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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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but i suspect. everybody told you if you did you know the press is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck help us. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing america emma are you ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. long term arbonne in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture republicans call president
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obama a socialist every time he makes a speech about the economy so why are they bad at senator bob corker for interfering with the free market is a sure we'll talk about that and more in tonight's big picture politics panel also every four years the best athletes in the world meet to compete in the olympic games but who really benefits from. the athletes or the corporations sponsors and fascism yes fascism is alive and well in modern america but not in the way you might think i'll explain it it's deleting. you need to know this republicans are literally forcing hospitals to close their doors last week the lower okon a community hospital in glenwood georgia announced that it would shut its doors for good at facility has been struggling with this finances for years but things got
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really bad over the past few months in the hospital had to layoff. almost one hundred of its employees according to lower or kone c.e.o. karen o'neill the hospital's problems were the result of strained resources the reason why of course is that republicans are refused to take medicaid money goes to hospitals to pay for uninsured people wheeler county georgia or lower coney is located is the type of place that the affordable care act obamacare was supposed to help back during the reagan administration a law was passed that said that hospitals had to accept patients in emergency rooms regardless of their ability to pay that created an enormous expense for hospitals particularly in areas where there's a lot of uninsured people one in four wheeler county residents do not have health insurance one in ten are unemployed forty percent of its children live in poverty the only problem is georgia republicans have done everything they can to make sure
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that obamacare won't help those people who live there that's because like republican lawmakers and twenty five other states across the country georgia republicans have blocked obamacare is medicaid expansion. behind the idea behind obama care's medicaid expansion is really pretty simple states that except the expansion allow people earning as much as one hundred thirty three percent of the poverty line to enroll in medicaid in exchange the federal government pays one hundred percent of the cost of their health care for three years and ninety repeat ninety percent of that cost every year after that forever for struggling rural health care providers like or lower okotie hospital medicaid expansion means the difference between staying open and shutting down is the albany herald recently pointed out in the article about lower okon is closing medicaid expansion helps world hospitals by turning many of their uninsured patients into pain patients
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unfortunately georgia governor nathan deal and other peach state republicans have decided it's more important to sabotage president obama's signature achievement that is to help the people who put them into office thanks to their refusal to expand medicaid as many as fifteen other georgia hospitals may be shutting their doors in coming months but it's not just georgia hospitals that are struggling to stay afloat without access to expanded medicaid funds according to the tennessee justice center almost half of the sixty one rural hospitals in tennessee may face major cuts or closure without medicaid expansion when hospitals close down people have to find a new way to see the doctor and for people who live in rural areas it's often means having to drive tens in some cases many more miles away to get to the nearest hospital or hospital closures don't just hurt the patients they are at the hospital workers as well or to some house to a struggling ospital have laid off almost five thousand people just since june mostly republican states that have refused to expand medicaid whatever way you look
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at the republican refusal to expand medicaid is a disaster it's a disaster for health care providers it's a disaster for hospitals and most importantly it's a disaster for working people. we just want to get access to affordable health insurance republicans made a huge stink back in october when it was revealed that obamacare would force a tiny minority of americans to change their health care plans so now that their sabotage efforts are literally forcing americans to lose ospital. will they come around to support medicaid expansion. joining me for tonight's big picture politics panel are laurie sanders outreach manager and policy analyst for the our street institute sweet progressive commentator and hewing is a member of the national advisory council project twenty one black leadership network thank you all for joining us. so you know you heard by rant about this
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isn't it rather hypocritical for republicans to go hysterical about a few thousand people having to change their health insurance plans but then when entire hospitals are being shut down to just go radio silence and why won't republicans in georgia for example in these other twenty five states let the taxpayers of the state they paid federal income taxes money went to washington washington saying we'll give you the money back in the form of free health care and the governors are saying no we don't want the money sent to california. but look there's there's one tiny little thing that you know that you miss ok so you're saying that you know government the federal government pay x. percent in an improper to do paid ninety nine percent of all medicaid funds how is it that you're going to strap a congress years down the road promise that you're going to use down the road with that commitment you don't know what a future congress is going to we're going to want to honor seventy years of social security good forty years of medicare we've made our case and i don't know what it
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is working out really well no check has ever been missed from any of those programs i think that's the big point you know as we've heard republicans again and again come out and say oh we can't afford to take this bill we these billions of dollars worth of medicaid money because somewhere down the road we may not be able to afford it the only way we're not going to be able to afford it is different public can succeed in repealing obamacare and that's the lie that proves the truth and it's really important that people be aware of that when they hear republicans complaining about medicaid expansion because the real way is to bludgeon this into thinking that it's bad so we won't think it's a big deal when they repeal it but this isn't true at all or a i mean the deal with my. nick cave and why it's harmful for the states is that as opposed to the federal government the states cannot just continue to print money in perpetuity to make up for their liabilities so if medicaid becomes increasingly expensive for the states then it's going to be something that they can actually shoulder the cost on as opposed to the federal government also i think the real issue here is why we would want to get more people on medicaid which is already been proven to not prove to not increase their health outcomes right we should
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actually be looking for a better solution rather than continuing to put them on what is a sampling system of two things. medicaid is a single payer health care system so it's far less expensive than running it through like united health care the schemes twenty percent off the tops of steven james lee can have over a billion dollars in as c.e.o. of the guy before a dollar bill mcguire took one point six billion dollars all these fancy houses all over the world built by united health care so you know you can't have that operation know your child has to die from that medicaid is a single payer program i mean it's the most efficient way to deliver health care what's wrong with it i think people forget that even if these health insurance programs that we've set up by the government programs like medicaid and i think lawyer was referencing the study about oregon's expansion of medicaid but they did long before obamacare ever came into being even if those programs don't necessarily improve people's outcomes there are still excepts because they reduced. the medical
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to that and so on lori as you said medicaid has been shown to work i know nothing about anything that indicates anything other than that ever since the sixty's when medicaid came into being and by the way since that time the states pay you know the federal government to pay sixty four percent the states pick up the other forty six percent and every state when it first started it's voluntary when i first started there were dozens of states that said no we don't want to take the money we don't want the why ability now all states are in and have been for forty years where has it failed it's failed because i am referencing the oregon study which you mentioned that are going studies showed that people who went on medicaid had to have better health incomes think you have. contrarious think it was the gold standard and study it was yes that what they had and what the organ set while they were ok was a wonderful study what it indicated was that when people who had never before had health insurance suddenly get health insurance they tend to follow the same patterns that they used to follow which is they continue to show up in the e.r. and that represents a challenge for oregon one of my daughters is now running one of the obamacare clinics in portland oregon and there were their outreach is to reach out to these
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people and say don't go to the er to the emergency room anymore you don't have to do that you can actually go to a doctor's office this is it oregon is responding to this and other states are as well yeah i mean there are deeper problems at play in our health care system that prevent people from getting positive outcomes medicaid or medicare and these health insurance programs are supposed to mitigate one of the major problems which is i must say not to be able to just wander in and we need to move along the next topic here about immigrants but i'm just wondering real quickly how is this topic i've been seeing all these headlines republicans think they're going to win in two thousand and fourteen by saying you democrats you're responsible for obamacare i can understand you know among fox news viewers but i don't how is that going to play with the rest of america. i mean honestly i think it's a lot depends on how obamacare continues to roll out but i mean we can already see that obama himself isn't proud of this law because he continues to push the deadlines back i think that says a lot about how twenty four again it's going to roll and i think that has to do it provided no incentive it's one thing to continue to tout the positive things of the
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law that's called spin that's fine but we already know that obamacare has failed in rolled out we don't we see that we'll see cost explosion there hidden video right now i don't think that c.b.l. is already that are designed to exist this is to mix the regional price tag over the next two over the next ten years so i think that republicans do very well to continue to tout so you're negativism so a bomb here so let's speaking of obamacare the california state legislature at least one state legislator senator ricardo laura has suggested that california should pick up the health care costs. not using federal dollars using california dollars of undocumented it immigrants in that state of course illegal immigrants in that state. why would anybody oppose this isn't just a tenth amendment issue i mean if the state of california wants to do this isn't that their right. it is a tenth amendment issue but i think the thing is we still need to have a discussion about instead of going around immigration if we want to reform it
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let's reform it through legislative process i get what you're saying about i agree this is i don't know if you do a google search it's immigration still sits in the federal government this isn't this low is this a war laurie is this a public health issue i mean you don't want the guy sitting next to you who might be an illegal immigrant to be coughing tuberculosis on you because you can't go to the doctor and find out why you cough it certainly is a public health to share mean it's why we you know for a long time in this country have allowed people to go to the emergency room and receive care when they need it it is true also that we need to get people into a regular health system i mean it might blow your mind but i would really like to see an expanded immigration i think it's terrible that people have to come here illegally because of how restrictive our laws are i think this is perhaps not the best decision for california as it seems more likely than more illegal immigrants will continue to migrate towards california making it a more costly first time but it's up to them to decide how to play that out yeah i mean i don't second so yeah i totally agree with laurie i think outside of whatever
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you think of immigration. these undocumented immigrants are going to affect the cost of health care in california and need to find a way to ignore it but i have a picture the politics of. it got a quote for you. it's pretty tough. as they were it's about story. let's give this guy look let's be here about guns instead of working for the people most issues the beach were pretty broad runs deep into. the bedroom. if. it was a girl i'm very sorry to take a look once again here. live happily ever had sex without hurting
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their feelings. color. image of me what. if .
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well go back with me for tonight's big picture politics panel are laurie sanders nate sweet and he knew some and let's get back to it over the past few weeks rand paul has has been calling bill clinton a serial philanderer a predator you know. you get what he gets that what he's trying to do is smear bill clinton's hot wife but it's. hillary who but during an appearance on meet the press this sunday mitt romney of all people which picture this. do you see this as a pair and not just hillary clinton. i think hillary clinton if she becomes the nominee you will will have plenty to discuss about her own record. i don't imagine
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that bill clinton is going to be a big part of it being so number one i'm curious everyone's thoughts on this and you know is this. for what it's worth i think that rand paul is just you know there's the most dangerous place in washington d.c. right now is between cameron rand paul he's just trying to get as much camera space as he can and this is something that you know it's it's outrageous enough but it still pander to the base that it gets him on t.v. a lot but you know is and then secondarily the other question i have is do you think that this is going to be a race between hillary and they're running. down i don't think has another race in him this that would this would make it a third presidential run i don't think you have to move the race in them but i do respect you if you do you know that's true. i don't know if the third time's ever been a charm but for mitt romney i think he makes an excellent point and clearly wrong
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rand paul was barring that opening shot in the twenty sixteen presidential election that's fine politicians will do a politician will do but there's another to discuss with secretary clinton's record at state as well as her record as a senator and mitt romney's exactly how this focus because it doesn't have to be surprised by the merges of china economically in russia militarily and even in the region that's enough for me for us to discuss i think that's where the focus of what i think is interesting here isn't so much that i mean it's pretty obvious that rand paul is trying to pander to the conservative base i don't think anybody disagrees with that statement or questions that analysis but it's interesting the way he's doing it because he's not going out there and attacking hillary for being you know this butch macho woman like republicans did in the past but he's still trying to attack the clintons and hillary for their relationship and in that way he's trying to pander. so that conservative base that still has a large voting presence in the republican party but he's doing it in
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a way that's cognisant of how other people aren't republican and where independents or going to look at you know these clips from talk shows two years from now he's doing it in such a way as to try not to make you know potentially witty male voters find them offensive that's just something just clicked in my brain you know a lot of the obama bashing has been about making obama the other more emphasizing the other. by talking like this you're saying well these people are married but they have a relationship like you would never they're the other you know she is or is she the good wife or. i mean i think hillary clinton has been a good wife i think. in the public sphere and i mean i am a wife i am a mother i admire you know she her making her decision and her sticking with that i think you know she's done very well first off and i just i agree i don't think there's a lot to be gained from bringing this up we have so many years. i think you're kind
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of right i think he's just trying to play to the base a lot of people have a lot of personal fears about the clintons he thinks that he brings them up then that will sort of help increase this profile for now without having to get into anything too serious right i mean it's a bit of a cheap side and he's clearly running one hundred four republicans house republicans have signed as co-sponsors of the so-called stop this overreaching presidency. great acar stop act as a resolution that calls for a lawsuit against president obama over his use of executive orders to delay obamacare is employer mandate an act the dream act and allow people to get to buy junk insurance plans the actors pick up steam since the president made executive orders a centerpiece in his state of the union address and you know why or why republicans freaking out about this i mean if you look at the history of use of executive orders were. we've got a graphic of the cereal this is the history of the user graph of executive orders
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in the cube to the president who has done the fewest is obama. f.d.r. really beats them all but hardy and hoover coolidge and taft teddy roosevelt and jerry ford they're all republicans. i mean i think i think looking at the numbers is asking the wrong question the question isn't how many executive orders has the issue of the question is what executive order says he is sharing and are they within the bounds of his authority as the president franklin roosevelt was putting japanese in prison all right but do we want to hunt osama to the same standard you know putting americans in internment camps or do we want to you know raise our national discussion and talk about something a little bit better so where he's not interning at the legally but he is doing things that are perhaps not the best. work. i think that when you pass a law and he's clearly stating the law that this is how it's going to work and it is an act of congress that it takes an act of congress to change it there certainly will go and i don't in any way mean to imply that
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a lot of missions don't get it right on the power to to enforce the requires the president to enforce the laws but gives a huge discretion you know how do you force them so it's been made we need maybe we do we can have a discussion through the course and figure out exactly what where the limit is you want to have the supreme court in the middle i set the course this was this is to go to the supreme although you know your. heart is the only court that has the authority to adjudicate anything between the executive and legislative branches but the thing is we do need some sort of view of the severity of these laws because this massively changes the biggest law that he signed as president there's no question about it just being soft on it doesn't. mean there is a iraq. that's the. huge cost of this severe because what i think is what i think is particularly interesting about the stop act is it's pretty magical one of the problems that they're about. party is running too many injuries because of these gerrymandered districts
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a lot of the people within it's within the house republican caucus when it's base want to try to paint obama as this period tyrant that's burning the constitution to the ground i think a lot of people have seen really far out right wing posters where obama is burning the constitution and the founding fathers are sitting there crying i think that's one of the goals of the republican party here partly because it appeals to their base and partly because they think because it appeals to the base it's going to appeal to everyone else but i really don't think it will i mean obama's been president for five years now they've been running these sort of attacks since the day he took office it doesn't work for the general population most people i think are sick of congress trying to be are being obstructionist when it comes to legislation and the normal functioning of the federal government i think most people are kind of comfortable with obama flexing around his function his boy and i think a lot of people like to see a president with some muscle when it comes to making sure laws come into effect who are not going to affect. too because i can flip the same thing scuse me and say that you know because. the brakes on their mandate the individual still have to go
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buy insurance certain date so if you spin it that way i'm sure the general public not just those being corporations are already providing health issues. that are already provide health insurance so it's really a relatively small number so i get a few hundred maybe a few thousand of them watching these employer mandate. of yours because those companies or if there's a tens of thousands of employees with those tens of thousands or maybe even hundreds of thousands of lawyers all have health insurance right now so it's not this is not part of a public health crisis this is part of their computers won't talk to the insurance companies computers that won't talk to the obamacare computers and everybody saying it's going to take a year to figure this stuff out but this still is a problem that's a bad thing what in this also isn't just about the obamacare mandates changing rate the stop act it's about so much more than that it's about him you know deciding which immigrants get deported now i think obama has a terrible record. deporting immigrants who are trying to be in jail he's great to be here i mean he has deported more than any president in history but i do think
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that republicans are right to look at and say you know which how is he choosing to make nice to say that all the kids want him to throw more children i think obama wants to throw a lot of people in jail. he's deported a ton of people already he's kicked out more like i said kick out more people than any president has certainly not doing on saturday while wrangler going to write about how he's soft on him it's just how does this guy when i just think this is this is part of the conversation that congress and the executive branch and the judicial branch have with each other i think for much of the obama presidency we've seen the legislative branch having a big part of that conversation i think it's a good thing that the executive branch is taking hold of the conversation i hope he does more well speaking of speaking of the executive branch our friendly falling over public record is really one of the really good investigative reporters working in this country just. came out with this report of the trans-pacific partnership of the people negotiating that he's got these huge bonuses u.s.
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trade representative michael froman for example received over four million dollars as part of a multiple multiple exit payments from the when he left citi group to join the obama administration meanwhile stephan selig the former bank of america employee who was tapped to serve as undersecretary for international trade at the part of congress received more than nine million bonus pay as he was nominated to join the administration october i mean should be should anybody be paid nine million bucks by their employers as they go into an administration this is happening under both presidents of both parties for you know basically the better part of a ball forty or fifty years and b. doesn't this raise questions just about the whole negotiating p.p. and secret process all this other stuff. so i think there are two issues here the first issue is that kearney ism is a huge problem here completely right that you know this sort of open door sliding back and forth. from wall street to the head of the administration is
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a huge problem that's led to all sorts of regulatory advantages for kerney corporations and that's definitely something we should be concerned about but the secondary issue then is if we cannot draw from wall street then where do you get good talent when it comes to negotiating large international treaties or things like that because we certainly also want the best person for the job and good people who have negotiated large international treaties in other areas i mean i do definitely agree ray i definitely agree that it's not drawing from here from australia from kearney corporations is the better way to go out. i think history speaks to the biggest problem of money in politics i think what happens isn't so much that you have cronyism and people who have some sort of inside relationship with the federal government but then you have an ideological capture where the only people that are considered worthy of negotiating trade agreements are people that worked on wall street think as you say there is no. ideological capture or is that regulatory capture i think is an ideological and as you say that happens in both administrations and you know the best of the best don't necessarily have to be in
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wall street sometimes that does spill over into the regulatory or where you have people that are influencing policy when it was just just decided to let longer believe h b b c c u s h b c yes the big bang h.s.b.c. i think you go from monitoring you're just not to do too big to jail. and this is a real problem and elizabeth warren keeps asking this question when you take these people to trial i mean ronald reagan took like a thousand of these people to trial six hundred one to jail you know charles keating is probably still in jail conservatives have been decrying the meirs between this administration and big bankers and ken lay is probably going to grow in italy right now drinking beer anyhow it's great to have you with us through lori . thank you so much for joining us coming up the destructive weather sweeping across the country right now is just a sampling of what the world would be like if. global climate change keeps up its current pace so what can we do to prepare local communities for the strange climate
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times ahead the answer right after the break. a chance our foursome at. the. six nations and the finish line out of merit on.
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my husband. and. i would rather ask questions to keep building positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question for.
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right now another winter storm is wreaking havoc in parts of the northeast after sweeping across much of the midwest and it's likely that thousands of americans will be left without electricity as the snow and winds blow through the winter storm of the barrel up the east coast wiped out electricity for more than six hundred twenty five thousand homes according to most recent estimates the nation's aging infrastructure is partially to blame for the high number of powder power outages this time of year the sort global warming and global climate change and it's climate change continues to rear its ugly head we're going to see more and more storms that will wipe out power for more and more americans so to adapt to this climate crisis should we be centralizing power and energy in america.


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