tv [untitled] February 14, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm EST
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max cons are for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kinds a report. the only goal to do is show that you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck call for us. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america are you ready to join the movement then welcome the big. blow into our man in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. yesterday comcast america's
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largest cable provider announced that it will be buying time warner cable america's second largest cable provider whatever abit of competition in the marketplace and what could this merger mean for free and open access to the internet ad and more in tonight's big picture rubble and while the east coast is digging out from the latest massive winter storm west coast is dealing with a devastating drought how much more severe weather does america need before lawmakers in washington get serious about fighting climate change ask evan weber and angela anderson into tonight's conversations. you need to know this yesterday comcast the nation's largest cable television provider majority owner of n.b.c. and m assembly c and one of the nation's largest internet service providers
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announced that it will be buying time warner cable the nation's second largest cable television provider for forty five billion dollars. that's a very big deal pun intended and it has huge implications for the type and amount of content consumers might have access to on the internet on cable television comcast and time warner are two of america's largest internet service providers providing millions of americans access to the world wide web if you factor in comcast proposed takeover of time warner with last month's ruling on net neutrality by the d.c. circuit court american consumers could be seriously screwed last month the d.c. circuit court of appeals struck down the obama administration's net neutrality rules is rules were put in place to prevent big internet service providers like comcast and time warner from slowing down your access to certain websites or on the flip side charging those websites to access you for example with net neutrality
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rules in place comcast would not be able to slow down your access or charge you more for your access to h.b.o. or c.b.s. or c.n.n. just because they wanted you to use n.b.c. which they own and operate thanks to the d.c. circuit court ruling though and the potential takeover of time warner comcast is well on its way to being able to discriminate between web sites and make the owners of competitor websites pay more money to run their websites and higher speeds and to reach millions of american consumers in an easy direct fashion it also means that comcast can jack up internet costs back in two thousand and nine read it user quink created a graphic detail in what internet prices might look like without net neutrality since last month's court ruling the graphic has gone viral and does a great job detailing a world without net neutrality graphic talks about a fictional internet service provider named telco the telco in this new world we are in now with out neutrality they can set it up so you get basic internet service
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for twenty nine ninety five a month with a big catch. the catch is good luck finding any websites that you can access with that plan that's because in a world without net neutrality internet service providers will be able to hack huge websites much like cable providers do with t.v. channels for example if you're a search engine user in a lot of looking up things on google being a yahoo then telco could charge you an extra five dollars a month for access to them but if you're a real news junkie and like taking in the news from a global perspective telco could charge another five dollars a month to access international news websites like the b.b.c. but don't think that means telco will give you access to u.s. based news for free no pay it wants you to pay another five dollars a month for access to american news websites like c.n.n. if you posed the new york times. say you're done reading the news do you want to kick back and watch the latest viral you tube it or an episode of your favorite show on netflix to do either of those things are going to pay telco an extra ten or
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fifteen dollars and finally say you're big on line shopper well if you want access to sites like amazon e bay or overstock dot com you get to pay telco another five dollars a month while this could happen today if the comcast time warner merger goes through it becomes far more likely in the event of that that merger so shouldn't we be enforcing things like the sherman antitrust act so that we have a lot of small and medium sized internet service providers competing with each other keeping down prices for american consumers and this is a time to put net neutrality into law so that these big internet service providers can vulcan balkanize the internet like with quakes telco example. let's rebel. joy of the guys big picture oberle our lisa deep as well a columnist with townhall and author of finding mr right just sam bennett political
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strategist and author kevin martin martin member of project twenty one black leadership network thank you all for joining me tonight it seems we're having it all back with you all heard my rant here now in this no longer we do we have. and now if these two companies merge forty three of the top fifty markets in the united states are in for internet services are going to be dominated by one company . position in the context of we could be on the receiving end of you know like the way the cable companies all you want h.b.o. a search for five dollars but you could also flip it around i mean these these comcast could now be in a position where they say to to amazon or to you know you know we're going to we're going to give you slower traffic than e bay because they're spiffy i mean isn't it time for us to be saying there's a war for government to play in the us anybody well if i defy her i mean does that
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mean we all agree that we should let the free market decide what the listening is free and well most are created. and they were never seems like the only time i hear from the left what about the free market what about the choice from consumers to have to make all the choices they want to make it seems like the only time we hear about the free market is what they want to get involved in business deal a free market will always leads to a monopoly i mean in a free market you're going to end up with comcast being the only internet service provider in america because of the biggest ones that got the biggest momentum i'm not a fan of i'm not advocating a free market and i have been advocating regulated when you say that they're in forty three of the largest of the fifty largest market as a fifty like us markets are they being used by all of those are people still choosing bio's. our eyes then and we do enjoy life and i'll answer now fifty biogas i don't use either i said that's what i read it in your sister transcends that i mean clearly i think our founding fathers and the mothers behind them i would like to contend who would have anticipated
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a vehicle like the internet would have developed right so i think i agree with you tom i think we've moved into that area where we've got to have some sort of government elation because the the complete free access to anything that anybody wants on the internet is foundational to exchange of information exchange of commerce and there's only downsides to the kinds of restrictions that are going to be the natural outgrowth unless we have some sort of regulation but tom why isn't it you told about bring it up but time warner told us over a year ago the deal to put this division up to sale ok time warner and say look we're getting out of the business we're going to focus more movie that all of those the and their everyone will still play because comcast alone since i got the money to make the best deal for tom want to buy up all the chips and love to buy it who knows so i'm glad i could files by and if i could do satellite bio either this raises two really important issues though the first is the issue of monopoly which
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you know where sam is addressed but i haven't heard the other two of you and the other is the issue of the commons is the internet our information commons is that the modern day equivalent of the library absolutely i've no question if it is the information commons then bats you know from the constitution on down from the founders the debates and in seventeen eighty seven bat is the appropriate role of government is to regulate the comma but well that's something we all but luckily all of you also have free in admit you have free internet play games b.c. you walk around your tablet say hey free we're free public why not what we're about to not have it which is where potentially the situation of the government is provided but there but if i could say that i would suggest it's not so much about regulating something it's protecting something which has become the. new interchange the new place the new commons in your language tom the thing that totally cracks me up is for comcast to stand up and say that this will enable them to be more competitive when did he miss the lesson in economics how does making
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something a larger make something more compelling and they only traces you need to have lots of different players in the field to have something to really be college has model legislation to that for states to pass but they have state representatives republican state representatives introducing making it a crime in their states for a city or municipality or county to offer wife i service to be to be the provider of white face and that's what has to has made the hands of a flock of ending the comments that you're talking about that's what we want you to tell you say there's no competition but those files as you use the dish all concept really have on the tissue or or five her own is their stock of the real of the companies they all become just all becomes i know of already the companies in new mexico the coal companies in colorado i have watched the site want to where i live one cable one coming into my house and that's it i can't get i can't get high speed broadband over my power service although in some places in the world you can i can't i can't order up anything else come into my house and most of d.c.
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is that i mean if you try to have like communications satellite your uplink in a satellite you've got to dial into a telephone line uplink to the satellite you know the huge stones all flew onstage internet overnight i don't like that you cannot hear service that surveillance on a large metropolitan area to where all that it's can it's it's lucrative to have a lot of different players which a lot of large bits are probably what about the people who live best i'm saying that's where the problem is where they're going to be severely limited and we're seeing i think we're seeing the internet go the same way that the media has in one thousand nine hundred three you had fifty companies that controlled the vast majority more than eighty percent of all of our media now it's six companies that control more than eighty percent of our media and if you and i would suggest you go back to the one nine hundred thirty forty there's probably five thousand companies you know i know in lansing where i used to do radio ever. the single radio station was locally in a panel you know there were eight or ten right now they're all owned by two companies. and that's why i think the government has a very vital role to play about right now in protecting that commons quality so
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that we can have free internet level playing field free exchange of information i mean who would argue who would argue that the internet has been probably one the most powerful transformative forces. in any history so so kevin and lisa. are either of you do either of you have any solution other than i mean i will say on our day there is only regulation reg regulated capitalism you haven't we used you say there's only one provider where you are i mean is that because companies don't want to do business where you are just because to dig up the street to run a fiber line is something that most companies are not willing to pay for it and that's true of much older ok well i mean i live in washington d.c. and i haven't read jane and there's tons and tons of of option so i i mean i wonder if it's government regulation you know on top of what you have multiple wires coming into your house you know i mean there are tons of different options of services i live in myrtle and it files that hews i have dish network and if you know those are both of those are satellite we see go one wire coming into your
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comcast was that's great more of tonight's big picture rumble coming up at. the go to code for you. it's pretty tough. stay with substory. let's give this guy what would smear about done instead of working for the people most issues the beach the media were pretty much over bridegrooms vision. because. they did read it well. we're. going to. look if it was a problem very hard to take a plunge again there was a plan that had sax player that her parents play let's play.
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back to the big picture with me tonight are lisa de de pass wiley sube and sam bennett and kevin martin boy. has been that kind of week i'm sorry anyway this morning president obama spoke to the congressional democrats they're retreating cambridge maryland he talked about his executive order to raise the minimum wage ten dollars in ten cents for the new federal contract workers and people with that affects take a listen. to be next to folks average age by the way thirty five these are teenagers these are folks who are looking after families and trying to raise kids and to see what it would mean to them for us to have. a federal minimum wage of ten dollars and ten cents an hour and how much relief that would give them and how.
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committed they were to be american dream and getting ahead and just hoping that somebody was standing up for them. it reminded me of. why i'm a democrat. and it reminded me of why i'm so proud of this part of the president's standing up on behalf of them so if democrats for decades have been standing for a while for a century it's now have been standing for a higher minimum wage actually it was republicans before that it was taft and and teddy roosevelt but nonetheless it's been democrats ever since wilson. standing up for a minimum wage roosevelt actually put it into place and. the republicans have been fighting the minimum wage in fact rand paul doesn't think there should be any minimum wage much less seven dollars twenty five cents an hour. what does that make the republicans if the democrats are the party that we're going to. be actually.
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libya in i'm not a republican independent but i am a federal contractor i mean it's president have you ever heard of beignets bacon oh i'm sorry that that debt doesn't war well why isn't david speaking mean of course david slade human being forced in would i use linux no no look i believed in alabama and you make fourteen dollars an hour down a working at the air force base. let me just for people who don't know what we're talking about let me just explain this real quickly davis bacon is a piece of legislation is passed back i think to the johnson was of the johnson inserted in the back yes most it is just passed some some time back the basically says that any time the federal government is paying for something with private corporation that private corporation has to pay their employees the quote prevailing wage which is typically the union wage where every town was so the question kevin is why is it that we've got people who are working at the smithsonian here in washington d.c. this is one of the highest wage cities in the end yeah states and why did it is why they didn't have a box and i have a washington d.c.
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business contract like you she'll be someone who the pay. they could then say i am for do you have to pay on davis you have above davis bacon x. one hundred thirty thousand l. so how does the smithsonian get away with not doing i have no clue i'm not in the security down this is only if that's what you're saying not every industry has to abide to space which is yes but there are other ways mcdonalds remember it but believe me there's a federal contract the present federal contract right most only i did not i got into a contract at the smithsonian security is not a federal class not a federal you have someone working the tour shoprite who said you know an hourly person working there they don't fall under the benefit of francis bacon and what percentage of the usa you save us bacon sorry about that stinking shakespear and sick and shakes it out on a valentine's day whether or not jim got to this right so the truth matters what small percentage of the american workforce you know benefits from the legislation
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this presidential executive order well apparently it's only going to be if we're going to tell us that no one people know is going to be one one point six percent of three hundred. thirty million people in america know of one hundred fifteen million people in our workforce one hundred fifty in the ninety's so are you going to the minimum wage has been tracking so far behind cost of living including going to if you're thirty five years old and you're making a minimal wage something is wrong well you know what always has your community service going to hell that's why i think that if we i think as a republican i could get behind the minimum wage increase if there were other things that were part of a larger plan like school choice something that's going to actually get people out of minimum wage job exactly how does school choice get people out of minimum knowing how they are going to have one. of the left turn left turn that i started out in my letter knowing that is sort of a public school teacher out to sail schools look here look here this let's take
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keith elementary school up in northwest. they get all the resources they meet but with elementary school in southeast mobile often smoke is pretty much all in materials family damn those parents will like the signature of the key elementary school ok but someone says oh well here taking textiles out of the neighborhood but if the neighbors are right and why don't we raise up the school in your neighborhood what you tell me i mean because he's making the money the whole concept of federalism has been the local communities to the extent it's possible you have local things done by local governments time please take the money but going to the local why don't you have it here how do you know that somebody who has a department of education exists since i think since the county administrator says the court of no you're right why are you why is because you know it's gone now you have a fit you failed school you are putting a while before i am also you admitting we have failed school well clearly that's why not allow people to leave their money in schools because there's other options
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that are what are affected i am from allentown pennsylvania my children of always been educated in our public school system which has had its challenges but because in my hometown of allentown pennsylvania the community has become engaged and has supported our public school system we're doing better than ever so i don't really used to take any money away from challenge the public i love our school district but the parent but they but they want to belong to the parents they don't belong they paid it i actually make sure that she cannot do like me we're going to let someone out this is really here is the one hundred percent well and here's how it really helpful that is paying into the system they don't have children in the school system they don't have money in the school system but but but wait a bit but it's all their children as terrible as it was their quality of those children are going to be their dog that exactly right teachers that so but just what i just want to make a point and we're wrap this up and move on and that is that one of the things that we find with so-called school choice where you go into a. horribly impoverished neighborhood and you say oh you can send your kids
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anywhere you want is that their kids. very often don't do well in other schools because the problem isn't the school the problem is poverty and we need to be doing something about what our brittleness it's about it's all we've taken we see kids come out of those probably schools go to progress in excel so we absolutely have but they're the i would say that they're the exception that proves the rule and look at the percentages if you look at for example my school district which has eight thousand dollars to spend per student compared to the suburban school districts around us that have thirteen fifteen thousand dollars to spend per student we've managed to make that eight thousand dollars work and increase our test scores why because we as a community of become engaged taking money away which is not a we're only making eight thousand we'll have eight thousand dollars literally taking money away to not be able to close now because the book these teachers alive is teach to teach in these philpotts and it's a going to three years and they're gone they're going to teacher ratio turning into these india is going to buy i have horrible time had already worked in those schools my kids have to wait before they have money to kick in when you know they
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could get a voucher all the stars were kevin that we need the department education equalizes all this stuff absolutely don't have it and i have worked in those public schools absolutely in the inner cities and it's if they're out in three years it's because it's one of the most stressful jobs on earth it's insane they're right up there with cops who are going to say neighborhoods and inner city and the huge them there and they're right up there with the people living in those neighborhoods in terms of stress and that's why we need to do something about this but any of what we do about poverty then that starts on the conversation which will have some of the night republicans might believe that moving on climate change in climate change after all a recent poll by the yale project on climate change communication found that fifty five percent of republicans think the carbon should be regulated and treated as a pollutant study also found that a majority of republicans were in favor of increased funding for renewable energy and in favor of cuts to fossil fuel subsidies so are republicans in washington just refusing to listen to their constituents are they totally bought out by the oil
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industry what's the deal why. why is it that republicans are ignoring their own base their own voters to nominate one question so carbon steel to be regulated so what are you going to do they're going to shove a tube down my throat because of breathe it out. how can i i'm not even going to do it. but you see in our favor you're always right over that i mean right yeah no no there's no the question we just settled volcano erupting all into these are two weeks ago tones of carbon into you know. it basically changed into so what would be easy to pull of the volcano. no but. that's a silly argument yet if we are you know that precious yeah it's me but if i think about magic they will argue is the larger question here is clearly climate change has come of age in the same way that same sex marriage has come of age as a general broad based agreement we've got
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a problem on our hands and we need to regulate it and it's become increasingly non-partial how we can have a good sign how we do regularly occurs naturally because we don't see a lot of you know. the old you know about how only the exchange use oh if it were george herbert walker bush we had a huge sulfur dioxide problem acid rain back in the eighty's it was a wipe out you know is cutting up cars it was tearing down buildings it was doing all kinds of horrible things and so george herbert walker bush said we can solve this with the marketplace will do cap and trade and it were that it would have up and grow if they would put it in years what about the scrubbers the free markets came up with an outcome why was that was because of cap and trade the free my having received was to cap and trade for what i really see these polls everybody says yeah i believe in may make you know climate change or or whatever but when it comes time to spend their own money they still want oil cars they're not spending money on solar panels they're personalize it but then here's the course it's about why all is have reassured personalize this you know i mean all these guys say we
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have societal and everybody wants to say yes this is what i. believing the government should do this but when it comes time to have actual options they they don't win so you just measure money on that you all four of us as individuals and any of us as business people have to pay to take our trip why should the fossil fuel industry be the only industry in america and i don't think anybody should get rhapsodies ethanol so no how do you get this isn't even a subsidy they don't have to pay to take out their trash they dump the stuff into the atmosphere and they don't have to pay and the trash falls on us so we will not be any any image in energy producer whether the solar when they put a kid out there trash but totally paid to make others right when when solar panels companies make solar panels they create waste and they pay to dispose of that well that is when mill manufacture absolutely when no many barriers are there when you were going to a steel mill they pay to take out that trash when there was a fuel industry here nobbs stuff out of your league. is there is a kicker for you to big. to run those windmills you need hydraulic fluid ok
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to woolies are you suggesting that because they need to use energy to make better forms of energy we shouldn't be doing it at all no believe great this is a great thing to use oil for when we started a little bit and we were getting was it pulls keep the subsidies that well if the oil can stop making those things how you can have a windmill how you can play the only real walking about not letting people use fossil fuels to good ends what we're saying is what we're talking about is if you use fossil fuels and you're polluting the air and you're an industry making money off that generation you should pay for it at all as to what point to they decide it's not worth it and right on wells it anymore that's that's like oh yeah germans are saying that i'm a lease of the past sam back at kevin martin thank you all for joining us great. coming up right now there are trillions of gallons of fossil fuels trapped in if the ground that big oil has yet to tap so how do we make sure these dirty one thousand century fossil fuels stays underground and clean green sources of energy
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now parts of northern new england are still dealing with the remnants of the latest massive winter storm which is crippled much of these coast this week dumping upwards of a foot or more of snow in major cities like philadelphia new york baltimore and washington along with the snow came freezing rain and sleet with iced over roads and power lines up and down the east coast as well as traffic nightmares from atlanta to boston meanwhile across the country the west coast is suffering from one of the worst droughts in recent history these severe weather events are stark reminder that we need to move away from the one thousand century fossil fuels that are driving climate change and global warming and start using the clean and green energy alternatives that will secure.
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