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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2014 11:00am-11:31am EST

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crowds rally in the ukrainian city of sevastopol in a show of defiance against the self declared government in kiev and to voice support for a newly appointed pro russian mayor. the real path into the e.u. it's not going to be the german path it'll be the greek path analysts warn that financial aid from brussels and the international monetary fund may prove a slippery slope for ukraine. the united states considers whether to leave three thousand troops in afghanistan beyond two thousand and fourteen as a bilateral security agreement with kabul hangs in the balance. some british muslims crying foul over their government's campaign against radicalism say they're being turned into scapegoats.
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the pm in moscow i met president good to have you with us our top story this hour political upheavals in ukraine's capital sparking a backlash in the south and east of the country where many are making clear they don't recognize the new self-proclaimed leadership the movement's gathering pace in crimea an autonomous region that is home to major industrial hubs and prime target spots also populated mainly by ethnic russians largest rallies have been held in the naval hub of sevastopol where a pro russian mayor has just been appointed riding a wave of popular support there or he's a group is going up as more. for the past few days in the city of sevastopol which is also the country's second largest seaport and home to russia's black sea navy fleet scores of people have been taking to the streets protesting everything that's
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been happening here in the if in fact they haven't recognized the new of shorty's and moreover they've taken down ukrainian flags from government buildings and put up russian wants moscow has been saying that it will not intervene into the situation here and has been calling on the western partners to follow its examples . but it has also voted for a new mayor who's gained his supporters by promising to protect the city from the ultra right what we're referring to the nationalists more of whom have been taking a new government post here in kiev so clearly the already existing gap between the east and the west is now growing and so while we do want to see it what with our own eyes and were actually planning to go to see us properly later on to report about the events there from the ground russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov has again warned western powers against encouraging the new regime including its nationalist and extremist elements. radicals are now threatening to
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move on those parts of ukraine the disagree with the methods being used by the opposition so our goal is to help the ukrainian people are brotherly nation we want to understand who will form ukraine's new government including how is to unscrew stabilize the economy we do not want ukraine to be includes dry radicals and nationalists who are now clearly trying to play a leading role on the way with this revolution they're also taking decisions that could harm a significant part of the country's population and echoing russia's stance luxemburg has become the first european state so far to voice concerns over the rise of radicalism in ukraine since the turmoil started details from artie's arena . firstly i have seen at least five european officials parading through the independence square in its early stages making statements about the pact how everything is fine and dandy and it's absolutely a show of democracy in its best form but now we are hearing from the foreign
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minister of luxembourg who actually is the first person only an official level from the west to indicate that in fact there is something sinister going on on my done also known as the independence square in the of. the european union has no right to support extremists who use involving nazis as you call them europe is familiar with we have to fight all extremist forces including those in ukraine this is very important koreans who hate violence and extremism need to find a compromise and restore peace. now about those who are russian foreign ministry is calling extremist and it refers to as nazis well let's have a look at some of the leaders in ukraine so-called revolution for example alexander . a man of radical views he's actually participated in the chechen war he went to the caucuses was fought on the side of the terrorists and prided himself on the
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fact that he personally had several tanks and armored vehicles and despite that he still managed to run for the ukrainian parliament a couple of years ago again he's one of the leaders of alter nationalist movement and then there's also an exec who resists initially one of the leaders of the of the my don of the independence square movement and he is openly not just for simple but also and just a minute making numerous statements to in that regard that have actually gotten him into quite a lot of hot water with the jewish population of ukraine one of the most active in propagating armed resistance against the authorities has been the right sector and ultra nationalist group that has been becoming more and more active in kiev over the past couple of my. it's and these are the words of its leader but the more big .
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which is nice if you could you know you would you like. so this is what we're looking at this is the type of people that the west has been until now is openly supporting and if you look at the fact that just recently just on tuesday in fact we have heard synagogue in fact has been as it has been it's possible run off a friend found all of this is leaving all of this feeling slightly less somewhat worried and apprehensive as to what exactly is going to happen the next. we're keeping on the situation in ukraine on air and online as some extremist simmers within the ranks of the opposition are occurring in kiev has been posting for just some ultranationalist even fascist symbols appearing around the embattled independence square and find out more on our instagram account well with ukraine sliding toward bankruptcy the new leadership is welcoming western diplomats nope of
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urgent financial aid you foreign policy chief catherine ashton has pledged support and washington says it's ready to contribute in addition to an i.m.f. loan but as artie's likes airships to reports some europeans are reluctant to see their money go to ukraine. e.u. member state greece we don't have any jobs and at the same time we have debts to pay they should support us now that we're in great need e.u. member states brain. i'm unemployed i have two children we don't get any government help and it's hard to survive each month but if we don't have money for us how can we give it to ukraine. and revolting ukraine a country without even association deal with the e.u. . is as plain with carrots and sticks the there's economic integration which was going to mean that big parts of the ukrainian working population will see a deterioration in their living style the fantasy about entering your of the
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streets be in line with gold that's a fantasy because the real project is it is an i.m.f. based austerity program with questions about who will lead ukraine into the future and whether the country will stay together one thing's clear its the rules are going to be that needs to be revamped first even before the euro my down protest kicked off there was a talk of a possible default in ukraine in november its external debt three hundred sixty billion euro it was one of the main reasons why king of refused to sign the trade pact with the e.u. fearing it could aggravate the situation even the more you november last year europe offered only several hundred million euro to ukraine but with the opposition now taking the reins the e.u. is ready to give a whole lot more luxury maybe even members such as greece and spain hardly afford. that spain can't help now. i'm just speechless this idea is worse than anything.
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first greece. and then they all for ukraine all the money. was in from kiev ukraine. experts now saying the twenty billion euros the e.u. has pledged to kiev could be better spent elsewhere. it's actually the amount that greece needs as it struggles to get back on track but brussels has so far kept athens waiting for a third bailout installment and it's also about four billion more than the e.u. plans to spend on supporting growth and fighting unemployment this year earlier we talked with patrick young a global markets analyst for deviate visors and i asked him whether europe is actually capable of following through on its pledges to ukraine the situation has not changed months ago the free trade agreement collapsed eight because it was skewed in favor of the european union secondly because the european union offered a derisory eight hundred million euros knowing the european union's financial situation has not changed we've got all manner of people the governing party in the
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u.k. all sorts of politicians across europe even mr to scrim neighboring poland is saying that effectively it's going to be impossible to manage to be very loud with phones at the same time frankly the new ukrainian government is is effectively in la la la and that mean they're already asking for thirty five billion dollars that's up from the fifteen billion dollars that had been agreed to by the by the president mr young the cove it's just a few months ago with with russia and therefore it's really a mess the european union does not have the political capital to spend on rescuing ukraine from twenty years of economic mismanagement given the problems in the backyard of the euro zone stay with us as we bring you updates and expert analysis on the uprising in ukraine. nato defense ministers will be meeting wednesday to discuss their military presence in afghanistan as the white house ways
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whether to start preparations for a total withdrawal of u.s. troops by year's end the signing of a bilateral security deal may look around likely at the moment artie's guy says washington may be reluctant to ease off its influence in the region. it's not easy for the obama administration to communicate reasons why the u.s. should stay you know against them past twenty four teen the administration hasn't been able to sell those reasons to president karzai is like nato troops presence his country's worse but washington definitely does not want to leave afghanistan for good and one of the reported options is that those three thousand troops would be deployed to bases in kabul and bob grumman would not do much traveling across the country now the other option which the pentagon reportedly favors more is leaving ten thousand troops behind and also leaving more bases open the pentagon argues the closing of some of the bases would hamper drone operations in pakistan washington's main argument now remains that afghan forces cannot stand alone against the resurgent taliban to increase the pressure congress has recently
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slashed plans development and military aid to afghanistan to roughly half by half to one point one billion dollars there is also an understanding here in washington that you know order to not lose of ganesan completely they may have to make a now to the taliban force they'd been fighting for more than a decade. so many of the recent developments show how far we have come from initial declarations like the us saying that he would leave afghanistan by the end of twenty fourteen in washington i'm going to check on our team. take a look at how the war has played out in numbers the intervention in afghanistan has cost u.s. taxpayers more than five hundred fifty billion dollars equal to the average annual salary of ten million american teachers for example throwing a portion is a metaphor used by some troops referring to the jabal an antitank missiles that cost about eighty thousand each more than a thousand nations committed their nations committed their forces to the nato led
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campaign while austria ireland to send just three and seven soldiers respectively the u.s. to ploy to ninety thousand troops a recent poll shows sixty six percent of americans think the war wasn't worth fighting one afghan activist tells us u.s. nation building project there has been ineffective they haven't done much incidence the done the true identity of the military of florida's uniform and if you. do these weapons it really is a disciplined enough gun is the constant lives of more than a million afghans they have not invested heavily into this just in the region because they have indeed simply we intended to help build institutions in steve fuchsias building is good but if these little thing can be done in cannot continue to maintain itself and it's not sustainable and institution building is of no use and so they're going to milegi did have trained them but they have not provided to be done anything. more news coming your way after
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a short break. banks don't want the competition they don't want the coin to succeed the central banks that deal money don't want to they don't want to cryptocurrency they are going to report the news in a way that reflects their interests unfortunately there is no sure objective news source anymore except from. joining me. impartial and financial reporting contributor and much much. only on.
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sixty minutes past the hour faced with islamophobia at home and the urgent need to tackle the threat posed by combat and returning from the syrian war the u.k. government stepping up its campaign against extremism but some members of the multimillion strong british muslim community now feel they're being victimized as artie's laura smith reports. preventing terrorism a powerful phrase used to excuse all manner of the busa is from government spying on their own citizens to foreign wars now muslims in the u.k.
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are accusing the government of scapegoating them in the fight against terror and creating what they're calling a cradle to grave police state they say the police strategy known as prevent monitors muslims and tries to change ideologies in every area of their life so it's an all encompassing policy that is touching on every aspect of muslim life in a negative negative way which encourages discrimination you've got to remember that . when one person has been affected in this way the whole family as they tell their family they tell their friends they tell others so this is becoming a shared experience amongst the muslim community the whole community is now experiencing what's happening in prevent despite the fact that human rights organizations have branded the strategy unexpectedly intrusive into the lives of ordinary muslims and based not on preventing terrorism but on changing ideology beliefs and values it appears set to be enshrined into law and it's not the only
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example of politicians seeking to make capital out of apparently discriminating against muslims gerard batten is immigration spokesman for the u.k. independence party he wants british muslims to sign a code of conduct that affirms the equality of all people equal rights for women rejects violence and promote tolerance but i can't see how anybody could object to it i mean if you say to anybody anywhere in the world do you think that people should be treated equally men and women should be treated equally you know there should be no violence there should be no compulsion in religion everybody should be free to follow their own religion who would not sign it only people who don't believe those things but. the document would help moderate muslims to distinguish themselves from extremists but muslims themselves say it's just another way of thinking them out and it doesn't lead anywhere it does what leads to. you know
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fascism against all the communities this is what it's about what will happen as more and more people think it's perfectly right target women who wear born get them to sign a code of conduct to worry that as policies like these become policy of every day life because she will islamophobia foley's pity community against community and to fighting society you're a smith. also in britain a media report says all homeless people across the e.u. could potentially be given a roof over their heads the blink of an eye. a shocking number of homes across the continent stand empty and then you look on r t dot com for more details on that. plus evidence comes to light in australia suggesting our planet may become habitable much earlier than previously thought it's all there for you to peruse on our website. right to see the.
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first book. and i think you're. on a reporter's. instagram. and . the u.k. government could soon be auctioning off visas to overseas millionaires that means they'll be granted permanent residence in britain if they invest or make donations are key sorry for joining me live with london for more on this plan is our. well these new suggestions coming from the home secretary's migration advisory committee and they come about really g. to concerns that was migrants coming into the country might be getting quite a good deal at the moment perhaps it's not as beneficial as it could be to the
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british public and so they've come up with these new suggestions now first as want to take you through what we've got at the moment for people coming into the country who want to get this invested these are and then what's being recommended so currently migrants can gain entry by investing one million pounds or more in the kayin that typically goes into guilds it's very low risk and that's essentially a loan that they give to the government for five years that's then paid back at the end of that so not that much benefit to the british public so what these proposals are suggesting is that that minimum investment of one million pounds be doubles to two million pounds and they also suggest a system called an auction system that could replace these higher level the higher cost visas now it's thought that one hundred premium visas that would start two point five million and a half a million of that would go into a different social fund so would actually be directly invested into the fund of
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course or u.k. that could go towards schools towards housing etc these are of course just proposals and it's also to be pointed out that the changes recommended in this report only around settlement right so not citizenship that remains exactly the same you still have to be in the country for five years before you'd be granted system shit before you get that british passport but it's already getting a bit of debate here in britain and to join us and talk a bit more about this i'm joined by nicholas and he's the head of business immigration at kingsley no. thank you very much for joining us you. look so the cost of going up a little bit for investors is. presumably if you can afford a million to get a visa to millions not going to be too much of a stretch and the british economy is better off the sounds win win while there are some eyebrows raised across these proposals well i'm also it is win win and it's a very good indication that. the u.k.
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still open for business and still open to investment for high net worth individuals so yes it is a win win we've been advocating for some time that actually the investment types that people can invest in under the visa should be opened up and the migration advisory committees helpfully said that should be the case and that will include more creative investments more high risk investments and also investments into things like philanthropic donations into the arts culture education and health and so on that all sounds wonderful even more controversial proposal this is these are all action here so these are also i think it is interesting the migration advisory committee is as suggested options before for visas on the basis that they think that if there's demand then there's a market for this and then the highest bidder will pay the problem i think with the auction is that while it will attract those very very high net worth individuals where money is no object and they can just throw as much as they want i think that
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is the problem with these schemes is that every developed country needs a scheme and those schemes are widely known by people who are looking around to find somewhere that they want to to live with their families to educate their children for whatever reason and the thing about those those schemes is that they have to have very clear rules and by that we mean a clear investment level whether it's a standard five year route or a fast track two year route or three year route and i think when you start saying well it could be anything from two hundred million upwards it could be thirty million and depending on when you apply you might get you might get a visa with ten million or you might not i think people don't like that uncertainty people like to know what they're getting for their money. the british public in general there's always a bit of distaste around this idea of buying your way is is that what this is. i don't think so i think it's not certainly not possible for sale the way we've seen in malta which caused a lot of furor of both with local people in malta and with the european commission
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i do think though if you have these types of these is for sale i mean for sale through an auction that it will kind of raise the publicists around that you know this year these visas were going for fifty million up whatever and people kind of leave slightly bad taste in people's mouths that the business which kind of business yeah and i think if you have a scheme that's clear where the rules of clear it's a robust scheme has integrity it checks that the people coming in all the people who we want and they're not you know people who with funds which are acquired in a nefarious way then i think you know people will feel much more comfortable with that and see that these wealthy people who are spending money are actually people that we want thank you very much that they call those proposals will be under consideration if they're implemented that will happen in april of this year but as we said to be debated by the government before they make any fully decisions about exactly what will happen around these changes to these requirements all right
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archie sarah ferguson and nic robertson joining her there thank you very much for that update time for locals in sochi to take a break as the excitement of the winter games calms in the city gears up now for the paralympics while russian media have been hearing from the moment one man without whom the sporting event would never have happened that of course president vladimir putin andrew farmer whose latest. two days after these olympics have ended mr putin has been singing the praises of russia's athletes to the nation's media he said that before the games at best many people had said russia would finish third in the medals table of course they finished top with a record haul of medals including thirteen gold and he went on to give a lovely little anecdotes about one of the biggest stars of these games the figure skater adelina sotnikova he told the media that he'd actually met when she was only twelve years old they had their photo taken with each other and then at that time
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she predicted that one day she would be an olympic champion how true that was mr peace and then also addressed the criticism that russia had faced in the run up to these games and said that basically it had come from two areas all these years we have seen working in conditions of criticism but it was constructive criticism in the first place very friendly and helpful on the part of the international olympic committee i am sure that without such friendly criticism and support we would have still managed to do everything but i doubt whether we would have done it with such quality because we like the enormous experience of our friends from the i.o.c. this was their gift to us however there was and i'm sure there still is another group of critics who have little to do with. their main concern is competition in international politics their job is different and they use the olympics project to achieve their own goals in their anti russian propaganda efforts whenever a strong competitor appears russia in this case there is always someone who doesn't
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like this who starts working against it however they fail to understand how deep the changes are and washing society changes that have affected its very nature and mr putin ended by saying he hoped these olympics it shone russia's soul to the world and shown a new russia which the rest of the world should not be afraid of and. stay with us here on our team kaiser report coming your way after a short break. judy cox a utah mother out of spite but an entire line of t. shirts at a popular chain store after a local mall the reason that she bought them was because she feels that the images
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of nearly naked women on them violate her local towns decency code she wants to make it clear though that she feels the store has the right to sell this type of shirt just not displayed in an exterior window ultimately her plan is to return the shirts on day fifty nine of the store's sixty limit let's hope for her sake they don't have a no return policy i bring this up because this is a great example of a nonviolent form of protest that actually works cause the scandal and more importantly it will make the company lose a few dollars technically the girls on the shirts are even fully exposed believe me i checked thoroughly and i would even call them r. rated by local communities have the right to be more conservative than the rest of the nation if they want to be and it's good that judy cox actually did something rather than just sitting at home on the air complaining about moral decay across the country if a housewife from a small mormon community could stand up to the man what's stopping you but that's just my opinion.
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winter is when the sahara comes to life. always is palm trees are being harvested. people are waiting for the biggest event of the year. the desert festival. this is through a. race leading camel races have spent the last year preparing for the grueling marathon. the day before the race there's a heavy sandstorm overcoming the power of nature is a never ending challenge. a does of winter. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser you know it's
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a little pool of money. people are falling into the world. the world poll so they haven't read bitcoin exchange mt gox faces whirlpool of death as prices drop to lowest point in six months and the latest chapter in the continuing story of mt cox the troubled bitcoin exchanges further spiral down the plughole as it released another statement today citing security issues at its tokyo office as the reason withdrawal capability hasn't been returned so you know when they announce us this headline is a few days old the big price at mt gox went to below one hundred dollars now many people on you tube or a shrinking. as well of course on the other exchanges it was always above six hundred around six hundred dollars so you can either look at it as a shriek.


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