tv [untitled] February 22, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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the day's top news and the round up of the week's headlines here on our d.c. it's a big day for the big games as sort through twenty fourteen braces for the closing ceremony there is still plenty of drama left at the top of the medal table we'll be bringing you all the i live in just a minute. tortured and transformed the deadly battles in kiev leads to the worst political crisis ukraine has seen the opposition taking control of parliament and moves the president calls a coup. and arts investigates the reasons behind the number of suicides among senior bankers to find out what could have been pushed them to the edge.
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live from the heart of their washing capital this is artsy ensor national with me marina call survivor welcome to the program now it's sunday and the final day of the salt two winter olympics here in russia the home team have excelled now it's helping the leader table with the countries by showing and twenty years but they're still mad also up for grabs and it's all or nothing for russia and norway will definitely want to snatch first place in today's cross-country skiing and the four man bobsled runs now once these surveillance are over france can breathe a sigh of relief but before that there is still a lot of drama in store so with the final day in front of us let's take a look at some of the highlights of the games. the longest. igniting the most expensive the most compact and one of the most watched winter olympics in the us. again stunning backdrops gripping stories of heartbreak and joy on
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a daily basis russia's red machine taking seconds to light up a nation's heart then deflating it days later with a cool final exit. russian figure skaters left the world dizzy with a veteran and a youngster helping them grab the seventeen goals. under a bad back in media hype heaped on tiny shoulders for another star to sparkle in showing and take her country in fans to new a limp a comic's the ups and downs came thick and fast. and the russians an american he married a siberian sped to snowboarding gold for the hosts. korean slipped to glory in short track repairing the face of this new adoptive country. these just some of the amazing hollywood like stories sochi is pretty sticky.
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worldwide and should be remembered long after he limped flame finally i've been a black sea. country fama. sochi. now once again this have been full of unexpected victories and surprising disappointments and you got a chance to tell us what were the most memorable ones you can go to our team's facebook page suppose your ideas now remember fails then tough luck moments are all parts of olympic history as well you can share your opinion on twitter all you have to do is look for the hash tag. moments and the bass will be right out there in our special coverage of the closing day of the games. the g. twenty four gene problem was the week ultimate an exhilarating winter in our team mates here in germany and it's in no way i'm a criminal and the rest of our limited news team for sochi twenty four would say.
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all odds. and we'll move on to other news now it's been the most turbulence weiqi crane has seen in a smaller in history in less than seven days the capital of this eastern european country has gone from fire smoke and deadly clashes in scenes resembling a medieval battlefield then the police withdrew kiev fell into the hands of rioters and the opposition practically took over power and artsy crew has been wiped out the epicenter threw out including our very own alex. caps it all for us now. all hell was breaking loose in kiev on tuesday to compromise with seemingly reached all of a sudden ukraine's capital was plunged into the worst violence is seen so far almost two hundred the central streets of one of europe's finest cities looking like a war zone and snipers shooting from the rooftops including our group what we have now is that you have a radical elements that we have ready. there which
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is somehow feared and driven by especially as we see using snipers and so on and which is not controlled neither by the. either by the west directly so everything went out of control just two days later it was a totally different scene to the president make the biggest concessions yet by offering an early election to an opposition led government and a return to parliamentary republic there were twenty four of the protests didn't. do if the president does not resign by turning. i swear. by ten o'clock on saturday they were has nothing left to store all the police were gone and the ruling party had completely lost control over the capital so this is the presidential administration building which used to be the probably the most protected governmental building in the whole of here the biggest fight in the first
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stages of the protest happened here now as you can see we are taking on an excursion that is no longer control. by the police or the government the protesters have occupied this building as well this means that will never be back here as a protest the president made that has to retreat to the east of ukraine and with scour the defiant even after receiving news that parliament had ceased to recognize him as leader by an overwhelming majority and announced an early election. all that is happening now for the most part is vandalism and crimes this is my strong belief that i will do everything takes to prevent my country from splitting up to stop the bloodshed it went from bad to worse we have a court which with parliament pleasing historic why will you let a machine go from prison sparking jubilation on keeps independence square. she dreamt of seeing you to force changed everything your heroes here is the best of this country has while the protesters are in high spirits and the east and south of
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the country are single indifferent to its leaders have the governance and constitutional power you leaked all over the world and wake up in the country and. reporting from kiev in ukraine. and exactly where the south east of ukraine stands in the face of what's already been dubbed the coup artist very often has been gauging the move there. a nation turning team russia one isn't starting today local authorities are in charge of all political decisions on the ground in these regions we have to protect our land. the sources of ukraine's eastern and southern regions gathered in how to for an emergency session and decided that they no longer take orders from kiev while in the capital parliament declare that these people must be brought to justice as separatists we think that the central authority is a paralyzed and that their decisions cannot be considered constitutional well deck which is unheard of adopt a resolution split in the country
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a system of governance their region has recently shown signs of being far from unanimous what happened in kiev left a local population base divided and dissolution and many fear that radicals from the capital could bring violence in their wake but others condemned the president's agreement with the opposition colonnade surrender the traditional russian in the region had a major power base could stumble over the you brokered crisis deal that the head of state signed on friday. i'm shocked and disgusted by the actions of the president i never expected anything like this from him i never thought he'd ever betray the crimean people that i thought that he'd hold on three and your new government but i'm unhappy because then if you want to join the e.u. and be a them back and cool i say they're free to do so they can go on and live in the human way to be dealing with their masters order resume used to being free cherishing ounce addition and. opposition views which are in the minority here
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sounds surprisingly similar but we are fed up with our government we no longer consider yanukovych to be our president the party of regions or a bunch of the leaves they are suffocating the population after deadly clashes in the key of things are heating up here too the man is quickly surrounded by those who don't share his opinion or basis back that he came here from the capitals my done rallies and i want to bring violence with him and then tries to assure everyone. today's rally in the center of hard brought together those supporters. and the opposition and was quite peaceful but here which recently became a symbol of players for many ukrainians and a source of great fear is less than five hundred kilometers away and no one can guarantee that it's mood of anneke will not spread here results not see from.
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crane. well let's now take a detailed look at which parts of ukraine is opposing a change of leadership in the capital now souder and eastern ukraine are made up of ten regions it's home to just over half the country's population over twenty three out of forty five million now this territory includes huge areas of first how aligned with enormous agricultural potential and it's also the country's industrial heartland with most of its mines and factories located there and of course all of the country's seaports are also situated there and we have been also in the crimea now the ukrainian opposition portion the country's leadership is concessions and practically grabbing power does not mean an end to the turmoil now that's the view of a modern expert history expert in fact mark almond who told us earlier in the week that in fights in within the protesters ranks is
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a likely scenario if you recall that is out of the picture. growing it so new york feel they can ride this tiger to par certainly i hope that they've tried to use it to some sort of western backers have to every time the other coaches make concessions far from calming a situation that is a prelude to a revival of violence and i think what we're seeing is an attempt inch by inch to force a change of regime the problem is that it's taken longer than perhaps the opposition hoped for and at the same time this is imposed and imposed by the radical right wing paramilitary groups and so we have to offer our souls whether even if president in a coup which was to step down this rush to lead to a peaceful solution would we not then see infighting amongst the opposition we saw this after all in similar circumstances in georgia twenty years ago when there was a kind of push like this took place and it took four five use for the political situation settle for the eight years they took another similar so-called people power but rather by the top people. well many experts have been highlights in the
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roles the e.u. and the u.s. have played in ukraine's on rest but for most western media it's been the russian presence and that's been there all along blaming russia for all the bad things happening in ukraine has become the main theme of mainstream coverage and as despite the fact that the prize then as this himself from the situation from the onset our season associates were going explains. the blame game the western means to media play and repeat as if hell bent finger prints all over the current chaos and the. deadly appetite government clashes in kiev have turned into yet another reason to obsess over who else russia coverage of ukraine fits a larger picture of the american media having cold war attitudes about russia he doesn't represent anything except. for an authoritarian state this a drumbeat they have marched to for decades to blame for everything that the
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american media from the threat of terrorism in the world to global warming. the media are determined to criticize one man as if possessed the united states is looking to propagandize the population as much as possible in making russia and specifically puts in into the enemy never mind the fact that putin is essentially on the outside looking in especially considering the fact that they have tremendous financial investment on the line in ukraine actual facts have left the building context and in depth analysis are brushed aside it appears that putin is stifling ukraine not reported. why do they have to choose why can't we be russia. in its time of economic need and europe that was rejected by the west instead it's headlines like these that are taking center stage then again superficial attention grabbing and hate driven media coverage is familiar especially when it involves events so far from the u.s.
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and so close to russia most americans who are in the media don't know anything about the ukraine they don't know much of anything about former countries that were part of the soviet union i don't think the american press including me has it accurately reported the latter mehr putin highly questionable as a battle of words one target trumps accuracy in the western media just as you target out r t new york earlier we spoke to and civil activist brian backer who explained why he thinks russia is not the mastermind but the most likely it's hard gets over the head and agenda behind the crimean crisis. the united states and nato and the together are using their combined forces to signal these demonstrators that we are with you and of course that emboldens them and john kerry and the e.u. and the nato leadership and the obama administration are neck deep in now a plan to carry out regime change in this extremely important part of europe trying
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to integrate a former soviet republic into the e.u. and of course into nato ultimately i think the united states government is playing a dirty game another dirty game they're trying to do what they've been doing for the last twenty years which is to incorporate all of the former socialist countries in the eastern and social and central european bloc those that were aligned with the soviet union into an american western nato sphere of influence and you can see that it's going systematically and ukraine is a big prize it's a big country with a very big military and it's right on russia's border it's part of a new cold war against russia as well and we'll be keeping you updated on the turbulent situation in ukraine throughout the day on the air and online at our website r.t. dot com and also by arts what's your feet.
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now with the african continent increasingly in the science of the u.s. hundreds of millions of dollars are being palms and soon its military presence there let's take a look at this map here american military bases are already spread across the continent with the main outpost in the north of somalia drones and thousands of soldiers are being poured in south africa with the pensacola science in its fight against rising extremist groups but as artie's paullus leader reports there may be some other agenda behind the military. hundreds of millions of american dollars are flowing into africa as the pentagon upset spending on the continent there's plenty of war materials here nigeria a case in point the west african nation is america's fourth largest supplier of crude oil accounting for eleven percent of all u.s. oil imports we have made it has a lot of investment in that they have invested so much in the oil sector and they
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need to protect that and that believes rafsanjani is the real reason for u.s. troop expansion in africa not to bring democracy not to help the local populations but to protect american interests and justify the reasons for being here the governess in syria or to listen to you know the collapse of. you know accountability. and of course you know dubai is the definitive kind of makeup artist crisis in the country. by the you know it is made in terms of american foreign policy reasons to actually come into nigeria africa's dotted with u.s. bases and a growing constellation of small american drone outposts camp limb or near north of somalia has been america's main facility on the continent for nearly a decade it houses about four thousand military and civilian personnel but at the
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end of last year it was forced to stop flying drones in the area after a string of crashes and growing anger from locals problem is u.s. forces are getting stretched very thin they're being tasked with missions will be on their numerical logistics capability right now and the danger will have to go like all foreign interventions is new conflicts expand shroom and all the next thing you know the troops and money to sustain these missions. u.s. secretary of state john kerry says it's happening in africa so exciting overall and we are really deeply engaged. the president has instructed us to really try to. light our fire under our efforts throughout the crowd but what's not so exciting is the growth of jihadists and
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groups across the continent thousands of american soldiers are gearing up for missions as part of the pentagon's new strategy to train and advise african militaries to deal with the threat it's not impressing those who live here. the americans a field to combat terrorism in afghanistan or anywhere else and the same will happen here in west africa it's likely that the prisons even bring the terrorists to senegal but the president does his calculation saying well this will allow me to be a good friend of the united states maybe attract some investment or strengthen my security forces that from the point of view of the senegalese people we risk losing our norful lot is a number of african leaders have expressed concern about the potential militarization of the continent fearful that america's expanding presence will bode badly for africa and her people. r.t. . we spoke to journalist lawrence freedman who has written extensively on african affairs and he believes the influx of u.s.
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troops to the continent is actually the stabilizing the situation on the ground spurring anti american sentiments. we spent over a billion dollars supposedly in counterterrorism security in the hell west africa north africa and we've seen the mali was toppled the year ago we've seen the rise of boko rum we committed the absolute criminal stupidity of overthrowing president gadhafi so how is this security helping look at the central african republic it's being destroyed it doesn't almost it almost doesn't exist anymore look at nigeria look at south sudan look at mali they're still fighting terrorism in northern mali with french troops so all this money that is being spent could much better be spent building roads building energy power plants building water development projects and actually uplift the population around we refused to do that we have
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a military only policy right now in africa could feed itself and could provide food for the rest of the world if we developed it but the western policy has actually been a genocidal policy that is to allow people to die from famine from war and from the disease rather than developing these countries. and we have more news coming your way this hour including rewarded for truth in prisons u.s. army whistleblower chelsea manning is on the road by former cia officers and receives an award for disclosing american war crimes on foreign soil. plus all reports on why dozens of luxury mansions are standing empty in the center of london while still reaping the huge rewards for their absence owners. was so blower chelsea manning formerly known as bradley has been honored for revealing u.s. war crimes he was awarded the sam adams award for integrity and intelligence it is
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given annually by a group of former intelligence officers to those who have stood up for the truth as to what snowden was the winner over the last year now we spoke to who was at the ceremony and oxford. room was full and there are many people from u.s. and u.k. intelligence agencies and we are just very proud very honored to be able to to to give this award to chelsea and to show that she is not alone she is not forgotten and that we value what she tried to do in fact she was exposing the crimes of the spies so what we're seeing now is the technological capabilities outpace the laws and the accountability that are supposed to govern these spies and also of course since nine eleven the sort of brutal response and interventions with illegal wars in the middle east with invasions across north africa and covert actions and wrinkling strikes that there is a great need for people principal to stand up and say this is being done allegedly
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an army but actually it is illegal under international law. let's move on to some other news now in turkey thousands of old masters have clashed police in the center of istanbul several people have been arrested the demonstrators were rallying against legislation which is meant supplies and government control of the internet many fear the move will undermine the freedom of speech similar rallies were also held in ankara earlier this year. the number of deaths from the ongoing ansi government on russia even as well has risen to ten fresh rallies have been held in the country's capital caracas throughout saturday and later resulted in scuffles with security forces police resources in syria gas after having been pelted with stones for two weeks homes of thousands across the country have been rallying against the country's ailing economy. six police officers and four processors have been injured during the rally that surround violence in the
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french city of nuns some twenty five thousand people vents of their anger over the construction of a nearby airport demonstrators set fire to construction vehicles and threw stones our police responded with a year ago. now a string of suicides has shaken the financial world five senior bank and executives have killed themselves all within one week our correspondents are simply investigates what may lie behind. their untimely deaths grabbed headlines three of which happened within a week be it the big investment banks they worked for the senior positions they held the public nature of their deaths or all three once again it raised questions . about an industry largely blamed for bringing the global economy to its knees and a two thousand and eight financial crisis michael taylor a former goldman sachs bond salesman who calls himself
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a recovering banker knew this world well it's so extraordinary really competitive and so focused profit above all the trees actually every moment like pressure turns carbon into diamonds you know extreme pressure both accelerate human achievement some cases break people the pressure and calling the shots the form of banking we have no interest in the people it affects. because in a sense and legally responsible to invest and stock holders you make a moral decisions without thinking about the impact that it has on the people job losses people who should now home and so on and so forth pressure to rake in profits or the pressure to put in more hours than your peers after the spate of recent deaths big firms did try to essentially by telling their junior staff to take more time off or at least to try not to work on weekends it's kind of
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a disconnect between what they have the weekend off will also make a ton of money and ultimately making a ton of money is what's going to keep you around so now you strike me as a real solution you're a sly and spent a year demystifying bankers interviewing dozens of fine us workers on the condition of anonymity the degree to which bankers are trapped has been really a really important finding i think we keep on projecting this idea on bankers as masters of the universe they have everything we want but if you look at their actual life they can be fired in five minutes this is a deeply dysfunctional and ought to be abusive system so there is this real taboo in banking like the army to own up to one soldier but it. does or so you r.t. london and now look how well we've lined up for the online fallen. in the future and also scientists are working on the so-called the robo dog capable of
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performing even complicated surgery on cosmic travelers by the full story on artsy dot com. plus a homemade royd we'll tell you why america has been forced to purchase its flies from china but now says the time has come to produce the stars and stripes on home ground. and so our crew mansions in the heart of london are sparking anger in the british capital were even basic housing as out of reach for many some houses and longer than so-called billionaire's row have not been lived in for a quarter of a century but they're still becoming more and more expensive ortiz probably boyko reports on this better controversy. the bishops avenue in north london is one of the most expensive streets in europe it's been home to saudi royalty film stars and media tycoon this mansion is on the market for sixty five million pounds but
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some of the other properties here tell a different story an investigation by the guardian newspaper has revealed that large swathes of the most expensive part of the street have fallen into disrepair because no one is living in them that's about three hundred fifty million pounds worth of property boarded up and standing vacant but even as they stand derelict these houses are getting more expensive a former pakistani minister bought this house back in two thousand and seven for twelve million pounds it's now back on the market and expected to sell for thirty million pounds and it's a wreck there's nothing wrong with the road it is quite normal to have. maybe title twenty percent of the properties as we call it in the state of flux bishops avenue is off the wall and iconic road which is one of the best known names in the world and therefore it protects your investment it's
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a status symbol so for most people coming into this country i'm for local buzz bishops i took some of the books is but away from the leafy avenue the u.k. is in the midst of a housing crisis homeless charity shelter of warmth that house prices are spiraling out of control because of a shortage of affordable housing last year in london alone over one hundred eighty thousand people were on waiting lists for social housing against this backdrop critics say this so-called house hoarding shouldn't be allowed to take place a lot of these things are actually people are buying to leave all their land banking they're just buying property in london because they think it's a good investment it's not actually a home it's just an investment and that they're just doing it to money and housing should be the people not just about investing in making money the problem is spreading to other affluent areas of london such as kensington and chelsea even the
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mer of london has waded in saying that london properties on blocks of bullion which rich often overseas investors can just park their money and councils now have the right to charge an extra hundred fifty percent in tax on homes that are being lived in or rented out but local authorities complain that for the people that are invested in these houses that's just loose change polly boy you are seeing london. more news for you in about half an hour from now but up next the sourcing scary pilbeam and she sums up the week's financial highlights inventor capital do stay with us.
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