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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2014 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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on the climate side the flooding is a direct result of totally ignoring the realities of manmade global chaos so they totally ignore this for years and now suddenly it's caught up to them the economy is crashing because of interest rates being forced lower which is keeping the zombie banks alive and their cat cannibalizing and parasite ties ing the u.k. economy so this is cognitive dissonance all merging into one armageddon confidence nightmare of too much liquidity and flooding too much liquidity quantitative easing everyone's dragging to death they're drowning in debt they're drowning in cornwall they're drowning everyone is drowning because of these frickin david cameron's gotta say oh the strange thing why can't a girl do you craft like snooker all these people who play snooker are doing so to us all for the economy not for getting the congress who's out there opposing the house of commons piece of financial illiterate you bring up a good point is that it was bringing forward all the future consumption via the
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economy via the monetary system in zero percent interest rates so because of that we've already spent many decades into the future which means we're heading out far out into the oceans to find oil despite the fact that our technology not being dissed decades into the future so we have primitive technology relative to the risk we're taking on not to mention the fact that this whole story the last couple years of austerity is a hoax it's a joke when austerity suddenly there's all this magical money to bail out tories and cornwall what about the magical money to bail out the people in the bedroom tax scandal magical money to bail out people are being cut off and i just where's this magical money coming out of dave cameron's frank frank what's that all about why doesn't it help people that are not as direct supporters when he's criticized as being a prime minister only for the rich i mean this is a clear example of this this is rich buddies are being flooded over some magic money exactly and in fact the quote about this in the article says the. in words
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that may yet come back to haunt him cameron said quote my message to the country today is this money is no object in this relief effort whatever money is needed for it will be spent we will take whatever steps are necessary he insisted quote we are a wealthy country and we have taken good care of our public finances and yet we have the bedroom tax with thousands of people many severely disabled or pensioners being thrown out into the street because apparently that's not a disaster worth the relief these words are coming to haunt him now this is the ghost of christmas present this is a disaster in the making so then and of course you know mark carney over there bank of england says you know the economy's not recovering we need to keep interest rates low so there's a direct. contradiction to what cameron is saying is being repudiated by his own bank of england chairman so those two guys are not on the same page there you come to me as being whacked to death because interest rates are being kept artificially low that's the primary cause of the economic malaise is also the primary cause of
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this flooding because malinvestment over the last twenty years have taken money out of stuff that could be useful like preventing floods and put in the bank speculators you soon i'm going to miss all occasion let me read what engineer by the banking garrisons clear and simple as the nose on your face is the struggle ball going into the hole doing rather you owe world championship the guys on fire who's going to get the crucible who's going to win again you heard it here i'm calling it six start world champion only behind that other guy. and there was no other guy who was more sick and you know who i'm going to tell under. seven hundred seventy seven what's the fastest he's ever done one forty seven i mean it's i mean done well with. smoking dope or something i mean that's like grandma could do in seven minutes we did there is one five twenty five twenty five hundred forty minutes hundred forty point seven points and five in. five minutes and twenty
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seconds. i even frickin time to time to do that. so. we were talking about the triple crown chad we were talking about over in not just coral somerset and places like this where you're seeing people made homeless because their homes are flooded about six thousand of them and then you talked about housing speculation now that catastrophe of liquidity of money is also making people homeless but distressed tweet from the telegraph reads if salaries had risen as fast as house prices an average couple would earn forty four thousand pounds more a year the house is making more money for them than their job ok that's that's ludicrous because it means that the house prices are trading at five six seven times multiple of income that's completely unsustainable it's only being kept artificially aloft through this manipulation of interest rates which you know what what's happening in canada right now before we came out of the press coming out of canada that housing bubble that marconi inflated during his stay of bank of canada governor is now
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bursting and those people are going into a massive flood of negative negative equity ok that's the that's the legacy of mark carney he's a serial bubble blower and when he blows up this economy will go to some other first and country and ruin their economy these are he's a disaster one of the worst areas in terms of wages not keeping pace with the inflation of house prices is hackney hackney wages would need to be four times higher to keep pace with house price rises just over the past fifteen years so they are in hackney the equivalent of thirty one thousand three hundred four pounds but if they wanted to keep pace with house price inflation there the thirty one thousand pounds would need to be one hundred thirty one thousand pounds one hundred twenty four per year again it's going to disclose because here in the u.k. you had a strike from transportation workers and the grail system was shut down for a couple days and people are saying oh my god how could your victimising as your penalizing us we can't get to work or why should we pay you anything. saying well
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without paying anybody anything you know i'm going to have the income to support this housing bubble the other way kingsport the housing bubble is like quantitative easing free money burning out of the bank of england which has an end date it blows up like every single ponzi scheme in history this one will similarly blow up and then you'll be begging your neighbor who's working down at the. subway stop for a nickel to buy a cup of coffee because you're goggling. i'm an idiot don't you understand that the connection economics is about to match and. well in fact so they need to earn one hundred thirty one thousand pounds there forget all of the central london where you're going to need to earn two hundred ninety thousand or more just to keep pace with inflation but as you see david cameron in order to stop this storm coming in there's three more coming if you look on the front page of the daily mail today there's three storms out into the atlantic heading this way and in order to stop that he said he's going to give no matter how much money needs to be printed he's going to throw it at the store which of course is going to drive up house prices
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and hackney which means by the end of this year and of twenty fourteen those people will need to earn two hundred fifty thousand pounds and seven hundred thirty one thousand pounds so for their property owners of this vision of these three storms coming in so london is like but there's ronnie o'sullivan and he's on a parallel universe and it's being ripped to shreds by cosmic forces but he's still sinking parts somehow. still in the end the devil it would be running the soul of you when he got a tree. well yes only he's telling. on that note we have to say good bye stacy thank you i'm off to go find a billion superballs. right thanks was right on the shop says on the show next to all right states over the second half of a whole lot more. to
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what extent. the success self the arab spring depends on the people in their region on the arabs and to what extent it still depends on the big power brokers hide behind seal pursued that the influence of the outside powers phase is getting stronger now because of the absence of a major country like egypt but i assure you the area will be decided by iran by turkey over by russia over by america. in the absence of very potent this region which is the out of world. nato a deadly alliance without
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a clear mission decades after the end of the cold war this washington let alone its continues to exist and expand after it in a big us adventure in afghanistan and behind regime change in libya nato now looks somehow in some way to absorb ukraine which is nikos gambit. dramas that can't be ignored to the. stories of others who refuse to notice. food since changing the world. to picture of today's leaves. from around the globe. well i don't back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to duffy's
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a med and author and environment writer for the guardian newspaper where he tracks the geopolitics of environmental energy and economic crises via his guardian hosted blog earth insight welcome to the last report. ok so you write about the triple cronje of environment energy economic crisis clearly we've got this flooding going on in the u.k. so we're having you on talk a little bit about ok so i mean obviously it's a lot of people are recognizing that the nature of the weather at the moment is is a little bit unprecedented has not been seen for a good few decades this this intensity of extreme rain and flooding and storms and things like that so this is kind of certainly i think for the for the incumbent tory policy it's come as a bit of a shock because it's you know the standard line is you know we don't really need to do anything or climate change obviously we need to do some things and suddenly you
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know this you know we've been hit on expectedly boy this extreme doubt of it is a shock it's like oh most people make a comparison to katrina disaster in america where they had this enormous breach of the levees and the floods and everything collapsed and there's david cameron as well he's looking like the deer caught in headlights like work where this come from and you know it's the cost of cognitive dissonance you know for so many decades like climate chaos was something that everyone thought they could deal with next year in the next decade but it's here today right absolutely i think this is one of the things that climate scientists keep trying to say is that yeah we can't tell you exactly what will happen next year next year we can give you the broader trends in the broader trends are there will be more extreme weather but we don't know how that's going to play out but we also what they all saying is you know there's going to be a greater probability of wild cards like this so the. this is the com this is the problem you know there's a great probability that you can have damaging events in one year might be fine another year might be really really terrible this is just again so there's there is
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certainly a chance but i think the problem is that the climate change loads the dice in favor of of slightly more erratic events and this is what we're seeing and what with the record cautions of worrying because now we've got a lot some two thousand soldiers on standby around the country to con the respond so there is this there is this danger that if we don't deal with things properly end up having the military to come in and deal with things and more pop but that's not a great thing in the long term because one that's very costly to of course then there's going to be questions about will who's going to be running our civilian institutions you know in ten twenty years time if things get worse you know what we're going to see a militarization of our society a creeping move towards a ship which will be another trend similar to what we've seen in the u.s. but now looking at the whole climate debate going back twenty years thirty years it seems like climate scientists thirty years ago twenty years ago ten years ago five years ago laid out a scenario and pretty much everything they predicted is now in your face this is
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where this is what they've been saying so when i watch the b.b.c. and this week at the end of their reports on this catastrophe they'll say most as an addendum oh and some think it might have something to do with climate change when clearly that should be the lead of the story climate change is your climate chaos is here and it's going to be extremely costly why is the mainstream media here and not the guardian obviously but why is like the b.b.c. that the pick on them but they they're the state broadcaster. why are they pushing the propaganda that this might be an issue instead of coming out saying this is a fricken problem this is an interesting question because i mean it's something that this both with me about the b.b.c.'s reporting on climate change there's always there's been this tendency at it's funny you figure out that because b.b. has actually been pretty bad when the way they had to climb which is that how to balance. and the way they do by that says if you have climate scientists talking about climate change then. you have a complete non scientists whacko you know kind of theorists who maybe has an
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economics degree i sort of make that to make you want to buy the oil industry to make it if there was to represent the debate they would have ninety nine scientists talking about the reality of climate change and one wacko but because it's the b.b.c. they'll have one scientist versus one whack so the perception from people watching t.v. is that there is an equal debate that there is somehow of debate going on here but it's not a debate leading up to the iraq war and all these other wars that the u.k. spends all this money on the reason that they want in there according to tony blair and others is that there might be one percent chance of there being a weapon of mass destruction so we're going to blow a trillion pounds on that one percent chance that there might be and then of course i wasn't here you've got a ninety eight to ninety nine percent probability there's only one percent chance that this climate catastrophe is not happening and if the response is zero i mean i don't mean to you know talk about i'm very frustrated by this because i've been
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talking about this for years now that it's happening it seems that the reality of this problem is still not getting into people do not think there is i mean this public opinion which is obviously subject to the manipulation the various interests that control the media discourse and trying to put out whatever their view is but i think you know the fundamental problem is is who really has captured government policy one of the interests of captured government policy and what is worrying is that it's not the david cameron perhaps you know and other people around him believe in climate change i think the tory party is extraordinary you have the kind of counterpart in the states with the tea party the republicans you have clearly you have elements who just deny climate change but what's interesting is that all those deniers consistently have links to the fossil fuel industry and whether some of them actually believe what they're saying and i think a lot of them do. but some of them clearly maybe are interested in the truth and just want to make sure that they sustain the current structure of the global
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economy which involves which is heavily dependent on fossil fuels and the continued exploitation of fossil fuels but the fake denial industry funded by the fossil fuel industry for some reason unlike the fake people that support g.m.o. food funded by g.m.o. foods they get called out the people who've used to support cigarette smoking as supported by the tobacco industry they finally get called out but the clear connection between fossil fuels and climate change denial for some reason even smart folks and they in the us like the drudge report it does a lot of reporting and that the people who are tapped into the drudge report my friends in austin but you know your work covers not just the environment but the economy and and really how it all works together politically and there's another big element to this that people should understand it's food so talk about the food connection while the food crisis is is we would be stunned to see that with the high food prices so it's a two thousand and eight banking collapse and the kind of coinciding with high oil
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prices we've seen high food prices and that's we've seen it that's what we've heard in the news you know it's affected a lot of places it's affected things in the arab spring for example was kind of kicked off riots they've had food riots in africa and you know there's been a lot of there's been this kind of perception ok there's a food issue here but again in the in the mainstream to play it's like well this thing might go away things that the production who will catch up soon it's kind of a temporary issue but this is a result of all of the different factors coming together you've got climate change we've had these these bouts of extreme weather and erratic weather in all of the major food basket reasons over the last few years in russia in india in the night in the states grain we rice all of the main staple food crops have faced. failures harvest failures successively in the last few years because of these droughts and floods and all that common thing ok let me jump in because. you know this is this is goes back one hundred years it goes back to the office who famously was talking about the the misery of expanding populations not being able to be fed
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by a limited supply of food and then every decade or so every fifty years every hundred years there's a technological revolution in the sixty's you have the green revolution as it was called then where advanced use of fertilizers and phosphates and everything that's what the globe and the food crisis was abated and what the critics will say why isn't that going to happen again they're going to be a technological solution you know genetically much monsanto who's inventing stuff in their laboratories why won't technology save the day again as it has in the past well i think the problem with this debate as it's put forward in that way is that you've got the very abstract and theoretical and both of those sides the wrong you know you've got the mouth is also due with so many people who are going to die and then you've got the kind of the other extreme which is don't worry it's not going to save us is cool and the reality is that you can't prove all of those things that those those are just abstract and on scientific statements what we need to do is look at what's actually happening why it's happening where it might go i know that
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is the stuff we can do about it i think the reality is is that i mean there's been a number of peer reviewed papers that are quite boring which have been looking at crop yields over the last decade or so and the reality is that industrial agriculture does seem to be reaching its limits in its current form and it's because of certification soil erosion climate change and also the you know the high food prices of being underpinned by rising oil prices which is to do with this other issue of energy depletion fossil fuels are becoming much more expensive in the oceans what percentage of the fish used for food is now depleted over ninety percent right absolutely ninety percent of the fish food fish what you call food fish fish for food they create cash food fish are gone right so that's that's due to the same trends we see china the pollution it's a bad that the soil is now. screwed for one hundred years. of disaster you know nuclear energy catastrophe so the supply of food is diminishing due to various
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economic and ecological disasters in hotspots in brazil that just came out of the report huge drought california enormous droughts all being scorched so i just want to talk about we've got about two minutes left you mentioned about food prices now there's two components and food prices because you're an economist and a geo political system and environmentalist i'm going to stretch over all these different you know because you're a generalist essentially is what you are because you have actual knowledge about how things are connected unlike a lot of writers who are very focused on a silo and they get trying to be in these traps where they don't see the connection so you talk about food prices there's two components one is supply food issue there's constraints because of climate disaster but on the other hand there's also money printing that's going on to bail out banks and so in this country when the lot of the food prices and the inflation overall which is really nine percent not the government stated two percent it has to do with the irresponsibility of the
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central banks and people love their house prices going up even though it's a bubble people people who are going to what extent is this cognitive dissonance fed by that illusion of rising house prices in the money printing that's stopping these folks from doing the right thing and protecting themselves against flooding where you know the problem is that for the last say fifty years we've says this is how we've made growth happen new growth it's been through it's not been obviously there has been. real innovations in industrial basins things but all those innovations have slowed down dramatically in terms of manufacturing and more and more the economic system is relying on this finance laws they should be on effectively creating innovative ways in which to basically create debt and from creating more and more debt you create your profit because people have to pay back with interest. and this is basically how they've been creating a way of creating growth and so again it's like we've just been falling back on the same thing you know let's just basically pump more money into the system get
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inflation asset prices going up will make some money the people who benefit from that form i'm not even actually property owners assaults i mean a general average house and yeah you know for a while some people have their houses a bit more money maybe some money but the people are benefiting from this or a tiny minority of people involved in that speculative bubble who have the assets who are basically making millions and up with no billions but you can't pay that money back because in a way it's not really real it's not based on reality it's not productive assets it's not enough you can't grow you know all men's on a bubble housing policy bubble absolute and so you're running out of food and it now feels right time thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you ok that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacey herbert and we thank our guests fees i met author and environment writer at the guardian if you'd like to get in touch with us tweet us at kaiser report into next time by a. surveyor
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. that location to know is still river. how to do it well there's of the high tech said you would stop this storm we might or might people. there's a scene when you're in the arctic you have the entire world at your feet she looks like a fairly. people have access to the nuclear. the real king here is the polar bear and ice breakers come second. petition to the
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arctic can be conducted with the russian nuclear powered fleet of ice breakers. operation. russia's arctic ice breakers. this is obviously more for the latest because it's pink. women wanted to avoid rape they really needed to buy guns environ had against them. this is the one that i want to go with them once again it's the feel of. women definitely the target of the gun lobby and you don't kill them when the killing might even if so many would you would just prefer. i'm noticing more and more if that's really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to tell guns to protect their family and young girls shoot out here too so we do have
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a pink or. more kids young kids choke on food than are killed by firearms if being armed made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on earth we're clearly not the safest. cholesterol. depression. and you prove your life. are you see. form those that's. right on the scene. first street. and i think picture.
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on a reporter's twitter. and instagram. could be in the little long.
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i've. led.
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that's obviously one of the rationale for the continuation of return they want to sell the american hard tech weaponry across. the rest of it to the new countries new new markets expanding markets because most of these countries are previously on circuit equipment. rationale is still much more. than sort of the economy the bargain between the europeans who wants to europe and the united states remain committed to their security and the united states wants europeans to be no no we are no you're just i could jump in and ask you could if i could jump in and ask you i mean they want washington because they want the american taxpayer to pay for it because the united states pays the vast majority of the bill for nato so this is free riding that's what they want no no no they don't want they're not the security of this is really an evolution they want someone else in times of austerity particularly now with the american taxpayer picking up the american defense industries would be more than happy to do it.
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i know c.n.n. m s n b c news have taken some slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be. that was funny but it's closer to the truth from i think. it's because one whole attention in the mainstream media works side by side with you actually i'm here. at our team we have a different right. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not going. to the jokes will handle them.
12:00 pm
the red machine buckles after a ten round shoot out against team usa in a bitterly fought hockey faceoff the russia take solace in winning gold and silver in the men's one thousand meter short track. tonight care every minute may count for a russian pilot in the u.s. jails the prison is refusing him medical assistant archie hears from his wife and lawyer who say he's critically ill. a sliding scale of justice we find out how in israel the same crime could get you time behind bars or even not be investigated depending on one's ethnicity.


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