tv [untitled] February 21, 2014 1:30am-2:01am EST
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a recently swiss voters nearly passed a referendum to put a strict quota of back on immigration switzerland is a relatively small country and some estimate that almost a quarter of the population is made up of immigrants from e.u. countries that is a lot of people and the swiss are worried that the increased foreigners will also mean increased crime rent prices burd the state and erode traditional local culture as modern immigration almost always does the swiss population's democratic choice to restrict immigration is naturally being blasted by the e.u. brass what threats to cancel bilateral agreements how dare you have a different version of democracy than we in the have switzerland how dare you i don't think this event will have much effect on the e.u. bureaucratic machine nothing could make them change their hyper liberal minds but i think the swiss anti immigration referendum will have a huge effect on local populations of countries like germany and the u.k. which are seeing horrible effects of open borders and growing anti e.u. sentiment as i speak i don't like to make predictions by i think a lot of disenfranchised people across the e.u.
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can ask how the government cope with this serious political crisis when i ask somebody who has a view from the inside i'm just is that as a member of president majoris cabinet is our guest today. street fighting is raging on the streets of the venezuelan capital with commandante shop is gone his rivals are taking a shot at his successor let's do one time this has already voiced its support for regime change how will caracas stop the violence is washington times do it for the country's economic worlds to play does venezuela's socialist dream a future. and under says our eyes so our guests today a member of president maduro cabinet thanks very much for being with us he's joining us from caracas so as a result mr mudge douro has sat where saying in kiev is now being repeated in
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caracas what does it mean exactly what is happening this is not a widespread violence as we are seeing right now in kiev it's very limited to certain focuses. of course the u.s. would like to create a situation like the one we're seeing in care but it is not near near what is happening there right now it's very hard to compare again venezuela just came from a recent election local election we've had four electoral processes in the last two years all of them have been. you know with the wide participation of the people over eighty percent of participation in these electoral process is the vote of our revolution has won all four of them we have a very solid. popular support and this is not the first
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time we're facing this kind of of this rupture in our democratic life remember that in two thousand and two we had a coup it turned following a very similar script like we are seeing right now with a violent protesters industry trying to topple our government but like you said your country has just come out of the presidential election like a little over a year ago president maduro won this election with a very small margin doesn't that really mean that your country is divided and he has a real opposition. person among the one with a one point five percent difference it was a very special kind of election. because the people or as you know very sad very hurt by the loss of president chavez and we had a diminished participation of our people who were very
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again touched very felt hard feeling with what was happening emotionally to the country with the loss of president chavez but again no matter how little big the margin if it was small or large we are in a democracy and a democratic country respect the will of the majority. after that after the election a first for them a little we had of that going to veterans this coming december and the forces of the chinese the movement of the boulevard them to. gave a very came out of it with a very wide my jordi again. so the venezuelan people has had the chance to express its will over and over and over again over the last fifteen years we've had nineteen elections so free there's no country in the world that has had
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so many elections as we have so i want to get back to what's going on right now in caracas opposition leader aleppo's alatas surrender to the authorities he said he wants to wake people up why do you think he handed himself in he handed his hand this is all over because there was a a judge that the justice system was claiming him for his crimes. his his crimes against democracies his involvement in all the violence that we're seeing right now remember that although we had elections this last december this people look for the lower fares and we kick up again as there were also involved in the violence that we saw in two thousand and two these are people from the wealthy classes of the venezuelan society these are the always archaea of the venezuelan society these are the political expression of the always are key in venezuela these
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are this is the the ruling class the privileged class that is against democracy that is against the popular democracy that we are. moving forward in venezuela so when the justice system claims mr lopez for all the violence that he. directed during these last days. it is a crime to do it it is a crime to attent against a people and against a democratic system they way he's done it especially in a political context so democratic so open as ours so he is now in jail and he will have to face a trial with all the guarantees that our justice system gives to anyone that is being. charge with the charges that he's facing. but it's important to note is that mr lopez gave his cell himself up
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after a negotiation with the government that protected his life he went to the justice system by the hands of the president of the national assembly who is a one of the of all of our leaders are a jew and that came because of the threat over mr lopez life. the threat of his life by the ultra right. factions of the venezuelan political spectrum i need just get is that i need to ask you the whole grew are they fired right movement you are the people who are this fascist state you and present the deer are talking about these are people from the stream right related with the paramilitaries in colombia related to iraq to what you are really is the head of the paramilitary and the ultra right in colombia and of course behind all of this is the interest of the united states to create
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a situation that brings up a regime change which has been their policy all the time our goal is the goal of our revolution regime change and they're using factors from the extreme right to try to provoke regime change but don't you fear that if he's put in prison he could become a sort of a martyr for the opposition. well the opposition is very divided the opposition in venezuela as tends to. go way well over. was doesn't work for them anymore they did it in the past they had only labor leaders that they used in the past to try to promote if you change the. government they should. do well because of this is going to work for those that are . now they're trying to to they have this new leader
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for the lopez to try to bring about their policies this week's training all of that tries to to again spread by this all over the country you keep bringing up and recap relates to almost won the presidential election against him a duro and he's also seen as one of the main leaders of the opposition but he's trying to distance himself from the opposition on the street right why is he doing that this time. well it is surprising for me too i have to confess because crip lives was he led the violent revolts after the april elections that led to the death of eleven people eleven does by the way so in this this opportunity he's distanced himself from the violence especially because he's a government he's
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a governor he governs one of the states it's not of his interest to promote violence because that will turn against him he's a governor he has to guarantee that peace of his state he has to guarantee that piece of the state he rules so he can continue in his so we continue in power in his state so so. in contrast to a port au prince who doesn't rule anything he's chosen now you tater who's just a political. activist mr guppy lives has a lot to lose in a situation of violence mysteries are we going to take a short break now and when we're back we'll be talking about the situation in the news so i went a member of friends and they dressed cabinets stay with us. you . know so.
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let. us. yes. yes. i'm married he's joining me. impartial and financial reporting commentary interviews and much much. only on the bus and only. chaos on the streets of kiev to a short truce rioters are again wrecking the so-called opposition appears to have no interest in the weekly look to government force is being met with force where
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and now we're back with. a member of present cabinet he's joining us from caracas right so most of the protesters and his street are university students as i know the universe is in london so a lot are affordable why then do you believe they are out there and forefront of the protests. well because the universities the young people in the universities is where the. united states has chosen to promote this kind of extremist groups we just expelled from our country to three u.s. diplomats because of their involvement in the training in organization and financing of this story the. university there are still.
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there place to to gather jihad evidence about those three u.s. diplomats that they're actually doing that. or yes that's why we our government expelled them we had counter-intelligence plenty of counter-intelligence over there at tiffany's and a lot of support to that shows how they were involved in this kind of organization of these extremist groups so the students are on the streets are they mostly from private universities or public ones are or does it even matter is there a difference. again it is. that people who are protesting are not only students right now i mean we find by the people who have been detained . certainly young people but. there are
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many that are related to this extreme groups. are for for example you know all these russia knows very well the experience of the the color revolution the velvet revolutions this is the scheme does the reproduce here so morgan students many of them are professional political activists some of them have been trained for over two years in this kind of of violence of political actions to try to topple a government again it's the same scheme does it when you have seen in the past in ukraine and other countries promoted by the u.s. following cia directions this isn't true that a political operation towards regime change that's going on in venezuela right now fine and directed by the united states. there is that the world press emphasizes on economic problems in your country citing very high inflation lack of goods in
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a stores also extremely high crime rate as roots of this protest what are you doing to deal with this issues. all governments all countries have problems have issues we are dealing with them with different strategies even yesterday night the president signed the new exchange will another mission to try to. solve all these problems and bring the economy back to an ex librium we faced an economic war also promoted by these. groups of the opposition but nothing no matter how. big the problems might be this is a democratic country nothing justifies the violence that we're seeing in certain parts of certain venezuelan cities this is democratic country which is came from an election will have elections next year again for the national assembly and nothing
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justifies the loss of life and property that we're seeing right now in certain areas of venezuela you've said many times that ameri corps is behind all this unrest in your country but from what i understand united states is the biggest oil costumer how does it benefit from couse invented so ela. well not only that you know. for the married for the for the for the last fifty years that we've had. this relationship with the united states or lack of it what is what is curious that is that the level of our economic activity does not correspond to our political relationship not only is the u.s. our main oil buyer but also we import from the united states the most of our of our. of our necessities that we have to import it's our main importing market so
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it's a paradox that our level of economic relationship does not correspond to the political relationship again the united states first they lack a policy towards latin america that is that is widely recognized by all the the u.s. intelligencia so to speak. and towards one is whether the only policy the us half has is regime change nothing besides that although we've tried in the past to try to restaff wish through agents with the united states to bring it to a new level of of dialogue of mutual comprehension to work together towards a problem problems that has not been possible the only policy that the us has towards venezuela in its vacuum of policy towards run america is redeemed change
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and that we do not accept we demand for the united states from the united states to respect our sovereignty we are determined to be independent and sovereign there is no more we will not accept any more us intervention in our country any more we have been a us colony for too long all right we are decided to be free and independent so you're saying what the united states should do in order for their relations to improve what concessions is then it's well or ready to do in order to improve relations with the us. concessions we're determined to be down i mean and evil and god will win the only thing that we ask is respect you know the only thing they have to do is respect us respect our sovereignty respect our political process respect our democracy that's what we demand we are not.
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asking for mercy or asking for for anything else but respect for our institutions for our political systems and for the will of our people to be independent and free of foreign domination but what do you think their main problem is with venezuela why why do you think us is lacking respect towards your country as you say oh boy will sophie oil this is the largest oil reserves in the world that is now the only local or new beijing now called google charlie oil based it's the largest oil reserves in the world so the us is greedy like a vampire. to get their hands on that oil again because the. huge risks are certified the largest world oil reserve.
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is is the interest of the united states to put its hand on and we've said no the oil in venezuela the resources of venezuela belong to the venezuelan people not to the u.s. government not to the imperialism so sometimes i feel like when you are fighting an almighty enemy like the united states it's somehow in a weird way helps you a side a country to consolidate people around the regime that some may not even like to feel like the united states is helping you in a way by being your enemy to consolidate people are around you and your government . it's hard for me to answer that question i mean. if this isn't an objective situation that we're facing we have. the united states involved again and all these regime change policy and we have denounced that and we face that if we have
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confronted them over the last of it over the past years it was the. permanent struggle of president chavez that we have continued to be free and independent and . our people are very conscious of that you know our people are very have grown a lot during this very very revolution in terms of consciousness and they they know pretty well. who is their enemy who is the enemy of the people here so you're saying the constant interference from the united states into your country's affairs actually helped raise consciousness and awareness of manitou islands is that what you're saying well yes i mean all the the political struggles that we've had to to to. do in the past to to gain that independence to gain sovereignty over over our resources to build
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a more democratic society of inclusion to fight poverty. that has been done we have had to struggle. against many obstacles one of them is the united states the oligarchs is the other one the cultural. media him modi has been another one so all these obstacles enemies that we've had to face in order to create a society a democratic society of inclusion of sovereignty of independence of liberty. in terms of a of the advance of our struggle people have been growing in consciousness in as we have been moving forward with our revolution with our process and now says are you aware close to president hugo chavez for the last ten years that country
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was calm and peaceful but then with a new new president facing challenges from the opposition what is president maduro doing differently from prison chabris. nothing personal my little is our first child he's the president is a precedent that is continuing the legacy of which i was we were following his policies strategically it is the same objectives that we're following of course we were adjusting tactics in adjusting. based on the situation but it's it's basically a confrontation of the chavez government that's what people voted for and the what what's the problem then the problem is that we have an opposition that does not recognize the sovereignty of the people does not. recognize democracy they've tried once and again to topple our government through violent ways we've had included time two thousand and three it was fall in two thousand and two
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was followed by a business lock out into by the end of two thousand and two two thousand and three and they've always looked for for a shortcut they have not since democracy doesn't favor them through since the ballot the vote valid doesn't stay with them they've tried to come to power through violent means and that's what they're pursuing right now again all right unfortunately we do not have a democratic opposition we have a violent and undemocratic. all the guard that oprah's has been in our country. the sheriff sheriff thank you very much for this interesting insight on what's going on and then it is well an on there unrest in your country and in iran minister a new friend and majoris cabinet was with us joining us from caracas venezuela that's it for this edition of that the in call and i will see you next time.
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come to the future one to soon show we go on toward sometimes down where we meet some of his sons going innovators in the night such as we find out how the big black wings for compazine aircraft. will float in a modern day funking put still money straight some smart funny album said they appear on a launch in. the future. well three british scientists signed
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some time to try to find. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy because the report. when i close my eyes i see people in mosques and so. you know sometimes i think that in itself is a face covered by most. people in most on both sides of the barricades we don't want. to be under way sometimes it feels as if all of ukraine is know most.
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of the. pain. of the future han are. between two and three hundred million guns united states so you can act like they're not here and keep kids away from them. the causes. you know i mean this teaches them a lot of for a responsibility to simply contemplate through the eyes of children if we can do it for our children for our future.
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and mayhem in the ukrainian capital the number of killed in clashes between ironical perceptions and police overreach is almost eighty as rioters capture more ground in central kiev. extremists armed with assault weapons are firing live ammunition but the ukrainian parliament decides to withdrawal police from in the streets and still be armed to terrell peroration. the rioters may be using lethal soules but the e.u. and u.s. plays the blame for deaths early on the authorities when asked analysts why the opposition. this has nothing to do about democracy as they keep talking about this is.
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