tv [untitled] February 20, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm EST
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so i go to you first in london i've been watching the pictures coming out of care for the last day and a half this looks like a armed insurrection this looks like an organized school against the government in kiev and we have we have to point out here that the government in kiev mr unocal which has reached out to the opposition numerous times over the last two weeks but still the violence continues and i want to make it very clear there is violence on both sides right now markets with what is your reaction can i just say first of all peter that ordinary people in europe and indeed the rest of the world absolutely disgusted by what they've seen on their television sets this week in ukraine and that discussed is all the more pronounced because the violence has been perpetrated by right wing extremists by neo nazi mobs that even tents all over for in the democratically elected government of ukraine and that it's an intolerable situation and we must move away from what we're hearing by western journalists and western politicians that these so-called protesters are protesters they're not protesters
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they're militants they're terrorists they became militants or terrorists that day they took up arms against the police force in kiev you cannot call people peaceful protesters when they take up guns when they take up molotov cocktails and they start not just injuring the police or so this is actually going to believe that wouldn't that would not that would not be accepted no that not what would well certainly wouldn't it certainly wasn't exactly an end to a lot of them except that in london it wasn't accepted in any kind of european capital but but ariel you know i mean right sectors for boulder do you like these kinds of people i mean they seem to represent this mob that you can see live pictures for a multiple sources i mean are these jeffersonian democrats now. well let's start with this the young a covert government sent troops to kill people in november and beat students up so
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the ones who resorted to violence were not their right sector at all it was the younger coverture regime back at or near them very and the reason i let you answer my question i ask you a different question do you like the line missiles going to have you with right sector go ahead peter peter i i am the first one to denounce the anti semites and the nazi sympathizers anywhere including in russia by the way but the ones who resorted to violence the ones who pretended to reach out to the moderate opposition and then did not do what they promise they did not pass the legislation that they promised to pass about changing the constitution and the owners agreed to the mob of people be out in the street saying change the law why don't you have an election cycle that's what normal countries do this opposition wants to change the government the government was elected president was
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elected the parliament was like that peter i don't care is it a question of no no i'm making sure our viewers understand reality because i agree with what marcus had to say there's a huge distortion here robert ok let's go to our third again go to our third gas and. go ahead robert give me your take on what's going on here because this is a very serious event playing out in the in camp right now. the situation is being whipped up by the european union and the united states of america with the aim of destabilizing the ukraine and trying to play some zero sum game where they hope to eliminate russian influence within that country it is it is a political game that's being employed by western powers that are causing a great deal of havoc on the streets of ukraine and pushing the country towards a very very dangerous situation that will not end well there was serious meddling western meddling in that country and it must stop the european leaders the united
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states of america should list specter the government of yannick over which there's an election next year if the people don't like him they can vote him out because the danger is that they probably won't talk to people any clearly don't like. being with totally it's not it's not a particular area. mr obama has thirty percent or thirty three percent popular popular in the united states and no one's asking him to leave the markets let's go back to you here i mean this is what it gets down to we know that victoria nuland has spent about five billion dollars on the good return. well the whole idea which has been spun at the moment by the west that what's happened in ukraine is a matter of freedom versus tyranny that's absolute nonsense and of course victoria nuland comments last week actually demonstrate that america and the european union are playing a game of chess and it says geostrategic game of chess their plane in ukraine and
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this is be going on since the since the nine hundred ninety s. they are true the west is trying to encircle russia on its western borders by bringing in states off the state into the e.u. and into nato let me just say this to anyone who argues that this is a matter of freedom for us is tyranny in a tyranny people don't take to the streets let alone political police offices this wouldn't happen in saudi arabia which america is a staunch supporter of ok area would you like to reply to that go ahead for air time. of course i was born in ukraine i've been to i'm jewish i despise the nazis and the neo nazis anywhere in europe and unfortunately the lots of them everywhere these days but the majority of people who demonstrate i'm not talking about the island fridge clearly there's clearly there's a violent fringe there but the majority of younger gradients including in the
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southeast on the ok i hear you're really putting me go ahead you're interrupting. peter pan or you can yell i said there patiently and listen ok so please majority of people who are demonstrating against you and of coverage by young educated western oriented people who want to live in a country that doesn't have as much corruption as you know coverages regime bread and you know coverage totally lost support of the majority of the population ok and what he needed to do was to range political transition with the. opposition so that sometime late spring early summer they have an election including presidential election and they change the constitution that is ludicrous to the way it works i'm sorry. what you're saying is ludicrous too because he took trying to get a addresses to marcus now he's arranging all of this so he can be thrown out of power i don't get it ok he is elected he's going to stay i'm going to go to markets
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now equal time here this is what it's all about here is that the e.u. and the united states depending on which gambit you know they want to force their hand now it's a five billion dollar investment they've got to make their move now because there could be there will be an election if they could they keep their schedule and it might time turn out the way they want because eastern ukraine more populous is not for this agenda of the e.u. that's why eunuch over it rejected the association agreement so this is the chess game you're talking about you're running out of time go ahead. i personally am a covert she took a decision last november to pursue closer economic relations with russia and he has every right to do that like in britain david cameron wants a reformed relationship with the european union he has a mandate from the british people and that should be accepted people in kiev have the right to protest against president yannick over its decision last year but he is the democratically elected president and let's not forget in two ten when he won
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that presidential election that was recognized by the recognized by the u.s. they've been negotiating with him for the last four years but because he chose to pursue closer relations with russia over sudden he becomes a tyrant he becomes a family wicked piece of work we've seen this for the last twenty years we've seen a free single governments in the world which is an agenda strategic location and pursues an independent foreign policy we've seen that government demonized we saw that with the serbs we saw that since we're seeing that in syria at the moment and now we're seeing that in ukraine it's an intolerable situation and it's a very dangerous situation robert how do you feel about let me feel about turkey because it's time for our gas on the program how do you robert how do you feel about the european union's approach towards ukraine because when it would it rejected this association agreement because it was a bad deal by the way would push it push the country even into a deeper recession that is now so that kind of our security wasn't welcomed and now the e.u. turns around and says you're
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a legitimate figure to deal with but you know what they're in there in care of right now negotiating with mr unocal which why are they talking out of both sides of the mouth at the same time. well the european union has been bullying the ukraine they've been having quotas strictures on ukrainian exports to the european union which is hurting their economy the e.u. has not been a friend to ukraine the association agreement if it were to be signed it would mean the exporting of e.u. regulations to ukraine it would mean the closure of many businesses because it will mean higher regulation it will mean have to businesses have to me a huge standard including environmental standards which are on particularly enforced in the ukraine at the moment it will mean job losses it was a very bad deal it's been estimated that exporting eve regulation so you're going here soon raw material standards are you see billion pounds a year twenty billion euros a year other that's how much it would hurt the ukrainian economy it's not
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a good deal russia says this data loss or so at least i've been seeing tragically alegria government of ukraine was a bad deal that's plain and simple or a gentlemen we're going to go to a short break here set we're going to go to a short break here and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on events playing out in ukraine state r.t. . this. is. when i close my eyes i see people in mosques and. you know sometimes i think that in itself is a face covered by a mosque. there are people in mosques on both sides of the barricades wouldn't want
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ok i did like the aerial in washington how do you reflect upon that leaked tape with victoria nuland because it really you know when you connect the dots right here she's made a huge investment for a regime change of one form or another or have a regime friendly to brussels in washington no matter how you want to look at it it's regime change here how do you look at that what's it it's playing out on the streets right now i mean is this is what her investment was all about is a bring this city and i love her it's a beautiful beautiful city and you know what it looks it looks really awful right now and even dangerous i mean this is what american money is bringing bringing democracy to ukraine destroying its capital for a stall first of all victoria nuland did not make a five billion dollar investment in ukraine that's rubbish. second of all let's talk about russia russia's investment russia cut gas prices to support the end of
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coverage russia is buying ukrainian junk bonds of the ukrainian government with very very dear girl bonds your years on cereal don't get you know get your facts straight ok there euro bonds russia once again i have our facts straight i'm very much ok so i don't know i'm a bitch because you're one russian say in your head but in a jury peter there's a difference the money gator market for you right ukrainian goods sense and agreement with the european union is trying to put in your life and if you're going to go the illusion union ok keep going arial keep going. so i'm saying is that russia is expanding billions and billions of dollars to bring your crane into the eurasian union if the majority of ukrainian people don't want to do that but this policy of russia pulling they have insight into the united states involvement. may bring to the breakup of ukraine that will bore us through russia breaking you're going oh ok that's
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a new one here ok ok mark let me let me go to mark willacy terribly marcus you know it's very interesting because our history from say get our history straight ok let me finish well saying when you make your point it's russia's fault marcus that i go to london it's one of the obviously things that's russia is there so ukraine the euro when the ukrainian said no the elected legitimate government of ukraine said no to the association agreement what happened let's remind our viewers russia stepped in and said hey why don't we have a trilateral discussion here where everyone can be a winner here let's give me i'll give you a good example canada is a nafta candidate has an association agreement with the european union why can't you queen have work with the eurasian union and work with the european union but no i guess there's an exception here ukraine doesn't get that privilege marcus go ahead. well what's ariel said just now that russia
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could russia's actions could result in the breakup of ukraine is absolute utter nonsense victoria nuland comments demonstrate america's lip service to the concept of freedom and democracy and we've got after examples of that we saw late last year american politicians senator john mccain flying into ukraine an independent sovereign country and joining the protest movement meeting opposition leaders in calling for early elections in ukraine and calling for the over for of the ukrainian government which is democratically elected i'd like to say it and i realize that your civil actions with your blood sugar is a contributing writer and you cry out with a challenge oh no no no diarrheal no area we know you made your comments are you are you made your comment that russia is acting dangerously while i don't see russian politicians flying into cave and calling for the overthrow of a democratically elected government how would you how would you feel during the
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wall street protests if the if you creditors call sure we agree and started call and started calling for the overthrow of the american governments like like the american government you know you're just paying lip service to the concept of democracy russia has been abiding by international law in regard to ukraine it's not meddling but let me also state as well and it's important for you to realize this and people watching this program russia and ukraine have historically close relations russia is not an alien country in ukraine if it was an alien country wide to the over sixty percent of ukrainians belong to the moscow patriarchate or the ukrainian off the docks church that means most ukrainians their spiritual leader is in moscow if they hated the russians so much but they go to be following. that article as munson just a church of england at some point did not prevent america to be independent. of that it's a nice view that it's not as nice a strict as ukraine let's be serious let's be serious. sara lamb let me go to robert here what do you think the european union should be doing now because
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they're in moscow as we are in the in care as we're recording this program here should they back away or do you think they're going to continue to push here because i first of all don't understand why the european union is trying to negotiate this we've already seen what they want they want to give a raw deal to the ukrainians are going to force unocal which that we reconsider why does outside powers have to force a government to reconsider its own domestic policy. well many western countries have been interfering in ukraine for generations the whole history of the west is trying to take control of this area to try and limit russia to try and really strict ukrainian sovereignty ukrainian sovereignty should be respected by the european union the e.u. should back off it should not be trying to export its of a delay sions to ukraine which will damage their economy cost as much as twenty billion pounds a year it should be respecting self and so you should know where you're sitting in the english build in the euro so you can get your numbers straight million twenty
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billion you have there is about one hundred series of you don't go to meetings when it's in the service range and on that will be the cost of the e.u. regulations on the ukrainian economy it's already been. restricting the amount of oil that is there was a saying that it's not right and you just made it up it is understood look at the massive unemployment market in the market that exists. in the economy you're talking over each other that no one here is what you're saying all right so regular guys just you know nobody's really against it only one of them by the year where conditions are very own in iraq really make it more transparent leave ok now i may go to market to have other more serious because he's listening ok marcus where is this going here because i don't see i don't see any reason in the world why mr unocal that should blink he's democratically elected but what is the european union going to say to these really savage people now in the my dawn
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and you don't you know you don't watch c.n.n. and b.b.c. you're not going to see sort of one hundred average had their savage people absolutely salvage what they're slavish what they're doing to police officers and other people but the don't agree with them on the square where is it going marcus. well the ones who are sure that i'm going to mark me i think you can unfortunately actually aveeno i'm speaking now unfortunately ukraine is on the brink it could end up descending into a civil war the whole country could break up and i can't see how that's going to be averted it will only be averted if washington and brussels and brussels categorically condemns the terrible appalling violence that we're seeing perpetrated by neo nazi mobs on the streets of kiev and also in the west against going to discover or ukraine but let's not forget let's not forget let's not forget those mobs in ukraine if they are stooges of the west and they are willing stooges
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of the west if they won't get in supported politically and logistically by the united states and the european union they probably wouldn't be out on the streets in the first very start so that in order to questions about this i reply you're very very concerned about ukraine course the west will not stop supporting these these these horrendous people in the streets that are killing that are killing police officers here and also we have. not gotten i don't know what you said most region of the us a little smarter but you know you have general there any idea and we are in the way i mean on crane aerial aerial and let's connect some dots here because when there was the munich security is this likely munich security conference recently ok when the new leads opposition figures went and met with american officials ok and european officials they go back you can only repeat it now and then and then the tone of intolerance we have to remember you know which said ok i'll bring you into the government ok then just recently an amnesty ok what else do you want we want to
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overthrown i have to agree with you i would say i will say that five billion dollars and that's a real number here it's not when it's the number of where this money from the american taxpayers to overthrow this government but this being asked me you add me . you asked me how we can stop this nonsense right so i'll tell you how we can stop it first of all let's not make things up the west will never support the neo nazis the west the united states did not give five billion because we don't have five billion i wish it did it's in latvia and i wish we didn't have five billion to give to the great i don't condemn the s. ok writes every year in the politics states today why doesn't american people who are talking about ukraine. that we see every given estonia and latvia well hang on hang on why don't they condemn that if they if they know nothing don't object to the kill a fetus asked me to question and try to reconstruct and so i think he should have.
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said what i think we should have a round table i think we should have a rout a ceasefire but round table and elections and that's how we can see. who's going to be at the round table ariel you give me your round table go ahead with the round table will the round table will consist of the three opposition parties and i detest mr tapley bugs that the liberty party that because they have some nazi sympathizers in them i'm the first one to deny them but they're part of the mix right now clearly the right wing sector of the right sector should not be at the round table and this should be an accepted mediator because these people do not behave as adults to my great great regret russia and the united states probably should stay out in an acceptable figure from europe should media united states the whoever the less it's not of both parties except maher is
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a reasonable solution ok go ahead mark this is a reasonable so i'll turn it is a civil war marc if you don't and i don't and i just don't like the gentleman mark is jump in. i realize how can you say the united states government should stay out the united states government has been playing a role in ukraine from the very beginning and i don't mean to fowles on unfertile in two thousand and fourteen i take that back to the nineteen ninety's let's remember nine hundred ninety two the pentagon's defense and i got there let's talk about eight russian only but i'm sure of it nineteen that iraq poses the greatest threat far very long takes no stalking that's what so here let's go ahead are you are you talk in the pentagon's defense planning guidance in nine hundred students stated that russia still poses the greatest threat to america's vertical governance in the world like the states that used to be in eastern europe and the former soviet union should be brought into the e.u. and should bring euro seems a native limit i'm going to soviet rules where you can discard you can discard
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documents like a but that is the blueprint that is the blueprint to you unless you want to get a seat at least brzezinski sign of the nine hundred ninety s. that you are right you're not there to julian we're going to find an agent for migrants not live and in washington and thanks to our viewers for watching as you see you next time remember. we've only seen. equal rights.
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to the lives. of the young girls can hold for the future harder. between two and three hundred million guns united states so you can act like they're not here and keep kids away from them. the causes that is the law or you know i mean this teaches them a lot of rope sponsibility and simply contemplate through the eyes of children if we can't do it for our children for our future what is the country will save. one of the new will come our men alive should be communally face the same time you do moan.
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a pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm sure. i'll change once your fourteen promises week alternate exhilarated winter was an ah ha you join me and you so now if i make seven zero in on the bus tomorrow let me take you staying for sochi twenty four take. all odds. good luck. to building a new. mission to teach me. this is why you should care
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only. dozens of people reportedly killed in ukraine's capital today. attack. breaking a truce with the authorities. are resorting to hostage taking. around. being stranded in a hotel caught in the crossfire between the. police. fairly. for making sure. dealing with a peaceful protesters in an appropriate way. rejoices that. targeting ukrainian police. they have no control.
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