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tv   [untitled]    February 17, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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industry has found an easier way to maintain profit six percent pay. it invents illnesses to. a party to treat them pows it offers an effective drugs if you but that doesn't matter because no one sick with your medicine from had a. week before your period. swing. think it's b.m.s. it could be. clean and still to support disorder. in physical symptoms the week
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before your period call your doctor right away because this can be a sign of a serious medical condition before their periods women tend to feel tense and this year a double anxious so to joint it's a fact of life and was the source of household quarrels back when men dominated their i don't like now they've invented pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder what a name think about it will display disorder last weekend before your period because if you have dysphoria asks of what on earth is that awful it's derived from greek place you let's just say it means sure mood is a little unstable then rudolph's it down yet now he says can be treated but i think it will be treated as equal how. eleven it is an amazing american story line it is wait another month till you don't care about any medications you're taking or if you're pregnant nursing or plan to become pregnant some women
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may experience side effects their image chemically had prozac a well known anti-depressant positive value but the patent had expired or notable twelve so they published one hundred articles on t.c.m. d.d.s. and on his phone most went below and all in one year and thirty journals they visited me plenty of samples were had as i upon them it suckers had to be taught about p.m.t. didn't it. and the solution of the new molecule involved it's exactly the same as prozac the more it gets identical it's just a different color have come to trend the price is quadruple to be a normal of course since women only take it five days a month. it's been mind boggling fillets diabolically clever no matter. what the rash.
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some of the pharmaceutical companies sell from a city relies to good to be profitable not budge you avoid all the striving and that he would see foresee a necessary to find a new drug or health problem on into something made without caesar two years existing drugs. and in one hand the health problems to match the drug they don't like the new new chemical system is reverse divest up and see his own companies have a portfolio of medications it will says she was sorta leave that for some reason we aren't earning profits so it's good for the common we invent an illness sort of problem you want problem just sell the drugs it was you niggas with madge and you're an auto manufacturer. you're not in business to make wheels of a kid the. amputees say that their goal is to make attractive automobiles. to maintain your position. on the biggest markets in every industries and
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especially pharmacy from his must solve the same problem. in other words to keep goals riving he end of story is not healthy but important is helping patients and so the harm is driven by potential profits she's the markets where sales and prices can be maximized going to see. the industry is always trying to expand the market. so it has an interest in expanding diagnostic criteria sickly obviously most people have normal blood pressure on the model because now there is a small minority presenting one hundred sixty or one hundred seventy with one hundred seventy millimeters of mercury and even smaller minority has
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a blood pressure of one hundred eighty even a few higher so the threshold chosen to define hypertension is one determines the number of patients or customers and a sales. don't. feel leads many pharmaceutical firms wanted to encourage doctors to broaden the criteria so demand a decent trade diagnosing a disease don't you so that medication especially for more people to manage it for me to take one thousand adults with a blood pressure over one hundred sixty over ninety pondering if you prescribe a medication to treat hypertension compound yeah i would go for five years it will have prevented a stroke you'll start ten or twenty people and that's good for those individuals everyone's happy for them now what if you decide me but think of the order of math . well they're going to. be most of the people taking the medication or something
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if he's zero benefit his company did but they didn't do something. if the threshold for hypertension is lowered or that could be even more people will be treated or no benefit is being exposed to adverse side effects if i did lose sales i was active eating healthy i thought i was in great shape so i was surprised when my doctor told me i still had high cholesterol that really hit me and got me thinking about my health i knew i had to get my cholesterol under control i thought i was doing enough to lower my cholesterol but i needed more help what are you doing about yours in the extreme what they've been able to do is to persuade everybody that the cholesterol levels that you find in twenty five year olds are the norm this is what we ought to be aiming at and based on this you find that the cholesterol. levels that are found in how the populations of
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france and germany mean that ninety five percent of germans and french are technically you know from industries point of view this is wonderful it's a huge market they're in the business of been able to say to huge amounts of people that you should be on the staten group of drugs to lower your cholesterol levels and lower the risk that you will have a heart attack. a stroke when a natural fact we know that if you don't have the other risk factors if you haven't had a heart attack or stroke before and if you aren't overweight and if you don't smoke taking this group of drugs just because you've got i marched in a raised. cholesterol level increases your risk of death and in the cholesterol guidelines the last major revision was in two thousand and one in the american
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cholesterol guidelines nine out of fourteen of the experts who were on the panel that set the standards had financial ties to the drug companies now this is very important because the two thousand and one guidelines almost tripled the number of americans for whom staton therapy was recommended the number it went from thirteen million to thirty six million and most of the twenty three million people for whom status became recommended based on those guidelines did not yet have heart disease . one in five people in this high cholesterol millions need treatment to be
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cholesterol community would becomes known later to their critics as the cholesterol mafia are interested in pursuing not only the the premise that lowering cholesterol can be results in better cardiovascular outcomes but in really pushing forward a promotional message to the american population. on a sort of an individual consumer level on a specific patient level and on a provider based level these multiple tiers of have targeted promotional movie. calls to get the american population concerned about their cholesterol that the new your number campaign comes across as a as a way of getting all americans to identify with the number that one should have in one's consciousness a sense of what their cholesterol number is so doctors will measure their patients cholesterol and if and the patients will ask for their cholesterol to be measured
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and if the cholesterol is side the doctor will often say mr mrs jones your cholesterol is a little bit high why don't you come back in three months and in the between now and then why don't you exercise more and eat a healthier diet and we'll see if your cholesterol goes down and then we won't have to treat you if your cholesterol goes down and more often than not cholesterol won't go down that much with these healthy lifestyle interventions and then the doctor will say well mr or mrs jones i'm sorry your cholesterol hasn't gone down so we'll give you a cholesterol lowering medication and then you won't have to worry about it but they've completely missed the boat because taking the action of exercising more and eating a healthier diet is going to decrease the risk of heart disease somewhere around sixty or eighty percent that's a normal sleep effective therapeutic intervention. and when the doctor says well we'll give you a cholesterol lowering drug you want to worry about all that other stuff that's so hard to do the doctor is focusing on the wrong thing because the patient has done
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the successful intervention to change their lifestyle the doctor doesn't understand that the change in lifestyle may not lower cholesterol but it will certainly reduce risk of heart disease bob dole courage something shared by countless americans. those are risk their lives. those who battle serious illness when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer i was primarily concerned with ready myself for the cancer but secondly i was concerned about possible post-operative side effects like correct dysfunction e.d. . often called it the you know it's a little embarrassing to talk about. but it's all poured in that incident of their partners bob dole lost the presidential election against clinton now clinton. not only was president but he probably also didn't need it but. he needed both the medication and the money you know presidential campaigns are expensive and. so he
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became a spokes person for this i'm brand of campaign and he really was associated with vadra with progress. and this was very important because. this thing of talking about it so you really needed somebody. very senior very well respected very conservative ok you can't have a hippie or an old rock star talk about you really want to penetrate you know middle america the more conservative people because there's more of them then than all the hippies. so this is this was perfect ok perfect person senator coming from the south war veteran very respected talking about e.d. it made a difference for many many people. we said well if bob dole has the courage to talk about it i can.
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but. i didn't know that you know the press is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy shrek albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our crowd simak we've been hijacked why a handful of transnational corporations will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once built up i'm tom hartman and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem. rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america to find ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture.
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we welcome an era named in abby martin to be terrific hosts on the r t network. it's going to give you a different perspective give me one stock tip i'll never i'll give you the information you make the decision don't worry about how breaking the sun works it's a revolution of the mind it's a revolution of ideas and consciousness and frustrated with the system midstream might be a problem she would be described as angry i think i'm a strong enough under single. president scrambling for answers in cairo. as if we don't want to live in france
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pennsylvania. was michigan and like to install mr tiddles it's a fuse in the trillion dollar amounts with the production of a drug like zone's divide the report you have industry doing and able to persuade is that any variation from one hundred percent. rigidity the whole time is a dysfunction it's an illness and that it needs to be treated so where before we had a group of older men who had other physical conditions which meant that they couldn't perform from the sexual point of view who would have been extremely small market for drugs like viagra now we have young men in their teens who are being encouraged to think of things out up saluted the perfect the whole time that they have an illicit and that's the pillars and to the problems that they have.
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i did to see if it's even. good to see because you shoot your gun. to. the dictionary to. the decrease it occurs to. you see somebody on a. mission ship excuse me to the best chance to find a public sympathy to pretty recent i just picked up the sunday newspaper about a week ago and in the sports page there was a full page ad for cialis which is a product for a male dysfunction so mortified. and. another form of monitoring to mean is taking a drug that might have occasional use or even routine use like a drug for e.t. when a man wants to be intimate or have intercourse he thinks about taking his viger or
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his cialis makes sense but the ad had two things in it one it was a coupon and it said cut this out bring it to your doctor for a free trial of cialis so that caught my attention you could say ok you know getting the consumer involved in thinking about their disorder and their symptoms a form of market expansion but it also said take cialis every day to be ready. so kind of preying on a sort of male stereotype you never know when you're going to be ready for sex so you better have your system but very clever marketing it's become a maintenance medication.
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selling the place you. seem. to have. a good example of the marketing of a diagnosis would be depression diagnosis physically major depression and then i'd have sixty's and seventy's anxiety was the big diagnosis everybody had some kind of and was i had a disorder and the drug class for treating anxiety disorders was ready to hand it was the benzodiazepines that is the drug class to the clues librium valley grown
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men some of the big drug users once are there that are in fact called anxiolytics ok. and with drug companies marketing to minnesota has opinions what they market it was a variety so that physicians were encouraged in the one nine hundred sixty s. and seventy's to see anxiety when a patient comes in and sits down and the patient's been a little bit weepy and tired but is also nervous and anxious well you've got anxiety disorder we're going to prescribe value ok and then what happened in the one nine hundred eighty s. was that the benzodiazepines librium and value him started to be associated with addictiveness and both the public and the physicians fled from them in panic thinking by god we don't want to put our patients on drugs that will addict them and this then created a huge opportunity for depression they enter the picture you know when you feel the weight of sadness you may feel exhausted hopeless and anxious whatever you do you
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feel lonely and don't enjoy the things you once loved things just don't feel like they used to these are some symptoms of depression a serious medical condition affecting over twenty million americans this led industry to persuade people that where they thought they were anxious before and they weren't that behind. the i mean size he is they thought they had lay an illness they were depressed they had to ellis who came was lowered serotonin levels and these pills were going to be like this woman's they were going to top the sewer total amount of up depression may be related to an imbalance of natural chemicals between nerve cells in the brain you just shouldn't have to feel this one more only your doctor can diagnose depression everybody can recognize symptoms and. depression is defined as five out of nine symptoms of
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a given list of nine symptoms for at least two weeks duration. those symptoms include sadness lack of pleasure things like fatigue insomnia loss of appetite lack of concentration on your usual tasks roles as well as thinking about death. slowing down and mobility called the cycle motor retardation and a few other symptoms like that so as you can see just from that list a lot of people could meet that criterion could have symptoms of fatigue insomnia sadness not interested in their usual activities and so on for a period of two weeks after many many different stressors. now what's happened with these criteria is that they aren't only used in clinicians offices if they were only used in clinicians offices many clinicians would make the discrimination between a normal response to loss loss job loss love whatever betrayal. versus
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a true mental disorder at least someone but what's happened is these criteria have become so they are fighting the culture they are considered the definition of mental disorder officially to person it's emotional. that interest states that. pain. five out of nine criteria is a little arbitrary probably people who have less than five criteria might have a borderline or milder condition and in physicians' offices these checklists they use actually say if they have less than the five symptoms then they may qualify for subsidies romel or sub threshold or minor depression goes under various names so you see how the you go down a pathway from these specific symptom criteria it takes you down a pathway that leads to virtually any episode of sadness due to a loss of life as being potentially have followed gys and treated kind of what
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a magically with medication. does exist in minutes to two shows will be produced on me you'll have to settle for less. the minute he keep it was appreciative. of a huge. meal but in the late one nine hundred ninety s. three selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor in group drugs began to come off patent. and this left industry with a problem first of all they could have replaced the s.s. arise with a new group of of antidepressants if they had drugs that were better and yes that's right if they had drugs they were more effective than yes that's right they could have said to doctors well yes all these patients that you're treating for being depressed are depressed but we now have a better group of drugs to treat them with problem for industry was that they
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couldn't actually produce drugs that were better than the older drugs who were there before hand and it seemed to intercede to increase me to industry to be a better. better strategy to do what they had done twenty years before which was to convert patients who have been seen as being anxious over into cases of depression but now to convert them from cases of depression into cases of bi polar disorder i ponder just litter is challenging and can affect you john and family and friends for years and severe mood swings racing not unusually high energy and was extremely irritable when you had manic depressive the list you often had a mood which was high and meant that you had to go into hospital and you remained ill for months when you went depressed you had a mood that was extremely severe could lead to you maybe committing suicide lity
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being in hospital and were often ill for months from industries point of view changing over to bi polar disorder meant that they could begin to capture any of the normal variations of mood that we all have a disorder is a sign thing is many depression. in the nine helps you understand what's happening to you. but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. bipolar one disorder as it was termed was much the same kind of ellison's classic manic depressive illness was but industry have been able to pick up research that has been done at there which suggests that there's also by
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polar two disorder and bipolar three disorder and bipolar four disorder and bipolar spectrum disorder and what these refer to are pro aggressively milder and milder variations and they elicit that you ultimately get down to conditions where if you or i have a mood going up and down during the course of the day if you and i monday morning here if you're feeling the way an office feel on a monday morning and that's low mood and later on during the afternoon as things have gone well you're going to be in much better form if you keep a mood diary as industry have encouraged people to do then you produce a curve at the diary and your and courage to to think and your doctors also encouraged to think that curves like this which go from being low to
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high even during the course of a single day are in fact the early forms of bi polar disorder and of course doctor it's a good idea to treat the early forms of the a list before it becomes more severe and treatable there's a tremendous pressure now because of the definitions. of these disorders and because of the freeness of handing out medication. there's a tremendous pressure on people to function socially optimally at every single moment and if they do not if they are role impaired as the psychologists are saying then this suggests disorder and suggest they should immediately go and get medication it seems to me one could argue this point but it seems to me that the kind of world that we're constructing potentially here for our children and grandchildren to inhabit is one that does not allow the full freedom of human
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emotion. crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want.
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i've got a quote for you. that's pretty tough. stay with substory. let's get this guy like you would smear that guy stead of working for the people oh titian's the mainstream media are working for each other right bribes vision to fight. the good rather. wealthy british style. that's not tied to the tide of. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mikes cause or for
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a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. i think. we're going to show that you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution which says i that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy which affect all books. i'm going to go i'm tom r. and i'm a show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying to try to fix rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america by him for ready to join the movement then welcome to. go on to our been a washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture.


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