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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2014 2:00am-2:31am EST

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transit. your best way to the heart of moscow. same sex limits the kansas house of representatives waves through legislation that would have enshrined in law the right to discriminate against homosexuals. the u.s. agrees to provide medical treatment to a russian pilot suffering severe chest pains in jail after a very strong demands from moscow's foreign ministry. it will survive it only my son came home the international talking to the prisoners mother to find out how the family is coping with the ordeal. and sliding on to the podium rushers bobsledders winning gold to push the host nation now into second place at the winter olympics medal table look at how the duo prepared for victory.
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the world's top headlines live from moscow international with me rory sushi very soon joining live in soft chief a more elaborate coverage but for now the decision by the kansas house of representatives to pass a bill which would have allowed the legal discrimination of gay couples was met with outrage across america a somewhat embarrassed state senate now plans to sink the legislation which would have allowed people to use their religious beliefs to openly deny services care or or employment for that matter to any same sex couple. kansas lawmakers have outraged the gay community here in the u.s. says you know last year the u.s. supreme court ruled that the ban on same sex marriage is unconstitutional so you have states that have a brace this ruling and you have states that are trying to shield themselves from
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that ruling and here's how kansas is doing it kansas lawmakers have passed a bill that would allow businesses and state government employees to deny services to same sex couples if quote it would be contrary to their sincerely held religious beliefs so according to these lawmakers forcing businesses or state employees to deliver services to same sex couples is a violation of their freedom of religion and speech gay rights advocates are of course outraged over this some say it could be worse than party simply not allowing gay marriage because we're talking about services that could include medical care so state hospitals can potentially turn away gay couples at the door and deny treatment and this bill would protect them from discrimination lawsuits if a gay couple calls the police an officer may refuse to help them on religious grounds that's how broad the language of the kansas bill is we're asking residents
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of washington d.c. one of the most gay friendly cities in the u.s. what they think about this bill. i think it's really terrible i think that employers should not be able to just like not let same sex couples have the same benefits as regular married couples based on their religious beliefs that's a fundamental contradiction of separation of church and state he like that's why. why why do you think that. i don't think that the state. should be able to force people to do things that go against their religious beliefs kansas's not alone so-called religious example more so big. proposing idaho mississippi ohio oklahoma or even twenty states have last protected residents from discrimination based on their sexual orientation but most states do not and it
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seems last year's supreme court's decision and we are all trained to equal rights for gay couples have prompted some of these conservative states to take an even more aggressive stance against the gay community in washington i'm going to check on our team there are eight u.s. states as well as several cities and counties which have what is called a well know pro homo provisions in arizona for example homosexuality cannot be officially described as a positive alternative way of life in alabama and texas well education must emphasize that homosexuality is not an acceptable lifestyle there's no anti gay statute in kansas but one l g.p.d. activist earlier told us that same sex couples are discriminated against on a daily basis whatever legislation is finally enacted. in kansas we have no anti-discrimination statute which includes sexual orientation or gender identity
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even if the supreme court tomorrow were to be clear that the kansas anti-discrimination bans are unconstitutional residents of kansas could go right ahead and discriminate against so it's kind of a smokescreen that a lot of people are drawing up that this is really about cakes and waiting to get yours on people who already have the ability to turn that down because there's no connection to your sexual orientation the main thing that this bill will do that will upset the only community is it will enable the government government employees to continue to pick and choose what marriages they are valid by the statute so even after cyclone prostitution all they're trying to give employees and the government the right to go ahead and turn down citizens and i could be any employee of any government agency but all the way here on r.t. international edward snowden's lawyer is detained and interrogated by customs officials in london it's just the latest such incident or jasko while she was put
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through and watching things whistleblowers are being specifically targeted by certain countries. but for now on the program a russian pilot jailed in america will finally receive medical treatment after russian diplomats insisted he was in need of urgent attention a cause a teen yet to show income has been suffering severe pain and according to his lawyer could be on the verge of a heart attack and we had a chance to speak to his mother who insists that her son is being left to suffer for absolutely no reason. i sometimes look at what i got here and think to myself way but let me take your pain away i will survive it all if only my son came home i only get to talk to him once a week it's too expensive to call you know when you feel normal he's not guilty why are they driving him to his death what did he do wrong i keep asking what evil did he cause to the united states what did he do did he kill somebody did he rob
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somebody no he's not guilty of any crime. and moscow is still waiting for washington to allow a russian delegation of diplomats to actually visit in person. an associate you're going to now taking a look at the case of the exploited. in twenty ten detained in liberia and the sting operation brought on to u.s. soil in twenty eleven sentenced to twenty years behind bars for conspiring to internationally smuggle drugs the case of russian pilot can go stirring relations between moscow and washington returns to the headlines yet again a man with no previous criminal background anywhere in the world someone who has never even stepped foot on u.s. soil prior to his being snatched up by u.s. officials became the first russian citizen to be sentenced in the u.s. for an intent to participate in a crime that was built by special agents posing as drug dealers arrested in a third country after the imprisoned pilot's numerous cries for medical help remain unanswered in the u.s.
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his lawyer after visiting the man in jail recent alarm saying his client needs urgent medical care if he is still live seeing your shadow seems to be on the brink of a heart attack prison officials say they will now look into his health with an emergency checkup at a hospital but moscow is demanding that the russian citizen being held in a new jersey prison be allowed a proper visit from russian diplomats as well as russian and american doctors for a full examination of his health. are still to come here on r.t. international where money to buy trust one of britain's biggest high street banks suffers a major blow to its image of the leaked customer data becomes a goldmine for cutthroat brokers that full story just ahead for you. but for the meantime here on the program russia has surged from fifth to second in the winter olympics medal table but faces a big fight at state over the last few days of competition live knowledge studio and a nice and hopefully a nice a a russian high on hopes. they
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are indeed but there's plenty more challenges ahead and russian fans know that better than most it's going to be a busy day for biathletes and speed skaters among others but so far as you said russia's second overall thanks to the bobsled team they won the country's first gold in the event for over two decades and by the way one of process champion bob slayers is also an arm wrestler that pastime called some tension we're hearing with his teammate not exactly happy that arm wrestling led to some training sessions being missed luckily they got over that they got the gold we caught up with the break man who told us teamwork is the key to success. let them know what. let's be objective it's a team sport where the result is a combination of many factors it's the pilot's work it's the brick it's coaches and the comics who team together it's a winter formula one of our new great pilots with
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a great. well it's going to be a day packed with action here in sochi especially since the snowboarding by apple on events which were canceled on monday due to thick fog are now expected to take place today and tonight all eyes will be on hockey with russia needing a win against norway as artie's entered farmer reports. there's only one place to start of the one that's the men's ice hockey because russia taking on norway for a place in the quarter finals the pressure is mounting on the host off they failed to reach the last eight automatically but they really should beat this norwegian side you have lost three opening games and also have a limited squad because they only have something like one player in the n.h.l. compared to something like russia sixteen however there's been no word of caution from one soviet legend i think it's going to be a. little bit. boring for the team because you have played against norway but it's
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you have to or understand you know no there's. so you have to be aware they have to respect your plate against you know that same time you have a chance like to see different language nations and to see what's what you have today and. what you plan for the next trial to the quarterfinals well many people are predicting a russian win but what about the norwegians there are plenty of them here and we caught up some. lose. some big game with russia. saying pressure to be strong expect to be very interesting and. nor we will do good but i think the russian bear will crush them unfortunately for us and we'll see whether those predictions come true at the bolshoi. before that norwegian fans will be cheering up here in the mountains because the heavy fog from
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yesterday does appear to have lifted and that means that the men's starting the will go ahead only on a billion dollar and you know wage and he's going in that these are record. winter olympic medalists for the russian interest you to do look out for the name if you can get any chance he's looking to add to the bronze medal he got last week. while the sochi games have been full of examples of olympic persistence number more so than four canadian snowboarder. the thirty three year old won silver in the women's snowboard cross taking some revenge for her heartbreaking defeat in vancouver four years ago back then martin had suffered a bad crash in training before the race started injured and in pain she finished twentieth and failed to pass the qualification round so a great comeback for her here in sochi and she told us she was happy with the slopes as well as getting to me a chance a chance i should say to meet new people. you know it's my third time in racing in
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sochi last year to get this new condition wasn't easy for sure. this year it's only spring condition and we used to race in those kind of snow kind of condition and then there was an ad that they gave their men those course was really good and they did a great job in the course it was there for sure and a good bit bigger and we used to ride but it was really fun and good speed a good show. that's good like a fair with people to see out and see great experience with everyone and i would like to see them for sure now the olympic games can be a thrill ride for the fans just as much as the athletes but if the emotional roller coaster isn't enough for visitors maybe they would be interested in a real one artist explains. hold on tight saatchi park is here will almost be official opening is this summer
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all of the guests are in the park to come to get a taste of what's going to be on offer located next to the fish stadium it's taken an international team months to design and prepare the attraction estimated to cost over three hundred seventy million dollars this year on the. supermarket hirsch on bushehr fairy tales. we want to see the people trencher experience eventually park will feature thirty five rides and attractions based on mission total i continue as a year round from. medical five feet in plans the highlight for many will be the adrenaline filled rights including russia's tallest and faustus roller coaster. for different thrill seeking activity i head inland located near dillon pick cluster of chrysler pollyanna energetic visitors here must be prepared to climb zip swing balance and jump through the forest the tree obstacle course blends the mountain
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views with a variety of elements ranging from easy. to well extremely challenging i feel like i'm a member of the moscow state circus so far so good perhaps they should include this . artist martin andrews having some fun there here in sochi right now all the action though is in the mountain cluster with women battling it out in the giant slalom world renowned celebrity violinist vanessa may is among them representing her homeland thailand will keep you up to date with everything that's happening here at the olympics but for now back to you in moscow good looking day for olympic sports and i we had our such and such a headquarters thanks very much for that well we are following all the sporting action all the victories right here we've got all the details for you on line as well motor seems to grab not use facebook but in particular twitter look about over six hundred thousand people following official twitter page you can find the latest comments and pictures are from the athletes themselves this is one paul walker from
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team great britain driver tweeted a shot from behind the scenes or just before they got to getting prepared for the race ok yes all very glamorous picture but it's cool though because behind the scenes when you don't get to see things like that so stay with us here on r.t. international the very latest from sochi to come your way twenty four hours a day. twenty fourteen promise is the ultimate in exhilarating winter and. joining us now a make the rest of our live news team for sochi twenty four take. on. winter games on fold german t.v. is explaining to kids what their role about. such. is a city in russia how the head of state in russia is. and he doesn't always respect human rights in his land focusing on politics rather than sports and offering
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pre-teens a controversial view of some very grown up subjects awful story just around the corner. no cholesterol pianists depression. pretty well sure to prove your life. are you safe. for those that's. running you'll.
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feel. what is the latest worldwide headlines for you live on r.t. international human rights advocate and edward snowden lawyer jesselyn a radical says that she was interrogated when i arrived at london's heathrow airport she was detained by customs officials and faced what she describes as hostile questioning it was a line of questioning that went beyond the usual that went into who i represent as
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an attorney any kind of line of questioning into my into the details of my work and specific clients is beyond the ambit of what any normal customs official would ask i've never been asked these kinds of questions and found it to be very intimidating and hostile case journalist david miranda was detained at london's heathrow airport in august last year he was questioned for nine hours all of his electronic equipment was seized just because of his well loose affiliation with edward snowden and jesselyn radack saying this is a trend. i feel like lawyers and journalists are now beginning to be targeted at the borders of countries in the western hemisphere in so-called democratic countries and it's a threat to press freedom when journalists are questioned and it's a threat to the integrity of the judicial system when attorneys who are
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working on someone's case are being harassed or intimidated on the basis of who they represent online for you right now with the u.s. prepares to pull out of afghanistan the pentagon is up another part of central asia . and lethal aircraft could soon appear. as washington considers opening new drone bases right along afghanistan's border details of the highly controversial idea. why you're the stories for you as well in qatar at the cost of hosting a major sporting event is being paid in human lives hundreds of immigrant construction workers have died while building stadiums and infrastructure for the twenty twenty two football world cup those details disturbing up best a website. eleven twenty am here in moscow a banking giant barclays is facing a crisis of customer confidence this offer the private data of thousands of his
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clients was leaked medical issues income salaries savings insurance policies all apparently used as tools of manipulation by unscrupulous brokers listen to pony boy . when you go to the bank in on subpersonality questions about your finances the last thing you expect is that your aunt says i'm going to be sold on to rogue traders but that's exactly what happened to twenty seven thousand barclays customers here in the u.k. it was an anonymous whistleblower who handed some of that stolen data over to the mail on sunday newspaper revealing the worst case of data loss from a high street bank the police are now investigating i want to go public to stop it getting bigger it was pure gold to brokers who most of made a fortune out of it because it gave them a psychological edge over potential investors their victims the files contained customers passport money and health information as well is that attitudes to risk
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the whistleblower described it as a gold mine that could be manipulated by traders running investment scams i think people know that big banks like barclays really can't be trusted and we saw p.p.i. and libel actually two point four million people switch away from big banks to smaller banks that they thought she could look after their money and more ethical barclays say that they're contacting all the customers involved in the data breach which they say relates to people who use their financial planning business that close down back in two thousand and eleven. protection or customers data is a top priority and we take this issue extremely seriously this appears to be criminal action and we will cooperate with authorities in person in the perpetrator of the banks already had to pay a two hundred ninety million pound fine for its part in the libel rigging scandal
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they've also had to set aside two billion pounds to compensate people who were missed so payment protection insurance but regaining trust after this latest. blunder could be something that money can't buy. see. so venezuelan oil which is given to three u.s. consular officials for us to leave the country in response to a week of national honor rest of a look right here. thank you i just. pouring in president nicolas maduro accusing american officials of fueling the student protests all under the guise of visiting universities to hand out visas and washington calling the allegations ridiculous at least three people die fatally shot last week in clashes between pro and anti-government demonstrators gregory will put all three of changing venezuela by taking power in things caracas has good
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reason to be suspicious. but i think one has to see their conditions in the context of u.s. history and its interference in latin american and american countries over the centuries and you should look at history there's of course a long. series of interventions. especially the last governments in america very very suspicious of u.s. government intervention if you combine there also were so revelations that. leaks about the. u.s. embassies activities in venezuela one can see here a clear pattern director of the u.s. government has been working very closely with opposition organizations and not only . the new opposition groups. the t.v. broadcaster in germany which i aim to teach kids all about russia has a very peculiar message the president is a villain and the opposition is wonderful it are all of our reports. touchiest
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understand what she is a city in russia the head of state in russia is alleging that putin and he doesn't always respect human rights in his land this is how to have been kids t.v. show logo he dealt with the build up to the winter olympics if he didn't show up look at some other clips and you see the show dealing with complex issues in the simple ways to get it at a pre-teen audience. bloody me a poor teen this hopes and flair so many people in russia who think that like david korten is in power way too long and that it is known that he will win the election before the vote even started regarding critics of the kremlin alexei in the bayani a galaxy never least put his opponent down and he has always declared it out loud and many people think that's the only reason why he had to go to jail in the komodo to athletes going to the winter games of the islands out to find they find it bad that human rights in russia are not always respected he comes out to the program
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make his state funded channel c.d.'s and i've asked him specifically for an interview about the potential for use in the show they declined but did send this reply by email. is aimed at children aged eight to twelve years old children appreciate the logo logo manages to portray even the most complex topics which children to understand moreover daily reactions of children to the show are that they're mostly on board with logo content data reported this also applies to political issues whether national or international policy. they haven't been children are being used in the media as a tool for that they should be told that everything that comes from t.v. has been pretty chewed and now go out there and prove for yourself the opposite they always tell the negative things if it's different it's bad if it's different it's dangerous sin city if we're trying to give me an interview i want to speak to those who fund the broadcaster and the taxpayers as is now. children take what
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adults tell them as truth at that age with this kind of information we do not good for our kids child psychologists also agree that children as young as eight is all fully capable of real critical sort of walked is being shown to them at that age they are not rebellious they're questioning and they might not quite believe this program an eight year old can't put the whole picture together these are all of us see jenny never trust the drug companies it's important you watch what's next.
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i just her state of the city address new york mayor bill de blasio said that he would put forward legislation for the city to issue special municipal identification cards to undocumented immigrants he summed up his feelings by saying to all my fellow new yorkers who are undocumented i say new york city is your home too and we will not force any of our residents to live their lives in the shadows yeah that sounds nice but the reason these illegal immigrants live their lives in the shadows is because they immigrated illegally why should new yorkers bend over backwards for illegal criminal immigrants this is the same logic that if i catch a guy breaking into my house as a gracious host i should offer him
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a pizza because it's his home too this is not just a slap in the face to rule of law but also to the immigrants who do go through the bureaucracy and headaches to become u.s. citizens the right way the legal way so the blasio if you're going to provide these illegal immigrants with some sort of document it should be a plane ticket back home with instructions on how to apply for a green card the legit proper way just like everyone else has to fashion just my opinion. twenty four. exhilarating. to. make heaven and the rest of. the sochi twenty four take. on. rather than invent a new powerful remedy sweep you saw for the real ills that plague humanity to commit the like cancer and hypertension. the drug industry has
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found an easier way to maintain profit six percent that it invents illnesses to. a party to treat them pows it offers an effect of drugs if you like that doesn't matter because no one sick with you no medicine from at. the four year period will hear it. swing. think it's be an ass it could be p.m.t. .


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