tv [untitled] February 25, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm EST
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you know did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct call for us. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing now i think about him are you ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. but a bag of big picture i'm coming up in this half hour five hundred dollars of my pocket you only have fifteen years does that make me better than one venture capitalist things though he thinks that poor people shouldn't be able to vote should wealth determine who could vote and president gerald ford one said that the nixon presidency the watergate scandal were part of america's long national nightmare
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it's america's new national life there and what can we do to wake up from i'll tell you that i'd still take. the best of the rest of the news after last week's court ruling in nebraska it looks like the keystone x.l. pipeline project could be on a hold for the immediate future but the keystone pipeline isn't the only environment destroying pipeline project being considered in america it's a day out in kentucky it's a battle over another proposed pipeline the bluegrass pipeline but this pipeline would be environmentally safe reduce our dependence on foreign oil and create tons of jobs right. that's what the folks behind there are hoping you believe. the day for reach an opportunity for american jobs. future.
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is a grueling industry helping rebuild our economy and reducing our dependence and. joining me now for more on what's going on out of the bluegrass state is coal stangl are staff writer with in these times they call welcome thanks for joining us so what is the bluegrass so this is a pipeline that would transport natural gas liquids so this is a byproduct of the natural gas drilling process it's not actually the gas that's going towards electricity generation these liquids are used for feedstock for petrochemical products for plastics and this pipeline would ship natural gas liquids from the utica shale marcellus shale producing regions down to the gulf coast where they would go to refineries so you know the first point they're going to but i want to point out is that when you were just looking at that ad which talks about energy independence the thing about this pipeline the product that's being shipped i mean this is not for electricity generation this is for the petrochemical industry you know the american chemistry council predicts that over
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the next five years they're going to forty five percent increase in exports of this product so this is about connecting you know for industry to get this product to market to ship it to foreign markets so they're taking to the seacoast yeah that's part of it and a lot of these you know the petrochemical industry a lot of these refineries processing plants are based in the gulf coast so you know if companies could they would want to take this product and have it done in new jersey pennsylvania but the best facility down in the gulf coast and also where they were a big export facilities are so. i understand this the opposition to the pipeline is producing some on usual alliances in kentucky you know this pipeline started off the opposition came from landowners like a lot of pipeline battles you know you have an out of state pipeline company coming represented coming and saying he wants to use your land for an easement to build a pipeline so landowners were getting a little concerned they realized this wasn't about natural gas even this is about what's classified as a hazardous material natural gas liquids it's the risk. those that are highly
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flammable so the landowner started having the poison poison as well yeah and so landowners started getting very concerned you know this pipe only running through their land so a lot of them refused to sign easements environmentalists saw what was going on they jumped into the fray so you have the states you know local sierra club chapter is a group called the tuck ins for the commonwealth and it's kind of strange coalition of by all accounts conservative landowners you know i talked to a guy who has a stable at churchill downs he has you know his property three hundred acre horse farm and he's become one of the most outspoken opponents of this so you have people like that you have environmentalist so it kind of goes out is the whole issue of nimbys and environmental exactly basically would the pipeline fulfill the promises of the pipeline. promoters that it would produce jobs in kentucky and help the economy and i mean we've seen this with the keystone x.l. debate right you know the jobs that are produced from a pipeline are first off temporary second you know it's not that many jobs so i think the jobs thing is kind of out of the out of doesn't really apply and the
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second thing which i was talking about you know the key point is energy independence point i think that's why you have such a broad coalition because the stakes of this are so clear you have you know a nice industry that's putting landowners people at risk you know high profit margin for them you're putting a lot of people at risk so it's are they using eminent domain to take so that's that's the next step and it's the opponents see the kentucky law as a little bit ambiguous on this matter so they've calculated that you know if land owners aren't signing easements then the pipeline operators are going to be thinking well we've got to seize this land somehow so they've sought to a you know have a challenge in court to make it clear that i mean we're not in this case and second thing they've been doing is going up the legislative level and getting legislators to essentially this bill would prohibit the use of eminent domain for this private project right now the law allows i mean it's i mean but only for a publicly regulated projects so this is kentucky law because the you know the federal in the kill. decision the supreme court basically said you can have eminent
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domain and give that property to a private corporation if that corporation can simply demonstrate that they're going to pay more taxes on that land generating a public good i mean this is the conversation to talk is we need to get you know this regulated under the sun or under public purview and therefore you need effectively limited and the funny thing about it too is you see echoes of this kind of conservative impulse to protect private property you know i talked to one of the main co-sponsors of the bill in the senate in the kentucky senate and jimmy had been you know i said you know senator i apologize if this is condescending but do you believe in climate change and he said you know well i've thought about it a lot but you know i can't really say i've been convinced and so this is the guy who's leading the effort to prevent you know essentially you know limit the ability of the pipeline companies to make some profit and so if they don't build the pipeline what are they going to do with these chemicals that are left over from the from the fracking i mean that's the big question is you know i don't know i don't know what they're going to do with that there's actually another pipeline that another company can or morgan is trying to build or maybe just build
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a refinery in kentucky yeah. ok coal thanks a lot for being with us thanks so much to make sure. all the news venture capitalist extraordinary tom perkins made waves recently for suggesting that a person's wealth and the amount of taxes they pay a should determine how many votes they get speaking to the event in san francisco perkins told audience members about the tom perkins system take a look. and. would i really think it would be like your corporation if you million dollars and you're a million votes. basically perkins wants the wealthy elite in america to have even more power than americans who are struggling to make ends meet have less power that's a terrible idea right assassin even conservative commentator and pro-business advocate david welcome back. it's tom thanks for having me as always it's
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a pleasure do i have this right that you're suggesting that people who don't pay taxes people who are who are or who at least don't pay income taxes because pretty much everybody pays some kind of taxes you buy a snickers bar you pay in taxes sales taxes but the people who don't pay income taxes in your mind should not be entitled to vote. i think you hit the nail right on the head and i want to go on the record as saying i disagree with mr perkins i don't think your wealth should determine how many votes you as that would undermine the integrity of our system what i take issue with is the fact that you have individuals who do not contribute into our system have equal say where i live here in perdition new york city you know how to mare who pandered to this this weakness and the promise of something for nothing is very entice thing and these individuals went out in mass to get something that maybe they'll receive maybe they won't so
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you don't see or try and sell me david that because of our low minimum wage laws the bottom raphael forty percent of american workers who are working on the forty fifty sixty hours a week work on their ass and they can so little money that they're putting their residence now know if they have withholdings irrespective of what they get back whether it be the earned income credit or childcare credit that's fine they're a voter i'm only talking about individuals who contribute positively nothing you can't compare somebody who's out in the workforce working their rear ends off whether it be ten hours fifteen hours twenty hours or sixty hours a week they are a voter you know about so are you telling me is it oh i'm on dollery row should not have who doesn't who's unemployed and makes his living begging for spare change and drinking a lot of empty twenty should be able to vote that's absolutely right not why is that person not a citizen just like you. no know all there is an event that isn't but that
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individual really should not have the right to vote because what they are doing essentially is unfortunately many of our elected officials are pandering to these individuals you know right now there's a lot of talk going around about the wealthy people who make in excess of four hundred fifty thousand dollars they should have to pay another extra ten percent on top of that and you know people who make less money think that's a great idea well when you're in that money like you do you probably don't think that's such a good idea why should that person be voting for your cash tom it's not fair because this is you that it was. had this debate here in the situation with and representation no it is during a constitutional convention they debated whether only propertied landowners should be allowed to vote in the other standards was no everybody or at least all white males should be allowed to vote the franchise has been considerably expanded since then but you're talking about limiting the franchise the middle ground would be
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people who are you know for example single moms who are not able to work there they've got kids at home. and. they don't have somebody providing for support so they're there on welfare or on a dependent family you want you don't want them to vote either i don't know i do not want them to vote ok let's say no representation without taxation all right a lot of those people in your viewing audience are working their rear ends off and yet you have these free riders who are not and i want to just make one point one of your party faithful a lovely woman a regular viewer of your show named norah pointed out to me that i have been using the word and i don't mince wrong entitlements are for people who receive military pensions and social security which i believe in and contribute to more power to those people they should continue to vote it's the people who never do a day's work and don't want to why on earth should they be able to steer the ship to think how do we think raising the euro has worked towards the rocky shores of renee's you don't think raising a child as
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a single mom is work. of course it's work then but you just said single mothers who are not working and who are not contributing to society should not be paid should not be allowed to vote tom you have prison inmates who are working out lifting iron pressing those weights that's hard work tale but that's not what we're talking about we're talking about contributing to the tax coffers well it'll be interesting to see when the republican party officially embraces your perspective david thanks for joining us party play is ok but even still it's down you know coming up intelligence agencies are using dirty tricks on the internet to ruin reputations destroy businesses and infiltrate harmless activist groups sounds an awful lot like the nixon presidency right what can the nixon presidency and the watergate scandal teach us about dealing with an out of control national security state more on that in tonight's debate.
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i would rather as questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question or. i know c.n.n. the m.s.m. b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate.
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that was funny but it's close in for the truth and might think. it's because when full attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. and our teen years we have to put it right. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not how. i see. you guys sort of jokes well handled it makes sense that i'm. well see british science. sometimes it's right. around the.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cons a report on our. money on the left or everyone. on the obama supporter back to the phones on mr miller jeffords always like. that i was politically correct that i'm correct in fox so-called new today's edition of america's newsroom three of fox's talking heads got together to talk about arizona's proposed anti-gay legislation are the maccallum and written toros and juan williams all agreed that the legislation was
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unconstitutional and even comparative to jim crow laws take a look. at what has happened martha is this is spiraled totally out of control and so while the first amendment is a really strong argument i don't know why you would want to bring jim crow laws back to the forefront for homosexual acts is that really a downside if you're a business owner i don't know why you would want to turn business away and if you're gay let's say why would you want the baker of hate bacon your cake anyway unfortunately it has taken a really crazy turn and gotten way out of hand and as one mentioned a number of republicans three three of them who voted to pass this said that they would change you know i have no doubt about it i mean it sounds like the lunch counter one. you know it's i mean it's an unfortunate turn and you know it damages the reputation and there are lots of well so called facts so-called news condemning the new arizona legislation is really pretty funny considering that they've repeatedly stood up for businesses that have refused to serve or cater to gay
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americans check it out the u.s. supreme court is considering taking on a case which could have major implications concerning religious freedom at issue whether you must check your religious values at the door when you run a business or again bakery forced to shutter its stores for being intolerant early this year a complaint was filed by a lesbian couple after being denied a wedding cake to be baked by that outfit well a cake shop owner in colorado now facing fines or even jail time after he refused to bake a cake for a same sex wedding due to his religious beliefs so does becoming a business owner mean you have to check your convictions at the door elaine and jonathan huguenot and a husband wife photography team from new mexico christians who were sued after they declined to photograph the same sex commitment ceremony is said that the human and the couple here have to channel their conduct not their beliefs so as to leave space for other americans who believe something different what about the human and
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why they have sown flock so-called news a saying one thing that repeatedly doing another and that's why they've been politically correct. it's good out of a very very gallery kill it lay ugly their good governor john hickenlooper thanks to the colorado governor's efforts the rocky mountain state is about to become the first state in the country to regulate the. methane emissions that come from fracking colorado's health chief estimates that the new regulations will cut pollution in this state by ninety six thousand tons a year a number he says has the same effect as taking every car in colorado off the road
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for a year thanks to dick cheney and halliburton fracking is pretty much an regulator the federal level hopefully governor hickenlooper will inspire state and federal lawmakers all across the country take action on fracking before it's too late. the bad paul brown during a recent campaign event the georgia republican senate candidate said that he will only vote for legislation if it's based on biblical teachings take a look. there is no. good. will rise. and says sarah. therefore want to write it. all for you know you. are a. judicial order it is this is this is year it was the nation founded for it brown were actually serious about voting according to biblical principles your proposal law banning people from wearing mixed fabric
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outfits or eighteen hoofed animals is doing both of those things is banned by the book of leviticus reality though he's just trying to say that he will vote against any laws to give rights to gay people something by the way that jesus christ the founder of christianity never spoke out against and a very very ugly. gonna newspaper the red pepper just days after they got in parliament passed a law outlawing homosexuality the ugandan tabloid has published a cover story outing the country's top two hundred gays list includes a priest a hip hop star and a gay rights activist uganda already has a problem with hate crimes against gay people red peppers cover will only encourage more mile incidents that countries and. battle gay community especially in the heated environment following the passage of this anti-gay law red peppers decision to out two hundred gay ugandans is the very least a responsible and the very worst a blatant attempt to start a witch hunt just hearing. it's
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time for a new church committee earlier this month glenn greenwald revealed details of how g c h q the british equivalent of the n.s.a. as a special dirty tricks intelligence gathering group known as the joint threat research intelligence group this week greenwald released more details on that group over at the intercept is new media venture the newly released details include a top secret g c h q presentation its heads light on how the group cooperating with the n.s.a. would go after infiltrate and in some cases ruin the reputations of specific groups or individuals online and we're not just talking about terrorist mastermind so
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you're according to greenwald among the core self identified purposes of j.t. regard to tactics one to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets and to to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse of activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable greenwald goes on to say that to see how extremist these programs are just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends false flag operations posting material the internet falsely truth attributed to someone else fake the victim blog posts pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy and posting the. give information on various forums for a new top secret presentation the joint threat research intelligence group or j t rig would leak confidential information to companies and the press post negative information on appropriate forums and actively try to stop business deals and ruin
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relationships that have j.t. rig is going to after a specific person that would do things like set up honey traps using sex to lure people into compromising situations would also write e-mails and texts to family friends and colleagues of the individual and would also write blogs and messages pretending to be that person all this sounds extremely disturbing and very creepy it should also sound pretty familiar because we've seen these kind of covert government interference and manipulation efforts before these kinds of reputation destroyed in spirit campaigns and intentional sabotage missions were key parts of richard nixon's presidency after all back in one nine hundred sixty nine the nixon administration put together a so-called enemies list that contained the names of hundreds of people that the administration considered to be political opponents even actor paul newman made that list and of those hundreds of names there was
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a short list of people who were targets for political retribution officials working for the white house would find dirt and personal information on those who were short listed and leaked the information to the press two of those short listed were senator edward kennedy and democratic speaker of the house at that time carl albert in fact nixon even spent it as a couple of spies to be part of the secret service detail for senator kennedy is the thought that the agents might catch kennedy with a mistress and it would ruin him for seventy six referring to the one nine hundred seventy six election. nixon also used government agencies to go after his enemies the i.r.s. was ordered to conduct audits of organizations opposed to nixon's policies in the cia's special operations group spied on leftist activist groups and black power groups and of course there were the white house plumbers a covert white house special investigations unit which was involved in
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a lot of illegal activities including the watergate break in once the watergate scandal broke open and news of illegal intelligence gathering by government agencies began to spread senator frank church a democrat from idaho formed the church committee which was tasked with investigating illegal intelligence gathering activities by the f.b.i. the n.s.a. and the cia two in one thousand nine hundred eighty five in one thousand nine hundred six the church committee published fourteen reports on intelligence gathering abuses by u.s. intelligence agencies in august of seventy five the church committee released its findings and sen church where an m.s.p. on n.b.c.'s meet the press after the findings were released and said that in the need to develop a capacity to know what potential enemies were doing the united states government has protected the technological capability the neighbors us to monitor the messages that go through the air now that is necessary and important as the united states to the united states as we look abroad it enemies or potential enemies we must know at
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the same time that capability at any time can be turned around on the american people and no american would have any privacy left such as the capacity to monitor everything telephone conversations telegrams it doesn't matter it would be no place to hide church added i don't want to see this country ever go across that bridge i know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in america and we must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law. in under proper supervision so that we never cross over that to bits that is the abyss from which there is no return. fast forward nearly four decades and here we are staring into that abyss from which there is no return and while the technology may be different the goals and methods are the same that the n.s.a. and g c h q are actively using the internet to destroy people's lives to manipulate
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political discourse yes to quash civic activism if they're doing these things the green gotten great glenn greenwald points out then as glenn greenwald puts it they're compromising the integrity of the internet itself. but more importantly they're attacking our very freedoms and way of life we can't continue to let them run amok and trample all over our lives as president ford once referred to the nixon era in america as this nation's long national nightmare the out of control nature of our national security agencies today is our new national life and the only way to wake up from that i am there is to create a new church commission which will investigate the intelligence community and put in place the reforms that are needed to protect our freedoms and our way of life. and that's the way it is tonight tuesday february twenty fifth two thousand and
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on larry king now the cast of criminal minds joe montana and a.j. good people have a fascination of picking behind the curtain of the world that they don't necessarily want to live in but you know that with fascination with all of these stories are based on actual i think more than the viewing public would like to know there's nothing we can come up with this is weird is what's already happened it's a struggle now for me to just be the person i was before the show i was a naive girl and i kind of miss that and i hear for a lot of plus you know what i like about some of the here's the whole package because some reason is that good looking you think you simply have to be stupid all next on larry king now.
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