tv [untitled] February 24, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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on larry king now he's a timeless talent it's way below i stepped on a coach's foot in the eighth grade and he screamed get off my foot you're hunk of meat loaf and eighth graders think things like that are really funny i don't rely only on the evidence for my performance from my interviews i'm always said i give the same show in front of four treatments lingered in front of four hundred thousand people plus i'm small part in one time in the sixty's and i thought there was people in the drawers and i was opening kitchen cabinets going ok i know you're in here so i can have that stuff all next on larry king now.
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welcome to larry king now today meatloaf the bradley award winning singer songwriter actor and broadway performer meatloaf's album that out of hell has sold over forty three million copies worldwide since its nineteen seventy seven release making one of the top five highest selling albums ever he's also known for roles in the rocky horror show picture shows and fight club as well as a broadway classics like hair and now meet is headed to the vegas stage in the second half of rock tells and cocktails presents meatloaf which opens on february thirteenth at the planet hollywood resort and casino great pleasure to welcome up to the first time i met and interviewed meatloaf you might not remember this bob costas used to do a show called later and we decided that he would get a guest for me i would get a guest for him we would know the guest was it was live you had to just come on cold i've. him govern america oh and he brought me
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a meat loaf i had no idea who meatloaf was and he morgan i said my guess is meatloaf when you check into a hotel how do you scott in as mr loaf and what do you do i'm a member that night i do now well because they are people who don't know when you do television they always call do pre-interviews so there was none for that no there was none for them but they always call in and the gentlemen the convert the bridge interviews started saying new member this and i'm gone you know that doesn't mean you really mean anything now you know my brain is a little slow. but when you mentioned just now mariel cuomo went oh yeah i remember that now. but we had done when you were doing the national radio show that we were out on a raid down in d.c. we had bad been on your talk show before bad out of what was your break in show
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business how did you get it known well didn't it come meatloaf oh me on my it started it started with my dad before i was a year old calling me meat because when i you know some babies are born in red and they put them under those lights in my my youngest daughter was born ready to put on the lights and if you are she was not read anymore i stayed read for a long time. so my dad thought i look like a piece of meat so he called me me how to become a loaf i stepped on a coach's foot in the eighth grade and he screamed get off my foot you're hunk of meat loaf and eighth graders think things like that are really funny and so. it just continued on like that they put it on the locker the next day and so my whole high school people either call me m.l. or meatloaf i hear you do not like to be called a legend you don't like to be called a superstar you don't why do we called
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a musician what are you like me call me just me an actor i hate prefer actor well that's my roots i honestly learn i mean i've learned about music obviously you know when i was younger i i tried to play guitar style and a few chords but i could never tune it to sound right so it was like my roots are in acting and i got into acting because i wanted to get out of study hall in high school because they made me be quiet and my indian name is never shuts up and so. i get it and study always dry you know i have no concise answers either larry i don't know that that short concise thing doesn't work with me. so i want to get a study hall and it is driving me insane so into the cows and chickens you take drama and i think anywhere but this place so i went to drama sit in the back of the class think it ok i'll sit here at least i can talk i mean on that show how do music how did bad of a held come about ok bad and how came about because i went to new york to do here
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on broadway and my joke is there they pay me twelve dollars not to do the nude scene and so they all you and i have already aquarius i did i was never on stage doing i i think green is then i went on stage and did the they had the moms on is a little bits in hubert and young recruit what a piece of work as a manager yeah just i just was on changing cause and i was do the nude scene down for the constant people so i went. they said you have to have an agent so i went to an agent named jeff hunter who became who was a rose julius agent who i became good friends with. great guy i did two plays with him so they seize are you going to work for a job have a public dinner i went down the public theater i sang a song called i love to be as heavy as jesus and for this gentleman named jim steinman he got up and said can you wait here and as he was passing me that because
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it was got a great sense of humor he said you're as having this three jesus by the way and left brought joe papp and this army of people back and i say all of it for joe he had me sing something else and me a script and said they got a character and that's jim steinman and that's how we got it held together but everybody knew me as an actor so if i would go to a restaurant in new york people come up go where you just been as you like it it is shakespearean it did at the delicate as it i was they said great job and so that was fine if people come to you like that's why i don't want to be a superstar legend i like people who respect my work and enjoy my work and if people come to me and go i really like what you did thank you in the board way program when you're doing a play it says meatloaf it does and i went to joe papp the first shakespeare i did for joe and i said to joe listen when do cheik spear maybe we you know maybe we should use meatloaf here and joe just looks at me and goes. if bill was
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alive today he would use me and i stood there forever gone who the hell is bill. and also dummy bill william got it but that was his i didn't say anything you had a rocky relationship with jim steinman right no we didn't that's like you now press creates how did that happen that well jimmy wanted to be an artist as well and jimmy wanted to be he wanted more recognition for bad at alland i took him everywhere with me and they just regen mission went to myself and car and i felt bad for jim i did everything in the world i took him to every interview i took him never radio i took him you know he opened the show when we were doing that i mean we did everything he just it's like steven tyler with aerosmith and mick jagger with the stones that's the first jim morrison with the doors the front man just
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gets the regulations with oh yeah i talk to him all the time when we're going on the record together they do you feel them every time when you're singing when you're performing no i don't use the audience i don't either but i don't i don't rely only on events to from my performance to from my energy i've always said i give the same show in front of ford trees then give in front of four hundred thousand people four hundred thousand people i played in front of for instance be lit a lot of energy there but there's a lot of injured trees too but i don't use that or that area i just i go i just go away i go off i go back to strasburg because i did some work or stross for an. into his image method which is is good to use when you're singing the song but not necessarily good to use when you shoot in a film with another actor and that's a long explanation but they're images and i again back to the pre-interview
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x.-plane that i don't like talking on the phone and so if i talk on the phone i have to know i'm talking to you and i see their faces so when i'm singing a song i'm not in a film and the film every night i have many times of saying about it out who knows three thousand four thousand but every night it's like the first time because i get a different film why does it still so good to have about as a cop as you could i guess diamond got inducted in the songwriters hall of fame and i did then in duction speech before he came up there except as a word and i compared him to the writer samuel beckett. and i didn't know that samuel beckett and jim and i've been working together forever and i never knew sammy reg was his favorite writer and for me to compare with samuel beckett he almost fell over because samuel beckett was a master of the human condition show was and and i think that steinman is exactly the same way and as jimmy's gotten older because bennett how it was really
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about the human condition of adolescence and it struck of course it doesn't make any difference how old you are you remember that whether you're in a worse i'm buggin making out in a bale or are you were in the backseat of a chevy one of the most famous roles is inside fight club right i can't even tell you how great there's no words i don't have the words the vocabulary to tell you how incredible it was to work with david fincher and how much i learned from david how did fame if at all affect you while i tell you how if you want to go to a restaurant and it's booked you know this land and you have somebody call it because i can never do this myself and they say i'm saying the restaurants booked and they go well meatloaf would really like to come tonight oh ok we can probably get a table for him that's how you know those it's good for that kind of thing or you know it is you have
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a good one thing to drugs or anything i'm small pot one dime in the sixty's and then one time in the eighty's and i thought there was people in the drawers that were in my broken into and i was opening the kitchen cabinets gone ok i know you're in here so i can't have that stuff ok maybe i gave you they were they probably were people have left me gone you think they were little people as i knew there was in there ok they were in there and they get it made yeah stay away from that. what we did lose a great artist and philip seymour hoffman another fellow actor yeah i did a movie with philip. of movies with steve martin i think it could have been those first movie i don't know steve martin call it with a there was liam neeson demmer we saw it listed as and it and so the first one we first got we were up in the panhandle of texas in some town they had a wal-mart that was it and there were days of the that everybody go were going to
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wal-mart today you want to go ok i'm coming in so but we checked into those when we all got to this motel envelop was in the room right next to me and all of a sudden i hear philip just screaming gone i can't bowl leave i mean he is really screaming as i go by i don't really know him but i gotta go make sure he's ok so i go over there i go will be ok he goes no i'm gone won't what's wrong he goes they've taken my scene out i'm gone you're kidding he goes no and he goes and they cut this other one and i'm gone amen wow and then i said i'm stared on i better go check my script or my script they've taken me out they've got they've got other well regularly was an ensemble piece and we are signed on because we're an ensemble piece and i look and. they hired deborah weir
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and are weaker than what they did was they shifted all this dialogue that all of us a lot of you are still in a movie right oh we're in the movie but we're not in the movie like we are but philip hoffman was not going to be denied before and i was i was a low i held back because steve martin and liam neeson and debra winger and but but philip he was bound and determined that that camera was going to see him and he was very creative and and and the director loved him the director said this got that talent and i'm going well i could do that too you know but i'm kind of holding back but philip did great actor well yeah when we come back big is indeed the oil.
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i've got a quote for you. it's pretty tough to. say where it's about story. because this guy's like but smear that guy stead of working for the people to choose the british media for each other bribe right station by. the brother. i marinate join me. in that in our. family for kerry interview and much. only on bass and on.
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a boy thirteen maybe overturns to vegas and rock tolls on cocktails me presenting meatloaf was a lot of door. it's saying is all i get you know that's what i was going to tell you you know what i absolutely i created this show i put it up on it's the. one night they called me about doing this show called rock jazz and got so i think come up with a name and they kind of had it in mind of doing like a v h one storytellers and i said well it's fake as we can take it you can take that will do a lot more with it than that and so i put this thing together and went out and laid it out to him like you would bring pitch a television show i mean this kind of stuff and they're gone you know that can change how vegas does show some know and i'm going to write i believe that and so. but i just came up with it because i love vaudeville and so and i've studied read
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about bob dylan know a lot of the jokes and i've put in so is it a war venue initial know it it's when the rock songs come on. me off rock guy and he does that and everybody disappears i'm going to shoot a film as long as they're rehearsing like the cameras and everybody there but the minute they say action there's nobody in the room except me and the actor you enter that would be audience and as i interact with the audience. i do i tell him in the beginning the show as i tell him all the things i don't have meanwhile what's going on is there are behind me i can't wait to see this by the way tell me your endorsement of mitt romney you've never entered politics much openly before well a developer not openly not openly i am a true independent i walked the streets from a convert. in seventy two and passed and put flyers in all the new york apartments and then i did the same thing for carter then when reagan came around i was very
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and i wasn't sure about reagan but in the second term i voted for reagan and then i voted for bush then i voted for clinton both times played the clinton number well you are an independent i played the number one clinton ball then when bush came i actually voted for bush and i knew al gore and it was like a real tough i'm going after this is a tossup here and then i hosted the california bar with marie osmond for bush jr i voted a democratic freshman congress dinner i voted republican freshman congress dinner i voted for obama the first time i was very disappointed and then i really like to mitt romney and when i met we did two songs we we've done a show that i'm a foreigner i usually don't sing the next day but they called me and said can you come down where in a high oh you're not very far away so we went on stage we did two songs they were very very good but i said the only way i'm going to do it is vigeland to talk to
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mitt before you know governor romney before and i did and i talked to him because. i think china is a major concern for us as far as the debt they hold and and then i talked about job creation i talked about how did he think he could you know move the economy he was very can gave me concise answers which was good because he should know how to do that and but i had heard some of them before but it was a couple in new spins in there and so i said great let's go on to alter some of you move so much in there not many people voted mcgovern and bush i mean i've heard of independent but that's kind of yes where mcgovern and bush are well you know it's just like well mcgovern that was amusing and i don't like nixon and all i mean and you know and i was proved really right on that one.
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and i would say how really right on that one so you know i just listened to them to them talk and i in and who are going to be in foreign sixteen's wasn't hillary. you voted for her husband why did you know it's like i don't know. i don't i have i got a i have to talk and i look like it's going to be christie and then answer shame i mean i am i'm sorry that if you put in this new center put it had a new job and he knew about it he put his head in this did he know about it for sure if i said if you know because i really like him because i really like the fact that he's really not wishy washy i mean he really goes ok this what i think and that's what we're going to do athletically that's what i think he knew about. anyway well we may know anyway yeah a lot of social media questions for you meet ok because
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a crayon face book at the beginning of the you took the words right out of my mouth video you did or did you mean by on a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses and what does that media you know i don't know nobody knows it's just poetic was that a marijuana died or no let him live in for gemini me and john davis on facebook said i sort of a sort of side fight channels ghost hunters where you went on the investigation what interests you about the paranormal and well. the ice i actually saw ghost. oh i've seen several now. because we were talking about bunn jovi a second ago but i saw goes when we were shooting when we were. recording banner to hell and it looked like a real person and just like a if somebody came across this room walked across you go there's
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a partial one going to cross and she walked across a balcony she was in white you lose a blonde teenager and i went downstairs at one time or with groupies down there and they wanted to get up there and i go well i don't know came up the back stairs and they said there's no back stairs i said well there's a girl up there and really went up there was nobody up saying i want you questioned it and then then i was at a hotel in london called the landmark i met at six thirty in the morning and i i woke up i kind of rolled over and there was kind of a a guy passing through the room and i i said something doing but he didn't acknowledge me which means he was an intelligent haunting and then we were talking about john john had said to me bunch over he had checked into this hotel in scotland. and he the whole band checked out in the middle of the night so when i found that out i went and i would tell you some of those i guess they saw something so i said i want jon bon jovi's room when he was here so i went up there i got nothing was really disappointed so go stunners. there's been some things
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happen on ghost honors when i've been on that they never had happened before so i love those takes under prado on facebook is a movie among your plans oh yeah i actually forgot we i have one that's actually at the south by southwest this year gina gray on facebook do you have any input into the designs of your jackets that you wear on stage and where do you get the inspiration from oh yeah i have all that and yeah i have all input on the designs the girl who has done them are you know they always give you like a choice of three different designs and then i go from there and i go whoa look let's add this rose here let's do that i mean but basically i get people that know more than i do about everything if you do a duets album with judd to work with would you consider engelberg car project yeah why not i'm going to we we want to do a christmas duets which we've got kind of pencil lead and garth is he said he would
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do it reba said she would do something in and julie are julie armando's said she got a number doing now is good yeah facebook user martin is her i want ricky martin and my daughter yeah facebook is a mark webster as bad out of hell was a signature album a rock n roll classic is there another album or song by another artist you've heard and said i wish i had done oh yes. hotel the song otakon for new written by and done himly great song oh it's very you know with things where you because i have never read were done has ever said what the song was about and then allows you to be in that hotel in the meds in your own room and whatever sway me on facebook favorite tour play fair play should tour. well i love new york. but the tube that two places that were amazing to tour were burl in
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before the wall went down and like one thousand nine hundred because west berlin west berlin before the wall went down because and and belfast when it was still in there is early eighty's and seventy's because those people came to a show and acted like they didn't know if they were going to live tomorrow so they just went completely crazy so those two and it is a new about well that's great keiko c.a.t. via twitter is there a possibility of another bat out of hell album no we always knew there would only be three bet at the hell's but jim steinman and i are working again on this record he's we've got i got four songs now and annie's and he wrote me two days ago and we're going to the other one so it's the we could have five and then the others are writers that i've realised on brantley shah mcconnell and barry dean
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and james the guy named james michael liesl spit on twitter wants to know what's the one thing you wouldn't do for love. i don't know if my if my wife whatever my wife listen trust me anybody who's in a relationship will write to the camera and say this anybody is in a relationship just remember this if you're a man the woman is always right so you'll do anything correct and my additive is when you get a bit of morning just turn over and say i'm sorry yesterday and whatever curse that little game of you only knew the first person you have a guest oh oh that was easy but it was too judy and oh no i had my i had my first twosome in the fifth grade in the backseat of my mother's car menasha twelve oh yeah baby call with the names judy and janet you kissed them both oh yeah and that witness rob we were up my mother taught school i was in the same so i had to go early when she did and judy and janet showed up and so we got the back seat made
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out if i know what happened to them. know where was this what city they were never the same because i was voted best kisser in the seventh grade what city and dallas . proudest moment of the birth of my daughter's most embarrassing moment split my pants on live t.v. in germany and not knowing it and i don't wear underwear. he had another nickname out of me but last really how i got my name meet that's my job anyway go ahead. we do i get another nickname meatloaf something else. listen i think if. if i could have gotten rid of meatloaf i would have. but i didn't know but sherry. sherry lansing and leap of faith she actually she was really paramount and she actually called meter on things and i thought you can offer me another role which she said we would not use meet love i said great and so we were in a screening with steve martin really with faith and at the end the credits roll by
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and steve goes who is michael e. a day three guys that's made all of the turns to sherri she resigned because he put me up there and i went i don't think so any great men meet and then i know there's nothing else i do have a nickname nobody is a fireball ok. a c. in vegas ok a huge thanks to my guess meat loaf and don't miss him in rock tells him cocktails at present speed low belton's on february thirteenth at the planet hollywood resort and casino and remy going to find me on twitter or can just.
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hello there i marinated this is boom bust and these are the stories that we're tracking for you today. first up we look into the matter and magnitude of a deal reached between netflix and comcast over the weekend netflix has decided to pony up to the cable provider but who really ends up paying in the long run will let you know then we had best sign author international investor entrepreneur and chairman of p.c. research doug casey on today's show i sat down with mr casey to talk economic volatility and the global marketplace you won't want to miss our interview and finally a sun kissed edward harrison is back and he joins me to discuss avenel next in today's big deal and the risk it might have of stalling out it's all coming up so let's get to it.
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