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tv   [untitled]    February 22, 2014 4:00am-4:31am EST

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protesters take control of government headquarters in kiev as a crisis deal fails to appease the radicals six read more violence if the president doesn't step down by saturday morning. look in the hallway and i'm not talking blitzer to you being out from the door outside the olympic village a pledge or not in this hall what it's got out of there the u.s. media swallows the bait over a t.v. prank at the sochi olympics as they forget to check the facts in their hunt for faults at the games both russia so scary and so crazy it's pandemonium two people rather out there heads on fire and so there's food in there and so they love to play it up. and the games have one unofficial gold medal reserved for the fans for raising the roof during the winter olympics.
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what you want to have a national coming to life in moscow with me marina josh. we start in ukraine where the entire center of the capital kiev is now reportedly controlled by radical for tester's crowds on independence square booed the recently struck crisis deal that initiated the snap presidential election and some promising armed action if the country's had doesn't step down on saturday morning and the president himself has apparently left the capital with his current whereabouts unknown well next year chefs he joins us live now from ukrainian capital kiev is a do tell us what's happening where you are and specifically has the word completely broken down who is in charge now. well it is quite peaceful now in kiev compared to the last several days no gun shots fired but clearly there's a certain feeling often lawlessness here i mean all the buildings all the
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governmental buildings including the government itself the parliament and the administration of the president office building are now controlled by the protesters and they have managed to capture them without any single shot fired simply because there's no police no riot police and no interior ministry troops now located in the central part of the city moreover there are still big questions about where the president himself is last night as we know after huge concessions made by the president and the government in the form of calling early election returning to the constitution of two thousand and four which provided more powers to the to the parliament agreeing to hold to have a coalition government including the opposition members the people at independence square particularly the right wing sect of the hardcore engine of this protest said that they would not accept these conditions that they only want the resignation of the president and one team to go on trial and they gave him until ten o'clock in the morning local time on saturday to resign the old of the deadline which has lost
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an hour ago but there are no gunshots fired and the right wing sect in fact promised that they will attack if they were president does not resign but now in kiev there's nobody to attack because the president is evidently not here the rumor has it it's not been confirmed by any official sources although many report that the president is now in the city of critic of in the east of ukraine that's where we're expecting a meeting of the has of the south than in the eastern regions of ukraine and there are lots of speculation and rumor was going on about that there might be even a decision to separate the east of ukraine from the rest of the country that is of course just a rumor right now and no one confirms that but it will be anxiously waiting for this meeting to take place and what if it is due to start during the day i'll report somebody from national will be there to bring you the deal. tells us for no good if it's relatively calm but whether this is the calm before another storm we of course yet wait to see. or i like to thank you so much for bringing us the
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subject and the horse just like you said we are you know monitoring the situation there and continuing to watch the developments thanks for bringing us the latest well if you look at the crowds in the center of key it looks like support for young college his resignation is overwhelming but calls for his impeachment have been out there on the web in particular for some time now and let's take a look at how much response they've got well this is a petition. for anti-government activists launched back in december but as you can see they have only managed to get around one hundred thousand signatures so far and that is a tiny margin of the total population of ukraine which is almost fifty million people and besides this can be seen on the page some of those who backed the impeachment don't even live in the country while we talked to dan rohrabacher a u.s. congressman who says that what we are now witnessing in ukraine is
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a dangerous violation of the rule of law there's evidence that there are hot heads among the people who are demonstrating and they are they all word is peaceful as is being birthrate in victims as they are being betrayed the most important thing however is the rule of law when a government is elected it should be the that is the group of people who were elected to make decisions are the ones who should set the policy know what we've learned ukraine know that if it looks like it you can if you really disagree with what the elected government is doing you should go to the streets and just raise holy hell until those policies are reversed or until or some change made in the procedure. well meanwhile in the southeast of ukraine where most people oppose the protests there are fears that may have may be getting closer the web is flooded with messages that radicals from the west of the country might descend on the
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summit of the southeast regions and that's due to take place in the city of hark of locals are calling on everyone to join forces in order to fight off possible provocations and here are some of those online posts and many are responding forming militias squads and just in the heart of but in several other cities across the east of the country if you're not with you it's this idea originated in the minds of our patriots and there's a difficult situation the nationalist contagion spreads across ukraine when they capture one region after another and they attack ordinary citizens people organize unite and create structure of self-defense. all right now you're looking at live pictures here coming out of the ukrainian capital and as we said earlier we are following the situation in ukraine on the air and online for you plus we've got our crew on the ground in kiev and in eastern ukraine so don't forget to check the twitter feed for the latest updates.
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national coming to live from moscow was a salty olympics just a day away from the closing ceremony r.t. international brings you special coverage of the day's events meanwhile an unofficial record was smashed last night in our correspondent in sochi as all about that in just a moment. russia's celebrating after a record breaking night for the olympic host team three more medals are in the bag two golds in short track and a silver in by alpha long bringing the total to twenty six medals and breaking their record from one thousand nine hundred ninety four games and will hammer russian supporters also broke a record with their vocal cords fans were so excited during the short track triumph that cheering in the arena broke a record sound levels so fans here really having something to celebrate this final weekend with lots of events and sights to keep them entertained in the olympic park
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and up in the mountain clusters as well fans just ecstatic like i said over that when trying to find things to do on this last olympic weekend and speaking of staying out during the sochi games u.s. t.v. host jimmy kimmel knows a way to do just that his prank inside the olympic village refresh the list of russian stereotypes bringing bears in boa like those lower in rank and the u.s. media were there to wolf it down next to cam as the details. jimmy kimmel knew that the u.s. media would take the bait when he conspired with king ten some from the u.s. louche team and posted a video of a wolf supposedly wandering the whole ways of her dorm in sochi but even the comedian could not imagine the scale of the media frenzy that followed seventeen second clip shows a large canine actually want to run. wolf in the hallway and i'm not talking blitzer to you being out from the door outside the olympic village i'm glad you're
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not in this hallway got to get out of there there's a stray dog problem maybe they also have a straight wolf problem you've heard of the wolf of wall street how about the wall of the olympic village the world. that's not the me from wall street to the movie thing you know not just. on here it's just unbelievable. because it chills people that's a wolf well it was a wall except not in sochi but in a b.b.c. studio in los angeles in a specially constructed for the cajun replica of the athletes' dorm hallway in sochi turns out there is no wolf of sochi we were all duped but that's not the point this fit with the whole the whole paradigm they had created about oh russia is so scary it's so crazy it's pandemonium people running their heads on fire and so there's food in there and so they loved it they gave it up and it shows how there's a very small thought paradigm that's allowed on most of our media and the things
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that paradigm or perfect you think you rugby you do a great job kate i'd love to do this again would you consider bringing a live bear to the closing ceremonies. yeah let me see what i can find this kind of a lot of force going on here but it might have as well be bear the media would still bite jimmy kimmel's prank like nothing else has called out the us media on their obsession with finding faults with the sochi olympics. in washington i'm going to shut down arkie. both only some of the media would lighten up a little bit like jimmy kimmel and start enjoying the games as much as everyone else here in sochi now the winter olympics are already over for some of the athletes but this doesn't mean they're leaving instead they're staying on to enjoy the final moments of the games. an artist martin andrews finds out that having a blast.
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fan houses play an important role in the olympics they get the fans together a special meeting points and a social venue is there a taste of home away from home for many it's also an opportunity to buy merchandise celebrate and meet their sporting heroes outside the park the alpine themed austrian house is located at the mounting cluster of crossfire pollyana the wooden structure is partly open to all visit his for a small fee closer to the black sea coast holland heineken house is open for all that is at ten euros a ticket it has always been one of the top party spots at the olympic games with fans athletes and sponsors getting together for raucous celebrations night after night as one of the best known hospitality venues outside the park this will be its twelfth year of operation having made its debut in barcelona in one thousand nine hundred two where the olympics you know we know we're wrong and then we really
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followed all the news of the emotions of the olympics to show huge and that's one in sydney for the first hour we open it up for fans as well since it's a tradition located next to the iceberg stadium this is swiss house hub of excitement and activity it is one of the few national get sentence that is free and open to the public for the very first time switzerland has designed the construct of the building from scratch highlighting typical elements of the country and fancy visits field they all members of the swiss and picked. they've got they've got beer and they've got some i think shankly ate it it's perfect yeah absolutely right even every. little if not. at the chic and stylish fun area for the usa only invited guests and u.s. passport holders can enter meet fellow minded sports lovers and come face to face
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with in the champions fancy and olympic teams jacket for team usa store is the only place you can buy their official branded products so cheap shot at the moment the space will be used for different purposes in coming years. very nice now the usa house is a temporary structure that will be taken down and used for different events customized to different groups and sizes i came to sochi from austria after the games is finished to be used as a hospitality space in russia and various european skiing about. hockey can be a seem to go well together kind of the house unfortunately it's also only for canadian nationals fancy a beer trial cold sports access cold beverages from the fridge grab a drink raise a glass to the champions and feel part of a winning team when it comes to socializing and partying in the various time houses of the winter olympics it's the gold medals or more to them drew's. sochi.
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olympic games of course coming to an end this weekend but still much more to come do stay with r.t. for all the latest and our special coverage coming up on sunday for the closing ceremony. the g. twenty fourteen promises week ultimate an exhilarating winter for ninety eight here in germany and it's now a make the rest of our live news team for sochi twenty four take. on. added more news just to have for you here in r t international including school kids under surveillance later this hour how a u.s. initiative to gathering data on children as young as five years old has their parents up in arms plus. the growing tension in the u.k.'s trade unions voiced their outrage over new jobs and celery codd's a jury ports on the stand off between the workers and the government that's further
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spread. the. transit route. you'll best way to the heart of most. going to extremes all across europe rightwing anti e.u. parties and groups are gaining strength and in some cases respectability what accounts for this hard economic times are the growing alienation and frustration with the euro project could be said the new right is really the old right so
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wearing a nice suit. winter is when the sahara comes to life. away says palm trees are being harvested. people are waiting for the biggest event of the yeah. the desert festival. this is true it is. leading camel races have spent the last year preparing for the grueling marathon. the day before the race there's a heavy sandstorm overcoming the power of nature is a never ending challenge. and doesn't want to see.
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the interview. her. no cholesterol. depression. for you. to prove your life. or you.
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know. welcome back you're watching our team in the u.k. seeing a tense standoff between trade unions and the government and they've been wide strong as planned by teachers over new tough rules on pensions and pay this follows a massive protest by subway workers out broad london to standstill our correspondent as our syria looks now at the confrontation. below the surface there's a burning anger out of frustration that fury has led to a storm of government criticism take the recent flooding for instance unions say downing street scott smith lower budgets for flood maintenance and staff unions haven't been able to do much whenever the job x. was wielded but once in a while they score a point where do workers go on strike london grinds to
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a halt quite literally for two days in february that's exactly what happened at trade unions with the talk of the town for them it was a fight for hundreds of jobs but business leaders said the strike cost london economy two hundred million pounds prime minister david cameron branded the walkout as shameful what's shameful is these vicious attacks on ordinary people the poorest in society they want to beat wages so their friends can make bigger profits trade union members have gathered here in what they say is a show over systems to governments continued a steady caused by unions have seen their numbers grow for the first time in a decade reaching six point five million dollars in two thousand and twelve in the one nine hundred eighty s. margaret thatcher's government went head to head with unions introducing legislation that essentially made it more difficult to carry out strike action and not much has changed since then there was a first actions they took when they came to office back in two thousand was to
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change the rules on eligibility to claim unfair dismissal previously you had to be working for your current employer for just twelve months and change that two years the company is keen to undermine workers' rights businesses though beg to differ story clearly very soon is that pretty much help the british government's around somethings like increasing the minimum wage and introduce him a living wage to actually increase unemployment or make it more difficult for employers to take on new people the second plan to walk out of the month was called off at the last minute after concessions were made and talks resumed. score for the unions at this time but as more cots new workers plan their move and the next round could very well be just right around the corner. to us or so you are to. let's not take a look at what's happening elsewhere in the world the rally against israeli settlements has left at least thirteen palestinians injured in gaza at least two more were wounded in separate clashes in the west bank city of hebron israeli
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police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at protesters who called for the opening of a major road there and it was close to ninety four after a jewish settler killed twenty nine palestinians at a religious site. a mortar strike on a shia town just south of baghdad has killed at least twenty people and injured over thirty others suspicion for the attack has fallen sunni insurgents have been targeting shiite civilians across the country since the beginning of the year violence in iraq has claimed over thousand lives. close and near the anti-government protest side has injured six people in thailand's capital bangkok so far there is no information on who could be behind the a tab on tuesday five people including a police officer were killed in clashes when security forces tried to clear a protest camp rallies have been ongoing for months demanding the country's prime minister step down. new york state authorities are planning to step up surveillance
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this time on school kids program which is to be launched statewide is supposed to gather information on students starting from the age of five as are reports the move is finding little support among parents. a new data gathering program in new york state shows that not even america's youngest citizens can be spared from having their personal information collected and stored the department of education is creating a statewide database that will include the names addresses test scores learning disabilities attendance and disciplinary records of every single public school students the data collection begins at the age of five and a private company called in bloom has been contracted to store and protect the records of three point six million students education officials say the program can help companies who produce
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a teaching material to tailor their products to student needs however parents are not buying it more than four thousand have signed a petition rejecting the in bloom program including karen sproul who spoke with r.t.e. about her concerns for her ten year old son and millions of others the new york state department did not notify parents they didn't give x. for consent. we kind of just stumbled on it and discovered it just seems like parents were taken out of the equation completely in terms of protecting the children's privacy we were not aware that the new york state department made a deal with bill gates in blue nonprofit organization to upload all of our children's personal data disinclined to parents as well. for the purpose of personalized learning for me this is particularly alarming because my child has special needs. and his school records are essential to his medical records whereas
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in any other instance releases would have to be signed for any of the information to be released to a third party you don't even know who will have access records if there's breaches you wouldn't even know because it's so massive. and the extent to the information that's being uploaded is so huge that it will be available to many different third party vendors entities that we have no idea who they are and what information would be released of them it's horrifying to me as a parent new york officials say the in bloom student data program will begin in april in the meantime thousands of parents say they are prepared to fight this state to think and mail in order to protect their children's privacy reporting from new york r.t. and over in our website hysterically takes its toll on the health of greeks as a report shows how the slashing the country's budget in recent years has left tens
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of thousands without basic medical care and opened the door to dangerous diseases plus. as anti-government anger in venezuela seems to be far from letting up we've got some striking images from here is protests they are all those that i would envision section. coming up after the break it's technology update this is our team and. recently swiss voters nearly passed a referendum to put a strict quota back on immigration switzerland is a relatively small country and some estimate that almost
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a quarter of the population is made up of immigrants from e.u. countries that is a lot of people and the swiss are worried that the increased foreigners will also mean increased crime rent prices birth the state and erode traditional local culture as modern immigration almost always does the swiss population's democratic choice. to restrict immigration is now actually being blasted by the e.u. brass what rights to cancel bilateral agreements how dear you have a different version of democracy than we in the you have switzerland how dare you i don't think this event will have much effect on the e.u. bureaucratic machine nothing could make them change their hyper liberal minds but i think the swiss anti immigration referendum will have a huge effect on local populations of countries like germany and the u.k. which are seeing horrible effects of open borders and growing anti e.u. sentiment as i speak i don't like to make predictions by i think a lot of disenfranchised people across the e.u. are going to become quite jealous of the swiss move and demand the same type of changes at home but that's just my opinion.
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and russia at least being gay is not criminalized there are absolutely no punishment for being gay in russia the only thing that they saw is. information family information on nontraditional sexual behavior what are you going to legislate against couples through swing you know who. you know trade partners or is it only as certain type of sex that you're legally able to you know it is so why is propaganda you know it's so unclear.
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hello and welcome to technology updates this month we left the host of moscow and went to which is one of the country's innovation hot spots on. today's show we meet some of cousins young scientists. we find out that making plane parts is a bit like baking a cake. and we can face to face with a modern day viking. cook first cousin has been paid to become a capsule so it was the perfect place to kick off our trip. son is the capital of the republic of tatarstan the city's historic sites running back centuries very modern metropolis and this innovation friendly environment makes it the ideal place to start so. on our first evening in the city we were met by a pair of young intrapreneur is keen to give us a demonstration of the road. as well as providing all the features of
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a traditional dash cam top also uses computer vision technology to identify road signs and display them on screen it's also remembers the speed limits of the road you on and politely remind you if you get a bit heavy on the accelerator the following day we went to i.t.v. parked right in the hearts of cars on this business district builds in two thousand and nine with the sole purpose of boosting bushes i see industry the parks business incubator is a hive of activity it provides all the infrastructure and support necessary to help putting business men and women in the idea it's a fully fledged company so it was the perfect venue for the bush and starts approach shows stopping because the abends organized imposible skolkovo will pass through twenty seven cities by april this year giving and social of around three thousand stocks hopes the chance to pitch their ideas to about five hundred investors and we arrived just in time to see the guys from bodog say to the stage.
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of stalls already pretty crowded with not endorsements and reality software offering functions ranging from turn by turn navigation voice and text charts say overlays and geo targeted advertising. the only problem is none of them awful all of these features are wants and this is where it's going to dominate them all not only will the op combine all these functions but future updates will introduce a on the vacation audio advertising and instantly all dated maps for the first time . justin could end up not a currently our competitors are updating their maps manually but the more therefore delays are inevitable because they can take from a couple of months to half a year before that we expect our maps to be updated every day or two with the initial stage we call our user base is relatively small but once we have the same number of users as our competitors will start updating the maps within one or two hours of the change offering the drivers latest information.


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