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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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on larry king now the adelaide they had clearly artist terry crews i'm always know as the best guy in that terrible movie. i'd never ever ever thought i would ever get in a work i was the artists in the whole thing but it was one of those things where i thought it was the only way i'll especially in the city i have moments in my life of astounding immaturity and mounting what i was like whoa i have to something that in spirit is empathy and i had to seen myself through my winds up and through my kids' eyes and that seems everything plus you're on special teams so and that's those are crazy run down the field and had somebody i was knocked out on monday night football and i hit a guys so hard i'm not myself. all next on larry king now. what
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larry king our special guest is terry crews a professional athlete turned consummate actor you know him from his roles in everybody hates chris beats spendable zweig chips the newsroom and is the never not unclose old spice guy terry currently plays sergeant terry jeffords on the golden globe winning comedy brooklyn nine nine in which he generally whizzer shirt brooklyn nine nine airs tuesdays on fox and all of this he somehow managed to write a book it's titled aptly manhood we'll talk about all that later how do you go from the n.f.l. that you were in the end of zero seven years six different teams special teams right out of western michigan what do kids who acting well you know i was an art major. i said art scholarship before i had
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a football scholarship so i was in the painting drawing a whole thing but coming out of flint michigan no one was going to pay me to paint . michigan let miller city in america that i had to find a way out that i was the artists in the whole thing but it was one of those things where i thought it was the only way out especially in the city i mean that about a book a ball track that was my way out and. so i got into the arts but i walked on the west of miss universe the whole thing but i always knew i wanted to be in the movie business but behind the scenes i thought i would be a special effects are it is you know be an animation the whole thing and a friend of mine once i moved out there lay a print of mine invited me to an audition and the first thing i ever auditioned for i got which was it was a t.v. show called battle dome which was like american gladiators on steroids it was we were big or small they put me in a cage ok they set the ends on fire so you could get out then they put the
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contestants and the pole point was to throw me out of the case i played as warrior named t. money and a whole thing and the show came on at eleven o'clock at night i was syndicated it was telling about all the old have you been working ever since ever since never stop and it's rare in that there's yeah you know now you showed brooklyn nine nine is kind of everybody was shocked when the golden globes had won why would they shut it's a funny show they had only show ten episodes and believe me i was up anybody yeah we knew you knew it me out of the oh my god why did no work i mean first of all i'm always no at the best guy in that terrible movie. i've always been a dude i met movies but. you know so i offered it my whole career i've never ever ever thought i would ever get an award for anything because. it's just you know
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michael elliot in the olden globe yes night yes and they opened up the envelope was what went through your mind you know first of all remember andy one first for rest actor and when i was i was and i was chillin i started eating dessert i was like man we are going to be good we've got the pub we want it everything they'll be great so when we lose it's going to be all good and we got it and now. i can hardly breathe you know we did and then i think i'm going to get to be on state now there's leonardo dicaprio there's barn oh oh there's mail to give a bandit a go go now that's an i was nominated our show was nominated for everybody hates chris the first season golden globe but they wouldn't let us sit in the room because only chris rock and the creator were allowed at a table and i remember looking through the window at the beverly hilton and i thought well then when did we know what sally happen to be and what's it like to work with sam bird he's rather you know he's an improv kind of guy but you know
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what this is the thing i work with comedians and andy samberg is where the heart is working guys in the biz see it's like athletics and this is one reason i love him so much you know when you really practice you make it look easy you know i mean you make mine in the past like you make it look like you're improv and the works nonstop on his delivery on his or the lines on what he's doing and i said i can get behind a guy like i'm forty pop out of town to play around you know i want to show i want to do some something with some people who are going to work what you like but i will be on your own newsroom at the same time and right right well actually good news well i did the first season a newsroom right now to talk about doing a third season and hopefully i can get some of those in but i love i mean i love doing it all why does brooklyn nine nine work i think it's because of the cast i think andre braugher you know andy samberg stephanie beecher's chelsea peretti told the truth with me we could all. all be on our own shows doing our own thing but we
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all chose to unify we're like the avengers you know me as i am the hope when you have a script for brooklyn nine nine did you think it would do well judy i get right away yeah you know what another thing the creators dangour make sure they created my favorite sitcom parks and recreation and i say we are and we're in good hands and these guys you know to cut their teeth on the office and conan is it true you said the jeff daniels made you better i was so watching him say on the areas in my eyes you know that aaron is a playwright ok so we were not allowed to change any of the lines you're not allowed to do anything different and to watch all that dialogue and how he studied us i copied him i did all he had to fill cars and all day so i went got myself some cars and i watched the way he would go over the lines and i did it just like he did and you know i'm used to like to be able to go ahead maybe interpellation you know but you can't do that on newsroom are you as comfortable with comedy as drama
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definitely i think comedy is harder everybody knows drama ok when your dog is dead as a drama you know but nobody can agree on what's funny nobody is saying it's of you harry and he is funny yeah so that he can make a whole roomful of people laugh at the very very i think it is also playing in a room if you're not doing stand up you don't think it's funny you go there as a serious person in a comedy right well you know you play everything as if this is the most serious thing in the world and then they laugh but that's another reason why look at jamie foxx robin williams will smith those guys a complete it gene says but then they can do drama you or you had a scholarship first for art and then from athlete that's who first an artist still a. young guy who i was not what you wanted to be as a kid always you know again i've always had a angling for the arts is one of the things where i got rewarded for every picture that i got. the girls like me you know pay pictures of the girls unable to how are
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you going to do well do you do you still paint you know i do a lot of sketching right now i pick up all my energy into acting at the moment but i think i'm going to take a year off and just paint i mean in a future i say within the next ten years george bush is now painting sinatra loved to paint why do you like painting it's one of the most peaceful being in the world there's nobody judging you it's all good you're by yourself and you can just be as creative as possible it's a mentally satisfy i don't know what i was to say i get in there it really time stops it's like you're you turn around and eight hours is gone by and it feels like you know half an hour we'll football star in high school no you know my school was basically academic and it was weird because that's why i had to walk on i was trying to get light you know in kind of way possible but my school wasn't a big football source in michigan oh yeah it was in the you know with that kind of
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thing and i literally three hundred letters to all different colleges just trying to get seen and i know in one of them took me i ended up walking on ocean first in a vote in the los angeles rams back in ninety ninety one when we were in l.a. the rose bowl they were over there and us soon and i and another were yeah and on inflated the anaheim stadium you have said on our cereal is she you said the n.f.l. is jail with money yeah meaning well it's just that. you know there's a lot of personalities that you know you have to play with pain i mean football is everyone's talking about richard sherman you know there's this thing we're going to know them but what people don't realize that every play you could lose your life you could lose your limb or you know you really lose your job this is if crabtree a cut that has ok he could've been five people in the stands so when you're talking about you're on a fight or flight mode all the time so you you get an interview right after
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something like that happens that's part this is fire it is energy but it same thing is the same guys and also the same guys who were there to alpha they decide if we go rob's about it we're going to rob everybody that's what i mean it's like you're on special teams and i just those are crazy shit when i run down the field and had somebody i was knocked out on monday night football you can google if you put terry crews not down i'm going to come right up. i knocked i hit guys so hard i'm not myself. used to paint i think we have some up portraits of other players right what happened when i got when i got cut i will go into the locker rooms of the city that i was in i was the basketball player i was over when i was in d.c. but you know it's meant you want howard i got cut a coach i will go back in and asked these guys if they wanted paintings and i saw
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survives you know a painting my time as that's what i did you one hundred played about forty five years yes if they did who else is up there think stan humphries that was the quarterback when i was over the chargers he was so nice enough to pay me to paint paint him as that over his fireplace right now great thing thank you was it fun doing that well it was kind of sad because i was out of the n.f.l. i was trying to stay. so every time i painted mitt i wasn't playing so those times it was weird because i was trying to do a little graphs and i had a great idea was going to pay on his players but the but the problem is the players kept changing teams so you pace the yard as a packer and all of a sudden he's a minnesota and your painting is worth nothing if you're in an upcoming football movie draft day what's that about it tom it's opening its kevin tossing it opens april twenty fourth team it's about the draft the pro football draft yes and first of all it's the first movie that the n.f.l.
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has ever given license to the actual teams actual names and it's basically average of the money i mean it's what goes on behind the scenes in the front i was addiction but it's true fiction but based on real things that go down and want to mess with it a bit of evolve when you play i play the dad form out of the former cleveland brown star but now i'm the dad of a potential person around pick played by area impostor the current you know used in texas and whose cousin it costner is the g.m. general manager of the cleveland browns he's the man who makes all the sit. it's great is it a very good movie as it's one of the best movies on football i've ever seen and it didn't take place on the field at all when all the logistics all the things that go on and all the things you always wonder about it answers a lot of that in this movie that's what i love about enough in the field it's i mean it touches on it a little bit but it's so them say something is one of the most interesting thing
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ever and suspenseful i was like shot you know it's almost like there will be blood you didn't know oil would be that entertaining oh well you know what i mean it's just one of those things where you don't you learn something you didn't know before that's right the n.f.l. the i remember any given sunday without but you know the teams are all different names yeah and it kind of mess with the you know that another thing that i think i'll of us all trying to tackle way too much and going to try to get behind the scenes and on the field and extended to compete with each other whereas i was in the current quintessential football movie the longest yard which was the best movie i did i think that i think i mean c.d.n. not you know i've always been a ham. is one of those days you had in football it's the it's not the same it up next terry will talk about getting in touch with his feminine side which is hard to believe don't go away.
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very. well. with me here. plenty . of.
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think i think. we're going to do is go did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy trek albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our crass cynical we've been hijacked like handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one school class i'm john mark and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world if we go beyond identifying the problem to try to fix rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing up to five different ready to join the movement then walk a little bit but. i've
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got a quote for you. that's pretty tough. stay with substory. let's get this guy like you would smear that guy stead of working for the people most issues the mainstream media are working for each other right rhymes vision. of a good run but it won't. work . with gerry cruz the master of the pack top that's what i do that's popping and i think it's very yes you're carrying on very simple it all what i want to do is. put your hands together and push and i gotta push him i don't know i don't know it's
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already moving thing when you put your hands together they cause a pop my wife can do this you're the old spice guy too right or you know you're everywhere so i'm here to lose a roll because your physique you know i always look at it like you know a world that was a that i didn't get it was never for me i tell me about the book manhood well it's basically a memoir. i mean i have no no no it comes out may twenty and. i have moments in my life of astounding immaturity. i've been married twenty five years five kids and i don't know why or how i'm still here with some of the stupid things that i did like like. i'd i'll remember not once was i love to the end i found not want to get a job and being prideful and walking around and then when we as my family went
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broke and we all went broke and i was still sitting there in my pride as if i'm an ex and i felt football player nation hand me something i had a sense of entitlement that was taking us into the poorhouse and what took you to manhood well it was hard to say my wife out of ways we kind of came to terms where she was like listen if you don't grow up i gotta leave . and i was like it was that rock bottom it was that bottom that you hit that you like i got to say to you didn't it didn't happen for you until you got in touch with your feminine side here when that you know. as most guys are you know the n.f.l. the whole thing is the manly man and you tough you don't show you don't boys don't cry we don't you know we hardcore but the problem is a mob a man always ends up along. and his wife gets out some kids get out on a somewhere you know when she said about it either there's nobody as business i'm
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in my thing what i was like whoa i have to do something and spears empathy and i had to seen myself through my wife's eyes and through my kids and that changed everything she will be honest i am a total i mean to i didn't event occur that you had to make a change was just the wife's threat and i was that was one of the big ones that is plenty because there are several of events that happen it's almost like when you fall off a cliff and you think you hit your bottom but you actually hit a ledge and you can't call it i hear there's a very opening with isaiah i thought we had our we have our little man time my son as he was seven years old at the time i took him we were going to go to the movies and we saw iron man three the first five minutes he was shaking it inch shivering and i was like you know what's up man and he just couldn't watch it was so explosive and all this stuff and i was like you know you want to you want to go outside you will leave so we left and we're going to lobby and i say hey man i use he's a no no no mascara and i scared i was thinking no it's ok as
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a dad to get scared sometimes i'm scared instant. and he said he said it defeated and i said this dude is seven years old and he's trying to watch a movie for me it was only you know and i said hey man you want to go swimming he was. a scone let's go swimming i said we don't have to want to see more and it broke me down because i realize that. most of the time and ten years earlier i would have been like maybe go watch this movie you go mad up you know i mean this is what it's about you got to be tough and i would have that wholly different. namea scene and understood and i said this is the way i need to be forever do you think that there's more of further on masculinity in the black man yes i think culturally it comes from slavery you know i think there is i have to say african-americans there is a culture of verbal abuse where it's like you know they think nothing of just you
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know into sensitive that's a verbal e abusive statement you know how you could you tell me i'm too sensitive because i can only tell you how i'm feeling and as a dismissal peelings of the dismissal of that because a lot of times you have to be hard you have a lot you wear this out of structure because when i used to walk around in flint michigan man you got to have a swagger or something some out i'm going to attack you some i was going to come out use and i was going to threaten you and so you had to come tough and you had to do with anything so hostile you know i mean and but the problem is is when you don't need that tough anymore you can't get rid of it that's the only way you know that's all you know you know i don't know what can we do even but i think that did you get help through this process oh i did i went to various counseling and you know various doctors who really just open my eyes and there were moments where i was i mean kidding one time is funny because i asked the doctor should i she said i
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said you know as an actor you know i got to do my job she's like well you can tell him no i said no i can't tell him no i'm an actor that's what i do say you can do something you know i can and i had the fact is i've never thought wow selling a director noah telling someone no i mean this is from football you don't tell a coach no but she was like yes you can harvest would mean this language off it's the hardest part ever you're in cloudy with a chance to. balls to it came out on blu ray this week was it true you want to be an animator we're going to do you want to organize and actually i have my portfolio in a disney twice and was waiting for them to call me in the acting career happen and you also have a rule when you're out with the family no autograph as actually because there was a time when early in my career where i was getting a life and i was loving it and we would go wow and people come up and i would take a picture with everybody and in two hours later my kids and wife were just sitting there and i did not spend
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a minute with them and i was like what's wrong guys you ok and i yeah we were on and i realized i need to be present with them no matter what so and boy you write this well we have to social media questions for you at new world tabloid tweens how do you feel about disney owning star wars and do you want a role in the new film of what i think is these great ups you know anything i'll make it bigger and better. but again this is the thing too i am always learn to be happy with what i do get. my life will not and if i don't get a role in star wars is one of those things i'm happy to be a book and i know i've already written star wars i would love to be up i would love to be in star wars but i'm also happy where i am and where i am i did it at schönbrunn via twitter wants to know how you got to know jerome mayberry and if we should expect to see more of jerome in two thousand and fourteen jerome mayberry was a character that created who was the world's worst trainer you have
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a trainer who was not interested in you getting better he just wanted to show you that you could never do what he does no i've heard of that i know i. know way through i've knew a lot of guys who are just about showing you that you can never do what they do and i created jerome and hopefully i'll be a movie were write a movie about cameroon tweets what's the one opportunity a rolled up bra. you into the film television and she was the thing that made it for you know of movie called the six day honest worsening it was my first movie audition i thought arnold was going to kill me in a week and you know it was going to be a week it would turn out to be the usual that was i spent three months in vancouver because there was a but it was called the sixth day and arnold was cloned in the whole thing and robert duvall was in a movie also we shot it in vancouver and i wouldn't want to arnold's best movie but it was my beginning who did you play i played a little bit was the name vince that was one of the bad guys of the group and that
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was my break in little game called if you only knew i just broad questions remember the first girl you kissed yes i do always your name her name is jean jean a whole year seventeen you have a late bloomer bra your kids do that i had no girlfriend this is in high school yeah it was the high school it was after high school i actually just graduated and how did you happen to kiss gina you know you know it just started happening and we were listening to janet jackson in a car and it just flowed out of iowa. is pretty good let's get three things every man should master wow you should master. and see wow that's a hard ok yourself. your humility and your cleaning habits. favorite painter because a favorite football player barry sanders me to date didn't have been anyone like
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him for what scares you. know not thinking i know something and not knowing it at all time travel or space travel time if you could change one thing about yourself over to be. i would probably. ron. i care so i don't i know. i would change my narcissism. could line three adjectives to describe you wow big strong funny what keeps you up at night while you worry about money you don't have money you just know it's just you never it's one of those things where you know of what you've been broke you just don't want to ever go there again it's hurts just the it like being poor yeah once again i remember being cold and broke another night being
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cold amber. who's the bigger bad ass sly stallone a steve carell i go with lies lies he's a super bad ass my man you're on a desert island what three things do you want with you. my wife and my kids best piece of advice you have received it's impossible to control someone and love someone at the same time it is there's something about you we don't know. yeah i played a flute i'm a flutist yes so my. i think you saw you've got a great old man and a thanks to my guest terry crews tad in brooklyn ny ny tuesdays starting february fourth his book manhood will be released in may and you did find me on twitter and kings things i'll see you next time.
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i know c.n.n. m s m b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's close and for the truth from the might think. it's because one full attention and the mainstream media works side by side with you is actually on here. at our teen years we have a different right. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not gonna. get.
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you guys back to the jokes i will handle the thing that i'm. i marinate join me. for impartial and financial reporting carrying interviews and much much. only on the bus an only.
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child everyone i meet martin and this is breaking the set so if you're like everyone else i know you've probably spent the last couple days watching the entire second season of the best show ever not on t.v. house of cards not only is the show brilliantly scripted directed and acted its entire premise is based on the dark underbelly of d.c. politics the back handed deals the bribes the cover ups and the political leaks complete contempt for us peons but that's not all and also displays how politicians use the corporate media to peddle their narrative is clearly the writers of the show been paying attention to what's going on behind the scenes of american politics far beyond than what shown on the m.s.m. spoiler alert if you haven't watched.


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