tv [untitled] February 23, 2014 9:00am-9:31am EST
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russia wins its thirteenth gold as a country breaks away from the pack of the top of the rankings setting the record for medals at a winter olympics. ukraine moves close to a split the opposition dominated parliament appoints its own acting ministers and president while the southeast refuses to ban to its will and it had of state is no word to be found. in his fingerprints all over the current chaos and it appears that putin has started feeling ukraine. into russian rather it takes center stage in western coverage of events in ukraine despite the fact it's the e.u. and the us politicians who are the most frequent visitors to kiev during the protests. and a spate of suicides by senior bankers turned the spotlight squarely on the finance
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industry and the pressure it puts on its implodes. international live from moscow with me marina josh it's crunch time in sochi were the olympics are nearing their grand finale and contestants are going all out in the final push for glory russia is now unreachable and the medal counts with its bobsled team adding one more gold to broaden the gap at the top of the table as in sochi with the details. gold rush continued for russia into the final day the host nation some. mensing
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that place at the top of the medals table with two further gold medals on sunday the latest coming in the form on bob slave and now alexander golf and alexey voyage part of that crew meaning they've added to the gold that they'd already won in the two man competition that was russia's first pope's leggo since the fall of the soviet union they very quickly added that second elsewhere today there was a first for russia at these games they secured a one two three gold silver and bronze they completed the podium in the men's cross country skiing in the fifty k. must start alexander left called finishing faster more proved to be another thrilling climax so let's see what all of that has done to the medals table and as you say russia outright lead is the talk the latest that best display since the fall of the soviet union and an even more surprising turnaround is four years ago russia put in one of their displays winning only three goals but it seems that the investment in coaching and facilities in the last four years has paid off thirteen gold medals now on thirty three in total but of course there is
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a fine line between success and failure and a fine line between joy and despair my colleague andre farmer now takes a look at the highs and lows of sochi twenty forty. the longest day of the tool sri lanka igniting a nice to expensive the most compact and one of the most watched winter olympics in . again stunning backdrops gripping stories of heartbreak enjoy emerged on a daily basis russia's red machine taking seconds to light up a nation's heart then deflating it days later with a quarter final exit. russian figure skaters left the world to see with a veteran and a youngster helping them grab the first ever team gold but hopes of move glory buckled under a bad back in media hype hate on tiny shoulders only for another star to sparkle and shine and take her country and fans to new a limp
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a kite the ups and downs came thick and fast. and so did new russians an american who married a siberian sped to snowboarding gold for the hosts while the south koreans slipped to glory in short track repaying the faith this new adoptive country. these just some of the amazing hollywood like stories sorties produced to keep millions chained in world wide and should be remembered long after the olympic flame finally goes over the black sea. and the winter games have been full of unexpected the victories and surprising disappointments and get a chance to tell us what were the most memorable for you so go to our facebook page to post your ideas and remember fails and moments are part of the olympic history
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as well so you can also share your opinion on twitter with a hash tag my such moments the best will be read out during our special coverage of the closing ceremony later extend. the g twenty fourteen promise the week ultimate and exhilarating winter in our eight year journey and using our way to make seven zero and the rest of our lives take news team for sochi twenty four would take. on. an after the most turbulent week in its post-war history ukraine is now undergoing a complete power of the hall since taking over a reigns in the capital the opposition has been hard at work composing its own order. the situation here resembles more and more a coup since the president's fled the city along with some of his supporters those deputies of state or from opposition parties and they have been passing laws like
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a printing press the latest include the appointment of the acting president. of the russian as the second official language in the country even though in the east up to fifty percent of those living there are ethnic russians still under the full control of the protesters some of the former officials have been arrested. are known for their far right. to say that events unfolded quickly here is almost say nothing and for more about how things went on what's the situation here like on the ground here is a report by my colleague. all hell was breaking loose in kiev on tuesday to compromise was seemingly reached all of a sudden ukraine's capital was plunged into the worst violence is seen so far almost two hundred dead the central streets of one of europe's finest cities looking like a war zone and snipers shooting from the rooftops including our crew what we have now is that we have a radical elements that we have ready. many times there which
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is somehow here and driven by especially as we see using snipers and so on and which is not controlled neither by the opposition neither by the west directly so everything went out of control just two days later it was a totally different scene to the president make the biggest concessions yet by offering an early election to an opposition led government and a return to bollywood free republic there were twenty core of the protests did not buy it was still. there if the president does not resign by turning. i swear. by ten o'clock on saturday they were has nothing left to store all the police were gone and the ruling party had completely lost control over the capital so this is the presidential administration building which used to be the probably the most protected governmental building in the whole of the of the biggest fight in the first stages of the protest happened here now as you can see
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we are taking on an excursion that is no longer controlled by the police or the government the protesters have occupied this building as well this means that which will never be back here as the past the president made to his sea retreat to the east of ukraine and was stoutly defiant even after receiving news that parliament had ceased to recognize him as leader by an overwhelming majority and announced an early election solutions to the all that is happening now the most part is than the easement crimes this is my strong belief that i will do everything tape. prevent my country from splitting up the blood should it went from bad to worse than ever before which with parliament leaving will you go from prison sparking jubilation. we know she dreamt of seeing you to force the change everything your heroes here is the best of this country where protesters are in high spirits the east and south of
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the country are simply different. because so governance and constitutional power. overwhelm the breakup in the gum tree in the. ukraine now here's a map to show you just how much of ukraine is now refusing to follow the lead and these are ten provinces which are home to over half the country's population the regional leaders have gathered in the city of heart of right here this weekend to express their disapproval of what's going on in the capital. starting today local authorities are in charge of all political decisions on the ground in these regions we have to protect our land we think that the central authorities a paranoid is and that their decisions cannot be considered constitutional. away riders taking over the capital is not the only thing people in the east of the country are angry about manny now feel they have been abandoned by president on
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a car which after he made concessions to the opposition and fled the capital. i'm shocked and disgusted by the actions of the president i never thought he'd never betray the craning people i thought but he told them to the end an example of how split the feelings of ukrainians are is a way police officers are turning from kiev were received in the south of the country while the opposition in the capital are proclaiming the rioters a zero's other parts of ukraine are firmly on the side of the law enforcers. in the crimean city of sebastopol returning officers were given a rapturous welcome by cheering crowds and they have been sent us back out to helmets to help stam of the violence and from the start of the uprising in the capital it's drawing little support from the southeast of the country where people fear the rise of radical movements up to twenty policemen are said to have been killed in the turmoil during the past week alone. now europe and the united
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states have played a highly visible role in ukraine's unrest but in the eyes of most western media it's pressure from moscow that's to blame blaming russia for the chaos has been a recurring theme in mainstream coverage even though president putin clearly distance himself from the situation from the outset. now explains. blame game the western means to media play and repeat as if hell bent finger prints all over their current chaos the hand of. deadly appetite government clashes in kiev have turned into yet another reason to obsess over who else brush up our coverage of ukraine fits a larger picture of the american media having cold war attitudes about russia he doesn't represent anything except a subjugation authority authoritarian state this a drumbeat they have marched to for decades to blame for everything that the american media from the threat of terrorism in the world to global warming. the
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media are determined to criticize one man as if possessed the united states is looking to propagandize the population as much as possible in making russia and specifically puts him into the enemy never mind the fact that putin is essentially on the outside looking in especially considering the fact that they have tremendous financial investment on the line in ukraine actual facts have left the building context and in-depth analysis are brushed aside it appears that putin is stifling ukraine not reported was what putin's why do they have to choose why can't we russia in its time of economic need and europe that was rejected by the west instead its headlines like these that are taking center stage then again superficial attention grabbing and hate driven media coverage is familiar especially when it involves events so far from the us and so close to russia most
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americans who are in the media don't know anything about the ukraine they don't know much of anything about former countries that were part of the soviet union i don't think the american press including me has it accurately reported the latter mare putin highly questionable as a battle of words one targets trumps accuracy in the western media just as you are t. new york. a senior rabbi in ukraine has warned jews living in the capital that they should leave the city and if possible the country altogether is concerned by the hate speech coming from some of the protester leaders. as long as i live and i will fight against jews communists and russian scum. and i was sick alexander go for example he's a leader of a far right nationalist party in western ukraine with played a key part in taking over kiev and he's long been a member of alter nationalist movements despite being a citizen during the chechen war he went to the caucasus to fight against russian
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forces alongside the terrorists and he's openly boasted he personally hit several tanks and armored vehicles russian media believes he was responsible for the slaughter of a group of marines and he's also notorious for his criminal activity and is believed to have been behind an assassination attempt on his business partner and spent several years in prison for kidnapping the spied us records go round for parliament just a couple of years ago and once again this person is now a leader of the protesters that to go over the ukrainian capital well we'll be keeping you updated on the turbulence situation in ukraine throughout the day on air and online and our web site r t dot com. twitter feed.
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china may be the dominant economic power in africa. but we'll bring you more news on that after the short break don't go away. and russia trees being gay is not criminalised there are absolutely no punishment for being gay in russia the only thing that. is reading information families are mission on nontraditional sexual behavior what are you going to legislate against couples swing you know who. you know trade partners or is it only a certain type of sex that you're legally able to you know it is so. propaganda you know it's so unclear.
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we speak your language i mean some of the will not advance. what these programs documentaries in spanish what matters to you. but what will turn it to angola's stories. that the spanish. visit. welcome back this is our international well tonight maybe the dominance economic power in africa but when it comes to military reach the united states leaves its rivals trailing on the continent with hundreds of millions of dollars a year maintaining its presence well let's now take a look at this map right here and on it we can see that america has made north
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somalia a key outpost to protect its interest in the region drones and thousands of soldiers are being funneled into africa where the pentagon citing its fight against rising extremist groups. has more on this. hundreds of millions of american dollars are flowing into africa as the pentagon upset spending on the continent there's plenty of war materials here nigeria a case in point the west african nation is america's fourth largest supplier of crude oil accounting for eleven percent of all u.s. oil imports we have made it has a lot of investment in that they have invested so much in the oil and gas sector and they need to protect that and that believes rafsanjani is the real reason for u.s. troop expansion in africa not to bring democracy not to help the local populations but to protect american interests and justify the reasons for being here the
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governess in syria. to you know the collapse of. you know accountability. and of course you know dubai is the. definitive kind of makeup artist that crisis in the country provided you know it isn't it in terms of american part of policy reasons to actually come into nigeria africa's dotted with u.s. bases and a growing constellation of small american drone outposts camp north of somalia has been america's main facility on the continent for nearly a decade it houses about four thousand military and civilian personnel but at the end of last year it was forced to stop flying drones in the area after a string of crashes and growing anger from locals problem is u.s. forces are getting stretched very thin there be tasked with missions will be on their numerical logistics capability right now and the danger will have to go like
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all foreign interventions. new conflicts expand and all the next thing you know those. troops and money to sustain these missions. u.s. secretary of state john kerry says it's happening in africa so exciting overall and we are really deeply engaged. the president has instructed us to really try to. lighten our fire under our efforts throughout the car but what's not so exciting is the growth of jihadists and groups across the continent thousands of american soldiers are gearing up for missions as part of the pentagon's new strategy to train and advise african militaries to deal with the three eight it's not impressing those who live here. the americans have failed to combat terrorism in afghanistan or anywhere else and the same will happen
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here in west africa it's likely that their presence even bring the terrorists to synagogue but the president does his calculation saying well this will allow me to be a good friend of the united states maybe attract some investment or strengthen my security forces that from the point of view of the senegalese people we risk losing our norful lot is a number of african leaders have expressed concern about the potential militarization of the continent fearful that america's expanding presence will bode badly for africa and her people poilus leah r.t. . always spoke to journalist lawrence freeman who has written extensively on african affairs and he thinks the u.s. presence is actually doing more harm than good. we spent over a billion dollars supposedly in counterterrorism security in the. west africa north africa and we've seen the mali was top will be a year ago we've seen the rise of boko we committed the absolute criminal stupidity
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of overthrowing president khadafi so how is this security helping look at the central african republic it's being destroyed it doesn't almost it almost doesn't exist anymore look at nigeria look at south sudan look at mali they're still fighting terrorism in northern mali with french troops so all this money that is being spent could much better be spent building roads building energy power plants building water development projects and actually uplift the population of. fused to do that we have a military only policy right now in africa could feed itself and could provide food for the rest of the world if we developed it but the western powers he has actually been a genocidal policy that is to allow people to die from famine from war and from disease rather than developing these countries. more global headlines for you right
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now approach house attracted more than a thousand people as the sand into violence in brazil's largest city of some more than a hundred people were arrested for vandalism as protesters show to see or anger an alleged official corruption linked to the upcoming football world cup protester ruptured in june last year when a million people marched against a hike in public transport prices. clashes have broken out in france between police and protesters angry at proposals to build a new airport near the city of not in the strangers' through cobblestones and other projects but officers and rampage through a police station organizers say fifty thousand people to. part of the initial rally work on the converse airport was due to begin to months ago but hasn't yet begun. this weekend investment bankers were going to sell off the top of the hong kong skyscraper worth he worked in that his was just one of
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a handful of suicides in the doggy dog finance sector joy in the last months reports there on timely deaths grabbed headlines three of which happened within a week be it the big investment banks they worked for the senior positions they held the public nature of their deaths or all three once again it raised questions . about an industry largely blamed for bringing the global economy to its knees into two thousand and eight financial crisis michael taylor a former goldman sachs bond salesman who calls himself a recovering banker knew this world well it's so extraordinarily competitive and so focused profit above all the transactional that every moment like pressure turns carbon into diamonds you know extreme pressure can both accelerate human achievement in some cases break people the pressure and calling the shots the form
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of banking we've got at the moment has no interest in the people it affects. because in a sense legally responsible to invest and stockholders you make a moral decisions without thinking about the impact that it has on the people the job losses people losing their home and so on and so forth pressure to rake in profits or the pressure to put in more hours than your peers after the spate of recent deaths big firms did try to by telling their junior staff to take more time off or at least to try not to work on weekends it's kind of a disconnect between how they have the weekend off will also make us a ton of money and ultimately making a ton of money is what's going to keep you around so now you strike me as a real solution you're a sly and spent a year demystifying bankers interviewing dozens of fine us workers on the condition of anonymity the degree to which bankers are trapped has been really a really important finding i think we keep on projecting this idea on bankers are
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masters of the universe have everything we want but if you look at their actual life they can be fired in five minutes this is a deeply dysfunctional and ought to be abusive system so there is this real taboo in banking like the army. to own up to one solar but it. does or so you r.t. london. coming up after the break it's worlds apart with us in a place called. transit
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route to vnukovo report your best way to the heart of mosco. i was first state of the city address new york mayor bill de blasio said that he would put forward legislation for the city to issue special municipal identification cards to undocumented immigrants he summed up his feelings by saying to all my fellow new yorkers who are undocumented i say new york city is your home too and we will not force any of our residents to live their lives in the shadows yeah that sounds nice but the reason these illegal immigrants live their lives in the shadows is because they immigrated illegally why should new yorkers bend over backwards for illegal criminal immigrants this is the same logic that if i catch a guy breaking into my house as a gracious host i should offer him a pizza because it's his home too this is not just a slap in the face to rule of law but also to the immigrants who do go through the bureaucracy and headaches to become u.s.
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hello and welcome to worlds apart teller and inclusion and disbanding these have values that the l.t.p. community has long stood and called for and can't be new only i dumped it style of the l g b t advocacies anything but tolerant and inclusive do calls to boycott the olympics and other sporting events really how to fight against homophobia well to discuss that i'm now joined by five time a limp dick matterless and one of the world's greatest divers greg louganis missile again it's a big honor to have you on the show thank you it's great to be here now lympics are almost over and so far we haven't heard a single gay athlete complaining of discrimination or on all mistreatment here in russia isn't that perhaps a sign that all those allegations about l g t a legit l g b t persecution in russia. may have been blown out of propulsion do you think the calls to boycott
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these olympics were justified well i've also been following on the internet i'm not watching n.b.c. . just staying true to supporting the sponsors of the olympics and in seeing what's happening in russia. you know there were arrests there was a transgender individual that was taken away escorted away from one of the venues you know so yes i mean there are there are things that are happening i think that n.b.c. is sweeping a lot of it under the carpet we're not hearing about a lot of the things but you can find a lot of the true information on the internet but it is. this something that also happens routinely in many of the western countries as far as i understand violence against gays and lesbians and transgender people has been on the increase in many of the western countries in particular in the united states in two thousand and
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twelve i believe it was at the highest level since one thousand nine hundred eight yes i mean we have been making strides forward in some areas and then in some areas of our own country i mean we've been taking steps backwards but i think with the community you know i was able to get married in the state of california the state that i live in many of the states are are are following suit you know justifying that. legislating marriage or you know legislating love and that's all it is is you know is unconstitutional well mr lehane is just to put things into perspective all those legislative progress notwithstanding according to the f.b.i. in two thousand and twelve thirteen hundred crimes motivated.
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