they run to stoke up these men and women are convinced there is only one solution an opinion not shared by george has the all us my brother shot himself and that. he had left that he didn't weapons he needed to doctor the medicine. should have never had any way. that he did and i only think that he didn't hurt anybody else because he could that's how angry and how much he was the problem is not. that's a problem or guns with. guns and prison is not that we need to really find ourselves we need to find. a new system of values why is it that people who are detected. not taken care of until the until they do something are absolutely.
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outrageous and insane there's not going to be any gun for control tomorrow so we have to you know we have to find another set of. one hundred kilometers from thomasville in south florida we need to reason adams a mother who we met at a gun show. she is invited us to come and see her gun collection weapons to protect themselves from intruders but not just for about our family is convinced of the world will end on the twenty first december two thousand and twelve. they are part of an apocalyptic movement which has a strong presence in the united states of america i welcome. we didn't necessarily build it so much for the protector factor but it's indestructible. the front wall a solid concrete block filled with poured full of concrete it's if there were to be a need for defense the house is designed for that. in
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fact to reason her husband live in a bunker with her two sons who are twelve and fourteen years old. you know a lot of it could ever happen but if you were ever in a situation where god forbid anything happened with to go and they lost control if the economy goes south. then you go to believe that the stability of been able to buy food to go i don't necessarily see it all rustling ever happening in the tree but it's one of those things if you're prepared for there's really no downside if the worst thing that you're prepared for a natural catastrophe. in preparation for the worst the family has taken every precaution starting with guns to protect themselves from atomic they're found in every room even the children. these are just an intake of frames.
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this is take of three men here they have water guns they're plastic toy guns but they've always been taught the difference in a toy gun in the world and this is a real gun and this is his ten twenty two that he shoots we purchased yesterday a tactical package to put on it it had just a regular wooden stock and so he saw this and wanted it. was a present. here this is just. and he also has his toys but then he has his shotgun and his rifle that he uses for hunting and we don't have any problems with the boys have and their guns in their room there or. they're loaded but not in the actual chamber invasion world war three natural disasters have thought of everything. is our utility room and pantry and it's just keeps we keep food stores as we talked about earlier in case for some
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reason we had to stay here for an extended period of time we try to keep a stock of food. primarily about three to four weeks mark so the day a family thing were to happen we wouldn't have to leave. but the family treasure is found in this room where a dozen weapons are kept in a cabinet. even an assault rifle take twenty this. and this is a. i r fifteen. and k. package but at some assault rifle. in the kitchen on the table where they eat every evening to reason their husbands are proud to show off the majority of their collection. this afternoon the family has another surprise for us a shooting session on the grounds behind the house. if. we want to come
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out at least once or twice a week. the weather really hot as ice will probably going to spend a lot of time here in the fall and it will be. greater. and we are usually come out shoot together our occasionally some of us will come out together for fun but most a time we do it as a family so we were kind of a safe haven do it together. i said it's not really that was so we did our sale. here as a family they shoot soda cans. guests invited to the house aren't offered coffee but instead shooting practice. and it's hard to refuse for fear of causing offense . thing i was.
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just in and jacob have been shooting their parents' guns since they were four years old they are the pride and joy of their mother to reason. how do you feel when you watch your kid shoot as a mom i'm excited and proud to watch him shoot now and that. they know how to do it that they enjoy doing it that we're spending our time together as a family i love it. you know. how do you feel when you shoot. everybody kind of force. i mean it's kind of it's kind of i mean is. there anything where you're.
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what about you take up what do you feel when you're shooting. mainly bundle my. kid in. you know kind of thing. oh you know. the way. and i guess. that's a violent sport i mean it's something that you feel in your whole body and how can you get pleasure from that. it's. be excitement of it is kind of by having that power and energy is
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just the strength behind it. it's hard to explain the feeling behind it it's just fun. for these women and families that we've met the individuals interests prevailed over the out of society . a few weeks before the presidential elections a survivor of the aurora shooting released a video which went viral on the internet i was shocked and the next four years forty eight thousand americans won't be so lucky because they'll be murdered with guns in the next president's term enough to fill over two hundred theaters so when
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you watch the presidential debates ask yourself who has a plan the stock on the times let's demand a plan b. and. during the presidential campaign neither of the two candidates touched on the subject of guns and barack obama the elected president of the united states of america has no intention to revise the second amendment that america and its citizens hold so dear the most recent attempt by the obama administration to revise gun laws failed to pass a us congressional approval on able eighteenth two thousand and thirteen since then no new initiatives have been presented to the public.
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there's a saying you know when you're in the arctic you have the entire world at your feet . she looks like a fairly simple ship but really she's not a symbol of. a handful of people have access to the nuclear icebreakers the real king here is at the polar bear and ice breakers come second not a single complex expedition to the arctic can be conducted without the russian nuclear powered fleet of ice breakers we've undertaken a unique operation. the northern sea route russia's arctic ice breakers. likely to see any sort of counter revolution aimed at preserving maybe even a charcoal gender roles the islamic religion this is one very powerful counterforce towards maintaining traditional marriages and values
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just as they become more powerful western liberalism becomes powerful and we have to sort of major civilizations me on a collision course. transit
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. you'll best way to the heart of moscow. hungry for gold rush in france spend their hopes on the country's record breaking figure skating duo made worries that the weather may be getting too good for the winter olympic games. a ukrainian judge who ruled against rioters involved in the storming of government buildings dead by unknown the sailings police say the murder was most likely connected to his work also. a lot of the early on the city looking to move for a better life for there will be a long. time. artsy travels to south africa as the nation reels and corruption and crime and poverty after the passing of iconic leader nelson mandela.


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