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tv   [untitled]    February 17, 2014 12:00am-12:31am EST

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make the rest of our lives take news team twenty four take. on. a russian pilot jailed in the u.s. meets his lawyer and says despite concerns on the verge of a heart attack he's still waiting to be examined by a doctor. from gold. on monday the winter olympics enters its last week amid very tight competition right about the top of the medal table a russian hope with. a string of suicides rocking the financial world here and we try to find out what's causing them to end their own lives. on the pentagon to africa the u.s. military presence across the continent i mean accusations of oil gas and mineral resources those are the real motivation.
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for moscow. headlines that is up before we join in the life and. the lawyer russian pilot jailed in the u.s. as his client needs urgent medical help he was finally able to meet his client. who's pleased to see a doctor despite symptoms suggesting a heart attack could be imminent. it's been days that the russian citizen in a us jail is asking to examine his heart because he says he is experiencing severe chest pain and may have a heart attack any moment the attorney had a chance to see his client on sunday and we spoke with him earlier here's what he said you're shown go did appear sick to me his face was red hugh visibly had
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shortness of breath he would take pauses in our conversation compose himself he was having difficulty remembering the dates and the chronology of the different events that took place this week shortness of breath a burning sensation in the chest high blood pressure these symptoms are indicative of a soon to happen heart attack prison authorities do not comment on the health of their inmates so we have silence on that side of the story at this point it's not clear what kind of care will receive at the hospital on monday but his wife told us about the treatment that he had received so far on. about a month ago who had a high fever and couldn't get up for days almost nobody looked after him he was physically unable to cross the prison to the medical block where he would have queued for our ways because of his constant consummating he was keeping his cell mates awake and they were becoming hostile to him constantly used to be hard to man
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but his problems started after his detention in africa when he was beaten severely for three days by the people who detained him. a group of russian diplomats and doctors intend to visit constantine your shrink are in jail and earlier this week we saw was diplomatic out choir from the russian foreign ministry which in a facebook post has urged washington to quote do something because you're a shrink i'm a guy any moment the washing pilot was captured in two thousand and ten in liberia and shipped into the us where he was accused of drug trafficking and sentenced to twenty years in jail as far as his swift transfer russian officials saw it as more of a. smuggling then an extradition and now moscow urges the u.s. to observe the men's rights. now you are showing who has been promised you can have an ultrasound on monday but no cardio examination will take place you can follow the story of the former russian pilot on our website because r.t. dot com. where we are coming to you live from moscow with just
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a week to go germany leads the medal table in the winter games in sochi could all still changes athletes battle it out for seven sets of medals on this monday let's go live to a new sonali now in our source you studio a nice any chance russia could surge back up the medal table in the days that are left. the competition tough with top level athletes really putting on a show here in sochi russia is fifth in the overall medal count so far but there are high hopes for its ice hockey team because last night the so-called red machine gave home fans reason to celebrate. in a qualifying match bouncing back from the bitter defeat they suffered against team usa on saturday it wasn't easy though with victory only coming via a shootout after neither side managed to score during the first three periods the red machine squeezed through one to nothing and now will face norway on tuesday.
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has more. was a victory for russia but perhaps not in the style of the fashion that they would have hoped for they were made to work hard and pushed all the way by a stubborn and resilient slovakia it was nil nil at the end of regulation time and not even overtime could separate the two sides so for the second day in a row russia faced the lottery of a penalty shoot out but this time they were victorious it's actually america's he finished top of group a five one victory over slovenia however many observers are saying that the match between the usa and russia today was one of the most thrilling in the history of the winter olympics and we do have the prospect of the two sides possibly going head to head later in the competition in a medal much and former russia star who enjoyed a successful career in the n.h.l. believes ice hockey gold is the one the russian public want more than any other.
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make no i don't care what anybody says about he was kidding or go all the respect and i was. because he got so many superstars to play and to play to get to show others it's not every time you can see. it on the wall it's like i want a cup of soccer and the players to come and play and to be proud of their country so i think it's america i was caught. well one of the most inspiring stories we're hearing from sochi olympics is about canadian athlete danny morrison who has won bronze and silver despite having suffered serious injury speed skater broke his leg while skiing barely a year ago putting his olympic dream in doubt morrison failed to make the cut for the one thousand meter distance but fellow speed skater gilmore gio no offered him a spot in the race and he ended up taking silver in the end that was closely followed by bronze in the fifteen hundred long track distance we asked the victorious canadian what drives him. i don't know i think for me the
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secrets been. not caring as much not trying to control things that are completely controlled and i try to control things that are not even important things that are superstitions just focusing on the task. the process. of being the most southern host city in winter olympic history so she's warm temperatures offer an additional challenge for athletes we've seen some complaints from athletes of the slopes being too slushy i should mention that today is the first rainy day we're seeing are organizers will hope that that will mean snow in the mountains but up until today this monday it's been a warm and sunny sochi is guests have been enjoying the warm weather and unique surroundings as artie's martin enters reports are known as the russian riviera sochi is not your typical russian city. to be dozens of rivers streams and water falls across the countryside but not on
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a more impressive than the skate so it's out with the olympics and even with the spectacular fireworks and for the ninety minute journey from the olympic park highlights the diversity of this region ok it's not my graph or a grassy but it really is very pretty here and quite relaxing ranging from warm to twelve meters there are over thirty other waterfall. seven rapids and thirteen cascades in this area alone or thoughts in their journey from the beautiful caucasus mountains offering the perfect break from the hustle and bustle of the city the best time to visit the falls is in the spring when the melting snow brings a rush of water. this is one of the features of the sochi national park which can be easily reached the roads are excellent we're open the whole year round and on average one hundred thousand people visit next stop it's into a four by four in search of saatchi's mysterious dolman experts believe these large
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megalithic landmarks were once used as graves or shrines. there are a lot of people coming from abroad to visit the doormen they stay overnight it's believed to possess special properties and is older than the pyramids in egypt well i don't know exactly how many years older but this is a fact of. some believe that these five to six thousand year old structures have great spiritual power along with stonehenge the idols of easter island and the pyramids of egypt they have remained a riddle for centuries. music and dancing is an integra part of life in the caucuses in the village of bull shark each mile you can watch a traditional folk show clap your hands stomp your feet as the men and women in their labrat costumes perform national dontcha routines and loud drumming routines
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a very colorful display it gives a true insight into the local traditions of the salty area that are still very much alive today. between the earth and skiing there's a whole range of sightseeing activities and beautiful natural landmarks here. gardens sulphur springs historic wonders what of fools and lush green forests and with its many faces a trip here to the subtropical and black sea resort will certainly be a memorable one i want to andrews. a taste of some tourist allies beyond the olympics here in sochi although currently of course all eyes are on the slopes and stadiums and we'll be keeping you up rest of what's happening at the twenty fourteen winter games right now though back to you in moscow. i. tore it out is in eastern iowa thanks very much for that indeed. so if you studio center the ongoing live coverage of our winter olympics well right
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here on our international we want to hear well what you've got to say about the olympics as well we're getting you involved with our celebrity sports stars as well for example there's a full coverage online at r.t. thought including our very own facebook pages where you can pose a question for this ice. great right here. aka the russian rocket questions to throw at him to stay with us for that now in the meantime of course we'll be following the action and keeping count of all the medals do if you can stay with r.t. for our special olympics coverage. exhilarating and. make the rest of our lives take you. on. its all of the international live from moscow with me rule resew
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breaking news for you this hour reports are coming in that a boeing seven six seven passenger plane has landed in switzerland after a hijack attempt by the aircraft which belongs to ethiopian airlines was on the route to rome air traffic control confirmed the flight number seven zero two did land at geneva airport we'll bring you the latest details as soon as we get them for you here with this breaking news on r.t. international. are still to come here on the program but of the unbearable pressure of big banking. if you look at their actual life they can be fired in five minutes this is a deeply dysfunctional system the financial world is shaken by a series of suicides over recent weeks looks at why some are struggling to deal with the high stakes competition.
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cholesterol. depression. sixty. to improve your life. or you see. those that.
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could have you with us or an l t international on this monday there's been a string of bizarre deaths in the globe's financial circles in just the past few weeks five high profile bankers have died all from apparent suicides. takes up the story. there are untimely deaths grab headlines three of which happened within a week be it the big investment banks they work for the senior positions they held the public nature of their deaths or all three once again it raised questions. about an industry largely blamed for bringing the global economy to its knees into two thousand and eight financial crisis michael taylor a former goldman sachs bond salesman who calls himself
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a recovering banker knew this world well it's so extraordinarily competitive and so focused profit about all the transaction all that every moment like pressure turns carbon into diamonds you know extreme pressure can both accelerate human achievement some cases break people the pressure and calling the shots the form of banking we have no interest in the people it affects. because in a sense legally responsible to investors and stockholders you make a moral decisions without thinking about the impact that it has on the people job losses people losing their home and so on and so forth pressure to rake in profits or the pressure to put in more hours than your peers after the spate of recent deaths big firms did try to essentially by telling their junior staff to take more time off or at least to try not to work on weekends it's kind of
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a disconnect between what they have the weekend off will also make us a ton of money and ultimately making a ton of money is what's going to keep you around so now you strike me as a real solution you're a sly and spent a year demystifying bankers interviewing dozens of fine us workers on the condition of anonymity the degree to which bankers are trapped has been really a really important finding i think we keep on projecting this idea on bankers are masters of the universe they have everything we want but if you look at their actual life they can be fired in five minutes this is a deeply dysfunctional and ought to be abusive system so there is this real taboo in banking like the army to own up to one silver bullet. does or so your r t london. well online team has plenty of stories lined up for you on the hour every hour on our website including this report a new report revealing that drug alcohol and sex abuse in the u.s.
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military has been getting worse over the last three years what's behind this and find out at odyssey dot com. also the wild may just be a little too wild for these tiny inhabitants of a florida aquarium recognition making them. as left them with little camouflage collectors will pay thousands to keep them as pets if they like the emotion section of that's where the story is for you right now. right see. first rick. and i think that your. orders.
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welcome to the international the pentagon is pumping in cash into boosting its military presence in africa that the u.s. says by pouring in troops weapons and mercenaries it intends to turn a land of conflict into a land of hope u.s. military bases are already spreading across the whole of the horn of africa drone bases adopted across the region with the biggest in djibouti hosting over four thousand military personnel and contractors and thousands of u.s. soldiers are reportedly preparing for missions as part of the pentagon's new strategy to train and advise regional forces so i want. to look at what could really be motivating america's newfound focus in africa. hundreds of millions of american dollars of africa as the. into gone absent spending on the continent there's plenty of war materials here nigeria a case in point the west african nation is america's fourth largest supplier of
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crude oil accounting for eleven percent of all u.s. oil imports they have made a lot of investment and. they have invested so much in the oil sector and they need to protect that and that believes rafsanjani is the real reason for u.s. troop expansion in africa not to bring democracy not to help the local populations but to protect american interests and justify the reasons for being here the governess in that area. to you know the collapse of. you know accountability. and of course you know dubai is the definitive show economy couple crisis in the country provided you know it is to me it in terms of i'm going to come part of policy reasons to actually come into nigeria africa is dotted with u.s. bases and a growing constellation of small american drone outposts camp north of somalia has
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been america's main facility on the continent for nearly a decade it houses about four thousand military and civilian personnel but at the end of last year it was forced to stop flying drones in the area after a string of crashes and growing anger from locals traveling is u.s. forces are getting stretched very thin there be tasked with missions well beyond their numerical logistics capability right now and the danger will there for good like all foreign interventions is new conflicts expand shroom and all the next thing you know the troops and money to sustain these missions u.s. secretary of state john kerry says what is happening in africa so. exciting overall and we are really deeply engaged and the president
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has instructed us to really try to. light our fire under our efforts throughout the crowd but what's not so exciting is the growth of jihadists and groups across the continent thousands of american soldiers are gearing up for missions as part of the pentagon's new strategy to train and advise african militaries to deal with the threat it's not impressing those who live here. the americans have failed to combat terrorism in afghanistan or anywhere else and the same will happen here in west africa it's likely that their presence even bring the terrorists to synagogue but the president does this calculation saying well this will allow me to be a good friend of the united states maybe attract some investment or strengthen my security forces but from the point of view of the senegalese people we risk losing . the number of african leaders have expressed concern about the potential militarization of the continent fearful that america's expanding presence will bode badly for africa and hope people. r.t.
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. and the editor of executive intelligence review magazine lawrence freeman told us that washington could have found better uses for its money in africa beyond just boosting military defenses. we spent over a billion dollars supposedly in counterterrorism security in the. west africa north africa and we've seen the mali was koppel the year ago we've seen the rise of boko we committed the absolute criminal stupidity of overthrowing president khadafi so how is this security helping look at the central african republic it's been very strongly it doesn't almost it almost doesn't exist anymore look at nigeria look at south sudan look at mali there's still fighting terrorism in northern mali with french troops so all this money that is being spent could much better be spent building roads building energy power plants building water
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development projects and actually uplift the population of. fused to do that we have a military only policy right now and africa could feed itself and could provide food for the rest of the world if we developed it but the western policy has actually been a genocidal policy that is to allow people to die from famine from war and from the disease rather than developing these countries. excuse me but our breaking news for you this hour here on r.t. international a boeing seven sixty seven passenger plane we're going to show you a picture of it here on out so you know it's that in switzerland the plane right there landing after reportedly suffering a type of hijack attempt at the aircraft which belongs to ethiopian airlines was on route to rome traffic control confirm that flight seven zero two landed at geneva airport after apparently running low on fuel the airport has grounded all other
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flights in response the latest details to come to you as soon as we get them here on our international. let's get some other global news for you in brief with the aussie world update an amnesty law for antigovernment protesters is set to come into force in ukraine after the government the opposition has met all the agreed conditions demonstrators had to end the two months long occupation of the key city council building and vacate the regional administrative buildings across the country as some disruptions were reported when a group of radicals block the entrance to city hall in the capital but they didn't and in. venezuela has ordered three u.s. consular officials to be expelled from the country as unrest continues to spiral a person accused diplomats of orchestrating the student opposition protests sweeping the country at least three people have been killed in clashes between pro and anti-government demonstrators modo also issued an arrest warrant for the opposition leader accusing him of inciting
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a coup. hundreds of farai protesters march through lithuania's second largest city on independence day chanting lithuania lithuanians a small counter demonstration was held nearby with some campaigners waving rainbow flags of the nationalists marchers like this are not uncommon in lithuania with one called even allowing the use of swastikas during rallies. now chancellor angela merkel wants a separate communications network for europe to prevent spying from across the atlantic and under the current set up a huge volume of internet data circulates along the same route so often via the united states so a message sent by one european official to another just next door potentially has a very long journey before reaching its destination passing through multiple points like in a pinball machine but the new idea would allow communications to bypass the established routes and offer european web users better protection lucy caffein off has
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a look. now it's not a separate internet so to speak but more of a way to prevent e-mails and other data from being harvested by u.s. intelligence agencies now this is just an idea at this point and it is one that merkel will certainly be discussing with the french president when they meet in france on wednesday. also this weekend that she basically just approved of companies like google and facebook basing their operations in countries with low levels of data protection while being active in countries such as germany where data protection is quite high this is been a very sensitive issue here in germany mr merkel has faced sharp criticism in the wake of the n.s.a. spy scandal for basically failing to take decisive action according to her critics to protect german users from surveillance of internet telecommunications traffic that's alleged to have been conducted by u.s. and british intelligence services it's also of course a personal issue for her to some extent remember that miss merkel's cell phone was
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reportedly monitored but this idea of mine traffic effectively bypassing the united states isn't unique to europe in fact brazil along with several international partners is also currently in the process of trying to build an undersea fiber optics communications cable that would do just that it would basically route its online traffic directly to europe skipping essentially the the u.s. and it's more than just an idea it's a one hundred eighty five million dollar project construction on which is slated to begin in july benjamin is co-founder of our civil liberties group you believe germany should cut off any bank with the n.s.a. if it wants to protect itself. we can see that. this is. right in front of the services there are. they are listening to old conversations if we create a network specific network in europe it will only be true it will be listened to.
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again this is really a political stance and not something that won't protect the european cities and communications the only solution can see miss make a want to protect the communications of european citizens would be to. say from their own services. this is to protect our citizens and to project companies in europe this. part is not international law from moscow we'll bring you the latest updates on our breaking news story developing well in about a half an hour's time we'll give you the latest on it there's an update now on the program that a boeing seven six seven passenger plane has landed in switzerland reportedly after a hijacking attempt in the meantime there on the program a documentary branding that if you're watching us in the u.k. you going underground with afshin rattansi.
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i marinate join me. in part and. carry concealed
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and much much. only on the bus and. rather than invent new powerful remedies sweep you sell for the real ills that plague humanity to commit the like cancer and hypertension. the drug industry has found an easier way to maintain profit. it invents illnesses to. treat don't pose it offers an effective drugs if you but that doesn't matter no one six with your medicine from that.


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