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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm EST

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good working immigration system how to respect the system but solving one problem may create new ones switzerland has just held a mission wide referendum in which over half of its citizens decided to limit the amount of immigrants living and working there causing outrage from brussels and threatening trade ties with the e.u. it's going to have our team. stay with us still to come a house or to stay. there's a lot of us that have been forgotten we're just collateral damage or to travel to the u.s. state of arkansas to check on the residents of mayflower who say last years of oil spill left them with no choice but to leave you area to protect their house. but coming up next venture capital with stay with us.
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i just first state of the city address new york mayor bill de blasio said that he would put forward legislation for the city to issue special municipal identification cards to undocumented immigrants he summed up his feelings by saying to all my fellow new yorkers who are undocumented i say new york city is your home too and we will not force any of our residents to live their lives in the shadows yeah that sounds nice but the reason these illegal immigrants live their lives in the shadows is because they immigrated illegally why should new yorkers bend over backwards for illegal criminal immigrants this is the same logic that if i catch a guy breaking into my house as a gracious host i should offer him a pizza because it's his home too this is not just a slap in the face to rule of law but also to the immigrants who do go through the bureaucracy and headaches to become u.s. citizens the right way the legal way so the blasio if you're going to provide these illegal immigrants with some sort of document it should be a plane ticket back home with instructions on how to apply for a green card the legit proper way just. everyone else asked the fascist my opinion
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. the g. twenty and fourteen promises we alternate in the exhilarating winter and on the instant you join me and you say no way i'm a carbon zero in on the rest of our lives take news team for sochi twenty four take . on oxy. the.
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welcome to the red caps it's been a week of tensions that soldiers with the swiss government voting for immigration limits you citizens which would be ok if the country is probably in the e.u. and enjoys advantages of free trade and this decision goes against the basic principles of the e.u. so we'll have analysis to come on that one and more tensions with britain's chancellor george osborne making it the scotland will not be able to break away from the u.k. as well as keep the pound me while the tensions on the streets of ukraine continue as the economic situation in ukraine. in the situation is in some way connected with a desire to be dependent part of the net unity on the political tensions a result from both so it's possible that stands with britain right here so as scotland gets set to decide if they want to go solo and break away from the u.k.
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george osborne state city yes vote in the referendum which also made a yes to walking away from the pound this is a direct blow to scotland's first minister alex salmond independence campaign also said a car is a union would cause great damage to both the u.k. and the scottish economy is costing jobs money which could result in u.k. tax by. as promising to bear out scottish banks and damage the sterlings value in the international markets elise that's what or is born is saying anyway so let's talk this through we've got george galloway right here he's m.p. for the respect party in britain so the question is to begin with do you think that mr george osborne is using bullying tactics or has mr salmond pick and choose options run out which side to use it on.
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well i think that the sound and sight or george osborne lecturing the scottish people is difficult one for many to swallow but at the same time his message is unequivocal and cannot be avoided it is not possible to be an independent state was using someone else's currency because the people who issue the currency as opposed to use the currency other people who will set the conditions the levels of public expenditure the rate of taxation and so on all fiscal and monetary powers must obviously remain with the country that is issuing the currency and mr sam and i think has made a huge blunder in claiming that you can have independence whilst using do you keep pound he ought to have had the courage of his convictions and said either that
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scotland would have its own currency or would join the euro zone i know why he did neither of those first of all because the euro doesn't have a particularly good name here and hasn't been going terribly well and secondly because the example of say iceland or slovakia perhaps even better were the slovakian currency lasted for thirty seven days before the world bank and the i.m.f. moved in and effectively colonized the country was not palatable as an alternative but you can't really have an independent scotland with an english queen or u.k. pound still in nato and subject to american led military political decisions and of course also still be in the e.u. and subject to all the strictures that come with that if there is a yes in september what is the wisest case scenario if full the scottish
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economy. or the worst cases are race to the bottom that's the worst case for the working people at least arista the bottom provoked by a low tax low public expenditure for charite reagonomics regime in london forcing is scottish state to chase them all the way to the bottom to cut their taxes even lower to make the public expenditure even less to make even more people are employed and scotland would then be independent in the sense that it could fly georgia flag from edinburgh castle but the standard of living of people on both sides of the border with virtually perpetual right wing conservative rule in england shorn as it would be of fifty nine i'm anti conservative m.p.'s taken out of westminster that would be a disaster for working people on both sides of the border and it's the interests of
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working people that i represent i k. george galloway we'll leave it that thank you for talking to us today for a clear on where you set where you sit on the agenda that thank you very much indeed and another political and economic relationship that is on tender hooks right now this time it's between switzerland and the european union and this is following the swiss parliament's decision to enforce a limits on the number of foreign migrants including citizens of the e.u. the e.u. has already started to retaliate to this by ruling that an energy treaty that could potentially slash swiss household spending in the future on utility bills that has been put on hold at the moment is now the swiss who are not full members of the e.u. but part of the free movement of people and gears and us exactly what the problem is the country they staged a referendum forwarded by the right wing populist party the d c but while
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immigration is the reason behind the new. regulations swiss exports sixty percent of which make their way to the and these could be at risk so that's the situation we're going to devote in this a little further hey we're going to go to zurich right now speak to hans kauffman he's a swiss politician hans hello to you can you please tell me do you think switzerland right now is risking the health of their exports being sixty percent as i mentioned make their way to the. i'm not very afraid of sanctions in international trade one should think about importance of switzerland for the e.u. we are a very huge. net importer all of you who aspire switzerland is concerned from where i sit here nothing positive can come out of this new version in terms of
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the economics. i'm not really afraid there first of all we really have three years to implement the details so the downer he's already here and our. do not see any consequences to not stop immigration read just want to control immigration ourselves that's what may change here is a is are not picking and choosing between parts of the e.u. that switzerland want to be involved with for example trade and parts that they don't want to be involved with in other words the free movement of people. well days' trade goes back to i think ninety seventy two has nothing to do with the bilateral agreement and repay your lot for the e.u. think about deadbeat terms repealed through more than twenty billion u.s.
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dollars in riyadh donated more than a billion u.s. dollars for the new ten counties so we do a lot for to e.u. and cherry picking that's simply not true i. know many are ask a politician he should really give me in details. information reached cherry's he thinks about normally then very run out of ideas reach the exceptional for free trade but these free trade we have since ninety seventy two and has not nothing to do with. agreement on the free movement of labor and as far as the other four freedoms are concerned like freedom of capital flows everybody knows theses are not really working hands can i just question that because say for example if france so jon benet said that they too wanted this kind of an on
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a range ment so they wanted to do trade with a.j. but they didn't one immigration jeannot thing that could cause massive problems so that everyone had the same contact to switzerland had then the e.u. would be in big trouble than i you know about they have smaller portion of foreigners in that county only about nine percent we are a fair twenty three percent and we have a lot of foreigners reach. becomes race so we really have an author and problem and three high notes little side on the. yah but not all a lot of highly skilled and not all of the meat that ends are from d e you'll so we have a problem as far as infrastructure is. our social network and if you look at the criminality seventy percent off the inmates of the prisons
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are foreigners so we are for problem and we just want to call them draw. and i would say we will break to sort out their problems and reclaim called the new or right hands we leave it there thank you ever so much for taking the time to talk to me i really do appreciate it credit rating agency fitch has downgraded the ukraine to triple c. rating this rating is reserved for vulnerable a condom is a means kiev is now lower than greece the agency cites political instability as well as economic factors to justify this downgrade our foreign debt is one hundred and forty billion dollars right now that's nearly eighty percent of the country's gross domestic product the country is still battling riots on the streets and ever since president yanukovych refused to sign a trade treaty with the e.u. and instead in december turned to russia for monetary age but the fifty billion dollar loan from marcia has been put on hold until
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a new government is formed all right let's now dive into the corporate world with see what's been moving and shaking russian companies this week chalet so one approaches all the football clubs allow me a f t has been kicked into financial liquidation the players are now free to join other clubs allow the twenty eight million dollars. russia's largest come on a factor after bass has said today for plans to cut nearly twelve percent of its workforce this year the job cuts will be given a g.g. measures to improve the company's financial condition this is ahead of the soon to be completed merger will run on the sand alliance and to move russian banks have lost their licenses this way if you are a troll. i'm late this is due to insufficient results and accusations of money laundering as well as come from the top hundred fifty eight russian may have their
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licenses restored twenty forty following the twenty nine last years the center by continues its policy. on staying with banks and just last week we were questioning if the banking industry was becoming more moral now this suggestion will spall its buy baltar's chief and see jenkins waving his million dollar buy in us well the latest on the find out to giant is that twelve thousand people worldwide will lose their job this shit this is due to profits plummeting by thirty two percent but the reward for investment bankers was up thirteen percent so this is perhaps why mr jenkins thought it was wise to skip that juicy bias until there would have been a bit of a backlash had he not done so start provincetown bonuses the bank is guys i gave up a little bit getting on to get about it all right i'm going to be on twitter this week of course the town doing that i'll be keeping you up to date with the business
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outside of a fantastic week and thanks for watching. the trends in. your best way to the heart of moscow. obviously. more for the ladies because it's pink. women wanted to avoid rate they really needed to i got its environs. this is the one that i'm going to go with
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them once again it's the feel of. women definitely the target of the gun lobby you don't kill them when you killing money but if somebody would he would do this with her. i'm noticing more and more that's really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to protect their family and young girls shoot out here too so we do have a pink or. more kids young kids choke on food than are killed by firearms if being armed made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on earth. were clearly not the safest.
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twelve minutes to the top of the hour now thanks for staying with us nearly a year after a burst pipeline in central arkansas led to a massive oil spill people in the area are still dealing with the aftermath officials say their homes are safe to live in but locals say they're suffering from nausea and dizziness from inhaling toxins daily for them moving away was easier said than done though as artie's guided reports. almost a year after two hundred thousand gallons of heavy crude spilled onto their streets residents of mayflower in arkansas are striving to leave the town here in mayflower
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for sale signs are everywhere almost every house on the street is on sale before the spill this was a place where people wanted to move in to enjoy the beautiful nature around many didn't even know there was a pipeline running under their houses and now they just want out many have already left and jerrel one of them i tried to stay here i tried to just be away you know as much as i could but if it rained i could not stay here because it would all see through the. all of the where the ground was dry it would kind of i guess in case it and then when it rained all those vapors would come back she says like many other residents of mayflower she started having constant headaches and coughing after the spill i have friends that live just behind me that are still here that don't have a place to go they have just small children you don't have to look at the kids in in twenty years when they get sick or find out something's wrong and they say well
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why didn't we leave mom when everybody healthfully well some people just aren't able to pick up and leave like that exxon wrote back to us saying that a unified command comprised of exxon representatives as well as officials from the state and federal environmental services has deemed all areas affected by the mayflower spill now safe to live in but many of the residents don't buy it and their homes are not selling so i would say that the number of homes sold in my flower has dropped at least fifty sixty percent but arkansas spill is only a fraction of a new oil pipeline leaks it's estimated that between two thousand and eight and two thousand and twelve u.s. pipeline spilled an average of more than three point one million gallons of hazardous liquids per year plans for the keystone x.l. pipeline a massive project that would. from canada soil since two refineries in texas have caused many to worry that they may become collateral damage in the way of big oil
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like the residents of mayflower arkansas there's a lot of us that have been forgotten we were just collateral damage in mayflower i'm going to check on our team. is we thousands of web websites and activists worldwide took part in a campaign called the day we fight back a protest against mass surveillance and growing powers of intelligence agencies. in months since the suicide of internet freedom poster boy are in swartz a tragedy many think was provoked by the response of u.s. authorities who faced thirty five years behind bars in a million dollar fine for downloading academic journals and civil liberties advocates are now pushing for congress to reform the law considering it too strict barker hagan's from the electronic frontier foundation says there's a lot to be done before politicians realize such tactics are unacceptable. unfortunately the government hasn't hasn't changed its perception here. there's been there was a proposal last year or in the us legislature called erin's law that would address
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some of the biggest concerns that we have. lost still has an advance to the point where it works past or where it can be cited and in fact received before as well as to to make our computer crime laws even harsher and so that's something that we need to keep working on idol related politicians who don't have a great grasp of how technology works understand that it's kind of persecution isn't acceptable bahrain's interior ministry says a police man died of injuries suffered in a bomb blast during friday's anti-government protests authorities have also arrested more than two dozen opposition rioters in clashes on the third anniversary of a pro reform uprising the gulf states been cracking down on this sense as the original revolt with about ninety people killed demonstrators are blaming sunni rulers for human rights abuses and are refusing to negotiate with the government dr roula also father who is also president of the bahrain nursing society described how activists
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are treated. there is a lot of injuries such as child gun which people which the ministry of interior is using against the people in bahrain broken bones head traumas and some of them of course they're very bad we end up we have to send them to the hospital to be treated but you know for a fact once they go into the hospital they will be interrogated they are all different kind of people they are in jail at the present time with the political prisoners to such as eleven photographers and there are genius seventy sportsmen and human rights defenders there still must have been excessive use of tear gas they're still hitting women they are at the using if you plenty in the country and they have to stop all these attacks on the villages and the home raids on a daily basis and the tear gas that they're using and detention of fire and then you think kids in the country then we will say there is a good deed and let's talk and we sit down and talk. turning now to some global
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headlines this hour in egypt's restive sinai peninsula three south korean tourists and a bus driver were killed in an explosion officials say the vehicle was going from a local monastery to nearby israel when it was attacked more than a dozen other tourists wounded militants in the region have been stepping up attacks since egypt's president morsi was toppled by the military last july. a bomb on a train in southwest pakistan has killed at least eight and wounded twenty of last several wagons to direct and i think separatist group operating in the area say they were responsible last week the same group blew up gas pipelines cutting supplies to millions. rescue operations continue in south africa to pull a group of thirty illegal miners to the surface they've been trapped in a band in a gold mine near johannesburg since saturday there are still maybe as many as two hundred trapped underground mining safety a major concern for south africa which is the world's deepest gold mines and are often fought over by rival groups. hundreds of far right protesters marched through
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lithuania's second largest city county independence day chanting in lithuania for lithuanians a small counter-demonstration held nearby campaigners waving rainbow flags at the nationalist lithuania known for such marches with one court even supporting the use of swastikas during the rally stay with us more to come at the top of the hour that's about four minutes away. to what extent being held you down to fix that self the arab spring depends on the people in that region on the arabs and to what extent it still depends on the big power brokers hide behind seal pursued and i doubt that the influence of the outside powers phase is getting stronger now because of the absence of a major country like egypt but i assure you. decided by iran
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by turkey over by russia over by america. in the absence of the read part of this region which is the out of world. do we speak your language i mean some of the will not advance. news programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little tune to angola's stories. are you here. to try to alter the spanish find out more visit. tito's comb. mito a deadly alliance without a clear mission decades after the end of the cold war this washington let alone its continues to exist and expand after in a big u.s.
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adventure in afghanistan and behind regime change in libya nato now looks somehow in some way to absorb ukraine which is make those gambit. was. that a. survey or dillard's that the location of addicts in boys still remember. how to do it well as of the wall hi ted ted said you would stop this storm we might think you
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know my people will die. to. her mum look. at the look gives her a plug very hard to take a look long. long have you ever sat with her hair looks. good luck. oh look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look
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look look look look look look. upon. interview.
4:00 pm
the. latest headlines in the week's top stories on our international sochi fans celebrate russia's shootout victory over slovakia and ice hockey after last night's disappointing loss against our tribals team usa. fracturing the world wide web german chancellor on the merkel proposing creating a european internet network that would shield user data from u.s. global surveillance plus. and you really feel for. the police here this goes by the rebel lines in lebanon where jihadists are raised to kill other muslims at home and across the border in syria.


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