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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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on larry king al of the biggest name in tom of stan lee what makes a good superhero they have said have flaws because even i hate to say this but even i am flawed everybody is you and stand i know it's hard to believe joanie said to me if you want to quit before you do write one book the way you'd like to do with the worst that can happen is he'll fire you when you want to quit anyway and that's what i did the fantastic four plus all of our superheroes mostly have been american to want to get a chinese one we're also working on indeed one shock rock i'm working on i can't announce it yet but i'm working on a latino superhero all next on larry king now. plugged
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in to larry king now he is one of my all time favorite people he's stanley the man who changed the face of tom a glimpse he's cold creator of some of the world's favorite superhero spider-man iron man incredible halt the vents hasn't fought dead devil x. man the list goes on and on stan is chairman emeritus of marvel and a member of the editorial board of model comics he's the founder chairman and c.e.o. of power into de mint his latest project is stanley's mighty seven in which he has a starring role his first ever mighty seven previous february first on the hub network at eight pm eastern five pacific before we doing to go us in iron man two you played me. why didn't you have me play me well because then they might have wanted you to play me and you'd never have done that it was easy to play you
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what i had to do was where there's this bend is and everybody said hey isn't that larry doing all the cali oh you have a model tommy you choosing no i have nothing to do with it as a matter of fact i go to the studio they they send for me and they say have put this on get out in front of the camera and do whatever the director tells you now one of the funniest things about that is one day i walked there was wearing a white shirt a pair of jeans white sneakers and i walked into a wardrobe she said well you'll need a white shirt a pair of jeans and sneakers i said great he said to try these on i said but i'm wearing them you know you've got to wear ours and i had to take mine off which was a comfortable and beautiful and fit perfectly i had to put on the studio's outfit and then they spread to have pinning it to make it look as good as what i had more than one king it's hollywood stan that's doing cameos kids are growing up with i pads and whatnots and everything that's changed as the world changed in your realm
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the world changes for me every day like i didn't know i'd be being interviewed by larry king until a short time ago and this is a hell of a big change but now everything is to change i mean you take our characters we could never have put these movies on the screen and let them be the hits that they were years ago it's all because of the ability to do these special effects so you like technology oh i love it and i love you you started as a guy drawing comics in a comic book that's right well when i was doing the comics to me that was technology we were making little drawings and somehow or other they appeared on a printed page in full color that was technology who was a comic book hero as a kid my comic book hero was flash gordon i love flatow yeah i also like the. tara you know i don't remember whole he was a villain i'm getting i like batman better than superman oh well that man had more
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carrots i didn't fly ok what makes a good superhero oh golly he has to be unique he has to be different he has to be empathetic you have to care about him and he has to have a weakness if if one of the problems with superman for me and for the company that owns superman was that he had no weakness they had to would invent krypton just to get something that would make you worry about when he was fighting somebody you're famous for you give them flaws right you like to superheroes have some flaws some they have to have flaws because even i hate to say this but even i am flawed everybody is you is then i know it's hard to believe what do you make of the real life superhero squads that are popped up down in san diego there's a real well i hope they don't i hope they don't get hurt because they don't really have super power and they go around dressed up as as superheroes and looking bird situations so i just hope as i say that they don't sometimes get involved in
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something they can't handle i love my comic books my kids of fourteen and thirteen and i don't remember them reading comic books when they were seven eight what comic books still around yeah they're still around and these big is they were not i don't think so i think what happened with much else when comic books were big there was no internet there were no computers there were no movies with special effects see comic books the superhero comic books were really like fairy tales for grown ups because if you think about it when you were a kid even you i'll bet you love fairy tales stories of giants and we would sit and watch it in my daughter's horse you get a little older you're too old for fairy tales then you discover these. comic books it's the same thing you have characters that have bigger than life in steria than life so you can recapture that old feeling you had when you were
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a kid i miss that i miss serials in the movies we had to go next week to see what oh yeah i think we love them so many comic books have been turned into movies our writers today where that is a different world writers today different than the comic book writers in comic book writers in my time with people who were starting out as writers and some of them made it some of them didn't today comic books have become so important to writers that they get the top writers in america and the world writing comics because the write a feel as if i write a good one and this is going to turn into a movie and i'll be involved what's his secret in the good comic. revathi it it's the same secret as with any good story and i'm not sure it isn't mostly brevity it's the idea you have to care about the hero as in any story you have to worry about him you have to wonder how was he going to get out of this is all of what
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we're talking about male oriented mostly mostly it is because most of the audience for this type of story is male however it's beginning to change believe it or not iron man has caused most of the change because women are just mad about robert downey jr and his portrayal of by and man and because of that they're now tuning in to more and more of this type of movie and then you have a movie like captain america they love captain america was a great movie it's what keeps you gone people you know talk about your new venture in the next as well but ninety one no idea oh you should have seen me when i was eighty nine and i was parked like you are a seven will take it easy i'm one of the good guys. and one. of them go. drop the web losers write off it's a i know it's a little gray on the outside but i still need woods on the inside now is
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a clip from stanley's my eighty seven hoodoo stanley i don't know one of the at majors that a great job well anybody makes me not look like a freak i figure there's a great job but i didn't realize listening to it i was wonderful i didn't know i was that good man i stole the show ninety one your first starring role why now you know i had one before that years ago there was a movie called mall rats remember that that moritz and i had a starring role you described it as the world's first reality comic book and that it made a series explain that well you know reality television shows is so big now i want i like to get on the bandwagon whenever i can find one and i felt if we're going to do a cartoon an animated movie for the network i want to make it more different than anything before why not make it a reality animated cartoon so in order to make it
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a reality cartoon we have real people in it i'm as real as i know i can get so i minute we have a few where the real be you let him believe she is in a gym baluchi inclusions later they don't read the voices right every had just one asked them on me hammers and it cleon down chris they're all voicing superheroes i was the rose new heroes they're all new heroes actually they're aliens from another planet which is not unusual in a superhero story you've got other new diverse superheroes coming annihilator chakra oh i know i allays and ian wright and i await it is a. movie we're doing together with a chinese production company and he is a chinese superhero but it's not a chinese movie it's like spider-man or ryan man or any other it's a typical stanley. superhero movie that features the later at the super heroes is that new well we want to all of our superheroes mostly have been
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american so we want to get a chinese one we're also working on an indian one shock right right and i'm working on i can't announce it yet but i'm working on a latino superhero we have a black one marvel has called the black panther which will be a movie pretty soon another latino part needs a why haven't we had a latino that's what i'm worth i know why not salute you with was late this is the the thing is normally when i would sit down to write about a superhero i think of a normal american one because i'm american and i'm surrounded by you know in this country but lately i've been thinking we've got to be more worldwide so we're starting with chinese indian latino and then we'll keep going this is the audience always constantly coming aboard the new kids get a little older maybe computer oh yes if you if you do a good movie good television series anything good you'll get the audience there's
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never a chance to work people want and detainment people wanted to adventurous stories they just want him to be good your name is synonymous with marvel you have any creative control over iron man fantastic four the avengers none at all is that i love the way i like it these lady like you they know what they're doing the best in the business we get the best directors screen writers actors and so forth all i do is sit back take a lot of credit and that's just fine and make money well you get paid for everything that happens you know i don't know why not well it's not a lawyer it's not part of my deal they are your heroes oh well i created them but that's ok where did i put it down at all as you know the company treats me fine when i created these i was a writer for hire and i get paid a salary and everything i wrote below. to the company and that's fine with me the company has treated me very well how did you get famous what made us know stanley
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why do i know stanley and that's why you know in comic book i'd like to think because i'm such a wonderful television guest but other than that i know why you and what i did was i signed my name and the artist's name on every story that we did so any story would say by stan lee and jack kirby by stanley and john buscema by stanley and steve ditko and john remeet and on and on so i guess if people read enough books and saw my name and all of them they got to know me and then i try to personalize comic books instead of just the stories i wrote little messages i have a column called stand soapbox where we just talk to the readers not even necessarily about comics anything that came to mind i was like a literary allen what's your name again larry king like eight and you think this is kept you young this life you lead maybe it's kept me energetic certainly because
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i love what i do when i can't wait to wake up the next morning and do another story you read a story you write with young people in mind you know and i write with myself in mind what's it like when you see one of your creations come to light you created iron man and you see robert downey but that must be magnificent that was a real hoot for you it is it really is and as i say without any help for me they are creating such beautiful movies producing the greatest i mean i love seeing these movies just like any typical fan will evolve to stan lee's mighty seven premier's february first on the hub network eight eastern five pacific when we come back he's the most popular ninety one year old on the planet who trace the early days of stanley back when he was awarded around would lincoln and those of us. old. technology innovation all the developments from
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around. the future are covered. i marinate joining me. for in-depth impartial and financial reporting commentary contribute and much much. only on bombast and on. the chance our force. in the finish line of the marathon.
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and that was stanley's looking forward to stanley's might be seven year ninety one you know it was abused feel might be what was it like to feel bad i don't know i hope i never find out you fear death. i don't see a death. i'm curious i can't imagine what it could be like because i personally feel when you die that's the end it's like it is a shame that the engine is or i think that's it but how can they have been nothing forever you know what i mean. to imagine and i believe that the not exist yet so i can't i almost can't wait to find out but i'm not in a big rush. you want to be a serious right now to get my comics well i needed job and there was this newsletter is in new york yes i applied there was a publishing company and a cousin of mine read it and i heard that there was an opening there and they
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published mystery books and girly books what books all kind of books and there was that a little comic book line and i didn't know where they needed the assistant it happened to be in the comic book line so i was hired by joe simon and jack kirby and i was supposed to fill the ink welds you know they used to make in those days that run down and buy him a sandwich and do proofreading things like that after a while joe when jack left i was the only guy left in the department and i was about seventeen and a half and the publisher came in and said stan can you run things until i find a grown up well when you're seventeen and a half what do you know as i'm sure i'll handle it and he must have forgotten to look for a grown up because i stayed there ever since i became the head writer of the editor and the art director you were known in world war two as the playwright right yeah i worked in a group that did training films and instructional manuals for the troops and william saroyan was there and there were
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a lot of big name hollywood people with there i was like the token nobody in that group how did spider-man come about. i needed a superhero i had done the fantastic four and the x.-men and my publisher said hey they're doing well do another one so i came up with spider-man and i said to him i got this great idea i want to quote spider-man and he's a teenager so i gave him the idea and he said stan that is the worst idea i have ever heard he said first of all people hate spiders you can call it hero spider-man secondly he said he can't be a teenager and teenagers are only sidekicks and finally he can't have personal problems don't know what a superhero is so he wouldn't let me do it one day we had a book we were going to kill called amazing fi fantasy when you're going to do the list issue nobody cares what you put in it just to get it out of my system i put spider-man in the book and we sold it and it was
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a bestseller so my publisher called me in a couple weeks later said stan you remember that characters spider-man that you would i like so much when he can do is series and that's how spidey was born will how you come up with the name peter parker is that you know peter parker with a p.p. i have a bad memory for names so i try to give every one of my characters the same first letter is less than a letter so if i remembered one of them it would give me a clue to what the of the name was you see any danger of violence videogames juvenile delinquency that whole thing was used to be said about comic books you know i really don't because i've been exposed to all that sort of thing and everybody i know has been and we don't run out and commit violent crimes i think people can tell the difference between a story and real life of your carriages would who would you choose to protect you from evil. any one of them they're all be greatest friend probably spider-man no
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but and i think iron man iron man is my type of guy you want to have a beer with iron man who would you like to date your daughter. captain america if larry king were super power what would my power be a voice. i have a character with a voice that is a super power actually was that every time you thought about quitting the business . yes just before i did the fed has stick for i said to my wife i'm sick of doing these kind of stories because at that time my publisher said don't worry about characterisation don't worry about plot just give me a lot of action but for the kids want action and i was giving them a lot of action i said i want to write a story not just all that nonsense so joanie said to me if you want to quit before you do write one book the way you'd like to do it the worst that can happen is he'll fire you when you want to quit anyway and that's what i did the fantastic four luckily it sold so then i was able to do the books my way speaking about your
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wife joan spend sixty five years sixty six we know newcomers to others she put up with you oh she's lucky as hell i'm the most amusing guy i know this she likes all the work you do. and she's not really a comic book reader that's why we get along so well she does her thing i do my thing she was actually more talented than i am one day she said to me stand get me some paper i want to write a novel i see you've never written anything so no one write a novel she wrote something called the pleasure palace submitted it to del it became their lead paperback seller of that month first book she of a wrote never wrote another one because she got busy with other things the sexy book that we had a very very uneasy as my wife. did she write about you in the pleasure of her house well i mean i imagined i was every one of the characters but she could have been anything she was an actress a model a singer at a dance so when i met her and i said the stupidest thing a man could ever say to
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a woman i wanted to sound much oh so i said to her no wife of mine is going to work and she said ok she could have been supporting me all these years we have things in common we both jews both come from new york both poor justin says mine surprises me does it surprise you. oh yes pinches self yeah all the time you know me too you dreamed of writing the great american novel than i did years ago this way i had changed my name to stanley i didn't want to use my real name for the silly comic books but then i became known more for the comics as anything so i legally changed my name to stanley what was it my name was stanley martin lieber a real normal name once that sounds like a pulitzer prize winner in fact i used to write a signature stanley martin lieber as if i imagine some day it would be a famous name we have some social media questions for you on mondays stunned am
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tweets do you have a favorite movie version of a hero yeah one of the things i loved you wouldn't remember you're too young that was a movie called the scarlet pimpernel with blatantly howard i'm in a movie and i love the book and that movie was wonderful and that it was like the first real superhero that i read about mark was done facebook writes great artists such as jack kirby or frank frazetta a very recognizable styles how much does the art or artist style impact the writer's ability to tell the story well it isn't the artist's style as much as the artist's ability to tell the story every good comic book artist would make a good hollywood director because when they draw a panel they have to decide what is the best angle what is the most dramatic way to show it and it just depends on how they can interpret something this style all of them of good styles it's more their interpretation than this style that counts at
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king the nation via twitter is god a common theme then inspiration in marvel comic books. i don't think so i don't think people are considering that that much i wrote a poem called god woke if anybody wants to google it they may get a kick out of that but our oh god walk but as far as the comic books themselves i think the writers that too busy trying to come up with a good villain who can trap the hero in our hero get out of it that's mostly with the thinking of joan v. to twelve wants to know what do you think of the big bang theory the show has reopened the world of comic books i think it's wonderful especially since they gave me a role in one of them and it was a very popular role as well lead a team tweets what is one super hero you'll grant regret approving to be made. none of them and love them all and fred felt tweets will they make
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a wolverine x.-men avengers spider-man fantastic four crossover mega movie someday when marvel gets all the rights to them unfortunately legals legally some other studios of the rights to some of the characters but they'll all come together soon at a later should and later reverend feeble twenty three wants to know what your favorite non marvel more related movie is none mabo i have so many favorite movies in the air at the wind on the waterfront. all the quiet man with john wayne i got millions of them came kong and little game called if you only knew a carrot did that didn't take off that you wish had well i had a villain once called the blow i thought the name was great i loved that but i didn't know what to do with them back jack kirby and i had to do a story very quickly as that is the dylan diablo and he's such and such but i didn't give it much thought the book came out it was all right but i never knew who
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diablo really was and i never used him again first person you kissed a girl named martha yeah i belonged to a little dramatic group when i was a teenager in brooklyn and actually was in the bronx the bronx and she was a member of the dramatic group and we were playing a little role i was only about fifteen years old magic is are and it was nice favorite t.v. cartoon the simpsons no doubt about it what i've done two roles in in me two i've had a lot on what keeps you up at night what worries you. whether i'll be able to come up with a good story tomorrow technology you refuse to wrap your head around you know i wrap my head around all of it i love it my only problem is i don't see as well as i used to and it's hard for me to read the little type and some of these i phones and so forth but i love technology if you aren't a comics tycoon what would you be. i'm probably under employed and i don't know i'd i'd like to i'd love to have been an actor actually and i'd like to have been an
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advertising man i loved advertising i treated marvel halfway as if it was an advertising campaign with expressions like welcome to the marvel age of comics make mine marvel was marvel based on captain marvel no not at all it was just the name i would have been love a marvel comics no we called ourselves marvel comics and somehow or other that we got the rights to the name captain marvel and when they wanted d.c. one thing to do captain marvel they had to call it not captain marvel i think it would take what was the name he used to sit to become captain mark as them they called it shows them i believe. the favored decade of your life right now i guess less time someone called you stanley lieber. when i was about fourteen years old character you wish were real oh any superhero they're all wonderful i wish they
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were all real we have a great world anything you regret. you know that this interview was no longer i'm having a good time greatest accomplishment. you know probably the comic books i came up with what superpower would you like i think the greatest superpower in the world would be luck because just imagine if you were lucky nothing would go wrong guy takes a shot at you with missions about the power to be invisible all right but i wouldn't know what to do with it except spy on women go thanks to my guests the great stan the manly stanley's mighty seventeen years february first the hub network then one of you can find me on twitter against things i'll see you next time.
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i. cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. well if you're willing to come up with a life. policy it's like you know. i
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should have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher. though there i marinate this is boom boston these are the stories that we're tracking for you today. first up former treasury secretary larry summers marked president's day on monday with a warning that the u.s. is headed towards a turn of the century british economic policy i'll tell you all about it coming up and then we have david stockman live on today show all be asking him about the
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policy of debt and laissez faire capitalism you won't want to miss that and finally in today's big deal i'm joined by boom bust favorite rachel perseus will talk about a new book that's making waves the financial industry little prats beware saw from an up in all starts right now. mr crabtree this is much use to the country is a cultist. maggie smith what a wonderful lady. that was downton abbey and i truly do love that show now downton depicts the lives in a room of in a risk to credit family and their servants and post a war to an era.


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